Dinosaurs: Facts about the reptiles that roamed Earth more than 66 million years ago
Discover interesting facts about when dinosaurs lived, why they died and how big they got
By Ben Turner published
Faint signatures detected by the Canada France Hawaii Telescope have revealed 128 new moons around Saturn, making it the indisputable frontrunner for having the most moons in our solar system.
By Emily Cooke published
POLG-related diseases disrupt the function of the mitochondria, or "powerhouses" of the cell — starving them of energy.
By Patrick Pester published
Scientists have found ancient nail tooth shark fossils deep inside Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, revealing new information about a mysterious group of extinct predators.
By Kim Snaith last updated
From sets celebrating architecture and famous art to clever designs, these are the best Lego sets for adults.
By Rae Robertson-Anderson published
Is ranch dressing a solid or a liquid? A physicist explains that the short answer is both … and neither.
By Ben Turner published
Digital generated image of solar panel with purple-blue reflection.
By Tim Danton published
Scientists have found a way to store hundreds of terabytes of data onto a tiny crystal, with plans to scale this up to a disc-sized device that can be compatible with modern computing.