One Billion Years of Earth's Evolution in 45 Seconds
Watch the Earth's tectonic plates grow, shrink, and jostle for position in this new model of the last billion years. Read more about what moves our planet → Science News • Videos • Explainers SUBSCRIBE to the Live Science YouTube channel → Twitter→ Facebook→ Instagram→ Community Forums→ For the science geek in everyone, breaks down the stories behind the most interesting news and photos on the Internet, while also digging up fascinating discoveries that hit on a broad range of fields, from dinosaurs and archaeology to wacky physics and astronomy to health and human history. If you want to learn something interesting every day, #LiveScience is the place for you. #PlateTectonics #Pangaea
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Sunday scaries ftw

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The latest studies and research so we can live our best lives. Be well.

Do Supplements Actually Work?

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I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going. — Maya Angelou

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