Photos: Nikola Tesla's Historic Lab at Wardenclyffe

Tesla's Last Lab

(Image credit: Megan Gannon for Live Science)

The genius inventor Nikola Tesla bought a plot of farmland in the town of Shoreham, N.Y., in 1901 to build a lab. A nonprofit group took over the site in 2012 to convert it into a Tesla museum.

Wardenclyffe Tower

A drawing of Wardenclyffe

(Image credit: Public Domain)

Just south of the lab, Tesla built a huge transmission tower, where he hoped to show he could distribute message as well as free electrical energy over long distances. Facing debts and a lack of funds, Tesla was forced to abandon the project. The tower was demolished in 1917.

Tower Model

A mini model of Tesla's tower

(Image credit: Tesla Science Center )

A model of Tesla's transmission tower.

Chimney Top

The top of the chimney at Wardenclyffe

(Image credit: Tesla Science Center)

The famous architect Stanford White (who was friends with Tesla) designed the red brick lab building. His great attention to detail can be seen in the beautifully crafted wrought iron wellhead atop the chimney, which the Tesla Science Center recently removed to have it restored by a blacksmith.

Stanford White's Last Design

A historic photo of Tesla's lab

(Image credit: Tesla Science Center)

Tesla's lab also has the distinction of being Stanford White's final project. White was shot to death in 1906 by the husband of his former lover on the roof of the original Madison Square Garden — a building he designed.

Towering Presence

Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Laboratory

(Image credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The sheer size of the transmission tower at Tesla's Wardenclyffe laboratory can be seen in this photo, from 1904.

Tower Base

The base of Tesla's tower

(Image credit: Megan Gannon for Live Science)

The only piece of the tower that survives is its base, made of concrete and rock, now enclosing a neatly mowed lawn.

Groundhog Hole

A groundhog hole near the tower base.

(Image credit: Megan Gannon for Live Science)

A groundhog has made a home for itself at Telsa's tower.

Tesla Statue

The statue of Tesla

(Image credit: Megan Gannon for Live Science)

The Serbian president visited Wardenclyffe in September 2013 to dedicate a statue of Tesla at the site.

Megan Gannon
Live Science Contributor
Megan has been writing for Live Science and since 2012. Her interests range from archaeology to space exploration, and she has a bachelor's degree in English and art history from New York University. Megan spent two years as a reporter on the national desk at NewsCore. She has watched dinosaur auctions, witnessed rocket launches, licked ancient pottery sherds in Cyprus and flown in zero gravity. Follow her on Twitter and Google+.