Seals Latest about Seals Young Seal Strandings Puzzle Biologists By Live Science Staff published 23 September 06 Hooded seals that normally prefer to live on ice in the Arctic region have been spotted as far south as Florida. Seals 1 2 3 4 5 6 Archives Sign up for the Live Science daily newsletter nowGet the world’s most fascinating discoveries delivered straight to your inbox.Contact me with news and offers from other Future brandsReceive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors LATEST ARTICLES1Sparklemuffin peacock spider: The spider with secret iridescent scales that busts a move to win a mate2James Webb telescope spots 'rogue' planet with a cake-like atmosphere barrelling through space without a star3Why is it still so hard to make nuclear weapons?4Dolphins: Facts about the intelligent marine mammals that use tools to hunt5Whales: Facts about the largest animals on Earth
Young Seal Strandings Puzzle Biologists By Live Science Staff published 23 September 06 Hooded seals that normally prefer to live on ice in the Arctic region have been spotted as far south as Florida.