All content archive
August 2012
762 articles
- August 31
- Spray-on Powder Uses Nitric Oxide to Fight Deadly Bacteria
- The Maturing Science of Getting Old
- Tiny Gravity Changes Show Magma's Underground Movements
- Creativity As Key To Engineering Innovation
- Cooling Glove 'Better than Steroids' Lends Athletes a Hand
- Blood Mystery Solved
- 9,500-Year-Old 'Cultic' Figurines Found in Israel
- Machu Picchu: The Incan estate 8,000 feet high in the Andes
- Raise Your Glass! Its Shape May Influence Your Drinking
- San Diego Zoo Opens Center for Animal-Inspired Tech
- Why Philippines Earthquake Tsunami Warning Was Cancelled
- Why Doctors Don't Read Some Medical Test Results
- Seafloor Gas Seep Rediscovered Off East Coast
- What Is the Cloud?
- Hints of King Richard III's Grave Found Under Parking Lot
- Promiscuity Boosts Immune Systems in Mice
- Baby Bison Born Via Embryo Transfer May Boost Species Recovery
- Are There More People Alive Today than Ever Lived?
- Can Pee in a Pool be Revealed by Chemicals?
- Paleo-Artists Breathe Life, and Color, into Dinosaurs
- Paleo-Art: Dinosaurs Come to Life in Stunning Illustrations
- Exploding Frozen Soda Can Leaves Boy with 38 Stitches
- Large Earthquake Strikes Off Philippines
- 1,000 English Ants to Receive Radio Tags
- Image Gallery: Tagging Hairy Wood Ants
- Mars Rover Curiosity Begins 1st Long Martian Drive
- Black Hole 'Bonanza': Millions Found by NASA Space Telescope
- Blood Test May Reveal Menopause Age
- August 30
- Hantavirus Deaths in Yosemite: More Mice May Be to Blame
- Could Sunlight-Reflecting Clouds Stop Hurricanes?
- 'Mysterious' Baltic Sea Object Is a Glacial Deposit
- Eerie Video Captures Footage Inside Hurricane Isaac's Eye
- Piano Tuning May Change the Brain
- Will Hurricanes Ever Reach Category 6?
- Science Fiction or Fact: A Planet-Destroying Superweapon
- Have Three Little Photons Broken Theoretical Physics?
- Does Sitting Too Close to the TV Really Ruin Your Eyesight?
- Can Water Explode in a Microwave?
- Does Tapping a Soda Can Prevent it from Foaming Over?
- Distortion-Free Photos Possible With Flat Lens
- Mind Control Directs This Flying Drone
- Amazon Fungi Help Create Clouds & Rain
- Crazy Image: 4 Storms, 2 Oceans
- A New Way to Track the World's Whales
- Denisovan Gallery: Tracing the Genetics of Human Ancestors
- Soil Microbes Harbor Nasty Antibiotic Resistance Genes
- Genome of Mysterious Extinct Human Reveals Brown-Eyed Girl
- Surreal Photo Shows 'Belt of Venus' In Our Pink Sky
- Swallowed Batteries Send Thousands of Kids to ER Yearly
- Texas Mayor Said Killed by Rare Donkey Attack
- Space Sugar Discovered Around Sun-Like Star
- Bizarre 'Penis Head' Fish Discovered
- Image Gallery: Weird 'Penis Head' Fish
- Eureka! 'Light Bulb' Solar Storm Erupts from Active Sun
- Video: Whirlwind Tour of All 2299 Kepler Planets
- Supersonic Flying Wing Nabs $100,000 from NASA
- Isaac's Impacts: Destruction from 'Just a Cat 1' Storm
- Rosacea May Be Caused by Bacteria
- Blue Moon Alert: See August's 2nd Full Moon
- Chocolate Consumption Lowers Men's Stroke Risk
- Why Your Cellphone Has More Bacteria Than a Toilet Seat
- Can Hurricanes Make Pregnant Women Go into Labor?
- Hands On: Samsung Shoves Smartphone into Camera
- Earthquake Strikes in Greenland Sea
- CDC Recommends Booster Shots for Whooping Cough Outbreak
- Myth Busted: Does the Blue Moon Make Us Crazy?
- August 29
- Beyond Wind & Rain: Isaac Could Stir Up Oil
- Why Beetle Species Outnumber Tuataras
- Internet Addiction Tied to Gene Mutation
- Will People Really Be Forced to Stop Eating Meat?
- New 'Heartland' Virus Discovered in Sick Missouri Farmers
- Dinosaur Guts: Photos of a Paleo-Predator
- Last Meal Found in Stomach of Fuzzy Dinosaur
- Sea Lights Help Seals Hunt in the Dark
- Earthquake Strikes Los Angeles Area
- Satellites Spy Tropical Storm Kirk
- Eyeless Fish Oceans Apart Turn Out to Be Cousins
- Next-Gen Airport Scanners Will Be Faster and More Secure
- World's Thinnest Transistor is Two-Thirds Complete
- Boat Lost in Japan Tsunami Washes Up in Canada
- Science as Art: Edward Lear's Zoological Illustrations
- Normal Tot or Problem Child? Tantrum Frequency Holds Clues
- Baby Faces Enlisted to Fight Crime
- CDC Reports Jump in West Nile Cases and Deaths
- How Average Quakes May Turn Into Giants
- Extreme Stargazing: The Biggest, Brightest and Best Night Sky Sights
- Teach Robots from Home with Your Kinect
- Too Hot for Love: Breeding Penguins Vanish from Antarctic Island
- Billions of Tons of Methane Lurk Beneath Antarctic Ice
- Animal Illustrations Preceded Poet's Nonsense Verse
- NASA Captures Amazing View of Tropical Storm Isaac at Night (Photos)
- Just In: A Gene That Makes Women Happy
- Why Hurricane Isaac Is Moving So Slowly
- Slow-Churning Isaac Captured in Detailed Satellite Image
- Snail Dad Does All the Parenting, Takes on Stepchildren
- 5 Ways Computers Boost Drug Discovery
- Endangered Tiger Cubs Caught on Camera Near Proposed Dam
- Satellites Show Hurricane Isaac From Space
- Hurricane Isaac Makes Landfall
- August 28
- Pigeons Vanish in 'Birdmuda Triangle'
- More Infants Born Addicted to Prescription Drugs
- Last US Atom Smasher on Chopping Block
- Chimp 'Secret Handshakes' May Be Cultural
- Two Alien Planets Found with Twin Suns Like 'Star Wars'' Tatooine
- Grooming Gallery: Chimps Get Social
- Hurricane Forecasts Get a Robotic Boost
- Patrick Stewart Warps Into 'Futurama' Wednesday Night
- Amazing Photo of Hurricane Isaac Is Fake
- Value of Kids' Pretend Play May Be Overhyped
- Eating Nuts in Pregnancy May Lower Kids' Asthma Risk
- Artificial Universe Similar to Ours Built with Supercomputer
- Stunning Hubble Telescope 'Hidden Treasures' Revealed in Photo Contest
- Plunge in Child Mortality Leaves UN Unsatisfied
- Steak-Cooking Simulator Feels Real in Your Hands
- Invasive Raccoons Threaten Europe
- Hurricane Risks: Surprising Map Shows Vulnerable Areas
- Black-Market Tiger Skins Found in Russia
- 5 Things You Should Know About Legionnaires' Disease
- Vitamin B3 May Fight Staph Infections
- Even Toughest Coral Can't Cross Pacific Divide
- Why Did Isaac Take So Long to Become a Hurricane?
- Isaac vs. Katrina: How Do They Compare?
- Tourists Disturb Dolphins' Sleep
- Prenatal Whole-Gene Sequencing Raises Ethical Questions
- Thomas Edison Artifacts Need $20,000 Makeover
- Type 2 Diabetes Linked to Common Virus
- Why Is West Nile Virus So Bad This Year?
- How Pandas Pick the Perfect Spot to Pee
- Why the Arctic Is Becoming a 'Giant Slushie'
- Does Chocolate Really Cause Acne?
- Blue Moon: The Strange Evolution of a Phrase
- Last Blue Moon Until 2015 Appears Friday
- Bigfoot Hoaxer Killed in Accident
- Sperm Quality & Quantity Declining, Mounting Evidence Suggests
- Mars Rover Tracks Akin to Neil Armstrong's Moon Bootprints, Scientist Says
- Mars Rover Sends Amazing Photos, 1st Human Voice from Red Planet
- NASA to Broadcast 1st Song from Mars Tuesday
- NASA's Moonwalking Apollo Astronauts: Where Are They Now?
- August 27
- 200-Year-Old 'Monster Larva' Mystery Solved
- Citizen-Inventor Sues U.S. Government Over Patent Law
- California’s Earthquake Swarm: What’s Going On?
- Fitness in Middle-Age Linked with Fewer Diseases Later in Life
- California's Earthquake Swarm: What's Going On?
- Don't Make Your Kids Creationists, Bill Nye Says
- Northeastern Trees May Be Extra Colorful This Year
- People Can Learn While They're Asleep, Study Finds
- Video - Squid Skin Stimulated With an iPod
- 230-Million-Year-Old Mite Found in Amber
- Psychologists Argue for the Right to Prescribe Medicines
- Satellites Keep an Eye on Isaac's Movements
- Belly Fat May Be Worse than Obesity for Heart Disease Risk
- Eye Glue Could Improve Safety of LASIK Surgery
- Earth Supports One-Third Less Life Than Thought
- Computer Program Predicts Crop Pest Outbreaks
- Smoking Pot In Teen Years Lowers IQ Later
- Why Pregnancy Really Lasts 9 Months
- Americans Think the Rich Are Different
- NASA Holds Mars Rover Update Today: How to Watch Online
- Robot Close to Passing Mirror Test
- Frank Gehry to Design Extension to Facebook Campus
- Super-Fertile Women May Have More Miscarriages
- Ancient Termite-Digging Creature Added to Mammal Family Tree
- Hurricane Isaac's Predicted Path
- Arctic Sea Ice Shatters Historic Record Low
- Vitamins May Improve Sperm for Older Men
- Nanotech's Ill Effects on Small Sea Creatures Stir Concern
- 10 things you need to know about Arctic sea ice
- San Diego Zoo Panda Cub Gets First Exam
- Bison Benefit from Prairie Buy Back
- Circumcision's Benefits Outweigh Risks, Doctors Say
- The Greatest Hurricanes Ever
- 5 Things You Didn't Know About Circumcision
- How Are Hurricanes Named?
- New Space Weather Video Shows Sun Waking Up
- Is a 1-Year Space Station Mission in the Works?
- August 26
- August 25
- August 24
- Blacksmith Talks about His Robot Suit Creation
- How Did Lance Armstrong Get Busted?
- Only Children More Likely to Be Overweight
- Mars Photos by Curiosity Rover Teeming with 'UFOs'
- Cold-Formed Steel Rebuilds Earthquake-Resistant Architecture
- Man Bites Snake to Death in Revenge
- Bug Sunbathes to Keep Germs Away
- What Should You Do in a Mass Shooting?
- Hormones Explain Why Girls Like Dolls & Boys Like Trucks
- Plane Inside Tropical Storm Isaac Snaps Dazzling View
- Horse-Branding Is Unreliable, Vets Say
- Mila, Harry & … Iker? Celeb Names Inspire Parents
- Psychology Explains Why Guys Don't Eat Vegetables
- Demand for Horn Fuels Record-High Rhino Poaching
- Gallery of Curiosity Rover's 'UFO' Photos
- Most Neanderthals Were Right-Handed Like Us
- Bioengineered Bacteria Pump Out Fuel for Cars
- Will Placing Soap Under the Sheets Really Prevent Fidgety Legs?
- 5 Myths About Fertility Treatments
- Why Does Helium Affect Your Voice?
- Strange Emissions May Help Unlock Neutron Stars' Mysteries
- Stellar Triggers of Exploding Stars Revealed
- First Milky Way Galaxy 'Twins' Found
- NASA Launching Twin Space Probes Into Earth's Radiation Belts Friday
- August 23
- Grave of King Richard III May Be Hidden Under Parking Lot
- The Hidden Risks of Getting a Tattoo
- What Americans Really Think About Abortion
- People Pick Fairness Over Best Interests
- What's the Best Way to Avoid Mosquito Bites?
- Moose With 'Helicopter' Moms Make Better Survivors
- Ancient Poem Praises Murderous Roman Emperor Nero
- In Photos: An Ancient Poem Deciphered
- Cancer Drug Helps Patient Despite Faltering in Trials
- Nonprofit Urges Politicians to Debate Science in 2012
- 30 Minutes of Exercise May Be As Good As 1 Hour
- Fish Video Game Reveals Benefits of Sticking Together
- Scientists Use Mathematical Shortcut to Create New Metals
- Dazzling Map Shows More Than 150 Years of Hurricanes
- Does NASA Have Mars Fever?
- The Cosmic History of Life-Giving Phosphorus
- 6 Politicians Who Got the Science Wrong
- Mother of Many Modern Languages Traced to Ancient Turkey
- Gut Infections May Be Linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Future Battlefields: Less 'Star Wars,' More Tiny Robots
- Why You Remember Certain TV Ads
- Guys: Obesity Is Bad for Your Sperm
- Kids' Vaccine Rates Have Room to Improve, CDC Says
- Family Matters: Close Ties Boost Men's Mental Health
- Gibbons on Helium Trill Like Opera Singers
- Green Tech Test Town Shows Electric Cars Sap Grid
- Candy Not Corn for Cows in Drought
- 'Brain-Eating Amoeba' Infections Prompt Warning About Neti Pots
- Does Spicy Food Really Cause Ulcers?
- Why Do Women Go Through Menopause?
- Why Women Go Through Menopause: Blame the In-Laws
- Mars Rover Aces First Test Drive on Red Planet
- Mars Rover Landing Site Named for Sci-Fi Icon Ray Bradbury
- When Exploring Other Planets, International Cooperation Is Key
- August 22
- Martian Curiosity: How Do You Drive a $2.5 Billion Mars Rover?
- Rough Sea-Slug Sex May Have Benefits
- Brain Hackers Pluck Your Private Data
- Ancient Roman Tablet Holds 'Black Magic' Curses
- Talk to Your Devices in a New Robot Language
- Brain Damaged 'Patient R' Challenges Theories of Self Awareness
- 10-Year-Olds Show Sharp Health Differences Across Races
- Anorexics Perceive Themselves as Fat, But Not Others
- Video Shows Birth of Tropical Storm Isaac
- Akin Has Company: 5 Politicians Who Got the Science Wrong
- Jury's In: Law School Test Messes with the Mind
- Scary Mollusk Mouths Had Humble Beginnings
- Elmo Shows How to Improve Kids' Diets
- How Baby-Driven Robots Could Help Disabled Children
- West Nile Outbreak Reaches 1,100 Cases in US
- The Universe Isn't a Fractal, Study Finds
- Startups Take A/B Testing Beyond Silicon Valley
- Wi-Fi Donkeys Carry Internet Access on Park Trails
- NASA Kicks Off Mock Asteroid Mission
- Giant Dying Star Caught Devouring Alien Planet
- Playing Skillfully With a Loud Noise
- Ingredients for Big Black Holes Detected in Milky Way's Core
- Antarctic Peninsula Warms Rapidly … Again
- For Better or Worse: Older Dads Pass on More Mutations to Kids
- Kids' Music Lessons Have Lasting Brain Benefits
- How Face Paint Could Protect Soldiers' Faces
- 2011 Virginia Earthquake Felt by Third of US
- Transgender People New Targets of Hateful Political Ads
- Tiny Exotic Snail Invades Earth
- Science Fiction Turned Fact: Water Powered Cars
- Are Sharks More Likely to Attack in American Waters?
- How Much Do Most Kids Get For Allowance?
- Modern-Day Phineas Gage? How Man Survived a Rod Through His Brain
- Heat-Proof Makeup Protects Soldiers from Bombs
- Do cats really kill babies by sucking away their breath?
- Record High Temperatures of 2012 | The Heat Index
- What Was Behind Mysterious Collapse of the Mayan Empire?
- 'Fat Pride' Key to Better Sex for Obese Women
- Mars Rover Curiosity to Take 1st Martian Drive Wednesday
- August 21
- Good News: Your Cat Won't Give You Brain Cancer
- No Gnawing! New Rat Without Molars Discovered
- Gallery: New Long-Snouted Rat Without Back Teeth
- Drone Sub Uses Military Tech to Inspect Oil Rigs
- Eating, Drinking Wisely Can Help Keep You Cool
- Cholesterol-Lowering Drug May Cut Risk of Pancreas Inflammation
- Deadly Human Bacteria Now Infects Chimps
- Was the Big Bang Like Water Freezing into Ice?
- Big Bang Was Actually a Phase Change, New Theory Says
- Brain's Decision-Making Spot Found
- Tiny Factory Could Make Solar Panels Anywhere
- 'Baywatch' Star Abandons Search for Noah's Ark Fearing Abduction
- Massive Typhoon Tembin Snapped from Space
- Depression and Asthma Linked in People Worldwide
- Rejection May Fuel Creativity
- Tectonic Shoving Match Formed Caribbean Island Arc
- NASA Finds Spiny Dinosaur Prints in Own Backyard
- Gallery: Dino Footprints in the Space Age
- Shanghai Faces Big Flood Risk
- NASA Renews Caltech Contract to Oversee Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- New European Earthquake Catalog Offers Clues to Future Risks
- What Was the First Website Ever?
- Light-Trapping Bug Acts Like Plant
- Marriage May Protect a Gal's Heart
- Mars Rover Curiosity Flexes Robotic Arm for 1st Time
- 35-Year-Old Voyager 2 Probe Is NASA's Longest Mission Ever
- Space Station Cosmonauts Toss Satellite Overboard in Spacewalk
- NASA Unveils New Mars Mission to Probe Red Planet's Core
- NASA to Launch Mission to Earth's Radiation Belt Friday After Delay
- Spot Mars in the Night Sky Before It Disappears
- Alien Planet Haul: NASA Space Telescope Spots 41 New Exoplanets
- Leaky Valve on Space Station Delays Spacewalk
- Pew! Pew! Pew! NASA's Curiosity Rover Zaps Mars Rock with Laser
- Mars Rover Curiosity to Take 1st Martian Drive This Week
- Five-Time Everest Ascender Makes Global Warming App
- August 20
- Teotihuacan: Ancient city of pyramids
- Why Women Choose Abortion
- 'Maars' Volcanoes: Research Seeks to Understand Strange Eruptions
- Meaning Sways How Clearly We See Things
- Drop in Circumcisions Would Boost Health Care Costs
- Bonobo Stone Tools as Competent as Ancient Human?
- Asia's Fastest Communications Cable Comes Online
- Edible Oil Dispersant Tackles Spill Cleanup Problem
- Cloud Brightening Could Curb Warming
- The Physics of Stuntwoman's Crazy Slackline Walk between Trucks
- Doggie Diagnosis: Tail Chasing Resembles Human Compulsive Behavior
- Inactivity Is US Kids' Biggest Health Problem, Poll Says
- US Army Deploys 3D Printing Labs to Battlefield
- Cave of the Monkeys: Photos Reveal Early Modern Human Remains
- Oldest Bones from Modern Humans in Asia Discovered
- Semen May Trigger Ovulation
- Photo: Dawn Breaks in Antarctica, Ending Months of Darkness
- Frankenstein Computer Virus Assembles Itself
- Images: Life at Antarctica's Concordia Station
- Toddlers Show Less Sympathy for Whiners
- TV Ads May Spur Materialism in Unhappy Tweens
- New Hover Vehicle Recalls 'Star Wars' Bike
- Dingoes on Display for the First Time at Cleveland Zoo
- Todd Akin & Pregnancy: Yes, It Can Happen to Rape Victims
- Climate Change Pushes Butterflies North
- Do cows really lie down when it's about to rain?
- Drinking Milk Not Linked to Early Puberty
- Video: Robotic Hand Designed to Disarm Bombs
- Video: Giant Panda Gives Birth to Rare Twin Cubs
- August 19
- Quakes Beneath Antarctic Glacier Linked to Ocean Tides
- Americans Increasingly Super-Sizing Their Churches
- Say Cheese! Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps 1st Hi-Res Self-Portrait
- Mars Rover to Fire Rock-Zapping Laser Ahead of 1st Drive
- Iconic Telescopes Should Lose Funding, New Report Suggests
- India to Launch Mission to Mars in 2013
- Mars Rover Celebrity: Q & A with 'Mohawk Guy' Bobak Ferdowsi
- Stunning Photo Reveals Colliding Star Clusters Seen by Hubble Telescope
- The Sun's Strange Shape Revealed
- Helium Spotted in Moon's Wispy Atmosphere
- Dark Matter Exposed? Gamma-Ray Find Excites Scientists
- Record-Breaking Phoenix Galaxy Cluster: By the Numbers
- Record-Breaking Galaxy Cluster May Be Most Massive Ever
- August 18
- August 17
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Aug. 17, 2012
- US Alcohol Drinkers Average 4 Beverages Per Week
- 3D Printing Brings Escher Buildings to Life
- 5 Things You Need to Know About West Nile Virus
- Madagascar Gets Biggest Lemur Park
- CyberAuto Challenge Helps Expose Car Security Flaws
- Western Wildfire Smoke Spotted from Space
- Feminism Was Alive in Renaissance England, Researcher Says
- Smart Materials Improve Earthquake-Resistant Bridge Design
- What Blind Monkeys Might 'See'
- Photo: Overhead View of a Volcano Eruption
- What Makes a State Fat or Thin?
- West Nile Outbreak Concerns Rise: Is Pesticide Spraying Safe?
- Vitamin C May Lessen Air Pollution Effects
- Tiniest Infants May Benefit from Baby Formula in Addition to Breast Milk
- Why Some Older People Have Great Memory Abilities
- Popular Dandruff Treatment May Worsen Condition, Researchers Say
- Stunning Photo: 'Sundogs' Seen Over South Pole
- Image: Ancient Americans Drank Black Beverage That Made Them Vomit
- What Waters Are Safe for Sharks?
- Darwin Finch Genome Sequenced
- Photo: Endangered Birds Released Into Wild
- When Will We Learn To Speak Animal Languages?
- Is Faking Your Own Death a Crime?
- Who? Who? Two New Owl Species Discovered
- Summer Is High-Risk Time for Kidney Stones
- Rare Discovery: Hook-Legged Spider Found in Oregon Cave
- Shy People Better at Reading Facial Expressions
- Older Americans Hit by Obesity, Housing Costs
- The Secret Tomb of China's 1st Emperor: Will We Ever See Inside?
- Even Guys Get Cold Shoulder for Too Much Casual Sex
- NASA's Dawn Spacecraft Hits Snag on Trip to 2 Asteroids
- August 16
- Doomed Polar Explorer's Famed Ship Found on Seafloor
- Students Cheat, Even When Class Isn't for Credit
- Mars Rover Curiosity Has 'Dreams' on Red Planet
- Hunt Is On for Gravity Waves in Space-Time
- Cosmic Photo Smokes Out Stars Inside Pipe Nebula
- Why Do Seniors Fall for Scams?
- How Dogs Shake Dry in One Second
- Gallery: Ancient Chinese Warriors Protect Secret Tomb
- Augmented Reality Kitchens Teach You to Cook
- New 3D Printing Center Aims to Boost US Manufacturing
- Typhoon Takes Aim at China, Vietnam
- Mysterious Polar Bear Death Linked to Zebra Herpes
- Tibetan Plateau May Be Older Than Thought
- Major Stores Form Mobile Wallet Company
- Earliest Mammals May Have Been Egg-Layers After All
- Mach 6 Test Flight Fails
- Some Species Owe Protection to Citizen Efforts
- Flexible, Color-Changing Robot Inspired by Octopus
- Age Revealed By Brain Scans
- Two-Thirds of Young Adults Report Having Oral Sex
- Skydiver's Record-Breaking 'Space Jump' Delayed by Damaged Capsule
- Kids' Abilities to Delay Gratification May Keep Them Thin Later in Life
- Chickenpox Cases Drop 80% in Last Decade
- Natural Disasters in Ancient Egypt Revealed
- Extinct Sea Creatures Got the Bends, Fossils Suggest
- See the Grand Canyon — From Your Computer
- See the Grand Canyon From Your Computer
- Male Birth Control Pill Gets Boost in New Study
- Macho Man: 10 Wild Facts About His Body
- Ancient Tech Helped People Survive Global Warming
- Could Pumping Aerosols into the Atmosphere Stop Global Warming?
- Why Whooping Cough Is Back
- Landslide Deaths Up to 10 Times Higher than Thought, Study Suggests
- Mars Rover Curiosity Survives 'Brain Surgery,' Set for 1st Drive
- Super-Fast Sun Eruption Spotted by NASA Spacecraft
- Danish Rocketeers Launch Private Space Capsule Escape System Test
- August 15
- Robot Hand Could Disable IEDs
- Why Do So Many Women Go Blonde?
- The Science of Spite Explained
- More Altruism Found in Wealthier Neighborhoods
- Ships Drown Out Right Whales' Songs
- Elusive Sprite Lightning Caught On Film
- Sharks Get Worry-Free Suntans
- Giant Kites Take Flight in Italian Hill Country
- Another Earthquake Rattles Iran
- Fertile Gals Have All the Right Dance Moves
- July Ranks as Fourth Warmest on Record
- Do Babies Have a Moral Compass? Debate Heats Up
- Why Olympic Sex Is Motivated by More Than Hot Bodies
- Codeine Linked to 3 Children's Deaths
- Antarctic Moss Lives Off Penguin Poop
- How Healthy Are Earth's Oceans?
- Giant Plasma Loop on Sun is Half a Million Miles Long
- Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet Breaks 30-Year Record
- North American Passion for Caffeine A Thousand Years Old
- Could Calif. Handle a 6.4 Quake?
- Urban Athletes Mimic Orangutans in Name of Science
- Arctic Sea-Ice Melt Picks Up, Could Set Record
- Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps Hi-Res Color Views of Red Planet
- NASA Planetary Lander Project to Continue After Fiery Crash
- NASA Rover's New Red Planet Address: Yellowknife, Mars
- Could Escaped Animals Account for Bigfoot Sightings?
- What Internet Habits Say About Your Mental Health
- Test Craft to Fly at Mach 6
- Prosthetic Gives Blind Mice Near Normal Sight
- August 14
- Secret to Squid's Iridescent Rainbow Skin Discovered
- Wow! How Dogs Get Dry in 1-Second Shake
- An Artificial Eye That Can See?
- Rescued Dolphin 'Edna' Released into Wild
- Gallery: Releasing Edna the Dolphin
- Egg Donors Often Recruited Unethically, Study Finds
- Fishing Expedition Finds Weird Deep-Sea Sharks
- Typical Toddler Behavior, or ADHD? 10 Ways to Tell
- Images: Weird Deep-Sea Sharks
- Obit Archives Reveal Rise of Celebrity Culture
- Blood Type May Affect Heart Disease Risk
- Japanese Spared of Nuclear Contamination, Study Suggests
- American Pi: US Population Hits 3.14 Hundred Million Tuesday
- Latest Mars Hoax: Photo of Martian Double Sunset
- Drug Combo Kills Multiple Myeloma Cells
- Mutant Butterflies Linked to Japan's Nuclear Disaster
- Not All Feedback Good for Workers
- Amazing Dolphin Pod Video Raises Skepticism
- Long-lost Egyptian Pyramids Found on Google Earth?
- In Photos: Fukushima Butterflies Plagued With Defects
- 'Miracle Cure' Beliefs May Prolong Terminally-Ill Children's Suffering, Researchers Say
- Track Sea-Swimming Sharks in Real-Time
- ADHD Girls May Be at Greater Risk for Suicide
- Remains of Hundreds of Ancient Warriors Found in Bog
- New, Deadly Virus Related to Ebola ID'ed in Snakes
- The Story of Larry the Snake
- Rare Ginger Mongoose Caught on Camera
- Mars Surface Made of Shifting Plates Like Earth, Study Suggests
- Genetics of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Narrowed Down
- CIA Declassifies Amazing 1972 Spy Satellite Capsule Deep-Sea Rescue
- Source of Mysterious Pumice 'Raft' in Pacific Found, NASA Says
- In Photos: A Floating 'Island' of Rocks
- Mars Rover Curiosity to Receive 'Brain Transplant' This Weekend
- Mystery Cloud in Mars Rover Landing Photo Solved
- Man-Made Mars Craters Likely Beyond Curiosity Rover's Reach
- Scent of Sex and Death Attracts Young Female Beetles
- August 13
- Invisible Dark Matter Likely Bountiful Near Sun
- Biblical Samson Tale May Be Depicted on Ancient Seal
- What Country Faces the Worst Climate Change?
- Common Soap Chemical May Impair Muscle Function
- Did Humans Have Sex With Neanderthals?
- Fossils of New Shark Species Found in Arizona
- Seeing the Milky Way Spiral in a Coffee Cup
- Western Wildfires Spotted from Space
- Italy’s Shaky Past Hidden in Ancient Records
- Italy's Shaky Past Hidden in Ancient Records
- Hottest Particle Soup May Reveal Secrets of Primordial Universe
- Desert Dryness Inspired Mummy Diversity
- Freshwater in Oceans Lets Hurricanes Strengthen Faster
- Perseid Meteor Shower Wows Weekend Stargazers
- Drought May Increase Suicide Risk
- Holy Herpetology! Burmese Python Found With Record 87 Eggs
- What Caused Iran's Twin Earthquakes
- President Obama Hails Mars Rover Landing: If You Find Martians, 'Let Me Know'
- New Culprit in 'Popcorn Lung'
- How Curiosity Rover Will Taste Red Planet Rocks
- More Americans Over 50 Live Together But Don't Marry
- Astronaut Photo: Sahara Dust Enters Caribbean Skies
- Why Kids' Snoring Can Cause Behavioral Problems
- Earliest Matches Had 'Phallic' Shape Too
- Colorado Still Skinniest US State
- Why Mass Killers Aren't Necessarily Psychopaths
- Infographic: The Dollar Value of a Human Life
- Fruity Infusion May Halve Fat in Chocolate
- Conspiracy Theorists: UFO Over Antarctica?
- What Happened to the Lunch Break?
- August 12
- August 11
- August 10
- Cold-Water Gulf Coral Grows at Record Depths
- Women's Migraines Not Linked to Mental Decline: Study
- Strange Weather Helped Fuel Australia's 'Black Saturday' Fires
- Live Bullfrog Trade Implicated in Amphibian-Killing Disease
- NASA Moon Lander Prototype Explodes in Test Flight
- Why Do People Believe in UFOs?
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Aug. 10, 2012
- Mars Rover Curiosity Beams Home 1st Color Panorama of Red Planet
- Teens and Video Games: How Much Is Too Much?
- On Mars, Curiosity Rover Ponders Panoramic View & Self-Portrait
- As Women's Status Rises, So Do Literary 'Shes'
- How an 'Anti-Gravity Treadmill' Helps Olympic Runners Recover from Injuries
- Tracking Hazardous Substances in Cities
- Energy Footprint of Car Aluminum Growing
- New Robot Crawls Like an Earthworm
- Cleaning Up Hawaiian Island's Garbage
- Wearable Electronics Pave Way for Smart Surgeon Gloves
- Twelve-Foot Waves to Pound Chicago Today
- Ernesto May Become Hector in the Eastern Pacific
- YardMap Helps Wildlife in Your Backyard, Literally
- Huge Pumice 'Island' Floats in Pacific
- In Photos: Crazy Cloud Patterns
- Severed Hands Discovered in Ancient Egypt Palace
- Grisly Ancient Practice: Photos Reveal 'Gold of Valor'
- Giant Mars Crater Holds Martian Secrets for Curiosity Rover
- Mars Rover Curiosity Measures Red Planet Radiation
- Mars Rover Curiosity to Snap Color Panoramic Photos Soon
- Largest Map of Universe Yet Captures 1 Million Galaxies
- Armageddon: Asteroid Splitting Doesn't Work
- KittyCam Catches Cats' Killer Side
- August 9
- 2,000-Year-Old Roman Ship Is Nearly Intact
- Amazing Video Captures Magical-Looking Sun Storm
- Near-Death Experience Expert Arrested for Torture
- What Makes Pi So Special?
- Extraterrestrial Origin: Bizarre Crystal Zipped Here From Outer Space
- Infographic: The Limits of Human Survival
- How Oscar Pistorius Runs
- Stone Age Tools Show Rise of Lumberjacks
- Why Aren't Hunter-Gatherers Obese?
- Face-Eating Victim Speaks
- Somali Wild Asses Welcomed to Denver Zoo
- Earthquake Record Shakes Up Pacific Northwest Predictions
- 'H+' Shows Pitfalls of Hackable Brain Implants
- New Mars Photos: First 3-D Views From NASA's Curiosity Rover
- Voyager 1 Spacecraft Zooms Ever Closer to Solar System's Edge
- What Are the Limits of Human Survival?
- Owners of Aggressive Dog Breeds Are More Hostile
- Sensor Could Detect Plant Distress Signals
- Did Climate Change Spur Plants to Migrate Uphill?
- Ice Melt in Northwest Passage Spotted by Satellite
- Theoretical Physics Via Perseverance, Inspiration, Mentoring and Luck
- Why Sleep Deprivation Is Sexy to Sandpipers
- World's First Eyeless Huntsman Spider Discovered
- 2012 Hurricane Forecast Update: More Storms Expected
- Mild Earthquake Rattles Northern California Seafloor
- Athletes' Travel Can Cause Sickness
- Brain Changes Seen in People Who Stutter with 1-Week Therapy
- Gonorrhea Now Resistant to One of Last Drugs, CDC Warns
- What You Should Be Telling Your Kids About Money
- Geckos Lose Sticking Power With Wet Feet
- More Details Emerge on Antarctic Rescue Attempt
- Ancient Mayans May Have Sacrificed Earliest Domestic Turkeys
- The Big, Fat World of Lipids
- Biologists: Media Sensationalizes Animal Sex
- August 8
- How Strange Twinned Rainbows Form
- Life on Mars Time: Scientists Adapt to Curiosity Rover's Red Planet Trek
- Mars Rover Seen from Space in NASA 'Crime Scene Photo'
- Amazing Mars Rover Landing Video Captures NASA's Daring Descent
- Olympic Decathlon: How to Maximize the Long Jump
- C-Sections May Not Provide the Brain Benefits of Vaginal Birth
- Tiny Snail, Thought Extinct, Rediscovered by Grad Student
- Sink or Swim: 6 Ways to Adapt to Climate Change
- Stress Makes Men Appreciate Larger Women
- Creative Hyenas Make Better Problem-Solvers
- Wireless Monitors Could Warn of Bridge Dangers
- Air Pollution Linked with Stillbirth Risk
- Image Gallery: Amazing Rainbows!
- Kids' Cholesterol Levels See Improvement
- Could Space Mirrors Stop Global Warming?
- Why Is Mars Red?
- How 3D Printing Could Become Commonplace
- New Cause of Rare 'Startle Disorder' Found
- Mild Earthquake Rattles Los Angeles Area
- New Flat-Faced Human Species Possibly Discovered
- Image Gallery: New Human Ancestors from Kenya
- Image Gallery: Prince Albert Impact Crater
- New Bug Species Found in Photos Online
- July 2012 Is Hottest Month on Record in US
- Fertility Treatment Puts Women at Risk of Stress Disorder
- Antarctic Rescue Operation Launched
- What If Someone Objects at Your Wedding?
- The Physics of Loudmouths: Why Do Some Voices Carry?
- Mystery of the 'Monster Stars' Solved: It Was a Monster Mash
- Massive Meteorite Crater Found in Canadian Arctic
- Hair-Raising Chair Enhances Scary Movies
- DNA Replication Protein Caught Working Second Job
- New Zealand Volcano Eruption Seen from Space
- Nature's Giants: Photos of the Tallest Trees on Earth
- Will Your Teen Become a Problem Drinker? The Brain Tells All
- Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps Photo of Crater's Mysterious Mountain
- Striking Sun Photo Catches 3 Erupting Plasma Tendrils
- August 7
- Evolutionary Battle of the Sexes Drives Human Height
- Parrots Can Reason Like 3-Year-Old Kids
- Among Diabetes Patients, the Obese Outlive the Trim
- A Mathematical View of Track and Field World Records
- Curiosity Rover in Good Health on Martian Surface
- Wow! Mars Rover Landing Spotted by Orbiting Spacecraft
- Robotics Reveals the Secret to Olympic Weightlifting
- Your Science Teacher May Be Spreading Invasive Species
- Exploding Star May Have Sparked Formation of Our Solar System
- NASA Exults in Mars Rover's Landing Success
- 3D Models Mine Maps for Hidden Gold
- Ernesto Brings Tremendous Flooding Risk
- The Best US States for Future Living
- Much Warmer Weather in Store for Summer Games
- Future Living: The Healthiest and Happiest US States Revealed
- Details of New Zealand Eruption Emerge
- Why US Is in Historic 'Tornado Drought'
- Extreme Earth Microbes Pave Way for Discovery of Alien Life
- Grapefruit Juice Improves Cancer Medication, Study Suggests
- Third Typhoon in 5 Days to Hit China
- Photo: Wildfires' Nighttime Glow Spied From Space
- Walking for Exercise on the Rise in US, Especially in Southerners and Men
- Best Earth Images of the Month - July 2012
- Northeast Sees Hottest Year on Record
- How Gesture Control Could Transform Video Games
- Hair-Loss Drug May Cause Severe Depression in Some Men
- Cause of Rare and Fatal Dog Disease Pinpointed
- Should NASA Ditch Manned Missions to Mars?
- August Perseid Meteor Shower Has Long Legacy, Bright Future
- New Start-Up Aims to Fill Funding Gap for Space Projects
- August 6
- Fracking Earthquakes: Injection Practice Linked to Scores of Tremors
- Climate Change's Role in Heat Waves Still Under Debate
- Rules Lacking for Geoengineering Projects for Global Warming
- Why Don't Any Animals Have Wheels?
- Bright New Bird Species Discovered in Peru
- Teens Who Don't Have Sex Still at Risk for HPV Infection
- Inside a Hoarder's Brain: Why They Can't Ditch Their Stuff
- 'Super Falcon' Submarine Aims to Fly Underwater
- Caffeinated 'Vomit Drink' Nauseated North America's First City
- Genes Tell Intricate Tale of Jewish Diaspora
- 'Cyborg' Arm Controls Navy's Robot Warplane
- Video Captures Near-Deadly Iceberg 'Tsunami'
- Fall 2012: Snow for Rockies; Warmth Grips Midwest, Northeast
- Heavy Rain, Wind From Ernesto Eye Honduras, Belize
- Back to School: Kids Should See More Snow Days than Last Year
- Cheetah Cubs Named for Fastest American Sprinters
- 5 Wild Weather Control Ideas
- New Zealand Volcano Erupts, Spreads Ash
- Fossil Dealer Makes Claim on Disputed Tyrannosaur
- Cleveland Zoo Welcomes Baby Rhino
- Extreme Heat Linked to Global Warming
- Greetings From Mars! Huge NASA Rover Makes Daring Landing on Red Planet
- August 3
- Gallery: The World's Weirdest Balancing Rocks
- Eyes Reveal Sexual Orientation
- Why We're Obsessed with Mars
- Best Earth Images of the Week - Aug. 3, 2012
- Five Penguins Chicks Hatch at Belfast Zoo
- Do Olympic Swimmers Pee in the Pool?
- New Nessie Photo: 'Convincing' Proof of Loch Ness Monster?
- Photo Reveals Giant Greenland Iceberg Heading to Sea
- Dinosaur Boom Linked to Rise of Rocky Mountains
- Spanking, Hitting Kids in Public Surprisingly Common, Study Finds
- How NASA's New Mars Rover Will Phone Home
- NASA Awards $1.1 Billion in Support for 3 Private Space Taxis
- What If the Curiosity Rover Finds Life on Mars?
- Opinions on Global Warming Shift with the Weather
- Will the US Really Experience a Violent Upheaval in 2020?
- Photo: London's Kew Gardens Plants Olympic Rings
- Passion for Butterflies Becomes A Study in Climate Change Impact
- Ocean Mixologists: Animal Movement Key to Sea Life
- Built for Impact: How Olympic Safety Helmets Protect Athletes
- 5 Mars Myths and Misconceptions
- Olympic Speed: Why Record-Breaker Usain Bolt Is So Fast
- Technology Keeps Americans Up at Night
- Planetary Palette: Artistic Views of Mars
- Infographic: Cycles of Violence in the United States
- Why NASA's Big Mars Rover Has a Laser to Zap Rocks
- Prozac May Be Able to Kill Some Viruses
- Black Holes: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong
- Excitement Builds for Mars Rover's Landing Sunday
- Scientists Mystified Over How Giant Black Holes Grow
- Touching Mars: Huge NASA Rover Carries Strong Arm for Red Planet
- Mars Rover Curiosity Will See Red Planet As Never Before
- August 2
- Deep-Sea Squid Ditches Wriggling Arms to Escape Predators
- Secret to Perfect Sandcastles Revealed
- San Diego Zoo Celebrates Panda's 3rd Birthday
- Wow! 11-Year-Old Cheetah Breaks Land Speed Record
- The Anatomy of India's Power Outage
- Cat Album: The Life of a Cheetah
- Google Glasses Gets an Evil Twin in 'Sight'
- Changes in Sleep Linked to Memory Decline in Older Adults
- Twin Typhoons Caught in One Image
- Black Market Horns: Images from a Rhino Bust
- Flying Androids: Future Drones to Work Like Humans
- Dust from Asia Fills North America's Atmosphere
- Secret to Elephants' Thundering Calls Discovered
- Are Humans or Technology Breaking Olympic Records?
- How Climate Science Became Politicized
- Pool Power: How Olympian Missy Franklin Overcomes Drag
- Love and Lust Are Seasonal, Google Study Finds
- How Earth's 'Hums' Could Help Predict Earthquakes
- Why Being Social in Youth Is Linked to Adult Happiness
- Mom's Genes May Explain Why Women Outlive Men
- How One Female Spider Says 'No' to Sex
- Antiques Dealer Caught in Rhino Horn Sting
- New NASA Mars Rover is a Red Planet Mini-Truck, Ford Says
- August 1
- Full Moon Tonight Sets Stage for 'Blue Moon' on Aug. 31
- 218 More Counties Added to Drought Disaster Area
- What is the Gag Reflex?
- Why Heat Waves Can Mean High Death Tolls
- Why Do Bananas Make Some People Gag?
- New Pets May Help Autistic Kids Socially
- Jungle Dwellers' Anti-Rabies Blood Stuns Researchers
- Most Americans Ignore Truth About Obesity, Researchers Say
- New Technique Allows Discovery of New Worlds
- African Penguins Get New Shark 'Roommates' At California Aquarium
- Image Gallery: Sharks Make Home With African Penguins
- This New 'Hobbit' Won't Be Small For Long
- Humanlike Skin Cancer Found in Wild Fish
- Vampire Bat Bites Help Shield Peruvians from Rabies
- Amazing Photo: 'Fire Rainbow' Over South Florida
- London On Display in Astronaut Photo
- Domestic Violence Often Triggered by Jealousy
- Nature Still Sucking Up Considerable Carbon Dioxide
- Why Is Pink for Girls and Blue for Boys?
- Co-ops Bring Internet to Rural U.S. Towns
- Nat Geo Channel Announces Ambitious National Parks Series
- Claims of Flawed Weather Data Don't Change Global Warming: Scientists
- Microgrids are One Fix to India's Power Troubles
- NASA to Broadcast Mars Rover Landing From NYC's Times Square Sunday Night
- Strangers on a Bus: Why Fellow Travelers Avoid Interaction
- Cosmic Rays Still Mysterious 100 Years After Discovery
- Why Meth May Lead to Death by Anorexia
- Why We're More Interested in Sex During the Summer
- Nearly Half Drop Out of Weight-Loss Programs
- Lack of Sleep May Make Vaccines Less Effective
- If You Think Your Co-Workers Are Gossiping About You They Probably Are
- The Twisted Physics of 5 Olympic Sports
- Childhood Mistreatment Primes Brain for Mental Illness