All content archive
March 2013
600 articles
- March 31
- March 30
- March 29
- Leopards and Humans Peacefully Coexist in India
- Worst Allergy Season Ever?
- How to Count Komodo Dragons
- Hormone Therapy May Raise Risk of Aggressive Breast Cancers
- Anniversary of Niagara Falls Running Dry
- Radar Watches Hawaii Volcano 'Breathing'
- Earth's Moon and Huge Asteroid Vesta Share Violent History
- Why Cats Hate Car Rides
- NASA Spacecraft Snaps New Photo of Potential 'Comet of the Century'
- Why Do Cats Bring Home Dead Animals?
- Rare Chinese Porpoises Dive Toward Extinction
- Where is the Suicide Belt?
- Finally, the Bacon Condom Has Arrived
- Health Consumers Don't Give Back Online
- Did You Hear Something? Mice Can Cough, Study Finds
- Why Are There No Purple or Green Stars?
- How Hydrogels and Japan Changed a Life
- 'Most Threatened' Tribe Sees No Relief from Illegal Loggers
- How Ancient Life May Have Come About
- Killer Waves: How Tsunamis Changed History
- Backyard Leopards Caught on Camera
- How a Storm Became Big Enough to Span the Atlantic
- Rare Parasite Nearly Blinds Teenager
- Laser Helps Measure Brain Activity
- 10 Tsunamis That Changed History
- Man-Size Jellyfish Robot Could Ply the Seas
- True Color of Dinosaur Feathers Debated
- Researcher Designs Sensors to Gather Earth Details
- Green Meteorite May Be from Mercury, a First
- Dangerous Moves: More Kids Hurt Dancing
- Saturn's Rings and Moons are Solar System Antiques
- March 28
- Does Religion Matter for Couples?
- How Mom & Dad's Fights Can Stunt Kids' Brains
- Dodo Bone, Huge Elephant-Bird Egg Up for Auction
- Shroud of Turin Real? Debate Resurrected
- What Is Narcolepsy?
- Digital Evolution: DNA May Bring Computers to Life
- Images: Cross-Country Flight in a Solar-Powered Plane
- Train Derails, Causing Oil Spill in Minnesota
- Master Violins Designed to Mimic Human Voice
- Mystery of Desert 'Fairy Circles' Solved, Creators Found
- Image Gallery: Amazing 'Fairy Circles' of the Namib Desert
- 5 Tornado Safety Myths Debunked
- First Love Child of Human, Neanderthal Found
- A Clear Signal Against the Use of Tar Sands
- Glacial Legacy Set Stage for Washington Landslide
- 97% of Restaurant Kids' Meals Are Unhealthy, Consumer Group Says
- 'Graceful Eruption' on Sun Revealed in Stunning Photo
- Jumbo Squid-Cam Uncovers Secrets of Elusive Creature
- Deadly Blood Type Solves 60-Year-Old Medical Mystery
- 'Brain Games' Series to Examine Secrets of the Mind
- Tomorrow's Diapers May Be Made from Greenhouse Gas
- Who Invented the Mirror?
- Petition Asks White House to Reverse NASA Outreach Sequester Cuts
- Lindsay Lohan Is Here to Stay: Fame Not Fleeting, Study Finds
- March 27
- Surprising Depth to Global Warming's Effects
- Antarctic Thawing Season Keeps Getting Longer
- Elusive 'Superman' Particle Found Changing Flavor
- Grand Canyon Country Reveals Jaw-Dropping Scenery
- Mollusks to Hungry Lobsters: Snot Gonna Happen!
- 7 Amazing Grand Canyon Facts
- What Is the Stroke Belt?
- Supreme Court Focuses on Legalities in DOMA Hearing
- Macho Dudes Have an Edge in Less-Developed Countries
- Women on the Pill Choose Less Manly Men
- Margin Notes Shed New Light on Renaissance Anatomy Masterpiece
- World's Largest Colon Blown Up in Miami
- Blind Cavefish Also Hard of Hearing
- Why You Are Paying for Everyone's Flood Insurance
- New Theory of How Giant Stars Grow Unveiled
- Arctic Sea Ice Hits Yearly Max, But Still Dwindling
- Exercise Offers Fewer Benefits to the Depressed
- Stress in Pregnancy Boosts Stillbirth Risk
- Glowing Millipedes Accidentally Found on Alcatraz
- UFO Memo Is FBI's 'Most Wanted' Record
- 80 New Genetic Markers for Cancer Found
- Richard III Burial Challenged on Human Rights Grounds
- Rare View Reveals How Earth's Crust Forms
- Largest Oklahoma Earthquake Linked to Oil Extraction Wastewater
- Holocene Epoch: The Age of Man
- Mindfulness May Boost Focus on Tests
- Exploring the Makeup of Extrasolar Planets
- Whoa! Mini-Supernovas Discovered
- Sounds of Arguing Affect Sleeping Babies' Brains
- 101 Beetles Get Names from Phone Book
- 'Mind-Blowing' Bacteria Reveal Inner Workings of Some Infectious Diseases
- Brain Size Didn't Drive Evolution, Research Suggests
- Little Bitty Ancient Mammal Unearthed in Japan
- Massive Extinction Fueled Rise of Crocodiles
- March 26
- Possible Japanese Shrine Fragment Washes Up in Oregon
- Can Dogs Have Narcolepsy?
- Spring Image: Snow in Nearly Half of US
- Mistreated Customer Service Employees Seek Revenge
- Why Cuckolded Males Stick Around to Raise Kids
- Temporary Tattoos May Cause Permanent Damage
- 7 Choices?! Strange Creature Picks Its Sex at Random
- Controversial "Chelation" Study Draws More Fire
- Mars Rover Curiosity Resumes Science Work After Computer Glitch
- Stone Age Phallus Found in Israel
- New Tiger Reserve Established in India
- What Makes Water Hard?
- Ancient Trilobites Featured Spotted Camouflage
- Supreme Court Prop. 8 Arguments Focus on Sex, Science
- Proposition 8: Supreme Court Transcript
- How Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Works (Infographic)
- Mysterious Pond Circles in NY Spur Talk of Aliens
- Splashdown! SpaceX Dragon Capsule Returns to Earth
- Caltech Challenges Students to Plan Manned Mission to Mars Moon
- James Cameron Gives Deep Sea Sub to Science
- Midwest, Northeast to Endure Cold Waves Well into April
- Found: Africa's Oldest Penguins
- Happiest US Cities of 2012: The List
- Camera Trap Snaps Curious Tiger Cub
- 5.5-Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Mexico
- The Happiest US City Is ...
- Awe-Inspiring Scenes: Arizona's Red Rock Country
- Doctors Detect Obesity Bug on Breath
- Tiny Lemur Twins Are 2 New Species
- Fertility Difficulties Linked to Kids Neurological Problems, Study Suggests
- Harry Potter-Like Invisibility Cloak Works (in a Lab)
- Now You See It: 6 Tales of Invisibility in Pop Culture
- March 25
- Ever-Changing Venus Superstorm Sparks Interest
- What Kind of Men Go to Prostitutes?
- Jersey Devil: Impossible Animal of Story & Legend
- How Did Dinosaurs Do It?
- Cold Sore Virus Linked with Memory Problems
- Electric Bacteria Could Be Used for Bio-Battery
- Octogenarian Tries to Become Oldest to Climb Everest
- Secrets of a Strange Lemur: An Aye-Aye Gallery
- How a Homely Lemur's Genome May Help Save It
- Ancient Death Toll of Birds Confirmed in New Study
- Longhorn Legacy: Surprising Origins of Columbus' Cattle Found
- Booming Coastal Population Heightens Extreme Storm Risk
- If A Dry Tree Pops Sap Bubbles In The Woods
- 5 Key Facts About the Supreme Court Gay Marriage Cases
- Sauna Visits May Lower Sperm Count
- Orphaned Polar Bear Cub to Get New York Home
- 2-Headed Shark Fetus Netted by Fisherman
- Beyond Higgs: 5 elusive particles that may lurk in the universe
- Antimatter's Magnetic Charge Revealed
- Your Phone's Ringing — Because You're Minutes from a Heart Attack
- Midwest, Northeast March Snowstorm Breaks Records
- 5 Strange Sightings in the Peruvian Amazon
- Same-Sex Marriage Gains Acceptance (Infographic)
- Animal Sex: How Crocodiles Do It
- Image: Bison Roam At Yellowstone's Dragon's Mouth
- March 24
- March 23
- March 22
- Cameras Capture Tigers Trekking Through Wildlife Corridor
- What Is Nothing? Physicists Debate
- Comet, Not Asteroid, Killed Dinosaurs, Study Suggests
- How Straight People Paved the Way for Gay Marriage
- Meet a One-Eyed, Six-Legged, Flying Whale Chaser
- Under Extremes, Big Groups Can Act Like A Force Of Nature
- Drones Keep Watchful Eye on Illegal Hunting
- Twelve Million in Path of Severe Storms in South
- Weird Way Lyme Disease Bugs Avoid Immune System
- Itsy-Bitsy Endangered Frog Bred in Bid to Save Species
- How Belief in Magic Spreads HIV in Africa
- Image Gallery: Mummy Evisceration Techniques
- 2,400-Year-Old Myths of Mummy-Making Busted
- Gangly Gerenuk Born at Denver Zoo
- The Psychology of Effective Workout Music
- Asteroid-Smashing Space Probes Set for Cosmic Crash in 2022
- NASA's Mars Spacecraft Go Solo Next Month
- The Brainy Science of Finding Your Car Keys
- Smoking Pot May Lead to Nicotine Addiction
- Camo Bugs & Gorgeous Genitalia Dominate Ecology Photo Contest
- Amazing Ecology: Award-Winning Photos of Wildlife
- March 21
- New Map of Big Bang Light Hints at Exotic Physics
- Bat Virus Kills Boy: Will the Public Panic?
- Images: Tsunami Dock in Remote Washington
- Powerful New Earth-Observation Satellite Snaps 1st Photos
- Iceland Volcano Eruption Fueled Ocean Blooms
- Toddler Meals Have Too Much Salt: CDC
- Mega Volcanoes May Have Killed Half of Earth's Species
- Genetic Origami: DNA Bent Into Strange Shapes
- Listening with Seismology Could Predict Landslides
- PETA in a Dogfight over its Euthanasia Practices
- How the Brain Remembers Your Sister's Cousin's Boyfriend
- Shrunken Heads of Sea Snakes Explained
- 90% of People with Prediabetes Don't Know It
- Himalayan Adventure Foretells Climate's Effects
- 'Out of Africa' Story Being Rewritten Again
- Ancient Stone Ships Reveal Life and Death in the Bronze Age
- Single Drug May Combat Several Deadly Viruses
- Ouch! Zippers Cause Most Penis Injuries, Study Finds
- Warmer than Average Spring Predicted for Most of US
- 2 New Lizard Species Discovered in Peru
- Robes and Shovels: Medieval Monks Cultivated Wetlands
- Images: Reclaimed Medieval Wetlands
- Apollo Moon Rocket Engines Raised from Seafloor by Amazon CEO
- Why Voyager 1's Solar System Exit Is So Hard to Predict
- 5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
- March 20
- Too Much Tea Causes Unusual Bone Disease
- How Whales' Ancestors Left Land Behind
- Whale Album: Giants of the Deep
- 7 Worst Foods Available with Food Stamps
- No Fair! 3-Year-Olds Know to Share, But Don't
- Stunning scenes: From the Himalayas to the Taklamakan Desert
- What the Spring Equinox Looks Like from Space
- Weather Channel Explores Rogue Planet Doomsday Scenario
- Historic California Quake Released Surprising Energy
- Roman Ruins Yield Clues to Ancient Earthquakes
- San Diego Pandas Get a Snow Day
- Why We're Giving Bald Eagles Onboard GPS
- Next Dinosaur Rock Star Chosen in Canada
- New Look at Earth's Mysterious Layer
- Trout Guts Balloon for Yearly Gorge
- Energy Drinks Switch from 'Supplement' to 'Beverage': Are They Safer?
- Meteor or Missile Attack: How Will Military Leaders Know?
- Ancient Egyptian Sundial Discovered at Valley of the Kings
- Image gallery: Egypt's Valley of the Kings
- Simple Visual Illusion Dupes Computer
- Sandy-Damaged Statue of Liberty to Reopen in July
- Why Richard III Still Ignites Passion
- Ancient Giant Trees Found Petrified in Thailand
- 'Honey Laundering' an International Scandal, Experts Say
- NASA Reboots Mars Rover Curiosity After Computer Glitch
- Cyclones May Swirl on Icy Saturn Moon Titan
- Graves of Twin Moon Probes Spotted by NASA Spacecraft
- Meth-Addicted Moms Have Babies With Odd Stress Response
- Giant Squid All One Big, Happy Family
- Release the Kraken! Giant Squid Photos
- Bushmeat Trade Is Transforming Rain Forest
- How Ancient Humans Walked: Their Footprints May Mislead
- Melting Sea Ice Keeps Hungry Polar Bears on Land
- March 19
- A Quantum Leap For Basketball 'Bracketology'
- War or Peace May Doom Korean DMZ Wildlife
- Sugary Drinks Linked to 180,000 Deaths Worldwide
- Greenland's Isolated Glaciers Melting Quickly
- Take That, Ladies! Male Lions Ambush Prey
- Male Mice Go From Violent Virgins to Doting Dads
- Bizarre Egg-Burying Birds Hatch at Bronx Zoo
- Chimps Trade Tools To Help Out Pals
- World's Largest Solar Plant Goes Online
- The Key to Reducing Infant Mortality
- Kiddo Wasp Named for 'Kill Bill' Assassin
- Mighty Hawaiian Volcano's Blowout Turns 5
- Best-Preserved Human Ancestor Didn't Have Bone Disorder
- March Madness: Sports Betting Based on Luck Not Knowledge
- Penis-Snatching Panics Resurface in Africa
- Tourists Turn Wild Stingrays Into Homebodies
- Google Maps Unveils Views of Everest
- Holy Land Farming Began 5,000 Years Earlier Than Thought
- Was Chinese Scientist a Spy at NASA?
- Rattlesnake Sliders & Goat Penis: Photos of Exotic Food
- Beer Goggles: How Alcohol Disrupts the Brain
- Chewing Gum Doesn't Lead to Weight Loss, Study Suggests
- Oceans May Be Common on Rocky Alien Planets
- Jupiter's Atmosphere Has Weird Hot Flashes
- Mystery of Vanishing Dwarf Galaxies Explained?
- Mars Science by Curiosity Rover Hits New Snag
- Curiosity Rover Eyes Huge Mars Mountain in Amazing Photos
- Scientists to Unveil New Planetary Science Discoveries This Week
- Obsessed with the Good and Bad of ‘Vikings’
- March 18
- 'Lost' Tectonic Plate Found Beneath California
- Could Brazilian Waxing Increase STD Risk?
- Teen Birth Control: IUDs Are an Option, Docs Say
- Stressed? It May Show in Your Breath
- 'Casanova' Moths Use Mustache-Like Tufts for Courtship
- Smartphone Sensors Record Timely, Accurate Air Quality
- Can Marriage Fix the Middle Class?
- Women's Median Age at First Marriage By State
- I Don't: 5 Myths About Marriage
- Keep Cigarettes 'Out of Sight' in Stores, NYC Mayor Says
- Inbreeding Common in Early Humans, Deformed Skull Suggests
- Despite Physician Advice, Parents Refuse HPV Vaccine
- Most Parents Don't Always Follow Doctors' Orders
- Antarctic's First-Ever Whale Skeleton Found
- Katrina-Like Storm Surges Could Become Norm
- Fossils of Earliest Old World Monkeys Unearthed
- 9 Months, 9 Symptoms: What Pregnancy Really Feels Like
- How Junk Food Makes a Bad Mood Worse
- Sure Sign of Spring: Snow Melts at Great Sand Dunes
- Aftermath of Volcano Eruption Seen from Space
- Cock-A-Doodle-Doo! Roosters Really Do Know What Time It Is
- Can Birds Evolve to Avoid Being Road Kill?
- Astronomers Gearing Up for Possible 'Comet of the Century'
- Astronaut Celebrates St. Patrick's Day in Space
- Sun Eruption Supercharges Northern Lights Displays This Weekend
- 3,300-Year-Old Egyptian Cemetery Reveals Commoners' Plight
- In Photos: Ancient Egyptian Skeletons Unearthed
- Life on Mars! Unless it's E.T., Who Cares?
- March 17
- March 16
- March 15
- How Cute Animal Videos Could Help Science
- Oregon's Next Huge Earthquake: Not If, But When
- Fluorescence Could Indicate Health of Corals
- Bat-Eating Spiders Are Everywhere, Study Finds
- Celebrated Keck Telescopes Seek Funding on 20th Anniversary
- Ewwww! Photos of Bat-Eating Spiders
- Researchers to Harness the Power of Molecular Self-Assembly
- 14th-Century Black Death Graveyard Found in London
- Poached Fish: Missouri Emerges as Caviar Smuggling Center
- In Photos: 14th-Century 'Black Death' Grave Discovered
- Russia and Europe Team Up for Mars Missions
- Mars Rover Curiosity's Next Big Drive Is Months Away
- See Comet Pan-STARRS Live in Webcast Today: How to Watch
- China's Top 6 Environmental Concerns
- 6 extinct animals that could be brought back to life
- Tropical Cyclone Tim to Turn Toward Australia
- 5-Million-Year-Old Saber-Toothed Cat Fossil Discovered
- Rabies Death Due to Organ Transplant, CDC Confirms
- New World Pope, Old World Social Views
- Women Worry More than Men
- High-Fat Dairy May Lower Breast Cancer Survival
- Doctors Clear Up Confusion Over Hormone Therapy
- Animal Sex: How Chimps Do It
- Spooky! Quantum Action Is 10,000 Times Faster Than Light
- March 14
- Hundreds of Dinosaur Egg Fossils Found
- Arctic Storm Shatters Thin Sea Ice
- Argentine Wildlife Gain 2 New Marine Parks
- Patagonia's New Marine Parks, in Photos
- 'Sex Week' Lures College Students to Educate Themselves
- Polar Bears' Mysterious Origins Befuddle Scientists
- February 2013 Was World's 9th Warmest on Record
- Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Yields Its Secrets
- Medieval Knight's Tomb Found Beneath Parking Lot
- Who Needs Food When You Have Soylent?
- Sumatran Tiger Cub Born at Sacramento Zoo
- Deflecting Killer Asteroid Could Be Geopolitical Nightmare
- Hidden Tracks: Whale Songs Found in Seismic Recordings
- Energy Efficient Brain Simulator Outperforms Supercomputers
- Life After Higgs: What's Next for World's Largest Atom Smasher?
- Urgent Need to Protect United States' Historic Environment
- Early Birds Sported 4 Wings
- Intraterrestrials: Life Thrives in Ocean Floor
- Physicists Look to Future After New Higgs Announcement
- Andes: World's Longest Mountain Range
- What Organs Can You Live Without?
- Classic Physics 'Thought' Experiment Finally Recreated
- 6 Implications of Finding a Higgs Boson Particle
- 600-Year-Old Chinese Coin Found in Kenya
- Record Warmth for Phoenix, Las Vegas
- Men & Women Alike Struggle With Work-Life Balance
- Confirmed! Newfound Particle Is a Higgs Boson
- March 13
- Celebrating Einstein Through 100 Years Of General Relativity
- Doc Shouldn't Give ADHD Drugs to Healthy Kids
- Sex in Space: Is it Unethical to Conceive a Child Out There?
- Whales Trap Dinner with Mouthful of Swirling Bristles
- Ancient Mutation Explains Missing Wisdom Teeth
- Eel Mystery Deepens with Shark Chow-Down
- Future Power Grids Inspired by the Human Brain
- What Causes a Red Tide?
- Rescuers Free Whale Entangled in Fishing Gear
- Sex in Space: Plant Canoodling Is Weird Without Gravity
- In Images: Humpback Whale Rescued
- Photo: Russian Volcano Carves Lava River
- Francis: Best Baby Name for a Future Pope?
- How 'Zombie Worms' Have Sex in Whale Bones
- 6 Strange Facts About Choosing a New Pope
- Building Unbreakable Codes Beyond The Bounds Of Earth
- Deep Sea Tech Unveils Giant Squid
- Image Gallery: A Worm Missing Link
- Phallus-Shaped Creature Is Wormy Missing Link
- What Does the Pope Do, Anyway?
- Shorelines Could Help Forecast Tsunami Floods
- Mars Announcement Raises Question: What Is Life?
- Physicists Hunt Weird Antimatter Beneath Earth
- Gallery: Search for the Higgs Boson
- Subway Astronomy: Chilean Exhibition Celebrates New Telescope
- Could Life Have Evolved on Mars Before Earth?
- How the Rhinoceros Beetle Got Its Horns
- Images: Amazing Rhinoceros Beetles
- Why Men Helping Sis Makes Evolutionary Sense
- Neanderthals Doomed by Vision-Centered Brains
- March 12
- Mind-Controlled Devices Reveal Future Possibilities
- Early Human Ancestor Surprisingly Smart
- San Diego Zoo Welcomes Season's 1st Condor Chick
- Whole Grains, Half Truths, and Lots of Confusion
- Photo: Massive Ice Balls Along Lake Michigan
- Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text
- 5 Strange Theories About Stonehenge
- Picking a Pope: Do Looks Matter?
- Awe-Inspiring Photo: Death Valley Goes Dark
- Wow! Ancient Mars Could Have Supported Primitive Life, NASA Says
- 2,000-Pound Great White Shark Tagged & Tracked
- Cutting Edge: 3D Tech Boosts Surgical Precision
- Cow Herds Could Heal Degraded Land, Scientist Says
- First Interstellar Spacecraft May Use Texas-Size Solar Sail
- Giant Radio Telescope to See Alien Planet Birth in HD
- Blizzard of '93: Hundreds Killed, Two Dozen States Impacted
- Comet Pan-STARRS Near the Moon Tonight: How to See It
- The Perfect Pope: Top 5 Requirements
- Mini Black Holes Easier To Make Than Thought
- Papal Election Triggers Doomsday Theories
- Same-Sex Marriage Linked to Longer Lives
- March 11
- Cause of Odd Arctic Ozone 'Hole' Found
- What is a Jet Stream?
- Large-Soda Ban Blocked, Concerning Some Nutritionists
- Japan's Huge Tohoku Earthquake 'Heard' From Space
- Most People Shouldn’t Eat Gluten-Free
- Powerful Magnets Pose Risk for Kids
- Ancient Egyptian Pigment's Future Now Even Brighter
- International Shark Trade to Be Regulated
- 'Red Tide' Is Killing Florida's Manatees
- Science and the Catholic Church: A Turbulent History
- Potential New Antarctica Bacteria Actually Contamination
- Improved Hearing Anticipated for Implant Recipients
- How Contagious Tasmanian Devil Cancer Goes Invisible
- Space Snapshot Reveals California's Catalina Eddy
- Stripe of Snow to Whiten Cities From Omaha to Marquette
- Sound Garden: Can Plants Actually Talk and Hear?
- Earthquake Shakes Southern California
- Arctic Gets Greener As Climate Warms: NASA Study
- Alligator Nabs New Prosthetic Tail
- Scary Faces Terrify Woman with Unusual Condition
- 13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens
- Scientists Hope to Extend Mercury Spacecraft's Mission
- Russian Satellite Hit By Chinese Debris Highlights Space Junk Threat
- Why Humans Get Lost
- Four Asteroids Buzz Earth in Single Week
- 7 Ways Food Needs to Change
- Papal Conclave: How It Will Work
- Russian Satellite Hit by Debris from Chinese Anti-Satellite Test
- Ancient Mummies Had Clogged Arteries, Too
- 2 Years On, Japan Tsunami Debris Still Washing Ashore
- March 10
- March 9
- March 8
- Gallinippers! Monster Mosquitoes Poised to Strike Florida
- Does Circumcision Hurt Sexual Pleasure? Study Draws Fire
- Large Dogs Age Faster, Die Younger
- 6 Surprising Facts about World's Most Powerful Radio Telescope
- How Arctic Ice May Have Influenced Superstorm Sandy
- Phone Scammers Fleece Retiree Out of House and Home
- Immortal Line of Cloned Mice Created
- Flu Shots Keep Older People Out of the Hospital
- World's Largest Ground-Based Telescope Array Opens in Chile Soon
- Strange 'Methuselah' Star Looks Older Than the Universe
- Ancient Mega-Flood on Mars Revealed in 3D
- Origins of Massive Star Explosions May Be Found
- Flu Season Eases in Parts of US
- Hot Stuff: Are Fire Facials the Next Beauty Trend?
- Why Disasters Like Sandy Hit the Elderly Hard
- Why Can't A Woman Be Pope?
- Southwest Storm to Deliver Denver's Biggest Snow
- Choose Nature's Champs: Earth-Themed March Madness Tourneys
- Ancient Reindeer Hunters Fished Ice Age Lakes
- How to Get Happy: Seek a 'Meaningful Life'
- 'Alien' Alga Steals Genes to Survive Extreme Environments
- Fashion Statement: Designer Creates Line of Drone-Proof Garments to Protect Privacy
- Archaeological Crusade: US Tries to Save Ancient Treasures
- 1st African American Man Dates Back 338,000 Years
- In Photos: Archaeology Around the World
- Do Gun Laws Really Prevent Deaths? New Study Dissected
- Newfound Particle Still Looks Like a Higgs Boson
- Italian Scientists Appeal Earthquake Manslaughter Verdict
- Brisk Walking Helps Stroke Survivors
- March 7
- New Type of Bacteria Reportedly Found in Buried Antarctic Lake
- Forgetting First Words on a List May Signal Mental Decline
- School Gardening Programs Plant Seeds of Healthy Eating
- Can Google Predict Drug Side Effects?
- Why Good Deeds Can Cause Moral Backsliding
- Big Melt Expected for Canadian Arctic Glaciers
- Electromagnetic Research Gets New Tools
- What's Behind Russell Crowe's UFO Video
- Blind Eye May Not Doom Pitcher's Career
- Exorcism: Facts and Fiction About Demonic Possession
- Caffeine Gives Bees a Memory Boost
- Why Are Sharks Swarming in Florida?
- Quantum Meets Macro: Strange Particle Behavior Found
- Largest Brain-Mapping Project Set to Launch
- Mystery of 'Cocktail Party' Hearing Solved
- What Antarctica Looked Like Before the Ice
- Obesity Boosts Heart Attack Risk After Childbirth
- 6 Strange Facts About Choosing the Next Pope
- NASA Puts Mars Rover Curiosity on Standby After Solar Flare
- NASA Unpacks 'Trunk' of SpaceX Cargo Capsule
- US-Russian Crew Launching to Space Station in Record Time
- Protein 'Passports' Fool Immune System To Deliver Medical Nanoparticles
- Distance to Milky Way's Neighbor Galaxy Refined
- Balloon Flights Bring Near-Space Exploration to Masses
- Polar Bear Trade Ban Rejected
- Stone-Age Skeletons Unearthed In Sahara Desert
- Image Gallery: Stone-Age Saharan Burials
- Hits to Head May Spur Brain-Damaging Immune Response
- Breast Cancer Genetic Testing Gets Covered by Health Care Reform
- Loose Tuna Can Seals Force Recall
- Israel Escapes Locust Plague — For Now
- Image Gallery: Striking Photos of Locust Swarms
- March 6
- 'Dino Idol': Vote For Fossil to Be Unveiled
- Image Gallery: Dinosaur Skeletons Hidden in Rock
- First Evidence of Viking-Like 'Sunstone' Found
- Should You Stockpile Olive Oil?
- Wealthy Ancient Egyptians Suffered Disease
- Dogs Domesticated 33,000 Years Ago, Skull Suggests
- New Space Station Camera Snaps First Image of Earth
- The Bittersweet Truth About How Taste Works
- How States Measure Up on Obesity: The List
- The Fattest US State Is ...
- Hyundai Unveils Hydrogen-Powered SUV
- Evidence Oceans Flowed on 'Snowball Earth'
- 5 Reasons Women Trail Men in Science
- Rare Kissing Octopus Unveiled For the First Time
- Meteorite Crater Under Iowa Confirmed in New Images
- Why Small Pups Outlive Large Dog Breeds
- Penguins Wear a Shield of Cold Air in Winter
- Gray Whale Recovery Fuels Whalewatching Success
- Half of Africa's Lions May Go Extinct in 40 Years
- Porcupine Quills & Gecko Feet Inspire Medical Materials
- NASA Spacecraft Makes 1st Complete Map of Planet Mercury
- Big Asteroid to Zoom By Earth This Weekend
- Slight Chance Comet Could Hit Mars in 2014, NASA Says
- On Jupiter's Moon Europa, Underground Ocean Bubbles Up to Surface
- Physicists Undo Century-Old Gordian Knot
- In Photos: Vortex Knots Created in Water
- What Are the Seven Seas?
- Southpaws: Some Female Marsupials Are Lefties
- Stressed-Out Tadpoles Pump Up Their Tails
- March 5
- 'Fasting Diet' Fad Could Be Unhealthy, Nutritionists Say
- Why Sinkholes Are Eating Florida
- Snowstorm Threatening East Coast Seen from Space
- In Sickness, Marriage May Not Boost Health
- Robot Called 'Yeti' Finds Cracks in Antarctic Ice
- Can a Pregnant Woman's Breasts Reveal Her Baby's Sex?
- Life Spans May Be Shrinking for Some American Women
- Colonoscopy Isn't Just for High-Risk People
- Emerging Superbug Requires Urgent Action, CDC Says
- Ancient Fungus Discovered Deep Under Ocean Floor
- New Theory Explains Why Amputees Feel Phantom Pain
- Sex May Relieve Migraines
- See the Sun Up Close in Live Webcast Today
- 'Space Invader' Galaxy Captured by Hubble Telescope (Photos)
- It Won't Happen to Me: Even Tornado Victims Have Skewed Sense of Risk
- Monkeys Shun Selfish Others
- In Photos: Ancient Camel from the High Arctic
- Giant Camels Roamed the Arctic 3.5 Million Years Ago
- Sun's Weather Cycle May Actually Peak Twice This Year
- NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity Recovering from Computer Glitch
- Bullies Hurt By Their Own Cruelty
- Europe Takes Aim at Space Junk Menace
- Snowstorm Threatens Power Outages DC to Philly
- Grotesque Mummy Head Reveals Advanced Medieval Science
- Image Gallery: The Oddities of Human Anatomy
- New Moms' OCD Is Common, Study Suggests
- Baby Cured of HIV: What Are the Implications?
- Dead King Richard III a Control Freak, Psychologists Say
- March 4
- Wilderness 'Paparazzi' Flock to Yosemite's 'Firefall'
- Predator–Prey Relationship More Intricate Than Thought
- Why It Pays to Be a Bit of a Psychopath
- Obama's EPA, Energy Nominations Stir Controversy
- As Sea Ice Melts, Storm Surges Batter Arctic Coasts
- Ancient Seaways Carried Alligators to South America
- Never Scrape Again: Windshield Coating Repels Frost
- Where's the Water of the Future? Right Here
- Minneapolis, Chicago May Receive Biggest Snow of Season
- Nearby Star Has Strange Cool Layer Like the Sun
- Baby with HIV Is Cured, Doctors Say
- SpaceX Dragon Cargo Capsule Arrives at Space Station
- People Who Exercise Get Better Sleep, Poll Finds
- Animal Sex: How Bees Do It
- March 3
- March 2
- March 1
- Ocean Acidification Affects Northeastern US Coasts More
- Satellite Spies Unusual Antarctic Sea Ice
- New Pacific Species Include Shrimp in a Sponge
- Update on Possible Higgs Boson Discovery Coming Next Week
- 'Sling-Sat' Could Remove Space Junk on the Cheap
- 1960s Rocket Plane Tests May Boost Suborbital Spaceflight Safety
- Australia's Summer Is Hottest on Record
- Small Earthquake Strikes Central California
- After Pregnancy, Women Have Bigger Feet
- Even Modest Volcanic Eruptions May Mask Global Warming Effects
- Sequester Looking Certain: Science Cuts To Come
- SpaceX Dragon Capsule Problem Stalls Space Station Cargo Delivery
- SpaceX Eyes Thruster Problem on Dragon Cargo Spacecraft After Launch, Deploys Solar Arrays
- Watch Submarine Explore Buried Antarctic Lake
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- Rare Sharks Unexpectedly Found in Australian Waters
- Elephants Vanish in Congo Reserve
- Most Ancient Romans Ate Like Animals
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- Winter Pregnancies May Stunt Babies' Bone Growth