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Images: Camera Traps 'Catch' Rare Afghan Cats

Persian Leopard

Persian Leopard Afghanistan camera trap

(Image credit: WCS Afghanistan Program)

Using camera trap surveys to collect data on the wildlife of Afghanistan's central highlands, scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society have made a surprise discovery: a Persian leopard, thought to have been extirpated from the region.

Wild Cat

wild cat afghanistan camera trap

(Image credit: WCS Afghanistan Program)

The camera trap imagespart of a wildlife survey by the Wildlife Conservation Society and local Afghan rangersrevealed several other species as well, including the wild cat, distant relative to the domestic house cat.


ibex afghanistan camera trap

(Image credit: WCS Afghanistan Program)

An ibex triggers the infra-red beam of the camera trap as it runs uphill. Less than half an hour later, a pair of poachers walks through the pass in the same direction. Unsustainable hunting is a threat to many of Afghanistan's wildlife.

Ibex Poachers

ibex poachers afghanistan camera trap

(Image credit: WCS Afghanistan Program)

An ibex triggers the infra-red beam of the camera trap as it runs uphill. Less than half an hour later, a pair of poachers walks through the pass in the same direction. Unsustainable hunting is a threat to many of Afghanistan's wildlife.

Stone Marten

stone marten afghanistan camera trap

(Image credit: WCS Afghanistan Program)

A stone martena member of the weasel familyinquisitively approaches the camera trap.

Red Fox

red fox afghanistan camera trap

(Image credit: WCS Afghanistan Program)

A red fox inspects the camera trap. This widespread species also occurs in forests and suburban landscapes of North America.

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