Futurecast Cinema: You are the Star!
Space Child Adventure Grand Odyssey, an animated film showing at the Aichi Expo 2005, has a very special star -- you! Visitors to the Mitsui-Toshiba Pavilion get a high resolution digital full-face scan; these faces are edited into that performance of the "film" in real-time.
Every person who enters the theater gets a role; a Toshiba supercomputer inserts the necessary information and presents the one-time-only film.
(Images from Futurecast System - Mitsui-Toshiba Pavillion)
(This Science Fiction in the News story used with permission from Technovelgy.com - where science meets fiction.)
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Bill Christensen catalogues the inventions, technology and ideas of science fiction writers at his website, Technovelgy. He is a contributor to Live Science.
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