All content archive
January 2012
515 articles
- January 31
- Closest Photos of Uncontacted Tribe Reveal Hidden Way of Life
- Gallery: Images of Uncontacted Tribes
- Granite Photos: Bedrock of the Earth
- Why We Chicken Out & How to Avoid It
- Many Repeat Breast Cancer Surgeries Could Be Unnecessary
- Ancient Crocodile Wore Shield on Its Head
- 2012's 10 Most Endangered Place in the South
- 'Wallflower' Beetles Get Less Action At The Mating Dance
- Is Club Drug 'Special K' a Quick Fix for Depression?
- Hawaii Observatory Marks 100 Years of Eruption-Watching
- Breathtaking Cloud Formation Shines Over Rockies
- Litter of Rare, Scruffy-Necked Wolf Pups Born in Virginia
- Gallery: Brand-New Baby Wolves
- Is E.T. Avoiding Us?
- Earthquake Strikes Southern Spain
- Powerful Sun Storms May Sweep Away Space Junk
- Winds of Mars Transform Sand Dunes Into Art
- Marijuana Mouth Spray: Will Cancer Pain Reliever Be Abused?
- Astonishing Video: Super Bullet Flies Through Air Like Dart
- Drug for Advanced Skin Cancer Wins FDA Approval
- Electronic Tattoo Monitors Brain, Heart and Muscles
- Deep Ocean Life Lives Off Waste
- Does China's Cat-Eyed Boy Really Have Night Vision?
- Study: Most People Lie on Weight Surveys
- How Much Is That Doggy Worth? (Infographic)
- January 30
- 'Crackpot' Theory of Everything Reveals Dark Side of Peer Review
- Volcanoes May Have Sparked Little Ice Age
- Koalas to Humans: 'We Are Not Bears'
- The World's Greatest Hoaxes
- What's Behind Alaska's Deep Freeze
- Why Does Swiss Cheese Have Holes?
- Earth's 'Missing Energy' Was Never Lost
- How to Prevent iPad Shoulder Pain
- Scratching Feels Better on Certain Parts of Your Body
- Evolution Shrinks Mammals Quickly, But They're Slow to Grow
- To Resist Temptation, Put It Off
- How a Mother's Love Changes a Child's Brain
- 'Dumped' Pythons Put Squeeze on Everglades Wildlife
- Photos: Giant Pythons Invade Everglades
- Love Hurts (Other People), New Study Finds
- Gigantic Radio Telescope to Search for First Stars and Galaxies
- Blood Pressure Check in Both Arms Could Catch Silent Disease
- Our Planet's Killer Electrons Shoot Toward Space, Not Earth
- Sun Unleashes Strongest Flare Yet of 2012
- Fun Video: Lego Man in Space
- Isle of Man: A Geologist's Paradise
- Did Leonardo da Vinci Copy his Famous 'Vitruvian Man'?
- Shortage of Rare Metals Could Threaten High-Tech Innovation
- The Truth About Fat Women and Self-Control
- Wireless Sensors Monitor Your Thoughts on the Fly
- Future Male Birth Control May Zap Sperm with Sound Waves
- January 29
- January 28
- January 27
- January Seeing Above-Average Tornado Action
- Gallery: Peek Inside a Coral Nursery
- Contradictions Don't Deter Conspiracy Theorists
- Why Do We Hiccup?
- Has the 'Era of Easy Oil' Ended?
- Avastin's Failure in Breast Cancer: New Study May Explain Why It Happened
- Elusive Snow Leopards Photographed, Steal Camera
- The Truth About Race & Religion in Politics
- Use of Actors, Photoshop Not OK in Public Health Ads, Experts Say
- Images: Snow Leopards & Mountain Creatures of Wild Tajikistan
- Cheap, Sustainable Water Filter Made from Seeds and Sand
- Survey Keeping Close Tabs on Japan Tsunami Debris
- What If I Ate Only One Type of Food?
- What If You Ate Only One Type of Food?
- The Benefits of Walking (Infographic)
- Bus-Size Asteroid Buzzes Earth in Close Flyby
- NASA to Discuss Discoveries of Material from Beyond Solar System on Tuesday
- NASA Telescope Discovers 26 Alien Planets Around 11 Different Stars
- First Recording of Deep-Sea Fish Reveals Grunts & Quacks
- Earthquake Hits Northern Italy
- Why Is Dryer Lint Gray?
- Cloud Streets Form Off Alaska Coast
- Amazing Video: Spider Silk Golden Cape
- 'Dead' Deep Sea Vents Teem with Life
- January 26
- What 'American Values' Really Means
- Family's Mental Disorders May Shape Your Interests
- Origin of Ancient Jade Tool Baffles Scientists
- The Power of Introverts: A Manifesto for Quiet Brilliance
- Tornado Myths Tough for Forecasters to Bust
- Early Autism Sign: Babies' Brain Responses to Eye Contact
- Young Americans Pick Edison as 'Greatest Innovator' Over Steve Jobs
- Sex, Beer & Politics: Riddles Reveal Life of Ancient Mesopotamians
- In Images: Ancient Riddles Decoded
- Haiti Could Be in New Earthquake Cycle, Scientists Say
- Near-Extinct Spider Monkey Spotted
- Viral Attacks on Bacteria Reveal a Secret to Evolution
- Wacky Physics: Why Do Particles Have Flavors?
- Jumping Spiders' Unique Vision Revealed
- Pesticide May Give Honeybee Virus an Advantage
- More Men Than Women Have Oral HPV Infection
- Ban Human Fetuses in Food, Lawmaker Says
- Astonishing Photo: Odd-Looking Horned Frog
- New Star Discoveries Found in Antique Telescope Plates
- Huge Asteroid Vesta May Be Packed With Water Ice
- Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
- The Real Skinny: Expert Traces America's Thin Obsession
- Insects Top Newly Discovered Species List
- Gingrich Space Plan Promises the Moon, Literally: Lunar Base by 2020
- Invisibility Tube Conceals 3-D Objects
- Pre-Surgery Diet Linked to Survival Odds, Study Finds
- January 25
- GPS Uncovers Possible Southwest Quake Risk
- Mysterious Skin Condition 'Morgellons' Not Contagious, Study Says
- Q&A: Weather Channel's Greg Forbes Talks Tornadoes
- Cold Plasma Layer Detected High Above Earth
- Tropical Cyclone Funso Hovers Between Madagascar, Mozambique
- Cabinet of Wonders: Personal Collection of Alfred Russel Wallace
- Will Sunscreen Protect You From the Solar Flares?
- Why Religion Makes Only Some of Us Happy
- Hello, Earth! New Satellite Sends Back 'Blue Marble' Image
- Double Dates Make Couples Happy
- Most Massive Galaxies Had Frenzied Star-Forming Pasts
- Brain's 'Cheat Sheet' Makes Moral Decisions Easier
- Spots on the Sun Firing Off Strong Solar Storms
- Obama's SOTU Body Language Showed Strength, Leadership, Experts Say
- New Cinematic Medium Engages All Senses
- Humans' Taste for Dolphins & Manatees on the Rise
- Pharmacies Respond Inaccurately to Teens Seeking Contraception
- New Vaccine Approach Gives Hope to Those Living with HIV
- Positive Thinking Could Lead to Healthier Behavior
- Crayola Katydid & Cowboy Frog Among 46 Newfound Jungle Species
- New Species Gallery: Expedition into Suriname's Jungles
- Perceptions of Mormonism in the US (Infographic)
- January 24
- Can Blind People See Anything?
- Why Do Doctors Prescribe Antibiotics for 10 Days?
- Microwave Popcorn Bag Pollutants Make Vaccines Less Effective
- World's Largest Island-in-a-lake-on-an-island-in-a-lake-on-an-island Seen on Google Earth
- Foot, Leg Amputations Decrease for Diabetic Adults
- A Century Later, Restored Wetlands Struggle to Recover
- Infants Grasp Gravity with Innate Sense of Physics
- Fairyfly Wasp Prospers After Sneaking into US
- Easy Answers to Your Kids' Most Burning Questions
- Texting & Walking: Study Reveals Why Combo Is Dangerous
- World's First Magnetic Soap Could Clean Sticky Messes
- Easy Answers to the Top 5 Science Questions Kids Ask
- Sumatran Elephants Pushed Toward Extinction
- World's Largest Turtle Gets New Protected Swimming Grounds
- Earthquake Strikes Dominican Republic
- Clouds Like Spilled Milk
- Titan Sand Dunes Reveal Clues of Saturn Moon's Past
- 8 Years on Mars: 'Amazing' NASA Rover Still Going Strong
- Astronauts in Space Safe from Huge Solar Radiation Storm
- UFO Lights Spotted Near Los Angeles
- Amazing Video: Solar Storms on the Sun
- Hundreds of Meteorites Uncovered in Antarctica
- Winged Dinosaur Wore Plumage of Black Feathers
- Thoroughbred Racehorses Get Speed from Just a Few Ancestors
- Russian Scientist's Claim of Life on Venus Proven False
- 7 Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe
- January 23
- Routine Scans May Cause Thyroid Problems
- Women Feel Pain More Intensely Than Men
- Explosive Volcano May Lurk Beneath Death Valley
- Narcissism's Gender Gap: Toxic Trait Stresses Men More
- Dolphins May Sleep-Talk in Whale-Song
- Cavefish Not Blind to Attractions of Surface-Dwelling Cousins
- In Images: The Extraordinary Evolution of 'Blind' Cavefish
- Magic Mushrooms Trip Up Brain Activity
- Oldest Dinosaur 'Nursery' Discovered
- Weird World! 'Oozing' Alien Planet Is a Super-Earth Wonder
- Supercomputer 'Titans' Face Huge Energy Costs
- Americans Eat Nearly a Ton of Food Per Year (infographic)
- Sarah Burke's Death: Can Gear Keep Up With Skiers?
- Huge Solar Eruption Sparks Strongest Radiation Storm in 7 Years
- If You Spot Bigfoot, Should You Shoot Him?
- UK Woman Is First to Ski Across Antarctica
- English Is an Optimistic Language, Study Suggests
- Sweetness in Seattle: Zoo Animals Have a Snow Day
- Astonishing Video: Dolphins Used to Locate Underwater Mines
- Art Collector Indulges His Morbid Curiosity
- Winter Ice Marches Across Alaska's Seas
- Yoga Made Safer: Experts Provide Do's and Don'ts
- Why Autism Diagnosis Can Change as Children Grow Up
- Exploring the Inevitable: Gallery of Death in Art
- Conservatives & Liberals Don't See Eye-to-Eye, Literally
- January 22
- January 20
- Belief in Evolution Boils Down to a Gut Feeling
- Why Some Sex Offenders Don't Stop Abusing
- Football Forecast: Will Snowy Weather Spread East?
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Jan. 20, 2012
- For Lightning-Fast Drones, Add a Bird's Intuition
- Why Does Our Universe Have Three Dimensions?
- A Good Wingman Will Lie for a Buddy
- 5 Wacky Things That Are Good for Your Health
- Mutant Bird Flu Researchers Offer to Suspend Work
- Deadliest Skin Cancer Hides in Plain Sight, Study Says
- Pedestrians & Headphones Don't Mix (Infographic)
- Solar Flare May Spark Weekend Northern Lights Show
- Huge Dust Storm Blows Out to Sea
- Telescope Gets New Gear to Bring Stars Into Focus
- Portrait of Genius: Stephen Hawking Exhibit Photos
- New Museum Exhibit Celebrates Famed Physicist Stephen Hawking
- 8 Shocking Things We Learned From Stephen Hawking's Book
- How to Tag a 3,700-Pound Walrus
- Evidence for Oldest Popcorn in South America Discovered
- New US Wildlife Refuge Established in Florida
- What If There Were Another Technologically Advanced Species?
- Small, Migrating Quakes Preceded Japan Megaquake
- Surfboard-Sized Drones Crossing Pacific to Monitor Sea
- Could the Internet Ever Be Destroyed?
- Comet's Death Dive Into Sun Seen in Detail for 1st Time
- Teardrops' Proteins Chomp Bacteria Like Corn on the Cob
- Monkey Feared Extinct Rediscovered
- January 19
- Marriage, Cohabitation Provide Similar Health Benefit
- Manganese May Thwart Deadly E. Coli Infections
- Study: 'Tiger Parenting' Tough on Kids
- Ultra-Marathoner Finishes First-Ever Pole-to-Pole Run
- 1 in 6 Teen Moms Say They Didn't Believe They Could Get Pregnant
- Mutant Microbes Unlock Seaweed's Stash of Energy
- What Tree Rings Sound Like Played on a Record Player
- Bowerbird Bachelor Pads With Best Illusion Snag Mates
- Shadows of the Moon Hide 'Fluffy' Dirt & Water Ice
- Twin Gravity Probes to Start Mapping Moon's Pull
- Rare Sea Creature Climbs onto Seattle Woman's Dock
- NASA Rover Spends Martian Winter Probing Inside Red Planet
- Paralyzed Athlete Sit-Skis to the South Pole
- Helix Nebula Gleams Like a Golden Eye in New Photo
- Dissolvable Tobacco Products Under FDA Scrutiny
- New Telescope to Take First-Ever Black Hole Photo
- Killer Whales Targeting Sea Lion Pups, Alarming Scientists
- Image Gallery: Stunning Shots of the Titanic Shipwreck
- January 18
- Flushed with Pride: 1850s Bathroom Boasts Early Plumbing Technology
- Lavatory Luxury: Images of an 1850s Bathroom
- Why Did Seattle Get All This Snow?
- 500-Million-Year-Old 'Tulip' Creature Had Bizarre Gut
- NASA Debunks Mysterious Triangular 'UFO'
- Costa Concordia vs. Titanic: Do They Compare?
- Dung Beetles Dance on Poo for Celestial Navigation
- In Photos: The Sinking of the Concordia Cruise Ship
- How Diamond-Rich Magmas Rise from Earth's Depths
- Sumerian Beer May Have Been Alcohol-Free
- Endangered Turtle Returns to the Wild
- Messy Rooms and Simple Thinking Seem to Go Together
- Tiny Invisible Galaxy May Be Made Completely of Dark Matter
- Iconic Eagle Nebula Soars in Eye-Popping New Images
- Artificial Testicle Could Treat Male Infertility
- Genes Important to Keep Brain Sharp Through Old Age
- Rare Mars Rocks Crashed to Earth in July
- Ocean Science Legend Sylvia Earle Visits Midway Atoll
- In Images: Sylvia Earle's 'Searching for Wisdom' Expedition
- Math Formula May Explain Why Serial Killers Kill
- G-Spot: Science Can't Find It After 60 Years, Study Says
- Snake Robot Rides a Dog to the Rescue
- Unusual Wave Clouds Over Aral Sea
- Earthquake Strikes Molucca Sea
- Boas Time Their Big Squeeze to Prey's Heartbeat
- January 17
- Russian Claim that US Radar Downed Mars Probe Is False
- New App Lets You Track Great White Sharks
- Alcohol Risk to Fetus Is Highest at End of 1st Trimester
- Copper Socks May Have Helped Treat Chilean Miners' Foot Infections
- Sleep May Worsen Traumatic Memories
- What Will Happen to the Wrecked Cruise Ship?
- Scorned Cruise-Ship Captain Not First to Abandon Sinking Ship
- Image Gallery: Extraordinary Environmental Art
- Flu Pandemics Linked to Ocean's Cooling Cycle
- U.S. Obesity Rates May Be Leveling Off
- Doomed Explorer Reached South Pole 100 Years Ago Today
- Space Bubbles Offer Glimpse at Our Sun's Evolution
- Kids & Cursing: 'Modern Family' Toddler Typical, Scientists Say
- Cockroach Cyborgs Get Their Own Power Source
- Wingsuit Pilot Crashes Into Africa's Table Mountain
- European Probe Finishes Mapping Big Bang's Echo
- World's Smallest Ear Can Hear Germs
- A View from Space: Hawaiian Islands
- Female Fish Attracted to Well-Fed Mates
- Climate Change Ripples Through Mountain Ecosystems
- NASA to Fly Above Canada Snowstorms
- Red-Green & Blue-Yellow: The Stunning Colors You Can't See
- Earth as Art: A Salt-Encrusted Lake
- Earthquake Strikes Philippines
- January 16
- 1 in 6 Americans Are Binge Drinkers (Infographic)
- Antibiotics Breed Drug-Resistant Bacteria in Pigs
- How Safe Are Your Shredded Documents?
- Ocean's 8: Satellite Snaps Stunning Photo of Bloom
- Behind Biofuel and Beer: A Visit to a Yeast Collection
- Field Trip: Exotic Yeasts, Frozen in Time
- Parental Alcoholism Linked to Brain Changes in Kids
- Good Heavens! Oldest-Known Astrologer's Board Discovered
- Supernatural Powers? Tales of 10 Historical Predictions
- Arm in a Sling? Your Brain Knows & Compensates
- Can 'Walking Palm Trees' Really Walk?
- Image Gallery: World's Oldest Astrologer's Board
- Scientists Record Sounds of Huge Underwater Landslide
- Why Teens Are More Prone to Addiction, Mental Illness
- Don't Tell Baby's Sex to Prevent 'Sex Selection' Abortions, Doctor Says
- Scarcity of Women Makes Men Big Spenders
- Scientists Set to Drill to Buried Antarctic Lake
- 2 Skulls Help Unlock Secrets to Ancient Big Bears
- Through the Telescope: An Interview with a Galactic Expert
- Female Beetle Can Manipulate Offspring's Sex
- Massive Alaska Snowfall Cancels Dog Sledding's 'Toughest 300 Miles'
- Funding Drought Jeopardizes Future NASA Astronomy Missions
- Saturn's Moon Titan May be More Earth-Like Than Thought
- Milky Way's Color Is White As a Morning's Snow
- 'Man on a Mission' Film Shows Space Traveler Following Dad into Orbit
- Drowning Incidents Among Children Drop, Study Finds
- Rare Caterpillar-like Horizontal Earthquake Discovered
- Tropical Storm Dando Hits Mozambique
- Will 2012 Be the Year of the Whale?
- Failed Russian Mars Probe Crashes Into Pacific Ocean: Reports
- Nuclear Security: Best & Worst Countries (Infographic)
- January 15
- January 14
- January 13
- Where Will Doomed Russian Mars Probe Fall?
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Jan. 13, 2012
- God and Sports: Does Tebow Have a Prayer Against Brady?
- Death of a Loved One Raises Heart Attack Risk, Study Shows
- How Warmer Summers Cause Colder Winters
- Black Hole Fires Gas 'Bullets' Into Space
- StarStruck: Species Named After Celebrities
- Recent Satellite Crashes Bring Space Junk Problem into Public Eye
- Smallest Alien Planets, Real-Life 'Tatooines' Highlight Huge Week of Exoplanet Finds
- Molecule That May Have Given Breath to Earth's First Life Discovered
- Football Forecast: Will Winter Blitz the Playoffs?
- Illegal Meat Imports Carry Viruses, Threaten Health
- Bootylicious Fly Gets Named Beyoncé
- Seafloor Surveys Shed Light on Deadly Haiti Quake
- Can Stephen Colbert Really Run for President?
- Real Farmville: iPad Game Would Let Pigs Play with Humans
- Statistically Speaking, Is Friday the 13th Really Unlucky?
- 'Barrel of Monkeys' Arrives at San Diego Zoo
- Anchorage Smashes Snow Record
- Penis Tattoo Blamed for Permanent Erection
- 13 Common (But Silly) Superstitions
- Small Claims: Big Debate Over Tiniest Creature Title
- January 12
- Can an Avocado Pit Really Keep Guacamole From Turning Brown?
- Wimpy Winter: Twin Cities Still Not Below Zero
- Albatrosses Soar Easier on Change of Winds
- Marines' Ballistic Underwear Must Also Be Comfy
- Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth
- Rare Gamma-Ray Star Twins Discovered by New Method
- 'Cloud Streets' Over Bering Sea
- Ancient Star Explosion is Most Distant of Its Kind
- How Mysterious Molecules May Help Cool the Planet
- Bored Office Workers Turn to Chocolate, Coffee & Booze
- Can a Vaccine Cure Haiti's Cholera?
- Expedition Looks for Life Beneath Earth's Crust
- Scientists Uncover How Dainty Rhino Feet Support Huge Bodies
- Omega-3s Vital for Sperm Health
- HIV Transmission: 1 in 900 Sex Acts Transmits Virus
- Earthquake Hits South of Africa
- 'Saturn on Steroids': 1st Ringed Planet Beyond Solar System Possibly Found
- Work Bully Victims Struggle with Dangerous Stress
- Science Shields Bats from Wind-Turbine Accidents
- Doomsday Clock Changes (Infographic)
- January 11
- NASA Airborne Radar 'Sees' Inside Hawaii Volcano
- The Island Where Zeus Was Born
- Teensy Newfound Frog Is Smallest Known Vertebrate
- New Lemur Climbs out of Hiding in Madagascar
- 8 Weird Statistics About Daily Life
- 3 Alien Planets Smaller Than Earth Found
- Mystery of 400-Year-Old Star Explosion Finally Solved
- Real-Life 'Tatooine': New 'Star Wars'-Like Planets with 2 Suns Found
- 160 Billion Alien Planets May Exist in Our Milky Way Galaxy
- Big Mean Dinosaur Had Stubby Little Arms and Fat Fingers
- Amazing Astronomy Illustrations From the 1800s Resurface Online
- Amazing Astronomy: Victorian-Era Illustrations of the Heavens
- Unwinding While Staying on Track: That's What the Body's Helicases Do
- Hiker Tech: New Handheld GPS Released at CES 2012
- Newfound Hormone Irisin Could Fight Obesity and Diabetes
- When Will Japan's Tsunami Debris Hit North America?
- Car Talk: 'Connected' Vehicles Will Boost Road Safety
- 7 Thoughts That Are Bad For You
- Lemur-Like Toes Complicate Human Lineage
- With Weaker Laws, More Guns Are Being Trafficked to Criminals
- Monster Galaxy Cluster 'El Gordo' Packs Mass of 2 Quadrillion Suns
- Lizard Smarts Take a Leap as Planet Warms
- Funny Facial Features Tell Monkeys Who's Who
- January 10
- Bad Medicine
- The Neuroscience of Looking on the Bright Side
- Gallery: Monkey Mug Shots
- No Snow, No Cold: Where Is Winter?
- Trial Begins for Witchcraft Torture Killing
- $10 Million X Prize Aims to Realize 'Star Trek' Medical Tricorder
- Found: First Solid Evidence of Ancient Mayans' Tobacco Use
- Earth's Newest Island, Burped from a Volcano, Is a Keeper
- Arctic Freshwater Surge Caused by Rivers, Not Ice, Study Says
- Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to Lungs
- Santorum Beats Romney in the Blink of an Eye
- Which GOP Candidate Blinked the Most? (Infographic)
- Primordial Galaxy Cluster is Farthest Ever Seen
- Earthquake Hits Near Sumatra, Indonesia
- Milky Way Galaxy's Past Revealed Through New Star Census
- Hidden Alien Planets Revealed in Old Hubble Telescope Data
- Depression Linked Again to Vitamin D
- Imminent Destruction? Doomsday Clock Moved 1 Minute Closer to Midnight
- NASA Rover En Route to Mars to Make Big Move Wednesday
- First Tornado of 2012 Confirmed in Texas
- Why Does Hair Change as You Age?
- 17% of US Adults Engage in Binge Drinking
- Deep Sea Expedition Probes Tectonic Plates
- Future NASA Telescope Could 'Sniff' Air of Alien Planets
- Does the New Hampshire Primary Always Predict a Winner?
- Deepest Hydrothermal Vents Teem With Strange Shrimp
- Eyeless Shrimp Discovered at Deepest Volcanic Vents
- Photos: Creatures of the Deepest Deep-Sea Vents
- UK Recommends Weekly 'Alcohol Holidays' for Good Health
- Ancient Menorah Stamp Marked Kosher Bread
- Image Gallery: Ancient Bread Stamp Discovered
- A Russian River's Mighty Delta
- Lose Weight While Dining Out: Study Reveals 6 Tips
- January 9
- What Are the Chances? High School to Pro Ball (Infographic)
- Nicotine May Help Combat Memory Loss
- Side-by-Side Craters Formed in Very Different Ways
- Colorful New Snake Species Discovered
- Clue to Life Span Found at a Young Age
- 'Worm-Eating' Underground Leaves Discovered in Carnivorous Plant
- Vivid Images of New Snake Species
- Why do Americans and Brits have different accents?
- What If There Were No Gravity?
- Alien Earths Could Have 2 Suns Like 'Star Wars'' Tatooine
- 'Extinct' Galapagos Tortoise Reappears
- Biggest Map Yet of Universe's Invisible Dark Matter Unveiled
- Venus to Dance Across Sun in Rare June Skywatching Treat
- Search for Intelligent Extraterrestrials Targets Known Alien Planets
- Jellied Century-Old Brains Reveal Secrets of Mental Illness
- Amazing Sky Photos Show Space Station Near Moon & Jupiter
- What Lake Effect Snow Looks Like from Space
- Unexplained Infant Deaths to be Recorded in New Database
- Unconsciously, Everyone Wants to Date a Hottie
- January 8
- January 6
- U.S. Gov't. Expands Definition of Rape
- Earth as Art: An Ocean Bloom
- How Scientists Solve Flavor's Language Problem
- Chemists Grapple with the Mysteries of Strawberry and Other Flavors
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Jan. 6, 2012
- Deaths from Cancer in US Drop (Infographic)
- Making Nature's Best Better To Produce Biofuels
- The Happiest (and Most Stressful) Days of 2011 Revealed
- Astronomers Flock to Texas for Space 'Super Bowl' Conference
- Pneumonia Outbreak Killed 20% of Rare Goat Population
- NASA Picks Mars Winter Rest Stop for Long-Lived Rover
- Tip of the Tongue: The 7 (Other) Flavors Humans May Taste
- First Expedition to Probe Deepest Sea Vent on Earth
- Computer Game Teaches Kids How To Play Nice With Dogs
- The Legendary 'Oily Man' Monster Terrorizes Malaysia
- Mental Sharpness Begins to Decline in Middle-Age
- Time Cloak Hides Very Brief Events
- Experimental Monkey Vaccine Boosts Hopes in AIDS Fight
- Immigration in Childhood Increases Risk of Psychosis
- January 5
- Baby Monkeys With 6 Genomes Are Scientific First
- 2011: Year of Natural Disasters (Infographic)
- Why North America Won't Erode Away
- Strange Swirls Spied in the Clouds
- Scientists Make Supersoldier Ants
- Precious Primates: Images of Chimeric Monkeys
- Men's Shaved Armpits Smell Better to Women, by a Hair
- How Octopi Deal With Chilly Waters
- Clever Canines: Dogs Can 'Read' Our Communication Cues
- Eye Spy: Stem Cells Discovered in Eyeball
- Earth Makes Closest Approach to Sun of the Year
- Doomed Russian Mars Probe May Crash to Earth on Jan. 15
- On Saturn Moon Titan, Weather Report Brings Chance of Methane Rain
- Moon Mineral Found in Ancient Australian Rock
- Men's and Women's Personalities: World's Apart, or Not So Different?
- 6 Fun Ways to Sharpen Your Memory
- Can Mountain Dew Really Dissolve a Mouse Carcass?
- Mystery of Pompeii's Trashy Tombs Explained
- January 4
- First Baby Names of 2012, From Adian to Zoey
- First Baby Names of 2012 By State
- Private Gun Ownership on the Rise (Infographic)
- Hawaii Volcano Has Been Erupting for 29 Years
- Tiny Fish Filmed Mimicking Octopus That Mimics Fish
- National Bald Eagle Survey Begins
- Globally, 2011 Was Costliest Disaster Year Ever
- Female Explorer Gets Her Due, 2 Centuries Later
- An Image of Hurricane Katrina Gaining Strength
- Acrobatic Velociraptors May Inspire New Generation of Agile Droids
- Image Gallery: Acrobatic Tricks of Lizards & Robots
- Infants' Sleep Woes May Persist into Toddlerhood
- Giant Moon Crater Revealed in Up-Close Photos
- NASA Spacecraft Captures Video of Year-End Sun Storms
- NASA Rover Mission Marks 8 Pioneering Years on Mars
- Magma Causing Uplift in Oregon
- New Worms' Silk Has Spider Strength
- Smoky Nebula's Bright Pink Heart Shines in New Photo
- How Yellowstone Recovers from Forest Fires
- Loch Ness Tilt Tracks Earth's Shape-Shifting
- Best Diet of 2012 Is the DASH Diet: New Rankings
- Extinctions from Climate Change Underestimated
- Mighty Arms Helped Extinct Cats Keep a Mouthful of Fanged Teeth
- Most Popular New Year's Resolutions (Infographic)
- January 3
- Fossils Reveal Secrets of Insects' Weird Ears
- Science Guide to the 2012 GOP Candidates
- Fly Parasite Turns Honeybees Into Zombies
- Yeti Crabs & Ghost Octopus! Unique Life Found at 1st Antarctic Deep-Sea Vents
- Gallery: Unique Life at Antarctic Deep-Sea Vents
- Eating Protein or Fat? It Doesn't Matter, More Means Extra Fat
- Blame Hitchcock's Crazed Birds on Toxic Algae
- Winter Brings Ice to Great Lakes
- Up the Backbone: Yellowstone to Yukon
- Will Weather Affect Who Wins the Iowa Caucus?
- Why Work Makes Muscles Grow
- Teen Climber Now Youngest Person to Climb the Seven Summits
- Bizarre Crystal Hitched Ride on Meteorite
- 12 Must-See Skywatching Events in 2012
- Apocalypse Not Now: 2012 Doomsday Predictions Debunked by NASA
- Martian Life Might Thrive in Lava Tubes, Study Suggests
- Construction of World's Largest Telescope Begins in 2012
- How Marijuana May Drive the Brain into Psychosis
- January 2
- January 1