All content archive
April 2011
495 articles
- April 30
- April 29
- New Recordings of 'Extinct' Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
- Why Aren't There Tornado Safety Building Codes?
- Does Circumcision Have Health Benefits?
- Hurricane Hunter Plane Tours East Coast
- Alien Giant Tortoise Helps Restore Ecosystem
- Why Were the Southern Tornadoes So Deadly?
- After the Royal Wedding, Why Isn't Kate Middleton a Princess?
- Tracks of Alabama Tornadoes Spied from Space
- Why Pigs Love Mud
- Ancient Humans Were Mostly Right-Handed, Too
- Monster Tornado Is First EF-5 Twister in 3 Years
- Female Frog Calls Out During Sex to Excite Her Lover
- What the Heck Is This?
- Storms Worsen Mississippi River Flooding
- Lightning Strike Survivor Video: Real or Fake?
- Antarctica Threatened by Invasion of Alien Species
- Our Daily Planet: Alabama Tornado Photos and Royal Wedding Weather
- Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky
- April 28
- Surprise: Wind Above Affects Seafloor a Mile Below
- Mechanics of World's Largest Earthquakes Revealed
- Do Joint Study Sessions Do More Harm Than Good?
- Frozen Foods: Cheaper and Just as Nutritious
- Few Teens Get Help for Bouts of Depression
- Checkup at Age 1 Could Catch Early Autism Signs
- Rare Cloud Formation Seen from Space
- Desert Tortoises Relocated Near Las Vegas
- Rare Sideways Tornado Captured on Video
- Does Wild Tornado Season Signal Climate Change?
- Improving Communication Among Patients, Doctors and Married Couples
- Fast Food Nation: Americans Cook Less Than Any Developed Country
- Fastest Evolution Clocked in Tiny Fish
- Brainless Jellyfish Navigates with Specialized Eyes
- Incredible Facts: Record-Breaking 2011 Tornado Season
- Recent Nevada Earthquake Swarm Mapped
- Image Gallery: Jellyfish Rule!
- Whale of a Record: 306 Humpbacks Spotted Near Antarctica
- Why Do Princesses Wear Tiaras?
- Defense Department to Use Comic Books as 'Art Therapy'
- The Most Hated Baby Names in America
- Worst Time to Have a Heart Attack: Morning
- 6 Surprising Facts About NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour
- Tornado Outbreak Likely Deadliest Since 1974
- Our Daily Planet: Alabama Tornado Videos and More Tornado Watches Today
- April 27
- The Most Hated Baby Names
- Want to Marry a Movie Star? You Might Need to Study Up
- Antidepressants Don't Stop All Symptoms of Disease
- Will Wrinkle-Smoother Restylane Be Approved as Lip Enhancer?
- Bad Memories Could Be Erased, Study Suggests
- Prescription Narcotics Overdoses Kill More Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined
- Your Perception of Gravity Is All Relative, Study Finds
- Leprosy Jumps from U.S. Armadillos to Humans
- Brown Recluse Spiders May Invade Northern U.S. as Planet Warms
- City Dwellers and Old People Fare Better During Flu Epidemics
- Recent Deadly Storms Fueled By Lingering La Niña
- Earthquake Drill This Week in Midwest: Prudent or Silly?
- Mystery of Grand Canyon's Formation Revealed
- Memory Lapses Linked to Brain Cells Napping
- Grand Canyon's Birth Linked to Deep Earth 'Drip'
- Rescued Cheetahs Set Free in Tanzania
- April Showers Bring Midwest Floods
- After 30 Years, Computer Mouse Still Prevails
- 10 Paranormal Videos Debunked
- Itsy Bitsy, Teensy Weensy, Polka-Dotted … Bugs
- 'Peter' and 'Deborah' Are Top CEO Names
- Top Names for Professionals Worldwide
- E.T., Hold Please: SETI Halts Alien Search Due to Cutbacks
- Antimatter-Hunting Experiment Ready for Space Mission
- Alien Bacteria Could Breed in Extreme 'Hypergravity'
- Explanation Proposed for Weird Space Anomaly Seen By Pioneer Probes
- April 26
- Painkillers Reduce Antidepressants’ Effect, Study Suggests
- Are Female Dogs More Intelligent Than Males?
- Seabirds Use The Sniff Test to Avoid Incest
- Infographic: A Day in the Life of the Average American
- As Doggie Diabetes Soars, Human Treatment May Help
- Ocean Tides and GPS Help Probe Inner Earth
- Here, Kitty, Kitty: 10 Facts for Cat Lovers
- Whooo's in There? Images of Amazing Owls
- As Two Owls Flex Wings, Scientists Record and Learn
- Arkansas Tornadoes Add to Possible April Record
- Gitmo Doctors Ignored Signs of Torture, Study Charges
- Reading the Weather Using the Sun, Moon and Stars
- Song Lyrics Suggest Narcissism Is On the Rise
- 5 Real Hazards of Air Travel
- Web Celeb Eagles Survive Spring Snow
- Nuclear Danger Still Dwarfed by Coal
- What the Heck Is This?
- Belief in Magical Change Fuels Credit Card Abuse
- Dietary Supplements Fuel Bad Health Habits
- Toxic Chemical Law Fails to Protect Kids, Doctors Charge
- April 25
- Want Better Brains? Party!
- Many Causes Behind Catastrophic Amphibian Declines
- Our Daily Planet: Arkansas Deadly Storms and Midwest Flooding
- Our Daily Planet: Arkansas Tornado Video and Poplar Bluff Flooding
- 4 Common Skin Woes, and How to Fix Them
- Hypertension Death Rate Drops, But Fatalities Still High
- Strange Science: Heaviest Bit of Antimatter Discovered
- Why Is Prince William Going Bald?
- Photos: The Tornado Damage Scale In Images
- Where Does Stuff Washed Away by a Tsunami Go?
- IQ Tests Measure Effort, Too
- Fire Ant Secret: How They Create Life-Saving Rafts in Floods
- St. Louis Tornado Is Year's Strongest
- Severely Obese Teens Not Necessarily Unhappy
- The World's Highest Large Lake
- L.A. Zoo Has a Baby Boom
- Titanic's Unknown Child Given New, Final Identity
- Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 25 Years Later (Infographic)
- Our Daily Planet: St. Louis Airport Tornado Video and Ohio River Flooding
- What the Heck Is This?
- Bullying: Complex Social Problem That Hits Parents Hard
- Brazilian Beauty: The Threatened Atlantic Forest
- April 24
- April 22
- Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected
- New Map Reveals Size of U.S. Forests
- Did the Universe Begin as a Simple 1-D Line?
- Where Mountains Meet Sea: Acadia National Park
- Climate Change Understanding Falls Along Political Lines
- How Do Astronomers Pinpoint Easter Sunday?
- Panda Bears, Penguins Celebrated in Google Earth Day Doodle
- Why Do Men Wear Wedding Rings? (And Why Some Don't)
- Gigantic Swiss Atom Smasher Breaks World Record
- Machines Watch You Surf the Web
- Naps May Be the Ticket for Sleepy Air Controllers
- April 21
- Earth From Space: An Astronaut's Quest to Protect Our 'Fragile Oasis'
- When Galaxies Meet: Hubble Telescope Snaps Photo for 21st Birthday
- Mars' Thick Dry Ice Sheet Points to Planet's Wetter Past
- That Was Made from What?! 6 Surprising Recyclables
- Our Daily Planet: Earth Day Pictures and Amazing Texas Wildfire Video
- 7 Everyday Toxic Things You Shouldn't Toss in the Trash
- Pesticide Exposure Before Birth Linked to Lower IQ in Kids
- Steroid Creams Won't 'Thin' Skin of Kids with Eczema
- Modern-Day Cavewoman Explores Spectacular Caves
- 4 Kinds of Exercise That Help Cancer Patients
- Why You Won't Read This Earth Day Article (And Why That Doesn't Matter)
- The Carbon Footprint of Daily Activities
- Unwarranted Fear of Wolves May Fuel Their Extermination
- Creepy Crawlies & Flying Wonders: Incredible Cave Creatures
- Wittle Warthogs: New Piglets Born at Zoo Atlanta
- Earth Day's Dirty Secret: Eco-Activist Killed, Composted His Girlfriend
- See-Through Fish Pic Wins Underwater Photo Contest
- Career of Renowned Atmospheric Scientist Begins with a Big Magnet
- Criminal Minds: A Psychiatrist's View from Inside Prison
- Sloppy Kitchen Grease Creates Soapy Sewer Stalactites
- Afghanistan's Shifting Sand Dunes
- New Goblin Spiders Sure Can Spin
- Surprise Finding: Why Japan's Earthquake Was So Strong
- Tropical System Could Bring Early Start to Hurricane Season
- Mothers Who Breast-Feed Are Viewed as Incompetent
- New Aussies: Ancient Snail-Chomping Marsupials Discovered
- Hand Sanitizers Under Fire as Superbug Fighters
- Hundreds of Endangered Whales Swarming New England Coast
- Images of Underwater Photo Contest Winners
- One Male Extender Found to Actually Work
- April 20
- The 10 Most Pristine Places on Earth
- Our Daily Planet: Inside Japan's Nuclear Hot Zone and Indiana Tornadoes
- Young Couch Potatoes Open Door to Future Heart Disease
- Team Calls Japan Quake Loudest Ocean Sound It's Ever Recorded
- Could a High-Fat, Low-Carb Diet Replace Dialysis?
- Dieters Easily Fooled by Misnamed Foods
- For Flies Hooked on Meth, Sugar Delays Death
- CIA Cover-up Alleged in JFK's 'Secret UFO Inquiry'
- Oil Spill May Stress Out Gulf Residents for Decades
- Are We in an Age of Great Earthquakes?
- Childhood Music Lessons Keep Aging Brain in Tune
- Cool Tools: Visualizing the Invisible
- 10 of the Most Polluted Places on Earth
- One Glacier Range Found to Contribute 10 Percent of World's Melting Ice
- What's in Your Gut? 3 Bacterial Profiles Defined
- Are Kickball and Tag Too Dangerous for Kids?
- On Ice: Stunning Images of Canadian Arctic
- Guinness World Records Crowns New Oldest Living Man
- San Diego Zoo's Tiger Cubs Open Their Eyes
- Trust the Government? On Exercise Advice, Yes
- Is Sexually Transmitted Gonorrhea Becoming a 'Superbug?'
- Tiger Sharks' Mysterious Migrations Surprise Scientists
- April 19
- Our Daily Planet: Midwest Tornado Video and the BP Oil Spill Anniversary
- Largest Fossil Spider Found in Volcanic Ash
- Amazing Navigation Skills Seen in Humpback Whales
- In Photos: Tracking Humpback Whales
- Personalized Medicine: New Era of Individualized Treatment Arrives
- Long Ring Fingers Are Attached to Good-Looking Guys
- Antidepressants Could Help Heal Brain After Injury
- Wild Images of Texas Wildfires
- New Radio Wave Technique Could Detect Alien Planets
- 657 New Islands Discovered Worldwide
- Did a Supernova Mark 17th Century King's Birth?
- Planets With Two Suns Could Grow Black Trees
- Viral Video of 'Alien' in Siberia a Convincing Fake
- McDonald Observatory Gets Wild View of Texas Wildfires
- Denmark Tops World Well-Being Rank, U.S. Comes in 12th
- Top 19 Happiest Countries (and the 20 Saddest)
- How Did Teen Survive Fall from Golden Gate Bridge?
- Happiness Is U-Shaped: It Drops in Middle Age, Rises Later
- Some Alien Planets May Be Like Saturn's Moon Titan
- Could America Really Build a 'Star Wars' AT-AT Walker?
- Digital Obituaries Breathe Life into Dead Heroes and Criminals
- North Carolina Tornado Outbreak Mapped
- Psychics Offer Tips in Search for Missing Woman Holly Bobo
- A History of First-Class Stamp Blunders and Hikes
- Watch: Stunning Time-Lapse of Canary Island Skies
- Real Soap Opera: Why America Hates Breaking Up With Erica Kane
- How the 24-Cent 'Inverted Jenny' Stamp Became Worth a Small Fortune
- Endangered Tigers Find a Wild New Home
- Cyclone Winds Unbury Island's 130-Year-Old Shipwreck
- Japan Earthquake Triggered Smaller Quakes Around World
- City Slicker vs. Country Bumpkin: Who Has a Smaller Carbon Footprint?
- From Ouch to Om, Meditation Reduces Pain
- Dust Storm Blows Over Oklahoma, Texas
- Why Effort to Screen Sex Offenders Won't Work
- New Birth Control Pills Are No Riskier for Gallstones
- Premature Births Predicted by Blood Test
- April 18
- Lack of Sunlight and Mono Infection Combine to Raise MS Risk
- Our Daily Planet: North Carolina Tornado Photos and Earthquake Drill
- Japan Quake Caused Surprisingly Severe Soil Collapse
- Fertile Women See Georgia O'Keeffe's Erotic Art as Sexier
- Century of Mercury Pollution Revealed in Albatross Feathers
- Teens Get Failing Grade on Understanding Climate Change
- Ancient Herders' Walls Guided Gazelles to Mass Slaughter
- Snipers Get Laser-Adjusted Sights for Lethal Shots
- Can a Tornado Have More Than One Funnel?
- Sun Glints off Ocean in Spectacular Astronaut Photo
- World's First Known Toothache Revealed in Ancient Reptile
- Egypt’s Head Archeologist Avoids Jail Time
- Catch & Release: Great White Shark Science Sparks Controversy
- Why Are Gray Wolves No Longer Considered Endangered?
- Homosexual Teen Suicide Rates Raised in Bad Environments
- April 17
- April 16
- April 15
- New Blood Test Could Detect Spread of Melanoma
- On the Menu: Misinformation About Food Allergies
- Probiotics Could Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
- 8 Amazing National Park Structures
- Newest Cold Fusion Machine Does the Impossible ... Or Does it?
- Japan Quake's Size Surprised Scientists
- Spider Refugees Blanket Trees in Gauzy Webs
- Mapping Patterns in Crime With Geography and Math
- Inability to Detect Sarcasm May Herald Dementia
- Who's Happier: Europeans or Americans?
- Will Artists’ Plan to Extract DNA from Dead Author’s Feces Work?
- 'Shark Man' Roils the Waters With Great White Quest
- Will a Volcano Eruption Harsh Coachella's Buzz?
- In Vitro Fertilization Should Have One-Embryo Limit, Health Experts Say
- In Vitro Fertilization Should Have One-Embryo Limit, Experts Say
- Listen to Japan's Huge Earthquake
- 'Fake Weed' Crackdown: DEA Calls Chemicals Illegal
- Huge Sahara Dust Plume Blows from Africa to Scandinavia
- Gravity Waves Ripple over Clouds
- World's Oldest Man Dies at 114
- Embarrassed? Blame Your Brain
- Hell on Earth: Image Tour of Death Valley
- April 14
- Weight-Loss Surgery May Improve Memory
- Band of Gorillas Makes Comeback in Congo
- Our Daily Planet: Deadly Tornadoes and London Marathon Weather
- Miscarriage, Birth Defects Linked with Cell Division Problem
- Stress Can Trigger Bipolar Disorder
- New Wisconsin Tornado Record: 11 Twisters in One Day
- How to Relieve the Stress of Tax Time
- Um, Uh … Speech Stumbles Help Toddlers Learn New Words
- Rivers Swell Across Midwest
- Algae: Biofuel of the Future?
- Behind the Scenes
- Scary Thought: Dinosaurs May Have Hunted at Night
- Quantum Leap: Bits of Light Teleported to Another Place
- 'Pinocchio Frog,' 'Yoda Bat' Top Amazing Creatures List
- Satellite Photographs 'Black Hole' on Earth
- Who Cheats on Their Taxes?
- Long Island Serial Killer: What Makes Murderers Tick?
- Primitive Sea Creature Sports Eyes Made of Rock
- 'Pinocchio Frog,' 'Yoda Bat' Top Cool Creatures List
- How Did Dinosaurs Have Sex?
- Was Jesus a Real Person?
- Record Unemployment Fuels Depression & Loss of Identity
- Claustrophobics Have Distorted Personal Space
- April 13
- 'Asian Unicorn' Reserve Created to Protect Mysterious Species
- Religious Faux Pas? Most Catholics Use Contraception
- Alzheimer’s Signs May Show Up 10 Years Before Doctors Realize
- Evidence of Big Bang May Disappear in 1 Trillion Years
- Our Daily Planet: Wisconsin Tornado Record and Atomic Deserts
- Alien Worlds Could Circle Dying White Dwarf Stars
- Video Captures Lightning Striking Empire State Building 3 Times
- How Dinosaurs Got So Huge
- Culture Influences Judgment of Others
- 'The Aurora': Photographer Films Amazing Northern Lights Show
- 'Asian Unicorn' Reserve Created to Protect Mysterious Species
- How Much Are NASA's Space Shuttles Worth?
- Complex Life Emerged from Sea Earlier Than Thought
- Jaw-Dropping Find: Ancient Mammal's Ear Bones
- It's Not Smoke, It's a Cirrus Cloud
- Iceland Volcano Cleared in Case in Extreme Winter of 1783-84
- Schizophrenic Brain Cells Created in Lab
- Illegal Downloading Is OK, College Kids Say
- Famous Baby Eagles Survive Rough Iowa Weather
- Clearing the Mind: How the Brain Cuts the Clutter
- 'Missing' Treasures Returned to Egyptian Museum
- Marine Corps Urgently Requests Bulletproof Underwear
- 30 Years Ago: 1st Shuttle Astronauts Photograph Earth's Cradle of Civilization
- Crater Lake: Deepest in the United States
- Japan Tsunami Debris Expected on U.S. Shores in 3 Years
- An Apple a Day Keeps Women’s Cholesterol at Bay
- April 12
- Braids and Weaves Could Cause Hair Loss
- Sneaky Herpes Virus Lurks Even Without Symptoms
- Stress During Pregnancy Could Boost Child's Risk of Obesity
- Boneworms Gnawed on Ancient Reptile Corpses
- T. Rex Had a Toothy Ancestor That Couldn't Cut It
- What Saved the Dinosaurs: Scientists Sniff Out Origin of Birds
- Our Daily Planet: Texas Wildfire Watch and Korean Volcano Talks
- Brighter Duck Bills Indicate 'Killer' Sperm
- Warped Space-Time Around Black Holes Visualized
- Image gallery: 25 amazing ancient beasts
- That's One Tiny Tortoise
- NASA Gives Space Shuttles to Smithsonian and Museums in Calif., Florida and NYC
- 6 Civil War Myths, Busted
- Album: Faces and Injuries of the Civil War
- U.S. Rolls the Dice on Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation
- The Puzzling Rocks of a Polynesian Island
- Proposed Destruction of Smallpox Virus Creates Controversy
- Marijuana State University Teaches How to Grow Weed
- Discovery Reveals Why Old People Go to Bed Early
- Flu Infection Needed to Allow Spread of Pneumonia or Meningitis
- April 11
- Attacks Mount on Teaching of Evolution
- Our Daily Planet: Civil War Weather and Confused Polar Bears
- Storm Chasers Capture Twin Tornadoes on Video
- Penguins Starve as Warming Imperils Food Chain
- Yellowstone Supervolcano Bigger Than Thought
- Waters of the Persian Gulf
- Drug Combo Shows Promise for Obesity Treatment
- Tiny! Rare Clouded Leopard Cubs Born
- Exclusive: Early Christian Lead Codices Now Called Fakes
- Islands Create Ripples in Clouds
- Do Higher Speed Limits Cause More Accidents?
- Noise Pollution Knocks Squid & Octopi Off Balance
- Memory Study Explains 'Senior Moments'
- Men Who Blame Victim for Sexual Harassment Are Often Harassers
- FBI's UFO File: Proof of Roswell?
- Navy Raygun Disables Boat With New High Energy Laser
- 10 Tornadoes Wreak Havoc In Iowa
- Balding Penguins Baffle Scientists
- Higher Life Expectancy Means Lower Church Attendance
- April 10
- April 9
- April 8
- Restless Legs Syndrome Drug Receives FDA Approval
- Most Alcoholics in ‘Serious Denial’ About Treatment
- Findings in Monkeys May Offer Hope in Ovarian Cancer Fight
- Our Daily Planet: Japan Aftershock and Iowa's Tornado Outbreak
- Japan's Biggest Earthquakes
- How Bad Is Japan’s Radioactive Contamination of the Ocean?
- How Bad Is Japan's Radioactive Contamination of the Ocean?
- Is 'Mars Needs Moms' Too Realistic?
- Q&A: 'Shark Men' Get Up Close with Great Whites
- Behind The Scenes: Understanding the Brain as a Computational Network
- Backdoor Diplomacy: How U.S. Scientists Reach Out to Frenemies
- Welcome to the 'Land of Terror'
- Tooth Implant Replaces Impractical Radiation Monitors in Emergencies
- World's Winds Getting Stronger, Creating Taller Ocean Waves
- Parent and Expert Tips for Juggling Busy Kids
- Do Natural Aphrodisiacs Work?
- Are Mega Earthquakes on the Rise?
- New Subatomic Particle or Fluky Pattern? 3 Tests Will Tell
- Don't Like How Tax Dollars Are Spent? Get Used to It
- Virtual Reality Games Aid in Stroke Rehabilitation
- April 7
- Exercise During Pregnancy Benefits Baby's Heart
- For Elderly, Shopping Can Save Their Lives
- Is the 17 Day Diet Just Another Weight-Loss Gimmick?
- Polluted Freeway Air Causes Brain Damage in Mice
- Our Daily Planet: Fargo Flood Watch and a Gruesome Gulf Coast
- Why Are Barns Traditionally Painted Red?
- Focusing on Looks Puts Cold Water on Romance
- 'Brand-New' Moon Shines in NASA's Best Lunar Map Yet
- World's Cities Unprepared for Climate Change
- Asteroid Stalks Earth in Weird Horseshoe-Shaped Orbit
- 'Gay Caveman' Story Overblown, Archaeologists Say
- Claim: Psychic Predicted Today’s Japan Earthquake
- Twister Country: U.S. Tornado Map Revealed
- Claim: Psychic Predicted Japan's April 7 Aftershock
- Colorful Poo Could Give Health Warning
- Clutter Increases Stereotyping and Discrimination
- Bacterium and Whiteflies: New Best Frenemies?
- Infographic: How the Japan Quake Triggered Aftershocks
- ScienceLives: Insight Into the Origin of Life Using a New Kind of Microscope
- 151 People Fit Inside One Soap Bubble
- Huge Asteroid to Pass Near Earth in November
- When Will the Aftershocks In Japan End?
- Saharan Dust Hangs in Skies Near Portugal
- Bronx Zoo Escapee Snake Gets a Name
- Politics on the Brain: Scans Show Whether You Lean Left or Right
- Why Do Golfers Yell 'Fore' When Teeing Off?
- Bones of Leper Warrior Found in Medieval Cemetery
- Large Aftershock of Japan Quake Strikes
- Tree Stranglers Overtaking Tropical Forests
- Today's Weather Affects Attitudes on Global Warming
- Hatched! Last Baby Eagle Hatches Live on the Web
- April 6
- Brain Scans Predict Alzheimer's Risk in Some Patients
- Caffeine Craving Linked to Genetics
- U.S. Teen Birth Rates Decrease Over Last 20 Years
- Our Daily Planet: Baby Eagle Watch and the Hurricane Forecast
- Epic Shoving Match Takes Place Far Below Tibet
- Gulf's Mysterious Black Corals Are 2,000 Years Old
- Chimps Demonstrate Empathy with Yawns
- Unique Image Peers Above & Below Red Sea
- Research in Action: Balloon Electronics Get to the Heart of Cardiac Medicine
- Volunteers Help Toads Mate
- Rare Cougar Family Reunion Caught On Camera
- Particle Discovery Has Physicists Abuzz
- Cute! Clouded Leopard Cubs Born at Nashville Zoo
- Wacky Physics: The Coolest Little Particles in Nature
- Comet Samples Reveal Evidence of Liquid Water in Cosmic Snowball
- Baby Star's Twin Gas Jets Fire on Time Delay
- Submersible Completes 1,000th Dive Off Hawaii
- Real Retinas Grown in Lab Hold Eye Transplant Promise
- Psychological Tests Let Marketers Target Your Personality
- FAQ: The Maiden Voyage of the Space Shuttle
- Inside Life Science: What Is an Ontology?
- Why Are Some People Double-Jointed?
- 6 Surprising Facts About the First Manned Space Mission
- 'Hell's Half Acre' Is a Lava Field in Idaho
- America OKs Hybrids: Toyota Sells Millionth Prius
- Fukushima Reactor Leak Plugged with Liquid Glass: What's That?
- Hookahs Safer than Cigarettes, Students Mistakenly Believe
- 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Antarctic Meteorite Yields New Mineral
- Large Weight Gain May Harm Breast Cancer Survivors
- April 5
- Brain Scans Show How Meditation Eases Pain
- Unemployment Proves Deadly, Health Study Finds
- Dinosaurs Likely Lousy With Lice
- Booty Call: How Monkeys Spot a Fertile Mate
- Tree Stranglers: Vines Overtaking Tropical Forests
- Our Daily Planet: Richard Branson's Deep Dive and Mount Everest Cleanup
- Bogus English Ghost Video Goes Viral
- Many Women Would Trade 1 Year of Life to Be Thin
- Heavy Rain Triggers Landslides in Thailand
- Why U.S. East Coast Is Colder Than Europe's West Coast
- Computers and Neurons Unite: Scientists Deepen Understanding of Brain
- Invasion of the Body Snatching Algae
- Vanuatu's 'Vog' Drifts Over South Pacific
- Baby Orangutan Being Raised by Houston Zoo Staff
- Can Energy Innovation Learn From the Manhattan and Apollo Projects?
- Why do babies' eyes start out blue, then change color?
- Despite Soaring Costs, College Still a Smart Choice
- Vaccine in Development Could Cure Cat Allergies
- Skulls of Spanish Women Grew Over 300 Years
- Breast Milk May Hint at Breast Cancer Risk
- All Work Makes Jack a Heart-Disease Risk
- Heavy Beer Drinkers Increase Their Gastric Cancer Risk
- April 4
- Sexy Action Heroines Push Dangerous 'Superwoman Ideal'
- Our Daily Planet: Deadly Storms and the Oldest Shipwreck of the Caribbean
- 5 Myths About Women's Bodies
- World's Biggest Turtles See a Florida Baby Boom
- Clothes and Personal Grooming Can Affect Earnings
- Diving Hotspot: Belize's Great Blue Hole
- Watch: Baby Eagle to Hatch Live Via Webcam
- For Food Junkies, Brains React to Milkshakes Like Drugs
- Humanity's Grassroots: How Grazing Animals Shaped Evolution
- New Way to Bulk Up Your Brain: Learn Like a Baby
- Poisonous Chemical Linked to Origin of Life on Earth
- New Account of a Russian Cosmonaut's Death Rife with Errors
- Rare Crane Chick Hatches at National Zoo
- A 'Valley of the Moon' on Earth
- Russian Government to Fund Yeti Search: What Will They Look For?
- More Storms Threaten On 'Super Outbreak' Tornado Anniversary
- Cows Produce Version of Human Breast Milk
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Proves Chronically Mysterious
- Ultimate Taboo: Exploring World of Cannibals
- How Do Glaciers Carve Valleys? Mystery Solved
- Happy Moms Make for Happy Kids
- April 1
- New Image Is Worth 1,235 Potential Alien Planets
- NASA: Mysterious Fireball Season Set to Light Up Night Sky
- Huge Ocean ‘Frisbees’ Whirl Off Brazil
- Behind the Scenes: Capturing The Fugitive … In Art
- Our Daily Planet: Super Outbreak Anniversary and a Webcam for Chicks
- Poop Reveals Immigrant Wolf on Isolated Island
- Fear of Death Spurs Belief in Intelligent Design
- Worst Weather of the Year Underway
- Sweet Trading: Chocolate May Have Linked Prehistoric Civilizations
- The 500 Cutest Animals
- Where 'Aha' Moments Reside in the Brain
- Gear from 1930s Expedition Discovered in Antarctica
- No April Fools: Today's Northeast Snow Not Extraordinary
- 'Twin Babies Having a Conversation' Video Explained
- Huge Ocean 'Frisbees' Whirl Off Brazil Coast
- Disney Princes and Princesses Still Slaves to Some Stereotypes
- New Bomb-Detecting Ink Could Thwart Terrorists
- Golf Balls Made from Lobster Shells? Only in Maine
- The Fallen Heroes of Human Spaceflight
- Vulnerable Gorilla Owes Fate to Climate Change and Humans