All content archive
November 2011
409 articles
- November 30
- The Hidden Potential of Autistic Kids
- NBA Lockout Could Put Players at Risk of Injury, Expert Says
- Arabian Artifacts May Rewrite 'Out of Africa' Theory
- Nearly 1 in 5 US Kids Is Obese (Infographic)
- Ultrathin, Foldable Sensors Probe Secrets of the Brain
- 'Radical' Label Is Political Kryptonite
- Floodwaters Slowly Recede from Bangkok
- World-Traveling Sea Turtle Comes Home
- Amazing Journey: World-Traveling Sea Turtle Goes Home
- New Picture of Bats' Acoustic Sense Emerges
- Monarchs Face a Tough Winter Migration Road
- How Tiny Worms Could Help Humans Colonize Mars
- Fire Burns Differently in Space, Space Station Experiment Shows
- Baby Capybara Welcomed by San Diego Zoo
- Scientists Narrow Down Dark Matter's Mass
- Active 2011 Hurricane Season Comes to an End
- Fish in Diet May Ward Off Alzheimer's
- Farming in America (Infographic)
- Adulterous Male Birds Don't Put Eggs in One Basket
- Invasive Ants Wave White Flag in New Zealand
- November 29
- Image Gallery: Science Meets Art
- Another Storm Hits East Coast
- 'Heartbeat' of Earth's Atmosphere Detected from Space
- In Images: Making a Stradivarius Violin
- Study Finds the Key to Language: How Humans Form Sentences
- Wi-Fi-Connected Laptop Hurts Sperm, Study Suggests
- Rare Stradivarius Violin Recreated with X-Ray Technology
- Granny-Groping Ghost Explained by Psychology
- Annual Climate Change Talks Face Same Big Challenge
- Massive Black Hole Yields its Mysteries to Astronomers
- Dreaming May Help Relieve a Bad Day
- Alabama Gets First November Snow in 35 Years
- Pluto's Moons Could Spell Danger for New Horizons Spacecraft
- Ravens Use 'Hand' Gestures to Communicate
- Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun
- Tsunami Survivors: We Didn't Understand the Threat
- Bullies Use Sexual Taunts to Hurt Teen Girls
- Stunning Photo of New Solar System Captured by Amateur Astronomer
- Earthquake Hits Utah
- November 28
- Creative Thinkers More Likely to Cheat
- Snow-vember Surprise: Why Deep South Is Seeing Frosty Weather
- How Morning Snacking Could Damage Your Diet
- 'UFOs' Disrupting Search for 'God Particle'
- Vegetarians and Vegans (Infographic)
- 'Perfect' Celebrity Photos to Get Reality Check
- Even Babies Think Crime Deserves Punishment
- Snowfall Over Siberia Seen from Space
- Artificial Intelligence Helps Spot Fossil Sites
- Earth's Core Starved for Oxygen
- Some Seal Moms Take Flippers-Off Approach
- Snapshot: Atmosphere in Motion
- Dolphin Pregnancy Is a Drag, Literally
- New Butterfly Species ID'ed by DNA
- NASA Rover Begins Long Cruise to Mars
- Microscopic Worlds Gallery: Fascinating Fungi
- What's Next for Mars Exploration?
- Earthquake Hits Myanmar-China Border
- Exercise Helps You Sleep Better
- Coffee-Drinking Provides Raw Sewage Red Flag
- November 27
- November 26
- November 25
- November 24
- World's Oldest Fish Hooks Show Early Humans Fished Deep Sea
- Deep-Sea Fish: A Gallery of What We Catch
- Diversity of Life Snowballed When Ancient Earth Was Frozen Solid
- Aeroacoustics of Flight: 'Singing' Hummingbird Tails
- Future Farmers Hold Environment's Fate in Their Hands
- Finding Homes of Ancient Hominids From Their Teeth
- November 23
- Short Snouts Gave Fruit Bats a Forceful Bite
- New Hubble Photo Shows Off Gorgeous Globular Cluster
- Pieces of Einstein's Brain Go On Display For First Time
- Keeping Air Pollution from Spoiling Da Vinci's 'Last Supper'
- Earthquake Hits San Francisco
- Thanksgiving Safety: 7 Tips to Avoid Food-Poisoning Your Guests
- New NASA Mars Rover May Help Launch Future Searches for Life
- Satellite Survey Sheds Light on Species' Extinction Risk
- Would a Mars Science Laboratory Launch Accident Pose a Radiation Risk?
- Mars Mission May Be Curtain Call for Plutonium-Powered Spacecraft
- Women Fake Orgasm to Hang Onto Their Men
- Sneaky Killer: Just a Little Too Much Tylenol Can Be Deadly
- Ants Beware! Spider Protected by Burglar-Proof Web
- November 22
- Inside the Brains of Psychopaths
- Why It Pays to Taste Words and Hear Colors
- Soaring BPA Levels Found in People Who Eat Canned Foods
- Climate Study Finds Mysterious Rise in Erratic Weather
- Kenneth Becomes Latest Major Hurricane Ever Recorded in Eastern Pacific
- Psychotherapy May Help Teens with Fibromyalgia
- New Analysis Deals Critical Blow to Faster-than-Light Results
- Earthquake Hits Bolivia
- Climate Scientist Calls Hacked 'Climategate' Emails 'Truly Pathetic'
- Congress of Millionaires (Infographic)
- FAQ: Mars Science Laboratory and Curiosity Rover
- 10 Science Discoveries to Be Thankful for
- Where Polar Ice and Water Mix
- Why You Should Be Grateful This Thanksgiving
- New NASA Rover to Look Deep into Mars' Past
- What Are Climate Change Skeptics Still Skeptical About?
- Want to Find Aliens? Look for More than Just Earth-Like Planets
- Why Is It So Hard to Go to Mars?
- World's First Night-Blooming Orchid Discovered
- Shop 'Til You Drop? 7 Marketing Tricks Retailers Use
- November 21
- Sand Scenes: California's Shifting Dunes
- Poison Frogs Dress in Hometown Colors
- Frog Fake-Out: Gallery of Real & Decoy Amphibians
- The Basics of Holiday Gridlock & How to Cope
- Thin People at Much Higher Risk of Death After Surgery
- Album: Who 'Penned' the Dead Sea Scrolls?
- Thanksgiving Dinner 2011 Gobbles Up Extra 13% in Cost
- Forget Why You Walked in a Room? Doorways to Blame, Study Finds
- Home for the Holidays: How Americans' View of Family Has Changed
- Ancient Human's Head Trauma Points to Foul Play
- Ancient Diet Shift Explains Why Wisdom Teeth Are a Pain
- Mystery of Dead Sea Scroll Authors Possibly Solved
- Pregnant Mom's Mood Changes May Harm Baby
- Acupuncture by Trained Providers Deemed Safe for Kids
- New Theory Explains What Makes YouTube Videos Go Viral
- NASA to Launch Mars Rover 'Dream Machine' This Week
- Americans Mailing Fewer Letters (Infographic)
- 11 Amazing Things NASA's Huge Mars Rover Can Do
- Alien Planet Count Tops 700 Distant Worlds
- Dietary Supplements Instill Illusion of Invincibility
- November 20
- November 19
- November 18
- Portable Radar Peers Inside Western Winter Storms
- Record Cold Chills Alaska
- Probe Peers Into Energetic Edge of Earth's Atmosphere
- Fierce Heat Waves & Stronger Storms Coming, Climate Report Warns
- Extra Giant Planet May Have Dwelled in Our Solar System
- Runaway Stars May Be Rejects from Stellar Threesomes
- Images: One-of-a-Kind Places on Earth
- Spectacular Photos of Monster Saturn Storm Snapped by NASA Spacecraft
- Our Male Ancestors Stayed Close to Home, While Females Wandered About
- Yeti 'Nests' Found in Russia?
- Neutrinos Still Seem Faster than Light
- 'Macho' Guys More Accepting of Safe Sex
- Low Clouds Shroud Europe
- Explosive Duck Penis vs. Zombie Fish: Scientists Compete for Your Money
- Surprising Sunken Islands Discovered Near Australia
- Most Teens Grow Out of Self-Harm Behavior
- Earthquake Hits Off New Zealand
- World's Lightest Solid Takes Inspiration From Eiffel Tower
- Male Impulsivity & Addiction Linked to One Gene
- November 17
- Finding Extrasolar Planets with Einstein's 'Useless' Method
- Is the New Physics Here? Atom Smashers Get an Antimatter Surprise
- Chinese Medicine Driving Rhinos to Extinction
- Chinese Folk Medicine Driving Rhinos to Extinction
- 3-Minute Wait to Clamp Umbilical Cord Reduces Anemia
- A Beer a Day Keeps the Cardiologist Away
- Vanishing Jumbo Squid Mystery Solved
- Under the sea: A squid album
- Tribal Fates: Why the Navajo Have Succeeded
- New African Elephant Joins Cleveland Zoo
- Breast-Feeding May Boost Children's IQ
- Potential Malaria Drug Stops Parasite Early
- Monkey-Shaped Skull Was Sports Gear for Mayan Afterlife, Expert Says
- How Did the Gulf of California Form So Quickly?
- New Finding Ups the Chances of Life on Jupiter's Moon Europa
- Black Hole's Cosmic Feasting Brings Bouts of Belching
- Moon May Outshine Leonid Meteor Shower Peak Tonight
- Remote Volcano Erupts Spectacularly in Congo
- 15 Infant Dinosaurs Discovered Crowded in Nest
- Gay, Lesbian Older Adults Face Adversity, Depression
- Image Gallery: Dinosaur Day Care
- Airport Body Scanners Mostly Safe for Travelers, Experts Say
- November 16
- Could Life Exist On Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa?
- Fossilized Skin Reveals Ancient Predator's Sharklike Moves
- Light Shed on Origin of Antarctica's Buried Mountains
- Spectacular New Image Exposes Nebula's Cool Clouds
- Jupiter Moon's Buried Lakes Evoke Antarctica
- 5 Rare Cat Species Photographed in Indonesia
- Europe Bans Airport X-Ray Body Scanners Amid Cancer Concerns
- Sex-Ed Classes Should Stress Subject Matter, Not Tests
- Dangerous Storms Hit Dixie Alley
- Drinking Risky for Teen Girls with Breast Cancer in Family
- Ouch! New Pain Sensors Explain Why Snake Bites Hurt
- Many Teens Rely on the Pill for Non-Sexual Reasons
- Gaming in School: Digital Dragons Teach Students Genetics
- Plate Color May Boost Food's Flavor
- What Do Americans Do All Day? (Infographic)
- Mysterious Symbols in China Desert Are Spy Satellite Targets, Expert Says
- Newly Discovered 'Alien' Sea Worms Ride the Current
- Deep-Sea Creepy-Crawlies: Images of Acorn Worms
- November 15
- Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo: Tourists in for a 'Magical' Ride
- The Big Bear in the Sky Goes Into Hibernation
- Ancient Moths Reveal Their True Colors
- Intricate Wings Gallery: The Color of Ancient Moths
- Why the Milky Way May Be Facing a Midlife Crisis
- Photos: Strange Structures in China's Gobi Desert
- Brains of Alcoholics Show Slurred Communication
- For 'Rocket City Rednecks,' Tornadoes Hit Close to Home
- Can Anything Escape from a Black Hole?
- Kids' Spatial Skills Improve When Parents Use Certain Words
- Warplane Goes From Tank Killer to Storm Chaser
- 1 in 5 Americans Have Hearing Loss, Study Shows
- For Women, Sex May Be Improved by 'Mindfulness Meditation'
- Erectile Dysfunction Risk Grows with Number of Medications
- Can Algae Save the World? A Q&A with Craig Venter
- What Does Earth Look Like from the Space Station?
- Healthier Diets Include (Surprise!) Frequent Snacks
- Fake Ghost Photos Haunt Real Ghost Researchers
- Fresh Lava Flows Surround Hawaii Volcano
- Massages Relax Fish Too
- Child Abuse: Why People So Often Look the Other Way
- Rare Good News for Beleaguered Florida Keys Corals
- Brains of Excessive Gamers Similar to Addicts
- Baby Boom Boosts Endangered Parrot Species
- Prostate Cancer May Be Linked to Birth Control Pill in Water Supply
- November 14
- Crusader's Arabic Inscription No Longer Lost in Translation
- Battered Asteroid Lutetia a Rare Relic of Earth's Birth
- Solved: How Optical Illusion Turns Circles Into Hexagons
- Astronomer Sleuth Solves Mystery of Big Cosmos Discovery
- Most Popular Skywatching Misconceptions Explained
- Shooting Star Reflections: The Great Leonid Meteor Storm of 1966
- Brain's Visual 'Dictionary' Allows Speedy Reading
- Students Preserve Revolutionary War Shipwrecks
- Strangers Spot People With Compassionate Genes in Seconds
- Flu Season Fed by Globetrotting Viruses
- Prehistoric Landslide Created Hidden Lake
- NASA Climate Satellite Takes First Pictures
- Abused Girls Show Much Higher Heart Disease Risk
- That Streak in the Sky? Astronaut Trash
- First Picture Emerges of Infant Underwater Volcano
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Doubles Risk of Infertility in Women, Study Shows
- Educating Teens, Parents May Reverse Lack of Vaccinations
- Sugary Drinks Hurt Even Skinny Women's Hearts
- 8-Legged Sex Trick? Spiders Give Worthless Gifts, Play Dead
- November 13
- November 12
- November 11
- Scantily Clad Men Viewed As Less Competent
- Traces of Mystery Radiation Detected Across Europe
- Oklahoma Struck By Biggest November Tornado on Record
- Conscientious Guys Wow Women on the Dance Floor
- New Cholesterol Screening Guideline for Kids Sparks Debate
- Northern Lights May Dazzle Tonight Despite a Bright Moon
- Meet A Bird With a Fan of Feathers
- Male Nurses More Masculine than Other Guys
- Alternative LED Lighting Combats Energy Crisis
- Great Pyramid Shut Down After Rumors of 11/11/11 Rituals
- A Graying Population Reduces Global Warming
- Why 11/11/11 Is Mathematically Amazing
- Best Hacks by the Hacktivist Group 'Anonymous'
- Bugs of Death May Help Solve Murder Cases
- 'Jealous' Hermaphrodite Shrimp Murder Their Rivals
- America & Abortion: Will Controversy Ever Die?
- November 10
- In-Group Blindness: Why Penn State Students Rioted for Paterno
- Rock Found by Missouri Farmer Is Rare Meteorite
- November's 'Frosty' Full Moon Rises Tonight
- Primordial Gas Clouds Reveal Glimpse of Big Bang's Aftermath
- Is the Hope Diamond Really Cursed?
- Turkey's Deadly Aftershock Explained
- 11/11/11: How Friday Is Tied to the Mayan Apocalypse
- Renewable Energy Consumption in US (Infographic)
- Battle Still Rages for Vets in College
- Transparent Octopus Goes Opaque in Blink of an Eye
- Tropical Storm Sean Swirling Over Atlantic
- The Truth About Herbal Supplements for Stress
- New Diabetes Device Tests Tears Instead of Blood
- Bounds of Biodiversity: Photos of Wildlife At Risk
- 25% of Mammals at Risk of Extinction, IUCN Reports
- East Coast Tsunami Risk Investigated With Sonar
- New Flavors of Super-Dense Stars Found, Study Suggests
- Mystery of Moon's Lost Magnetism Solved?
- November 9
- After a Good Night's Sleep Brain Cells Are Ready to Learn
- Endangered Rhinos Airlifted to New Home
- Up and Away! Photos of Rhinos in Flight
- Sexism and Racism Linked to Personality
- Newborn and Mom Co-Sleeping Study Stirs Controversy
- Low-Salt Diets May Raise Risk of Heart Disease
- Flash Flood Drowned Dino-Era Bird Colony
- Busted! 6 Gender Myths in the Bedroom & Beyond
- Experimental Fat-Destroying Drug Could Aid in Weight Loss
- Tornado Season, Part 2, Roars Into Action
- Antarctic Adventure: Drilling Through Untouched Ice
- Costs of 'Expensive' Human Brain Still Up For Debate
- Social Life Replaced Prehistoric Night Life
- Should Every Home Be Built to Withstand an Earthquake?
- 'Precious Gift' Arrives at Edinburgh Zoo
- Do Einstein's Laws Prove Ghosts Exist?
- Satellites See Floods Surrounding Bangkok
- Long Lulls Could Help Predict Impending Quakes
- 6 Ways Sexual Harassment Damages Women's Health
- Duggar's 20th Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
- Ferocious Alaska Storm Spotted by Satellite
- Is 11/11/11 a Good Day for Making Money?
- Huge Asteroid 2005 YU55 Zips by Earth in Rare Close Flyby
- Personality Predicts Success of Invasive Species
- Ancient Mite Caught Hitching Ride on Spider
- Why Some Birds of Prey Become Transvestites
- 50-Legged Creature May Have Been Top Predator of Ancient Seafloor
- November 8
- Where Did the Dangerous Alaska Storm Come From?
- Blossoming Body: 8 Odd Changes That Happen During Pregnancy
- Bisexual Gals More Likely Than Guys to Be Depressed
- Chile Volcano Continues to Erupt
- Irish Whodunit: The Mystery of the Moving Boulders
- 'Beaver Tail' Tornado Hits Oklahoma
- Alcohol and Smoke Can Worsen Asthma and Allergies
- Coastal Trees Could Blunt Tsunami's Deadly Impact
- Slacker Staffers: Disengaged in the Workplace (Infographic)
- City-Block-Size Asteroid 2005 YU55 to Buzz by Earth Today
- Hypnosis May Be Altered State Of Consciousness
- Monkey Moms Help Sons Get Babes
- Skin and Bones: Inside Baby Mammoths
- Baby Mammoth Innards Revealed in X-Ray Images
- November 7
- Deflecting Killer Asteroids Away From Earth: How We Could Do It
- NASA Tracking Huge Asteroid with Radar for Tuesday Encounter
- White House Denies Any Contact with Alien Life
- School Soda Bans Don't Curb Kids' Consumption of Sugary Drinks
- Future Obesity Clues Could Surface in 6-Month-Olds, Study Suggests
- Oklahoma Quake Stirs Bird, Bug or Bat Swarm Seen on Radars
- 'Incurable' Patients Try Witch Doctor Remedies In New Documentary
- Why Mississippi's 'Personhood' Law Could Outlaw Birth Control
- Castles of 'Lost Cities' Revealed in Libyan Desert
- Caveman Art: Spotted Horses Likely Real, Not Fantasy
- The Stroke of Genius Strikes Later in Modern Life
- Time Warner Confirms Nationwide Internet Outage
- Was the 'Canadian Loch Ness Monster' Caught on Video?
- Ancient Whale Taken Down by Shark, Tooth Marks Reveal
- Frozen In Time: Removing An Ancient Whale From Limestone
- Teen Highway Fatalities Drop with Limits on Licenses
- What's So Special About the Date 11/11/11?
- Maned Wolfs Make Zoo Debut
- Warm Oceans Can Cause Storms to Linger
- Sex With Animals Linked to Penile Cancer
- People with Asthma, Allergies Should Avoid Air Fresheners, Scented Products
- Dads' Depression Linked to Kids' Behavior Problems
- November 6
- November 4
- Pocahontas Drank Here (But You Wouldn't Want To)
- How Earth's Axis Affects Your Sleep Habits
- Human Ancestor 'Family' May Not Have Been Related
- Astrophysicist Explores Our Turbulent Universe
- Do Your Pets Notice the Switch From Daylight Saving Time?
- What's the World's Ugliest Bug? Contest Aims to Find Out
- 3 New Heavy Elements Named: Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium
- Microscopic Monsters: Gallery of Ugly Bugs
- Could Asteroid 2005 YU55 Destroy the Moon?
- 'Orgasm' Exercises Alone Fail to Improve Sex
- First Long-Necked Dinosaur Fossil Found In Antarctica
- Earth As Art: Madagascar's Bombetoka Bay
- NASA Telescope's Big Haul: 'Invisible' Stars & Amazingly Bright Pulsar
- Close Friends Less Common Today, Study Finds
- Largest Sunspot in Years Observed on the Sun
- Fast-Spinning Star Is Brightest & Youngest Ever Seen
- New Model Predicts Fallout from Big Meteorite Strike
- WoW! See the New 'Wall of Wind' Hurricane Simulator
- November 3
- Happy Birthday to Po! Celebrated Panda Turns 1
- Scientists Fly Antarctic Skies to See Ice in Action
- Shake, Shake, Shake: Dinosaur Flirting Technique Revealed
- As Social Network Grows, so Does the Brain
- Creative Creatures: 10 Animals That Use Tools
- Butterfly Scales & Beard Hair: Antique Slides Reveal Obsession with Science
- Climate Clues Found In Ancient Underwater Caves
- Italian Cold Fusion Machine Passes Another Test
- Dust Obscures Picture of Hurricanes in Warming World
- Prolonged Sitting Linked to 173,000 Cancer Cases Yearly
- Our Skin Cells Can 'See' UV Rays
- 90-Year-Old Space Molecule Mystery Has New Clues
- Nature Under Glass: Gallery of Victorian Microscope Slides
- Ancient Mars Water May Have Flowed Underground
- FAQ: The Nov. 8 Flyby of Huge Asteroid 2005 YU55 Explained
- Do Aliens Love Football? Two UFO Sightings Explained
- Long Pilgrimages Revealed in Ancient Sudan Art
- Image Gallery: Beautiful Nubian Art
- November 2
- Sex of Egyptian Child Mummy Remains a Mystery
- Images: Mission Flies Above Antarctica's Icy Wilderness
- How Do Lions Grab Attention? They Roar Like Babies
- Autism Can Be an 'Advantage,' Researcher Says
- Search for Elusive Higgs Boson Particle on Hold Until 2012
- Huge Crack Discovered in Antarctic Glacier
- LiveScience Featured on Livestand from Yahoo! App for iPad
- Mammoth Mystery: What Killed Off the Woolly Beast?
- Removing Old Cells Could Extend Human Life
- Rare Date: Today Is Once-in-10,000-Years Palindrome
- What New Zealand's Deadly Quake Can Teach Cities
- Saber-Toothed Squirrel Looked Like 'Ice Age' Scrat
- Palindrome Dates in the 21st Century
- Home HPV Test Could Reduce Cervical Cancer
- Exercise Fights Effect of 'Obesity Gene'
- Owning Wild Animals: Stats on Exotic Pets (Infographic)
- Unraveling the 'Fabric of the Cosmos': Q&A with Brian Greene
- Satellite Sees Massive Thailand Flooding
- Tracking of Mysterious 'Unicorns of the Sea' Begins
- Bright Space Explosion Reveals Surprising Ingredients of Galaxies
- Tiny Ancient Swimmers Had Motion Detectors for Eyes
- 'Magic' Viking Sunstone Just Natural Crystal
- November 1
- Does October Snow Signal A Wild Winter Ahead?
- Secrets of WWI Battlefield Uncovered
- Satellite Image Shows La Nina is Back
- Erectile Dysfunction Drugs Linked to 2,200 Deaths
- 3 to 6 Drinks a Week May Increase Breast Cancer Risk
- Bacterial 'Vampires' Suck Life Out of Other Microbes
- Image Gallery: Medieval Art Tells a Tale
- Uncharted Territory: Climbing Untouched Mountains
- Dusty Cloaks Around Huge Black Holes Could Be Smashed Planets
- NASA Planet-Hunting Telescope Could Get Mission Extension
- Do Animals Know Right from Wrong? New Clues Point to 'Yes'
- New Photos Reveal Coral Triangle's Fragile Beauty
- Ancient Saber-Toothed Cat Drooled Like a St. Bernard
- Sun Bear Is Ray of Sunshine at Belfast Zoo
- Women Still Prefer Taking Husband's Last Name
- In Photos: Gazing into a Medieval Church
- Animal Morality: 6 Amazing Videos
- Earthquake Hits Revilla Gigedo Islands Region
- 10 Wedding Traditions from Around the World
- Images: Trip to the Coral Triangle