All content archive
April 2013
701 articles
- April 30
- Zombie Worms Drill Whale Bones with Acid
- Breast Implants May Make Cancer Harder to Find
- Girls 15 and Up Don't Need Prescription for Morning After Pill
- 5 'Hidden' Sources of Caffeine
- What Stranded Dolphin Guts Reveal
- Why Shark Embryos Gobble Each Other Up In Utero
- Conservatives Shy Away from Light Bulbs With Eco-Friendly Labels
- How Flower Petals Get Their Shape
- Plumes of Molten Rock Could Drive Biodiversity, Climate Cycles
- Feathered Dinos Were Diverse Like Darwin's Finches
- To Keep Surfaces Bacteria-Free, Add Selenium
- How is Gold Checked for Purity?
- Exotic Lizards on the Loose in Florida
- Mathematician Who Proved Map-Coloring Theorem Has Died
- What Is the Vomit Comet?
- How Mars and Jupiter Formed from Space Rock Crashes
- How Plants May Help Offset Global Warming
- Thirsty Wood's Distress Call Heard in Lab
- Smoking Away the Deficit
- Alien-Looking Skeleton Poses Medical Mystery
- Image Gallery: Odd Alien-Looking Skeleton Poses Medical Mystery
- Beaver Bites Man to Death on Fishing Trip
- How to Test a Diamond
- Richard III Gravesite May Turn Up Medieval Knight
- Glacier-Covered Volcano Reveals Climate Secrets
- Budweiser and Facebook: Worst Combo Ever?
- Crazy World: Antimatter Might Just Fall Up
- Green Sea Turtles Use Protected Areas, Study Finds
- Did Asteroid Impacts Spark Life's 'Left-Handed' Molecules?
- Mars Rover Opportunity Slips Into Standby Mode, NASA Says
- Wow! Monster Hurricane on Saturn Spied by NASA Spacecraft
- Surprising Somali Pirate Victim: Science
- Tropical Cyclone Zane Aims for Australia
- Helium Gas Heralded Underwater Volcano Eruption
- Cicadas Use 'Jumping' Water Droplets to Self-Clean
- Cat Fight Brewing Over Wildlife Slaughter Study
- Estrogen-Blocking Drugs May Lower Breast Cancer Risk
- April 29
- Missing Rune Stone Returned to Rhode Island Authorities
- Monkeys at Risk as Harvard Terminates Center: Op-Ed
- HIV Testing Recommended for All Teens and Adults
- What Is the World's Biggest Diamond?
- Javelin-Hurling Scientists Measure Antarctic Glacier Melt
- Cicada Wings Are Self-Cleaning
- What Is the World's Largest Tree?
- Allergies Less Common Among Kids Born Outside the US
- Brain-Wasting Disease Lurks in UK Blood Supply
- Six Months Since Sandy: A Long Road Ahead
- Obama Praises Mars Rovers, US Science in Speech
- Best Rx for Bees? Their Own Honey
- Plant Parts Release Sperm When Squeezed
- Gallery: Tantalizing Images of Plant Sex
- The Secret to Curbing Population Growth
- Will Tutoring Boost Math Scores? Brain Scans Can Tell
- Weird Dino Ancestors Boomed After Mass Extinction
- Eww! Early Earth Smelled Like Rotten Eggs
- Supervolcano Not to Blame for Humanity's Near-Extinction
- Gallery: The Diversity of Dino Ancestors
- Scientists Bounce Laser Beams Off Old Soviet Moon Rover
- EU to Ban Certain Pesticides to Help Bees
- Woman Who Received Uterus Transplant Now Pregnant
- Family Crypt of Medieval Knight Possibly Discovered
- Japan Tsunami Debris Confirmed in California
- Image Album: A Medieval Knight's Kin?
- Fish Use 'Sign Language' to Help Out Hunting Buddies
- Record-Warmth in the Desert Southwest into Early This Week
- Is Your Hometown a Top Tornado City?
- Plastic Surgery Trend: Upper Arm Lifts on the Rise
- Getting to the Bottom of Why Guppies Jump
- Ahoy! St. Marks Lighthouse Beckons Migrating Birds
- Animal Sex: How Newts Do It
- April 28
- April 27
- April 26
- Why Elk Are Robbing Birds
- New App Reveals Painting's Past With a Swipe
- To Save Rhinos, Just Add Poison
- Belief in God May Boost Treatment of Mental Illness
- Why Mom of Alleged Boston Bombers Buys Conspiracy Theories
- Dead Whale That Washed Ashore a "Celebrity"
- Madagascar Dinosaur Fills 95-Million-Year Fossil Gap
- How Eerie Sea Ice 'Brinicles' Form
- Physicists Explore Secrets Of Hearing Sighs And Whispers
- Why the Anatomy Lab Remains a Fixture of Medicine
- Biologist Gets Probation for Feeding Orcas
- Controversially, Physicist Argues Time Is Real
- NASA Probes Near Sun Safe from Triple Solar Eruption
- Nearest Alien Planet Gets New Name: 'Albertus Alauda'
- Planetary Scientists Protest 'Disastrous' NASA Budget Cuts Proposed for 2014
- Go Plant a Tree! 5 Odd Facts About Arbor Day
- Global Approval for Domestic Abuse Down
- Teensy Sponge Soaks Up Venom in Blood
- April 25
- Drone Wars in America: Op-Ed
- Hockey Stick Scores Another Point in Climate Study: Op-Ed
- Two Years Later: Lessons Learned From the 2011 Super Outbreak
- Gold-Bedecked Skeleton May Have Been Ancient Queen
- Poachers Have Killed All Rhinos in Mozambique Park
- Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cucumbers Sickens 73
- Battling Obesity ... with a Brain Implant?
- 7 Beautiful Bike Rides
- 'Nanosponges' Sop Up Bloodstream Toxins
- Humpback Whales Learn Hunting Technique from Peers
- Sea Squirt Holds Answer to 100-Year-Old Crystal Puzzle
- Earth's Core 1,000 Degrees Hotter Than Expected
- Everybody's Doing It: Monkeys Eat What Others are Eating
- Oldest Maya Sun Observatory Hints at Origin of Civilization
- Image Gallery: Adorable Vervet Monkeys Conform to Peers
- Gallery: Excavating the Oldest Maya Observatory
- Women in Their 40s Still Getting Mammograms
- How Wind Flows Over Sand Dunes, in 3D
- Autism May Be Linked to Placenta Abnormalities
- 'Human Computer' Shakuntala Devi Dies at 83
- New Bird Flu: What the First 82 Cases Reveal
- Boa Spotted Eating Endangered Iguana for First Time
- Why Boston Marathon Bombings Ignited Conspiracies
- Corn Syrup Experiment Mimics Yellowstone Magma Plume
- Hubble Spies Cosmic 'Halos' Around Starburst Galaxies
- Sun Fires Off 3 Solar Eruptions Toward Mercury
- One Source of Bird Flu Virus Found
- Pictures Better than Sign Language for Communicating with Kids with Autism
- Google Predicts Stock-Market Crashes, Study Suggests
- 2,000-Monkey Research Center to Be Shuttered
- Teens Only Slightly Influenced by Sexual Media
- April 24
- Bureaucracy, Meat Production Crucial To Building Egypt's Pyramids
- The New Normal: Deluge
- Exotic Cat Prowled British Countryside a Century Ago
- Britain's Mysterious Canada Lynx
- How Gut Bacteria Increase Heart Disease Risk
- How Mapping the Brain Could Help Humankind
- 7 Crazy Facts about Dust Storms
- A Daily Can of Soda May Raise Diabetes Risk
- Faith Healing: Is It Child Abuse?
- Historical Climate Study Reveals Humans' Role in Current Warming
- Which Jobs Actually Use Math?
- Dark Lightning Linked to its Luminous Twin
- Stroke Risk: Why Health Habits Matter in Children, Teens
- Nanofibers Build Stronger, Tougher Bikes and Planes
- Where Do Hawaii's Great White Sharks Come From?
- Tiny Pluto Moons Should Be Named Vulcan and Cerberus, Discoverers Say
- Hubble Telescope Looks to the Future After 23 Years in Space
- Rare Meteorite Grains May be from Supernova That Sparked Solar System
- What Ever Happened to the Richter Scale?
- Baby Sea Turtles Inspire Flippered Robot
- What's the Matter with Antimatter in the Atom Smasher?
- Extreme Green: Earth Recycles 2.5-Billion-Year-Old Ocean Crust
- Why Droughts Cost More Than You Think: Op-Ed
- Why Has There Been So Much Snow This Spring?
- 72,000 Ladybugs Released in Mall of America
- Lab Mouse Colonies Rebuilt After Hurricane Sandy
- Newfound Nobel Letters Reveal Secrets of DNA Prize
- Crouching Bird, Hidden Evolutionary Purpose?
- Image Gallery: Stonehenge Hunting Grounds
- Man With Hole in Stomach Revolutionized Medicine
- New 'Fairy' Insect Is Mind-Blowingly Small
- April 23
- Eco-Friendly Galaxy Wastes Nothing to Build Stars
- Oceans Are Feeling the Heat: Op-Ed
- Skin Cancer Linked to Higher Risk of Other Cancers
- On Hold: Genes That Pause Pregnancy Discovered
- Humans Evolved Flexible, Lopsided Brains
- Australia Wasn't Found By Accident, Study Suggests
- Hubble Telescope Photographs Potential 'Comet of the Century'
- What Happens on a Hunger Strike?
- New Mexico Earthquakes Linked to Wastewater Injection
- Sea Ice Loss Could Alter Arctic Air Chemistry
- Arctic Sea Ice Leaves Record-Small Footprint
- Wanted: Stonehenge Druid-in-Chief
- Winter's Last Gasp: April Yields Snow, Cold Records
- Least Stressed States of 2012: List
- Top Meats That Can Make You Sick
- In Photos: Flight of the Brown Pelicans
- Protests Follow French Vote to Legalize Gay Marriage
- Parks Pay Off: Green Cities Boost Happiness
- Robot Discovers Burial Chambers in Ancient Temple
- Did an Earthquake Destroy Ancient Greece?
- Mom's Anxiety May Suppress Baby's Immune System
- Healing a Nation After Boston Bombing Trauma: Op-Ed
- Autopsy Boston Bombing Suspect's Brain, Scientists Say
- New Theory on Why Stonehenge Was Built
- 'Iron Man' Technique Could Be Key to Future of Materials Science
- Injury Count in Boston Bombings Rises
- Giza Secret Revealed: How 10,000 Pyramid Builders Got Fed
- Time to Relax! The Least Stressed US State Is ...
- Alfred Russel Wallace's House for Sale in England
- Image Gallery: Glitzy Discovery at Giza Pyramids
- Ancient Europeans Mysteriously Vanished 4,500 Years Ago
- Bittersweet News: Chocolate May Trigger Acne
- Rough Wildfire Season Ahead for West With Building Drought
- The Mathematical Butterfly: Simulations Provide New Insights On Flight
- Parents Give Unneeded, Harmful Cold Medicines
- Humans Show Empathy for Robots
- April 22
- What Does the Average American Know About Science?
- Americans' Science & Technology Smarts (Infographic)
- Search for Northern Lights on Saturn Takes Off
- Private Mars Colony Won't Seek Life on Red Planet
- Physicist Proposes New Way To Think About Intelligence
- Cloned Giant Redwoods Planted Around World
- Earth Day! Astronaut Celebrates Earth from Space
- What Are Miranda Rights?
- Bird Cam Shows Hawks Hatching
- Earth Day Video: Wild Elephants Frolic in Cambodia
- How's Earth's Health? New Network to Keep Tabs
- Colorado Avalanche: Deadliest in 50 Years
- Earthquake Weather? Hurricane Irene May Have Triggered Tiny Temblors
- Stunning 3D Sperm Images Reveal New Motion
- Why Do Cicadas Sing?
- Record Crests at Midwest Rivers; Flooding to Continue This Week
- Biomimicry: 7 Clever Technologies Inspired by Nature
- Oldest Temple in Mexican Valley Hints at Possible Human Sacrifice
- In Photos: Enormous Ancient Mexican Temple
- Ancient Snail Shells Hint at Future Global Warming
- Manned Mars Mission May Use Night Vision Gear in 2018
- Where Will the Next Big Earthquakes Occur?
- Live Turtle Bot Maneuvered With Remote Control
- Charcoal from Wildfires Found in Oceans
- Warts in Kids Come From Family Members, Classmates
- Marijuana Pill May Be Better for Pain
- 66 Ancient Skeletons Found in Indonesian Cave
- 7 Ways to Trick Your Brain
- How President Nixon Spied on Earth Day
- Did a Rogue Wave Kill 4 Fishermen?
- Pirate Fishing Ship Turned Away from Island Nation
- Dreamy Image: Mount Rainier Glows at Sunrise
- Breaking the Ice: Earthquakes Trigger Antarctic 'Icequakes'
- Teen Births Linked with Later Obesity
- Hug a Tree! 5 Fun Facts About Earth Day
- April 21
- April 20
- April 19
- How Red Squirrels Are Like Tiger Moms
- Boston Lockdown: What It's Like Inside
- Image Gallery: Red Squirrel Moms and Babies
- Why Fertilizer Is Dangerous (Infographic)
- Could Your Town Explode?
- Emotion Behind Richard III Search Revealed in New Documentary
- Marijuana Majority: Americans Now Back Legalization: Op-Ed
- Windswept Rain to Swing Through Boston Overnight
- It's Time for Next Phase in Search for Alien Life, Scientists Say
- Earthquakes Are East Coast's Biggest Tsunami Threat
- Hubble Telescope Snaps Stunning Nebula Photo for 23rd Birthday
- Negative Thoughts Can Be Contagious
- Who's Tired? Growing Number of People Get Too Much Sleep
- Big Earthquakes Might Calm the Earth
- Higher Sperm Counts Are a Breeze with a Kilt
- Major Flooding Continues From Missouri to Michigan
- Discriminated Groups Strategize to Avoid Prejudice
- Mine Disaster CSI: Earthquakes Shed New Light on Utah Collapse
- Sex in Space May Not Be Safe
- Russia Launches Animals Into Space on One-Month Journey
- Did King Richard III Undergo Painful Scoliosis Treatment?
- Dinos Sat on Nests Like Birds, Shells Reveal
- Is the Colorado River Damned? Op-Ed
- April 18
- Brazilian Tribe Threatened as Illegal Loggers Stay Put
- Earth Is 'Lazy' Along Some Earthquake Faults
- Sharks Dive Deep Under Full Moon
- Planet Earth news, feature and articles
- 8 Scientists Named to TIME's 100 Influential People List
- Rock You Like a Hurricane: Watch Sandy Shake the US
- Stolen 500-Year-Old Tapestry Returned to Spain
- Possible Treatment for New SARS-like Virus Found
- Exoplanet Atmospheres Reveal 'Peculiar' Fingerprints
- Earth-Like, Potentially Habitable Worlds Discovered
- Sure You Want to Eat That? Some Foodborne Illnesses on the Rise
- Study: Peer Pressure May Spur Population Growth & Ecological Ruin
- Solar Cell Could Dramatically Improve Energy Harvest
- Babies Have Consciousness, Study Finds
- Winners of Physics Photo Contest Revealed
- Dust Plumes Photographed Over Four Corners
- Why Baby Calms Down When Carried
- Goat Sacrificed for Chicago Cubs Curse
- What Severe Weather Looks Like from Space
- Though Cool in US, March Ranked 10th Warmest for Planet
- Volcano's 'Infrasound' Roar Is a Weather Vane
- Holy Batman! Wingsuit Guy Flies Through Narrow Cave
- Texas Explosion Echoes Worst Industrial Accident Ever
- Sun Show: See Dramatic Solar Views in Live Webcast Today
- Planned Hospital Would Exclusively Treat Snakebite Victims
- Bird-Flu Update: Possible Cases of Human-to-Human Transmission Investigated
- Deadly Texas Plant Explosion Registered as Seismic Event
- April 17
- How a Fake Island Landed on Google Earth
- Yellowstone's Volcano Bigger Than Thought
- Scent of a Man: Women Can Sniff Out a Hot Guy
- Is the Cupcake Market Crumbling?
- New US Natural Landmarks Relics of America's Past
- Teen Love Really Is Complicated, Research Suggests
- Sea Lion Strandings Climb, Scientists Still Stumped
- East Coast Rebuilding, But Vulnerable to Future Sandys
- UK Bans Traveling Circus Animals
- Loophole in Spooky Quantum Entanglement Theory Closed
- Quite a Jolt: Earthquakes Heralded Opening of Sinkhole
- Roman-Era 'Cosmetics' May Have Treated Eye Chlamydia
- Big Bang Didn't Need God, Stephen Hawking Says
- Baby Boom: Ancient Galaxy Fires Out New Stars at Record Pace
- Huge New Radio Telescope Pinpoints Ancient Star-Forming Galaxies (Photo)
- Breast Cancer Survival Predicted By Computer Model
- Ants 'Use Math' to Find Fastest Route
- Take That, IKEA Furniture: Assembling Robot Lends a Hand
- 10 Most Endangered US Rivers: 2013
- Spring Flooding Underway for Dakotas, New England
- Parents Share More Germs With Dogs Than Kids
- Fish DNA Makes Limbs Sprout in Mice
- Lyme Disease Rates Rise in Northern US
- Conservation Group Lists 10 Most Endangered US Rivers
- What Is Ricin?
- Some People Got Bird Flu Without Contact With Birds
- 17-Year Cicadas Are Buzzing In! What to Expect
- 6 Amazing Facts About Cicadas
- Boston Bombing: How to Talk with Kids About the Attack
- Animal Sex: How Great White Sharks Do It
- Exploring the Elusive World of Life's Most Vital Proteins
- Salt Lake City Could See Bigger Earthquakes
- April 16
- The Real 'Hobbit' Had Larger Brain Than Thought
- Is April a Month Prone to Mass Violence?
- World's Oldest Harbor Discovered in Egypt
- 2 Strange Moth Species Revealed in Russia
- Tylenol May Ease Anxiety Over Death
- 63 Cases, 14 Deaths from New Bird Flu
- Colic in Babies Linked with Later Migraines
- How Exercise May Offset Some of Alcohol's Damage
- Spotlighting the Ballet of Mitosis
- Cat Circus Reopens in Moscow
- Dallas to St. Louis at Risk for Tornadoes
- How the New Bird Flu Virus Evolved
- Inside Twisted Terrorist Minds — Where Is the Empathy?
- Why Woodchucks Don't Upchuck
- Left-Handedness Stumps Science
- Southpaw Stats: 11 Fun Facts About Lefties
- NASA Moon Probe Sheds Light on Space Radiation Risks
- New Research Ship Named for Astronaut Sally Ride
- Mysterious Energy Bursts May Be Death Knell of Gigantic Stars
- What Is Shrapnel?
- Antarctic Melt Has Increased Tenfold Over Past 1,000 Years
- Possible Tomb of Chinese Tyrant Uncovered
- Physicists: US Needs Its Own Atom Smashers
- Iran's Massive Earthquake Explained
- Lead Ammo Poisons Condors in Grand Canyon
- Who's Got Better Baby Sense: Mom or Dad?
- Parasitic Worm Inspires Surgical Technique
- Pandas Ready to Mate in Scotland
- How Space Science Is Helping Fight Against Cancer
- Gas Prices on Rise as Spring Temperatures Increase
- 4 Ways the Gene Patent Ruling Affects You
- Atom Smashers Find Something Not So Charm-ing
- Deadly Earthquake Strikes Iran
- Circumcision Alters Penis Bacteria
- Jurassic Period Facts
- April 15
- 2,000-Year-Old Ritual Bath Found in Jerusalem
- Consumers 'Flying Blind' When Purchasing Dietary Supplements, Expert Says
- Warm-Up Bringing Allergy Woes to Northeast
- Did Admiral Byrd Fly Over the North Pole or Not?
- 6 Ways Gene Patent Case Could Impact Biotechnology
- Boston Marathon Explosion: Reader Resources
- Gooey Suits Help Teensy Critters Survive Space Conditions
- Chemo Works by Getting Immune System to Kill Cancer
- Migrating Monarchs Face Hazardous Travel
- Kudzu-Eating Stinkbug May Attack US Soybeans
- Want to Slow Sea Level Rise? Curb 4 Pollutants
- Top 5 Discoveries by Mars Rover Curiosity (So Far)
- Mmm! Taste of Beer Triggers Good Feelings in the Brain
- Controversy Over Planet-Naming Contest Heats Up
- Attack of the Giant Snails!
- These Are Some Strange-Looking Fish...
- Bisexual Guys More Sexually Jealous When Dating Women
- Icebergs, Menace of the Sea 101 Years After Titanic
- Live Music May Help Premature Babies, Study Says
- Lab-Engineered Kidney Works in Animals
- Steamy Image: Augustine Volcano Blows Smoke
- Intricate Pattern Has Surprising Origin
- April 14
- April 13
- April 12
- Historic Marine Mammal Protection Act Worked, Scientists Say
- Paralyzed Monkey Controls Arm Via Brain
- Abortion Opponents Seek Bans Over Regulation
- Old Faithful's Underground Cavern Discovered
- Image Gallery: How Technology Reveals Hidden Art Treasures
- Even Non-Amputees Can Feel a Phantom Limb
- Gallery: The Invisible Hand
- Game Theory Tackles Rising Health Care Costs
- Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice
- Rock Snot: Where It Comes From and How It's Made
- Supplement Ingredient DMAA Is Illegal, Dangerous, FDA Says
- Michelangelo's Ugliest Drawing May Not Be His
- NASA Satellite Spots Letter 'J' in the Sky
- It's Official: Men Can't Read Women's Emotions
- Why Do Earthworms Surface After Rain?
- Shaped Like an Apple? Beware Kidney Disease
- Unhealthy Trade-Off: Making Dinner Eats Into Gym Time
- Elderly Woman Survives Komodo Dragon Attack
- There's Gold in Them Thar Plants
- It's Fall on Titan: Icy Cloud Marks Saturn Moon's Season
- April 11
- Too Much Media Could Hurt Marriage
- Ants Lead the Way on Earthquake Prediction
- Dirty Water: Can US Clean Up Its Act?
- 4 Things You Need to Know About Tornado Season
- How to Dance Like a 19th-Century Japanese Man
- Bras Make Breasts Sag, Study Suggests
- 1 in 8 Skip Meds to Save Money
- NASA Budget Cutbacks Would Cripple Planetary Science, Critics Say
- Female Flies Expel Sperm and Eat It
- Sun Unleashes Biggest Solar Flare of the Year Yet
- Drunk Fruit Flies! Lots of Animals Self-Medicate
- Humanity's Closest Ancestor Was Pigeon-Toed, Research Reveals
- Music Purchases Predicted by Brain Activity
- Au. Sediba Gallery: Anatomy of Humanity's Closest Relative
- 64-Million-Year Controversy: Grand Canyon Age Debated
- Songs That Reward the Brain
- Drought Led to Civilization Collapse, Mayan Calendar Suggests
- Dinosaur Was a Strong Swimmer, Doggy-Paddle Style
- 'Sandy' Retired from Hurricane Name List
- 50 Amazing Tornado Facts
- Made-to-Order Embryos Create New Legal Issues
- Ötzi the Iceman Needed a Dentist
- Crick DNA Nobel Medal Auctioned for $2 Million
- Snowiest April Since 2002 for Minneapolis
- Successful Leaders Have Complex Brains, Study Finds
- Weather Disasters Affected 243 Million Americans Since 2007
- Inside NASA's Plan to Catch an Asteroid (Bruce Willis Not Required)
- Higher Obesity Rates Linked to Lower Incomes in US
- El Hierro Volcano Takes a Rest
- Fierce Fighters: 7 Secrets of Viking Seamen
- 5 Ways Obama's New Budget Supports Science
- In Brain Scans, Music Is A Universal Language
- April 10
- Secret Population of Orangutans Found
- Airport Scanners Reveal Hidden Masterpiece
- Prince Edward Islands Declared a Protected Area
- See Antarctica's Entire Seafloor With New Map
- Where's Pain in the Brain? Scans Provide Clues
- A Chimp's Point Of View
- Antihistamine Pollution Threatens River Slime
- Plastic Pollutes Great Lakes
- Mysterious Sundial May Be Secret to Viking Navigation
- Obama Seeks $17.7 Billion for NASA to Lasso Asteroid, Explore Space
- Great White Sharks Gorge on Dead Whale Blubber
- NASA Chief Charles Bolden on 2014 Budget Request
- Highlights of NASA's 2014 Budget Request Revealed
- 'Dark Lightning' Sparks Call for More Earth-Gazing Satellites
- Europe's New Space Weather Center to Track Sun Storms
- Saturn's Dazzling Rings Make It 'Rain'
- Could Prescription Meds Result in Gun Confiscation?
- Whoa! Bidder Pays $6 Million for Crick DNA Letter
- Warmer Spring Brings Troubling Consequences
- How Cherry Blossoms Came into Budding US Popularity
- Organs Made Transparent with New Imaging Technique
- Baby Dinos Wriggled in Eggs, Fossil Embryos Show
- Gallery: Tiny Dino Embryos
- Shocking Stats From the Wild April Storm in the Plains
- To Fight Hunger, Try Jumping Up and Down
- Robotic Bat Wing Mimics a 'Spectacular Flyer'
- Super Cool: 3D Photographs of Snowflakes
- Father of Test-Tube Baby Technology Dies
- Unhappy Returns: Climate Change's Big Tax on Americans
- DC Cherry Blossoms Reach Peak Bloom!
- Remains of 'Whispering Death' WWII Plane Found
- 5 Surprising Facts About Pain
- Why Should We Worry About North Korea?
- NASA to Unveil 2014 Budget Request, Asteroid Lasso Plan Today
- Republicans Get More Worried About Global Warming
- 'Dark Lightning' Zaps Airline Passengers with Radiation
- April 9
- Fortune-Telling: Fact, Fiction & Fantasy
- Babies of Blind Moms Excel in Vision Tests
- Primitive Fish With Butt Fins Reveals Quirks of Evolution
- Francis Crick Letter to Son May Fetch $2 Million in Auction
- Broad-Faced Men Make Better Baseball Players
- Image Gallery: Francis Crick Explains DNA to 12-Year-Old
- Badger-Like Striped Bat Discovered in South Sudan
- Possible Tsunami Debris Washes Up In California
- Male Birds Like Nice Nests
- 'Sexy' Chins Come in All Shapes
- Will Global Warming Crush the Wine Industry?
- Dino-Killing Asteroid Sparked Global Firestorm
- California's Earthquake Early Warning System Advances
- 'Biotic Arcade' Games Would Have Creatures Swimming Inside
- 5 Surprising Facts About Orchids
- The Hard-Boiled Truth About Cooking the Perfect Egg
- What Caused Iran's Deadly Earthquake?
- Spring Storm Sends Temps (and Snow) Falling in Colorado
- Russian Meteor Fallout: Boosting Asteroid Search May Not Help, Scientist Says
- NASA Spacecraft Take Spring Break at Mars
- Teen Becomes Youngest to Finish Antarctica Marathon
- Watch It! The 5 Coolest Robots
- Why We Love Disaster Movies
- Texting While Flying: Worst Idea Ever?
- Mysterious Stone Structure Discovered Beneath Sea of Galilee
- Volcano 'Burps' Reflected in Earthquakes
- Moms Petition to Rename Diabetes Types
- Image Gallery: Stone Structure Hidden Under Sea of Galilee
- Man Wiggles Rat's Tail Using Only His Thoughts
- Iran Nuclear Plant OK After Quake
- How School Lunches Can Help Fight Obesity
- Feral Pigs Going Hog-Wild in US
- Endangered Panther Released in Palm Beach County
- Strong Earthquake Strikes Iran
- Photos: The Orchids of Latin America
- 24 Cases, 7 Deaths from New Bird Flu
- April 8
- Space Station May Test 'Spooky' Entanglement Over Largest Distance Yet
- How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic)
- Lazy? Your Genes May Be to Blame
- IUDs Safe for Teens, Study Says
- Odd Creature Evolves in a Flash to Survive Climate Change
- Most of Mars' Atmosphere Is Lost in Space
- US Won't Lead New Manned Moon Landings, NASA Chief Says
- Many Docs Recommend Next Pap Test Too Soon
- Swallows Flock to Humans to Avoid Cuckoos
- Hermit Crab Species Found Alive for First Time
- Supersized Crabs Bad News for Seafood Lovers
- 2013's First 80-Degree Day for Atlanta, Raleigh, DC
- Submarine Eruption Photo Wins Earth Madness Tourney
- How Gay Dead Duck Sex Was Discovered
- 'Ideal' Penis Size Depends on Guy's Height
- Gallery: Sea Urchins
- Tornado Risk Dallas to Kansas City
- Kids with Autism Don't Copy 'Silly' Actions
- Vandalism Closes Down Part of Joshua Tree National Park
- Monkey Lip-Smacking Resembles Human Speech
- 7 Strange Cultural Facts About North Korea
- Carbon-Dioxide Emissions Falling, But Is That Enough?
- Green Meteorite's Age Casts Doubt on Possible Mercury Origin
- Spooky Crabs Darken Camouflage From Day to Night
- Poet Pablo Neruda's Body Exhumed Over Murder Claims
- Critically Endangered Pygmy Hogs Slowly Re-Introduced to Wild
- Bumpier Flights Ahead on Warming Planet, Study Suggests
- Truth Behind Gospel of Judas Revealed in Ancient Inks
- Images: The Gospel of Judas
- Americans Grow More Worried About Global Warming, Poll Finds
- 'Iron Lady' Margaret Thatcher Dies at 87
- Why a Cold Spring Delays Cherry Blossom Blooming
- Hoot of an Image: Owl Nests in Giant Cactus
- In Photos: Stages of Cherry Blossom Blooms
- Does the Heart Have a Sense of Smell?
- April 6
- April 5
- Science Project: Classes Evolving to Help Students Compete
- Why Does this Fish Have Gin-Clear Blood?
- Huge Iceberg's Remnants Spotted 13 Years Later
- Mathematics is the Pursuit of Beauty
- Obama's Brain Map Initiative Needs a Rethinking
- Negative Tweets About Flu Vaccine Are 'Contagious'
- Will the CDC's Bird Flu Vaccine Work if the Virus Mutates?
- What the Driest Desert in the World Feels Like
- Parasite Causes Mice to Permanently not Fear Cats
- Mass Extinction Not so Bad for Plankton?
- Think Your Job Is Robot-Proof? Think Again
- Ancient Christian Wine Factory Found in Israel
- Sandy-Damaged NY Aquarium to Partially Reopen
- Sahara Went from Green to Desert in a Flash
- A Dust Storm Over the Persian Gulf
- Perfect Storm: Climate Change and Hurricanes
- Math for the Real World
- Caribou Bones Reveal New Arctic Habitats
- Weather Nerds Have Fun With 'Twister' on Twitter
- Volcanoes on Jupiter's Moon Io Are All Wrong, NASA Says
- How Climate Change May Help Penguin Colony
- CDC Building New Bird Flu Vaccine
- Program Pointed Students to Mathematics Research
- Curse of King Tut's Tomb Turns 90
- White Tiger Cubs Cute But Controversial
- Vet Wants to Legalize Pot for Dogs
- 5 Mysterious Particles Lurking Underground
- Post Sandy: The Jersey Shore's Susceptibility to Major Storms
- Made in America: Sperm One of Country's Hottest Exports
- Morning After Pill May Become Available to All Ages
- Near-Death Experiences More Vivid Than Real Life
- Gallery: The Haunting Splendor of Chile's Atacama Desert
- Earthquake Swarm Rattles North Iceland
- Animal Sex: How Black Widow Spiders Do It
- Radar Plane Scans South American Landscapes
- April 4
- Live Fish Found In Likely Tsunami Debris
- Images: Tsunami Boat Ecosystem
- Reefer Acceptance: Most Americans Now Support Legalized Pot
- Radar Plane Scans Volcanoes, Archaeological Sites
- No Kids? Men More Depressed About It
- Sun's Magnetic 'Heartbeat' Revealed
- Invasive Crabs Help Restore Marsh
- 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Call Facebook Home
- Is This Turtle Extinct? Nope, It Just Never Existed
- Why Businesses Must Think Green
- Roger Ebert Dies at 70
- Hunger May Be Driving Spike in Sea Lion Strandings
- Clamshells Reveal Secrets of Pre-Columbian Society's Decline
- Antarctic Blue Whales Found With Sound
- Weather Service Broadens Hurricane Warning Definition
- In Photos: Adorable Voles
- Vole Population Booms on the Decline in Europe
- Wedded Bliss Ruins Waistlines
- Sense of Place Found in Rat's Brain
- Ancient Life Form Breathes Rocket Fuel Ingredient
- 3D-Printed Material Mimics Biological Tissue
- Computers Can 'See' People's Dreams
- Isolated Coral Reefs Can Heal Themselves
- Tropical Ice Reveals Rare Climate Record
- Farthest Star Explosion Yet Revealed by Hubble
- NASA Sees Curiosity Rover's Parachute Flapping in Martian Wind (Video)
- 500,000 Kids Have High Lead Levels
- Images: Squiggly Microbes Named for Lovecraft Monsters
- Meet the Tarantula as Big as Your Face
- Surprisingly Simple Logic Explains Amazing Bee Abilities
- In Images: How North America Grew As a Continent
- Orphaned Polar Bear Cub Gets New Home
- Faked Moon Landing? Conspiracy Beliefs Fall Along Party Lines
- Monkey See Monkey Do: Geladas Mimic Faces
- Tiny 'Cthulhu' Monsters Discovered in Termite Guts
- Brush Fire Season Begins in the East
- What's the Cultural Significance of Cherry Blossoms?
- Beaver Dam Stops Oil Spill
- Hints of Dark Matter Have NASA Scientists Over the Moon
- Curiosity Rover Goes Solo on Mars for 1st Time Today
- More Couples Living Together Outside of Marriage
- 4 Dead from New Bird Flu in China
- April 3
- Travels of Pregnant Great White Sharks Revealed
- Punch Leaves Man With Star-Shaped Cataract
- Potential Dark Matter Discovery a Win for Space Station Science
- NASA Chief Weighs In On Possible Dark Matter Discovery
- Fashion Fights the Rise of the Drones
- Dragonflies Are Becoming A Wildlife Attraction
- Vicious Shark-Tooth Weapons Reveal 2 Lost Species
- Arctic Going Green from Warming, Study Finds
- Zap a Cocaine Addiction With … Lasers?
- Where Are All The Tornadoes?
- New Bird Flu Virus: 6 Things You Should Know
- What If the 1974 Tornado Super Outbreak Happened Today?
- Crash Avoidance Tips From NASA
- What Is Dark Matter?
- Pluto's 'Gate to Hell' Uncovered in Turkey
- Geologic History of North America Gets Overturned
- As Weather Changes, Forecasts Lag
- Clouds Contributed to Record Greenland Ice Melt
- How Will Scientists Confirm Dark Matter Discovery?
- Physicists Nudge Electrons, Move Toward Crazy-Fast Computers
- Who Knew? Napoleon's General Was a Prolific Beetle Collector
- Duck Genitalia Researcher Defends Her Work
- Life-Saving Advances in Tornado Detection Since 1974 Outbreak
- China Catches 12 Times More Fish Than Reported
- Dark Matter Possibly Found by $2 Billion Space Station Experiment
- Spike in Sick Sea Lions Along Calif. Coast Puzzles Scientists
- NASA to Announce Major Astrophysics Discovery Today
- NASA Unveiling 1st Results from Antimatter-Hunting Experiment Wednesday
- April 2
- What's Crazy? Sexual Fetishes Spur Psychiatric Manual Controversy
- The History of Sex in the DSM
- Maya Blue Paint Recipe Deciphered
- Hot Stuff? 10 Unusual Sexual Fixations
- Gallery: The BioDigital Human
- Virtual Human Body Changes How Medical Students Learn
- It's Been a Blast! Alaska Volcano Observatory Marks 25th
- Murder of South African Women by Partners 5 Times Global Rate
- Destination Moon: Russia to Launch New Wave of Lunar Robots
- March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records
- Hey Coders! NASA Wants You to Help Robot Astronaut See
- 20% of Pregnant Teens Already Have a Child
- ADHD Medications: 5 Vital Questions and Answers
- Weight-Loss Drug May Improve Autism-Style Symptoms
- Will Allergies Be Worse in 2013?
- 'Party Pathway' Leads Some College Students Astray
- Low Melatonin May Boost Diabetes Risk
- Photos: A Walk Through Israel's Old Jaffa
- Why Has It Been So Cold This Spring?
- Airline Charges Passengers by the Pound
- Inside a Gross Anatomy Lab: The Human Body as Textbook
- NASA Climate Scientist James Hansen Quits to Fight Global Warming
- Images: Black Bears Are Back in Nevada
- Oldest Living American Dies at 113
- Earth From Space to Star in 3D Film by Disney, IMAX
- This is What Human Cells Look Like in Space (Photo)
- Obama Announces Huge Brain-Mapping Project
- Think You're Anonymous? Cellphone Data Gives You Away
- Groovy! Dancing Sea Lion Keeps a Beat
- Faint 'Red Arcs' Spotted Over Europe
- Ancient Tadpole Shrimp Not a Living Fossil, Study Says
- April 1
- Bears' Comeback in Nevada Poses a Problem
- 'Just a Theory': 7 Misused Science Words
- Deep-Sea Vent Life Not Living Fossils
- Pattycake, Bronx Zoo's Celebrity Gorilla, Dies at 40
- Even Doubters Want to Prepare for Global Warming
- Why Lake Erie is Under Attack from Algae Blooms
- How Social Media Mobilizes Society
- New England Cottontails Could Hop into Endangerment
- Beach Erosion Threatens Star-Studded Malibu
- Teen Sex Fears Overblown
- Cougars Narrowly Escape Coyotes' Wrath
- Caught! Young Cougars Trapped By Coyotes
- Male Bats Caught Performing Oral Sex on Females
- Fish Uses Chemical Cloaking to Hide from Prey
- Tree-Killing Insects Adapting to Warmer Cities
- Impossible Image: Gravity-Defying Bighorn Sheep
- How 'Disease' Label in Kids Affects Treatment
- Has NASA's Curiosity Rover Found Clues to Life's Building Blocks on Mars?
- Coldest Easter on Record in United Kingdom
- Trove of Neanderthal Bones Found in Greek Cave
- Strange Sleep Disorder Makes People See 'Demons'
- Sleep Paralysis: Spooky Art Images