Cash-Back Sale for Essentials for Watching October's Meteor Showers [Deals]
![Silhouettes of people watching meteor shower.](
The skies are lighting up with meteor showers this month, and if you plan on catching any of Mother Nature’s light shows, you'll need to stock up on some outdoor gear.
Fortunately, our sister site ActiveJunky is offering a 15 percent cash-back bonus sale on over 30 popular outdoor, gear and sporting goods stores. Traditionally, many of these stores offer only between 1 percent to 3 percent cash back.
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ActiveJunky scours the web for deals and specials on the products you're most interested in. You can use ActiveJunky to compare prices both online and in-store, so you always know you're getting the lowest price possible. Even better, every time you make a purchase you earn cash back, which you can opt to receive via check or PayPal.
Stores participating in today's cash-back bonus sale include Columbia, Marmot, Mountain Hardwear and Moosejaw, where you'll get cash back on purchases like daypacks, lawn chairs, tents and down sleeping bags.
So whether you're looking for a cozy fleece jacket to keep you warm at night while skywatching or a tent you can set up in your backyard, today is an excellent day to stock up and save money.
Original article on Live Science.
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