All content archive
January 2008
267 articles
- January 31
- Orbital Traffic Jam Looms for Space Station
- Cheating in Sports: Oh, The Inequity
- Explorer I Launch Team Recalls America's First Satellite
- NASA Spots Mysterious 'Spider' on Mercury
- Young Engineer Leads Effort To Make Space a Topic of Presidential Debate
- Survey: 'Green' Actions Not Bound by Political Persuasion
- Bird Chirps From Hind End
- Strange New Creature: Giant Shrew or Tiny Elephant?
- Fish Accused of Sexual Harassment
- One Common Ancestor Behind Blue Eyes
- Galactic Wi-fi?
- 50 Years Later: First U.S. Satellite's Souvenirs Still Circle the Earth
- January 30
- NASA Eyes Kinked Space Shuttle Hose for Feb. 7 Launch
- First Snow-less January in NYC in 75 Years
- Spacewalkers Bring Space Station a Step Closer to Full Power
- How One Big Earthquake Triggers Another
- Scientists Say Bush Stifles Science and Lets Global Leadership Slip
- Human Viruses Kill Great Apes
- Home Control Products Finally Come of Age
- Mining Site Predates Incan Empire
- NASA Pushes More Safety Tech Five Years After Columbia
- Space Rock Misses Mars, Barely
- January 29
- Europe Sets Launch Plan for First Unmanned Cargo Ship
- Arctic Ice Fields 'Receding Like Mad'
- 'Thrillionaire' Signs on as Backup Space Tourist
- Turtle Migrates 12,774 Miles
- George W. Bush's Final Words on Science & Technology
- Food Via Pill Just Not as Good
- Rare 3-Foot Spitting Earthworm Found in Legal Battle
- Astronauts to Repair Solar Wing Motor in Wednesday Spacewalk
- Blast Investigation Delays Rocket Engine Work for SpaceShipTwo
- Rogue Stars: The Miscreants of Our Galaxy
- Culture vs. Nature Seen in a Frozen Chevy Nova
- January 28
- Strange Creature Immune to Pain
- Black Death Was Selective
- New Russian Communications Satellite Reaches Orbit
- This Beetle Really Rocks
- Computer to Interpret Religious Texts
- Americans to Drink More Treated Sewage
- Oldest Horseshoe Crab Fossil Discovered
- Smash! The Search for 'Sparticles'
- Major Milestones Ahead for New Mexico Spaceport
- January 27
- January 25
- January 24
- Earth Gets Soft in the Middle
- Computers Get Better at Face Recognition
- Fashion Found Fleeting in Birds
- Scientific Group Releases New Statement on Climate Change
- Loneliness Breeds Belief in Supernatural
- DNA Molecules Display Telepathy-like Quality
- To Catch a Panda: Science in the Wild
- Killer Space Rock Theory Is Soaking Wet
- January 23
- Astronaut Survey Finds no Evidence of Launch Day Drinking
- Virgin Galactic Unveils Suborbital Spaceliner Design
- Worship Site Predates Zeus
- Dinosaur Demise Theory Is Soaking Wet
- Brain's 'Eureka!' Circuit Found
- Recession Worries Help Fuel Recession
- Spouses Who Fight Live Longer
- Dogs Get Pricey Stem Cell Therapy
- UN Warns of Biofuels' Environmental Risk
- New Cell Phone Has Large Foldable Display
- Why We Can't Find a Face in the Crowd
- Study: Bisexuality Not Just an Experimental Phase
- January 22
- Secrets Behind Oscar Nominations Revealed
- How UFOs and Bigfoot Could Save Earth
- Women More Thick-headed than Men
- Greenhouse Gas Makes Food Less Nutritious
- Reports of Gay Staph Disease Overblown
- Study: Memory Loss Linked to Loss of Imagination
- Bizarre Amphibians Found Living on the Edge
- Sun’s Magnetic Secret Revealed
- January 21
- January 20
- January 19
- January 18
- January 17
- January 16
- Massive Self-Destructive Palm Found on Madagascar
- Spacecraft Beams Home New Images of Mercury
- Computer Understands Barking Dogs
- Britney vs. Hillary: The Role Model Myth
- 2007 Tied for Earth's Second Warmest Year
- Huge Rodent Was Bigger than a Bull
- Incest Not So Taboo in Nature
- CEO Success: It's All in the Face
- January 15
- The Nature of Nature
- Dinosaurs Dealt With Adolescent Pregnancies
- Why Stress Is Deadly
- Drug-Resistant Germs Infiltrate Pristine Arctic
- Columbus May Have Brought Syphilis to Europe
- Satellite Navigation Market Continues To Soar Worldwide
- NASA Probe to Take Close Look at Mercury Today
- Space Probe Swings by Mercury
- Black Holes Spin Near Speed of Light
- What's Behind the Record Price of Gold?
- January 14
- January 11
- How Spider-Man Compares to the Real Thing
- Computers Simulate 50 Percent of a Mouse Brain
- Robotics Poised for Revolution (Again)
- Canada's Climate Plan Not Good Enough for Gore
- Ducks Wage Genital Warfare
- Early Humans Dug for Food, Study Suggests
- Apes Point to Origins of Human Language
- Pet Food Deaths Baffle Scientists
- Scientists: You Can't Profile School Shooters
- 10x Faster Eye Scanner Could Help Prevent Blindness
- Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Predicted
- Comuter Security Glossary
- Ships Must Steer Clear of Dolphins
- One of 34 Remaining Rare Leopards Killed
- Shows Like '24' Get Advice From CDC
- Web Site Tracks People's Pet Peeves
- Genetic Discrimination to be Banned
- Coral Reef Devastation Linked to Global Warming
- Chinese Traffic Restrictions Reduce Air Pollution
- Mountain Gorilla Population Rebounds in Uganda
- The Invisible World: All About Microbes
- Glitches Slow Start of 'Black Hole Machine'
- Does Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?
- Elephants Slaughtered along 'Highways of Death'
- Blood Cells Change Shape to Fit Through Vessels - DO NOT USE
- Blood Cells Change Shape to Fit Through Vessels
- Venomous Snake Count On the Rise
- Live Bacteria Could Reduce Earthquake Damage
- What Causes an Avalanche
- Bad Habits: Why We Can't Stop
- Vampires a Mathematical Impossibility, Scientist Says
- How Heart Attacks Strike
- Watch Your Front Door From Anywhere
- Wild Tornado Season: Expect More
- Top Science Stories of 2005: A Year of Incredible Impact
- First 'Telecloning' Experiment Works ... Sort Of
- The Real History of Horses
- Whale Sharks Thrive in Australian Waters
- Shot Stopper: Smart Guns Get Smarter
- Gorillas Fight Humans, Humans Help Gorillas
- Tsunami Lore Could Save Lives
- Meet Your New Cousins, the Flying Lemurs
- Prehistoric Mystery Organism a Humongous Fungus
- Warming Climate Reverses Sex of Lizards
- Dusty Document Reveals First European Voyage up Delaware River
- Ocean's 'Twilight Zone' Traps Greenhouse Gas
- Bad Luck: Ladder Injuries Climbing
- Video Games Not to Blame for Violence
- Crying over Labeled Milk
- New Device Vacuums Away Carbon Dioxide
- Scientists Can Now Weigh Living Cells
- Study Suggests Why Elderly are Good Scam Targets
- New Techniques Probe Consciousness During a Coma
- Sex Fattens Female Ticks to 100 Times Normal Size
- What a Hoot: How Owls Show Who's Boss
- Real Mineral Nearly Identical to Superman's Kryptonite
- Flowers Evolve to Suit Birds and Bats
- Moving Your Eyes Improves Memory, Study Suggests
- Human Brain Has Origin in Lowly Worm
- Termites Are Actually Social Cockroaches
- Parasites Eavesdrop on Stink Bug Sex Talk
- Cancer-Fighting Drug Found in Dirt
- NASA Discovers 'Twilight Zone' of New Air Particles
- Source of Mysterious Antimatter Found
- Study: Religion is Good for Kids
- EPA Won't Specify Global Warming Plans
- Sailing Duo Begin 1,000-Day Ocean Voyage
- At the Crossroad of Stem Cells and Computer Science
- Why Chimps Eat Dirt
- Secret to Bad-Tasting Diet Sodas Found
- Bionic Eyes Plug Directly into the Brain
- Outdoor 7-Story Lab Simulates Big Earthquake
- Timeline: Earth's Precarious Future
- Skating Through Life and History
- Study: School Culture Affects Student Violence
- The 5,000-Year-Old Origin of Ice Skating
- Video Reveals Rare Hummingbird Courtship Display
- Not So Smart? You Can Still be Rich!
- 2008 Preview Night Sky Highlights
- Record-Setting Spam Effort Turns Computers into Zombies
- Simple Injection Shows Promise for Treating Paralysis
- Source of Major Quakes Discovered Beneath U.S. Heartland
- January 10
- Spacecraft Gears Up for Mercury Flyby
- NASA Eyes Feb. 7 Launch Date for Shuttle Atlantis
- Big Space Thing Looks Like a Moth
- Four Stars Found in Amazingly Tight Bunch
- Even Thin Galaxies Pack Hefty Black Holes
- Surprise Found in Earth's Plumbing System
- During Ancient Warm Period, Glaciers Might Have Persisted
- 10 Technologies That Will Transform Your Life
- Fossil of Extinct Armored Worm Discovered
- DNA to Decide if Headless Killer Faked Her Death
- Desert Mystery Has Electrifying Answer
- Space Rock Won't Wallop Mars, Scientists Say
- Astrobiology 101: Where Teachers are the Students
- Spiral Galaxy Winds Backwards
- January 9
- Scientists: Earth Barely Supports Life
- Colossal Black Hole Shatters the Scales
- Rogue Black Holes Might Fill Our Galaxy
- Faraway Planets Collided, Study Suggests
- Alliant Techsystems Buys Canadian Space Hardware Firm
- Cloned Milk and Meat: What's the Beef?
- Robot Skin Gets Sensitive
- The Surprising Evolution of Deep Space Missions
- January 8
- Baby Versions of Milky Way Spotted
- Cosmic Blue Blobs Discovered
- Birds Act Like Grandparents
- Hubble Tune-Up Plans Detailed
- U.S. Last Among Industrialized Nations in Preventable Deaths
- Why Some Women Wear Too Much Perfume
- New Risk to Earth Found in Supernova Explosions
- Magnet Therapy Gets Boost from Real Study
- Inside Look at How Ice Melts
- January 7
- Study: How to Live 14 Years Longer
- Newfound Carnivores of the Caveman Era
- Report: Russia's Mock Mars Mission to Cost $15 Million
- Precursor of Life Molecules Found Around Star
- How Tennis Shoes and Tug-of-War Toppled the Mighty Saturn V
- Naps May Boost Memory
- 5 Ways to Survive Political Discussions at Work
- Pets Enjoy Healing Power of Music
- Our Universe: Dark and Messy
- January 5
- January 4
- January 3
- New Dwarf Salamander Found in Costa Rica
- Shuttle Launch Date Slips as NASA Tackles Sensor Fix
- Astronomers Imagine Comet's Birth
- Asteroid's Martian Impact: What Might Happen
- Hot Science Topics Avoided by Presidential Candidates
- Advanced Life Created in Two Ancient Explosions
- Diamond's Structural Secrets Revealed
- Must-See Meteor Shower Friday Morning
- The Modern Vacation: Fully Wired, Totally Ruined
- Nature's Own New Year Fireworks
- 4 Years on Mars: Rovers Continue to Amaze
- January 2
- Young Planet Orbits Sun-Like Star
- Super Microbes Create Better Ethanol
- Survey: 61 Percent Agree with Evolution
- Cell Phones + Driving = Congested Traffic
- What to Expect in 2008: Work, Work, Work
- Point and Click on Buildings: The World Becomes the Web
- Whatever Happened to Energy Conservation?
- Drug Company Conspiracy Theory Debunked
- Hot on the Trail of Cosmic Rays
- January 1