For Sale: Flying Car from 1954

Roadable Aircraft
This 1954 Aerocar is on sale for anyone who loves flying cars and has deep pockets. (Image credit:

Who knew that flying cars predated the first TV airing of "The Jetsons?" An aircraft collector is selling his 1954 Aerocar to the first buyer with $1.25 million in spare cash.

The Aerocar resembles a yellow and black car fused with an airplane's tail and wings, according to the PaleoFuture blog of Smithsonian. Moulton Taylor produced just five of the Aerocars to make it a true collector's item.

Such "flying cars" really resemble a class of "roadable aircraft" that can also drive on the streets, rather than futuristic visions of hover cars from "Blade Runner" or "Back to the Future." But it appears that what is old is new again as similar vehicles — such as Terrafugia's "Transition" — could soon hit the commercial market.

(Eager buyers would do well to keep in mind that they'll need both auto and aviation insurance to properly take the Aerocar out for a spin.)

Source: Smithsonian via DVICE

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