All content archive
January 2011
368 articles
- January 31
- Our Daily Planet: Massive Winter Storm and Surviving a 1,000-Foot Fall
- Massive Winter Storm Roaring Across U.S.
- What Animal Has the Best Sense of Taste?
- Why Do Bridges Ice Up Faster Than Roads?
- New Antarctic Ice Core Breaks U.S. Record
- Images: World's Snow Cover Seen from Space
- Path to the Summit of Mount Everest
- Heads Up, Penguins! Ship Deploys Underwater Robot
- Mind Wikipedia's Gender Gap: Men Contribute More Than Women
- Tropical Cyclone Yasi Swirls Toward Australia
- Ominous Find: Massive Chile Quake May Lead to Another
- Why Are Flamingos Pink?
- Hearting the Home Team: Super Bowl Losses Cause Cardiac Arrests
- Hunting for 'Sparticles': Atom Smasher to Run Through 2012
- Memory Boost for Aging Adults: Take a Walk
- No Mental Chumps: Chimps Decipher What Others Are Thinking
- What You Need to Know About Pregnant Sex
- Taking a Super Bowl Loss to Heart Can Be Deadly, Study Finds
- The Quest for a Painless Way to Check Blood Sugar
- Fecal Transplant Offers Hope for Gut Infection
- Mama Bird Skips Out on Chicks for Sex
- Friends Drive Friends to Take Risks
- Looters Damage King Tut Artifacts in Egypt
- January 28
- Our Daily Planet: Whopper Winter Storm and Cyclone Yasi
- How Does Egypt's Government Work?
- How Do You Shut Down the Internet in a Whole Country?
- Rogue Storm Triggered Deadly Pakistan Floods, Study Finds
- East Coast Snowstorm Seen From Space
- In Quest for Gold, Finding Sulfur May Help Mark the Spot
- For Veterans, Road to Mental Health May Begin at the Bar
- How to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Marijuana Soda vs. Four Loko: Which is More Dangerous?
- Orangutans in the Mist
- Architect: Great Pyramid May Hold Secret Rooms
- Art of Healing: Illustrations Reveal Old Tibetan Medicine
- Developing a Light-based Cancer Detection Tool
- Challenger Shuttle Disaster: 25 Years Later
- Africa's Lone Wolf: New Species Found in Ethiopia
- Our Daily Planet: Mount McKinley Solo Climb Abandoned and Pygmy Killer Whales
- January 27
- Mysterious Night-Shining Clouds Getting Brighter
- New Diet Craze: What are Skinny Carbs?
- Oregon Preps for The Big One: Lessons from an Ancient Quake
- Secrets of a Smile: Brain Scans Lead to New Insights
- What is Thundersnow?
- Warming Ocean Water Melting Arctic 'Sea Ice Factories'
- Rumble Heard During East Coast Snowstorm Was Thundersnow
- Tropical Depression Anthony Bears Down on Australia
- Whale-Watching Season in Full Swing Off Calif. Coast
- To Stay Stable At Sea, Look to the Horizon
- 13% of H.S. Biology Teachers Advocate Creationism in Class
- 'Gorilla Walks Like A Man' Video Explained
- Ancient Extinction Linked to Glaciers
- Ancient Arabian Artifacts May Rewrite 'Out of Africa' Story
- Babies Understand Might Makes Right
- Ogling by Men Subtracts from Women's Math Scores
- January 26
- Our Daily Planet: Record Snowfall and Lion Meat Tacos
- Japan's Mount Kirishima Volcano Erupts Explosively
- 5-Story-Tall Underwater Dunes Come to Light
- Birds-Eye View of Russian Volcano Island
- How Do Oscar Nominations Work?
- Rare-Plant Sales Across Borders: Playing with Ecological Fire
- Melting Surprisingly Slows Greenland Ice Flow
- What Did Obama's Body Language Say During the State of the Union Address?
- Pot Soda vs. Four Loko: Which is More Dangerous?
- Educators Applaud Obama's Push for Math, Science Teaching
- Brain Scans Show How Teens Are More 'Me-First' Than Adults
- Eye of Cyclone Wilma Spied from Space
- Puppies! 10 African Wild Dog Puppies Born
- Castration May Protect Reindeer in Warming Arctic
- Our Daily Planet: Colorado Wildlife Crossing and Deep Sea Diving in Brazil
- Elephants & Donkeys Sit Together, But Can They Play Nice?
- Hormone Holds Promise as Memory Enhancer
- Mission Accomplished: Orangutan Genome Decoded
- The Many Mysteries of Anesthesia
- January 25
- Roger That: Endangered Whales Heard Loud and Clear Near Greenland
- Tiger Numbers Could Triple With Proper Protection, Study Finds
- Rare Baby Black Rhino Born at St. Louis Zoo
- Elusive Clouded Leopard Species Actually Two Unique Subspecies
- 'Ice Dragon' Robot Sub Probes Antarctic Waters
- Why do some people have differently colored eyes?
- Final Word? T. Rex Indeed a Ferocious Killer
- Bats Use Carnivorous Pitcher Plant as Living Toilet
- Humans Now Look to Well-Known Worm for Virus Advice
- American Students Struggle with Science
- Total Artificial Heart Transplanted in West Coast First
- Slithering Robots Learn to Stand on Their Own Four Feet
- Exorcism and Reality Get the Hollywood Treatment
- UK Report: Time to 'Move On' from Climategate
- Secret of the Sea Horse: How Creature Got its Curve
- New Clouded Leopard Species Comes in 2 Unique Types
- January 24
- Our Daily Planet: Mount McKinley Solo Climber and Sydney's New Baby Gorilla
- Will This Winter be the Coldest Since the 1980s?
- Island Chains May Hold Key to Age of Earth's Continents
- Siberia's Lake Baikal Covered in Ice
- How Can Boiling Water Turn into Snow?
- Could This Frigid Winter Be a Record-Brrreaker?
- Clear Skies Over the Alps
- Some Himalayan Glaciers Unexpectedly Advancing
- Wild Tiger Gets New Home in Nepal
- Epilepsy May Have Caused Chopin's Hallucinations
- 'Sobering Sight' Spotted on Brazilian Sea Floor
- How Accurate Is Wikipedia?
- Why Does Saturn Have Rings Around It?
- Robot Glider to Probe Australia Floodwaters
- Our Daily Planet: Weirdest Imperiled Animals and Brutal Cold Weather
- When It Comes to Sex, A Yeast Goes All Ways
- First Known One-Fingered Dinosaur Found in Mongolia
- Space-Age Techs Propelling Innovation in Your Car
- Paranoid About Android:Is Google's Platform Secure?
- NYC Fills Web Guru Role
- Blood Test May Predict Cognitive Decline
- The Destructive Culture of Pretty Pink Princesses
- Sharks Do Their Hunting Without Sense of Color
- Tiny Floating Animals 'Grab Lunch' from Land
- January 21
- Does the Mob Still Run New York?
- Infographic: How Does the Mob Work?
- The Southeast's 10 Most Threatened Places
- List Names Southeast's 10 Most Threatened Places
- How Do Stealth Planes Evade the Enemy?
- Company Ceases Manufacture of Death Penalty Drug
- Latest Mass Bird Death a Government Conspiracy (Sort of)
- Can You Hear Me? Cell Phone Rings From Croc's Belly
- Slime Molds Pack a Lunch Before They Travel
- List Names Southeast’s 10 Most Threatened Places
- 'Wizard of Odds' Uses Math To Beat the Casinos
- Dogs' Contagious Cancer Cells May Survive By Theft
- Sharing a Bed with Fido Can Make You Sick
- Records Melt Away on Greenland Ice Sheet
- January 20
- After Brain Injury: Giffords' Recovery Likely Lifelong
- Bedbug Scourge: Gene Study Traces Pesticide Resistance
- Disease May Help Shape Animals' Migration Habits
- Young Adults and Monogamy: 'It's Complicated'
- Meet 'Mrs. T': Ancient Flying Reptile Found with Egg
- To Safeguard Their Nests, Birds May Redecorate
- Zicam Prompts Homeopathy's Day in Court
- January 19
- College Students Learn Little
- Study: Dogs Domesticated in Americas 9,400 Years Ago
- Can Eating Less at Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?
- Drug for Heavy Periods Could Save Lives of Trauma Patients
- 'Worm Porn' Sheds Light on Evolution of Sperm
- River Blindness Parasite Relies on Bacteria to Fool Host
- Why First Impressions Are Difficult to Change: Study
- January 18
- January 17
- January 14
- Nutrition Labels on Menus Don’t Alter Habits
- When Will the Floods in Australia Stop?
- Giraffe-sized Flying Reptile Snaps Together in Minutes
- Grim Tally: Rhino Poaching at All-Time High in S. Africa
- Pre-Test Jitters? Writing About Them Eases Worries
- In Deadly Frog and Bat Plagues, Eerie Similarities
- Acne Bacteria May Infect the Brain and Body
- The Neanderthal Nose Enigma: Why So Big?
- January 13
- Daring Duos: Unlikely Animal Friends
- What causes the placebo effect?
- Red-Footed Booby, the Smallest of their Kind
- Drink Up: Coffee Cuts Diabetes Risk in Half
- Mount Etna Bursts to Life
- How Much Does Your Skin Weigh?
- Mount Etna Erupts!
- Why Are Tweets 140 Characters Long?
- India to Build Third Research Station in Antarctica
- Airborne Mad Cow Disease Possible, But Unlikely
- Funky Fonts May Help Students Learn
- Four Cups of Coffee a Day Slash Diabetes Risk in Half
- Mount Etna Erupts! Italian Volcano Spews Ash and Lava
- Fewer Meds, Balance Exercises May Prevent Elderly Falls
- Wobbly Earth Means Your Horoscope Is Wrong
- Dinosaur Graveyard Reveals Oldest T. Rex Relative
- Current La Niña Could be Strongest Ever Recorded
- Your Home Wi-Fi Can Be Hacked in Minutes
- Mysterious 'Galaxy X' Around Milky Way May Soon be Found
- More than 4 in 10 Americans Have Step Relatives
- 34,000-Year-Old Organisms Found Buried Alive!
- Friends Influence Young Adults' Weight
- Perceived Emotions Can Intensify a Quarrel Between Lovers
- Snow Hits New England Area, Again
- Rare Snowfalls in U.S. Southern States
- Hidden in Plain Sight: 'Fairy' Insect Wings Discovered
- Life's Diversity Abounds in Madrean Sky Islands
- January 12
- Our Daily Planet: Brazil Mudslides and a Cross-Eyed Opossum
- Alcohol Swabs Intended to Kill Bacteria Recalled Over Bacterial Contamination
- Central Africa Experiences Dust, Smoke
- Civil War Shipwreck's Iconic Engine Gets TLC
- Why Pulling All Nighters Is a Real Drain
- 14-Year-Old Set to Climb Antarctica's Highest Peak
- Do Antidepressants Increase Violent Behavior?
- What's the Difference Between White and Dark Chocolate?
- Can Humans Cause Earthquakes?
- Not All ‘Good’ Cholesterol is Good at Unclogging Arteries
- Global Warming: Dire Prediction for the Year 3000
- Infographic: How the Haiti Earthquake Happened
- US Cancer Costs in 2020: Up to $207 Billion
- Kama Sutra Trojan Virus Anything But Sexy
- 6 'Lost' Frogs Rediscovered in Haiti's Forests
- Learning Muscle Control Curbs Prostate Surgery Incontinence
- Weather Rarity: Snow in 49 States
- Most Distant Galaxy Cluster Discovered
- In the Name of Science: Tracking Bands Can Harm Penguins
- Our Daily Planet: Philippine Floods and Northeastern Snow Storm
- How Do Brain Injuries like Gabrielle Giffords' Heal?
- Firmness of Touch May Evoke Gender Stereotyping
- Haiti's Shaky Future: Reducing Earthquake Risk
- Shark or Elephant Fish? Limb Growth Gene Helps Decide
- Learning from Bacterial Chatter
- In Vino Veritas: Wine Cups Tell History of Athenian Life
- More Rain Falls on the Already Saturated Queensland
- Australian Airport, Highway Still Underwater
- Want a Smaller Waist? Take More Breaks From Sitting
- Death Toll to 13 Due to Flooding in Sri Lanka
- January 11
- Radar Dish Lets Scientists Get Inside Snowstorms
- 'Inland Tsunami' Rips Through Australian City
- First Blackfooted Penguin Chick Welcomed at Monterey Bay Aquarium
- U.N. Photo Exhibit Highlights Arctic and Antarctic Challenges
- Predisposition for Religion Can Spread Quickly
- Melt of Small Glaciers Could Have Outsize Effect on Sea Level
- Astronomers Unveil Largest-Ever Color Photo of the Sky
- 1 Year After Haiti Quake, Causes Come Into Focus
- For Families of Shooters, Silence Often Masks Grief, Guilt
- NASA Aims to Launch Space Shuttle Discovery on Feb. 24
- Exercise Can't Undo the Damage of Too Much Screen Time
- Picture of Haiti Earthquake Causes Coming into Focus
- Quest for Dark Energy Grows Brighter with Special Camera
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle: Triplet Stars Discovered
- Why Do People Find Meaning in the Date 1/11/11?
- Teen Diets High in Added Sugar Can Raise Heart Disease Risk
- Foods Made of Beetles Now Must Say So
- Thunderstorms on Earth Hurl Antimatter Into Space
- CES 2011: Wrangling Rights for Cloud-Based Content
- Sediment Plume Transforms Lake Michigan's Southern End
- Adult Entertainment Expo Rivals CES 2011 in Tech Advances
- Neanderthals Had Similar Life Spans to Modern Humans
- Missing Pieces from Statue of King Tut's Grandparents Found
- Our Daily Planet: Australia's Inland Tsunami and Turtle Smugglers
- January 10
- Evidence of Lahar at the Anyuyskiy Volcano
- Legendary Explorer Scott's Antarctic Hut to be Saved
- A Field Guide to Alien Planets
- Looking Back: Images from the Haiti Earthquake
- Will Cigarettes Disappear By 2050?
- Endangered Golden Lion Tamarin Monkeys Born at Cleveland Zoo
- Which U.S. Political Figures Have Been Assassinated?
- Old Faithful: Yellowstone Again Breaks Attendance Record
- Insanity, Rhetoric and Violence: No Easy Answers
- Season of Light: Urbanization in Montreal Captured
- Neurons Resemble 'Friendly' Social Networkers, Study Finds
- New Pterosaur's Jawbone Found in Storage Cabinet
- Squishy Particles Could Become New Type of Artificial Blood
- Breast-Feeding Boosts Children's Test Scores, Study Finds
- Bottle Rockets + Kids = Danger
- Study: If We're Not Alone, We Should Fear the Aliens
- Fear the Dentist? Noise-Canceling Device May Help
- Poor Formula: Fussy Babies Get Solid Food Too Early
- January 9
- January 7
- USS Revenge Shipwreck Reportedly Discovered
- Are Our Brains Shrinking?
- Rockhampton Inundated by Water from Fitzroy River
- Cheese! Rare 'Smile in the Sky' Graces Baltimore
- Inuit Dog Sleds Help Measure Arctic Sea Ice
- New Photo Illustrates Tragedy of Shark 'Finning'
- Plume Seen Above Kizimen Volcano
- Beyond Vaccines: 5 Things that Might Really Cause Autism
- Twitter Twang?: Slang in Tweets Reveals Where You're From
- Earth’s Magnetic Field Shifts, Forcing Airport Runway Change
- Shark Conservation Act Aims to End Practice of 'Finning'
- College Students Value Self-Esteem Over Sex
- January To Be Coldest Since 1985, Where's Global Warming?
- The ‘Aflockalypse’: Google Map Traces Mass Animal Deaths
- Humans Got Lice When We Clothed Our Naked, Hairless Bodies
- Strange Mini-Asteroid Born by Huge Space Rock
- Our Daily Planet: Methane Eating Microbes and Bird Deaths
- Why You Should Hold A Grudge Against Your Spouse
- Nation's First Cybersecurity 'Spy Center' Breaks Ground
- How to Look Younger? Have Older Friends
- Double Dose: Two Doses of Chickenpox Vaccine Better Than One
- Record Heat Hit Northeast U.S. in 2010
- Cool Weather Heats Up Female Butterfly Quest for Sex
- Heavy Rains in the Philippines Cause Flooding and Landslides
- Queensland Flooding hits New South Wales
- Earth's Connection to the Universe: The Sun, Moon and ISS Align
- January 6
- Is Suspected Wikileaks Source's Solitary Confinement Torture?
- Destructive Invading Beetle Caught at LAX
- Oldest Potted Plant's Deep Roots Go Back to 1775
- Claim that ESP Is Real Stirs Outrage in Scientists
- Look Out Below! 8 Amazing Sinkholes
- Mexico's Popocatepetl Lives Up to Its Name
- Can Police Dogs Really Sniff Out Drugs?
- Young Women Get HPV Shots After Talking It Over With Mom
- Antibiotic Shows Promise to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Sun's Super-Hot Shell Cooked by Plasma Jets
- Scent of a Woman's Tears Lowers Men's Desire
- Study: U.S. Torture Techniques Unethical, Ineffective
- Ancient Squid-Like Creature's Last Meal Revealed
- Our Daily Planet: China's National Parks and Disappearing Lakes
- Egypt Threatens Removal of Ancient Central Park Obelisk
- Babies Born Slightly Early Often Don’t Get Proper Care
- Mystery: Thousands of Dead Crabs Litter England's Beaches
- More Than 200,000 Affected by Flood Waters in Queensland
- Australia Floods Wash Soil into Sea Near Great Barrier Reef
- January 5
- Not-so-Dangerous: Encounter with Nat Geo Host
- Why Is 98.6 F Our 'Normal' Body Temperature?
- Free Days Announced for National Parks in 2011
- What Killed the Blackbirds in Arkansas and Louisiana?
- Innovation
- Birds Falling From Sky and Other Bizarre Animal Deaths
- Designer Drugs Turn Deadly, Creating Moral Dilemma
- Vaccine Could Help Humans Kick Cocaine Habit
- Catfish Communities Swimming with Multiple Species
- Mystery Deepens in Origin of Violent Black Holes
- How Fast You Walk May Predict How Long You’ll Live
- Q&A: The 'Snowman' Talks Wild Winter Weather
- Huge Coral Reefs Discovered off Puerto Rico
- Weight Loss Triggered by Blocking 1 Fat-Absorption Gene
- Seismic Swarm Awakens Harratt Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia
- January 4
- Our Daily Planet: China's Freezing Weather and California's Salmon Runs
- Tracking a Mysterious Giant: First Look at Epic Turtle Migrations
- It's a Jungle in There!
- Sights and Sounds: Cali's Gurgling Mud Volcanoes
- Can Light Treat Depression?
- Ancient 'Ninja' Birds Swung Wings Like Nunchucks
- Tracking a Mysterious Giant: Epic Turtle Migrations
- World's Largest Cave Passage Discovered in Vietnam
- Partial Solar Eclipse Amazes Europe Skywatchers
- Facial Bone Structure Reveals Age
- Rainmaking in Middle Eastern Desert: Success or Scam?
- A Bright Fix For Depression
- Trans Fat Food Labels Deceive Public, Researchers Say
- Male-Pattern Baldness Found Rooted in Stem Cells
- As National Debt Tops $14 Trillion, What's Your Share?
- 6 in 7 Drivers Say They Always Buckle Up
- At God We Rage: Anger at the Almighty Found to Be Common
- Mystery of Ancient Extinction in Earth's Oceans Revealed
- Big Fat Disconnect: 90% of Us Think Our Diets Are Healthy
- Can watching a solar eclipse really make you go blind?
- Ongoing Eruption of Tungurahua, Ecuador
- January 3
- Our Daily Planet: Bumblebee Decline and Alaska's Petroleum Battle
- Endangered Right Whale Freed from Rope
- Dust Storm in Northern Mexico
- 5,000 Dead Blackbirds: Why Do Birds Die in Big Groups?
- Bahamas from Above: Brilliant Blues and Sandy Shores
- New DNA Test Reveals Hair Color of Crime Suspects
- Why Failed Predictions Don't Stop Apocalypse Forecasters
- Controversial Gene-Depression Link Confirmed in New Study
- Mars Possibly Shaped by Plate Tectonics in Recent Past
- 4 Bumblebee Species on the Decline in North America
- U.N. Dedicates 2011 to Forests' Health
- Natural Disasters Deadly, Costly in 2010
- 2011 Tech Trends That Won't Happen
- Healthy Cats Act Sick When Upset
- 'Empathy Gap': Why Some Can't See Bully Victims' Pain
- 2,000 Dead Blackbirds: Why Do Birds Die in Big Groups?
- Study Delves into Mysteries of Anesthesia and Coma
- Superorganisms Are More Than The Sum of Their Parts
- Antarctic Icebergs Cast Long Shadows
- Natural Art: The Ocean Blooms
- Our Daily Planet: Sewer Spelunking and the Chilean Earthquake
- January 2
- January 1