All content archive
July 2011
453 articles
- July 31
- July 29
- Treatments for Deadly Frog Fungus Show Promise
- Polar Bear Researcher Suspended, Spurring Alarm
- The 5 Smartest Non-Primates on the Planet
- UFO Found on Ocean Floor?
- Could Tropical Storm Don End the Texas Drought?
- Green Gasoline Comes Closer to Fueling Your Car
- Chimps vs. Humans: How Are We Different?
- 8 Human-Like Behaviors of Primates
- Cougar's Record-Breaking Trek Reveals Larger Trend
- Images: Far-Wandering Cougar
- Video Captures Terrifying Power of South Korea Landslide
- Searchers of Ringed Alien Planets Put Faith in Kepler Probe
- Massive Sun 'Twister' Swirls Up 12 Earths High
- Wild Summer Heat Wave Smashes Records
- Study Reveals Easier Way to Say No to Junk Food
- 'Cowboys and Aliens': UFO Sightings in the Wild West
- Are Fiber Supplements as Good as the Real Thing?
- Exercise Caution: Heat Illness Sends 6,000 to ER Yearly
- Can You Die From Alcohol Withdrawal?
- Ancient Reindeer Engraving Among Britain's Oldest Rock Art
- What the Heck Is This?
- Gallery: Wonderful Waterfalls of the World
- Social Networks Rule Among Asian Elephants
- Huge Ice Island Drifts Farther South
- 'Unexpected' Source of Sea Level Rise Found
- Strange Insect Incest May Spell the End for Males
- July 28
- Climate Change Debunked? Not So Fast
- 'Not-So-Cute' Hagfish Threatened
- 'Cellphones Don't Increase Kids' Cancer Risk' Study Flawed, Experts Say
- Holy Talking Plant! Flower Communicates with Bats
- How to Keep Lonely Exoplanets Snug: Just Add Dark Matter
- How Astronomers May Hunt for Life on Alien Planets
- Giant Black Hole Caught Gobbling Gas on Camera
- Understanding Islam and Science
- Masses of Humans May Have Sent Neanderthals Packing
- New Therapy Could Boost Kidney Transplant Survival Rates
- Most Common Breast Cancer on the Rise in US
- Physicists Weigh Antimatter with Amazing Accuracy
- Earth's Tallest Lightning Seen in Unprecedented Detail
- Earth Is Getting Fatter
- Hurricane Hunters Fly Into Burgeoning Storm
- Tropical Storm Don Forms in Gulf of Mexico
- Ancient City Mysteriously Survived Mideast Civilization Collapse
- In Photos: Survival of an Ancient Civilization
- July 27
- Mental Disorder Behind Many Nose Job Patients
- Brain May Live on After Decapitation
- Mob Wipes Out Elephants, Tigers & Rhinos
- Turtle Family Branched Out, Thanks to Hungry Mayans
- Artificial Cilia Mimic Micro Movement
- Reduced Friction Make Diamonds a Plow's Best Friend
- Laser, Machine Gun Team Up for Ship Defense
- What the Heck Is This?
- Zoos Fake Hunts to Satisfy Predators’ Killer Instincts
- Astronomy Discovery Could Help Treat Cancer Patients
- Galaxy Triplets Pose for Cosmic Family Portrait
- Pippa, Asher top 'Hottest' Baby Names List of 2011
- 'Infinity Symbol' Found at Center of Milky Way
- Forgetful? The Key May Be to Turn Brain Cells 'Young' Again
- Painkiller Abuse Can Lead to Heroin Use, Study Reveals
- Zoos Fake Hunts to Satisfy Predators' Killer Instincts
- Ancient Source of Earth's Biggest Eruptions Found
- Big Baby: Giraffe Calf Born at Atlanta Zoo
- Flap Flop: Earth's First Bird Not a Bird After All
- Woman Walks Across Gobi Desert, Into Record Books
- Mind-Controlling Parasite May Increase Brain Cancer Risk
- NASA Sees Tropical Storm Nock-ten Knocking Philippines
- July 26
- Want a Big Brain? Head North
- Dolphins' 'Sixth Sense' Helps Them Feel Electric Fields
- Want to Relax? Try Offering a Massage
- Calorie Labels Fail to Sway Most Fast-Food Fans
- Crew Prepares to Paddle to North Pole
- Antarctic Ice Collapse Fuels 'Mind-Boggling' Melt
- China Sets Another Deep-Diving Record
- Religious Parents Can Be Mixed Blessing for Kids
- Fatty Comfort Food Lessens Sad Feelings
- Satellite Sees Effects of Disastrous Texas Drought
- NY Mummy Smugglers Reveal Vast Antiquities Black Market
- Planning 'Worry Time' May Help Ease Anxiety
- Fickle Aral Sea Sees Some Recovery
- Key to Swaying Mass Opinion Found
- Lofty Ruins: The Lost City of the Incas
- Scientists Study Bacteria in Space for Long-Duration Missions
- 'Soccer Ball' Nebula May Help Solve Space Mystery
- New Photo Reveals Day & Night on Huge Asteroid Vesta
- Gallery: Tiger Species of the World
- US and France More Depressed Than Poor Countries
- July 25
- How to Launch a Rocket into Space in 5 (...4...3...2...1) Steps
- Hint of Higgs Boson? 'God Particle' Buzz Rises
- Record Rainfall Falls in Chicago
- Are We Alone In the Universe? New Analysis Says Maybe
- Transparent Batteries Help Mobile Devices Go See-Through
- Warmer Climate Could Spark More Severe Yellowstone Fires
- Shrinking Brains May Be Cost of Long Life
- Devastating Fire, War Destroyed Ancient Peruvian Society
- 6 Questions with the Man Who Had Sex on the Moon
- Where Trade Routes Meet, a Mesa Rises
- The Greatest Mysteries of Jupiter's Moons
- When 'Friends with Benefits' Turns Costly
- Do You Live In a 'Food Desert'?
- Bizarre Dwarf Planet Wrapped in Water Ice
- Evidence Builds For Water on Mars
- Could NASA Rover Find Signs of Martian Life in Giant Crater?
- School Ban on Soda Has Greatest Effect on Black Students
- Avoiding Alzheimer's: Study Finds 7 Preventable Risk Factors
- Trouble in Traffic: Kids with ADHD Have Difficulty Crossing Streets
- Moms Mimic Teen Daughters' Style
- What the Heck Is This?
- Gallery: Lost in the Bermuda Triangle
- July 24
- July 23
- July 22
- DNA Molecules Harnessed as Test Tube Computers
- DNA Evidence: Neanderthals Had Sex With Humans
- Astronomers Find Largest, Oldest Mass of Water in Universe
- Gale Crater FAQ: Mars Landing Spot for Next Rover Explained
- NASA First Invaded Red Planet with Viking Mars Landing
- Rare Whale Spotted Near Scotland
- 'Another Earth' Film Grounded In Cutting-Edge Physics
- The 10 Driest Places on Earth
- Marriages Are Happier When Wives Are Skinnier Than Husbands
- Video: Satellite Shows Hurricane Dora's Massive Upsurge
- Fossil Reveals Oldest Pregnant Lizard
- Half of Americans Think Space Shuttle Retirement Bad for US, Poll Finds
- Sheikh's Name Written in Sand Visible from Space
- Earthmovers: How Human Interference Can Cause Earthquakes
- Shuttle Workers Face Big Layoffs as NASA Fleet Retires
- Firefox Fluff: Red Panda Cubs Born at National Zoo
- Ancient Dino-Eating Croc Had Huge Teeth, Dog Face
- Invasive Neighbors Disturb Taiwan's Coasts
- What the Heck Is This?
- Hell of a Choice: 'Cerberus' Leads for New Pluto Moon Name
- New Pluto Moon Adds Another Chapter to Dwarf Planet's Saga
- Where Will the Next Mars Rover Land? NASA to Announce Crater Choice Friday
- July 21
- Season for Mysterious 'Night-Shining' Clouds Is Here
- In Images: Mysterious Night-Shining Clouds
- In Killing Chupacabra, Did Teen Commit a Felony?
- New Mount Rainier Webcam Now Online
- Deadly US Heat Wave to Sizzle Through Saturday
- My, What Big Teeth: Wolves Gallery
- Diamonds Sparkle with Clues About Early Earth
- Earth's Methane Burp Cleared Way for Dinos
- Video from Above: Astronaut's Footage Shows Stunning Earth Views
- Freaky Mutant Mouse Steals Genes to Resist Poison
- Ancient Egyptian Royalty Wielded Serious Weapons
- Twin Space Weather Probes Now Studying Moon's Interior
- It's Alive! Extinct Toad Lives on in Lab
- Giant Space 'Superbubble' Spawned by Exploding Stars
- New Pluto Moon Foreshadows More Surprises for NASA Probe En Route
- China Sets National Deep Dive Record
- Tortoise Gets Around With a Wheel for a Leg
- Nearly 80% of College Students Get 'Sexts'
- Newborn Test May Point to Teenage School Trouble
- OMG!! What Ur Email Style Says About U
- Diabetes Drug at Age 8 Could Shield Girls from Infertility
- Want to Lose Weight? Eat the Same Food Every Day
- Hell of a Choice: Cerberus Leads for New Pluto Moon Name
- Amazing Photos: Fish Uses Rock As a Tool
- As Space Shuttle Era Ends, NASA Pride Reigns From Runway to Mission Control
- What the Heck Is This?
- Miraculous! Dolphin Healing Powers May Help Humans
- Pluto Has Another Moon, Hubble Photos Reveal
- July 20
- Physicists Discover New Subatomic Particle
- The Last Shuttle Images of Earth
- Hurricane Dora Packs a Punch
- 2011: Headed for Record Arctic Melt?
- Lions Attack Humans When the Full Moon Wanes
- Atlantic's Third Tropical Storm, Cindy, Is Born
- Tall Task: Nepal to Re-Measure Mount Everest
- Satellite Takes Last Look at Earth
- HIV Drug Grown in Genetically Engineered Plant Approved for Human Testing
- How 'Hot Tub Rash' Bacteria Kills the Competition
- Mutant Sperm May Explain Mysterious Cases of Male Infertility
- The Greatest Mysteries of Jupiter
- How to Discover a Shipwreck In 5 Easy Steps
- Ohio Tops List of Most Toxic States
- How to Land the Space Shuttle
- Stress Changes Alcohol's Effects on You
- Can a Genetic Test Help You Lose Weight?
- Your Kitchen and the Gym: What to Eat to Maximize Your Workout
- Underwater Photographer Captures Ocean Life in New Light
- Gallery of Glowing Sea Creatures
- Climate Change Forcing Polar Bears to Swim Longer Distances
- What the Heck Is This?
- July 19
- Sea Serpent Hunt Underway in Alaska
- Gallery: Stunning Photos of Polar Bears in the Arctic
- Our Ancestor Climbed Like an Ape but Walked Like a Man
- Heavy Metal: Armor Drained Medieval Knights' Energy
- Case Solved: Why Sloths Are Slothful
- Dora Brings Rough Seas to Mexico
- Volcanic Eruptions Long Overdue Down Under
- Man's Freakishly Giant Tonsils Break World Record
- Restaurants' Calorie Counts Are Wrong, Research Finds
- Sweating it: What the Heat Index Tells Us
- Earthquake Hits Kyrgyzstan
- Tropical Storm Bret to Wind Down
- In Images: NASA's Mission to Arctic Frontier
- Planet of the Apes: Can Chimps Really Shoot Guns?
- Happy Teens Become Healthy Adults
- Heart Attack Finding: Married Men Get Help Quicker
- Muddy Waters Inundate Iowa Town
- Russia Launches Long-Delayed Deep Space Radio Telescope
- NASA Spacecraft Snaps First Close-Up Photo of Huge Asteroid Vesta
- When Will the Horrible Heat Wave End?
- 'Doctor Who' Helps Shed Light on Phobias
- HPV Infection Boosts Risk of Skin Cancers, Study Finds
- Taste Test: Swiss Chocolate vs. Made in China
- Top 10 Scary Sci-Fi Series
- Tiny Silver Monkey Baby Gets Helping Hand from Humans
- What the Heck Is This?
- Cesarean Section Rates Hit All-Time High, Study Shows
- Ancient 'Frankenstein' Insect Discovered
- July 18
- 'Dog Attacks Shark' Video Explained
- Why Do We Have Sex?
- Grand Cayman Blue Iguana Crawls Back from Extinction
- Good Body Image Helps You Drop Pounds
- Baby Blur: Infants' Eyes Take Longer to Process Movement
- The Good News on Allergies: They Might Protect Against Cancer
- Extra Digits: Mole's Thumblike Wristbone Helps Tackle Tunneling
- What the Heck Is This?
- Earth as Art: Arizona's Painted Desert
- Tropical Storm Bret Seen From Space
- Radioactive Decay Fuels Earth's Inner Fires
- It's OK to Share a Bed with Your Toddler, Study Finds
- Kids Safer with Grandparents Behind the Wheel
- Want to Get Healthy? Try Switching to 'Right' Fats
- 7 Most Dangerous Places on Earth
- July 17
- July 16
- July 15
- Engineering a New Face After Injury
- Human Wasps Build a Giant Nest in New York
- Astronauts May Benefit from Red Wine in Orbit
- Rare Moonbows to Form Over Yosemite This Weekend
- Female Soccer Players Preen and 'Flop' Less Than Men, Studies Find
- Rotten Dinosaur Egg Reveals Lives of Ancient Scavengers
- 'Carmageddon': Will Massive Project Fix LA's Traffic Nightmare?
- Photo Confirms First Grizzly Bear Spotting in 15 Years
- Large Forks May Curb Eating, Study Shows
- Harry Potter's Snowy Owl: Not Just for Wizards
- Satellite Spots Typhoon Soaking Guam
- New Spin Revealed on Mysterious Antimatter
- July 14
- Benign Brain Tumors Not Linked to Cell Phones
- Monkey-Killing Virus Sickens Lab Workers
- Monster Black Holes Aren't Always Born in Galaxy Collisions
- Bastille Day Solar Storm: Anatomy of a Gargantuan Sun Tempest
- NASA Probe to Uncover Secrets of Brightest Asteroid Vesta
- Loss of World's Top Predators Is Pervasively Changing Ecosystems
- Album: Lost Predators Leave Broken Food Chains
- Electric Bacteria Blink On and Off
- Smoking in Kids' Movies Decreased in 2010: CDC
- Is Google Messing with Your Mind? Search Alters Memory Patterns
- New Brain Discovery May Help Prevent Relapses in Addicts
- Gallery: The Fantastic Full Moon
- Arctic Landscape Anything But Boring
- Supercomputer Data Network Links Researchers at Blazing Download Speeds
- Nation Overheated, But Nowhere Near Record Boiling Point
- Divers Scoop Up Whale Poop to Save Species
- Big Surprises about Eyewitness Research
- Photos: Elusive Snow Leopards Thrive in Surprising Spot
- Higher Cigarette Taxes Don't Faze Certain Age, Income Groups
- Full Buck Moon to Rise This Week
- Depression in Pregnancy Raises Kids' Asthma Risk
- 'Lost' Rainbow Toad Rediscovered After 87 Years
- July 13
- Chimpanzees Dogged By Image Problem
- Man's Penis Cut Off By Wife: How Could Doctors Make a New One?
- Stinky Kudzu Bug Invades South
- Can a Mother's Diet Affect a Baby's Food Preferences?
- Megathrust Mission: Team Aims to Map Alaska Quake Fault
- Haiti Rock Is Surprising Remnant of Ancient Supercontinent
- Crazy Beautiful: Gallery of Treehopper Helmet Designs
- One More Way Plants Help Human Health
- Rare Wild Leopard Caught on Camera
- Satellite Spots Rare Atacama Desert Snow
- Neptune Shines in New Photos Marking First Orbit Since Its Discovery
- Near-Perfect Particle Measurement Achieved
- Comet's Death by Sun Photographed for First Time
- Houston Tops List of Fastest-Growing U.S. Cities
- List: Fastest-Growing U.S. Cities
- Stinky Feet Odor May Prevent Malaria Deaths
- Modern TV Shows Teach Kids Fame Is No. 1 Value
- Rockets Probe Atmosphere's Mysterious Electric Currents
- Somali Wild Ass Foals Born at San Diego Zoo
- What the Heck Is This?
- Depression in Pregnancy Linked to Childhood Asthma
- When Does Flirting Become Cheating? 9 Red Flags
- Lizards Are Wizards At Solving Food Puzzle
- July 12
- Jellyfish Swim for Their Supper
- Dinosaurs Became Extinct in Single Blow, Fossil Suggests
- What the Heck Is This?
- What's the Origin of Friday the 13th?
- Your Mother Was Right: Good Posture Is Important
- How Your Smartphone Affects Your Vision
- Huge Underwater Volcanoes Discovered Near Antarctica
- Out-of-Body Hallucinations Linked to Brain Glitch
- Holy Heat Wave! Thermometer-Popping Temps Continue in U.S.
- How to Climb Mount Everest in 5 Not-So-Easy Steps
- New Dino Finding: Warm-Blooded, Nimble Beasts
- Robotic Satellite Gas Attendant Poised for Space Test
- Search Is On for Moon Around Asteroid Vesta
- Scientists Condemn Plans to Scrap Hubble Telescope Successor
- Blood Type Linked to Earlier Decline in Fertility
- Big Babies: Are Heavier Newborns Healthy?
- World's Newest Country Hosts Wealth of Wildlife
- July 11
- The 7 Strangest Asteroids: Weird Space Rocks in Our Solar System
- Earthquake Hits Near the Philippines
- Geo-immersion: Matching Real-time Data With Maps
- Volcanoes Could Trigger Bigger Climate Impact Than Thought
- Expedition Sets Sail to Plumb Arctic Depths
- 'Humanized' Mice to Aid Drug Testing
- Hypoallergenic Dogs Not Allergy-Proof, Study Finds
- How Tough Turtles Survived Dino-Killing Meteor
- Stressed? Venting to a Friend May Make You Feel Worse
- Romance Novels Bad For Women's Health and Psyche, Psychologist Says
- Satellites Capture Quick Rise & Fall of Tropical Storm Calvin
- Puppy Love: Pet Owners Are Happier, Healthier
- Rat Island: Can Lost Ecosystems Be Restored?
- Gallery: A View of Rat Island
- Evolution May Explain Aggressive and Meek Toddlers
- Rare, Severe 'Derecho' Windstorm Hits Midwest
- Brain and Skin Cells Transformed into Heart Muscle
- Baby Gorilla Born at San Diego Zoo
- Image Gallery: Remarkable Bionic Animals
- July 10
- July 9
- July 8
- The Greatest Mysteries of the Asteroid Belt
- Looking Ahead to Local Climate Models
- Foods with Baked Milk May Help Kids Overcome Allergy
- Naked Yoga Stretches Self-Esteem, But Is It Healthy?
- Record Number of Great White Sharks Tagged
- Pacemaker Device Can Cure Bowel Control Problems
- Big Siberian Snows Signal Cold U.S. Winters, Research Finds
- Wishful Thinking: 6 'Magic Bullet' Cures That Don't Exist
- Gallery: Eye-Catching Bioluminescent Wonders
- Ancient Earth Not as Hot as Previously Thought
- Anti-Prejudice Campaigns Can Increase Bias
- What's the Highest Temperature Ever Recorded in the U.S.?
- National Income Tied to Heart Disease and Stroke
- Three Storms Caught in the Doldrums
- Colorado Mastodon Dig So Big Scientists Call in Reinforcements
- Alcohol's Memory Impairment Not Due to 'Killing Brain Cells'
- What If Everyone On Earth Jumped at Once?
- The 8 Hottest Places on Earth
- July 7
- WWII Bombing Raids Altered English Weather
- Massages Reduce Chronic Back Pain
- Rare Snowfall Falls in Dry Desert
- States Ranked Best to Worst on Science Education
- Science Education: Top and Bottom States (Infographic)
- 4 Species of Jewel Beetles Discovered
- What Is Reasonable Doubt?
- Joplin Tornado Had Hurricanelike, 300-Yard Eye
- The Skinny on Milk Nutrition: Cow, Goat, Rice or Soy?
- New Nicotine Inhaler: A Safer Alternative to Cigarettes?
- Tuna Need Urgent Protection, Study Concludes
- Phoenix Dust Storm Seen from Space
- Parasites May Have Given Birth to Sex
- Jellyfish Invasions Force Shutdowns at 3 Separate Nuclear Plants
- NASA Narrows Next Mars Rover's Landing Site to Two Choices
- Storm as Wide as Earth Rages on Saturn
- Mother of all Polar Bears: An Irish Brown Bear?
- Kids Likely to Predict Future of Technology
- Lost Glow-in-the-Dark 'Ghost Mushrooms' Rediscovered
- Majestic Whooping Crane Returns to National Zoo
- 2011 Flooding Could Rival Great Flood of 1993
- Will Shuttles' End Leave Science Landlocked?
- What the Heck Is This?
- July 6
- Get Kraken: Why Scientists Should Study Sea Monsters
- Gray Whales Adapted to Survive Past Climate Changes
- Beauty Is in the Brain of the Beholder
- Why Sunburns Hurt
- Why We Get Dumb Drunk
- Dangerous 10-Foot Megaweed Invades New York
- Big Earthquake Hits South Pacific Islands
- What a View: Amazing Astronaut Images of Earth
- Mozart's Death Was Written in the Key of (Vitamin) D
- Gallery: Glowing Aquatic Life
- Plume from Earth's Core Smashed Continents Together
- Haboob Hubbub: The Science of the Monster Phoenix Dust Storm
- Ancient Israeli House Surprises Archaeologists
- Amazing Adaptations of the First Flying Animals
- Some Teen Books Surprisingly X-Rated, Study Finds
- Tiny Clay Head May Have Been Used As Ancient Effigy
- NASA Spacecraft Arrives at Arizona-Size Asteroid Next Week
- Hubble Telescope Takes Millionth Look at the Universe
- Fat Lie: Fat Substitutes Create Real Body Fat
- Mystery of Fast-Spreading Snails Solved
- Satisfaction Is Good for the Heart
- Colon Cancer Screenings Are Paying Off in Saved Lives
- Dust Storm Hits Phoenix
- July 5
- Wide Faces Predict Unethical Behavior
- Album: Animals' Dazzling Headgear
- How Did Animals' Dazzling Headgear Evolve?
- Study: Men Need Cuddles, Too
- Believers In Mysterious Planet Nibiru Await Earth's End
- Somali Pirates Thwart ... Climate Research?
- Largest Arctic Iceberg in 50 Years Spotted Off Canada
- What's Really Behind Paranormal Experiences (Hint: It's Not Ghosts)
- Trying to Get Pregnant? Brush Your Teeth
- What the Heck Is This?
- Downward Wind Burst Hit D.C. Area
- New Southwestern Tortoise Species Identified
- Pollution May Change Your Brain
- Which Animals Are Ticklish?
- Largest Arctic Iceberg in 50 Years Spotted
- Experts Frown on Botox Use by Young Adults
- Keeping Weight Off Involves Fresh Techniques, Study Finds
- Where Earth's 'Missing' Species Can Be Found
- Dogs Can Tell Apart Identical Twins
- July 4
- July 3
- July 2
- July 1
- Marla Spivak: A Scientist With A Real Bee In Her Bonnet
- 5 Patriotic Space Shuttle Missions
- Massive Japan Tsunami Topped 130 Feet
- Underage Drinking by Boys Doubles Over 4th of July Weekend
- Can Botox Treat Asthma?
- Why Doesn't the Moon Have a Name?
- Cookie-Cutter Shark Takes First Bite of Human Flesh
- Eat Your Veggies: Fiber May Prevent Belly Fat, Cut Disease Risk
- 8 Surprising Space Shuttle Facts
- Why Faces of Other Races Look Alike
- Astronomers Find Brightest Object of Early Universe
- Americans Want Smaller Families
- Haunting Moon Photo: Shadows Loom Over Huge Lunar Crater
- For Visits to Asteroid & Mars, NASA Needs New Ways to Do Everything
- 50 Fabulous 4th of July Facts: The 13 Original Colonies
- The Greatest Mysteries of Mars
- Earthquake Hits Near Mariana Islands
- How Do Fireworks Make Shapes?
- 7 Notable Space Shuttle Astronauts
- Dissecting Decibels: The Loudest Animals (Infographic)
- Loudest Little Animal Calls Out Using its Genitals
- 5 Best Great Lakes Beaches of 2011 Revealed
- Pouch Puzzle: Kangaroo Moms Mysteriously Swap Offspring
- Natural America: 5 Iconic U.S. Locales
- Images Reveal Spider's Double-Beating Heart