All content archive
April 2012
548 articles
- April 30
- Parkinson's Personality: Disease More Likely to Strike Cautious People
- More Babies Born with Exposure to Addictive Drugs
- Cliff Dwellings at Mesa Verde National Park
- NASA's Next Mars Probe to Spy on Red Planet from Above
- How Did Mother's Day Start?
- Giant Alien Planet May Have Split into 2 Earth-Size Worlds
- How to Avoid Getting Unfriended on Facebook
- Asian Tiger Shrimp Invade U.S. Waters
- Female Panda's Insemination Live-Tweeted by National Zoo
- Top 5 Things that Cause Brain Farts
- Wind Farms Warming Texas
- Why Are Pollen Allergies So Common?
- Science Fiction or Fact: Will Tractor Beams Ever Become Reality?
- Weird Ocean Current May Create Coral Refuges
- Italian Volcano Erupts for 7th Time This Year
- Humans Really Are Still Evolving, Study Finds
- Tree Cricket's Song in Tune with the Temperature
- Army to Test Microsoft's Kinect in Helicopter Cockpits
- Why Can't All Animals Be Domesticated?
- Altruism in Animals Varies Based on Environment
- Taps and Rhythms Replace Keyboard Shortcuts
- New 'Beauty Baryon' Particle Discovered at World's Largest Atom Smasher
- Violent Video Games Improve Real Shooting Accuracy
- Multitasking Makes Us Work Bad, Feel Good
- Winds Blowing White Sands Spotted from Space
- Students Win $115,000 by Doing the Math on High-Speed Rail
- New Way of Keeping Time Ticks Ahead
- America's Baby Boomers Are Retiring Early (Infographic)
- 24 New Lizard Species Identified from Caribbean
- Arthritis Linked to Depression
- Weird! Quantum Entanglement Can Reach into the Past
- Giant Albatross Breeds Earlier in Season
- April 29
- April 28
- April 27
- How Do Tigers Get Their Stripes? Science Not So Certain Now
- Model Cranes Undergo Earthquake Testing
- Secret Service Scandal: Why Men Buy Sex
- Creating an Indoor Earthquake
- Megalodon Watched After Its Babies, Too
- Dark Matter May Collide With Atoms Inside You More Often Than Thought
- Odds of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable Worlds
- President Obama Catches View of Dazzling Venus and Moon
- How Tech Can Help Prevent Violence
- Space Shuttle Enterprise Lands in NYC for Museum Display
- Best Earth Images of the Week Apr. 27, 2012
- Secure and Simple Video Conferencing
- Lowly Rat Gnaws & Chews to Top of the Rodent World
- Army Wants NonLethal 'Magic Bullet' Drone for Soldiers
- 5 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams
- What If the Sky Fell?
- Is the Salton Sea Drying Up?
- Ecotourism Not a Quick Fix for Poverty, Study Indicates
- Most Rainfall in Smoky Mountains Comes As Mist
- Obese Drivers Much Less Likely to Wear Seatbelts
- Tiny Folds Boost Performance of Solar Cells
- Rare Earth Elements Getting Recycled, Finally
- Ancient Egyptian Mummy Suffered Rare and Painful Disease
- In Photos: A Look Inside an Egyptian Mummy
- New Type of Intellectual Disability Discovered
- Baby Sea Urchins Use Allergy Chemical to Grow Up
- Plastic Trash in Oceans May Be 'Vastly' Underestimated
- Pacific Reef Sharks Vanishing Near Populated Islands
- April 26
- Key to Happiness: Balanced Perspective on Past, Present & Future
- Is U.S. Special? American Exceptionalism Debated
- Hidden Cost of Breast-Feeding Revealed
- Smoking During Pregnancy Linked to Autism
- Rain Quicker to Arrive and Dry Up During Global Warming
- A Crash of Rhinos: See All 5 Species
- Why Pygmies of Africa Are So Short
- New Self-Cleaning Glass Avoids Fogging, Glare
- New Ocean Crust May Form Slower Than Thought
- Lethal Combo of Flu, MRSA Bacteria Behind Maryland Family Deaths
- 30% of US Workers Don't Get Enough Sleep
- Analytic Thinking Can Promote Atheism
- How European Farmers Spread Agriculture Across Continent
- Satellite Captures Mexican Volcano's Unceasing Eruption
- Study: Individualistic, Patriotic Cultures Are Most Innovative
- Newest Wildlife Tracking Tool: Leeches?
- Prescription for Worry? Drug Firms Outsource Research to Universities
- Extreme Impacts Study Aims to Build Captain America's New Shield
- NASA Testing New GPS Quake Monitoring Network
- How Much Gold Would You Need to Recreate Scrooge McDuck's Gold Coin Swim?
- Tiny Shark Has Glowing Belly
- Botox May Treat Nighttime Teeth Grinding
- 9 Percent of Older Adults Have Osteoporosis, CDC Says
- UFO Spaceship Orbiting the Sun, or a Camera Glitch?
- Warm Ocean Waters to Blame for Antarctic Ice Melt
- Armpits, Belly Buttons & Chronic Wounds: The ABCs of Body Bacteria
- Many Human Viruses May Have Jumped from Bats
- Foodies? Gen Xers Love to Cook, Even Men
- April 25
- Super-Fast DNA Analysis Now Just a Click Away
- For Males Dying to Mate, Only Certain Females Will Do
- Towers Kill 6.8 Million Birds a Year, Study Estimates
- New Faults, and Earthquake Risks, Found in Washington
- Human Body Language Can Mislead Dogs
- Frog Fungus Causes Grisly Death by Dehydration
- Anxious Mice Face Higher Cancer Risk
- Smuggled Cargo Found on Ancient Roman Ship
- Headache-Plagued Kids Often Opt for Mind-Body Therapies
- Use of Induced Labor Questioned by Dutch Researchers
- Asteroid Mining No Crazier Than Deep-Sea Drilling, Advocates Say
- Mysterious Sea Monster Plant Fossil Baffles Scientists
- Science Fiction or Fact: Humanlike Intelligent Machines Will Soon Exist
- Tetris May Treat PTSD, Flashbacks
- First Photos Taken of Rare Amur Leopard in China
- First Camera Trap Photos Taken of Rare Leopard in China
- The 5 Most Successful Viral Videos Ever
- Stark Beauty: Images of Israel's Negev Desert
- New Maps Unlock Seafloor Secrets Off Oregon Coast
- Does the G-Spot Exist? New Study Fuels Debate
- Birds Form Alliances With Long-Term Neighbors
- Can World's 'Most Threatened' Tribe Be Saved?
- The Awa: Faces of a Threatened Tribe
- Female Space Explorers (Infographic)
- April 24
- Study: Unplanned Pregnancies Common in Women in their 20s
- Natural Antacid Helped Early Land Creatures Breathe
- 'Gaia' Scientist Takes Back Climate Change Predictions
- Why Are Some People Better at Drawing than Others?
- California Condor Chick Has First Vet Check-Up
- Major Volcano Eruptions Could Stymie Hurricanes
- Wave Clouds Showcased in Astronaut Photo
- Humans Willing to Blame Robots for Causing Harm
- Mexico Passes Climate Change Law
- 'Moody' Toddlers More Likely to Become Problem Gamblers, Study Suggests
- Clue to Centenarians' Longevity: A Mediterranean Diet
- Cocaine Eats Up Brain Twice as Fast as Normal Aging
- Volcano Behind Atlantis Legend Re-Awakens
- Why Asteroid Mining Makes Huge Dollars and Sense
- Asteroid Mining in Fiction, Past and Present
- Facial Soap's Surprise Wheat Ingredient Triggers Allergies
- Bullying, Child Abuse Hasten Aging in Kids
- Does Asteroid Mining Violate Space Law?
- April 23
- Image Gallery: Russia's Beautiful Killer Whales
- Ancient Horse Bones Tell Story of Tibetan Plateau
- One of a Kind: All-White Killer Whale Spotted
- Sex-for-Hire Robots Predicted by 2050
- Bright Purple Crab Discovered in Philippines
- High & Dry: Images of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau
- Why We Are Drawn to Fire
- Image: Greenland's Dramatic Landscape
- Talk to Yourself? Why You're Not Crazy
- Mysterious Black Mats on Earth Not From Outer Space
- Accidental Gardeners: Birds Cultivate Pretty Plants
- Empty Quarter Actually Filled With Sand
- Charger Kills Bacteria on Your Filthy Phone
- Trying on Swimsuits Really Is the Worst, Study Shows
- Genes Reveal Secrets of Ancient Peruvian Families
- It's Tough Work Being This Cute
- Australia Protects Humpback Whales
- Brain Injuries on the Rise for US Troops (Infographic)
- April 22
- April 21
- April 20
- BP Oil Spill Changed Some Minds on Environmental Issues
- Touch Photography: Giving Computer Users a Feel for Things
- How Humans Became Masters of the Earth
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Apr. 20, 2012
- 'Earliest Christian Artifact' Just Random Squiggles, Scholars Argue
- Image Album: The Jonah Ossuary
- In Photos: Mount Everest Expeditions Then and Now
- Weekend Lyrid Meteor Shower Visible From Earth, Space and ... Balloon?
- A Grass-Fed Evolution? Altered Environment Fueled Human Change
- Men Prefer Pink Female Genitals to Red, Study Finds
- Spring's Greening Seen from Space
- Did Cold Weather Cause the Salem Witch Trials?
- Lifestyle as Young Adult May Affect Age of Menopause
- Women with Heart Disease More Likely to Have Baby Girls, Study Finds
- Pain Drug Patches Can be Deadly to Children, FDA Warns
- Hospitals Hope to Kick Own Pollution Habits
- Sex Selection Ad Creates Controversy in Canada
- Man-made Quakes Increasing, But May Not Pose Threat
- Ancient 'Wave of Poseidon' Was Real Tsunami
- Super Salmonella Bacteria Found
- More Young Women Prioritizing Careers, Survey Finds
- Ancient 'Bone Box' Called Oldest Christian Artifact
- April 19
- Women Seek Less-Dominant Dates in Recession
- What Your Dog's Breed Says About You
- Like Dog, Like Owner: What Breeds Say About Personality
- Earliest Painting of Transvestite Uncovered
- How the First Life on Earth Struggled to Survive
- Sea Lions May Be Removed from Endangered Species List
- Humans Behind Strongest Oklahoma Quake Ever Recorded, Research Suggests
- Boeing's New Astronaut Taxi on Display at Space Conference
- Fingertip Stickers Let Gloves Tap on Touch Screens
- Homemade Device Tracks Stolen Goods or a Speeding Car
- If Not Dark Matter, Then What?
- Targeting the 'Upstream' Causes of Poor Health
- Endangered Beauties: Images of Polar Bears
- Alaska Northern Lights Expedition Wants Your Help to Find Balloons
- Dawn of Polar Bears Far Earlier Than Thought
- No Regrets: Why 'Letting Go' May Be Key to Happy Aging
- HPV Causes 26,000 Cancer Cases Yearly, CDC Finds
- US Measles Cases Reach Highest Number in 15 Years
- Nearby Dark Matter Mysteriously Missing
- Sea Creatures' True Beauty Revealed in Underwater Photos
- Are Best Friends Forever? Not For Women
- Sea Creatures' True Beauty Revealed in Winning Underwater Photos
- Marine Marvels: Spectacular Photos of Sea Creatures
- April 18
- The Fish That Nearly Sank Isaac Newton's Career
- Does Death Penalty Work as Deterrent?
- Mass-Production Sends Robot Insects Flying
- Tasmanian Tiger Was Genetically Doomed
- How Humans Grew Fruitful by Devouring Meat
- Mysterious Cosmic Rays Leave Scientists in the Dark
- New 'Bumblebee' Gecko Species Creates Buzz
- What 'Insanity' Means for Norwegian Gunman
- Earth Unprepared for Super Solar Storm
- What Are Stem Cells?
- How Music 'Awakens' Alzheimer's Patients
- The Real Men in Black: Secret Service Agents (Infographic)
- Jurassic Lark? Expedition to Seek Living Dinosaurs in Africa
- Night-Blind Mice Gain Vision
- 5 Things You Should Know About Prostate Cancer
- Can N.J. Couple Break the Lease on Their 'Haunted House'?
- Mexico's Erupting Popocatépetl Volcano Spied from Above
- Among Detroit's Abandoned Places Emerge Earthly Insights
- Airborne Laser Helps Solve 1800 Earthquake Mystery
- Porn May 'Shut Down' Part of Your Brain
- Most Americans Link Global Warming to Weather Madness
- Alaska's Dazzling Northern Lights: A Reporter's View
- 'Rogue' Alien Planets May Circle Billions of Stars
- More People Sick with Allergies This Year
- Swedish Stonehenge? Ancient Stone Structure Spurs Debate
- April 17
- How Gravity Messes with Honeybees' Waggle Dance
- Wail, Chuck, Snort: Rock Hyraxes Sing Complex Songs
- Brain Scans Predict Weight Gain, Sexual Behavior
- Testosterone Supplements May Help Heart Failure Patients
- Vitamin D Linked with Lower Risk of Deadly Prostate Cancer
- Depressed Moms May Wake Sleeping Babies Unnecessarily
- Boosting NASA's Budget Will Help Fix Economy: Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Cyborg Clams Power Motor as 'Living Batteries'
- Boo! Ghostly 'Face' Looks Up from Desert
- Fatty Ears May Help Baleen Whales Hear
- Humans Still Eating Humans
- Amazing Hubble Photo Reveals Tarantula Nebula's Star-Filled Web
- Rare Ancient Statue Depicts Topless Female Gladiator
- 10 Most Active 'Bigfoot Sites' in the US
- Photos: Gladiators of the Roman Empire
- Why Do Brits and Americans Spell Words Differently?
- Earth's Deepest Spot Revealed in Unprecedented Detail (Image)
- This Little Piggy ... Was Just Born!
- Blood Test May Reduce Stigma of Depression
- Lights at Night: Moscow from Space
- Tattooed People Drink More
- Flesh-Eating Bacteria Case Highlights Need for Early Treatments
- Great, I Owe Taxes and Now I'm Dead, Too (Infographic)
- April 16
- Why the East Coast Is Seeing Summer in Spring
- Is 4-Year-Old as Smart as Einstein? Not Quite, Scientists Say
- Secrets of Molecule that Helped Build the Universe Exposed
- Why Beauty Is Both Personal and Universal
- Cause of North Korea Rocket Failure May Remain a Mystery
- Spectacular Solar Flare Erupts From the Sun
- What Is Spam?
- Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week
- Salt Levels in Fast Food Depend on Where You Buy It
- How Colors Get Their Names: It's in Our Vision
- Apes' Simple Nests Are Feats of Engineering
- Sleep Soundly: Images of Primate Nests
- Kids' Deaths from Accidental Injuries Dropped Over Past Decade
- What's Trendy? 9 Striking Facts About Plastic Surgery
- 10 Everyday Things that Cause Brain Farts
- Vanishing Lakes May Send Greenland's Ice Slip-Sliding Away
- Mysterious Particle Found After Decades of Searching
- Alaska Expedition Launches Cameras to Aurora's Edge
- Huge Satellite Loses Contact with Earth
- Where's the Hottest Place on Earth?
- Blood Type May Increase Risk of 'Stomach Bug' Infection
- A Snowshoe Trek to See Alaska's Northern Lights: A Reporter's Journey
- Kids Who Play 'Choking Game' At Bigger Risk for Sex, Drinking
- Lopsided Melting Discovered Along Himalayan Glaciers
- Opponents of Gay Marriage Think Their Own Union Is Unshakable
- April 15
- April 14
- April 13
- Search for Life Guides NASA's New Mars Mission Plan
- Rare Photo: Auroras on Uranus Spotted by Hubble Telescope
- A Safer Way to Listen to Music
- Goodnight, Irene! Destructive Hurricane's Name Retired
- Aging Male Giraffes Go Black, Not Gray
- New Strategies to Fight Cyberbullying Needed, Scientist Says
- Epic Voyage Samples Ocean's Tiniest Sea-Dwellers
- Want to Save Earth? Cut Out Meat
- Severe Weather Brewing for Saturday
- What Would Happen If You Fell into a Black Hole?
- Egg Donors Don't Hurt Chances of Later Pregnancy, Study Finds
- Modestly Overweight Pregnant Women Have Heavier Babies
- Does A Warmer World Mean Less Flu?
- Iconic Chestnut Trees Poised for Possible Comeback
- Climate Change Throws Nature's Timing Out of Whack
- Study: Corals Reefs Likely to Survive Climate Change
- Name That Hurricane: Famous Examples of the 5 Hurricane Categories
- Emperor Penguin Numbers Double Previous Estimates, Satellites Show
- Pulsing Stars Could Probe Space-Time Around Black Holes
- Images: The Emperor Penguins of Antarctica
- Army Wants Everything-Proof Clothing for Soldiers
- NASA to Discuss New Mars Plans Today: How to Listen
- Hunger Games: How Controversial Books Build 'Empathy Muscles'
- List: Most-Challenged Books of 2011
- Amur Leopards Explore New Zoo Home
- About Half of Americans Fear Global Warming (Infographic)
- Virtual Reality Spiders Crawl Toward Phobia Treatment
- Dung Beetle's Poop Preference: Smellier the Better
- Cameron's Dive Stirs Push for Future Deep-Sea Exploration
- Why Everyone Believes in Magic (Even You)
- April 12
- Animation Captures Artful Swirl of Ocean Currents
- Comet Demolition Derby Around Star Surprises Scientists
- Teaching Evolution Just Got Tougher in Tennessee
- Watch Live: Robot Sends Back Footage of Deep-Sea Sights
- Are 4 Big Earthquakes in 2 Days Connected?
- Baratunde Cola is Engineering a Sustainable Future
- What's Happening Under Gibraltar?
- What the Beep? Why Digital Sounds Are So Annoying
- Astronauts in Orbit Mark Big Space Anniversaries
- The Mind Makes Gunmen Look Larger
- Secret Source Codes Threaten Modern Science
- 6 Brainy Baboons Pick Words from Gibberish
- Bat on a Plane! Rabies Scare Serves as Warning to Health Officials
- Toddlers and Chimps 'Go With the Crowd'
- Distant Galaxies Confirm Accelerating Growth of Universe, Dark Energy
- Former Astronauts & NASA Employees Letter on Global Warming
- Lack of Sleep May Boost Diabetes Risk
- Former Astronauts & Employees to NASA: Stay Away from Global Warming
- Manatee Mystery: Why Can't They Avoid Speedboats?
- April 11
- Electric Cars to Tell Power Grid When to Charge Them
- 'Monolith' Object on Mars? You Could Call It That
- Could the Titanic Disaster Happen Today?
- Disasters at Sea: 6 Deadliest Shipwrecks
- Mystery of How Stars Shed Major Pounds May Be Solved
- Sperm Whales Form Clans to Fight Off Orcas
- Mummified Kitten Served As Egyptian Offering
- April 2012 Sumatra Quake: How it Stacks Up (Infographic)
- To Repel Water, Spray Coating Mimics Lotus Leaf
- Update: Texas Fireball Real After All, NASA Says
- Attack of the Killer Fungi: Rising Threat Worries Scientists
- Human Diarrhea Parasite Found Lurking in Piglets
- Group Aims to Bring World's Most Endangered Turtles Back from the Brink
- Turtle Aid: Species to Save
- 'UFO Galaxy' Spotted by Hubble Telescope
- Update: Texas Fireball was Real After All, NASA Says
- Why Today's Indonesia Quake Didn't Make a Monster Tsunami
- Sun's 'Birthday Candle'-Like Gas Plumes Surprise Scientists
- Women Get Less Exercise than Men
- How Today's Teens Are Like Teens in 'Hunger Games'
- Waves of Destruction: History's Biggest Tsunamis
- Severe Quake Strikes Off Indonesia, Sparking Tsunami Fears
- Why and How the Titanic Sank (Infographic)
- Mental Illness Labels May Have Contradictory Effects
- April 10
- Extremely Rare Leopards Find Safe Spot in New Park
- Expectations of Long Life Lead to Leisurely Decisions
- Gallery: Rare and Beautiful Amur Leopards
- Cooperating Mini-Brains Show How Intelligence Evolved
- 'Getting Naked' Helps Water Fleas Ditch Pesky Parasites
- UFO Video Over South Korea: Fact or Faked?
- Skin Shedders: A Gallery of Creatures That Molt
- Soldier Bugs Protect Colony From Threats Large and Small
- Mystery Fireball in Texas Actually a Jet Contrail, NASA Scientist Says
- Deep-Sea Expedition Reveals Stunning Sea Life, Damage
- Images: Amazing Arctic - Creatures of the Bering Sea
- Tax Day Linked to Increase in Fatal Car Crashes
- What is Trisomy 18?
- Northern Lights, Ho! Reporter Tags Along with Aurora Expedition
- Russian Satellite Falls Into Pacific Ocean: Report
- Skull Confirms Older Origin for 'Living Fossil' Fish
- Why Does Spinning Make You Dizzy?
- Patchy Polar Bears Puzzle Scientists
- Weight-Loss Programs May Yield Best Results for Obese
- Botox May Treat Unusual 'Threads in Eyes' Condition
- The Greatest Eruption in Human History: Mount Tambora
- How Does Social Security Work?
- Birdlike Dinosaur About to Lay Eggs When Death Struck
- U.S. Military Offers Millions for First Humanoid Robot
- Alaska Expedition to Study Northern Lights from the Inside
- Rare, Unexplained Daytime Fireball Scorches Texas Sky
- Collapse of Antarctic Ice Sheet Linked to Ancient 'Mega Flood'
- North Korea Readies Long-Range Rocket for Launch Despite Warnings
- Derelict NYC Phone Booths Get Smart Makeover
- Earth As Art: Swirling Ice Floes
- Teen Birth Rate Reaches Lowest Level in 7 Decades
- Titanic Wreck Site Gets UNESCO Protection
- Dental X-Rays Linked to Increased Brain Tumor Risk
- Why Woodpeckers Don't Get Concussions
- April 9
- Fuzzy Dinosaur Fishes at Dawn in New Paleo-Art
- Doctors Appalled By 10-Year-Old Giving Birth
- March Temperature Records Shattered
- Science Fiction or Fact: Is Time Travel Possible?
- Niceness is in Your DNA, Scientists Find
- Elephant on Mars Sculpted by Lava Flow
- Does the Vaginal Orgasm Exist? Experts Debate
- Sun's Sibling Stars Could Host Cousins of Earth Life
- Out of Space, Hong Kong Considers Expanding Underground
- Mystery of Saturn's Walnut Moon Cracked?
- Bat-Killing Fungus Likely Invaded from Europe
- Space Weather Study Could Illuminate Alien Planet Climates
- Being Bullied Impacts Monkey Immune System
- Fly America's Skies In Your New Car (Infographic)
- Cosmic Collision Likely Spawned Massive Nearby Galaxy
- Fog Clouds Yellow Sea in Satellite Image
- Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
- Girls Have a Math Problem: Teacher Bias
- Winter 2011-2012: All-Time Snowiest for Anchorage
- 2 Childhood Obesity Genes Discovered
- Endangered Blue Butterfly Receives Federal Protection
- Diabetes, Obesity in Pregnancy Linked with Autism, Delays in Children
- In Images: Mysterious Desert Varnish
- 9 Famous Art Forgers
- How to Forge Art: Mark Landis Explains His Technique
- Forgery Artist's Long Trail of Fake Gifts Leads to Fame
- April 8
- April 7
- April 6
- Samantha Brick's Claim Reveals Science of Beauty
- Digital AustinMan Created to Study Cell Phone Radiation
- Full Moon, Saturn and Star Doing a Stately Dance for Skywatchers
- Who Observes Easter? (Infographic)
- Tsunami 'Ghost Ship' Sinks Off Alaska Coast
- Earth's Rarest Ducklings Quackin' Cute
- Plutonium Production May Avert Spacecraft Fuel Shortage
- Florida's Invasive Pythons Now Devouring Bird Eggs
- What's Under Antarctica? Quake Waves Give First Look
- Origins of the Universe Exposed in Dazzling 3D Videos
- Was Jesus Happy? Americans Think So
- Earth as Art: A Rocky Desert
- Jesus vs. Scientists: Who's Better at Miracles?
- Navy's Robot Helicopters Will Automatically Spot Pirates
- How the Moon Affects the Date of Easter
- Images: Easter at the Zoo!
- Your Easter Egg Might Hatch … a Dinosaur?
- Hurricane Heads-up for 2012
- A Multitouch Floor May Someday Detect Your Heart Attack
- Crisis for US Science Is Looming, Physicists Warn
- Hold the Knife: Antibiotics May Be Safe Treatment for Appendicitis
- Obese People Hit with More Radiation During Medical Tests
- Study Finds 3 Ways Parents Can Cut Kids' Soda Consumption
- April 5
- Did Shroud of Turin Inspire Spread of Christianity?
- Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus
- 'False-Alarm' Mammograms Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk
- US Military Wants Humanoid Robots in the Driver's Seat
- Atom Smasher Collides Particles at Record Energies
- Huge Martian Dust Devil Churns in New Photo
- Why Does Coffee Cause Bad Breath?
- Surprise! Venus May Have Auroras Without a Magnetic Field
- Young Asteroids Got Smacked Around Just As Earth Did
- Beauty in the Beast: Exhibit Shows Off Animal Insides
- First Spring Flowers Arrive at Grand Canyon
- Images: Trek Across Antarctica
- New Trail Opens in Chilean Nature Reserve
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Dwindles Under 'Eyes' of Satellite
- Terrafugia Envisions Flying Cars on Autopilot
- Teaching of STD, Pregnancy Prevention Stalling in Schools
- A Wet Round One Likely at the 2012 Masters
- Ocean Discovery Institute: Young Lives Transformed Through Science
- Take an Anatomical Safari: Photos of Inside-Out Animals
- How Audio Forensics Reveals Voices’ Secrets
- Natural Disasters Tied to Unnatural Causes
- Existing Rocket Could Launch Private Space Taxis by 2015
- Scientists Closing in on Black Hole at Center of Our Galaxy
- Birth Control Injections May Raise Breast Cancer Risk in Young Women
- Hyenas Give Up Scavenging For Lent
- April 4
- Better Sleep May Help Improve Schizophrenia
- Storm Chaser Catches Terrifying Dallas Tornadoes
- Rocket Launches Secret Spy Satellite for US Military
- Video of 'UFOs' Swarming Over Las Vegas Is for the Birds
- NASA Extends Planet-Hunting Kepler Mission Through 2016
- Half of Giant Panda Habitat May Vanish in 70 Years, Scientists Say
- Memory Decline Speeds Up In Years Before Death
- Butter Balls: Photos of Playful Pandas
- US Census: 1940 vs. 2010 (Infographic)
- Earth's Orbit Blamed for Ancient Hot Spells
- Google Dreams Up a Spectacle of Smart Glasses
- US Happy, But Not Happiest, New UN Report Finds
- How Did the Texas Tornadoes Toss 18-Wheelers?
- Carbon Dioxide Linked to End of Last Ice Age
- Devastating Texas Tornadoes Seen by Satellite
- 'Shaggy' Tyrannosaur Now World's Biggest Feathered Beast
- Earth Usually Has More than One Moon, Study Suggests
- What Was Behind the Texas Tornadoes?
- Young Mammoth Likely Butchered by Humans
- Big Astronomy Demands Prompt Growth for European Observatory
- Texas Tornadoes' Fury Seen in Eyewitness Videos
- New App Brings Alien Planets Down to Earth
- First 'Alien Earth' May Be Found by 2014
- Salmonella Outbreak of Unknown Origin Sickens 90
- Doctors Identify 45 Medical Tests Patients Usually Don't Need
- 5 Foul Things That Are Good For You
- Volcanoes' Plumbing Holds Clues to Eruptions
- 'CATASTROPHIC': Experimental Tornado Warnings to be Explicit
- The Reality of Climate Change: 10 Myths Busted
- Deadly Bacteria Lurk in Deepwater Horizon Tar Balls
- April 3
- How Butterflies Adapt When Climate Changes
- Butterfly Gallery: Beautiful Wings Take Flight
- 5 Spiffy Facts about Spit
- Mount Etna Erupts in Fiery Glory
- How Do We Fall Asleep?
- Sick Ants Help Vaccinate Colonies, Study Suggests
- Images: April 3rd Dallas Tornadoes
- Most in US Get Enough Vitamins & Nutrients
- Cameron's 'Titanic' Correction May Impress Astronomers
- Chagas Disease More Common in U.S. Than Thought
- Why Women Find it Harder to Quit Smoking
- New Video Shows Rare Snow Leopards in Kashmir
- In Self-Control, Dogs Are Only Human
- Cool Math Games
- Pandas Meet for Love Match at Zoo
- Fatal Accidents Rise for Young Women Who Drink and Drive
- 'Stand Your Ground' Laws in the US (Infographic)
- Sweets and Fast Food Linked to Depression
- 'Breathtaking' Mummy Coffin Covers Seized in Israel
- Dark Energy Search Needs Research Funding Boost, Nobel Winners Say
- Earth's Interior Exposed in Oman
- Telescopes Team Up to Form 5,000-Mile-Wide Mega-Scope
- Making Money Work: Using Coins to Generate Electricity
- Dwarf Galaxies Help to Unlock Secrets of Dark Matter
- Why Women Don't Pursue Physics Careers
- April 2
- Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Smokeless Tobacco
- Mammograms Cited in Breast Cancer Overdiagnosis
- Should You Pre-Chew Your Baby's Food?
- Bouncing Baby Bongos Born at Belfast Zoo
- Images: Belfast Zoo's Bongo Babies
- Fooled You! Richard Branson's Volcano Journey Prank
- Many Parents Not Taking Kids Outside to Play
- Teens With Bulging Bellies at Increased Risk for Hypertension
- Fukushima Radiation Tracked Across Pacific Ocean
- Hot Find! Humans Used Fire 1 Million Years Ago
- Your Presence Launches Millions of Microbes into Air
- Tropical Storm Born on April Fool's Day
- 1940 Census Now Online
- World Repository of Human Genetics Now Hosted by Amazon
- New Map of Distant Galaxies May Reveal Dark Energy History
- Supernova Explosion Ripped Star's Guts Inside Out
- Mothers' Caffeine Intake Doesn't Wake Babies at Night, Study Finds
- Doomed Comets Die Faster in Sun by Diving Deep Into Star
- April Fools' Day Asteroid Zips Close by Earth
- Strange Gamma-Ray Objects in Deep Space Perplex Scientists
- Humanity's Birthplace: View of African Rift Valley
- Why Some Kids With Severe Autism 'Bloom'
- Oceans Started Warming 135 Years Ago, Study Suggests
- April 1