All content archive
February 2014
592 articles
- February 28
- Skara Brae: Prehistoric Scottish Village
- Mummies' Milk: World's Oldest Cheese Found in China
- Computer Scientist Uses Creativity to Teach Computer Skills
- Fitbit One: Fitness Tracker Review
- British Storms Uncover WWII Bombs, Ancient Trees
- Spider Bite Kills Florida Man
- Jawbone UP24: Fitness Tracker Review
- Barely There? Chinese Company Debuts World's Thinnest Condom
- Does a Bedtime Snack Help or Hurt Your Sleep?
- Mountain Lion Family Feast Caught on Camera
- Photos: Mountain Lion Family Feast
- Zohydro: America's Deadliest New Drug?
- Ocean's Biggest Current Carries More Water Than Thought
- Mars Meteorite with Odd 'Tunnels' & 'Spheres' Revives Debate Over Ancient Martian Life
- Storms Bringing Needed Rains to California Seen From Space
- Wavy vs. Straight: Physics of Curly Hair Teased Out
- Pandas' Latest Threat: Horses?
- Google Street View Unveils Two New Undersea Locations
- NASA's Planet-Hunting Kepler Spacecraft a 'Gift That Keeps on Giving'
- NASA's Curiosity Rover Looks Up at Huge Mars Mountain (Photos)
- Viral Video: Whale Smacks Girl in Head
- Winds from Black Holes Pack Surprisingly Strong Punch
- Alaska's Warm Weather Could Mean Mushy Iditarod Race
- Fat Belly? Diet Affects Where You Pack on Pounds
- Medieval Candelabra Hints at Forgotten Sea Routes
- Sea Sapphire: The Most Beautiful Animal You’ve Never Seen (Op-Ed)
- The Challenge of the Modern Scientist is to Avoid Career Suicide (Op-Ed)
- Next-Gen Neural Prosthetics Require a New Materials Approach
- Anonymous Genetic Profiles Aren't Completely Anonymous
- Whales Moving Into Thawed Arctic Ocean
- February 27
- What Is Jet Lag?
- 'Shark's Eye' Videos Capture Predators' Mysterious Habits
- Stethoscopes More Contaminated Than Doctors' Hands
- How New Nutrition Labels Could Change Your Food
- Juvenile Seal Returns to the Sea After Month in Rehab (Video)
- Walking Can Recharge the Spirit, But What About Our Phones?
- Images: Rehabilitated Harp Seal Returned to Wild
- High-Tech Exosuit Lets Scientist Divers Explore Underwater Canyons
- Japan Launches Next-Generation NASA Satellite to Track Rain & Snow
- Strange State of Matter Found in Chicken's Eye
- Lonely Cows Are Slow Learners
- Beautiful Mouse Brain Map Holds Clues to Neurological Disease
- Humans May Have Been Stuck on Bering Strait for 10,000 Years
- Pockets of Oil from Exxon Valdez Spill Persist Along Alaskan Coast
- In Photos: Ancient Gladiator School Discovered, Recreated
- Male Goat's 'Goaty' Pheromone Puts Females in the Mood
- Tiny Crystal Defects Help Drive Plate Tectonics
- Top Secret: Boeing Unveils Secure Smartphone That Can 'Self-Destruct'
- New Nutrition Labels: 5 Big Changes to Look For
- Nutrition Facts Label: Proposed FDA Changes (Infographic)
- Fitness Trackers Could Boost Kids' Health, But Face Challenges, Experts Say
- Spacesuit Leak That Nearly Drowned Astronaut Could Have Been Avoided
- Polar Bears on Google Maps! Street View Comes to the Arctic
- 5 Weird Facts About Polar Bears
- In Images: Polar Bears on Google Street View
- Can Animals Keep A Beat?
- Memory Definition & Types of Memory
- We've Delivered our Citizen Kane, Now Give Gaming an Oscars Ceremony (Op-Ed)
- Personality Differences: Trolls and Cyberstalkers Aren't The Same (Op-Ed)
- Ancient Gladiator School Discovered in Austria
- February 26
- Second-hand Smoke Linked to Increased Risk of Miscarriage, Stillbirth
- Population of Known Alien Planets Nearly Doubles as NASA Discovers 715 New Worlds
- Chinese Man Sues Government Over Air Pollution
- In Images: The Mummy of A Murdered Incan Woman
- Baby's Rare Brain Tumor Had Teeth
- Mummy Murder Mystery Solved: Incan Woman's Head Smashed
- Vicious Cycle of Weight Gain, Inactivity Causes Obesity
- Experimental Psoriasis Treatment Shows Promise
- Dads' Age Linked with Kids' Mental Health Problems
- Lights Out for North Korea: Space Photo Reveals Country's Isolation
- Quantum Dropleton: Weird New Particle Acts Like Liquid
- Arrgh! Adventures of 17th-Century Pirate Alliance Uncovered in Ireland
- Photos: Searching for Ireland's 17th-century 'Pirate Alliance'
- What Is Flex Fuel?
- Meteorite May Harbor Evidence of Mars Life: Study
- Mysterious Flashing 'Earthquake Lights' Maybe Explained
- Huge Peanut-Shaped Asteroid Buzzes Earth in NASA Video
- There May Be Plant DNA Floating in your Blood (But That's OK) (Op-Ed)
- Health Check: How High Heels Harm and How to Make it Better (Op-Ed)
- Episodic Memory: Definition and Examples
- Guan Yu Biography: Revered Chinese Warrior
- Tired of Blizzard Bloat? Reversing Winter Weight Gain (Op-Ed)
- Water Security in an Unpredictable World (Op-Ed)
- As Milkweed Disappears, Monarchs are Fading Away (Op-Ed)
- Watery Graveyard: Fossils Reveal 1st Evidence of Mass Marine Die-Offs
- In Images: Marine Fossils from an Ancient Mass Die-Off
- Eyes in the Sky Spy on California Drought
- Odd Cause of Humans' Dark Skin Proposed
- February 25
- Threatened Owls Pushed Out of Home by Foes
- US Makes No Dent in Obesity
- Virtual Reality Treatment Relieves Amputee's Phantom Pain
- Higher BPA Detected in People After Handling Receipts
- California's Springtime Wonders Struck by Drought
- Peru Park Sets Record for Reptile, Amphibian Biodiversity
- Water Found in Atmosphere of Nearby Alien Planet
- Why Male and Female Seals Look So Different
- Farmers Get $3 Million in Bee Lunch Money
- Sultan of Schwing: How Moroccan Ruler Could Sire 1,000 Kids Revealed
- The Myths of Charles Krauthammer: The Drinking Game (Op-Ed)
- Richard III DNA Test Sparks Controversy
- Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy Linked to Child's ADHD Risk
- Sun Unleashes Monster Solar Flare, Biggest of 2014
- Geoengineering Ineffective Against Climate Change, Could Make Worse
- Tiny NASA Sun Probe Sees Its Biggest Solar Flare Yet (Video)
- What Is Vasculitis?
- NASA Will Unveil New Discoveries from Planet-Hunting Kepler Spacecraft Wednesday
- Secret World of Ocean Garbage Patch Microbes Revealed
- Record-Breaking Meteorite Crash on Moon Sparks Brightest Lunar Explosion Ever
- Museum of Sci-Fi Joins Forces with Science Channel
- New MERS Virus Widespread in Camels
- Photos: Giant Spiral Grows Out of Egypt's Desert
- At Sundance, Social Entrepreneurs Explore the Power of Story (Op-Ed)
- Who Invented the Printing Press?
- Protozoa Show Potential For Cosmetic Testing
- It's 3 a.m., Is that a Parasitic Worm in Your Cheek? (Op-Ed)
- 200-year-old Text Sheds Light on Uganda's Homophobic Bill (Op-Ed)
- An End in Sight in the Long Search for Gravity Waves (Op-Ed)
- At Mars, Is the Doctor In? (Video)
- February 24
- Long-Sought Quark-Formation Process Finally Found
- In Images: Massive Landslide Falls in Alaska
- Huge Landslide Photographed in Alaska
- Fukushima's Radioactive Ocean Water Arrives At West Coast
- What Is a Vegan?
- Vegetarian Diets Lower Blood Pressure Best
- Having a Twin Linked with Anorexia, Puzzling Researchers
- Death of Spouse Increases Risk for Heart Attack, Stroke
- Why Do My Nipples Hurt?
- Cancer Risk in Fukushima Area Estimated
- New Species of Mammal Is a Sex Fiend
- 'Microbial Pompeii' Found on Teeth of 1,000-Year-Old Skeletons
- Path of Japan Tsunami Debris Predicted by Computers
- Elusive Water Monsters Spotted in Mexico's Lakes
- Mysterious Egyptian Spiral Seen on Google Maps
- Sinkholes Swallow More After UK's Big Storms
- Winter Comes Back: Return of the Polar Vortex?
- The Truth About How Mom's Stress Affects Baby's Brain
- New Hyundai Vehicle Fueled By Poo
- Rivers of Hydrogen Gas May Fuel Spiral Galaxies
- Mystery Solved: How Huge Young Stars Hang On to Gas
- Japan to Partly Lift Fukushima Evacuation Order
- Pharmacy Clinics Aren't for Kids, Docs Say
- People Who Believe Hell Are Less Happy
- 900 Lives Saved Yearly by Keeping the Drinking Age at 21
- Pediatricians Update Guidelines for Kids' Checkups
- 5 California Children Infected by Polio-Like Illness
- February 23
- February 22
- Devonian Period: Climate, Animals & Plants
- Procedural Memory: Definition and Examples
- Is Solitary Confinement A Form Of Torture?
- A Quarter of Americans Think the Sun Orbits the Earth ... Sigh (Op-Ed)
- The Amount of Hidden Sugar in Your Diet Might Shock You (Op-Ed)
- New Action Plan to Save Madagascar's At-Risk Lemurs (Op-Ed)
- February 21
- Selenium, Vitamin E Supplements May Double Prostate Cancer Risk
- 200-Year-Old Douche Found Under New York's City Hall
- Why Some Rich, Educated Parents Avoid Vaccines
- Source of Stonehenge Bluestone Rocks Identified
- Tornadoes in February? Why That's Not Uncommon
- Urgent! Lemur Crisis Prompts Conservationist Call-to-Action
- Some Asthma Patients May Be Overmedicated, Doctors Say
- Painful, Days-Long Erections Also Happen in Women
- 'Priceless' Dinosaur Track Stolen Near Moab
- Stunning Ice-Covered Great Lakes Seen from Space (Photo)
- Did Nazis Study Insects for Use in Biological Warfare?
- Deadly 'Sneaker Waves' Get Warnings, Thanks to Forecaster
- Tomorrow's Wearable Tech Is Straight Out of 'Star Trek'
- Curiosity Rover Drives Backward on Mars to Reduce Wheel Wear and Tear
- With Study of Asbestos, Geologists Take on Key Health Problem
- With Simple, Homemade Telescopes, You Can Explore the Stars (Op-Ed)
- Simple Plant Science Experiments for Kids
- Rest Assured, IVF Babies Grow into Healthy Adults (Op-Ed)
- Ants Are Even Stronger Than You Imagine
- Can Bikeshare Systems Ever Stand on Their Own Two Wheels? (Op-Ed)
- Advanced Prostate Cancer Linked to Mutations in 8 Genes
- February 20
- No Meteorite Behind 'Jelly Doughnut' Mars Rock, Pictures Show
- Impressively Massive Landslide Detected in Remote Alaska
- Tadpoles Turn to Cannibalism Only When Desperate
- Shocker! Melting Snow Electrocutes People, Pets
- Engineered 'Glue' Helps Wounds Heal Faster
- Voynich Manuscript: Images of the Unreadable Medieval Book
- Humans and Dogs Use Same Brain Area to Get Others' Emotions
- Silver Hoop Earrings Found Among Ancient Treasure in Biblical City
- Smartphone-Piloted Drones Could Support US Troops on Front Lines
- New GMO-Free Cheerios Arguably Less Nutritious
- 10 Words in Mysterious Voynich Manuscript Decoded
- Photos: Ancient Silver Treasure Discovered in Biblical City
- Artificial 'Yarn Muscles' 100X Stronger Than Human Muscles
- History Repeating Itself at Antarctica's Fastest-Melting Glacier
- Flu Hitting Young & Middle-Age Adults Hard
- 6 Types of Twitter Conversations Revealed
- Is Coffee Bad For You?
- Ants Build Raft to Escape Flood, Protect Queen
- Getting Soaked? Desalination Plants Face Scrutiny
- Lava Bombs and Tsunamis! How Accurate Is 'Pompeii' Movie?
- Women's Orgasm Woes: Could 'C-Spot' Be the Culprit?
- New Website Tracks Deforestation in Near Real-Time
- Help Wanted to Find Lost 'Moby Dick' Asteroid
- Europe Picks Planet-Hunting Space Telescope for 2024 Launch
- Images: Deforestation Around the World
- Billionaire To Fund Ads For Climate Action in 2014 Election
- Small Earthquake Shakes Britain
- Power Leads to Illusions of Closeness
- This State Bumps Hawaii as Happiest Place to Live
- The Happiest and Saddest States of 2013
- What is the Taos Hum?
- Canal Carved Through Nicaragua Will Destroy Rainforests, Communities and Wildlife (Op-Ed)
- Extreme Abuse of Calves Leads to Immediate Shuttering of N.J. Slaughterhouse (Op-Ed)
- Helpful Meds Can Become Harmful As You Grow Older (Op-Ed)
- Silurian Period Facts: Climate, Animals & Plants
- Why a Recent Mammography Study is Deeply Flawed (Op-Ed)
- February 19
- The Odd Ways Pregnancy Can Cause Vision Problems
- Brain Imaging Shows the Language of Music
- Little Water Left in California At Risk of Contamination
- Stress Causes Headaches, Scientists Confirm
- How Stars Die: Lopsided Nature of Supernovas Revealed
- Alaska Sets New Wind Chill Record
- The New Yoga? Sadomasochism Leads to Altered States, Study Finds
- Switching Schools Linked with Mental Health Problems in Kids
- Dead Landsat Satellite Photobombs Successor
- Video: Diver Wrestles Giant Octopus, And Wins
- Fecal Transplant Regulations Too Strict, Some Say
- Squeak! Ancient Helium Escaping from Yellowstone
- Big Discovery: Tiny Electron's Mass More Precisely Measured
- Get Up! Prolonged Sitting May Raise Risk of Disability
- Anti-Drone Laws Pass in Washington State & Wisconsin
- Northern Lights Dance Over New England (Photos)
- Famous Star Explosion Lit by Ultrafast Mach 1,000 Shock Wave
- Deadly Tuberculosis Bacteria Seen Up-Close (Photo)
- Stars Sparkle Like Diamonds in Space Scorpion Tail (Photo, Video)
- Largest Lake in Iran Is Disappearing
- Man Has Skin Reaction to Tattoo — 20 Years Later
- Hubble Space Telescope Spies Spin of Nearby Galaxy
- Money, Sleep and Love: What Makes a Happy Parent?
- Countries with the Deadliest Roads Revealed
- Countries With the Most and Least Car-Crash Deaths
- How Bones Can Reveal Child Abuse
- Common Core Standards Explained
- As Olympics Inspires Your 'Inner Athlete', Beware Common Injuries (Op-Ed)
- After 400 Years, Mathematicians Find a New Class of Solid Shapes
- Lutz or Flutz? The Tricky Physics of Figure Skating
- Protect and Serve — Including the Animals (Op-Ed)
- 'Feeling' Beyond the Limitations of a Space Suit (Video)
- Polar Loop: Fitness Tracker Review
- Kate Upton Goes Zero-G for Sports Illustrated's 2014 Swimsuit Issue
- Bears Use Wildlife Crossings to Find New Mates
- Cats and Dogs May See in Ultraviolet
- February 18
- Pooperoni? Baby-Poop Bacteria Help Make Healthy Sausages
- BBQ Wings? Birds Fried at Solar Plant
- 'Acne Bacteria' Hopped from Humans to Grapevines
- New Maps Show How Habitats May Shift with Climate Change
- Maps: Habitat Shifts due to Climate Change
- 23% in US Use Online Doctor Ratings, Others Don't Trust Them
- 12-Year-Old Invents Braille Printer Using Lego Set
- Great Lakes Go For Fully Frozen
- Cold Winters, High Bills, and a Need for Energy Efficiency (Op-Ed)
- Air Turbulence: How Dangerous Is It?
- San Francisco's Deadly 1906 Earthquake Was Last of Three
- Genetic Process Behind Calico Kitty Coats Visualized
- Lettuce-Based Electric Wires Sprout in the Lab
- Flying Bat-Inspired Robots May Take to the Skies
- Publishers of 'Science' to Launch New Open-Access Journal
- Brain Implant Lets One Monkey Control Another
- Risk of Falls, Accidents to Continue Well After Snowstorms Depart
- Ancient Rural Town Uncovered in Israel
- Asian Elephants Console Each Other When in Distress
- First Impressions Hard to Change, Studies Suggest
- As Prisoners Learn of Animals' Compassion, They Connect (Op-Ed)
- Minority Languages Fight for Survival in the Digital Age (Op-Ed)
- Tomatoes Watered by the Sea: Sprouting a New Way of Farming (Op-Ed)
- February 17
- February 16
- February 15
- The Lure of Heroin: Painfully Addictive and Difficult to Quit (Op-Ed)
- Lincoln vs. Eisenhower: Most Science-Friendly President to Be Voted In
- Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Quadricopter: A Drone Anyone Can Fly
- Low-Cost Tech Helps Brain-Injured Patients Speak
- Prostate's Early Growth May Reveal Cures for Later Illnesses (Op-Ed)
- Protein Shakes Make Tasty Treats For Bullet Ants
- A Conservative's Middle-Ground Solution for Climate Change (Video)
- In Appalachia, Even Miners Want to Leave Coal Behind (Video)
- Flappy Bird Obsession is Not Necessarily an Addiction (Op-Ed)
- Fussy Children Won't Eat Their Greens? They Probably Got That From Your Genes
- February 14
- Photos from Above: 8 Cool Camera-Carrying Drones
- Centuries-Old Nordic Code Cracked
- Royal Air Force Combat Plane Aids UK Flood Recovery (Photos)
- Valentine's Day Full Moon Rises Friday for Snowy Sweethearts
- 94Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball Review
- Tropical Fish Struggle to Survive in Warming Waters
- The 'Marius Effect'? First Do No Harm, as Another Giraffe Faces Euthanasia (Op-Ed)
- Military's 'Iron Man' Suit May Be Ready to Test This Summer
- Windows to Disease: Eye Vessels Shed Light on Health
- Report: Americans Respect Scientists, But Could Brush up on Basic Science
- Test Your Science Smarts: 9 Questions
- Love, Honor & Cherish — But Share a Password?
- Marry or Move In Together? Brain Knows the Difference
- Indonesia's Deadly New Volcanic Eruption 'Heard' Around the World
- 5 Ways Love Affects the Brain
- Woo at the Zoo: Animals Win Hearts on Valentine's Day
- Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Getting Longer
- How Computer Simulations Help Olympic Figure Skaters
- Scientists to Create Coldest Spot in Universe on Space Station (Video)
- Dark-Matter Detector to Begin Operations Soon in China
- California Bill Proposes Warning Labels on Soda
- How Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Killer Asteroids
- How to Make Valentine's Day About Love, Not Couples
- Killer Robot Drones are Like Drugs: Regulate, but Resist the Urge to Ban Them (Op-Ed)
- WTF Weather? Wild Meteorology Words Go Mainstream (Op-Ed)
- Hello Fish Face – A Fossil Fish Reveals the Origins of the Face
- Quitting Smoking May Bring Mental Health Benefits
- Arctic Nations Unprepared for Shipping Catastrophe
- February 13
- Valentine's Day: Geeky Gift Ideas For Your Sweetheart
- 'Pax'? Meteorologists in a Flurry Over Winter-Storm Naming
- Newly Discovered 'Pink Belly' Plant Teems with Insects
- Amazing Look at Fruit Fly Eye (Photo)
- Why You Should Put Down Your Smartphone and Talk to Strangers
- Termite-Inspired Robots Could Be Future Construction Workers
- Top 10 Golden Rules of Facebook
- Why the South's Ice Storm Was So Destructive
- First Map of Jupiter's Giant Moon Ganymede Unveiled (Photos, Video)
- Mysterious Energy Ribbon at Solar System's Edge a 'Cosmic Roadmap'
- Satellite Spies Winter Storm as Eastern US Digs Out (Photo)
- Love Connection: Facebook Gets Credit for Lasting Marriages
- Crazy Ants! Secret Weapon Lets Invaders Take Over US South
- EPA Vastly Misjudges Methane Leaks, Study Confirms
- Gallery of Crazy Ants
- Ticks May Help Detect Lyme-Disease Bacteria in People
- Religious People More Likely to Think They're Addicted to Porn
- Snow Day: Images of the East Coast Storm
- High Risk of Blood Clots Even 12 Weeks After Pregnancy
- How 24 Developing Countries Use Social Media
- 17 Developing Countries That Love Social Media More than the US
- Chronic Infections Linked with Memory Problems Later in Life
- Extracting Hydrogen for Fuel on Mars (Video)
- Implicit Memory: Definition and Examples
- What to Expect From Dyson's New Robotics Lab
- Health Check: Is It Safe to Cut Mold Off Food?
- Corals Trap Light to Help Algae Friends
- February 12
- Why Is It So Hard To Forecast Winter Storms?
- Oldest Fossil of Reptile Live Birth Found
- Hungry for Humans: What's Behind Deadly Animal Attacks?
- True Shape of Raindrop Revealed in NASA Video
- High-Res Satellites Help Track Whale Populations
- Fly Larva Crawls Inside Woman's Ear
- 'Corneal Melt': Arthritis Complication Lets Woman's Iris Slip Out
- Forest Elephant Numbers Decline More Than 60 Percent in Decade
- Food Poisoning: Are Older Adults At Greater Risk?
- Why a Climate Scientist's Libel Case Matters (Op-Ed)
- 3D Video of Swimming Sperm May Aid IVF
- Prehistoric Boy May Be Native American 'Missing Link'
- In Photos: The Clovis Culture & Stone Tools
- Fusion Leaps Forward: Surpasses Major Break-Even Goal
- Experience Influences Ants' Choices, Study Finds
- Natural Disasters Bring Risk of Fungal Infections
- Slow, Slushy Snow Makes Ski Wax Vital at Olympics
- NASA Sun-Watching Spacecraft Celebrates 4th Birthday with Amazing Video
- Found: Rare Beetle Collected by Darwin 180 Years Ago
- NASA Spacecraft Sees Violent Solar Realm Beneath Sun's Surface (Photos, Video)
- NASA, France Team Up for 2016 Mars Lander Mission
- Gelada Baboon Yawns Send Social Messages
- Cold Weather, Temperature Changes Tied to Stroke Risk
- Strong Earthquake Rattles Western China
- Is Climate Change to Blame for UK's Floods?
- We Will Need Monuments Men For As Long As Ancient Sites Remain Battlefields (Op-Ed)
- Explainer: What is a Virus?
- Cosmic Creativity: A NASA Resident Artist's View of Space
- The Benefits of Digging in the Dirt (Op-Ed)
- Live Up North? Your Gut May Have More 'Fat' Microbes
- How Peer Pressure Explains Vaccination Rates
- Fairness May Have Roots in Spite, Study Finds
- February 11
- Women Face High Sexual Assault Rates Globally
- Mammograms Do Not Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths, Study Finds
- Winter Storm Battering Southeast Seen from Space
- Triassic Period Facts: Climate, Animals & Plants
- Kick the Habit: 10 Scientific Quit-Smoking Tips
- What Is Dew Point?
- Does America Need a Bacon Intervention?
- Crikey! Crocodiles Can Climb Trees
- Oldest Known Bird Hatches a New Chick
- HPV Vaccine: 2 Doses May Reduce Risk of Genital Warts
- Baby River Turtles Hatch by the Thousands in Brazil
- Rules Make Vaccine Exemptions for Kids Harder to Get
- Photos: Thousands of Baby Turtles Hatch in Brazil
- 'RoboCop': When Will Cyborgs Walk Among Humans?
- Bob Costas Takes a Break: Why Pink Eye Is So Contagious
- Gallery: 'RoboCop' Showcases Futuristic Robot Technology
- Hawaii Is First State to Ban Plastic Bags
- King Richard III's Genome To Be Sequenced
- Shroud of Turin: Could Ancient Earthquake Explain Face of Jesus?
- Stress Makes Antarctic Penguins Less-Attentive Parents
- Images: Adélie Penguins Cope With Changing Sea Ice Conditions
- Future Colliders May Dwarf Today's Largest Atom Smasher
- Why Russia Is So Anti-Gay
- 6 Things Russians Think Are More Acceptable Than Being Gay
- 'Mother Lode' of Amazingly Preserved Fossils Discovered in Canada
- Syria's Archaeological Sites Ravaged by Bombing, Looting
- Gallery: Amazing Cambrian Fossils from Canada's Marble Canyon
- Ancient Star May Be Oldest in Known Universe
- Drug References Found on Walls of Ancient Egyptian School
- In Photos: Ancient Egyptian School Discovered
- Beauty Works Like a Drug on the Brain
- Want to Rekindle Passion? Go on a Double Date (Op-Ed)
- How to Prevent a Broken Heart (Op-Ed)
- NASA Photos Show Possible Water Flows on Mars (Images)
- Beatlemania Hit 50 Years Ago but Why Did It Drive Girls So Mad?
- Three Persistent Myths About Heroin Use and Overdose Deaths (Op-Ed)
- February 10
- Hubble Telescope Reveals One of the Youngest Galaxies Ever Seen
- Nazi-Looted Painting Returned to Poland
- TomTom Multi-Sport GPS Watch: Sports Watch Review
- Impressive Desert Dust Storm Spotted from Space
- Caution Urged Over Weight-Loss Drugs
- Women Who Say Sex Is Important Are Likely to Keep Doing It
- No Hands! Mind-Controlled Helicopter Flies On Brainwaves
- Scientists Tout El Niño Forecast, Others Doubt It
- World's Largest Trees Help Explain California Forests' Bald Spots
- It Took 60,000 Years to Kill Nearly Everything on Earth
- Galileo's Optical Illusion Explained by Neuroscience
- Live Cells Printed Using 'Rubber Stamp' Method
- In Images: Live Cells Printed into Weird Shapes
- Whales Gobble Up Endangered European Eels
- Chikungunya Fever: Will the Virus Spread to the US?
- Basis Carbon Steel Edition: Fitness Tracker Review
- 'Tatooine' Alien Planets May Form Far from Twin Suns
- Bold Prediction: Intelligent Alien Life Could Be Found by 2040
- Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Takes 1st Drive Since Arizona Shooting
- Hundreds of Cancer Apps: Do They Work?
- Flower Photos: Beautiful Begonias
- February 9
- February 8
- Europe's Oldest Human Footprints Found
- Animal Sex: How Dragonflies Do It
- A Coal Baron Digs a Deeper Hole (Op-Ed)
- How Do You Tackle a Problem Close to Your Heart? (Op-Ed)
- Why Would Royal Dutch Shell Abandon the Arctic? (Video)
- A Chocolate a Day? (Op-Ed)
- Dogs in Sochi, Swans in New York: Culling Must End (Op-Ed)
- Permian Period: Climate, Animals & Plants
- The Little-Known Science That Improved Everything Around Us (Op-Ed)
- Smiley Like You Mean It: How Emoticons Get in Your Head (Op-Ed)
- February 7
- New Research Reveals How Polar Bears Stay Warm
- Renewable Energy Rides the Rails to More Efficient Power Storage
- Unsettled Science Behind Proposal to Lift Gray Wolf Protections, Panel Says
- Whoops! Amazon Green-Up Actually Satellite Error
- NASA Spacecraft Snaps More than 200,000 Photos of Mercury (Image)
- Five Monuments that Might Not Pass the Test of Time
- Curiosity Rover Sees Earth from Mars for 1st Time (Photos)
- What Is Slopestyle?
- NASA's Planet-Hunting Kepler Spacecraft, Walter Cronkite Honored with National Space Club Awards
- New Fiery-Red Coral Species Discovered in Peruvian Pacific
- NASA Sun-Earth Video Wins International Science Challenge
- 3 Things to Know About Your Food's Nutrition Label
- Mysterious 'Boom' Rattles Maryland
- In Images: Fiery-Red Coral Species Discovered in Peruvian Pacific
- 5 Ways Your Emotions Influence Your World (and Vice Versa)
- Gladiator Heads? Mystery of Trove of British Skulls Solved
- In Images: Skulls of Roman Gladiators and War Captives
- Hark, Quarks! Strange Tiny Particles Loom Large in New Study
- To the Powerless, World Weighs Heavier
- Microwaving Your Meals: Skipping 1 Step Can Make You Sick
- Sochi Mass Killing Street Dogs in Olympics 'Cleansing' (Op-Ed)
- Is It the End for the Monarch's Cross-Continent Migration? (Op-Ed)
- Do The 'Ayes' Really Have It?
- Drilling Surprise Opens Door to Volcano-Powered Electricity
- Cooperation and Conflict in Sex, Reproduction and Family Life (Op-Ed)
- Shipping Snow: Could Eastern Water Ease Western Drought?
- February 6
- From Dino Brains to Thought Control — 10 Fascinating Brain Findings
- Guggenheim Painting Proven to Be a Fake
- New Guidelines Target Stroke Risks Unique to Women
- Insulin Use Triples in the UK Over Last 20 Years
- Young Salmon Born Knowing Migration Route
- Small Earthquake Strikes Off California Coast
- Amazing Microphotograph Reveals a Mouse's Small Intestine
- Smothering Smog Over New Delhi Worries Health Officials
- Autism Drug Shows Promise in Animal Studies
- Gorgeous Animation of Earth Takes Top Science Visual Prize
- Vivid Visualizations: Prize-Winning Science Images
- First Southern Hemisphere Storm Pattern Found
- Exotic Particles, Tiny Extra Dimensions May Await Discovery
- Innovative Metal 'Exosuit' Takes Divers to New Depths
- Gallery: Futuristic Metal 'Exosuit' for Divers
- Atmospheric River May Lessen California Drought
- Pow! Fresh Crater on Mars Spotted by NASA Spacecraft (Photo)
- Black Holes Heated Early Universe Slower Than Previously Thought
- France Crushes 3 Tons of Illegal Ivory
- Fate of a Fertilized Egg: Why Some Embryos Don't Implant
- Firstborns May Have Higher Heart Disease, Diabetes Risks
- Man's Nail 'Splinter' Was Really a Tumor
- Solved? Mystery of Atacama Desert's 'White Gold'
- Declarative Memory: Definitions & Examples
- Quaternary Period: Climate, Animals & Other Facts
- How Can India Defeat its Debilitating Smog? (Op-Ed)
- Ocean Debris Leads the Way for Castaway Fisherman (Op-Ed)
- Brain-Training Apps Just Make You Better at Playing Games (Op-Ed)
- Organic Farming Benefits Go Beyond the Food, Into the Field (Op-Ed)
- After Surviving Breast Cancer, Yoga May Be Recovery Key (Op-Ed)
- February 5
- Sochi Winter Olympics Sites Seen From Space (Photos)
- Eating Yogurt May Reduce Risk of Diabetes
- Is the Northeast Running Out of Road Salt?
- Oversized Rats Could Take Over Earth After Next Mass Extinction
- Female Mice Choose Mates That Don't Sing Like Dad
- Drones Enter the Battle Against Elephant, Rhino Poachers
- Photos: Anti-Poaching Drones Take Flight
- Epidural May Prolong Labor More Than Thought
- Why Winter Olympics Bypass the Southern Hemisphere
- Olympic Figure Skating: Human Body's Limits May Prevent Leap Forward
- Evolution and Your Health: 5 Questions and Answers
- Charlemagne's Bones Are Likely Authentic, Scientists Say
- DARPA Publishes Huge Online Catalog of Open Source Code
- Man Gets First Prosthetic Hand That Can Feel
- Images: Bionic Hand That Can Feel
- In Images: Ancient Beasts of the Arctic
- Woolly Mammoths and Rhinos Ate Flowers
- What Is the Fifth Amendment?
- Bill Nye's Creationism Debate Not a Total Disaster, Scientists Say
- Creationism vs. Evolution: 6 Big Battles
- 18.2 Feet! One of Biggest Burmese Pythons Caught in Florida
- Spending a Week in the Dark Could Boost Hearing
- Hugging Lions? Why Humans Are Drawn to Wild Animals
- Killer Whale Populations Took Deep Dive During Ice Age
- Facebook Can Make You Look Smart
- Greenland's First Coral Reef Found
- Peer Inside an Asteroid: Peanut-Shaped Space Rock's Insides Revealed (Photos)
- Birds Give Evil Eye to Ward Off Intruders
- Bumblebees Can Fly Higher Than Mount Everest
- CVS to Become 1st National Pharmacy Chain to Stop Selling Tobacco
- Dead or Alive, The Yutu Rover Says Much About How We Relate to Robots (Op-Ed)
- Mannahatta 2409: Simulating the City Four Centuries in the Future (Op-Ed)
- First Death from New H10N8 Bird Flu Reported
- Fast and Sexy: Hot Cyclists Really Do Win the Race
- February 4
- 5 Battles in the War Between Creationism and Evolution
- NASA's Next Great Space Telescope Passes Major Milestone
- Synchronicity: Definition & Meaning
- Bees' Salt-Sensing Feet Explain Swimming Pool Mystery
- Watch Bill Nye the Science Guy Debate Creationist Tonight
- Sochi Could Be Too Warm to Host Olympics in 50 Years
- The Real Reason Shy Toddlers Speak Late
- Low T: Real Illness or Pharma Windfall?
- One-Third of Kids Killed in Car Crashes Were Unbuckled
- Olympics: Warmest and Coolest Years on Record (Infographic)
- Arctic Lakes Losing Ice
- Hello, Hot Stuff! New Hawaii Magma Source Found
- 6 Winter Olympic Sports That Never Made It
- Calories Burned by Winter Sports Activities (Infographic)
- Sochi Olympics: Which Winter Sports Burn the Most Calories?
- Icicles Galore: Visitors Flock to Apostle Islands' Frozen Ice Caves (Photo)
- Photos: 6 Failed Winter Olympic Sports
- Indian Ocean's Oldest Shipwreck Set for Excavation
- Cold-Weather Benefit: Shivering May Count As Exercise
- Facebook 10 Years Later: A Look Back
- FDA Launches 1st Campaign Against Youth Smoking
- Ultrathin, Flexible Sensor Could Improve Health-Monitoring Tech
- Image Gallery: 'Animal Pompeii' Found in China
- Pompeii-like Eruption Fossilized Dinos in Death Poses
- Smashing Gold! Big Bang's 'Particle Soup' To Be Created in Lab
- Sochi Photos: Winter Olympics 2014
- The Next Pandemic Could Be Downloaded From The Internet (Op-Ed)
- Meet Phronima, The Barrel-Riding Parasite That Inspired The Movie Alien (Op-Ed)
- February 3
- Heat Wave Deaths May Triple by the 2050s
- Woman's IVF Prevented Fatal Brain Disorder in Her Children
- 'Fossilized Rivers' Reveal Clues About Disappearing Glaciers
- Pesticides Linked to Parkinson's Risk in People with Specific Gene
- Strange Saturn Vortex Swirls in Amazing NASA Photo
- Ecuador Volcano Blows Sky-High
- Added Sugar May Boost Risk of Heart Disease, Death
- The Most Religious US State Is ...
- The Most & Least Religious US States
- Mosquito Sperm Have 'Sense of Smell'
- Black Death Likely Altered European Genes
- Winter Olympic Athletes: Who Is Fittest?
- Winter Warriors: The Fitness Skills of 9 Olympic Sports
- Philip Seymour Hoffman: Why Heroin Is So Deadly
- Structure of 'Baby Milky Way' Galaxy Seen for the First Time
- Alien Planets May Not Need Big Moons to Support Life
- Mexican Wolf Population Grows in Southwestern US
- Did Man Survive At Sea for 13 Months?
- Female Spiders Judge Mates by Their Gift Wrap
- Sports Showdown: 11 Politically Charged Olympic Games
- Tiny Numbers Can Predict Sizes of Objects in the Universe
- Great Lakes Water Levels Are in Unusual Decline
- Shrinking Greenland Glacier Smashes Speed Record
- 4,600-Year-Old Step Pyramid Excavated in Egypt
- In Photos: Egyptian Pyramid Predates Giza Landmark
- Home Births Linked to Higher Rate of Newborn Deaths
- Your Heart Health: 5 Numbers to Know
- Teen Boy Is Youngest to Have Rare Fatal Brain Disorder
- Supplements May Have Negative Impact on Endurance Training
- February 2
- February 1