All content archive
February 2011
401 articles
- February 28
- End of the Earth: Patagonia's Wildlife Explored
- Our Daily Planet: Deadly Weather and Beserk Mission
- Scans Show Surprising Differences in Brain-Injury Patients
- Polygamy Good for Men, Bad for Women
- Earthquake Risk Slips for Some Californians
- Amur Tiger Survival Looks Bleak
- Basalt Lava Flow Forms Paisley Shape
- 50 Billion Alien Planets May Inhabit Our Milky Way Galaxy
- Q&A: Is It Okay to Put Human Bodies on Display?
- Trading Places: Blind People Use Visual Brain Region for Language
- A Small Nuclear War Would Stall Global Warming
- Women More Threatened by Exclusion, Study Indicates
- The 10 Most Outrageous Military Experiments
- Psy-Ops: Military Experts Say It's Not 'Brainwashing'
- Fire Ants Go Global: Mapping an Invasion
- February 26
- February 25
- Our Daily Planet: SoCal Snow and South Pole Tragedy
- Famed Magnetic Boy Is Probably Just Very Sticky
- Explained: The Physics-Defying Flight of the Bumblebee
- To a Mosquito, You Are the Stinkiest Species
- Bugs Love the Way You Sweat (Infographic)
- How Long Do Mafia Victims Take to Dissolve In Acid?
- Polarizing Debate: Polar Bear Status Roils Alaska
- Robot Fish Can Trick the Real Thing
- Why We Kick Others When We're Down
- FAQ: Will NASA Settle Debate Over Existence of Giant Planet 'Tyche'?
- 'Little Human' Reveals Body's Most Touch-Sensitive Areas
- Daily Grind More Deadly Than Drugs, Alcohol, Overeating
- What's the Difference Between Shiite and Sunni Muslims?
- East Coast Beaches Eroding, New Report Finds
- Epic Megadrought Struck 16,000 Years Ago
- Fungi that Make Fuel Discovered
- First European Image of Mount Everest Discovered
- Ocean Invaders: Exotic Species Spreading Through World's Seas
- The Science and Myths of Stuttering in 'The King's Speech'
- Who Knew? Testicle Color Matters
- Exploded Star Reveals Strange New Matter
- Birth of an Alien Planet Possibly Detected Near Young Star
- February 24
- Our Daily Planet: Christchurch Earthquake Witness and Severe Weather
- What's Responsible for Our Wild Winter Weather?
- Cell Phone Apps Test for Disease
- Less Snow, Ice Leads to Warmer Globe
- How Mice Got their Sandy Coats: Beach Life
- 11,500-Year-Old Remains of Cremated 3-Year-Old Discovered
- In Malaria Fight, Enhanced Fungus Shows Promise
- Congo: Earth's Second Set of 'Lungs'
- Baby Dolphins Dying By the Dozen In the Oily Gulf
- Alabama Bans 'Cocaine-Like' Bath Salts
- Volcanic Lakes Spew Large Amounts of Carbon Dioxide
- Wild Sex Cries Aim to Advertise Partner's Popularity
- 'UFOs Are Real,' Says Former Head of Government UFO Study Group
- Top 10 Swingers of the Animal Kingdom
- Ape or Human? Fossils' Link to Evolution Questioned
- New Zealand Earthquake Offers Lesson to U.S. West Coast
- February 23
- Marijuana's Active Ingredient Improves Cancer Patients' Appetites
- A Mind Trick May Help Advance Prosthetics
- Creatures of the 'Aerosphere' Are No Longer Under the Radar
- Cell Phone Radiation Spurs Brain Activity... But What Does It Mean?
- Bionic Humans: Top 10 Technologies
- Sea Ice Surrounds Volcanic Island
- Texas Earthquakes Maybe Triggered by Mining Process
- ‘Walking Cactus’ Called Missing Link for Insects
- Dust Plume Blows Over Mediterranean
- Proteins Gone Mad: Scientists Seek 'Switch' that Activates Cow Disease
- Our Daily Planet: Christchurch Earthquake Survivor Search and Mega Droughts
- Trembling of Volcanoes Could Predict Their Eruption
- Surprising Earth-like Clouds Found in Saturn Moon's Smog
- Cell Suicide: An Essential Part of Life
- Why Does Hydrogen Peroxide Fizz On Cuts?
- New Zealand Aftershocks Mapped
- Science of Sex
- Sports Science
- FAQ: Inside NASA's Climate-Watching Glory Mission
- Thunder Thighs: New Dinosaur Had a Colossal Kick
- Earth's Hot Core Spins More Slowly Than Believed
- Why So Many Animals Evolved to Masturbate
- Babies in Frontier States Have More Unusual Names
- February 22
- Our Daily Planet: New Zealand Earthquake Rescue and West Coast Snowstorm
- The Science Behind the New Zealand Quake
- Shell Shock: 25 Turtle Species in Terrible Trouble
- What Did T. Rex Eat? Grazers? Rotting Meat? Itself?
- Do Animals Have ESP?
- Neanderthals Wore Colorful Feathers, Study Suggests
- Top 10 Mysteries of the First Humans
- 11 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Baby's Brain
- February 21
- February 20
- February 19
- February 18
- 4-year-old’s Out-of-Body Experience: Religion or Science?
- Extinct species news, features and articles
- Predicting the Next Egypt
- Our Daily Planet: New Zealand Earthquake and Baby Dolphin Deaths
- New Idea to Reduce Global Warming: Everyone Eat Insects
- Why Autism Is More Common in Males: Testosterone Affects Gene
- Scientists Building Largest Antimatter Trap Ever
- Birding for Beginners: A Novice Gets Tips from the Pros
- Can Humans Hibernate? Idea May Not Be So Crazy
- Major Spring Flooding Likely for Large Regions of U.S.
- Tower of Power: Mystery of Ancient Jericho Monument Revealed
- Leaked Coca-Cola Recipe Is Real, but Not 'The Real Thing'
- Learning a Second Language Protects Against Alzheimer's
- 4-Year-Old's Out-of-Body Experience: Religion or Science?
- 10 Things You Didn't Know About the Brain
- 10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp
- Ranked: The Worst Snowstorms in U.S. History
- Not in Vain: Roadkill Yields Valuable Clues
- Alarming Number of Crib Injuries Spurs Call for Improvements
- U.S. Colder, Drier in January, While Globe Warmer
- 5 Myths About the Male Body
- Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing Findings
- Male Victims of Sexual Abuse Face Unique Challenges
- Top 10 Controversial Psychiatric Disorders
- February 17
- Journey of North Carolina's Oldest Shipwreck
- Our Daily Planet: Midwestern Floods and New Forest Rules
- Are Invisibility Cloaks Hiding Around The Corner?
- What Makes Music Enjoyable?
- 5 Hibernating Bears Let Scientists Peek Into Their Dens
- Fish Evolved to Survive GE Toxins in Hudson River
- Chromosomes Follow Tricky Path to Make Effective Sperm
- Photos: World's Cutest Baby Wild Animals
- What Are the King Tides?
- World's Largest Atom Smasher to Awaken After Winter Snooze
- Amphibian Search Ends: Few Successes, Many Worries
- Small 'Foreshock' Rumbles May Precede Big Quakes
- 7 Ways the Mind and Body Change With Age
- Can you get pregnant in space?
- How Does Hypnosis Work?
- 'King Tides' Rule California's Coast
- Why Do Most Prices End in .99?
- Volcano Drilling Team Get Magma Surprise at Iceland Volcano
- Nationwide Bird Count Takes Flight This Weekend
- Original 1979 Document Containing the Leaked Coke Recipe
- Sun Erupts With Most Powerful Solar Flare in 4 Years
- Leaked Coca-Cola Recipe Is Real, but Not Quite 'The Real Thing'
- Why Is Pancreatic Cancer So Deadly?
- 9,500 Kids Injured Yearly, Experts Say Cribs Need Improvements
- February 16
- Our Daily Planet: Tropical Cyclone Dianne and California's King Tides
- Underwater Volcanoes a Hotbed of Clues to Earth's Movements
- Busting the 8-Hour Sleep Myth: Why You Should Wake Up in the Night
- Ancient Cannibals Crafted Cups from Human Skulls
- Group of Short Ecuadoreans Holds Anti-Aging Secret
- Why Do Mattresses Have 'Do Not Remove' Tags?
- Where the Laziest US Residents Live
- Tiny Ocelot Kitten Born, Big Boon for Zoo
- Abortion Debate: Little Evidence Sonograms Change Minds, Doctors Say
- Cloud Droplets Strangely Shrink over Lake Superior
- Without Lizards to Latch Onto, Lyme Disease Ticks Depart
- New Dandelion Species Found in Spain
- Plant or Animal? Mysterious Fossils Defy Classification
- Snow Blankets Korean Peninsula
- Image Gallery: Carnivorous Plants
- A Funky Frog from an Island Paradise
- Carnivorous Plant Snaps Shut With 600 Gs
- Virtual Behavior Labs Discover What Gamers Want
- Spiders Love Sweaty-Sock Smell, Research Finds
- Confirmed: Guys' Apartments Are Dirtier, Covered With Poop
- Ancient Panda Custom: Why Zoos Wait 100 Days to Name Baby Pandas
- Our Daily Planet: Cyclone Carlos and a Vanishing Volcano Glacier
- Egypt's 'Indiana Jones' at Center of Archaeology Uproar
- February 15
- In Photos: Auroras Dazzle Northern Observers
- Guys & Gals Get Drunk in Name of Sleep Science
- Is It True that Dick Cheney Has No Heartbeat?
- California Puts Earthquake Fault Maps Online
- Prized Shark Fins May Be Banned in California
- Why Do Photos From Deep Space Take So Long to Get to Earth?
- Caspian Sea: Largest inland water body
- Thought Extinct, Harpy Eagles Are Found in Belize
- Astronomers Doubt Giant Planet 'Tyche' Exists in Our Solar System
- Thousands of Tombs in Saudi Desert Spotted From Space
- Lava Lake on Hawaii's Kilauea Rising Steadily
- Findings Could Put a New Spin on Black Holes
- 'Cloud Streets' Form Over Atlantic
- Office Workers Take to Pedaling At Their Desks
- Science in Obama's 2012 Budget Proposal (Infographic)
- February 14
- Our Daily Planet: Gulf Gas Surge and NOAA's Budget
- New Panda Cub's Name Revealed
- Heart Disease Can Be a Serious, Silent Problem in Young Women
- Computer, Humans Square off Tonight on Jeopardy
- Mystery Book Gives Up a Secret
- 3 Weather Disasters in 2010 Make Billion-Dollar Damage List
- New Set of Deep-Sea Vents Comes to Light
- How Do I Love Thee? Experts Count 8 Ways
- Indian Court: Astrology Is a Science
- Strong Solar Flare May Charge Up Northern Lights Tonight
- Chile Feels Aftershocks of Last Year's Massive Temblor
- Chemical Reaction Darkens Van Gogh Luster
- Tropical Cyclone Hits Madgascar
- Mid-Continent Earthquakes May Migrate from Fault to Fault
- What Are the Different Types of Governments?
- How Real Can a Fake Mars Mission Be?
- What Government Will Egypt Choose?
- Zoo Atlanta's Giant Panda Cub Gets Name Today
- My Buggy Valentine: Zoo Offers Name-a-Roach Gift
- Thought of Valentine's Puts Men in a Chivalrous Mood
- Crime Documentaries, But Not 'Law & Order,' Linked to Fear
- False Mummy Toes Let Owners Walk Like Egyptians
- The Highest Volcano in the Sahara
- Twisted Tropics: Growth of Vines Imperils Ecosystem
- Disregard That Diet-Soda-and-Stroke Study
- February 12
- February 11
- In Photos: Huge Icebergs Break Off Antarctica
- On the Brink: A Gallery of Wild Sharks
- Blue Marble: Looking Back at Earth From Space
- Our Daily Planet: South Korea 'Snow Bomb' and Valentine's Day Cave Dining
- 6 (Other) Great Things Sex Can Do For You
- When Is George Washington's Real Birthday?
- Album: Ancient Life Trapped in Amber
- Iceland Volcano's Fiery Sunsets
- Amazing Ancient Beasts
- Love Drug? Oxytocin's Tender Effects Questioned
- What's the Maximum Height for High Heels?
- Snow Coats Southern U.S. ... Again
- Art Meets Science in Amazing Images
- Parasite's Virus Packs a Disease-Causing Punch
- Hoax in the Holy Land: Jerusalem UFO a Proven Fake
- Shipwreck of Captain Who Inspired 'Moby-Dick' Discovered
- 5 Strange Courting Rituals from Around the World
- Glacier-Carved Finger Lakes from Above
- NASA Drones to Monitor 'Rivers in the Sky'
- Pot Use May Mellow Out Men's Sexual Function
- Distract Yourself: Interruptions Can Boost Performance
- Down Boy: Investigating the Domestication of Dogs through DNA
- Lost in Translation: Icelandic Volcano NOT Ready to Erupt
- First Foods Seem to Affect a Child's Brain Power
- Love Is Scary: 12 Weird Valentine's Day Phobias
- February 10
- 13-Pound Baby Part of an Alarming Trend
- Less Radical Surgery Recommended for Some Breast-Cancer Patients
- Our Daily Planet: Texas Freeze and Barrier Reef Blasted
- Heart Scan Radiation Linked to Small Rise in Cancer Risk
- How Dinosaurs Handed Down Their Fingers to Birds
- Spina Bifida Surgery Inside the Womb Seems to Pay Off
- Invasive Plants Sometimes Offer Help Instead of Harm
- Some of Universe's First Stars May Still Be Visible
- Data Overload: Scientists Struggle to Streamline Results
- Men, Women, and the Two Stories Behind Every Kiss
- Foot Bone Puts Prehuman Lucy on a Walking Path
- Why Were Red M&M's Discontinued for a Decade?
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect Against Eye Diseases
- Electrifying Images of Volcano Lightning
- This Pheromone Puts Squid in the Mood — To Fight
- Gallery: The Incredible Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Stop and Frisk the Roses: Customs Agents Eye Valentines Flowers for Pests
- Inside Look: Gallery of Animal Guts in Action
- Gallery: Wacky, New Rain Forest Species
- Man Tries to Board Plane with Suitcases Full of Wildlife
- Unusual Clouds Caught by Satellite Over Greenland
- Amazing Photos: The Little Things in Life
- Solving the Sleeping Sickness ‘Mystery’
- Happiness Linked to Patriotism, Especially in Poor Countries
- For High-Jumping Fleas, the Secret's in the Toes
- Clear Skies Over Alaska
- Mercury Thermometers Are Going Extinct. What Will Replace Them?
- February 9
- Our Daily Planet: Arroyo Toads and Bald Eagles
- Coral Reefs Trace Australia's Historic Rainfall
- Brain Scans Reveal Why Fructose Makes You Fat
- Album: Jellyfish Rule!
- Lowly Worms Get Their Place in the Tree of Life
- Letter to Readers: What's New at LiveScience
- Album: Bizarre Frogs, Lizards and Salamanders
- Heavy Hounds: A Gallery of Portly Pooches
- Pacific Walrus Is Wait-Listed for Protection
- More Doctors Doesn't Mean Happier Patients
- Shark Attacks Hit 10-Year High
- Australia Avoids the Worst from Cyclone Yasi
- Endangered Leatherback Turtles Tracked Through 'Ocean Desert'
- Horsewhipping Study Whips Up Controversy
- Too Cute: Austrian Panda Cub Cuddles & Climbs
- Why Are Some People So Clingy?
- Stress Off-Switch Found
- Pulling Out Feathers: Group Living Stresses Ravens
- Dapper Blue Penguin: Tux Is a Feathery First
- Image Gallery: Life at the North Pole
- February 8
- Image Gallery: Life at the South Pole
- Brain Development May Start With Surprisingly Bad Wiring
- Gallery of Fantastic Fossils
- The Most Awe-Inspiring Natural Wonders in America
- Lacking Sex Ed, Adults Turn to 'Toy Parties'
- Behind the Scenes at Humongous U.S. Atom Smasher
- Our Daily Planet: Shark Attacks and Toxic Algae Blooms
- Long-Shot GOP Budget Proposal Would Slash Science Funding
- Man Banned From Having Sex Has 48 IQ. Lowest Ever?
- Why Do We Kiss?
- The Danube: Europe's Best Preserved River Delta
- US Loses Its Fat Supremacy
- Real or Fake? 8 Bizarre Hybrid Animals
- World's Cutest Baby Wild Animals
- 13-Pound Baby Part of a Growing Trend
- Loss of Arctic Ice Imperils Polar Bear Births
- Ancient Carnivorous Insect Sported Snowshoes
- Panoramic Image Captures U.S. Snowfall
- X-rays Reveal Ancient Snake's Hidden Leg
- During Rare Southern Snowstorm, Scientists Spring to Action
- Gallery of Colorful Wings
- Southern San Andreas Overdue for Large Quake
- In Images: How to Build a Giant Ice Dome
- Want to Pique a Date's Interest? Play Hard to Get
- Frequently Asked Questions: Egyptian Protests
- Mongol Invasion in 1200 Altered Carbon Dioxide Levels
- How to Become a Country in 3 Easy Steps
- Love Is Scary: 12 Weird Phobias
- 'Do Not Disturb,' Monkey Gesture Says
- Why Do Doves Represent Love?
- Popularity Increases Aggression in Kids, Study Finds
- Singing in the Rain Forest: Gibbons Have Accents
- February 7
- Our Daily Planet: Deforestation Tracking and Kizimen Erupts
- Ancient Tree Rings Identify Mesoamerican Droughts
- Lake Vostok Drilling Mission Iced
- Tropical Cyclone Zaka Forms
- Huge Yellowstone Volcano Rising
- The Life of an Ant (Infographic)
- Shark Science (Infographic)
- Sizing Up Oil Drilling Rigs in the Gulf (Infographic)
- Hot Spots in 2010: Warmest Average Temperatures (Infographic)
- How Mr. and Mr. Mouse Had a Baby (Infographic)
- DNA, But Not As We Know It (Infographic)
- Suicides in National Parks (Infographic)
- The Healthiest Places to Live (Infographic)
- Science R&D Spending in the Federal Budget (Infographic)
- Anatomy of the Gulf Oil Spill (Infographic)
- Waves from Deep Sea Ripple Across Indian Ocean
- Bedbugs: The Life of a Mini-Monster (Infographic)
- The Perilous Profession of Underground Mining (Infographic)
- Kerfuffle! Scientific Discoveries Cause a Ruckus (Infographic)
- The 9 Snowiest Places on Earth
- Was Hamlet Criminally Insane? Supreme Court Justice Makes a Ruling
- Texas and Oklahoma Snow Lingers
- Shark Spotted on Bizarre River Voyage
- NASA:The Sun Is Officially a Sphere
- February 4
- What's the Difference Between Brown and White Eggs?
- Our Daily Planet: Australia Wildfires and Cold Super Bowls
- Great Barrier Reef Clouded by Sediments Stirred by Storm
- Super Freeze Hits Before Super Bowl
- Cyclone Yasi Seen From Space
- Got a Hangover? Study Shows Coffee and Aspirin Are Best Fix
- Louisiana's Great Hurricane of 1812 Reconstructed
- Kids Believe Literally Anything They Read Online, Even Tree Octopuses
- Antarctica's Fierce Winds Shape Snow and Ice
- He Would Walk 500 Miles: Conservation Odyssey Begins
- February 3
- Our Daily Planet: Super Bowl Storm and a Yasi Baby Born
- Link Between Super Bowl Losses and Heart Attacks More Hype Than Science?
- Iran's Salty Lakes Wax and Wan
- In Amazon, 2010 Drought Worse Than Rare 2005 Dry Spell
- Disappearing Bird Species Take Plants Down with Them
- Japan's Mount Kirishima Eruptions Caught on Video
- The West: One of Earth's Most Mountainous Regions
- False Advertising: Can Vitamin Water Really Replace Flu Shots?
- Endangered Pair of South American Wolf Pups Born
- Prehistoric Cemetery Reveals Man and Fox Were Pals
- Egyptian Antiquities Are Safe, Museum Scientist Says
- Internet Service Restored in Egypt After 5-Day Blackout
- 7 Reasons to Stick with the AT&T iPhone
- February 2
- How to Speak Genetics: A Glossary
- Our Daily Planet: Year of the Forests and Wildebeest Migration
- Will Asteroid Apophis Hit Earth in 2036? NASA Rejects Russian Report
- What are the Ingredients of Life?
- Antarctic Seas Burst to Life
- Famed World Wonder, Pink and White Terraces, Partially Uncovered
- Live Seahorse Birth Caught on Tape
- Dust Storm Spied Off Egypt's Coast
- VIDEO: How to Sequence a Genome
- What's a Rolling Blackout?
- Huge Groundhog Day Winter Storm Sets Records
- Rescue in the Arctic: Historic Treaty To Coordinate Operations
- Cylcone Yasi Pounds Flood-Ravaged Australia
- Dog Sniffs Out Bowel Cancer
- How Squid Hear: It's All in the Motion of the Ocean
- Astronomers Find 6-Pack of Planets in Alien Solar System
- Theory About Mammals and Fungus Explains Bat Plague
- In Austria, Imbibe in the New Ice Dome
- February 1
- Our Daily Planet: Chicago Snow and Groundhog Day
- In Antarctica, Lake Drillers Likely To Come Up Short
- Oxytocin: The Chemical of Love... Or Suspicion
- Whopper Winter Storm Can't Compare to '93 Superstorm
- Eyjafjallajokull Volcano's Ash Cloud Explained (Infographic)
- How the Containment Dome Works (Infographic)
- Gone in 5 Years? Popular Asian Beach Vanishing
- Childhood Diseases May Be Rooted in Evolution
- With Climate Change, Expect More Monster Winter Storms
- Is Noah's Ark Really On Top of Mount Ararat?
- Massive Chile Quake May Have Set Off California Shaking
- Standing at 11 Feet: World's Largest Known Bear Unearthed
- Why Must All Electronic Devices Be Turned Off During Takeoff?
- The History, Hibernation and Folklore Behind Groundhog Day
- New Baby Penguin Is a Big-footed Fuzzball
- When Did the First 'Ghost Photos' Appear?
- Groundhog Alternates Step Up to Predict Spring
- Seashells Get Their Strength from Interlocking 'Bricks'
- 'Invisibility Cloak' Hides 3-D Objects From Naked Eye
- Employees Prefer Green Policies to Greenbacks
- Could Satellites Bypass an Internet Shutdown?
- How Accurate Are Punxsutawney Phil's Forecasts?
- Triceraaatooops, I Am Your Faaather
- Girls Who Play Video Games With Dad Are Happier