Infographic: What to Look for on New Sunscreen Labels

Sunscreen Labels Infographic
(Image credit: Karl Tate, Live Science Infographic Artist)

The Food and Drug Administration will require sunscreen manufacturers to be more honest in their claims about their products. Here's a look at changes you can expect to see.

<a href="" _cke_saved_href="" mce_href=""> <img src="" _cke_saved_src="" mce_src="" alt="New Labeling Rules for Sunscreen: Here's what to look for on the new labels." width="610" border="1"></a><br> Source <a href="" _cke_saved_href="" mce_href=""></a> Daily health news articles about beauty, skin care, diseases and mental health research.

Karl Tate
LiveScience Infographic Artist
Karl has been Purch's infographics specialist across all editorial properties since 2010.  Before joining Purch, Karl spent 11 years at the New York headquarters of The Associated Press, creating news graphics for use around the world in newspapers and on the web.  He has a degree in graphic design from Louisiana State University.