All content archive
November 2013
596 articles
- November 30
- November 29
- November 28
- Far from the Heart, Watch for Peripheral Artery Disease (Op-Ed)
- Ancient 'Ghostbuster Demon' Creatures Pooped Together
- Cranberries: An American Fruit in Photos
- Oil Boom is a Bust at Pump (Op-Ed)
- Feral Children: Lore of the Wild Child
- The New World After Oil, Cars and Suburbs (Op-Ed)
- Manipulative Parasites Make Hornets Their Nest (Op-Ed)
- Explainer: What is Gene Therapy? (Op-Ed)
- Seeing Coldest Blobs in the Universe in New Light
- November 27
- More Kids Treated for Mental Health Conditions
- Meet Botswana's Okavango Delta lions — one of the largest cats on Earth
- Whale Explodes During Autopsy (Video)
- Coffee Farms Falter as the World Heats Up (Op-Ed)
- Becoming King: Why So Few Male Lions Survive to Adulthood
- Cranberries Stop Bacteria In Their Tracks
- Climate Change Needs an Elephant Whisperer (Op-Ed)
- Weird Black Hole's Incredible Brightness Perplexes Scientists
- Beyond Shellfish, Ocean Acidification is Bad for People (Op-Ed)
- Tongue-Controlled Wheelchair Helps Paralyzed People Move
- Is the 'Knockout Game' Real?
- China's 1st Combat Drone Completes Maiden Test Flight
- Make Your Own Spectroscope | Spectroscopy Science Fair Project
- Wormy Mind May Be First Step to Understanding Human Brain
- Ghost Hunters Burn Down Historic Mansion
- Bonobos Face Shrinking Habitat in Africa
- NASA's Ailing Kepler Spacecraft Could Hunt Alien Planets Once More with New Mission
- New Housecat-Size Feline Species Discovered
- Comet ISON's Thursday Sun Encounter a Thanksgiving Feast for NASA
- Why Do I Sweat So Much?
- 2013 Hurricane Season Ends with a Whimper
- Why the US Fails at Treating Addiction (Op-Ed)
- Punkin Chunkin: Behind the World Championship of Pumpkin Hurling
- Thanksgiving Trauma: The 7 Strangest Holiday ER Visits
- 'Warriors 4 Wireless' Program Helps Vets Find Tech Industry Jobs
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Space Travel
- Controversial T. Rex Soft Tissue Find Finally Explained
- November 26
- The Turtle That Ate With A Straw (Op-Ed)
- Google Earth Images Yield Better Data on Fish Catches
- Stopping 23andMe Will Only Delay the Revolution Medicine Needs (Op-Ed)
- Amazing Ice Circle Appears On River
- 2009 Swine-Flu Death Toll 10 Times Higher Than Thought
- Thanksgiving Myth Busted: Eating Turkey Won't Make You Sleepy
- Erectile Dysfunction Drugs May Not Make Men Happier
- 1st Pakistani Woman to Climb Everest Has Taller Goal: Equality
- Thanksgiving for Dieters: How to Make a Meal Everyone Can Eat
- 'Red List' of Endangered Species Updated
- Amur Leopard Cubs Spotted on Critter Cam in China
- In Images: Rare Amur Leopard Cubs Spotted on Camera
- 23andMe: What's Really Wrong with Personal Genetic Tests
- Amazing Christmas Light Display Sets World Record
- How Bizarre Fire-Ant Rafts Survive Constant Floods
- What's Causing the Epic Thanksgiving Storm
- 28 Tiny Satellites Launching Together In December to See Earth from Space
- US Methane Levels Higher Than Thought
- Thanksgiving's Seven Most Memorable Storms
- Greenland Ice Sheet Was Smallest When Ocean Was Warm
- Should You Eat Breakfast on Thanksgiving?
- Was Woman's Abduction Hoax Inspired by Movie?
- Do Deaf People Really Have Superhuman Vision?
- Why Seahorses Are Shaped Like Horses
- 11 Surprising Thanksgiving Facts
- How Science Can Help You Cook a Better Thanksgiving Feast
- Managing the World's Waste (Infographic)
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Sanitation
- November 25
- Women Act Like Men When They Switch Seats at Speed Dating (Op-Ed)
- Explosive Beer Trick Explained by Physics
- Your House is Full of Space Dust – It Reveals the Solar System's Story (Op-Ed)
- What Is Distilled Water?
- Heart-Attack Chest Pain Similar in Men and Women
- Fewer Thanksgiving Travelers Expected This Year
- Could 3D Printing Spark a Gun Battle?
- Clues to Alzheimer's Risk Seen in Babies' Brains
- White Wine and Beer Important Sources of Arsenic
- Berry Inspires Color-Morphing Clothing
- Happy Turkey Day: Thanksgiving Turns 150
- Mini Flying Robot Hovers Like Jellyfish
- Vivid Violet Coral Decorates Woodlands
- Where Can You Catch The Best Views of Comet ISON?
- 5 Great Places To Observe Comet ISON
- Photos: Roadside Dig Reveals 10,000-Year-Old House in Israel
- History of Plenty: How the Thanksgiving Menu Evolved
- Thanksgivings Past: Old Holiday Menus
- Shrine Found at Buddha's Birthplace dates to 6th Century B.C.
- 'Cultic' Temple, 10,000-Year-Old House Found in Israel
- Dead Bird Drift Hints at Disease Outbreak
- Mushrooms 'Make Wind' to Spread Spores
- How Cameras Reveal the Northern Lights' True Colors (Op-Ed)
- Baby Dinosaur Skeleton Unearthed in Canada
- Deep-Sea Lanternfish Eat Tons of Plastic
- In Images: A Baby Dinosaur Unearthed
- A Buggy Thanksgiving: Insects Come to the Table
- Wild Turkeys Are Back, A Century After Severe Decline
- Holiday Drinking: How 8 Common Medications Interact with Alcohol
- 3D-Printed Kidneys Take Small Steps Toward Organ Replacements
- 5 Scariest Disease Outbreaks of the Past Century
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Disease Outbreaks
- Deadly New Zealand Earthquakes Weakened Earth's Crust
- November 24
- November 23
- November 22
- Something Is Rotten at the New York Times (Op-Ed)
- Roman Emperor Hadrian's Villa Brought to Life with Gaming Software
- Images: 3D Models of Roman Emperor Hadrian's Villa
- Gotcha! Photons Seen Without Being Destroyed in a First
- What Is Karma?
- What Is Ringworm?
- Seeking a Russian Silicon Valley (Op-Ed)
- Facts About Livermorium
- Pretty in Pink: 3D-Printing 'Jimmy Choos' for Horses
- ADHD on the Rise Among Children, New Study Says
- Poop Sausage to Pee Drinks: 7 Gross 'Human Foods'
- Did Clear Weather Play a Role in JFK's Assassination?
- Adopt a Skull to Save Cranium Collection
- Sugar-Sweetened Drinks May Boost Women's Uterine Cancer Risk
- Ski Season Starts Early With Innovative Snow-Making Technology
- Texas Evolution Fight Hits Biology Textbooks
- Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Pledges $3 Million for Tiger Conservation
- Thanksgivukkah: Why Hanukkah and Thanksgiving Overlap This Year
- Mars Rover Curiosity Sidelined by Electrical Glitch
- Brightest Explosion In the Universe Ever Seen Defies Astronomy Theories
- 'Polar Film Festival' Kicks Off at Explorers Club in NYC
- 'Insane' New Waterslide Aims at Breaking World Record (Photos)
- Oldest Royal Wine Cellar Uncorked in Israel
- In Images: An Ancient Palace Wine Cellar
- Meet the Gigantic Carnivore That Kept T. Rex Down
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Earth's Animals
- 7 Iconic Animals Humans Are Driving to Extinction
- Women Play Key Role Improving Health in Bangladesh (Op-Ed)
- Four Women Complete Marine Infantry Training
- November 21
- Facts About Flerovium
- Self-driving Cars and Autonomous Robots: Where to Now? (Op-Ed)
- Momentum Builds for Obama's Brain Initiative
- When Dogs Are (Adorably) Stupid (Op-Ed)
- If JFK Lived: 5 Ways History Would Change
- Photos: National Geographic's 2014 Adventurers of the Year
- Ick! Belly Button Bacteria Used to Make Cheese
- Strange Discovery: Giant Dust Ring Found Near Venus Orbit
- Neutrino Detector Finds Elusive Extraterrestrial Particles in 'Major Breakthrough'
- Just 2 Genes from Y Chromosome Needed for Male Reproduction
- Shark Beached After Choking on Moose
- National Geographic Names 2014 Adventurers of the Year
- Stunning Pictures: Japan's New Volcanic Island
- Painkillers May Ease Marijuana Side Effects
- Babies Are Born with Some Self-Awareness
- Jacqueline Kennedy's Iconic Pink Suit Locked in Vault Until 2103
- Can Programmable Thermostats Lower Heating Bills?
- Urbanization Can Actually Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Op-Ed)
- Volcanic Blast Births New Island in Japan
- 8 Most Famous Assassinations in History
- Trove of Religious Offerings Unearthed from Ancient Sanctuary in Turkey
- EPA Investigates Plastic Pollution on Hawaiian Beaches
- Why JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories Are So Appealing
- E-Cigarettes Just More Smoke and Mirrors, Doctors Say
- For Some Cancer Patients, Personalized Medicine Has Arrived (Op-Ed)
- Sea Lions React To Sonar
- 10 Persistent Kennedy Assassination Theories
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Climate Change
- 5 Places Already Feeling the Effects of Climate Change
- People Who Don’t Forget Can Still Be Tricked with False Memories (Op-Ed)
- Visualizing Dinosaurs with Medical Scanners and 3D Printers (Op-Ed)
- New Evidence Supports Asteroid Origin Of Martian Moon
- November 20
- Facts About Copernicium
- Darwin's Frogs Croaking Thanks to Deadly Fungus
- Polio-Free Countries Still Face Threat, Scientists Say
- Daily Serving of Nuts Linked with Longer Life
- Improving Condoms: New Materials Could Enhance Sexual Pleasure
- 5 Enduring Kennedy Assassination Theories
- 'Sexiest Man Alive'? The Science of Adam Levine's Appeal
- First South Americans Ate Giant Sloths
- What Is the Single-Bullet Theory?
- Why Does Italy's Mount Etna Keep Erupting?
- Textured Surface Could Create Ultra-Waterproof Materials
- Ancient Siberian Skeletons Confirm Native American Origins
- Poll to Name National Zoo Panda Cub Closes Friday
- 3 Ways Cranberries Are Good for Your Health
- Haiyan Destruction in Philippines Visible from Space
- DNA Sequencing Pioneer Fred Sanger Dies
- Japan's Latest Strange Trend: Owl Cafes
- Military Vets & Celebrities Embark on Epic Race to the South Pole
- Midwest Storm Chaser: Severe Weather Delivered 'Most Intense 15 Minutes of my Life'
- Why Monkeys and Apes Have Colorful Faces
- 'Gate to Hell' Guardians Recovered in Turkey
- 3D-Printed Fish Scales May Improve Military Armor
- People with Autism More Likely to Hear Colors, See Sounds
- Could Faux-Leopard Print Save Big Cats?
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Water Scarcity
- Dinosaur Bone Damaged in WWII Revealed with 3D Printing
- 5 Ways We Waste Water
- Cities Grow And Behave As Coherent Entities
- The Lore and Lure of Ley Lines
- What is Prednisone?
- Facts About Roentgenium
- November 19
- Sun Fires Off Powerful Solar Flare (Video)
- X-ray Vision for Road Diggers: The Next Quantum Leap? (Op-Ed)
- Science Needs to be More Dangerous (Op-Ed)
- NASA's IceBridge Mission Back in Action Over Antarctica
- Red Face May Reveal Drinking Dangers
- Frankenstein to Star Trek: Sci-Fi Museum Coming to D.C.
- Some Weight Loss Supplements Contain Amphetamine-Like Compound
- Weird Images: What the Heck Is That?
- 5 Ways Toilets Change the World
- Global Warming Causes 'Acid Indigestion' for Sea Urchins
- 'Dueling Dinosaur' Fossils Fail to Sell at Auction
- Michael Mann: Super Typhoon Haiyan and the Realities of a Warmed World (Op-Ed)
- Amazing Crystal Formation Revealed in Microphotograph
- 2013 Global Carbon Emissions to Reach Record Level
- New Cave-Dwelling 'Shrimp' Discovered in California
- US Offers $1 Million Reward to Stop Wildlife Trafficking Ring
- NYC Man Dies During Free-Diving Competition
- 5 Tips for Cooking with Rheumatoid Arthritis
- 7 technologies that transformed warfare
- Museum's Fossils Pulled from Auction After Outcry
- Men's Sexual Problems Linked to Low Prolactin Levels
- Hormones Sway Women's Sex Lives - Kind Of
- Two-Headed Ray Fetus Found in Australia
- What 11 Billion People Mean for Food Security
- 6 Ways to Feed 11 Billion People
- Can the World Feed 11 Billion People? (Infographic)
- What 11 Billion People Mean for the Planet
- What 11 Billion People Mean for …
- In the Wild or at Home, Does an Aging Animal's Status Change? (Op-Ed)
- Carstensz Pyramid: Oceania's Highest Mountain
- Warsaw Climate Talks Must Produce Actions, Not Just Words (Op-Ed)
- In Middle Ages, Societies Surprisingly Responsive To Natural Disasters
- Surgeons Get Practice Using Brains Made on 3D Printers
- Shellfish Growers Feeling Economic Hit as Ocean Acidifies (Op-Ed)
- November 18
- Wild 'Roll Cloud' Tumbles Across Texas Sky
- Beware, Secret Trade Deals Can Seriously Damage Your Health (Op-Ed)
- Facts About Darmstadtium
- Facts About Meitnerium
- Moms' Bacteria May Affect Brain Development in Baby Mice
- Zoo's Hope of Love Connection Soars with New Resident
- Preterm Birth Linked to Chemicals in Personal Products
- Breast MRIs Not Always Used Appropriately, Studies Suggest
- Pets and Domestic Abuse: It's Complicated
- 'Meat Mummies' Kept Egyptian Royalty Well-Fed After Death
- Stinky Seduction: Promiscuous Female Mice Have Sexier Sons
- Ancient Arctic Algae Record Climate Change in 'Tree Rings'
- Incredible Tech: How to Engineer Life in the Lab
- Evacuation Modelling: Finding the Best Time (And Way) To Get Going (Op-Ed)
- Dueling Dinosaur Fossils Could Break Record at Auction
- Young Woman Dies of Rare Heart Condition After Falling on Beach
- Subtropical Storm Melissa Forms, Breaks Long Lull
- What Caused the Deadly Midwestern Tornado Outbreak?
- California Lost 174,000 Tons of Toxic Waste
- Lab-Made Heart Represents 'Moonshot' for 3D Printing
- That Lovin' Feeling: Guys' Brains Respond to Gentle Touch
- 6 Party Drugs That May Have Health Benefits
- Why Guys Have Bigger Noses Than Gals
- November 17
- November 16
- Are Educational iPad Games Really Educational?
- Too Much of a Good Thing? 7 Addictive Educational iPad Games
- Ancient City Discovered Beneath Biblical-Era Ruins in Israel
- Crushing the Ivory Trade (Op-Ed)
- Electric Vehicles Approach Popularity Tipping Point (Op-Ed)
- President Obama's Upside-Down Nuclear Weapons Policy (Op-Ed)
- November 15
- Humanity in the Age of Frankenstein's Cat (Op-Ed)
- Beyond the Higgs Boson: Five Reasons Physics is Still Interesting (Op-Ed)
- Fantastic Voyage: Tracking Young Salmon's Perilous Migration
- 'Dueling Dinosaurs' Await Auction Fate
- In Photos: Montana's Dueling Dinosaur Fossils
- What Bees Don't Know Can Help Them: Measuring Insect Indecision (Op-Ed)
- How 'Truffula' Trees Will Preserve the Sahel (Op-Ed)
- Brain Stimulation May Treat Bulimia
- Major Hurricanes and Typhoons Compared (Infographic)
- Haiyan's Aftermath: 7 Key Steps to Recovery
- Stephen Hawking Says Not Finding Higgs Boson Would Be 'More Interesting'
- Area 51 Declassified: Documents Reveal Cold War 'Hide-and-Seek'
- Woman's Pulse Surges Through Her Neck, Reveals Heart Condition
- Deformed, Pointy Skull from Dark Ages Unearthed in France
- In images: Deformed skulls and Stone Age tombs from France
- Molten Salts Could Improve Fuel Economy
- What is ... Histoplasmosis?
- NASA Video Shows Ancient Mars as Lush, Water World
- Evolution of Milky Way Galaxy Revealed by Hubble Space Telescope
- Forty-Foot-Wide Sinkhole Leads to Evacuations, Possible Condemned Homes
- Japan Scales Back Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals
- Pyramid-Age Love Revealed in Vivid Color in Egyptian Tomb
- One Year After Sandy, Depression Drops But Anger Rises, Poll Finds
- Photos: Egyptian tomb dating to age of the pyramids
- November 14
- The World's Most Dangerous Band Promotes Shelter Pets (Op-Ed)
- Dangerous New Eruption at Sumatra's Sinabung Volcano
- Recluse Spider Bite Eats Hole in Young Woman's Ear
- Why Typhoon Haiyan Was More Intense Than Hurricane Katrina
- US Crushes Its Stockpile of Elephant Ivory
- In Photos: US Destroys Its Elephant Ivory
- Dictator Deaths: How 13 Notorious Leaders Died
- Artificial Intelligence Uses Biggest Disease Database to Fight Cancer (Op-Ed)
- Smell Pot? Call the 'Nasal Ranger'!
- Forecasting Raging Forest Fires Soon a Reality
- Stingrays' Weird Swimming May Inspire New Submarine Designs
- Meteorite Impacts Leave Behind Time-Capsules of Ecosystems (Op-Ed)
- Old Dog, New Origin: First Pooches Were European
- 39 Minutes: Quantum Bits Store Data for Record Time
- Vanishing Forests: New Map Details Global Deforestation
- Allergic to Cold: Adapting to Life With a Mysterious Condition
- Stunning Microphotograph Shows Ladybug's Prickly Boots
- Cannibal Sticks, Anyone? New In Vitro Meat Cookbook Has the Recipe
- Dengue Fever Outbreak in Key West Yields New Clues
- E-Cigarettes and Hookahs Rise in Teen Popularity
- NASA Maps to Aid Super Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief
- Guts of Superfast Black Hole Jets Revealed
- Vaping: How E-cigs Work (Infographic)
- Trans Fat Isn't Evil, Ignorance Is (Op-Ed)
- Riddle of Early Bird Migration Cracked
- 1st-Century Roots of 'Little Red Riding Hood' Found
- 5 Real-Life Examples of Fairy Tales Coming True
- Canadian Rower Completes Historic Solo Journey Across Atlantic Ocean
- What the Brain and Twitter Have in Common
- How Many Friends Can Your Brain Handle?
- Ocean Glow Stick: Sea Worm Emits Strange Blue Glow
- Cancer Patient's Brain Cells Shed Light on How Cancer Spreads
- Asthma May Lengthen Time to Get Pregnant
- New 'H6N1' Bird Flu Reported in Taiwan
- November 13
- Who Killed JFK? TV Show Looks at New Evidence
- Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath: How Technology Can Help
- Fast Food: Meals Have More Calories Than You Think
- What America's Forests Looked Like Before Europeans Arrived
- Bone and Bracelets Found in Roman Child's Coffin
- New EpiPen Law Could Save Lives
- Head-Butting Did Not Lure Mates for Horny-Domed Dinosaur (Op-Ed)
- Massive Antarctic Iceberg Sets Sail
- 3.5-Billion-Year-Old Fossil Microbial Community Found
- Putting It Off: Some Ideas About Why We Procrastinate (Op-Ed)
- Why the US Will Destroy, Not Sell, Its Ivory Stockpile
- Leech Toxins, Snake Venom: How Nature's 'Poisons' Help People
- Mars Rover Curiosity Recovers from Software Glitch
- What a Dinosaur Brain May Have Looked Like
- 'Rare' Atom Finding May Advance Quantum Computers
- Carl Sagan Archive Opens at U.S. Library of Congress
- Ancient Atlantic Seawater Twice As Salty As Today's Oceans
- Saturn, Earth Shine in Amazing New Photo by NASA Probe
- Music Could Track Human Migrations
- Understanding Flu Virus Mutations Is Key to Vaccine Progress
- Rarely Seen 'Asian Unicorn' Caught on Camera
- Outdoor Running: Avoid These Winter Threats
- Crazy Cretaceous Find: Intersex Crabs
- Amazing Image Reveals Micro Slip 'N Slides
- Sky-High Microbes: How Far Up Can Life Exist?
- State 'Green Banks' Helping Fund Clean-Energy Expansion (Op-Ed)
- In Photos: The Power of Poison Through Time
- Volcano Detectives Uncover Monster Ancient Eruption (Op-Ed)
- Bullying Does Not End With a High School Diploma (Op-Ed)
- Don't Take Federal Science for Granted (Op-Ed)
- Kiss the Pig Contests, Cheap Laughs and Bullying (Op-Ed)
- Oldest Big Cat Fossils Discovered in Tibet
- In Images: The Oldest Big Cat Fossils
- Ouch! Hermaphrodite Sea Slug Stabs Mate in Head During Sex
- Photos: Bizarre Sex Lives of Hermaphrodite Sea Slugs
- Too Aware? The Downside of Mindfulness Revealed
- November 12
- Pansexual: A 'New' Sexual Orientation?
- Calvin Klein Cologne Lures Cats to the Camera
- Trans-Fat Ban: Would You Even Notice a Difference?
- Underwater Kites To Harness Liquid Breezes For Power
- Deadly, Rare Tropical Cyclone Hits Somalia
- One World Trade Center: A Look at the World's Tallest Things
- Home HPV Test May Help Detect Early Cervical Cancer
- Touch Screens Help Monkeys Relax (Op-Ed)
- Second-Rate Sex: Women Missing Orgasm in Hookups
- 5 Ways Our Cavemen Instincts Get the Best of Us
- Syria's Polio Outbreak is a Global Public Health Emergency (Op-Ed)
- Smile Secrets: 5 Things Your Grin Reveals About You
- Smile Secrets: 5 Things Your Grin Reveals
- Five Unexpected Ways Cold May Threaten Your Health
- Confused in Any Language: "Huh?" is a Universal Word
- Estrogen May Shield Memories from Stress After Menopause
- 11/12/13: What Makes Today So Special?
- In Images: An Apatosaurus Discovery
- Missing Piece of Long-Neck Dinosaur Finally Discovered
- Typhoon Haiyan Was Not the Size of the US
- New Type of Quasar Found, Baffling Scientists
- Curiosity Rover Suffers Software Glitch On Mars
- Science Behind Hot Air Balloon Buoyancy (Video)
- How the Brain Creates Out-of-Body Experiences
- People with Depression May Age Faster
- November 11
- Should Animals Be Used in Laboratory Testing? (Op-Ed)
- How Typhoon Haiyan Compares to the 2004 Tsunami
- Mount Vinson: Antarctica's Highest Mountain
- Ice, Ice, Bacteria (Not Too Cold)
- Underwater Mission by Jacques Cousteau's Grandson Postponed
- Incredible Tech: How to Display a 2-Ton Dinosaur
- What Is Cellulitis?
- Effect of Most Vitamins on Cancer Is Inconclusive
- 4 Secrets of Creativity from Pixar's President
- Dig for Hominid Bones Begins in Cradle of Humankind
- Photo Gallery: Typhoon Haiyan Hits Philippines
- Brain-stem Abnormalities May Increase Infants' Risk of SIDS
- Sun's Magnetic Field Will Flip Soon (Video)
- Big Brother: Streetlights That Watch and Listen
- Bacteria Control Hyena Communication
- The Physics of Peeing, and How to Avoid Splash-Back
- Astronaut Sees Super Typhoon Haiyan from Space (Photo)
- US Military Aids Recovery in Typhoon-Ravaged Philippines
- New Scorpion Species Discovered in Turkey
- Are Crocodiles Secret Fruit-Lovers? (Op-Ed)
- US to Destroy 6 Tons of Ivory This Week
- Keep a Lid on It: The Controversy Over Earth's Oldest Rocks (Op-Ed)
- Haiyan-Ravaged Philippines Face Another Tropical Threat
- Electron Appears Spherical, Squashing Hopes for New Physics Theories
- Can You Give HPV to Yourself?
- Health 'Score' on Food Packages May Help Consumers Make Healthier Choices
- By the Numbers: 5 Cultural Facts About Veterans
- Veterans Bring the Whig Party Back
- November 9
- November 8
- Grit Your Teeth: Toothbrush Holder Yields New Germ (Op-Ed)
- Babies Named After Dads: Which States Have More (And Why)
- Smuggled Chinese Artifacts Lead to Charges
- Fluid Dynamics Explains Some Traffic Jams
- From Toothpaste to Cellphones, Reducing Your Fracking Footprint (Op-Ed)
- Catholic Education No Better Than Public Schooling, Study Suggests
- New Coiled Fibers Could Heal Damaged Hearts
- Best Age for Woman's First Child? 25, Poll Finds
- 3 Tips for Getting into an Exercise Groove
- Giant Moon-Forming Impact On Early Earth May Have Spawned Magma Ocean
- New Hammerhead Shark Species Found Off South Carolina
- Some Americans Log More than 24 Hours Daily on Devices
- What Is Saxophone Lung?
- Optical Technique Sorts Grapes for Wine Quality
- Boy's Bone Marrow Transplant May Have Cured His Peanut Allergy
- Cold Weather Can Damage, Zap Electronic Devices
- Mysterious Disease Turning Sea Stars to Goo May Disrupt Tidal Ecosystems
- 5 Mysterious Animal Die-Offs
- Everyone Agreed: Cane Toads Would Be a Winner for Australia (Op-Ed)
- Food-Borne Tropical Disease Outbreak Strikes the US (Op-Ed)
- Your Pee Could Power Future Robots
- No Proof That Cosmic Rays Cause Global Warming, Study Says
- November 7
- Bizarre Asteroid with Six Tails Spotted by Hubble Telescope (Photos)
- Snakes Control Blood Flow to Boost Vision
- Pope Francis Kisses Man Covered in Tumors
- Mystery of Huge Asteroid Vesta's Formation Deepens
- Indians and Europeans Share 'Light-Skin' Mutation
- Pig-Like Beast Leads the Way to Ancient Cave Drawings
- Nocturnal Animals Take Chances On Moonlit Dinners
- Grizzlies Being Overhunted in British Columbia, Study Suggests
- New Laser Tech Could Detect and Destroy Brain Diseases
- Bullying Syndrome? How Maltreatment Affects Health
- A Weighty Issue: Chris Christie and Obesity in Politics
- 5 Foods That Face Changes with Trans Fat Ban
- Antarctic Glacier Flow Controlled by Speed Bumps Below
- 3D-Printed Reefs Could Rehabilitate Persian Gulf Ecosystem
- Low Sexual Desire Plagues Men, Too
- Scientists Reveal Fascinating Look at E.coli Cell Division (Photo)
- Lice Reveal Clues to Human Evolution
- Does a Snack of Cheese Before Bed Give You Nightmares?
- Stress Makes Snails Forgetful
- Got Science? Nebraska Scientists Stand Up Against Political Interference (Op-Ed)
- Is It OK to Drink While Pregnant? Why Scientists Really Don't Know
- How Typhoon Haiyan Became Year's Most Intense Storm
- Earth at Higher Risk of Asteroid Impact, Russian Meteor Explosion Reveals
- Culprit in Mysterious Elk Deaths Found
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren Wants to Restore Funding for Political Science Studies
- FDA Takes Steps to Ban Trans Fat
- New Ligament Found in Human Knee
- 7 Allergy Myths (and the Truth Behind Them)
- Commercial Drones Could Grow Into $10 Billion Industry, Experts Say
- HIV 'Invisibility Cloak' Allows Virus to Evade Immune System (Op-Ed)
- Metabolomics: Wine and Cheese, Curing Disease ... No Doping Please (Op-Ed)
- Chelyabinsk Meteor Explosion a 'Wake-up Call', Scientists Warn (Op-Ed)
- November 6
- Bisexuality Seen by Some As Illegitimate, Study Finds
- Gas Injection Triggered Texas Earthquakes
- Fossil Captures Ancient Insects Having Sex
- In Images: Jurassic Insects Getting Busy
- Tsunami Debris 'Island' Headed for US? NOAA Sets Record Straight
- Yasser Arafat's Death Linked to Radioactive Polonium
- Worried About Dementia? Learn a Second Language
- Some Endangered Species Actually at Low Risk
- Monkey Avatars: Primates Move Virtual Arms with Their Mind
- Infant Eye-Tracking May Hold Clues to Autism
- Spider Traps Prey Using Amazing Ladder Webs
- 100 Years After Death, Evolution's Other Discoverer Gains Recognition
- Robot Cashier Learns to Handle Knives ... Safely
- New Explosions Spotted at Snowy Russian Volcano
- Wizards, Take Note: Invisibility Cloaks Make You More Visible
- 3D-Printed Fossils & Rocks Could Transform Geology
- Contaminated Minds: Why Some People Feel Perpetually Unclean
- Votes Wanted to Name Baby Panda
- New 'King of Gore' Dinosaur Reveals T. Rex Lineage
- Early Earth Had Layered Lava Oceans
- Highly Endangered Right Whale Spotted Off Canada Coast
- Leroy Chiao: 'Ender's Game' Film Review
- World's 10 Worst Polluted Places Named
- In Photos: World's Most Polluted Places
- Epilepsy Drug Shows Promise in Treating Alcohol Dependence
- Where Old Buildings Withstand Earthquakes Best
- Beautiful Balzers: Photos of a Liechtenstein Town
- 'Gender Panic' Affects Attitudes About Transgender Rights
- Haitian Cholera Epidemic Continues to Kill Elsewhere
- Ice Cream Glows, Lights Up When Licked
- Maine's Allagash River Serves Up Pancake Ice (Photo)
- Strange Lung Ailment Revealed: A Giant Ball of Fungus
- Dread the Gym? Exercise with Friends Puts People in a Better Mood
- How Retirement Affects Your Health
- Tiny 3D-Printed Liver Slices Pave Way for Growing Organs
- The Parasite a Cricket's Nightmares are Made Of (Op-Ed)
- The Dog's Telltale Tail (Op-Ed)
- Feeling Blue: Gender-Bending Lady Lizards Miss Out on Love
- November 5
- Pronghorn Adapt to New Animal Overpasses
- Fast Food Ads: Kids Seeing Less on TV, More on Social Media
- For Parents of Difficult Toddlers, Group Training May Help
- Testosterone Treatments Linked with Risk of Heart Problems, Deaths
- Antarctic Ice Core Could Hold 1.5 Million Years of Climate History
- New Hypersonic Spy Plane Being Developed by Lockheed Martin
- Montreal Fireball: Spectacular Flash Explained
- Drone Wars: Pilots Reveal Debilitating Stress Beyond Virtual Battlefield
- Fossil of Giant Platypus Unearthed in Riversleigh (Op-Ed)
- Denali National Park Gets 'Google Street View' Treatment
- Mini Mammals: Ancient Warming Pared Body Size, Study Suggests
- Watch Live: Polar Bears Wait for Ice to Form at Hudson Bay
- Dark-Field Microscopy Illuminates Marine Worm in Stunning Photo
- Gallery: 'Street View' of Denali National Park
- Mullet Over: How Robotics Can Get a Wriggle on With Fishy Locomotion (Op-Ed)
- Mummy's Colorful Collar Found in Egyptian Tomb
- Robot Detects Breast Cancer With Space-Grade Tech
- Beagle Sniffs Out Polar Bear Pregnancies
- Are Ocean Conditions Ripe for a Jellyfish Takeover?
- Flickr Posts Tracked Hurricane Sandy's Landfall
- NASA Spacecraft Finds Bounty of Alien Planets, Including 104 Potentially Habitable Worlds
- Ancient Baby Shark's Last Meal: Baby Turtle
- Dinosaur's Klutz Moment Preserved in Time
- Longboarders at Higher Risk for Injury Than Skateboarders
- As Myth Marries Science, the Origin Story Matters (Op-Ed)
- Hunt Club Auctions Opportunity to Kill Endangered Rhino (Op-Ed)
- Can New Rules Finally End Pet-Treat Poisonings? (Op-Ed)
- November 4
- To Cut Carbon, a Decade is Too Long to Wait (Op-Ed)
- Who's Afraid of a 'Science Laureate'? (Op-Ed)
- New World's Oldest Tomatillo Discovered
- Why the Fear of Zombies? Look at the Eyes (Op-Ed)
- Spotted: Rare Cat Species Captured on Camera in Borneo
- Man Eats Dog Who Saved Him From Bear Attack
- Eating Disorders in Boys May Show Up as Muscles
- Habitable Earth-Size Planets Common Across the Universe, Study Suggests
- Fossil of Largest Platypus Discovered in Australia
- China's Forbidden City Built with Giant 'Sliding Stones'
- In Photos: China's Forbidden City
- Mesmerizing Lava Lake Movement Revealed in Time-Lapse Video
- Crashed and Burned: How King Tut Died
- Levitate Me: Water Droplets Dance, Defy Gravity (Video)
- Conservation Is About Caring for Nature and People (Op-Ed)
- Orphaned Elephants Face Lifetime of Negative Social Effects
- Google Doodle Honors 'Human Computer' Shakuntala Devi
- Watch a Spider Amputate its Own Leg
- Bugs in Patagonia Survived Dinosaur-Killing Impact
- Megalodon Mystery: What Killed Earth's Largest Shark?
- Hundreds of Albanians Sickened from Cannabis Biz
- 5 New Species of 'Slavemaker' Ants Discovered
- Nests of Big-Clawed Dinosaurs Found in Mongolia
- More Than 30,000 Miles of Roads Built in Amazon in 3 Years
- Wearable Robotics: The Incredible Tech of Helping People Walk Again
- Extinct 'Megamouth' Shark Species Finally Identified
- HPV Vaccine: One Dose May Be Enough
- Girls Reaching Puberty Earlier, Study Finds
- Palm-Size Drones Buzz Over Battlefield
- November 2
- November 1
- Drone Pilot Challenges FAA on Commercial Flying Ban
- John Smith of Jamestown: Facts & Biography
- Mount Elbrus: Facts About Europe's Highest Mountain
- Weird Forests Once Sprouted in Antarctica
- 'Biohacker' Implants Chip in Arm
- Earthworms Trap Carbon, But Do They Influence Climate Change?
- Antarctic Hills Haven't Seen Water in 14 Million Years
- 4D Printing May Bolster Arsenal of US Army
- Animals in Marine Sanctuaries Not Immune to Human Impact
- Origins of Syphilis Still a Mystery, Researchers Say
- Landslides Scar Colorado After Major Flood
- Flooding Aftermath: Landslides Scar Colorado
- Can High-Protein Diets Help You Lose Weight?
- Leafy Abode: Newly Discovered Beetle Makes Shelter with Feces
- Full Belly Fossil! 'Sea Monster' Had 3 Others in Its Gut
- Lasers Zap Tiny Holes in Heads of Flies to Expose Brains
- Contaminated Spices Can Cause Salmonella
- China Losing Is Taste For Shark Fin Soup
- Renewables Slowing Record High CO2 Pollution
- In Photos: Inside a Fruit Fly's Brain
- Brain-Machine Interface Puts Anesthesia on Autopilot
- Animal Sex: How Penguins Do It
- US Preterm Birth Rate Lowest in 15 Years
- From Selfishness to Cooperation: What Drives the Change
- To Make New York City Safer, Nature Matters (Op-Ed)
- Fewer Millennials Look to Cars for Mobility (Op-Ed)