All content archive
June 2010
352 articles
- June 30
- Which Plastics Are Safe To Put in the Microwave?
- What's a Vasectomy?
- A Corpse Flower Blooms
- Three-Legged Dogs Teach Robots New Tricks
- Ostrich Wings Explain Mystery of Flightless Dinosaurs
- Acts of God: Why Lightning Strikes Religious Symbols
- Gross! Smelly Corpse Flower Blooms
- Motorbikes Could Run Efficiently on Air
- Summer Most Dangerous Time to Travel
- Gigantic Prehistoric Whale Hunted Other Whales
- Ants Use Velcro Claws to Ambush Heavy Prey
- Open the Floodgates: Mighty Mississippi May Fight Oil Slick
- Russian Spies Hid Secret Codes in Online Photos
- Gulf Woes Grow as Hurricane Threat Mounts
- Gruesome Images Reveal Python Digesting a Rat
- Divorce Not Always Bad for Kids
- June 29
- Open the Floodgates: Mighty Mississippi Could Fight Oil Slick
- Could Humans Walk on Water?
- Bell from Famed Wreck of Andrea Doria Discovered
- Mystery Explosion of Wormlike Creatures on Seafloor Explained
- Brain Chemical Makes Us More Impulsive
- Discovery Reveals How Fish Learned to Walk
- 'Flying Car' One Step Closer to Reality
- Military Drones Report for Civilian Duty
- Alex: Where Will the Storm Go and How Long Will It Last?
- Tiny Clays Tame Earthquake Faults
- People Who Suppress Anger Become Violent When Drunk
- Tips for Preventing Stomach Aches
- You Lookin' at Me? Gauging Someone's Gaze
- June 28
- What's an Orgasm?
- Gulf Dead Zone Could Reach Size of New Jersey, Scientists Say
- Does Lou Gehrig’s Disease Only Affect Old People?
- Dramatic Rescue for Rediscovered 'Extinct' Fern
- Biking and Brisk Walking Can Keep Pounds Off
- 'Programmable Matter' Could Lead to Universal Toolbox
- Giant Magma Blobs Ripple Earth's Surface
- Nature's Wrath in 2009 Tallied by Country
- Gulf Dead Zone Could Reach Size of New Jersey
- Mom's Favoritism Stings, Even for Adults
- Study: Archimedes Set Roman Ships Afire with Cannons
- June 27
- June 26
- June 25
- In Photos: The Wild Cats of Kruger National Park
- Enormous Driftwood Washes Ashore in Washington
- How does sunscreen work?
- Should We Worry About the Polio Outbreak in Tajikistan?
- Earthquakes Rock in Synchrony, Study Suggests
- 7 iPhone Apps That Help Save the Planet
- Reasons to Wait Out Early Smartphone Glitches
- Apple Responds to iPhone 4 Reception Glitch
- Reason Antarctic Glacier Is Melting Faster Is Found
- Romantic Music Ups Odds for Getting a Woman's Phone Number
- What Really Killed King Tut? New Evidence Sparks Debate
- Weird Antimatter Particles Discovered Deep Underground
- Getting Fat? Blame the Kids
- June 24
- Is Premium Liquor Really Better than the Cheap Stuff?
- Cane Toads Invade, Conquer Australia
- Dark Side of Medical Research: Widespread Bias and Omissions
- Why Are Asian Carp So Fearsome?
- Rare Coral Sanctuary Discovered in Virgin Islands
- 90% of Americans Get Too Much Sodium
- Lung-On-A-Chip Could Put an End to Animal Drug Testing
- Breakthrough: Lab Lungs Live and Breathe
- Just a Touch Can Influence Thoughts and Decisions
- Kinect vs. Nintendo Wii vs. PlayStation
- iPhone 4's First Users Report Reception, Color Problems
- U.S. Last in Health Care Among 7 Industrialized Countries
- Earthquake Moved California City 31 Inches
- La Nina Looms, Scientists Say
- Mammals Chewed Dinosaur Bones, Discovery Reveals
- June 23
- Alien Invaders: Destructive Invasive Species
- What's It Like to Live in Space?
- Jet Lag Leaves Kidneys In Another Time Zone
- Why Was the Canadian Earthquake Felt So Far Away?
- How Corals Could Survive Climate Change
- How Do Vuvuzela Horns Cause Hearing Damage?
- Unmanned Airborne Warriors
- Unlocking the Mysteries of the San Andreas Fault
- iPhone 4 Breakdown Reveals More Memory, Bigger Battery
- Scientists Predict Your Behavior Better Than You Can
- Personality Predicted by Size of Different Brain Regions
- Brain's Courage Center Located
- Is Wine Really Good for You?
- World's Largest Dinosaur Graveyard Linked to Mass Death
- Sharks Incubators for Drug-Resistant Bacteria
- Fear-eliminating Drug Works in Rats
- Low-Radiation Cell Phones: All the Rage?
- The World's Longest Rivers
- June 22
- Can the President Summon Anyone He Wants?
- What's at the Center of Black Holes?
- Tagging and Tracking Sea Turtles
- Coffee's Mysterious Benefits Mount
- Human Bite Force Compares to Chomp of Chimps
- Why Isn't There a Male Birth Control Pill?
- Sea Turtles Followed Through Their Hidden Travels
- New Air Conditioning Up To 90 Percent More Efficient
- Ham Radio Gets Upgraded with Modern Technology
- Chimp Conservation Plan Drafted
- Human Ancestor 'Lucy' Walked Upright 3.2 Million Years Ago
- Oil Slick a Mess of Swirls in Satellite Photo
- A Vegetable Oil for the Future?
- Botox Limits Ability to Feel Emotions
- Why New Moms Get 'Baby Blues'
- In 50 Years, the Pill Has Come a Long Way
- June 21
- Why Do Computers Crash?
- How Does an Atomic Clock Work?
- Amazing Aurora Seen From Space
- Life-extending Drug May Also Combat Obesity
- California Might Turn License Plates into Mini Billboards
- Robots Hook Up to Fly as a Single Unit
- Kinks Found In Ocean's 'Conveyor Belt'
- Chimpanzee Gangs Kill for Land
- Can Earth Survive?
- Female Viagra Doesn't Improve Sexual Desire
- Parents Underestimate Weight of Their Obese Children
- June 20
- June 19
- June 18
- How Many Presidents Have Been Divorced?
- Worlds Apart: A Cautionary Tale of Two Coral Atolls
- Death Penalty By Firing Squad: How Is It Carried Out?
- Alaskan Tundra Thaws as Summer Begins
- World Cup: How Altitude Could Cause Players to Overshoot
- What Does the 'i' in iPod, iPhone and iPad Stand For?
- Small Creatures Will Be Oil Spill's Biggest Victims
- Study: Why Women Are More Sensitive to Stress
- Adults Text While Driving Just as Much as Teenagers
- Brain Cells in Lab Dish Keep Time
- Top 7 Animatronic Beasties in Film
- 'Gliding' Robots Patrol Gulf Oil Spill
- Scientists Eavesdrop on Bacteria Conversation
- Thinspiration: How Pro-Eating Disorder Websites Work
- Marijuana Worsens Schizophrenia
- Abuse of Prescription Painkillers Soars
- June 17
- Why Are Bedbugs Such a Problem?
- New Links Found Between Poles and Equator
- Ocean Ecosystems Transforming Due to Climate Change
- Why Are Bed Bugs Such a Problem?
- Father's Day Turns 100: How Did It Begin?
- Shark Science on the 35th Anniversary of Jaws
- Jaws 35th Anniversary: How One Shark Changed Summer Movies
- Antarctic Sea Ice Paradoxically Growing
- Odd Figure-8 Bridge to Merge Left vs. Right Side Traffic
- Scientists Drop Theory of Everything Down Elevator Shaft
- Don't Want to Exercise? Blame Your Genes
- Sense of Direction Is Innate, Study Suggests
- Study: Dogs Can Detect Prostate Cancer
- Organic Labels May Trick Dieters Into Eating More
- June 16
- This Is Not Mars
- How Does Dry Ice Work?
- Wicked Lasers 'Lightsaber' Can Burn Eyes and Skin
- What Causes Bioluminescence?
- Invasive Species Thrive on Antarctic Islands
- Rare Mutations May Cause Common Diseases
- Why Some People Crave More Salt
- Jaguars' Hunting Patterns Revealed
- Kids Learn Gender Stereotypes at Home
- Alps to Become More Dangerous in Warming World
- June 15
- What Does Poison Ivy Look Like?
- Can You Really Pass Out from Jet Lag?
- World's Oldest Fig Wasp Discovered
- Unplanned Pregnancies More Common in Obese Women
- What's Genetic Engineering?
- First Impressions of Nintendo 3DS: The 3-D Really Works!
- Antarctic Seals Go Where Scientists Can't
- Likeliest Hours for Summer Rains Revealed
- Study of Dominant-Looking Men Yields Surprising Result
- Seven Sci-Fi Weapons from Tomorrow Are Here Today
- FDA Cracks Down on Commercial Genetic Testing
- What's the Most Dangerous Move in Karate?
- Why Neurotics Haven't Died Out
- June 14
- Earth's Atmospheric Layers Seen from Space
- Wow! Airplanes Punch Holes in Clouds, Create Rain
- Why Does Pepper Make Us Sneeze?
- How to Slow Hair Loss
- 'Largest Biological Reservoir' Discovered Below Seafloor
- Source of Shimmering Butterfly Wing Colors Revealed
- What You Don’t Know About the Back of Your Hand
- New Project Aims to Flood the Market with Tablet PCs
- What Are Rare Earth Elements?
- Hurricanes Could Bust Gulf Oil Pipelines
- Wow! Jets Punch Holes in Clouds and Create Rain
- Plastic Designer Molecules May Boost Immune System
- Video Games With Reckless Driving May Play Out in Real Life
- June 13
- June 12
- June 11
- Is Sugar Bad for You?
- All Yours: 10 Least Visited National Parks
- Gallery: Reading the Clouds
- How to Read Clouds
- What's the Hardest Language to Learn?
- Cooler Pacific Connected to Medieval Famines
- Mystery Explained: How Frozen Humans Are Brought Back
- As Corals Die Off, Scientists Watch for Signs of Evolution
- The Science of Flash Floods
- Diplomatic Dolphins: Special Call Diffuses Tension
- Depression Leads to Weight Gain, Study Confirms
- Young Men More Sensitive than Women to Relationship Quality
- Jacques Cousteau Legacy Still Making a Splash
- High-Tech Dog Tag for Runners is e-Wallet, Too
- Treated Cotton Could Help Fight Gulf Oil Spill
- How Big Is the Gulf Oil Leak?
- June 10
- How Hot Is Lava?
- Insects Inspire Flying Robots
- Cousteau Ship Resurrected for His 100th Birthday
- What's the World's Biggest Glacier?
- Who Are the World's Fastest Man and Woman?
- Seals' Whiskers Can Track Fish From Hundreds of Feet Away
- How Do Animals Walk on Water?
- Taking the Temperature of Clouds
- St. Rose Died of Heart Attack, Analysis of Mummy Shows
- 2010 Hurricane Forecast: Active Year
- Tobacco Plants Provide New Beauty Secret?
- Mysterious Mountains Hidden Beneath Antarctic Ice Revealed
- Expert: Backlash Against iPhone 4 Display May Be Unwarranted
- Do Planes Get Struck by Lightning?
- Chip Advance Could Lead to Faster Computers
- Love Hormone Could Also Lead to War
- How Ancient Sea Reptiles Became Ferocious Predators
- Physicist Calls UFO Cover-up a 'Cosmic Watergate'
- Navy Tests Screaming Fast Warship
- Sharks Smell in Stereo, Steer to Unseen Prey
- New iPhone 4, Encased in Glass, Might Break More Easily
- Elves and Sprites Caught Dancing Near the Edge of Space
- Gulf Oil Spill Paves Way for Alternative Energy Push
- Cockroaches Prefer To Dine Together
- June 9
- Why Do Bottles of Water Have Expiration Dates?
- Height of Himalayas Nothing Compared to Depth of Their Roots
- Vodka's Tasty Secret Revealed in Special Chemistry
- Majority of Americans Still 'Believe' in Global Warming
- Are Women Taking Over U.S. Politics?
- Bubble Bursted on the Science of Bursting Bubbles
- Single Brain Cells Can Recognize Objects
- One of World's Most Pristine Coral Reefs Revealed
- How Your Brain Works on Autopilot
- Amazing First Race to the South Pole Revisited
- Online Financial Help Could Save Americans Billions
- First Beehives from Biblical Israel Discovered
- No, Really: Earth Is Flat In Most Peoples' Minds
- June 8
- What's the Shroud of Turin?
- Race to the South Pole in Images
- How Do Magnets Work?
- Gulf Oil Spill: Animals at Risk
- Do Third-Party Candidates Ever Win?
- Heart Disease Risk Higher for Short People
- NASA to Go Boldly ... to the Arctic
- Diabetes Linked to Brain Disorders
- ‘Smart’ Clothing Responds to Wearer’s Emotions
- NASA to Go Boldly … to the Arctic
- Female Whales Forge Long-Lasting Friendships
- 'Beautiful Math Equation' Found in Crop Circle
- Americans Sleepier Than Europeans
- Exotic Particle Caught After It Changes Flavor
- Fact of Nature: Men Willing to Die for Sex
- June 7
- New Web Site Launches: OurAmazingPlanet
- Revealed: How Tibetans Survive Thin Air
- New Way to Destroy Some Cancerous Cell Found
- Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench
- World's Oceans Remain Largely Mysterious
- The First (and Last) Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
- Insects Inspire Robot Design
- Apple Announces iPhone 4 with Impressive New Features
- New Theory for Life's First Energy Source
- Strangers Influence Dating Choices, Study Reveals
- Water Source Discovered for Desert Oasis near Death Valley
- Laws Might Change as the Science of Violence Is Explained
- Secret Revealed: How Crocodiles Cross Oceans
- Sack Tapping: Dangerous Game Hits Boys Where it Hurts
- June 6
- June 5
- June 4
- The World's Biggest Oceans and Seas
- Acadia National Park: Glacier-Carved Beauty
- Photos: The Scrumptious Chocolate Falls of Arizona
- Best Beaches 2010: Oil Forces Florida Beach to Slip from Top 10
- Oil's Effects on Endangered Species Possibly 'Mind-Boggling'
- Apple to Make 'TV that Includes Everything,' Analyst Says
- Tabnapping Is a New Browser Security Threat
- A Simple Cure to the Web's Effect on Your Concentration
- Does Wedding Rice Make Birds Explode?
- Do Shots Ease Allergy Symptoms?
- Brain Quickly Remembers Complex Sounds
- Disaster Laws: Will Gulf Oil Spill Change Anything?
- Why Is Cadmium So Dangerous?
- Pharmaceutical Waste Seeping into Environment
- Teen Brains Wired for Risk
- Hidden Relationship Factors: Beyond Talking and Touching
- The Psychology of Darth Vader Revealed
- Arctic Sea Ice at Lowest Point in Thousands of Years
- June 3
- Interracial Marriages Soar
- Yangtze River's True Age Revealed
- Amazing Images: Volcanoes from Space
- Video Games Help Astronauts Prepare for Deep-Space Missions
- New AT&T Wireless Data Plan: Deal or Raw Deal?
- What's the Biggest Ocean?
- Whales Evolved in the Blink of an Eye
- 70 Percent of Adult Internet Users Watch Videos Online
- Underwater 'Thunder' Could Lead to Better Sonar
- Thick Haze Protected First Life on Earth
- Gulf Oil Spill Could Spread to Atlantic Ocean
- Psychologist: Oil Spill Worst Disaster in U.S. History
- Brain Stimulation Helps Parkinson's Disease
- Ancient 'Brain Food' Helped Humans Get Smart
- 'Helicopter' Parents Have Neurotic Kids, Study Suggests
- June 2
- Urine Pheromone in Mice Named After Jane Austen Character
- iPad To Help Humans Speak With Dolphins
- 42% of U.S. Teens 15-19 Have Had Sex
- Hybrid Creatures: The Real Science of 'Splice'
- Erectile Dysfunction Linked to Cardiovascular Disease
- Radiation After Mastectomy Useful in Some Cases
- Chili Peppers Might Fight Fat
- 747 Set to Battle Gulf Oil Slick
- How Do Athletes Get 'In the Zone' of Peak Performance?
- How Does a Virus Infect Your Computer?
- Why Are Astronauts' Spacesuits Orange?
- Mind Control: Learning How the Brain Works
- Generation Gaps Matter for Students Seeking Hotshot Mentors
- Inner Earth Moves Mountains, Study Reveals
- Unemployment Linked to Dislike of Democracy
- New Research Could Lead to Better Depression Medication
- Late-Night Munchies Linked to Tooth Loss
- Why Couples Divorce After 40 Years
- Secretive Gecko Actually 4 Separate Species
- Cheerleaders at Risk for Eating Disorders, Study Finds
- Human Mind 'Time Travels' When Pondering Movement
- June 1
- How Do Vaccines Work?
- Cancer-Causing Agents Higher in Some U.S. Cigarettes
- FDA Approves Osteoporosis Injection
- FDA Warns Against Toxic 'Medicated Oil'
- Long-Necked Dinosaurs Held Heads High
- New Test Reveals Good vs. Bad Sperm
- Producing: The Next Step
- How Much Exercise Is Needed to Lose Weight?
- Study: Wikipedia Pretty Accurate, But Hard to Read
- Education Helps Slow Dementia
- Military to Adopt NFL's Instant Replay Technology
- Oil Effects on Endangered Species May Be 'Mind-Boggling'
- Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatment
- Butterfly Effect Could Improve Security of Money
- How Do Sinkholes Form?
- Diet Debate Obscures Truths About Salt Intake
- Scientists Grow Cells in 3-D Using Magnetic Fields
- Secret Ingredient in Ancient Mortar: Sticky Rice