All content archive
February 2013
610 articles
- February 28
- Did a Comet Really Chill and Kill Clovis Culture?
- China to Launch Next Manned Space Mission in Summer
- Stargazer's Delight: Moon Gets Close to Bright Star Tonight
- Should You Switch to a Mediterranean Diet?
- Man Infected With Smallpox-like Virus Through Sex
- Plenty of Snow in Time for Iditarod Race
- Eek! 3 New Giant Cockroach Species Found
- Viruses Pass Major Test to Enter Ranks of Living
- Mid-Atlantic Major Snow Potential Next Week
- Pessimists May Live Longer
- NASA Discovers New Radiation Belt Around Earth
- Our Amazing Planet Top to Bottom: Mountaintop to Ocean Trench (Infographic)
- The Iditarod in Photos: Racing Alaska's Wilderness
- Big Meteorite Discovered in Antarctica
- Past Antarctic Warming Linked to Greenhouse Gas
- Asteroid Hunt: Private Groups Join Search for Dangerous Space Rocks
- What Is Testis Compositum?
- Safety Is Key to Private Spaceflight's Rise & Success
- Rats With Linked Brains Work Together
- The Happiest US State Is ...
- Astronaut Snaps Photo of Mount Etna Erupting
- Happiest States of 2012: The List
- Small Earthquake Hits Nevada
- Jane Austen Was Right: Love Requires a Little Delusion
- Earthquake Strikes Near Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula
- Solved: How King Richard's Heart Was Preserved
- Higher Humidity Lowers Flu Transmission
- Depression, Autism & ADHD May Share Genes
- February 27
- Nut-Cracking Monkeys Show Humanlike Skills
- Dancing Nemo: Clownfish Wiggles Do an Anemone Good
- Whoa! Mutant Tadpoles Sprout Eyeballs on Their Tails
- Produce From Urban Gardens Could Contain Lead
- Image Gallery: Tadpoles Sport Eyes on Their Tails
- Texas' 'White Gold' Seen From Space
- Crocs Dined on Young Dinos, Scientists Say
- Mammoth or Mastodon: What's the Difference?
- Lice Genes Reveal Human Migration
- Wanted: Married Couple for Private Mars Voyage in 2018
- Pacific Leatherback Turtles' Alarming Decline Continues
- Married to Mars: 9 Questions for Dennis Tito on Private Martian Trips
- 'Resistant' Starches Heal the Colon, Prevent Cancer & Diabetes
- How Gruesome Parasite Lives in You for Decades
- 500-Million-Year-Old Sea Creature With Limbs Under Its Head Unearthed
- Toothy Spiral Jaw Gave Ancient Sea Predator an Edge
- Russian Meteor's Origin and Size Pinned Down
- Would I Weigh Less at the Equator?
- Will Pluto Ever Hit Neptune?
- Shark Attack Kills New Zealand Man
- Entire Maldives Nation Becoming Biosphere Reserve
- Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage May Improve Public Health
- Huge Canyon Discovered Beneath Red Sea
- Love of Math Grows into A Career
- The Odd Reason Some Fish Migrate
- Hacking the Planet: New Series Premiers on The Weather Channel
- Most Women Wait More Than 6 Weeks to Have Sex After Childbirth
- Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to Narcolepsy in British Kids
- Advanced Breast Cancer Increasing Among Young Women
- Grand Canyon: Location, Formation & Facts
- Hubble Telescope Reveals Milky Way Galaxy's Cannibal Past
- People With HIV Struggle to Recognize Fear
- Russian Meteor Fallout: What to Do Next Time?
- Could Sons Shorten Women's Lives?
- February 26
- Weight, Lack of Exercise Raise Risk of Colorectal Cancer
- Iron and Zinc May Prevent PMS
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Eats 1st Mars Rock Sample
- Facebook May Give Older Adults a Mental Boost
- School Lunchroom Changes Get Kids to Eat More Veggies
- Geneticists Estimate Publication Date Of The 'Iliad'
- Will an Asteroid Hit Earth? Are We All Doomed?
- Why Must Some Juices Be Refrigerated, Others Not?
- Europe May Work With China on Space Station
- White House Promises Free Access to Publicly Funded Research
- SpaceX Fires Up Private Rocket for Friday Launch to Space Station
- Artist Creates Tiny Buzz Aldrin Moonwalker in Eye of Needle
- Canadian Tour Companies Launch Private Spaceflight Deals
- Caught! Waterspout Comes Onshore in Tampa
- 7 Bizarre Drug Side Effects
- Record-Setting Snowfall Seen from Space
- Newt Pheromones Put Females into Mating Frenzy
- Best Way for Toddlers to Learn New Words Is ...
- Lake-Effect Snow May Need Mountain Effects, Too
- Underwater Eruption Shows How Volcanic Islands Grow
- Warmer Oceans Will 'Bleach' Coral Reefs More Often
- Meet the World's Biggest Snakes
- Why Pain Can Feel Good
- Atmospheric Road Block Sets Stage for More Big US Snowstorms
- Lost and Found: Ancient Shoes Turn Up in Egypt Temple
- Have Bones of Cleopatra's Murdered Sister Been Found?
- Body Bugs: 5 Surprising Facts About Your Microbiome
- What Otters' Penis Shrinkage Could Mean for Humans
- Blizzard Buries Kansas Snowfall Record
- Will Poisoned Mice Solve Guam's Snake Problem?
- Stretchable Batteries Could Power Cyborg Future
- 'Gigantic Jet' Lightning Spotted Over China
- In Photos: Ancient Shoes of Egypt
- Kids With Ear Infections May Not Need Antibiotics, New Guidelines Say
- Vitamin D & Calcium May Not Prevent Postmenopausal Fractures
- February 25
- 'Sunglint' Silhouettes Northeast Coast in Astronaut Photo
- 'Vulcan' and 'Cerberus' Win Pluto Moon Naming Poll
- NASA to Unveil Black Hole Discovery Wednesday
- Moon and Mars Exploration Pioneer David McKay Dies at 76
- Spider-Man's Silk Really Could Stop a Train
- Extreme Weather Linked to Giant Waves in Atmosphere
- The Porn Myth: Uncovering the Truth about Sex Stars
- Tonight's Full Moon Is a Snow Moon: How to See It Online
- Frostbite Forces Adventurer to Quit Antarctic Trek
- Intense Texas Blizzard Caught in Videos
- Brain Cells Can Outlive the Body
- State With the Highest Teen Pregnancy Rate Is ...
- Ancient 'Micro-Continent' Found Under Indian Ocean
- Shipwreck Alley Threatened by Invasive Mussels
- Could an Avocado a Day Keep the Doctor Away?
- Big Catch: Fisherman Scoops Up Mammoth Tooth
- Indian Rocket Launches Asteroid-Hunting Satellite, Tiny Space Telescopes
- Mysterious Muscle Disorder Rooted in Brain, Study Reveals
- Earthquake Shake Test Clobbers NYC Brownstone
- CT Scans for Lung Cancer May Save Lives
- For Sale: Famed Nobel Medal for Discovery of DNA Structure
- In Photos: Francis Crick Nobel Up For Auction
- Rabbit Fever Strikes 2 Hunters
- Why Is Yawning Contagious?
- Majority of Missouri Tan Salons Allow Preteens
- Ghost Illusions Hide Objects in Plain Sight
- February 24
- February 23
- Red Planet Mars Not So Red Beneath the Surface
- New Privately Built Rocket Passes Key Engine Test
- Asteroid-Smashing Mission Picks Space Rock Target
- Serious Stargazing: Spot Bright Star Sirius This Week
- Super Space Germs Could Threaten Astronauts
- Colorful Map of Mercury Snapped by NASA Spacecraft (Video)
- 18th-Century Astronomer's Legacy Visible in Southern Night Sky
- 1st Google+ 'Hangout' in Space Connects Astronauts with Earth
- Astronomer Sleuths Find Clues to 100-Year-Old Meteor Mystery
- Milky Way Shines Over Volcanoes in Amazing Time-Lapse Video
- Northern Lights Dance in Spectacular Time-Lapse Videos
- US Military's Robot Space Plane Settles Into Mystery Mission
- Spray-Painting Asteroids Could Protect Earth from Space Rock Threat
- How Dinosaurs Grew the World's Longest Necks
- Best Earth Images of the Week Feb. 22, 2013
- February 22
- Harnessing The Power Of Peacocks To Make Colorful Images
- Is Millionaire Space Tourist Planning Trip to Mars?
- Rare Baby Crocs Released into Wild
- The Oscars: Why Hollywood Tales Become 'Real' History
- WhaleWatch: New Program Could Help Protect Whales
- The Dirt on Dirt: It's Mostly from Plains
- Why Snacking at Night Is Bad For You
- Tears Flow More Freely In Today's Oscar Speeches
- Tweets Reveal the Happiest US Cities
- Bees Get a Buzz from Flowers' Electrical Fields
- Video from James Cameron Deep-Sea Dive Reveals New Species
- Hey Parents, Don't Tell Your Kids You Did Drugs
- Fast-Food Consumption Slows Down
- What Makes a Tomato Taste Sweet?
- Locked in Stone: A Gallery of Fossilized Insects
- Kansas Slammed By Second Worst Storm on Record
- Images: Mining for Signs of Early Life
- Milk and Yogurt May Boost Hipbone Strength
- Cellular 'Caps' May Boost Risk of Common Cold
- What Are Fainting Goats?
- Bizarre Star-Shaped Gravity Waves Created
- Image Gallery: Weird Gravity Waves
- 50-Million-Year-Old Canada Rivaled Tropics in Diversity
- February 21
- Genetics: The Study of Heredity
- Creosote Bushes: The Scent of the Desert
- Earthquake Deaths to Reach 3.5 Million by 2100
- Don't Just Blame Cats: Dogs Disrupt Wildlife, Too
- Why Is Quartz Used in Watches?
- 'Genesis Death Sandwich' Discovered in Bible
- Fish Fraud Widespread in US: Report
- Why the Higgs Boson May Seal Fate of the Universe
- Vote: What Would You Name Squirrelly Mammal Ancestor?
- Inventor Spills Wine Secret: Put It in a Blender
- Expedition Explores World's Deepest Hydrothermal Vents
- Monster Goldfish Found in Lake Tahoe
- The Unparticle May Lurk in Earth's Mantle
- Students Get Satellite Time: Inside the Mars Student Imaging Project
- Fruit Flies Medicate Offspring with Alcohol
- Why Do People Crave Sweets After a Meal?
- Mysterious Birth of Common Pollutants Revealed
- Super-Hot Plasma 'Rain' Falls on Sun in Amazing Video
- New Imager Makes Device Screens ‘Touch-Free’
- Current Flu Vaccine Less Effective in the Elderly, CDC Says
- Cold Snaps Trigger Monarch Butterfly Migrations
- Panda's Handstands Give Hope for Spring Fling
- Snowstorm to Hit New England Again on the Weekend
- 'Lightsaber' Spines Help Strange Shark Ward Off Predators
- 'Old Talk' Edges Out 'Fat Talk' As Women Age
- US Kids Consuming Fewer Calories
- NASA Sees Monster Sunspot Growing Fast, Solar Storms Possible
- 'Demon Star' Glowers in Night Sky This Week
- Curiosity Rover to Eat Mars Rock Dust After Drilling Success
- Found! Tiny Moon-Size Alien World Is the Smallest Exoplanet
- Snow Carpets Arizona's Desert Cities
- February 20
- Organic Tomatoes Have More Vitamin C
- Antioxidants May Not Help Prevent Stroke, Dementia
- How Seals Sleep With Half A Brain
- Artificial Platelets Could Stop Battlefield Bleeding
- Sugar Mist Makes Veggies More Palatable to Kids
- Why Is Hair Parted?
- Why We're Obsessed with the Zombie Apocalypse
- 3D-Printed Ear Created in Lab
- Whitetip Sharks' Amazing Long-Distance Voyage Revealed
- Death Valley Named Largest Dark Sky Park
- The Pain of Bullying Lasts into Adulthood
- 'Vulcan' Warps Into Lead in Pluto Moon Name Contest
- Scientists Building Asteroid Threat Early-Warning System
- NASA Unveils 1st Radar Video of Asteroid Flyby
- Caterpillars Build Leaf 'Houses,' Other Insects Move In
- How to 'Hear' the Russian Meteor Explosion
- Schwing! Alligator Sports Always-Erect, Hidden Penis
- Treasure-filled warrior's grave found in Russia
- Great White Shark Takes Surprising California Vacation
- Image Gallery: Ancient Treasure Trove Discovered in Russia
- Why We're Not Always Tongue-Tied
- Jurassic Insects Wrongly Accused of Sucking Dino Blood
- Images: Fossil Fly Sex
- Ancient Wine Press Possibly Found Under Tel Aviv City Street
- New Scorpion Species Discovered Outside Tucson
- Spontaneous Combustion Suspected in Oklahoma Death
- Psychologists Confront Rash of Invalid Studies
- Diabetes Control Has Gotten Much Better
- February 2013 Places in Top 10 Snowiest for Boston
- Many Cancer Deaths Traced to Alcohol
- Three Ways to Bounce Back From a Broken Heart
- Why Insomnia Increases Suicide Risk
- Oops! 5 Retracted Science Studies
- Looking Beyond A Gem's Beauty
- The 9 Weirdest Animal Penises
- Visionary Tech: Eye Implant Restores Some Sight in Blind
- Image Gallery: Eye Implant Restores Some Vision to Blind
- Public Displays of Affection May Have Evolutionary Benefits
- February 19
- Man Arrested for Harassing Baby Manatee in Florida
- In Rats, Males Are the Communicative Sex
- Minds of Mice Read With Glowing Proteins
- Girl Catches Fire in Hospital
- Rare Video: Endangered Chicks Emerge from Nest
- High Ozone Levels Linked to Cardiac Arrest
- Trolls' Online Comments Skew Perception of Science
- Gravity Makes Volcanoes Sag, Influencing Eruptions
- 'Singing' Fish Hums to Attract Mates
- Why is Friday the 13th Considered Unlucky?
- Mount Etna's Dramatic New Eruption: Video
- Biggest Snow of the Year for Chicago Possible
- We Know We're Lazy Thinkers
- Ancient Whale Fossils Unearthed by Road Construction
- Men and Women Both from Earth After All
- Images: Strange Life at Antarctic Seafloor
- Antarctica's Bizarre Creatures Come to Life Online
- Prosthetics Give Bionic Rats a 'Sixth Sense'
- Land of Giants: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
- Tsunami Debris Litters Alaska Coast; Clean Up Funds Insufficient
- Higgs Boson Particle May Spell Doom For the Universe
- Moderate Earthquake Shakes Tokyo
- Brain Scans Can Predict Your Political Ideology
- Apollo Moon Rocks Challenge Lunar Water Theory
- Space Rock or Last Pope? What's Next for Doomsday
- February 18
- February 17
- February 16
- February 15
- Meteorite Collectors Race to Find Fragments in Russia
- Crystal Skulls: Legend, Vodka & Indiana Jones
- What If Your Town Were Hit by a Meteor?
- What's the Difference Between Dark and White Turkey Meat?
- The Final Word: Why Killers Write Manifestos
- Why is August So Batty?
- Why is Cow's Milk White?
- Russia Meteor Explosion: 7 Questions Answered
- Aches and Pains: You Can Thank Evolution for Them
- Fearful Kids Can't Separate Fantasy from Reality
- How Bilingual Babies Keep Languages Separate
- Russian Meteor Shook Ground Like An Earthquake
- What Are an Asteroid, a Meteor and a Meteorite?
- Russia Meteor Explosion: How Powerful Was It?
- Images: Russian Meteor Explosion
- Bionic Eye Turns Off the Dark
- Animals Offer Clues to Regeneration
- Russian Meteor Explosion Not Caused by Asteroid Flyby, NASA Scientist Says
- Singles Are a Tech-Savvy Bunch: Survey
- Meteor Explosion in Russia Hurts Hundreds of People: Reports
- Meteorite Falls in Eastern Russia, Causes Damage: Reports
- Endangered Horses Spotted in Valentine's Nuzzle
- Ancient Star Explosion Helps Solve Cosmic Ray Mystery
- Friday Flyby May Trigger 'Asteroid-Quake' on Space Rock
- Next Private Spacecraft Launch to Space Station Set for March 1
- Proof! Mysterious Cosmic Rays Born in Star Explosions
- Let's Name Pluto Moons 'Vulcan' and 'Romulus,' William Shatner Says
- Earth-Buzzing Asteroid Worth $195 Billion, Space Miners Say
- Monster Black Holes Grow Surprisingly Fast
- Why Does the Moon Look Bigger on the Horizon?
- February 14
- Dogs Can Spot Fellow Furballs in a Crowd
- Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze on Ice?
- Endangered Species Act at 40: Rivals Find Common Ground
- Picking On Yeast For Genetic Answers
- Satellite Spots Recent Eruption at Indonesia's Paluweh Volcano
- Drugs Leaked Into Rivers Make Fish Antisocial
- The Appendix: No Longer a Footnote?
- Taj Mahal: The Jewel of India
- Ancient Temple Discovered in Peru
- Are Pit Bulls Really Dangerous?
- Nuclear Weapons Sensors Could Monitor Environment
- Snowstorm Parade to Continue in US Next Week
- The 'New Arctic': Thinning Ice Is Changing Ecosystem
- Weird Quantum Theory Works in 'Big' Things
- Bigfoot DNA Discovered? Not So Fast
- Tesla Publishes Vehicle Log from Harsh NYT Model S Review
- Could Complete Darkness Cure Lazy Eye?
- Photo: Jaguars Get Bloody Valentines
- Bizarre Valentine: Why Mating Snails Stab With 'Love Darts'
- 5 Valentine's Day Secrets of Seduction
- Amazing Images: Heart Shapes in Nature
- Asteroid 2012 DA14's Friday Flyby: A Stargazer's Guide
- New Sexual Revolution: Polyamory May Be Good for You
- 5 Myths About Polyamory Debunked
- 5 Myths About Polyamory
- Violent Asteroid Crashes Shaped Protoplanet Vesta's Odd Interior
- Earthquake Strikes Siberia
- 'Valentine Rose' Nebula Blooms in Deep Space (Photo)
- Can Hormone Therapy Stave Off Alzheimer's?
- Love on Facebook: Women More Prone to Jealousy
- NASA Climate Scientist Arrested in Pipeline Protest
- February 13
- Plankton Pumping Iron May Impact Climate
- 5 Reasons to Care About Friday's Asteroid Flyby
- Why Does Rain Bring a Flood of Earthworms?
- Do Good Grades Spread Like Measles?
- Unique Calls Reveal New Owl Species
- Why Does the Body Tan?
- Using Planes to Fix Air-Pollution Satellites
- Mystery Of New York's Falling Crime Rate Remains Unsolved
- Man Shortage May Change When Women Have Babies
- Kids Prefer Veggies Not Too Raw, Not Too Cooked
- King Tut's Parents Were Cousins, Not Siblings: Researcher
- Why Singles & Couples Annoy Each Other
- Invisible War Rages in World's Oceans
- 'Gecko' Space Cloud Floats Among Millions of Stars (Video)
- 2012 Shark Attacks Tie Record High in US
- Air Guns Give Glimpse Inside a Subduction Zone
- 'Earth from Space' Documentary Reveals Cosmic View of Our Planet
- Heart Attacks Worse for Women's Emotional Health
- The Most & Least Religious US States
- The Most Religious US State Is ...
- Can Folic Acid Prevent Autism?
- Civil War Shipwreck: Photos of the USS Monitor
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Weird 'Hood Ornament' on Mars
- Cute Cupid Is Year's Tiniest Valentine
- Ultrafast Stars Discovered Racing Through Milky Way
- Wanna Get Lucky? Hang Around Ugly (Fish) Pals
- Hermaphrodite Sea Slug Mates With Throwaway Penis
- February 12
- Space Exploration Still US Priority, NASA Says
- What Would Happen if Asteroid 2012 DA14 Hit Earth?
- Should Toddlers Use iPads?
- Vacationers' Photos Help Scientists Track Whale Sharks
- Why Does My Arm Fall Asleep?
- Northeast Snowstorm Officially Was 'Major'
- Life Confirmed in Buried Antarctic Lake
- College Kids Get T. Rex Anatomy All Wrong
- Act of God? Lightning Strikes St. Peter's After Pope Announces Resignation
- Snow DC to Philly, NYC and Providence at Midweek
- Why Does Pain Make People Scream?
- Doctors Attack Pervasive Obesity Myths
- Marine Reserve Helps Fish — and Fishermen
- Friday Flyby: How Scientists Track Near-Earth Asteroids
- Geyser Video Reveals How They Work
- Seeing Earth From Space: 6 Questions for Former Astronaut Piers Sellers
- Thirsty Middle East Is Exhausting Its Water Supply
- Gorgeous Photo: Yosemite Sparkles in Winter
- Battered Skulls Reveal Violence Among Stone Age Women
- 2 Drowned Civil War Sailors to Be Buried
- Monogamy May Up Chances a Vagina Infection Will Recur
- Mardi Gras Storms: New Orleans, Hattiesburg, Mobile
- Doctors Report Tuberculosis Now 'Virtually Untreatable'
- Why 3-Year-Olds Make Good Helpers
- Mysterious Virus IDed in Bizarre Bird Deaths
- Ozone Hole Shrinks to Record Low
- Mexican Wolf Population in US Grows for 3rd Year
- King Cakes & Floats? 5 Mardi Gras Facts
- Gelada Baboons Keep Sexual Infidelity Hush-Hush
- In Photos: The Life of a Gelada Baboon
- Environmental Lessons Found in 19th-Century Cemeteries
- Slashing the Salt Would Save Lives
- Ancient Magical Illusion Even More Effective Than Magicians May Realize
- What If Friday's Flyby Asteroid Hit Earth?
- 150-Foot Asteroid Has Close Encounter with Earth This Week
- NASA's 'Mohawk Guy' Will Sit with First Lady at State of the Union
- 'Charioteer' Constellation Rides Through February's Skies
- Robotic Russian Supply Ship Docks With Space Station
- NASA Launches Advanced Landsat Earth-Watching Satellite Into Orbit
- See Elusive Mercury as 'Pink' Planet in Sunset Sky
- Russia Launches Robotic Supply Ship to Space Station
- Astronaut Sends Chinese New Year Greetings from Space
- February 11
- Epic Glacier Collapse Caught on Camera
- Why Does Ice Cream Cause Brain Freeze?
- Atom-Smashing Photos: Vote For Your Favorite
- Images: Inside the World's Top Physics Labs
- What Does Horse Meat Taste Like?
- How Pregnancy's High Blood Pressure Could Reveal Heart Disease Risk
- Your Help Wanted to Name Two of Pluto's Moons
- Vitamin D Supplement Labels May be Misleading
- Why Does Mona Lisa's Smile Change?
- Richard III 'Discovery' Reported in 1935
- Gallery: A Treasure Trove of Britain's Old Newspapers
- Sunlit Permafrost Unleashes Carbon at Faster Pace
- Giant Ocean Vortex Linked to Monsoon
- 'Earth from Space': See the Planet Like Never Before
- 'Alien' Argentine Ants May Have Met Their Match
- Why Does Jell-O Jiggle?
- Premature Births Linked to Scarcity of Men
- Java to Go: Couple Addicted to Coffee Enemas
- Who's Keeping Your Boss in Check?
- Sun Unleashes Solar Eruption at Earth During Long Flare
- Papal Primer: History's 10 Most Intriguing Popes
- NASA Launching Powerful Landsat Earth-Observation Satellite Today
- Snow Blankets Northeast in Satellite Image
- Are You There, E.T.? SETI Finds No Alien Signals from Exoplanets
- Brain Area 'Where Evil Lurks' Doesn't Exist: Neurologist
- Supernova Alert! Astronomers Spot Warning Outburst
- NASA Asteroid-Sampling Mission to Help Gauge Impact Threat
- Monday Launch to Continue 40-Year Earth-Observing Mission
- Does Exercise Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk?
- Pope Benedict to Step Down, 1st Since Middle Ages
- How Birds Got Their UV Vision
- February 10
- February 9
- February 8
- The 10 Worst Blizzards in US History
- Giant Pandas May Be Threatened by Forest Reform
- Acropolis: 'High City' of Athens
- Why Do People Snore?
- More 60-Somethings Being Hurt in Motorcycle Crashes
- Born To Be Wild: Releasing Captive-Bred Pandas
- Is There a Rabbit in the Moon?
- That's the Spot: Massage Neurons Found
- What's Causing All This Snow?
- Climate Change May Make Flu Seasons Worse
- Why the Snowstorm Is Named 'Nemo'
- Astronaut and Musician Perform 1st Original Duet from Space and Earth
- Escaped Goat Runs Amok in Brooklyn
- Nor'easter Spotted From Space in Satellite Photo
- Hurricane Sandy Dealt Blow to Healthy Habits
- Population With Alzheimer's Disease Will Triple by 2050
- Real-Life 'Vampire' Addicted to Blood, Doctors Claim
- Canada Funds Space Robot Projects Amid Competition
- Tai Chi May Reduce Falls in Stroke Survivors
- Curiosity Rover Drills Into Mars for 1st Time
- Marijuana Use May Raise Stroke Risk in Young Adults
- Picasso's Genius Revealed: He Used Common House Paint
- The Genes Behind Fido's Facial Features
- Air Pollution May Lower Birth Weight
- Obesity Is Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency
- Did Richard III Really Have a Friendly Face?
- Asteroid Flyby Next Week One for the Record Books, NASA says
- Rare 'Strobe Light' Star May Actually Be Twins
- Chicxulub Asteroid Impact: The Dino-Killer That Scientists Laughed At
- 'Star Trek' Actor William Shatner Calls Astronaut in Space (Video)
- Seagull Nebula Spreads Cosmic Wings in Amazing Photos
- Closest 'Alien Earth' May Be 13 Light-Years Away
- Good News: Stressful Jobs Not Linked to Cancer Risk
- Why Do We Love Music?
- Why Do We Have Fingernails?
- Why Do We Have Belly Buttons?
- February 7
- Salty Antarctic Pond May Hold Clues to Water on Mars
- Daily Greenland Ice Website Launched
- Space Race in Asia Heating Up
- Hungry Black Hole Spawns Bizarre Four-Armed Galaxy
- Happiness Grows with Age, But Depends on Generation
- Mysterious Brain Clumps Behind Dementia Identified
- In Photos: Mammals Through Time
- 4.5 Billion 'Alien Earths' May Populate Milky Way
- Mother of Mammals: Meet the Earliest Placental Mammal Ancestor (Infographic)
- Asteroid Impact That Killed the Dinosaurs: New Evidence
- Japan Earthquake Unleashed Surprising Torrent of Energy
- Hope Emerges for Endangered Vultures in India
- Meet Your Mama: First Ancestor of All Placental Mammals Revealed
- Astronaut and Rocker to Premiere Space-Earth Duet Friday
- Christianity May Alter Animal Life in Amazon
- Oscar Sci-Tech Awards Honor Ingenious Screen Science And Engineering
- More U.S. Mothers Breast-Feeding, CDC Says
- Southern Diet May Increase Stroke Risk
- Seafloor Volcanic Vent Found Near Antarctica
- January Declared Second-Warmest in 35 Years
- Pirate Islands Turned to Treasure Islands for Fish
- Appalachians Get a Face-Lift From Earth's Mantle
- NYC on Edge of Major Snowstorm
- Women Out-Earn Men Online: Gaming Study
- February 6
- Why We're All Above Average
- Glass Lava Flow Still Oozes a Year Later
- Goo Lets Turtle Moms Pause Eggs' Growth
- Half-Million-Year-Old Human Jawbone Found
- Odd Ability May Predict Healthy Body Image
- Ancient Tombs Discovered Along Silk Road
- Next Week's Asteroid Flyby Shows Earth is in 'Cosmic Shooting Gallery'
- NASA Probe Snaps Photos of Potential 'Comet of the Century'
- What Caused the Solomon Islands Earthquake & Tsunami?
- Most Species on Earth Could Be Recorded, Study Finds
- 35 Ancient Pyramids Discovered in Sudan Necropolis
- In Photos: Beautiful Pyramids of Sudan
- Nanoporous Carbon Materials Raise Chances of Surviving Sepsis
- What are freckles?
- Why Do We Die?
- Harmful Red Tide to Sweep Across Southwest Florida
- Bats Host More Than 60 Human-Infecting Viruses
- Scientists Unveiling Exoplanet Discovery Wednesday: How to Watch Live
- Astronaut in Space Opens Hailing Frequencies for William Shatner Thursday
- Insect Drives Tiny Robot Toward Seductive Smells
- The Origins of the Olive Tree Revealed
- February 5
- Mechanically Inspired Musical Insights
- 'Food Addict' Label May Worsen Fat Stigma
- Wolverines May Be Listed as Endangered
- Water Leaking Into Stratosphere Could Harm Ozone
- Steroids Offer Little Help for Tennis Elbow
- Like Cats, Aphids Land on Feet After Falling
- Synthetic Marijuana: The High Cost of a Cheap Drug
- Diet or Regular? Choice of Alcohol Mixer Affects Intoxication
- Heavy Drinking Raises Risk of Divorce
- King Richard III Spoke with a Lilt, Study Suggests
- Amazing 'Earth from Space' Views Star in New TV Documentary
- Older Women Don't Need Mammograms Every Year
- Moles Smell the World from Both Sides
- Asteroids May Be Tougher Target Than Mars for Manned Missions
- Weird Underwater Waves Spotted from Space
- Ginormous Numbers Could Create a Mental Black Hole
- Dark Energy Hunter: 7 Questions for Nobel Prize Winner Saul Perlmutter
- Largest Prime Number Discovered
- Slippers of Napoleon's Sister Found
- The 9 most massive numbers in existence
- Oldest Known Wild Bird Hatches Healthy Chick
- Soldier's Best Friend: Tiny Drones Spot Battlefield Dangers
- Why Do We Carve Pumpkins at Halloween?
- Why Do People Blush?
- 3D-Printed Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created for First Time
- 7 Cool Uses of 3D Printing in Medicine
- Did Iran Really Launch a Monkey Into Space?
- Balloon-Borne Telescope Seeks Out Elusive Big Bang Signal
- Earth Safe from Asteroid's Close Flyby Next Week
- Rocket Launches By North Korea, Iran Not Immediate US Threat, Experts Say
- Iran's President Wants to be Country's 1st Astronaut
- Alien Moons May Be Easier to Photograph Than Planets
- How 3D Printers Could Build Futuristic Moon Colony
- NASA Honors Fallen Astronauts in Solemn Ceremony
- Obama Honors Astronauts Who Gave Their Lives for Space
- February 4
- Too Much TV May Lower Sperm Count
- Shame About Past Drinking Problem May Lead to Relapse
- Potential for 'Superquakes' Underestimated, Recent Earthquakes Show
- Mathematical Excursions To Architecture
- Reports Surface of Monster Lurking in Russian Lake
- Fossil of Flying Dino-Age Reptile Found
- Who Has Been Getting Snow This Winter?
- Richard III Announcement Spurs Excitement, Skepticism
- Cockroaches' Weird Grooming Behavior Explained
- Scientists Offer Wary Support for NASA's New Mars Rover
- Eerie Rock Towers Are Earthquake Sensors
- Search for Near-Earth Asteroids Needs a Speed Boost
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Hammers Into 1st Mars Rock
- Neanderthals Died Out Earlier Than Thought
- Mystery of 'Little House' Character's Blindness Solved
- 2 Newfound Wasps Parasitize Ant-Eating Spiders
- Dinosaur Footprints Lifted from NASA's Backyard
- Photo: Northern Lights Dance Over Denali
- Increase in Deadly Rains Linked to Climate Change
- How to Reduce Unnecessary CT Scans in Kids
- It Felt Like A Cold January, But How Cold Was It?
- Oldest Spider Crabs Discovered in Fossil Reef
- Image Gallery: Tiny Crustaceans Found in Fossil Reef
- Confirmed! Bones of King Richard III Found
- Battle-Scarred Skull of Suspected King Richard III Revealed
- February 3
- February 2
- 4 Reasons to Limit Super Bowl Toasts
- Morning Sickness in 2nd Trimester Ups Pregnancy Risks
- Childhood Obesity May Boost MS Risk
- Too Few Adults Get Recommended Shots
- Spring Is Near! Punxsutawney Phil Doesn't See His Shadow
- Why Do People Sleepwalk?
- Why Do People Kiss?
- Why Do Our Mouths Water?
- Large Earthquake Strikes Japan
- February 1
- Hundreds of Slime-Covered Seabirds Wash Ashore, Puzzle Scientists
- Earthquake Hits Solomon Islands
- Obama Awards Top Honors to Scientists
- Do We Really Lose Half our Body Heat From our Heads?
- Calorie Labels Inaccurate, Experts Say
- The Star Explosion That Wasn't: Astronomers Solve 150-Year-Old Mystery
- Can People Have Blue Skin?
- What a Reindeer Looks Like Without His Antlers
- Sun Grows Super-Hot 'Dragon Tail' in Amazing NASA Video
- Tiwanaku: Pre-Incan Civilization in the Andes
- Why Causes a Low Sperm Count?
- Intergalactic Crash Scene Among Universe's Largest Things
- Build Your Own Moon: Online Lunar Game Nabs Honors
- Best Earth Images of the Month January 2013
- Alberta Clippers to Bring Cold, Some Snow to North
- Arctic CSI: Cyclone Absolved in Record Sea Ice Melt
- Panda Cub Gets Buff
- Game On: Heroes & Villains Lure in Casual Sports Fans
- What Animals Can Teach Us About Longevity
- Aftershocks May Portend Major Philippine Earthquake
- Is Scientific Genius Extinct?