The Happiest States in 2014: Full List

Mount McKinley Looms over Denali National Park in Alaska.
Denali National Park in Alaska is home to Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America. (Image credit: TTphoto/

A new poll from Gallup-Healthways shows which states had the highest and lowest well-being in 2014. Well-being scores are based on participants' answers to questions about their sense of purpose, social relationships, financial lives, community involvement and physical health.

Here is the full list of states ranked by their well-being score, which is out of 100.

1.       Alaska: 64.7

2.       Hawaii: 64.5

3.       South Dakota: 64.3

4.       Wyoming: 63.9

5.       Montana: 63.7

6.       Colorado: 63.2

7.       Nebraska: 63.1

8.       Utah: 62.9

9.       New Mexico: 62.8

10.   Texas: 62.8

11.   Minnesota: 62.8

12.   California: 62.8

13.   Vermont: 62.7

14.   Virginia: 62.4

15.   Maine: 62.4

16.   Iowa: 62.2

17.   Massachusetts: 62.2

18.   Wisconsin: 62.2

19.   North Carolina: 62.2

20.   Arizona: 62.2

21.   New Hampshire: 62.2

22.   South Carolina: 62.2

23.   North Dakota: 62.1

24.   Connecticut: 61.9

25.   Idaho: 61.9

26.   Florida: 61.9

27.   Oregon: 61.8

28.   Washington: 61.8

29.   Maryland: 61.7

30.   Georgia: 61.6

31.   Nevada: 61.5

32.   Kansas: 61.2

33.   New York: 61.2

34.   New Jersey: 61.2

35.   Pennsylvania: 61.2

36.   Illinois: 61.1

37.   Rhode Island: 61.1

38.   Delaware: 61.1

39.   Oklahoma: 61

40.   Louisiana: 60.9

41.   Missouri: 60.8

42.   Michigan: 60.7

43.   Arkansas: 60.7

44.   Tennessee: 60.6

45.   Alabama: 60.3

46.   Mississippi: 60.2

47.   Ohio: 60.1

48.   Indiana: 60

49.   Kentucky: 59.8

50.   West Virginia: 59

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