Photos: Weird Yellow Fluff Balls Wash Up on French Beaches


Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Others have likened the appearance of the pollution to mousse.

Sullying the beach

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Either way, the fields of debris are making it difficult for beach goers to enjoy the beaches.

As far as the eye can see

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

In some places, the yellow blobs extend far out into the distance as far as the eye can see.

Small distribution

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Some beaches seem to be lightly covered with the blobs.

Blob pileup

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

In some places, huge amounts of the pollution piled up.

Kelp and other material

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Sea kelp often entangled the goo.


Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Here, a mixture of yellow blobs, sea kelp and other waste.

Beach pollution

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Beach pollution is a big problem in this area, according to the SEa-Mer Association.

Floating in the sea

Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Paraffin floats in the water which is how it can fall off ships and make it ashore. This material may not be industrial paraffin.


Sea Waste

(Image credit: Sea-Mer Association)

Here, a closeup of the spongy material.

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