All content archive
February 2012
540 articles
- February 29
- Why Colliding Continents Slow Down
- Dueling Skulls: Triceratops Controversy Continues
- Everest to the Indian Ocean: Duo Named Adventurers of The Year
- Condoms with Barcodes Track Safe Sex
- Doomsday Seed Vault's Birthday Brings 25,000 Gifts
- Watered-Down Abortion Ultrasound Bill Passes Virginia Senate
- Arctic Seas Surprisingly Alive in Winter
- Midwest Tornado Tracks Mapped
- Sleepless in West Virginia? Study Reveals Sleepiest States
- The Sleepiest States List
- Nebraska Hit By First-Ever February Tornado
- Giant Bloodsuckers! Oldest Fleas Discovered
- Giant Vines & Towering Trees: Ancient Forest Unearthed
- Elusive Wolverine's Photo Taken by Camera Trap
- Alien Planets Would Likely Have Leap Years, Too
- NASA's Next Space Telescope Could 'Sniff' Out Alien Planets
- Paper Airplane Throw World Record Broken
- Black Holes' Fast-Moving Gas Clouds May Stifle Star Formation
- Many Solar System Comets May Be Sun's Stolen Goods
- 'Leap Year' Marriage Proposals Bad for Women, Research Suggests
- Tricky Math, and History, Lead to Leap Year
- California Gray Wolf First Since 1924
- Earthquake Rattles Japan
- Why Do We Need Leap Days?
- Kayaking the Salish Sea
- Expert Poll: Internet Makes Us Smarter & Stupider
- Prostitution Attractive Option for Med Students with Debt
- Most in US Don't Need Selenium Supplements, Study Says
- Dolphins' Unique Whistles Say, 'Hey! Come Play!'
- T. Rex's Bite More Dangerous Than Previously Believed
- February 28
- Apple Stock hits Record High (Infographic)
- How Self-Sealing Fuel Tanks Could Protect Armored Vehicles
- Shallow Animals OK With Deep-Sea Pressures
- Global Warming Could Make Us Hobbit-Size
- 5 Percent of Tsunami Debris Could Reach US Coast
- Artist Pushes for a 'Copernican Revolution' in Space Art
- New Navy Railgun Tests Leading to Ship Superweapon by 2020
- Asteroids Smacked Moon Stronger & Faster 4 Billion Years Ago
- Women's Condom Use Drops During 1st Year of College
- Our Baby Universe Likely Expanded Rapidly, Study Suggests
- Teenage Brains Particularly Vulnerable to Concussions
- New Space Drill Could Seek Alien Life Inside Icy Saturn Moon
- Moms Gain Health Benefits From Breast-Feeding, Too
- Sun Unleashes 5 Solar Eruptions in 2 Days
- Watch Out for Deadly Nighttime Twisters in Winter
- 1st Asteroid Samples Reveal Surprising Look at Space Rock Crashes
- People Aren't Smart Enough for Democracy to Flourish, Scientists Say
- South Atlantic Ocean Gets New Protected Areas
- Found: Ancient Warrior's Helmet, Owner Unknown
- Fun Video: Historic Bridge Explosion
- Iceman Mummy May Hold Earliest Evidence of Lyme Disease
- Madagascar Gets 'Roadmap' To Conserving Marine Life
- Edible Bugs to Help Fight World Hunger
- Did Life Start in a Pond, Not Oceans?
- Possible Earliest Evidence of Christianity Resurrected from Ancient Tomb
- Raw Milk a Raw Deal, CDC Says
- Many Women Don't Notice Weight Gain
- February 27
- No Myth: Eye-Gouging Is Rare Symptom of Untreated Psychosis
- New Photos Show Endangered Snow Leopards in Kashmir
- Image Gallery: Earth as Art
- Mayan Light Beam Photo: Message from Gods, or iPhone Glitch?
- Fiber-Optic Cable Across Pacific Could Aid Tsunami Warning
- Fashion's High Price: How Heels Damage the Body
- Mysterious 'Dog-Headed Pig Monster' Terrorizes Africa
- How High Heels Hurt (Infographic)
- Yoga for Babies: Is it Safe?
- More Birth Control Pills Recalled
- 1 in 3 Kids Drink Too Much Juice
- Plumes from Ships Crisscross Pacific Ocean
- Bird Flu, Swine Flu … and Now Bat Flu?
- How Coyotes Dwindled to Their Modern Size
- Rich People More Likely to Lie, Cheat, Study Suggests
- Big Bird: Fossils of World's Tallest Penguin Discovered
- Cemetery Science: Gravestones Record Acid Rain Effect
- Incompetent People Too Ignorant to Know It
- Happy Feet: A Gallery of Pudgy Penguins
- Deadly Fire Destroys Antarctic Research Station
- Space Junk Janitors Should Sweep Up 5 Dead Satellites a Year, Experts Say
- Spinning Star's Vanishing Act Reveals Cosmic Mystery
- Northern Lights Mystery May Be Solved
- Happiest States of 2011: The List
- The Happiest US States Revealed in New Poll
- Volcanic Glass Yields Evidence of Ancient Water
- Stem Cells in Women's Ovaries May Produce New Eggs, Study Finds
- Hailstorms, Wacky Weather Chilled Ancient Baghdad
- February 26
- February 25
- February 24
- How to Wear a Condom: Errors Common, Study Finds
- Safety First: 14 Common Condom Use Errors
- Why is snot green?
- Mysterious Rattlesnake-Killing Infection Emerges
- What If Humans Had Eagle Vision?
- What Is A Saskatchewan Screamer?
- Zero-Gravity Roller Coaster Could Bring Weightless Thrills to Earth
- Nomad Alien Planets May Fill Our Milky Way Galaxy
- Playboy and Virgin Galactic Dream Up Cosmic Men's Space Club
- Andromeda Galaxy's Exotic X-Ray Signal Actually a Bright Black Hole
- The Greater Your Fear, the Larger the Spider
- Oscar Psychology: Why Celebrities Fascinate Us
- Images: Morocco's Rugged Beauty
- Secret Renaissance Letter Reveals Plan to Save England
- Why Synthetic Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than the Real Thing
- Gaming Grannies: 'World of Warcraft' Boosts Cognitive Abilities
- How Long Will Your Love Last? Check Your Oxytocin
- Does Overeating Cause Memory Loss?
- 5 Reasons to Fear Robots
- 2011 Was Ninth Warmest Year in Decades, NASA Finds
- Snow Piles Up On Hawaii's Mauna Kea
- Oscar Time! Glitzy Facts About the Academy Awards (Infographic)
- New Implants Reveal Whereabouts of Ocean Fish
- Beastly Academy Awards: Stars of the Animal Kingdom
- February 23
- Snow Artist Photographs Flakes Up Close
- Shark Fin Soup Comes With Side of Toxins
- Images: The Artistry of Nature - Snowflakes Up Close
- Stunning Image: 3D Model of Ebola Virus
- New Animation Reveals Japan Tsunami Debris Path
- Storm In The Mediterranean Seen From Space
- Not Taking Hubby's Name? You May Be Judged Harshly
- 'Pele's Braids' Seen in Lava on Hawaiian Volcano
- Least Expensive Cars to Insure (Infographic)
- Life Surprisingly Thrives Near Deepest Spot on Earth
- Bird Flu More Prevalent, Less Deadly Than Expected
- How does anesthesia work?
- Pregnant Monkeys Miscarry to Avoid Infanticide
- Image Gallery: Cute Gelada Monkeys
- Collapse of Mayan Civilization Traced to Dry Spells
- Ancient Warming Shrunk Horses to Housecat Size
- Beasts of Burden: Amazing Horse Photos
- Huge Squid Dive to Astounding Depths, Tracking Reveals
- See How Your City's Snow Stacks Up
- Radioactive Rain Across the US Is Natural
- Physicists Pinpoint Elementary Particle, Leading Way to Higgs
- Science Fiction or Fact: Could a 'Robopocalypse' Wipe Out Humans?
- Oceans' Sad Future: A Sea of Small Fish
- Tiny 'Soccer Ball' Space Molecules Could Equal 10,000 Mount Everests
- Rare Element on Earth Discovered in Ancient Starlight
- Body's 'Doomsday Clocks' Count Down to Death, or Cancer
- Brain Scans Predict Subjective Beauty
- Marine Mammals Need Rights, Too, Scientists Say
- February 22
- New Colorful Lizard Surprises Scientists in Andes
- Science Fiction or Fact: Is Wormhole Space Travel Possible?
- Citrus Fruits Lower Women's Stroke Risk
- New Breast Cancer Gene Found
- Migraines Linked to Depression in Women
- Yosemite 'Firefall' Fizzles From Little Snow
- 'Little Horny Man': Rock Carving of Giant Phallus Discovered
- Image Gallery: The Little Horny Man
- Nature Is Disappearing from Children's Books, Study Finds
- Shrinking Sky! Cloud Tops Dropping Closer to Earth, NASA Satellite Finds
- Guam: Island Near the Ocean's Deepest Point
- Loose Cable Explains Faulty 'Faster-than-light' Neutrino Result
- Reports of Looming Male Extinction Exaggerated
- Massive Rise in Prison Population May Have Serious Consequences
- Anti-Aging Protein Extends Life Span in Mice, and Maybe Humans
- Triceratops No Slouch, New Forelimb Study Reveals
- What is Lent?
- How Much Would It Cost to Build the Great Pyramid Today?
- One Year Later: Lessons Learned from Deadly Japan Earthquake
- Last Plane Leaves South Pole for the Winter
- What would happen if you shot a gun in space?
- Hacking Quantum Cryptography Just Got Harder
- Earthquake Strikes Indonesia
- Primitive and Eyeless, World's Deepest Land Animal Discovered
- Plastic Surgery Shaves 9 Years Off Your Age
- Goodness Snakes! Sociable Rattlers Cuddle With Their Kin
- Newly Discovered Legless Amphibians Are Horrifying
- Image Gallery: The Social Lives of Rattlesnakes
- Fossil Footprints Reveal Oldest Elephant Herd
- Slithery, Slimy: Images of Legless Amphibians
- Album: Finding Elephant Tracks in the Desert
- February 21
- What Causes the 'Pins and Needles' Sensation?
- Perpetual Motion 'Time Crystals' May Exist, Physicist Says
- Scientists Watch Hot Spring Microbes Become Two Species
- Where Is It Snowing This Winter? Hawaii
- Most Expensive Cars to Insure (Infographic)
- Happy Mardi Gras: New Orleans from Above
- Stormy Future: Tropical Cyclone Risk to Increase
- Gendered Grammar Linked to Global Sexism
- Countries with the Most and Least Gender Equality
- Why Is Texas Getting All the Snow?
- Prominent Climate Scientist Admits to Leaking Heartland Documents
- Deep Sea Life On View in 'Abyss Box'
- Earthquake Strikes Missouri
- Fossilized, 'Pompeii' Forest Discovered Under Ash
- Antibodies, Not Hard Bodies: The Real Reason Women Drool Over Brad Pitt
- Sure-Footed Gorals At Home in Scottish Highlands
- Rocket Launches Into Dazzling Northern Lights Show
- The Secret to Packing for an Antarctic Expedition
- How Earth's Primordial Soup Came to Life
- New Weight-Loss Equation: Researchers Determine Key Calorie Cutoff
- February 20
- February 19
- February 18
- February 17
- Native Americans Fight to Save Endangered Languages
- Jeremy Lin's Stats Prove He Isn't a Fluke
- Interracial Marriage Hits All-Time High in US (Infographic)
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Feb. 17, 2012
- Toxic Turnaround With Manganese
- Images: The Amazing Chimpanzees of Congo's Goualougo Triangle
- Diving Mountains: Can They Stop, or Start, Earthquakes?
- The Internet – A 'Playground' for the Sociologist
- Space Probe Spots Weird Microwave Haze in Our Galaxy
- Fast and Ultra-Thin: Graphene Nanotransistors
- Rare Black Hole Survives Galaxy's Destruction
- Aurora Oddity: Northern Lights Display Dazzles Without Big Sun Flare
- Saturn's Two Largest Moons Line Up in New Photo
- 3 New Dangerous Drug Habits in Teens
- Autism Signs Appear in Tot Brains as Early as 6 Months
- Lasers: The New Snow Measuring Tool
- Mutant Bird Flu Studies Should Be Revealed in Full, Experts Say
- Korean DMZ Teems with Wildlife
- How Malaria Parasite Morphs to Sneak Into Body
- Photos: Sex of Rare Wolf Pups Revealed
- Haven to Chimps, Gorillas Expands
- The Rarest US Coins
- Classrooms Become Next Battleground for Climate Change Skeptics
- Why Books and Movies Are Better the Second Time
- Plate Tectonics Becoming Clearer With Computers
- Oasis of Tiny Life Discovered Beneath Desert
- February 16
- How to Make the Penny Worth 1 Cent Again
- Stonehenge Inspired by Sound Illusion, Archaeologist Suggests
- New Jaguar Arrives at Edinburgh Zoo
- Safeguarding Antarctica's Buried Lakes
- Rare Ectopic Pregnancy Deaths Rise Abruptly in Florida
- Why Prescription Drug Addiction Is Growing Among Teens
- Caught on Video: Reef Fish Like Dark, Cozy Spots
- Why Are So Many Dolphins Beaching Themselves?
- What If? 22 Crazy Hypothetical Questions (and their Answers)
- Satellite Close-Up: A Remote Eruption
- Men, Take Note: Love Her, Love Her Dog
- Ancient Rocks Suggest Early Earth Was Motley Mix
- Humans Have About 100 Broken Genes Each
- Australia's struggling marsupial: Photos of the Tasmanian devil
- Iceland's 'Worm Monster' Caught on Video
- Tasmanian Devil Cancer Traced Back to 'Immortal' Devil Girl
- Flies Get Drunk to Kill Off Parasites
- Tropical Cyclone Giovanna Seen Entering Mozambique Channel
- Ancient Massive Volcanic Eruption Still Mystifies
- Physicists Entangle 8 Photons in 'Spooky' Experiment
- Mercury Again Ruled Out as Autism Cause
- Arsenic Found in Organic Baby Formula, Cereal Bars
- Dangerous Sundowner Winds Explained
- Friendly Faces Everywhere on Social Networking Sites (Infographic)
- Greetings, Human! Space Robot Shakes Astronaut's Hand, Signs 'Hello'
- Baaad Call: Young Goats Pick Up Accents
- February 15
- January Brought Warmth and Extremes to the Globe
- Computer Program IDs Teens at Risk of Mental Illness
- New Dolphin Sanctuaries Open to Protect Rare Species
- Flu May Boost Alzheimer's Risk, Research Suggests
- Ancient Yellowstone Eruptions Not from Supervolcano, Study Says
- Leaked: Conservative Group Plans Anti-Climate Education Program
- Deep Freeze Turns Amsterdam Canals into Skating Rinks
- Deadly Alcohol Needs Global Regulation, Health Expert Says
- Global Alcohol Consumption: Top 20 Booze-Drinking Countries
- Earthquake Strikes Papua New Guinea
- Switzerland to Build 'Janitor Satellite' to Clean Up Space
- Mystery of Huge Stone Circle Solved
- Putting a Price on Time Subtracts From Happiness
- Mommy Track: Why Women Leave Science, Math Careers
- Tiny New Species Hops Around Belize
- Underwater Volcano Still Erupting
- Air Guns Provide Shot of Earthquake Faults
- America's Prescription for a Medical Nightmare
- Candid Camera: Shark Gulps Another Shark Whole
- Powerful Earthquake Strikes Off The Coast Of Oregon
- Cuttlefish Use Humanlike Vision to Choose Camouflage
- Flight Record: Songbirds Trek 9,000 Miles to Africa
- Cuttlefish Cuties: Photos of Color-Changing Cephalopods
- 'Manly' Fingers Make For Strong Jawline in Young Boys
- February 14
- World's Tiniest Chameleon Discovered
- Why Did Europe's Danube River Freeze?
- When Cold, We Want Romance (Movies)
- Earth Valentine: Australia's Heart Reef
- What 'Midnight in Paris' Tells Us About Nostalgia
- Allergic to Love? How Kissing Can Pose Risks for Some
- Physicists Explain the Shape of Perfect Ponytails
- Warning Sign? Disrupted Sleep Tied to Alzheimer's
- Wild Valentines: Zoo Animals Enjoy Sweet (and Kinda Gross) Treats
- Valentine's Day at the Zoo: Animals Feel (and Eat) the Love
- New Survey Snaps Amazing Images of Snow Leopards, Prey
- Fascinating Images of the Frozen Danube River
- Why Did Europe's Danube River Freeze?
- Severe Morning Sickness Linked to Preterm Births
- Best Supporting Role: 8 Celebs Who Promote Science
- Work Boredom May Cause Employees to Call in Sick
- 6-Month-Old Infants Understand Words
- Thundersnow! Snowy Rumble In Virginia Caught On Video
- What's Keeping Europe So Cold & Snowy?
- Brain Scans Could Reveal If Your Relationship Will Last
- The Seedy, Scandalous History of Valentine's Day
- Icelandic River Monster Mystery Solved
- Elusive Dark Matter Pervades Intergalactic Space
- Animal Mummies Discovered at Ancient Egyptian Site
- Image Gallery: Egypt's Great Terrace of God
- Strong Earthquake Strikes Japan
- February 13
- Treatable STD Scarier Than Fatal Flu, Study Finds
- Nature's Rx: Farmers Markets Cropping Up at Hospitals
- Whitney Houston's Addictions: How Couples Share Their Drug Habits
- Earthquake Strikes Northern California
- Feeling in Control Boosts Brainpower in Elderly
- Video Reveals Shocking Footage of Sea Lions Strangled by Debris
- Purebreds Rule at Westminster Dog Show (Infographic)
- 5 Surprising Animal Love Stories
- Child Abuse Leaves Mark on Brain
- Today's Humans Ready to Love Tomorrow's Robots
- Valentine's Bubbly: 9 Romantic Facts About Champagne
- 3,000 Feet of Air Below Your Feet: A Q&A With The Man Who Can Fly
- Child Who Cries During Urination Puzzles Doctors
- Tropical Cyclone Giovanna Nears Madagascar
- Florida Freeze Snaps Weather Records
- Take A Look: A Venice Canal...Frozen
- What Are Lagrangian Points?
- Global Warming Makes Elephant Seals Dive Deeper, Study Suggests
- Image Gallery: Elephant Seals of the Antarctic
- 'Woolly Mammoth' Video a Hoax, Original Footage Proves
- In Photos: Soar With The Man Who Can Fly
- 3,000 Feet of Air Below Your Feet: A Q&A With Dean Potter
- The Southern U.S. at Night: A Network of Light
- Photographer Captures Worlds in a Drop of Water
- Kids' Lack of Sleep a Century-Old Problem, Study Finds
- Traditional 'Sexist' Beliefs Keep Women from Combat, Scientists Say
- Cake for Breakfast? Study Says Go for It
- Photo: Smaller, Smelly Corpse Flower Relative Discovered
- Earthquake Hits Costa Rica
- Past Preserved: Photos of the Petrified Forest
- February 12
- February 11
- Want to Climb Kilimanjaro? Gene Tests Predict Altitude Sickness
- Future of Long-Distance Love Is Cool But Creepy
- What Falling in Love Does to the Brain
- The Best Science Photos of the Week - Feb. 11, 2012
- The Beauty of Science: A Gallery
- Obama's Birth-Control Rule Will Help Prevent Accidental Pregnancies
- The Cost of Valentine's Day (Infographic)
- February 10
- Spinning Samples Yield Insights into Disease and Harnessing Solar Power
- Take a Look: 2000-Feet Deep Off North Carolina
- Satellite Spies Powerful Hurricane in Swirling 3D
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Feb. 10, 2012
- What If Earth's Magnetic Poles Flip?
- Frozen with Fear? How the Love Hormone Gets You Moving
- Mood-Reading Smartphones Put Therapist in Your Pocket
- Lions Live in Constant Fear
- Estrogen Turns Male Snakes into Same-Sex Charmers
- 8 Ways Religion Impacts Your Life
- Clues to Tokyo's Great Quakes Uncovered
- Why Does Beer 'Skunk'?
- Dramatic Eruption of Mount Etna Caught in Photos
- Voyagers Set Sail for Imperiled Antarctic Wonderland
- E-Cat 'Cold Fusion' Machine: Claims of Fraud Heating Up
- Man's Healthy Skin Sexually Attractive to Women
- Midwives Make Home Births Safer for Babies
- Dogs Understand Us Better Than Chimps Do
- Sinister Sparkle Gallery: 13 Mysterious & Cursed Gemstones
- First Next-Gen US Reactor Designed to Avoid Fukushima Repeat
- February 9
- Can You Outrun a Natural Disaster? Hint: No (Infographic)
- Deadly Songbird Parasite Evolving Rapidly
- Examining How Scientists Think
- 3-D Images Show Earthquake Before and After
- What is the Magna Carta?
- New Volcano Observatory Opens in California
- Two Genes for Sealing In Memories Identified
- Cancer Drug May Treat Alzheimer's
- First Tiger Photos Snapped in India Corridor
- 1st Prize at Science Conference: Free Trip to the Edge of Space
- Warming Raises Uncertainty about Crucial Ocean Microbes
- Our Galaxy's Giant Black Hole May Munch on Asteroids
- Rare Pygmy Nile Crocodile Found in New Spots
- Woolly Mammoth Caught on Video?
- Long La Niña Finally Winding Down
- Breaking the Code: Why Yuor Barin Can Raed Tihs
- Mystery of Britain's Largest Meteorite Solved
- Amazing Video: Chick Embryo Inside Egg
- How Earth's Next Supercontinent Will Form
- Dazzling Droplets: Photos Reveal Mini Worlds
- Zebras' Stripes Tell Nasty Flies to Buzz Off
- Sharks' Scales Create Tiny Whirlpools for Speedy Swimming
- Where Did I Park? Brain Treatment May Enhance Spatial Memory
- 1 in 10 Doctors Admit Lying in the Past Year
- February 8
- Bacterial 'Glue' is One of Nature's Stickiest Substances
- Tropical Cyclone Jasmine's Eye Seen From Space
- Could NASA Bring the Space Shuttles Back Out of Retirement?
- Teen Pregnancy Rate Hits 40-Year Low
- Is It Possible to Reanimate the Dead?
- Small Twisted Galaxy Warped by Galactic 'Stealth Merger'
- Pakistan Whale Shark's Death a Mystery
- Solar Telescope Instrument Gets Recycled for New Mission
- Hidden Secrets of Majestic Nebula Revealed in New Photo
- Astonishing Video: Giant Whale Shark Found Off Pakistan Coast
- Study: Schizophrenia's Hallucinated Voices Drown Out Real Ones
- NASA Satellites Show How Our Icy World Is Melting
- Love & Hisses: Name a Roach After Your Honey
- Not Your Average Valentine: Roaches, Pandas and Ladybugs
- Robo-Mule Hauls Military Gear & Follows Like a Dog
- Success! Russian Team Breaches Buried Antarctic Lake
- Stomach Acid Drugs Increase Risk of Bacterial Infections, FDA Warns
- Hear This: Ship Noise Stresses Whales
- Concordia Not the First Sunk by Treacherous Reef
- Turtle Feeding Hotspots Found in the Gulf of Mexico
- What Do Babies Dream About?
- Diet Soda Linked to Heart Disease Risk
- US Adults' Trans Fat Drops
- Distraction Reduces Pain, Study Finds
- World's Highest-Pitched Primate Calls Out Like a Bat
- Why There Are So Few Fish in the Sea
- February 7
- Fatal Shark Attacks See Spike in 2011
- Americans Still Eat Too Much Salt, CDC Finds
- Gay Marriage Decision Praised by Psychological Group
- Popular Opinion on Climate Change Traced to Political Elites
- A Mild Winter's Surprising Downsides
- Signs of Ancient Ocean on Mars Spotted by European Spacecraft
- Brightest Galaxy Ever Seen With Gravity Lens Shines in Hubble Photo
- The Dead Outnumber the Living (Infographic)
- Hidden Galaxies May Swarm Near Our Own Milky Way
- Why Iceland Volcano's Eruption Caused So Much Trouble
- Good Gossip: We May Spread Rumors to Protect Others
- Skydiver to Attempt Record-Breaking Supersonic Space Jump
- Seal Mummies Reveal Surprising Rapid Antarctic Changes
- Stunning Video: China Releases High-Resolution Images of the Moon
- Urban Schools Offer Healthier Snacks than Suburban Schools
- Lyme Disease High-Risk Areas Revealed in New Map
- Strange Life Found in Underwater Caves
- Just Another Face: Brain Breakdown Hinders Recognition
- February 6
- Colorado's Record-Breaking Snow Seen from Space
- New Alzheimer's Criteria Would Change Diagnosis for Millions
- A Whale of a Tale: The Real 'Big Miracle' Story
- Big Miracle: The Real Rescue in Images
- Wolverine Makes First Known Trans-Canada Highway Crossing
- Sex Education Less Effective in Conservative States
- New 'Doomsday Preppers' Show Highlights Extreme Survivalists
- Russian Team Has Reached Buried Antarctic Lake, Reports Say
- Mammogram Readers Could Take a Cue from Film-Making
- Why Do Bulls Charge When they See Red?
- Jurassic Katydid's Love Song Recreated
- Beetle Sperm Teams Up To Navigate Females' Bodies
- Chimps Can Get Inside Others' Heads Just Like Humans
- Spanking Linked to More Aggression in Kids
- Ancient Fortress Proof 'Hill of Jonah' Was Inhabited
- Facebook With Care: Social Networking Site Can Hurt Self-Esteem
- Mars 'Super-Drought' May Make Red Planet Too Dry for Alien Life
- Jupiter-Bound NASA Probe Adjusts Course Toward Giant Planet
- Obese People Have More Pain, Study Finds
- Space Rock of Love: Asteroid Eros Attracts Skywatchers in Earth Flyby
- Wanted: Mock Astronauts for Mission to Mars ... in Hawaii
- Prejudice Reveals the Caveman in Us
- Amazing Video: Footlong Amphipods Found
- February 5
- February 4
- February 3
- What's Behind the Wild Winter Around the World
- Russian Scientists Poised to Reach Ice-Buried Antarctic Lake
- Small Earthquake Hits Seattle
- Schoolgirls' Mystery Illness: Mass Hysteria or Environmental Toxin?
- Google Earth Update Erases Underwater 'Atlantis' Error
- Unique Andes Species Lack Protection, Study Finds
- Second 'Sunken UFO' Claim Doesn't Hold Water
- Super Bowl of Snack Foods (Infographics)
- Super Bowl Psychology: Is the Big Game Good for Indianapolis?
- Saving Whales, For Real and on the Screen
- 100 Years of Humans in Antarctica
- Earth From Space: The Secret of NASA's Amazing 'Blue Marble' Photos
- Hubble Telescope Spies Milky Way Galaxy's Twin
- Dizzyingly Fast-Spinning Stars Slow Down by Flying Apart
- First 'Vampire' Bat Fly Fossil Discovered
- Early Universe May Have Abounded With Dark Matter-Powered Stars
- Gallery: Rare Species of the Andes & Amazon
- Oldest Copy of 'Mona Lisa' Painted Alongside Original
- What If All the Cats in the World Suddenly Died?
- Nature's Surprise: 365 New Species Spotted in Peru
- San Andreas Fault May Look Like a Propeller, Scientists Find
- Pregnant Women Over 50 'Do Pretty Well' Study Finds
- Obesity Could Be Infectious, Spread Via Bacteria
- Men Remember Repulsive Images, Women Pleasant Ones
- February 2
- Pocket Pets: Early Explorers Brought Guinea Pigs to Europe
- 'Supergiant' Crustaceans Found in Deep Sea
- Violence on the Field: History's Worst Sports Riots
- Virtual Reality Contact Lenses Could Be Available by 2014
- Brain Changes Cause Drug Addiction, Researchers Say
- Hold Your Glass! Benefits of 1,000 Bottles of Red Wine Could Come from Drug
- Team Reaches the Top of Mt. Kilimanjaro Completely Barefoot
- Humpback Whale Populations Sing Different Tunes
- Experiment Investigates How to Fight Fire in Space
- Lizards Released and Stranded on Islands Show Evolution at Work
- Rainbow Retinas & Fiery Cosmic Webs: Winning Images Turn Science Into Art
- Gallery: Vivid Science Visualizations
- June-uary Weather: 6 More Weeks of Mild Winter?
- The 'Infinity Room': One of Many Ways to Imagine Infinity
- Sex & Parenting Genes Discovered in Mice
- Image Album: Visualizations of Infinity
- Newfound Alien Planet is Best Candidate Yet to Support Life, Scientists Say
- NASA Probe Captures 1st Video of Moon's Far Side
- Amazing Video: Sand Bubbler Crabs
- More Winter? Punxsutawney Phil Sees His Shadow
- Defective Birth Control Could Spur Big Lawsuits for Pfizer
- February 1
- Groundhog Day: Phil's Myth Stretches Back Centuries
- NASA Report: Greenhouse Gases, Not Sun, Driving Warming
- Behemoth Seagrass Clones Among Earth's Oldest Organisms
- How Plants Helped Make the Earth Unique
- Arsenic-Based Life Claim Gets Another Blow
- Severe Thunderstorms Threaten the South
- Rarest Gorilla Gets Habitat Hope from Above
- Massage May Enhance Exercise Benefits, Study Finds
- Child Abuse Costs US a Staggering $124 Billion
- The Strangest Medical Conditions
- Spider's Silk Strands Work Together to Keep Web Intact
- Metals: In Sickness and in Health
- Sea Turtle Baby Boom Smashes Record
- Magma May Give Signs of Super-Volcano Eruptions
- Sugar Should Be Regulated As Toxin, Researchers Say
- Dragons & Elephants May Solve Australia's Environmental Problems, Scientist Says
- Glowing Nebula Looks Like Giant Human Face in New Photo
- How the Sun Get Its Spots: New Theory Proposed for Solar Mystery
- Mysterious Blue Balls Fall from Sky in England
- Environmental Disclosure Makes Companies Look Greener
- Inside Your Mind, Scientist Can Eavesdrop on What You Hear
- Scorpion Shell Inspires Machine Shielding
- Repairman Accidentally Sailing to South Pole
- NASA Probe Discovers 'Alien' Matter From Beyond Our Solar System
- 'Smart Clothing' Could Become New Wearable Gadgets
- Environmental Group Ranks South's Most Endangered Places
- People-Pleasers Eat More at Parties
- Why Women Lose Interest in Sex
- Fun Video: Strange Jelly Falls From Sky
- 3 Changes to Children's Vaccine Recommendations Announced
- Plants Altered Early Earth's Rivers
- Spider's Detachable Penis Finishes Without Him
- Testosterone Makes Women More Opinionated in Groups
- The Social Mind: Brain Region Bigger in Popular People