White House Wants Your Green Ideas

The White House announcement today of a new Middle Class Task Force had a science sub-text that suggests campaign promises of a greener economy remain a focus of the new administration.

The task force, run by Vice President Joe Biden, is charged with figuring out how to improve the economic prospects of the middle class, with a short-term focus on overall economic recovery and a long-term eye on overhauling how the future economy provides opportunities for working-class people. It will hold public meetings and conduct outreach sessions with representatives of labor, business, and advocacy communities.

The green part:

"The task force's first focus will be green jobs as a pathway to a strong middle class," according to a White House Statement released with the task force materials. "Green jobs are jobs that provide products and services which use renewable energy resources, reduce pollution, conserve energy and natural resources and reconstitute waste."

The administration encourages public input here: whitehouse.gov/strongmiddleclass/

The rest of the statement regarding green jobs:

"At a time when good jobs at good wages are harder and harder to come by, it is critical we find new and innovate ways to create more such jobs. Building a new power grid, manufacturing solar panels, weatherizing homes and office buildings, and renovating schools are just a few examples of ways to create new good quality jobs – green jobs – and strengthen the foundation of this country at the same time.

"Second, more green jobs mean more money in your pocketbook at the end of the month. If we create jobs that aim to reduce your energy costs – like your electric bill and your home heating bill – that means you have more disposable income for other things.

Creating more green jobs has multiple benefits. It helps the economy as a whole; it helps our environment; and it will save you money."

Editor's Note: Below, tell LiveScience readers what you plan to tell the White House.

And ... Vote: The Best Alternative Energy Idea

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