All content archive
July 2012
607 articles
- July 31
- Why India Just Suffered the World's Biggest Blackout
- How Men and Women Focus Differently
- Watch Earth Change with New Zoomable Google Earth Tool
- Old Whooping Cough Vaccine Protected Better Than New
- Phelps Snags 19th Olympic Medal, Goes Down in History
- Camera-Toting Seabird Captures Own Deep Dive
- Tiger Population in Nepal Park Doubles in 2 Years
- Huge Japanese Robot Opens Fire on 'Smile Shot' Command
- Unmanned Russian Cargo Ship Departs Space Station
- Whale Songs Hint at Bowhead Comeback
- Phelps, Lochte & Split-Second Races: How Olympic Timing Tech Works
- Spectacular Photo: Humpback Whale Surprises Fishing Trip
- NASA's Huge New Mars Rover Targets Biggest Red Planet Mysteries
- US Military Shoots Down Dark Knight's Flying "Bat" Idea
- Tropical System Drenching the Caribbean
- Most People with This Common Disease Are Unaware
- Why Some People Can Recall Life's Every Moment
- Dolphin Social Networks Show First Hints of Culture
- Presenting the World's Slowest Shark
- When Is the Next Blue Moon? August 2012
- Blue Moon Rising: See Two Full Moons in August
- New 'Bird Flu' Killing Baby Seals, Raises Concerns for Humans
- Former Global Warming Skeptic Makes a 'Total Turnaround'
- July 30
- Rare Colorado Tornado Is Second-Highest in US History
- Smiling May Reduce Stress
- Humpback Whales Reluctant to Migrate from Antarctica
- Pollution Makes Some People Go Green
- Rare Colorado Tornado Second-Highest in US History
- Electronic 'Skin' Senses Ladybug Footsteps
- Eating Habits of Longest Dinosaur Revealed
- World's Northernmost Coral Reef Discovered in Japan
- China Tests Powerful Rocket Engine for New Booster
- Clickable Internet Map Shows 350,000 Websites
- Drought's Positive Effect: Smaller Gulf Dead Zone
- Summer Streakers: How to Catch the Upcoming Meteor Showers
- Propeller-Slashed Whale Shark Highlights Ecotourism Danger
- In Images: Tale of an Injured Whale Shark
- Tomb of Mayan Prince Discovered in Jungle Ruins
- Prince's Tomb: Images from a Mayan Excavation
- Less Than a Week Remains Before NASA's Biggest Rover Yet Lands on Mars
- What Are the Ingredients of an Olympian?
- Typhoon Saola Forms, Heads for Taiwan, China
- Oldest Poison Pushes Back Ancient Civilization 20,000 Years
- Women, Children Not More Likely to Survive Shipwrecks
- Danish Space Travel Team Launches Private Rocket Test
- Spiral Galaxy Photo Sheds New Light on Recent Star Explosion
- Brain Development Lags in ADHD Kids
- Tanks' Special Paint Protects Against Nerve Gas
- Warrior King Statue Discovered in Ancient Mediterranean City
- Nasal Spray Helps Interpretation of Emotions
- Will July Become Hottest Month Ever Recorded?
- Century of Drought May Be Ahead
- 50-Mile Landslides Spotted on Saturn's Icy Moon
- Prostate Cancer Screening Test May Prevent 17,000 Advanced Cases Yearly
- 7 Most Mars-like Places on Earth
- Usain Bolt vs. The Cheetah: Olympians of the Animal Kingdom
- July 29
- July 28
- Russia to Re-Try Space Station Docking Test Saturday
- Singing the Blues: August Will Be a Blue Moon Month
- Curiosity Rover Will Sleuth for Clues to Water on Mars
- Japanese Unmanned Spacecraft Arrives at Space Station
- FAA Gives Texas Company License for Reusable Rocket Launches
- Next Space Station Crew to Try 'Fishy' Science
- Best Earth Images of the Week - July 27, 2012
- 7 Things You Don't Know About Moths, But Should
- How Stress Makes Us Lose Sight of Our Goals
- Everyday Citizens Can Help Solve the Riddle of the Disappearing Ladybugs
- July 27
- Chocoholics, Take Note: Cravings Don't Increase Before Menstruation
- How 'Fast Pool' Tech Helps Olympic Swimmers
- New Beetle Species Found in Remote Arizona Cave
- Ryan Lochte vs. Michael Phelps: Why Rivalries Make Us Better
- High Testosterone Linked to Prostate Cancer Risk
- Does Impulsiveness Give Boys Math Edge?
- This Summer Shaping Up as One of Warmest
- Japanese Women Fall to No. 2 in Life Expectancy
- Melting Ice Floods Greenland River, Satellite Photo Shows
- East to Stay Stormy Through the Weekend
- Extreme Weather at the Summer Games
- Amish Population Booms in US
- Why Do We Keep Going Back to Mars?
- Sakurajima Volcano Erupts, Showers a Town in Ash
- An Atlantic Tropical Wave Worth Watching
- Northeast Severe Storms Kill Two, Leave Trail of Damage
- First Sunrise of Season Blazes into Antarctic View
- Lack of Sleep Slows You Down
- The Incredible Evolution of the Olympics
- Olympic Events Through History
- Endangered Gazelle Baby Born at Cleveland Zoo
- Lucid Dreamers Offer Clues to Consciousness
- Drought Grips U.S. (Infographic)
- Your Diet Affects Your Grandchildren's DNA, Scientists Say
- The 7 Biggest Mysteries of the Human Body
- How the Olympics Changed the World
- Olympic Exercise Plan: How to Work Out Like a Champion
- Synthetic 'Mars Rocks' to Help Publicize Red Planet Rover Landing
- Most Massive Stars Live as Vampires in Close Stellar Pairs
- NASA Telescope Snaps Best-Ever Pictures of Sun's Atmosphere
- How New Mars Rover Will 'Cook' Red Planet Rocks
- London Olympic Buildings Designed to Disappear Afterward
- July 26
- Ancient Statues Smuggled from Nigeria to Return Home
- Cute Device Turns Callers into Rolling Robots
- Uncanny Valley Watch: Robot Baby Evolves
- Photo to Show all 70,000 People at Olympics Opening
- Ancestor of All Life on Earth?
- Robot Bakery Can Recognize Pastries
- Texting May Lead to Bad Grammar
- Olympic City: London's Lights Seen from Space
- Robots Build Solar Farms Cheaper and Faster
- July Could Set Record for Fewest Tornadoes
- Photo: Host of Tiny Turtles Born at Aquarium
- Liars: It Takes One to Know One
- Storm Clouds May Punch Holes in Ozone
- Cities With Most Dangerous Drivers (Infographic)
- 1st West Nile Case Reported in NY as Virus Hits 17 States
- Mediterranean Fin Whales Threatened
- Hackers Break Iris Scanner Security
- Brain Is Biased When Learning New Information
- Protective Skin Microbes Help Fight Off Disease
- Exploding Blue Termites Spew Toxic Goo in Battle
- Scientific Proof Your Boss is a Jerk
- 3D Printer Helps Make Working Gun
- New Weight-Loss Drug May Help Keep Pounds at Bay
- People May Tolerate Unfairness with Morsel of Opportunity
- Cheetah Cubs to be Named After Olympic Sprinters
- Elusive Sneezing Monkeys Photographed in a First
- Image Gallery: Sneezin' Snub-Nosed Monkeys
- Why Dogs Chase Laser Beams (and Why It Can Drive Them Nuts)
- The Dish on Pasta: Maligned Food Actually a Healthy Carb
- Having Kids After Age 30 May Lower Cancer Risk
- Meditating May Make People Feel Less Lonely, Study Says
- The IUD: What Do Gynecologists Know That Other Women Don't?
- Antioxidants Linked with Lower Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
- Half of Americans Drink Soda Everyday
- Astronauts Ring In Antimatter-Hunting Space Experiment's 1st Birthday
- Alien Solar System Looks a Lot Like Our Own
- Mars Rover Curiosity to Double as Martian Weather Station
- Cassini Spacecraft Buzzes Saturn Moon Titan to See Methane Lake
- 'Impossible' Stars Found in Super-Close Orbital Dances
- NASA Moves Old Spacecraft to Track New Mars Rover's Landing
- Gliese 581g Tops List of 5 Potentially Habitable Alien Planets
- July 25
- Club Drug Ecstasy Harms Memory, Study Reveals
- Sex Problems More Likely in Diabetic Women
- 'Maiden' Inca Mummy Suffered Lung Infection Before Sacrifice
- Image Gallery: Inca Child Mummies
- How 'Mantabot' Robot Fish Could Help Navy Missions
- The worst droughts in US history
- Sea Stars Divide into 2 Species in Evolutionary Flash
- Sweeping 'Grand Canyon' Discovered Beneath Antarctic Ice
- Sexy Movies Sway Teens to Have Earlier and Riskier Sex
- Roadkill Rage: Drivers Swerve to Hit Animals, Experiment Finds
- Ancient Life-Size Lion Statues Baffle Scientists
- NFL Tackles Brain Trauma with Army Helmet Sensors
- Why Is Everyone on the Internet So Angry?
- Astronaut Photo Shows Sun Glint Off Great Lakes
- Firewalking Physics: The Wrong Way to Walk on Hot Coals
- Tiny Sea Creatures Ride Rogue Current to Arctic Waters
- Police Investigators Revisit Crime Scenes Using Virtual Reality
- Shark Paradise Discovered
- 500 Million-Year-Old 'Mistake' Led to Humans
- Beware, Arachnophobes: Half of Spiders Are Undiscovered
- Record Summer Heat Brings Out the Bugs
- Why Aren't There Any Openly Gay Astronauts?
- Girl Programs Artificial 'Brain' to Diagnose Breast Cancer
- July 24
- Bath Salts May Be as Addictive as Cocaine, Study Suggests
- Ancient Poop Gives Clues to Modern Diabetes Epidemic
- Watch the Moon Pass Mars in Night Sky Tonight
- Homemade Smart Glasses Translate on the Fly
- Hercules Constellation Now Showing in Summer Night Sky
- Moon and Star Point Way to See Saturn Wednesday Night
- Rise of Robots Revives US Manufacturing
- Creepy, Crawly & Incredible: Photos of Spiders
- 'Evil' Plankton Even More Deadly
- Sally Ride Remembered: Tributes to 1st American Woman in Space
- Massive Greenland Iceberg Heads for Open Waters
- Record Greenland Ice Melt Happened in Days
- More Than a Third of US Births Unintended
- Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend
- Why Vivid Memories Can Feel So Real
- Sally Ride, 1st American Woman in Space, Dies at 61
- Brain Sees Men as Whole, Women as Parts
- Distant Undersea Eruptions Help Rebuild Great Barrier Reef
- Would the NYC Soda Ban Work? Scientists Crunch the Numbers
- 1st Photos from New Discovery Channel Telescope Unveiled
- Wakeful Rest May Boost Memory
- Light at night may raise depression risk, study suggests
- Images: Tracing the Ancient Incan Empire
- Clingy or Aloof? Your Sex Life May Suffer
- More 100-Degree Temperatures Across the Midwest
- Atlantic Still Quiet, Waiting on Gilma in Eastern Pacific
- Autoerotic Deaths Less Common Than Thought
- How Poverty Affects Mothers' Anxiety
- Poll: Parental Consent Should Be Required for HPV Vaccine
- Hopes of Finding Earhart's Plane Fade
- Is London's Big Ben Falling Down?
- Storm Scents: You Can Smell Oncoming Rain
- Does Thinking Hard Really Burn More Calories?
- July 23
- Mass Shootings: Why It's So Hard to Predict Who Will Snap
- Sally Ride's Death: Why is Pancreatic Cancer So Deadly?
- Could Concealed Handguns Have Prevented the Colo. Shooting?
- North Korea Wants to Open Rare Earth Treasure Trove
- How Penn State Can Start Rebuilding Its Reputation
- Robot Trashcan Catches Your Trash
- Early Neglect Alters Kids' Brains
- Fewer Doctors Screening Older Men for Prostate Cancer, Study Finds
- Sea Lion Pups Born at Belfast Zoo
- Landsat Satellites See 40 Years of Earth's Beauty and Strife From Space
- Images: Sea Lion Pups Make a Splash
- Ancient Warming May Have Reunited Polar and Brown Bears, for a Bit
- Colorado Survivors: How Do People Survive Gunshot Wounds?
- New Printer Inkjet Nozzle Inspired By Human Eye
- NASA Launches Hypersonic Inflatable Heat Shield Prototype
- US Army Tests Body Armor for Female Soldiers
- Bastion of Galapagos Life Spied from Space
- When It's Raining, Should You Walk or Run?
- Images: Earth as Art Contest Winners
- Basking Shark Sightings on Rise in British Isles
- Loud Sex Can Be Deadly for Flies
- How Man-Made Jellyfish Could Help Heart Patients
- Many Countries Failing to Prevent Illegal Wildlife Trade: WWF Report
- July 22
- Japan Launches Robotic Supply Ship to Space Station
- New Mars Rover Could Far Outlive Its Lifespan
- Video: Huge Sunspot Fires Off Intense Solar Flare
- Bizarre Mars Mountain an Inviting Target for NASA's Curiosity Rover
- Pumice or Ash? Depth of Volcanic Eruption Determines Fall-Out
- Swimming 'Jellyfish' Built out of Rat Cells & Silicone
- July 21
- July 20
- Is North Korea Making EMP Weapons?
- Pressed for Time? Take a Minute to Feel Awe
- Poor Sleepers More Likely to End Up in Nursing Homes
- Best Earth Images of the Week - July 20, 2012
- Photos: Three Foals Born to Wild Ass Herd
- Caffeine Pollution Found in Oregon Coast Waters
- Only 1-in-5 Americans Show Confidence in Television News (Infographic)
- Why Gun Control Is So Contentious in the US
- Declassified 'UFO' Documents Don't Prove Alien Life
- Sexually Transmitted Bacteria Become 1st Complete 'Virtual Organism'
- Search for Dark Matter Particles Turns Up Zilch
- Wet Climate May Have Fueled Mongol Invasion
- Asteroid Flies By Earth This Weekend: How to Watch Online
- Hacker Copies Police Handcuff Keys with 3D Printer
- Egytian Pharaohs Left Behind Non-Fractal Footprint
- BP Oil Spill May Have Contributed to Dolphin Deaths, Study Finds
- 3 Things That Raise Adults' Whooping Cough Risk
- NASA Satellite Spots Madeira Wildfires
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Continue to Climb in 2011
- How Most Millionaires Got Rich
- Summer 2012 In Running for Hottest Summer on Record
- Earthquakes Reveal Magma Plumbing Beneath Volcanoes
- Why the 2012 Sumatra Earthquake Was a Weird One
- July 19
- Scientists Learn How to Turn Innovations into Jobs
- Why Gray Hair Can Be a Good Thing
- Photos: 300,000 Caribou Huddle Together To Avoid Insects
- US on Track for Record-High Whooping Cough Rate
- Primordial 'Soup' of Big Bang Recreated
- Robot Feels Up Cars for Human Comfort
- Dramatic Hunting Leopard Caught on Camera
- NASA's Newest Mars Rover Is Biggest and Best Yet
- Hubble Telescope Finds Needle Galaxy in Celestial Haystack (Photo)
- Individual Sperm Genomes Sequenced for First Time
- Where Is the Literal 'Middle' of the Ocean?
- Video: Pizza on the Menu for Mars Mission in 2030s
- Job Stress Raises Women's Heart Attack Risk
- How Lasers Can Damage Eyes Over Long Distances
- AIDS Slower to Develop in People Infected with 2 HIV Types
- How Low Can You Go, Mississippi?
- Inside Life Science: Once Upon a Stem Cell
- We Punish Out of a Desire for Fairness, Not Revenge
- Generation X Is Lukewarm On Global Warming
- July 18
- Political Ad Database to Have Facebook-like Features
- Non-Macho Guys Don't Mind When Women Out-Earn Them
- Soyuz Capsule Docks at Space Station with International Space Crew
- Photo: Dazzling Aurora Appears Over Antarctic Station
- Egg Allergies 'Cured' in Kids Using Small Doses
- X-Rays Shed Light on Origins of Volcano Hotspots
- Tropical Storm Khanun Targeting Korea
- Washington State to Allow Voter Registration on Facebook
- Why Neanderthals Sported Arms Like Popeye
- Universal Stylus Would Work Even on Non-Touch Screens
- Fur Seal Pup Birth Is Aquarium's First
- 600-Year-Old Medieval Bras Discovered
- Dense Saharan Dust Travels About 5,000 Miles to Florida
- 7 Surprising Health Effects of Drought
- YouTube Launches Face Blurring Tool
- How to Say 'I'm Sorry'
- Record-Breaking Laser Shot Paves Way to Fusion Energy
- Could Fertilizing the Oceans Reduce Global Warming?
- Tarnished Medals? Genetic Engineering Will Change Olympics
- How Bad Is the US Drought?
- New Google Maps Antarctica Images Cater to Armchair Explorers
- Multi-Telescope View of Giant Black Hole Is 2 Million Times Sharper than Human Eye
- Mars Odyssey Spacecraft Will Recover From Recent Glitch, NASA Says
- Ancient Hellenistic Harbor Found in Israel
- 'Invisible UFOs' Fill the Skies
- Which Species Must Die?
- Photo: Giant Iceberg's Birth Snapped from Space
- Why Earth's Magnetic Field Is Wonky
- The Physics of NYC Man's Heroic Catch of Falling Child
- Earth's Hot Formation May Solve Water Shortage Mystery
- Future Eye Scanners Must Combat Aging Eyes
- Dads' Jobs Linked to Birth Defect Risks
- Long-Acting Birth Control Becomes More Popular
- Women with Big Firstborn Babies May Have Higher Breast Cancer Risk
- Autism Survey for Parents May Catch Disorder Early
- Fabio Weakens, Spotted Chasing Emilia's Remnants
- Ghost of Fabio to Impact Los Angeles, Southern California
- Lightning Sets July Skies Ablaze
- Low Corn Yield to Lead to Higher Costs for Consumers
- July 17
- 3-Hour Sex Sessions Exhaust Squid
- 50 Tons of Litter Pulled from Pacific
- Faster than a Plane or Train: 'Hyperloop' Transportation
- Brain Chemicals That Cause Sleep Paralysis Discovered
- Human Cyborg: McDonald’s Employees Assaulted Me For Wearing My Gear
- Dry and Dying: Images of Drought
- Elusive Snow Leopards Collared for Science
- Heat Wave Builds Again — When Will It Go Away?
- Heat Wave Builds Again When Will It Go Away?
- The Smarter Sex? Women's Average IQ Overtakes Men's
- Toxic Algae Thrive in Warming European Lakes
- Manhattan-Size Iceberg Breaks Away from Greenland Glacier
- The Tiniest Patients: Fetal Surgery Delivers Big Results
- News of Huge Mars Rover's Landing Could be Delayed by Spacecraft Glitch
- NASA Unveils Free 'Mars Rover Landing' Game for Xbox Live
- People Living Near the Sea May Be Healthier
- Why High Blood Pressure Could Be Good for Some Older People
- Three Kingdoms' Tomb Holding Warrior Discovered
- How US Military's CAAT 'Walks' on Water
- In Photos: A Three Kingdoms' Tomb Revealed
- July 16
- Young Flamingos Banded in Bahamas for Study
- Photos of Young Flamingos Banded in the Bahamas for Study
- New York's Trans Fat Ban Effective, Study Claims
- Explained: Why We Wear Pants
- How to Live Longer: 5 Really Easy Longevity Tips
- Asian Carp Threaten U.S. Great Lakes
- 2012 London Olympic Torch Route: Week 9 Sights
- Why Extreme Heat Follows Dry Spells
- The United States is Heating Up (Infographic)
- Southwest Downpours to Continue into Early Week
- Thieving Rodents Explain Tree Survival Mystery
- Sustainable Tech Saw Ancient Maya Through Drought
- Does New Tree Ring Study Put the Chill on Global Warming?
- Greenland's Small, but Menacing Icebergs
- Anchorage Experiences Coldest First Half of July Ever
- How to Find More Time: Give Some Away
- What Would Happen If a Lion Fought a Tiger?
- Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy
- June 2012 Ranks As Fourth Warmest on Record for Planet
- Help NASA Find an Alphabet in the Sky
- Is Huge Mars Rover NASA's Last Big Mission to Red Planet?
- Future Mars Rover May Use Bigger Parachute and Atomic Clocks
- Newfound Monkey Flower Reveals Evolution in Action
- The Anatomy of the Perfect CEO
- Too Much TV at Age 2 May Cut Athletic Ability Later On
- July 15
- July 14
- July 13
- Pesticides Lurk in Fruits & Veggies (Infographic)
- Earth As Art: Land of Lakes
- Flights Take Off to Find 2011 East Coast Quake Fault
- New Ford Car Tech Makes Traffic Jams More Bearable
- Lemurs Named World's Most Endangered Mammals
- Electric Plane Turns to Drones as Flying Batteries
- Climate Change Could Melt Wolverines' Snowy 'Refrigerators'
- Snow Leopard Moms & Cubs Captured in First-Ever Video
- Earthquake Shakes Afghanistan
- Wild Madagascar: Photos Reveal Island's Amazing Lemurs
- Deadly Floods Follow Record Japan Rain
- Rare Photos: Snow Leopard Babies in Dens
- Americans' Confidence in the Church at All-Time Low
- 13 Freaky Facts About Friday the 13th
- Hive in the Sky Gives Bees Urban Dwelling
- The Humble Banana Gets Its Genome Decoded
- Amateur Cryptographers Decode Mysterious Subway Message
- Ex-Google VIP Joins Private Moon Race Team
- Major Solar Flare Erupts From Giant Sunspot
- July 12
- Batman on the Couch: Psychologist Analyzes Comic Book Character
- Holy Therapist! 5 Signs Batman May Be Mental
- Rare Sight: Black Bear Photographed at Grand Canyon
- Photos: Strange & Spectacular Karsts of China
- Old Patents Predict Future Tech
- Asteroid Crashes Likely Gave Earth Its Water
- Sandusky Cover-Up? Why People Look the Other Way in Child Sex Abuse
- Human Ancestor Fossils Hidden in Plain Sight in Lab Rock
- Newborn Star's 'Heartbeat' Seen by X-ray Telescopes
- New Pluto Moon Hints at Perilous Journey for Spacecraft
- Talking Apes Project Faces Cash Crisis
- Should Pluto's 5th Moon Make It a Planet?
- Early Universe's Dark Galaxies May Have Been Revealed for 1st Time
- Pluto's New Moon: Five Fun Facts
- Spider Farm Design Holds 1 Million Arachnids
- Antarctica Surrounded by Threats
- Biodiversity Abounds: Stunning Photos of the Amazon
- Identity of First Americans Questioned
- Amazon Due for Numerous Species Extinctions
- Tropical Storm Fabio Becomes Pacific's Sixth Storm of 2012
- Mind-Reading Helmet to ID Terrorists
- New Type of Fat Cell Found
- Monsoon Means More Moisture for West
- Furniture Pieces Put Themselves Together
- Robot Dinosaurs Printed in 3-D Using Fossil Templates
- Sun Turns NYC into 'Manhattanhenge' Tonight
- 13 Incredibly Lucky Earth Facts
- Digging Into the Past Reveals Future Quake Potential
- Giant, Round Prehistoric Turtle Discovered
- July 11
- Uncanny Valley Watch: Making Android Faces
- Pluto Remains Shrouded in Mystery
- Notion that Liars Glance to the Right Debunked
- Images: Scenes from Nat Geo's Unlikely Leopard
- Why a Meal Can Spark Romantic Jealousy
- Dramatic Photos Show Wildfire Smoke Sucked Up by Storm
- Lung Worm Infections on the Rise, CDC Says
- For Sale: Flying Car from 1954
- How to Make Oobleck
- Healing Powers of Birds' Nest Soup Remain Mysterious
- What Should Pluto's New Moon Be Named?
- Strange Vortex Discovered on Saturn Moon Titan
- How to Walk on Water with Help from Dr. Seuss' Oobleck
- 'Ghost Galaxies' of Early Universe Seen by Hubble Telescope
- Amtrak's $151 Billion Plan for High-Speed Rail by 2040
- Satellite Sees 3 Storms Swirling Across Pacific Ocean
- 'Arsenic Life' Debate Reveals Challenge of Alien Microbe Search
- Pluto Has a Fifth Moon, Hubble Telescope Reveals
- Here's What the Higgs Boson Sounds Like
- Booze May Be Good for Old Bones
- What It Means to Be Brain Dead
- Why Sockeye Salmon Are in Trouble
- Wind Saved Florida, East Coast from Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Obama and Romney Ignoring Climate Change
- King Penguin Colony Getting Used to Humans
- In Photos: The King Penguins of Possession Island
- July 10
- Heavy Suit Gives the Young a Taste of Old Age
- San Diego Zoo Welcomes 'Secretary Bird' Chicks
- Deaf People 'Feel Touch' With Hearing Part of Brain
- Male Ego Takes Hit from Muscle-y Music Videos
- Swine Flu Vaccine May Be Linked to Rare Nerve Disorder
- 5 Killer Creatures: Surprisingly Deadly Animals
- Caribbean Crustacean Named for Bob Marley
- How the Euclid Telescope Will Probe the Invisible Universe
- Supermoon Lights Up South Pole in Photo
- Private Space Telescope Project Could Boost Asteroid Mining
- Do Sunrises Look Different from Sunsets?
- Lighting May Reduce Fatal Airplane-Bird Collisions
- 5 Garden Weeds You Can Eat!
- Astronaut Photo Captures Elusive, Strange Lightning
- Sun Turns NYC into 'Manhattanhenge' Thursday
- Ancient 'New York City' of Canada Discovered
- Hurricane Emilia Becomes Strongest Storm of the Season
- Endangered Snake Declared World's Rarest
- The Mantle Site: Photos of Ancient City
- Circumcision May Lower Urinary Infection Risk
- Pets May Lower Babies' Infection Rates
- HPV Vaccinations Lower Infection Rate Even Among Unvaccinated Women
- July 9
- US Heat Wave: First Half of Year Hottest on Record
- US Temperature Records Heating Up
- Arsenic-Munching Bacteria Doubted, But Still Alien-Like
- Why Does a Breeze Feel Cool?
- Virtual Pop Star Steps into Real World
- Northern Lights Oddity: Strange Sounds of Auroras Explained
- Excess Pounds Won't Kill You, Study Suggests
- Hurricane Daniel's Spiraling Clouds Spotted from Space
- Private Space Plane Builders Pick Texas for New Test Site
- Tiny Spy Drone Flies Like a Maple Seed
- Likely Source of Animals' Magnetic Sense Identified
- Meteor Lights Up Beach Night Sky in Photo
- Cheetah Twins Arrive at Denver Zoo
- Math Makes Girls More Anxious Than Boys
- Two Hurricanes Swirling Over Eastern Pacific
- Mystery Wave in Milky Way Galaxy Suggests Recent Crash
- 2012 London Olympic Torch Route: Week 8 Sights
- Sun Erupts with Strongest Summer Solar Flare Yet
- 'Frankenstein' Mummies Are a Mix of Corpses
- Bright Lights in the Summer Sky: A Stargazer's Planet Feast
- 'Arsenic Life' Claim Refuted by 2 New Studies
- Adolescent Angst: 5 Facts About the Teen Brain
- July 8
- July 7
- July 6
- Who Deserves a Higgs Boson Nobel? One Scientist, or Many
- Video from Space: Army Builds 'Mud Island' on US East Coast
- Huge Mars Rover One Month from Red Planet Landing
- Night Sky's Summer Triangle Illuminates Star Deception
- Astronaut's Photo Captures Blazing Wyoming Wildfire
- New Rover Could Seek Evidence of Ancient Mars Life Just Below Surface: Study
- Eye-Catching Parrot Species May Make Endangered Species List
- Robot Legs Mimic How Babies Walk
- Swirling Currents Fuel Huge Ocean Blooms
- UFO Sightings Are 3,615 Times More Common than Voter Fraud
- Space Station 'Disaster Cam' Will Watch Out for Earth
- TV Treats Breast-Feeding as Comic Fodder
- Hewlett-Packard Scores Patent for See-Through Screen
- Tropical Storm Daniel Spawns Giant 'Hot Towers'
- Headset Creates 'Soundscape' for Blind People to See
- The Cleavage Countdown: 8 Facts About Breasts
- Grey Wolf Pups Born at Scotland Zoo
- Genes for Breast Size Found
- 1st US Case of Mother-to-Child Chagas Disease Reported
- Why We Get Cranky When It's Hot Out
- Toddler’s Marijuana-Cookie Ingestion Could Have Been Worse
- Seriously, When Will the Heat End?
- Why Women Love the Olympics
- New World Heritage Site a Haven for African Wildlife
- Decades Old Mystery of Buckyballs Cracked
- How Did Fang-Flashing Evolve into Smiling?
- 13 Animal-to-Human Diseases Kill 2.2 Million People Each Year
- New Hope For Corals?
- European Rocket Launches New US Satellite, Weather-Tracking Spacecraft
- Big Picture on Mars: NASA Rover Snaps Amazing Red Planet View
- July 5
- Drought Reaches Record 56% of Continental US
- Will the Real Higgs Please Stand Up? (Infographic)
- Moms Whose Lives Revolve Around Baby Suffer
- Robot Ready for Dangerous Lab Jobs
- What If the New Particle Isn't the Higgs Boson?
- Colorado Wildfire Scar Spotted from Space
- Higgs Boson Particle Discovery May Help Reveal Dark Matter Secrets
- 134 $1-Billion Weather Disasters in US Since 1980
- Boxing Robot Falls Short of 'Real Steel'
- How Small Volcanic Eruptions Can Affect Global Climate
- Jeopardy Champ Watson's Creator Discusses Being a Scientist
- Brain Region Turns on in Social Situations
- Extreme Heat Breaks More Than 3,000 Records This Week
- How Heat Kills
- Mystery of Bending Mountains May Be Solved
- What Is the Higgs Boson? ('God Particle' Explained)
- Underwater Eruption Strews Ocean Surface with Dead Fish
- US Military Brainstorms Future Game-Changers
- Higgs and the Atom Smasher: By the Numbers
- Measuring Freedom and Repression (Infographic)
- Bees Do It: Brain Aging Reversed
- Plastic in Birds' Stomachs Reveals Ocean's Garbage Problem
- July 4
- Giant Dark Matter Bridge Between Galaxy Clusters Discovered
- Vanishing Dust Belt Around Star Baffles Scientists
- Sun Fires Off Fourth of July Solar Flares
- Earth Is Farthest From the Sun This Week
- See 4 Planets on Fourth of July! Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn Shine
- Video: Bone Eating Zombie Worms Use Acid
- The Surprising Quality That Makes a Great Boss
- Physicists Ecstatic Over Possible Higgs Particle Discovery
- The Elusive Particle: 5 Implications of Finding Higgs
- New Particle at World's Largest Atom Smasher is Likely Higgs Boson
- Search for Amelia Earhart's Plane Begins
- July 3
- 9% of Today's Warming Caused By Preindustrial People
- Tricky Cuttlefish Put on Gender-Bending Disguise
- Mermaids Don't Exist, NOAA Website Notes
- Why Bottle Rockets Put Your Peepers in Peril
- Is it Higgs? Leaked Video Suggests New Particle Found at LHC
- Majestic Endangered Goat Making Comeback in Pakistan
- Video: Destructive Derecho Windstorm Sweeps Across US
- Full Moon Rises Tonight on Eve of Fourth of July
- Phoenix Put on Haboob Watch
- NASA Space Telescope Snaps Its First Black Hole Picture
- Double Stars Shine Bright in July Night Sky
- Hubble Telescope Sees Celestial Fireworks for Fourth of July
- Four New Patent Offices to Open Across U.S.
- Solar Flare's Red Glare: Sun Unleashes Early Fourth of July Fireworks
- 7 Iconic American Animals
- Smart Headlights' Beams Avoid Raindrops
- Cotton T-Shirt May One Day Charge Your Cellphone
- Bizarre 'Zombie' Worms Use Acid to Eat Whale Bones
- Smoke from Western Wildfires Reaches Atlantic Ocean
- 5 Million Babies Born from IVF, Other Reproductive Technologies
- 3D-Printed Sugar Technique Makes Artificial Blood Vessels
- The Real Science of Fairy Tales
- How to 'Cram' While Sleeping
- All Predatory Dinosaurs May Have Sported Fluffy Feathers
- Explosive Anger More Common in Teens Than Once Thought
- The Truths Behind 10 Old Wives' Tales
- July 2
- What's Behind The Record Heat?
- Naked Mole Rat Offers Clue to Long Life
- Virtual Reality Reveals Details of Haiti Quake
- Birthplace of Jesus Listed by UN as World Heritage Site
- Teens Irked by Sexting, Do It Anyway
- Cat Parasite Linked to Suicide Attempts in Humans
- 26 New World Heritage Sites Announced
- New GPS Rival Is Hack-Proof
- The History of Extreme Weather on Fourth of July
- How the Higgs Boson Gives Things Mass
- 8 Influential Women Explorers
- Record-Breaking Heat Wave Continues in Southeast, Midwest
- Violent 'Derecho' Storms Leave 700 Miles of Destruction Across US
- Milky Way's Giant Black Hole to Eat Space Cloud in 2013
- Ancient Mars Water Existed Deep Underground
- Alternative Fuel Rocket Roars to Life in Test
- US Deep-Sea Submarine Gets Makeover
- Space Station Astronauts Return to Earth Aboard Soyuz Capsule
- Ancient Mosaic Depicting Fiery Bible Story Discovered
- Drones Crash and Burn in US Military Contest
- Reports of Orgasm Headaches Reveal Mysterious Phenomenon in Teens
- Freedom of Religion
- World's Tiniest Fly May Decapitate Ants, Live in Their Heads
- Coffee Consumption May Cut Skin Cancer Risk
- Black Widow Spiders May Have Met Their Match
- Spanking May Increase Risk of Mental Disorders
- Wildfires May Stomp Out Colorado Fireworks
- Herpes Pictures & Symptoms of Herpes Simplex
- Leading Causes of Death in the US: 1900 - Present (Infographic)
- July 1