All content archive
July 2010
309 articles
- July 31
- July 30
- Photos: Journey into the Tropical Andes
- Madagascar Rainforest, Everglades Added to Endagered Places List
- The Most Dangerous Things in a National Park
- Manhattan Heat Waves Sign of City Scorchers to Come
- Interactive Game Keeps Jogging Buddies In Touch
- 3-D Brain Model Could Revolutionize Neurology
- Scientists Investigate Possible 'Fear Drug'
- Fishless Lake in Adirondacks Shows Signs of Recovery
- Monkeys Go Bananas Over Flying Squirrels
- Tiny Footprints Are Oldest Evidence of Reptiles
- Stem Cells for Sex, Smell Discovered in Mice
- What Is Sickle Cell Disease?
- Real Cookies Butt Heads With Virtual Ones
- 3-D Models Promise Better Bone Healing
- Your Oil Spill Cleanup Idea Could be Worth $1.4 Million
- July 29
- How Much Alcohol Is in My Drink?
- Chile's Raised Coast
- Galapagos Islands Kicked Off International Endangered List
- New Insect Species Discovered in Surprising Locale
- What Will Happen During the Next 100 Days of the Gulf Oil Spill?
- Antarctica Experiment Discovers Puzzling Space Ray Pattern
- Giant Sand Dunes on Titan Shaped by Backward Winds
- What Will Happen During the Next 100 Days of the Oil Spill?
- Best Panda Habitats Outside Current Nature Reserves, Study Finds
- Prostate Cancer 'Cell of Origin' Identified
- Huge Chilean Earthquake Raised Country's Coast
- Scientists Look to Spiders for Hi-Tech Fibers
- Donkey's Wild Ass Ancestor Confirmed
- Daydream Distractions Depend on How Far Mind Wanders
- Internet 'Key Holders' Are Insurance Against Cyber Attack
- Motion Sickness in Virtual Worlds
- Use of Expert Testimony Questioned in Malpractice
- Oceans in Peril: Primed for Mass Extinction?
- July 28
- How does a compass work?
- Undersea Mics Listen for Gulf Whales Threatened by Oil Spill
- First Newfound U.S. Turtle Species in Years Discovered
- Do Colorblind People Dream In Color?
- Alien Planets Gather Close Around Dying Star
- Why Do We Have Nightmares?
- River Gets Blame for Giant 1811 Earthquakes
- Marsupials Not From Down Under After All
- Marine Biodiversity Threatened, Study Finds
- Base of Ocean Food Chain Is in Decline, Study Finds
- New Discovery Irons Out Physics of Wrinkles
- Social Media: Huge, and Here to Stay
- Mushrooms Turned into Green Packaging
- Baby Month Is Almost Here!
- How Facebook Complicates Romance
- Asteroid Could Threaten the Earth in 2182
- Weapons Buried at Sea: Big, Poorly Understood Problem
- Eastern Butterflies Reveal Their Midwestern Roots
- Sex Boosts Brain Growth, Study Suggests
- July 27
- Two Iconic African Carnivores Declared Locally Extinct
- Should Recovering Alcoholics Avoid Bars? The Answer Depends on Genetics
- Genes Influence Your Response to Others' Drinking Habits
- Way Found to Gauge Pig's Happiness
- Weapons Buried at Sea: Big But Poorly Understood Problem
- Newest Printers Show Skills In Making 3-D Objects
- 'Flying Car' Concept Gets a Design Tweak
- Want to Live Longer? Get Some Friends
- Marsupials Not From Down Under After All
- Tropical Cyclone Birth Predicted with Supercomputer
- Photos: Bald Eagles of the Mighty Mississippi
- U.S. a Leader in Tension Between Adults and Their Parents
- Prehistoric Toothless Fish May Get Protection
- When It Comes to Mercury, Saltwater Fish at a Disadvantage
- Mental Exercises Make Old Rat Brains Look Young Again
- Orgasm and Desire Top List of Women's Sex Concerns
- Wired Jacket Turns Website Members Into Masseurs
- Awkward Primitive Frog Can Jump But Landing Is Belly Flop
- July 26
- What's Hyperthermia?
- A Panamanian Crab Mystery is Solved
- Japan Gifts Giant Salamanders to U.S. National Zoo
- Scientists Narrow Search for the 'God Particle'
- What's the History of the Barbecue?
- Post-Katrina Study Shows Strength of Salt Marshes
- Successful Conversations Involve Mind Melds, Study Reveals
- Top 10 Reasons to Ditch Your Dumb Phone for a Smartphone
- Emotional Effects of Bullying Written in Genes
- Animal Warfare: Could the Taliban Train Monkeys to Shoot?
- Orgasm-Seeking Women Find Little Help From Science
- How Moles Survive Subterranean Life
- July 25
- July 24
- July 23
- What's a Henge?
- How Does Cranberry Juice Prevent Urinary Tract Infections?
- Study Reveals How Cranberry Juice Conquers E. Coli
- NY Loon Census Counts Endangered Birds
- Mysterious New Circle Found Near Stonehenge
- Diabolical Plan: Moles Could Tunnel into Fort Knox
- How to Cut Death Risk: Just Get Off Your Duff
- What Will Happen to Gulf Oil if Bonnie Strikes?
- Insecure People at Higher Risk of Heart Attacks
- New Map to Help Calculate Antarctic Ice Loss
- Secret of Whale's Open-Mouth Feeding Tactic Revealed
- How Did Life Begin?
- Does Circumcision Prevent HIV?
- July 22
- What's the Most Expensive Painting Ever Sold?
- How One Jellyfish Stung 100 People
- New Supersonic Passenger Jet Set for Takeoff
- Exploding Moss Reproduces with a Bang
- Hobbyists Take Out-of-This-World Images of Earth
- New Health Risk Found in Public Pools
- Caterpillars Have a Crazy Crawl, Scientists Discover
- Engineer Seeks Better Control Over Wind Energy
- Mama Monkey Adopts Baby of Another Species
- As Ice Recedes, U.S. Prepares For a Bustling Bering Strait
- Brain Scans Could Guide Career Choices
- Clawed Dinosaur Caught in the Act of Digging for Prey
- July 21
- The Mysterious Health Benefits of Chocolate
- In Photos: Storm-Chasing Scientists
- Trinidad Sits Atop Risky Earthquake Zone
- What's at the Center of the Milky Way?
- Experts Question Safety of Dietary Supplements
- ‘Smart’ Helmet Does More Than Protect Your Head
- Sky High Scare: The Tricky Nature of Turbulence
- Immune to HIV: How Do They Do It?
- 3-D Imaging of Coral Leads to Dire Predictions
- Researchers Pinpoint Cause of Gluten Allergies
- Marmot Baby Boom Caused by Climate Change
- Future Planes Could Land Upright Like Birds
- Huge Ocean Blooms Don’t Wait for Spring, Study Finds
- Avoidable Disasters: Major (and Deadly) Human Screw-ups
- Why We Can't Sit Still
- Is Rage a Mental Disorder?
- Depression May Increase Chances of Getting Alzheimer's
- New Map Shows Which of World's Forests Stand Tallest
- July 20
- How Does a Curveball Curve?
- Long-lived Salamanders Offer Clues to Aging
- Huge Ocean Blooms Don't Wait for Spring, Study Finds
- In Photos: 7 Scenic Summer Drives
- New Cell Network Doesn't Depend on Towers
- Navy Shoots Down Robotic Aircraft with Laser Beams
- Stone Age Carving: Ancient Dildo?
- Michelangelo Artfully Hid a Brain Stem in God's Throat
- Japan in a Cell Phone League of its Own
- Walking Robot Breaks Distance Record
- New Patch Poised to Replace Needles For Painless Flu Shot
- Beach Umbrellas Fail to Block 34 Percent of UV Rays
- Depressed People Really Do See a Gray World
- Sea Level Rise Threatens Some Areas More than Others
- Music 'Tones the Brain,' Improves Learning
- July 19
- A Geologist's Paradise and Nightmare
- Does Acupuncture Work?
- New Study Describes How Earth's Surface Moves
- Natural Oil Seeps in the Gulf Make BP's Task Even Harder
- Before and After: Deadly Fungus Wipes Out Amphibians
- New Thinner MacBook Air Might Hurt iPad Sales
- How Teens Could Overrun the Earth
- Are There Symptoms for Aneurysms?
- Bowls of Human Fingers and Teeth Found in Mayan Tomb
- Can Humans Survive?
- Men Are Like Apes When Competing for Status
- Memory
- July 18
- July 17
- July 16
- Why Don't Woodpeckers Get Headaches?
- Finding Hope, Adventure Deep Within the Amazon Rainforest
- Traveling the Transamazon Highway: A Journey in Pictures
- Scientists See Inside the Minds of Dreamers
- Record Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere Puzzles Scientists
- Intense Dust Storm Blows Over Egypt
- Why Do Some People Sneeze So Loudly?
- Like 'Inception,' Scientists See Inside Dreamers' Minds
- Economics Harnessed to Study Drug Cravings
- Digital Age Presents New Problems for Historians
- Surprise! Puzzling Three-Horned Dino Is Adult Triceratops
- Glacier Once Stuck to Sea Floor, Breaks Loose
- Birth Control Effectiveness Linked to Weight
- July 15
- Tracking a Retreating Glacier
- Is It Possible to Have Lightning Without Thunder?
- How Do Baseball Outfielders Know Where to Run to Make a Catch?
- Bionic Devices Let Injured Animals Roam Again
- High Heels Reshape Leg Muscles, Create Pain When Not Worn
- Does Microwaving Vegetables Destroy Their Nutrients?
- Sperm in All Animals Originated 600 Million Years Ago
- Grief Over iPhone 4 Reception Problems Grows
- How Does a Wasp Become Queen?
- Top 3 Causes of Workplace Stress Revealed
- Brain Cells That Help Us Breathe Revealed
- Cigarette Smoke Jolts Hundreds of Genes, Researchers Say
- Fossil Bones Suggest Ancient Marsupials Plunged to Death
- Illegal Logging Down, New Report Reveals
- 'Ugly Beast' Found in Texas: Another Chupacabra?
- Experts Skeptical About 'Digital Drugs' Claims by Teens
- July 14
- Are Any Animals Monogamous?
- The 7 Harshest Environments on Earth
- Forensic Tools May Help Save 'Living Fossil' Plants
- Diving Archaeologists Explore a Sunken Shipwreck
- What a Headache! Why Modern Life Hurts So Much
- Discovering Earth's Hidden Diamonds Just Got Easier
- Meditation Boosts Attention Span
- Old Fighter Jets to Be Destroyed in Target Practice
- Deep Tremor Shakes the Earth
- Your Poop Is Unique: Gut Viruses Different in Every Person
- New Species Changes Idea on When Humans, Monkeys Split
- African Parks Face Staggering Decline in Large Mammals
- Live Webcast Today: Exploration of Sunken Shipwreck
- Malnutrition Could Cause Arthritis, At Least in Moose
- Entitled People More Abusive At Work
- July 13
- What's Pitch?
- What Are Supernovas and What Do Scientists Learn from Them?
- Huge Volcano Revealed Under the Sea
- Gorillas Play Tag Like Humans
- Super-Pressurized Material Could Lead to Better Batteries
- Scientists Theorize Why Black Athletes Run Fastest
- Pieces of Plastic Found Floating in Pristine Antarctic
- Synthetic Biology: Great Promise and Potential Peril
- Does Osama Bin Laden's Son Have Bipolar Disorder?
- Vitamin D May Lower Risk of Parkinson's Disease
- Male Penguins' Calls Say 'I'm a Good Dad'
- NASA Drones to Fly Into Hurricanes
- Being Obese Can Cost a Man Eight Years
- Amazon Storm Killed Half a Billion Trees
- Language Can Make the Invisible Visible
- Tyrannosaurs Hunted and Scavenged, Fossils Suggest
- July 12
- How Big Was the Biggest Hailstone Ever?
- An Artificial World Sticks up from the Sea
- Harnessing Microbes to Clean Water and Create Energy
- Can the Gulf Oil Spill Harm Babies in the Womb?
- Practice Makes Perfect … If You Make it Hard
- New Technology Turns Water Drops into 3-D Display
- Baby Brain Growth Reflects Human Evolution
- Big Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Greenland Glacier
- Superstitions Bring Real Luck, Study Reveals
- Middle-Age Women Sexually Adventurous as Fertility Dwindles
- July 11
- July 9
- Trekking to a Treacherous Glacier
- Standing On the Chukchi Sea Ice
- Mysteries of Brown Fat Revealed
- New Buoys Lets Submarines Join Military Data Network
- Oil Gusher Threatens Newly-Discovered Fish Species
- Home Births Increase Risk for Babies
- New Gene Sequencing Method Could Reduce Cost, Increase Speed
- Scientists Hunt for Signs of Earliest Life on Earth
- July 8
- Fireflies' Synchronous Flashes Are Booty Calls, Study Reveals
- Why Sumatra Quake Unleashed Giant Tsunami While Others Don't
- Newly Discovered Dinosaur Dubbed 'Mojoceratops'
- Is Earthquake Activity in Southern California Unusual?
- Wild Cat Mimics Monkey Sounds to Capture Prey
- Flowers Could Become Extinct Before They're Even Discovered
- Fireflies' Synchronous Flashes Are Booty Calls, Study Shows
- Why Sumatra Quake Unleashed Giant Tsunami, Others Don't
- Survival Tactic Evolves in Flies Using Bacteria, Not Genes
- Is the Earthquake Activity in Southern California Unusual?
- Vibrating Car Seats Provide Early Accident Warning
- Inflatable Toads Thwart Sex
- Fish Oil Might Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
- Primitive Cinema Used Echoes and Rock Engravings
- July 7
- Infographic: Earth's Atmosphere Top to Bottom
- Why Are Most Animals Promiscuous?
- Tests Predicts Whether Relationships Will Last
- Jane Goodall: Urgent Action Needed to Save Chimps
- Say What?! Whales Shout over Noise Pollution
- Earliest Northern European Settlement Discovered in Britain
- Proton is Smaller Than Thought, New Measurement Finds
- Cruel Summer: The Science of Heat Waves
- God on the Go: How iPhones Are Changing Religion
- July 6
- What's the Most Common STD?
- Why Are Men's and Women's Buttons on Opposite Sides?
- Deep Seafloor Surprisingly Alive, Discoveries Reveal
- What Do Tour de France Riders Eat?
- Perfectionists At Risk for Postpartum Depression
- Worlds Collide as SyFy Channel Blends TV and Video Games
- 'Romantic Love Is an Addiction,' Researchers Say
- Real Books Quicker to Read than E-Books
- New Sensor Monitors Heartbeat From a Distance
- Cyberbullies and Victims Suffer Physical and Mental Toll
- Swine Flu: The Epidemic That Wasn't
- July 5
- July 4
- July 3
- July 2
- Pollution, Algae Mar Beautiful Lake
- Saber-toothed Cats Wrestled Prey with Powerful Arms
- What's the Toughest Sport?
- Volcanic Hot Spots Explained
- The Most Dangerous Things at the Beach
- Military Plans Hummingbird-Sized Spies in the Sky
- How to Clean a Dirty Keyboard and Why You Should
- Invasive Cane Toads to Thrive In Warmer World
- Human Conflict Disrupts Bird Research in Amazon
- Gulf Oil Spill Update: Just the Facts
- Humans Altered Climate 10,000 Years Ago, Study Claims
- July 1
- Hidden Deep-Sea Corals Revealed
- 8 of the World's Most Endangered Places
- Egyptian Discoveries
- Public Swimming Pools: How Dirty Are They?
- The Downside to the Recovery of the Ozone Hole
- Fish More Abundant in Deep Sea Than Thought
- How Humans Shape Evolution of Fish Populations
- Virtual Government (vGov) Aims to Improve National Security
- Russian Spies Prove Old School Spy Tech Still Works
- Prostate Cancer Diagnosed and Treated Too Much, Docs Say
- Longevity Genes Predict Whether You'll Live Past 100
- Who Lives to 100? Centenarian Facts
- Tibetans Underwent Fastest Evolution Seen in Humans
- Drinking During Pregnancy May Damage Sperm in Sons
- Why Are Spies So Hot?
- U.S. Is Richest Nation, But Not Happiest