All content archive
December 2011
429 articles
- December 31
- December 30
- 2012 Outlook: Huge Quakes Not on the Rise
- Cold Dry Air to Usher in the New Year
- Digestive Acts of Sea Cucumbers May Be Dissolving Coral Reefs
- How Not to Shoot Your Eye Out with a Champagne Cork
- High-Fat Diet Injures the Brain, Rodent Study Reveals
- 5 Medical Advances Predicted for 2012
- Rare Photo Shows Snow Leopard With Cub
- The New Year's Resolution We Should Be Making
- 12-Year-Old Iceberg's Death Caught on Camera
- Antarctic Mosses Record Conditions on the Icy Continent
- What Glows Beneath: Illuminating the Mysteries of the Unseen
- Tip of the tongue: Humans may taste at least 6 flavors
- Sea Slug Offers Clues to Improving Long-Term Memory
- Chile Volcano Continues to Blow Off Steam
- Start the New Year Clearheaded: Tips to Avoid Hangovers
- Supervolcanoes Won't Destroy Earth in 2012
- December 29
- Atmospheric River Brings Flood Threat to Oregon
- 7 Best Health Quotes of the Year
- Why Women Report Being in Worse Health than Men
- Scientists List 2011's Most Fascinating Discoveries
- Earth's Core Slowly Gives Up Its Secrets
- Seafloor "Bridges" Found to Span Earth's Deepest Trench
- Top 10 Wacky Animal Stories of 2011
- Champagne Facts for the New Year (Infographic)
- Lovers' Pipe Dreams Emerge from Jerusalem Excavation
- Drought Leaves Texas Lake a Ghost of Its Former Self
- Duh! 11 Obvious Science Findings of 2011
- Adorable Video: Orphaned Polar Bear Cub Siku
- Infamous 'Yeti Finger' Flunks DNA Test
- Monsters and UFOs to Watch For in 2012
- December 28
- Mosquitoes Pick Out Human Meals With Help from Microbes
- Avastin Passes Test in Delaying Ovarian Cancer
- Satellite Spies Tropical Cyclone Thane Targeting India
- A New Twist On Old Painkillers
- Elderly Brains Stay Sharp After a Low Trans Fat Life
- Antarctic Ice Stream Makes Strange Starts and Stops
- New Island Rises In the Red Sea
- Sun Storms May Super-Charge Northern Lights Wednesday
- Rare Slow-Spinning Star Reveals Space Oddity
- Famous Star Explosion May Help Solve Cosmic Mystery
- 2011 Was the Year of the Restless Sun
- NASA Probe Snaps Amazing Photos of Saturn Moons
- Amazing Video: Close Encounter With Gorillas
- 10 Science Stories That Made Us Blush in 2011
- Pregnancy May Change Mom's Brain For Good
- Does Harold Camping Foresee the World Ending in 2012?
- Crafty Caterpillars Mimic Each Other to Avoid Predators
- 10 Wacky Animal Stories of 2011
- December 27
- Aging Brains Match Youth in Some Mental Tasks
- Eau de DNA: Do Genes Determine Our Perfume Preference?
- The Top 10 Words of 2011
- Incredible Images: Earth in 2011
- Case Closed? Columbus Introduced Syphilis to Europe
- Dino-Chicken: Wacky But Serious Science Idea of 2011
- How to Make a Dino-Chicken (Infographic)
- Flying Telescope Peers Into Orion Nebula's Heart
- NASA Spacecraft Beam Space Christmas Photos to Earth
- Solar Wind May Explain Planet Mercury's Puny Magnetic Field
- Ring Around the Coral Atoll
- Rare Galaxy from 'Dawn of Time' Photographed
- Was the Star of Bethlehem a Star, Comet ... or Miracle?
- December 26
- December 23
- 11 Health Benefits of Christmas Dinner
- How Does NORAD 'Track' Santa?
- Can Tech Help Santa Deliver the Goods? 5 Tech Upgrades for Claus
- The Commercialization of Christmas (Infographic)
- 'Pretzel' Used for Operation on Zoo's Exotic Cat
- Ancient Fungi-Plant Duo Discovered in Amber
- Male Spiders Let Mates Eat Them for Kids' Sake
- Killer-Flu Debate: Should Mutant H5N1 Have Been Created?
- OurAmazingPlanet Launches Facebook Sweepstakes Offering Dozens of Prizes
- 11 Amazing New Species Discovered in 2011
- December 22
- Prozac Works Better When Given with Talk Therapy
- Drugs that Prevent HIV Transmission Named 'Breakthrough of 2011'
- Earth has Two 'Moons' Right Now, Theorists Say
- 6 Surprising Facts About Reindeer
- Lasers Measure Earth's Rotation and Wobble
- Seen from Space: Christmas Island
- Are Pigeons as Smart as Monkeys?
- Jet-Engine Hips? Metal Implants Produce Lubricant in Body
- Christmas in the Great Outdoors
- Study Linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Virus Now Retracted
- 'Tis the Season: Gallery of Festive Insects
- Dust Storm Sweeps Over Afghanistan
- Personality Trait Reveals Who Becomes a Mean Drunk
- NASA Probe Snaps Close-Up Photos of Giant Asteroid
- Hard-to-Kill Alien Planets Survive Dying Star's Last Gasp
- Contraception May Save Future Elephants from Culling
- Do Newfound Alien Planets Need Better Names?
- Some Preteens Remember Being 2
- December's Ursid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight
- Kids as Young as 5 See Benefits of Positive Thinking
- Teens Who Butt Heads With Mom Better At Resisting Peer Pressure
- December 21
- Bouncing Zoo Babies of 2011
- Creating Super-Bright X-rays
- Jaguar Photo Reveals Conservation Success Story
- Visions of Angels Described in Bible May Have Been Lucid Dreams
- Atomic Refrigerators Could Create Coolest Things Ever
- Satellite Images Create Real Snow Globe
- Secrets of the 'Levitating' Slinky Explained
- Deciphered Ancient Tablet Reveals Curse of Greengrocer
- The Season for Shopping (Infographic)
- El Hierro Eruption Cooling Down?
- Surface of Pluto May Contain Organic Molecules
- First True 'Alien Earth' May Be Found in 2012
- Increased Heart Rate at Rest May Predict Disease
- HPV Vaccination Efforts Most Effective If Aimed at Girls, Study Suggests
- Weird Wildlife: The Real Animals of Antarctica
- Wild Weather of 2011: Blame La Niña
- Doomsday in 1 Year? Why the World Won't End on Dec. 21, 2012
- Red Hot Chili Peppers Crave Water, Just Like Their Consumers
- Christmas Staple Frankincense 'Doomed,' Ecologists Warn
- December 20
- Flying Saucer Towed Down Kansas Main Street?
- New Suspect in 'Great Dying': Massive Prehistoric Coal Explosion
- New Photo Book Reveals Mysterious Antarctic Mountains
- Images: Antarctic Odyssey - The Majestic Transantarctic Mountains
- Baby-Mother Bonds Affect Future Adult Relationships, Study Finds
- Barbie to Boba Fett: The Top 11 Toys of All Time
- How Personalized Medicine Is Changing Cancer Treatments
- Smithsonian's New Giant Pacific Octopus Named
- Why We Feel Nostalgic During the Holidays
- Seen from Space: Africa's Victoria Falls
- Kids' Reports of Unwanted Online Sexual Encounters Drop
- Police Plagued by Sleep Problems
- Rare Wildlife Caught By Camera Traps in Thailand
- Found! 2 Earth-Size Alien Planets, the Smallest Exoplanets Yet
- Fast-Evolving Fish Struggle to Spawn in Wild
- Could There Be Life on the New Earth-Size Planets?
- Anti-Poaching Efforts Pay Off in Thailand
- NASA to Announce Discovery of New Alien Planets Today
- Snowflake Gallery: No Two Alike, of Course
- Humans Originated Near Rivers, Evidence Suggests
- Tiny Island Makes Big Cloud Waves
- What We Learned About Our Human Ancestors in 2011
- Couples Avoid Marriage Because They Fear Divorce
- For Tooth-Pain Relief, Just Add Sugar
- Surprising Christmas Island Seamounts Mystery Solved
- Twitter Reveals When We're Happiest
- Maggots Clean Wounds Faster Than Surgeons
- Vitamin D Prevents Fractures, But Role in Cancer Remains Unclear
- December 19
- After Century's Absence, Seabirds' Return Surprises Scientists
- Smokers Who Quit Are Happier, Study Finds
- Kim Jong-Il's Natural Death Typical for Dictators
- How 13 of the World's Worst Dictators Died
- Why Most Cultural Tastes Don't Spread on Facebook
- Mystery Of Amazonian Tribe's Head Shapes Solved
- Giant Tsunami-Shape Clouds Roll Across Alabama Sky
- NASA Satellites Spied Deadly Philippines Storm Washi
- Pharmacies Mislead Teens on Morning-After Pill
- Antarctic Ice Gets Wired for Long-Distance Calls
- Evolution of Genitals: Shape Matters More Than Size
- Russian Volcano Spews Fresh Ash
- Meteorites Trigger Avalanches on Mars
- Sun Rips Tail From Comet During Solar Close Encounter
- HPV Vaccine Doesn't Make Teens Promiscuous
- December 18
- December 17
- December 16
- Winter Wonderland: Images of Stunning Snowy Landscapes
- 'Tis the Season to Visit Antarctica
- Testosterone Treatment Increases Muscle, Study Says, Fueling Debate
- Study Reveals Who Gets Late-Term Abortions
- Poinsettia: Flower of the Christmas Season
- Two-Foot-Tall Woman Crowned 'World's Shortest'
- Ancient Texts Tell Tales of War, Bar Tabs
- Image Gallery: Ancient Middle-Eastern Texts
- Icebreaker Ships Wrap Up Arctic Shelf-Mapping
- Unlocking the Details to How Volcanoes Work
- Cloud Seeding Could Tame Hurricanes
- New NASA Rover Studying Space Radiation En Route to Mars
- New Satellite Takes First Global Image of Earth
- Great Barrier Reef Samples Frozen for Future Coral Conservation
- Why Do I Think My Phone Is Vibrating When It's Not?
- X-Ray Heartbeat May Reveal Smallest Black Hole Ever Found
- Gum-Chewing Improves Test Performance, Study Suggests
- Treating Pedophiles: Therapy Can Work, But It's a Challenge
- Earthquake Hits Off The Coast of Chile
- Dreams Do Discriminate: Racial Makeup Mimics Real Life
- Comet Lovejoy Survives Fiery Plunge Through Sun, NASA Says
- Celestial 'Snow Angel' Dazzles in Hubble Telescope Photo
- Distracted Driving: Texting & Other Automobile Diversions (Infographic)
- Europe's Particle Physicists to Plan New Future Strategy
- 'Silver Dollar' Galaxy Glistens in New Photo
- First Guidelines for Lab Chimps Drawn Up
- December 15
- 7 Things That Will Make You Happy
- If '250 Calorie' Label Doesn't Stop You, '50 Minute Jog' Label Might
- Gift-Giving Surprise: More Isn't Always Better
- Brain-Eating Amoeba Fatalities Linked to Common Cold Remedy
- Despite Fatal NYC Accident, Elevators Still Safer than Stairs
- Democracy May Depend on the Ignorant
- Is Global Warming Driving Polar Bears to Cannibalism?
- Where's the Snow?
- 'Real' Reindeer Need Help, Conservation Groups Say
- Teen Smoking, Drinking Hits Lowest Level Since 1970s
- Sexual Abuse By Teen Girls Likely Underreported
- Ant Poison Paralyzes Prey From Afar
- Earth as Art: Sea of Sand
- 1,000 Hidden Species Revealed in Aussie Outback Underground
- NASA Spacecraft Cozies Up to Gigantic Asteroid
- Milky Way's Monster Black Hole Gets Colossal Meal
- Cosmic Autopsy Reveals Youngest Supernova's Origins
- December 14
- Life Found Beneath Australian Outback
- What Should 'God Particle' Be Renamed? Physicists Weigh In
- Is Triceratops One or Three Species? Debate Continues
- Christmas Tree a Must-Have for Many (Infographic)
- Velociraptors' Killer Claws Helped Them Eat Prey Alive
- Wild Monkeys to Be Released into Fukushima Fallout to Test Radiation
- Saudi 'Witch' Beheaded for Black Magic
- In the Game of Love, Self-Deception May Be Key
- Is a Little Nibbling OK? Munching Not Linked to Obesity
- Panda Cub Gets First Taste of Snow
- Modeling the Impact of Severe Space Weather
- Fossil Feathers Paint New Image of Hawaiian Ibis
- Thousands of Birds Dive-Bomb Utah Parking Lots
- 'UFO' Spotted Over Russian Protesters?
- Antarctica's Biggest Mysteries: Secrets of a Frozen World
- Prehistoric Wood Hints at Life Before Lake Huron
- 100 Years On, Antarctic Science Going Strong
- Ancient Offering Discovered Beneath Pyramid of the Sun
- Rock Fractures Could Amplify Quake Shaking
- Antarctica: 100 Years of Exploration (Infographic)
- Comet to Make Death Dive Through Sun Thursday
- Unrequited Love? 16th-Century Erotic Poem Discovered
- Billionaire Paul Allen's New Space Project Has Deep Roots
- Designer Drugs Fry Brain Like Ecstasy
- How Orangutans Survive Potential Starvation
- Newt Gingrich Reaffirms Support for Moon Mining in Presidential Debate
- The Most Dangerous Toys of 2011
- Grocery Store or Doctor's Office: Does It Matter Where You Get Your Flu Shot?
- Slow-Mo Video Catches Light at 1 Trillion Frames a Second
- Record Number of Americans Are Unmarried
- Are There Higgs Bosons In Space?
- Secret to Buttercups' Yellow Spotlight Revealed
- Why We Still Have Body Hair
- Testosterone Turnaround: Baby Cries Boost 'Manly' Hormone
- December 13
- The 6 Most Tragic Love Stories in History
- Stillbirth Mysteries Revealed in New Studies
- Could Robert F. Kennedy's Assassin Have Been 'Hypno-Programmed'?
- Can a Butterfly in Brazil Really Cause a Tornado in Texas?
- String Theorists Simulate the Big Bang
- Atom Smasher's Higgs Particle Findings: Physicists React
- Swine Flu May Cause Baldness
- 'Matrix'-Style Learning Implants New Skills in Brain
- World's Smallest Frogs Tinier Than a Penny
- Animal Gallery: Fun in the Snow
- Damaged Florida Keys Coral Reefs Make Heartening Recovery
- Unsafe Sex More Likely After Drinking, Study Confirms
- Mars Life Hunt Could Look for Magnetic Clues
- Bulging Brain Structures Separate Us from Neanderthals
- Mysterious, Massive Black Holes Grew Fast by Gas-Guzzling
- Earth as Art: Indian Ocean Clouds
- NASA Launches New Space Station ... on Internet Radio
- Long-Sought Higgs Particle Cornered, Scientists Say
- What the Higgs Boson Does (Infographic)
- 6 Amazing Desert Races
- Top 5 Implications of Finding the Higgs Boson
- Climate Talks End with Small Steps Forward
- December 12
- Do the Math! Sex Divide Is Cultural, Not Biological
- 'Hopping' Fish Suggests Walking Originated Underwater
- Prescription Drug Abuse Kills (Infographic)
- Call Grandma: Small Social Time Boosts Seniors' Happiness
- History Vanishes with Melting Himalayan Glacier
- Working Mothers Are Healthier, Study Finds
- 208 Species Discovered in Asia's Mekong Region in 1 Year
- Has the 'God Particle' Been Found? Major Announcement Expected Tuesday
- Gallery: New Species of the Mekong
- How We Assign Blame for Corporate Crimes
- The Guppy: Newest Top Predator?
- Asteroid Crash May Explain Mercury's Strange Spin
- 2012 Apocalypse Fears Unfounded, NASA Says
- Pot Growers Destroying National Forests
- Jupiter's Moon Europa Is Target for Possible NASA Lander
- Greenland Icebergs Breaking Off at Near-Record Rate
- Tiniest Babies In US Have Thrived, Researchers Find
- December 11
- December 9
- The Funniest Theories in Physics
- Weather Alerts On-the-Go, Coming in 2012
- Walk Through the Wilderness of the Porcupine Mountains
- Antarctica Shines as Icy Bastion of Space Science
- NASA Has Lost Hundreds of Its Moon Rocks, New Report Says
- Sexually Transmitted Disease Can Make Sweat Smell Foul
- Antarctic Cave Microbes Shed Light on Life's Diversity
- Rest Your Fears: Big Earthquakes Not on the Rise
- How We Care for the Elderly (Infographic)
- Schadenfreude Explained: Why We Secretly Smile When Others Fail
- Lunar Eclipse Will Supersize Blood-Red Moon Saturday
- Alien Planet Warps Its Solar System
- Scientist: Russia's Failed Mars' Moon Probe Worth a Second Try
- Head Butts & Waggle Dances: How Honeybees Make Decisions
- Abandoned Albino Seal Finds Accepting Home
- In Photos: Abandoned Albino Seal Pup Gets Her Own Home
- December 8
- Secret Coca-Cola Recipe Displayed at Museum
- Chemist Invents Environmentally Friendly Plastics of Tomorrow
- Physicists to Make Major 'God Particle' Announcement Next Week
- Woolly Mammoths Could Be Cloned Someday, Scientist Says
- Disease Outbreaks Predicted by Monitoring Cities from Space
- Nobel Winners Keep Eyes on the Real Prize: Solving Dark Energy Riddle
- Hurricane-Caused Landslides May Trigger Earthquakes, Study Suggests
- In Pictures: Uncovering The Beds Of Ancient Humans
- Morning-After Pill: Plan B Controversy Explained
- Astronomers Find Cosmic 'Dragonfish' Packed with Supermassive Stars
- Solar Storms Can 'Sandblast' Away Moon's Surface
- NASA Rover Finds Convincing Evidence of Water on Ancient Mars
- Empathetic Rats Help Each Other Out
- World's Oldest Bedding Discovered in Cave
- Shrinking Glaciers Point to Looming Water Shortages
- Hubble Space Telescope Passes Major Science Milestone
- Planet-Hunting Telescope Needs Four More Years to Complete Mission, Scientists Say
- Cabbies' Brains Have More 'Navigation' Gray Matter
- First Images Taken of Snow Leopards in Siberia
- Do Ocean Waves Really Travel in Sets of 7?
- Surprise! Corals Discovered in Acidic Submarine Springs
- Japan-Level Megaquake Could Shake High Himalayas
- Satellites Track Yellowstone's Underground Heat
- Why Sugars May Be the Body's Superstars
- Huge Japan Quake Cracked Open Seafloor
- 6 Things Women Can Do to Lower Breast Cancer Risk
- Catholic Church Should Offer Nuns the Pill, Researchers Say
- December 7
- Yawns More Contagious Among Friends
- Glacial Lake's Disappearing Act Caught on Film
- Antarctic Glacier Melting Linked to Warm Pacific Waters
- Mystery of Mars Gullies Solved
- Misdiagnosed and Untreated Heartworm in Cats Can Be Fatal
- Would You Really Sink If You Fell into a Volcano?
- 'Starquakes' Reveal Hidden Secrets Inside Stars
- Vampire Star's 'Gentle' Bite Captured in New Images
- 2011 Tally of Billion-Dollar Weather Disasters Hits 12
- NASA Telescope Likely to Find Many More Alien Planets
- Newborn Massive Stars Dwarf Full-Grown Stellar Giants
- Baldness Treatments May Mimic Growth of Animals' Winter Coats
- Asteroid Vesta's 'Rainbow' Ingredients Shine in New Image
- SETI's Search for Intelligent Alien Life Resumes
- Dangling Eyes of Scary Ancient Sea Predator Discovered
- 70 Years Later: Pearl Harbor
- Climate Success Story: Saving the Ozone Layer
- Who Donates to Charity? (Infographic)
- Iceberg Remnant Still Floating 11 Years Later
- How Tiny Animals Comb the Oceans for Dinner
- New Material Makes Objects Appear Invisible
- Fish Pick 'Hot' Pals to Avoid Harassment
- December 6
- 2 Degrees of Warming a Recipe for Disaster, NASA Scientist Says
- Mysterious Planet-Size Object Spotted Near Mercury
- Kilauea Volcano's Deadliest Eruption Revealed
- Do Birds Really Abandon Their Chicks If Humans Touch Them?
- Newfound Comet to Dive Through Sun Next Week
- Executive Privilege: Presidents Outlive Their Contemporaries
- Nearly All Kepler Potential Planets May Be the Real Deal
- Mysterious Lightning Caught in High-Speed, 3D Video
- Student Innovators Hack Kinect & Cancer to Win $100,000 Prizes
- Science Journalist Apologizes for Newsweek Quake Article
- HCG Diet Products Ineffective, Unsafe, FDA Says
- NASA Probe Enters Unexplored 'Cosmic Purgatory' at Solar System's Edge
- Teensy 'Hairs' on Brain Cells Linked to Obesity
- Some Alien Planets Could Be Made of Diamonds, Study Finds
- Satellite Takes Last Image of Earth
- Fastest Ever Spinning Star Found in Nearby Galaxy
- Rarest Bumblebee in US Rediscovered
- Hundreds of Alien Worlds Come Into View (Infographic)
- NASA Telescope Confirms Alien Planet in Habitable Zone
- Could the Dead Sea Completely Vanish?
- Monster Black Holes Are Most Massive Ever Discovered
- Extending Life: 7 Ways to Live Past 100
- December 5
- 'Merging Tsunami' Amped Up Japan Destruction
- One-Third of US Has Received Flu Shot, CDC Reports
- Deadly Tornadoes, Floods Blamed on 'Superjet' Stream
- Real Mayan Apocalypse May Have Been Their Own Fault
- Doctors Shy to Tell Parents Their Kid Is Overweight
- Higher Arsenic Levels Found in Those Who Eat More Rice
- Earthquake Hits Near Indonesia
- Yeast Sex Life Gets Wild, Especially in Hard Times
- Rare Leopard Photographed in Remote Afghan Mountains
- Japanese Perception of Risk Lowered by Tsunami
- Scientist Makes Pitch for Massachusetts Cold Fusion Plant
- Weird Weather Part 2: Snow Hits Texas, New Mexico
- Astronauts Get Angled View of Antarctica
- Images: Camera Traps 'Catch' Rare Afghan Cats
- Milky Way's Galactic Gobbling Leaves Star 'Crumbs'
- 3D Video Offers Wild Ride Over Asteroid Vesta
- Weird 'Couch Potato' Sperm Found in Naked Mole Rats
- Astronomers Discover 18 Huge New Alien Planets
- Most People Would Kill 1 Person to Save 5 Others
- Saturn Moon's Icy Secrets Shine Bright in New NASA Images
- Is Ozone Gas an Earthquake Precursor?
- Why Atheists Celebrate Christmas
- The Truth About Teen 'Sexting'
- December 4
- December 2
- Hunter Captures UFO In Nevada
- Saltwater Factors into San Andreas Shaking
- Arsenic in Rice: Something to Worry About?
- Ancient Siam: A Trip Through Thailand's Past
- Scorpios Need Not Apply: Zodiac Signs Inspire Job Bias
- 7 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams
- Two Elements Named: Livermorium and Flerovium
- Burning Deceased Baby Boomers Could Generate Electricity
- Is Child Sexual Abuse on the Rise?
- Massive Sea-floor Shove Triggered Japan's Tsunami
- Mysterious Ultra-Red Galaxies May Be Cosmic 'Missing Link'
- Milky Way Radiation Reveals Itself to Distant NASA Probes
- Some Personality Traits Affect How You Smell
- Newfound Alien Planet Hot Enough to Melt Iron
- Top Sources of Powerful Space Radiation Are Shockers
- Can Male Circumcision Stem the AIDS Epidemic?
- The Key to Sexy Skin in Guys Revealed
- Could Natural Nuclear Reactors Have Boosted Life on This and Other Planets?
- What's Causing the Fierce Santa Ana Winds?
- December 1
- Controlling Robots with Cell Phone Applications
- Mysterious Metal Object Crashes Through Roof of Mass. Warehouse
- Ancient Animal Bones Pose a West Indies Mystery
- Do Parents Push Kids to Succeed? (Infographic)
- The Science of the Fierce Santa Ana Winds
- Healthy Habits Are Most Contagious Among Similar Friends
- The Cool Physics of 7 Classic Toys
- Yellowstone Wolves Show How Animals Change With Nature
- Wasps Wired to Recognize Each Other's Faces
- Googly Eyes: Photos of Striking Wasp Faces
- Two Diamonds Linked by Strange Quantum Entanglement
- Ancient Algae Shed Light on Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth
- Unexpectedly Heavy Stars from Long Ago Puzzle Astronomers
- Alien Planet Is Rolling Over, Forcing 4 Others to Do Same
- Competing Explanations Proposed for Strange Christmas Space Explosion
- New Study Throws Dark Matter Finding Into Question
- Skywatcher Snaps Photos of Stranded Russian Mars Probe
- Teen Sex May Affect Brain Development, Study Suggests
- World's Oldest Tiger Species Discovered
- Moms Multitask More Than Dads, Enjoy it Less