All content archive
March 2014
589 articles
- March 31
- Make It 7: More Fruit and Veggie Servings Needed?
- Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Poaching Sea Turtle Eggs
- How Do Peanuts Grow?
- Aspirin May Extend Lives of Some Colon Cancer Patients
- How do pineapples grow?
- Flight 370: Another Setback in Search for Missing Jetliner
- Earthquake Shakes Yellowstone But No Volcano Threat Looms, Scientists Say
- Happily Surprised! People Use More Facial Expressions Than Thought
- Microbes May Have Caused Earth's Biggest Extinction
- Climate Change Taking Major Toll Now, UN Report Says
- Elementary, My Dear: 8 Elements You Never Heard Of
- Future of Wearable Tech: Solar-Powered Dresses and Wi-Fi Suits
- What Is Jock Itch?
- Nano[Ag]ressions
- 11 Stolen Burial Boxes Seized by Israeli Authorities
- Japan Must Halt Antarctic Whaling Program, UN Court Rules
- Smoking Coffee: A Dumb New Trend?
- Seashell Armor Could Offer Transparent Protection for Troops
- Emerging Bugs: The Creepy Crawlies of Spring & Summer
- Does Antimatter Fall Up or Down? New Device May Tell
- 6 Mysterious 'Dracula' Ant Species Discovered in Madagascar
- Photos: Israeli Police Seize Stolen Ancient Coffins
- March 30
- March 29
- March 28
- Being Gay Is Natural: Just Ask Bonobos (Op-Ed)
- 6 Important Elements You've Never Heard Of
- Cute Clouded Leopard Cubs Born in Denver (Photo)
- Memory Lapses: When Should You Be Worried?
- Heart of the Matter: 7 Things to Know About Your Ticker
- 3 Ways to Get More Probiotics Without Popping Another Pill
- Polar Bear Caught on Camera with Eerie Musk Ox Horn (Photo)
- 'Credible Lead' Shifts Search for Missing Malaysian Plane 700 Miles North
- NASA Rocket Streaks Through Aurora 'Curls' in Stunning Launch Photos
- Crows Solve Puzzles Inspired by Aesop's Fables
- First-Ever Excavation of Nazi Death Camp Treblinka Reveals Horrors
- 10 Amazing Facts About the 1964 Alaska Earthquake
- Mars-Bound Comet Sprouts Twin Jets in Hubble Telescope Photos
- The Ark: Could Noah's Tale Be True?
- Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12-Step Fellowship: A Modern Miracle (Op-Ed)
- Launching the Next Wave of Rocket Builders (Op-Ed)
- Why Coastal Winds Could Power Every U.S. Home, and Car (Op-Ed)
- Air Pollution Deaths Should Not Be a Partisan Issue (Op-Ed)
- Where Do Sea Snakes Go To Drink?
- Hollywood Makes Mental Health an A-List Cause (Op-Ed)
- There's Just One Thing Stopping Killer Shrimp from Wreaking Even More Havoc
- Australia Should Enlist Dingoes to Control Invasive Species (Op-Ed)
- March 27
- What Is Neuropathy?
- What Is Kombucha?
- Tornado Survival Guide: What You Need to Know
- Archaeology news, features and articles
- East Coast Freezes Over in Time-Lapse of Brutal 2014 Winter
- 'Anti-Aging' Hormone May Actually Shorten Life
- 5 Reasons Why West Coast Is More Vulnerable to Mudslides
- Nearing Collapse? West Antarctica's Glaciers Speeding Up
- Flu Vaccine Cuts Hospitalization Risk For Kids, CDC Says
- First Synthetic Yeast Chromosome Paves Way for Designer Genomes
- How Scientists Created a Semi-Artificial Life Form (Infographic)
- Ukraine's Combat Dolphins Now Swim for Russia
- 1 in 68 US Kids Has Autism Spectrum Disorder
- US Cases of Invasive Cancer Drop Slightly
- 5 Myths About Suicide, Debunked
- Washington State Landslide Not Caused by Quake
- Flight 370: Satellite Spots 300 Objects Possibly Tied to Malaysian Plane
- Does Dark Energy Spring From the 'Quantum Vacuum?'
- How the 1964 Alaska Earthquake Shook Up Science
- Facts About the 1964 Alaska Earthquake
- Gallery: The 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake
- Easter Egg Science Experiments | Science Projects for Kids
- Attila the Hun: Biography of the 'Scourge of God'
- Two Healthy Lions, and Their Cubs, "Zoothanized" … Why? (Op-Ed)
- Why the Bizarre Ocean Dandelion is Like an Ant Colony on Steroids
- Infection Control: Why Doctors Over-Prescribe Antibiotics (Op-Ed)
- March 26
- Brain Changes in Autism Likely Start Before Birth
- Asteroid Found with Rings! First-of-Its-Kind Discovery Stuns Astronomers (Video, Images)
- On Venus, Rainbow-Like 'Glory' Seen for 1st Time (Photos)
- New Dwarf Planet Found at Solar System's Edge, Hints at Possible Faraway 'Planet X'
- New Research Finds Cell Damage in Autistic Brain (Infographic)
- Christian Ink: Mummy's 1,300-Year-Old Thigh Tattoo Revealed
- Bat Soup Blamed as Deadly Ebola Virus Spreads
- Bamboo-Munching Pandas Also Have a Sweet Tooth
- Smartphone App May Help People Recover from Alcoholism
- Belgium to Destroy Its Illegal Ivory Next Month
- Photos: An Ancient Mummy's Thigh Tattoo
- Photos: Washington State Landslide's Path of Destruction
- Washington State's Fatal Landslide Seen from Space (Photos)
- Gigantic Cambrian Shrimplike Creature Unearthed in Greenland
- Hospital Stays Result in Over 720,000 Infections Yearly
- In Images: A Filter-Feeding Cambrian Creature
- Quantum Leap: New Tech Could Make Perfectly Secure Communications
- FDA Partners With Vets to Help Animals
- Finding Flight 370: A Needle in a Garbage Patch?
- Oculus Rift: 5 Virtual Reality Uses Beyond Gaming
- Is the Creepy Staten Island Clown a Publicity Stunt?
- 'Small' Nuclear War Could Trigger Catastrophic Cooling
- Developing World Boasts Leading Women Conservationists (Op-Ed)
- The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser
- Lawsuit Could Save Thousands of Sea Turtles (Op-Ed)
- Once Endangered, Bald Eagle Populations Soar
- Reaction to No Makeup Selfies Reveals How Most of Us Really Feel About Cosmetics (Op-Ed)
- Why Chocolate Really is the Secret to Happiness (Op-Ed)
- Forget GPS: Medieval Compass Guided Vikings After Sunset
- Images: Viking Twilight Compass Helps Navigate North Atlantic
- Old at Heart? New Tool Calculates Heart's True Age
- March 25
- Giraffe-Killing Copenhagen Zoo Euthanizes 4 Lions
- What Is Ketosis?
- Images: Chernobyl, Frozen in Time
- Fly's Rapid Fluttering Could Inspire Mini Drones (Video)
- Air Pollution Linked to 1 in 8 Deaths Worldwide
- Why Do We Sneeze?
- Malaysia Airlines Text: How Not to Break Bad News
- Google Glass Teams Up With Maker of Ray-Ban, Oakley Eyewear
- Animals That Talk Don't Teach Kids About Nature
- Surprise! The Subconscious Mind Is Super Lie Detector
- What Is (or Was) the G8?
- Closing Clean Water Act Loophole Will Protect Drinking Water and Benefit Bathers and Breweries Alike (Op-Ed)
- Top US Cities for Well-Being Revealed
- Where Does Your City Rank for Well-Being? (List)
- Mars Rover Curiosity Takes Aim at Next Martian Science Target
- Counting Moon Craters: Amateurs, Scientists Do Equally Well
- 2 Killed in Shooting at US Navy's Naval Station Norfolk
- In-Surgery Entertainment: Video Glasses Calm Patients
- Roman Emperor Dressed As Egyptian Pharaoh in Newfound Carving
- In Photos: Ancient Carving Reveals Roman Emperor
- Photos: Gorgeous Neon Malaysian Snails
- These Snail Beauties Are On the Brink of Extinction
- Volcanoes in Art: A Gallery of Climate Change Clues
- Last Woolly Mammoths May Have Suffered Birth Defects
- Colorful Sunset Paintings Reveal Climate Change Secrets
- Missing Half of Bone Reveals Prehistoric Sea Giant
- In Photos: Bones Reveal Ancient Sea Turtle
- Cracking Bacteria's Playbook
- We Don't Care About How Farm Animals Live, So Why Do We Care How They Die? (Op-Ed)
- Why Can’t a Man Think Like a Woman, and a Woman Think Like a Man? (Op-Ed)
- Capturing Halley's Comet: An Astronomy Tale
- March 24
- E-Cigarettes May Not Help Smokers Quit
- Vietnam May Destroy Its Illegal Ivory, Rhino Horn and Tiger Bone
- Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2
- Titanium Golf Clubs Spark Wildfire Concerns
- New Wearable Antenna Could Aid in Health Monitoring
- The Mystery of Missing Flight 370 (Infographic)
- Do Violent Games Boost Aggression? Study Adds Fire to Debate
- Mood Gene: What Makes Some People Prone to Depression
- The Craziest Earthquake Facts You Need to Know
- New Magnetic Material Could Boost Computer Data Storage
- Egyptian Grape Guard's Ancient Contract Decoded
- Feeling Thirsty? How Drinking Water Satisfies the Brain
- Chernobyl Trees Barely Decomposed, Study Finds
- No Hope: Flight 370 Lost, Crashed in Indian Ocean, Prime Minister Says
- Exxon Valdez 25th Anniversary: 5 Facts About the Historic Spill
- Weird Spring Weather Already Breaking Records
- Stunning Lightning Above Mideast Seen from Space (Photo)
- New Zealand Dust May Have Cooled Earth During Ice Age
- Stress May Make It Harder to Get Pregnant
- In Photos: Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
- Flight 370: Missing Malaysian Plane Debris Found?
- Cells Are Chatty: Here's What They May Be Saying
- Humans to Blame for Giant Bird's Extinction
- Springtime Suicide Peak Still Puzzles Scientists
- Suicide: Red Flags and Warning Signs
- March 23
- We'll Never Know if Statins are Safe While Commercial Interests Come First (Op-Ed)
- Why Colliding Continents Don't Choke
- When Did Earth's First Whiffs of Oxygen Emerge?
- Summer Deaths Could Increase with Higher Temps, UK Study Says
- French Satellite Spots Objects in Search for Malaysian Flight 370
- Ebola Outbreak Spreading in Africa
- It's Harder to Fake a Sickie if the Doctor's a Machine (Op-Ed)
- March 22
- Chinese Satellite Spies Possible Malaysia Jet Debris (Photo)
- Belly Up to the Bamboo Buffet: Pandas vs. Horses
- California’s Recycling Target Could Create 110,000 New Jobs (Op-Ed)
- The Curse of King Tut: Facts & Fable
- Animals Could Help Reveal Why Humans Fall for Illusions (Op-Ed)
- Can Backpacking Flies Rescue Queensland's Farmers? (Op-Ed)
- March 21
- Images: New Zealand Dust Possible Source of Ice Age Cold
- Pine Tree Yields Longest Genome Ever Sequenced
- High-Tech Telescope 'MUSE' Creates 3D Views of the Universe (Video, Images)
- OPEC Oil Embargo, 40 Years Later: Has Anything Changed?
- Stonehenge: 7 Reasons the Mysterious Monument Was Built
- Photos: The Robotic Evolution of Self-Driving Cars
- New Tattoo Makes Sweet Music
- Fitbit Zip: Fitness Tracker Review
- OPEC Oil Embargo: A Timeline
- Facebook, SpaceX CEOs Invest in Artificial Intelligence Company
- DARPA and Drone Cars: How the US Military Spawned Self-Driving Car Revolution
- Ancient Sheep Poop Reveals Desert Island's Secret Past
- Fishy Numbers? Minke Whales Hide in Ice, Fooling Scientists
- New High-Tech Plants Could Detect Bombs or Chemical Weapons
- New Porn Studies Journal Launches
- Earliest Invasive Cancer Found in 3,000-Year-Old Skeleton
- Confirming the Big Bang's Inflation: Q&A with Study Leader John Kovac
- In Photos: Ancient Egyptian Skeleton Reveals Earliest Metastatic Cancer
- NASA Clarifies Its Role in Civilization-Collapse Study
- Major Big Bang Discovery Brings 'Theory of Everything' a Bit Closer to Reality
- Could a Robot Deliver Motivational Speeches?
- 4 Reasons to Get Over Your Exercise Slump
- Man Develops Rare Reaction to Spider Bite
- 'Invisibility' Cloak May Hide Things from Sonar
- Coloring Easter Eggs with Natural Dyes | Fun Science Experiments
- Art, As It Transforms the Environment
- Can Animals Be Too Happy, or Have Too Much Fun? (Op-Ed)
- Invertebrates Inject a Bit of Romance During Sex – By Stabbing Each Other (Op-Ed)
- Cutting Power-Plant Carbon Could Save U.S. $60 Billion by 2020 (Op-Ed)
- After Flight MH370 is Found, What Happens Next? (Op-Ed)
- March 20
- In Images: Vertical-Flight Military Planes Take Off
- White House Launches New Climate Data Website
- Futuristic Vertical-Flight Aircraft Move Closer to Reality
- Fish Oil Supplements: A Look at the Possible Benefits
- The Stinky Way Cuckoo Birds Earn Their Keep
- Images of Great Spotted Cuckoo Invaders
- Happy Spring! Expect A Cold One
- Sea Anemones Are Half-Plant, Half-Animal, Gene Study Finds
- Fossils Put Dent in Geoengineering Claims
- Images: A Well-Preserved Fossilized Fern
- Immortalized Fossil Fern Reveals Evolutionary Standstill
- The Nose Knows: Humans Can Smell More Than 1 Trillion Scents
- Vernal Equinox: First Day of Spring Seen from Space (Photo)
- Why Happiness Scares Us
- 5 Wacky Ways to Quantify Happiness
- Hubble Telescope Spies Amazing Star Factory Inside Space Monkey Head (Photo, Video)
- Amazon Rainforest Breathes In More Than It Breathes Out
- Top Quark: Mass of World's Heaviest Elementary Particle Found
- Greenhouse Gas Levels Hit Another Milestone
- Flight 370: Photos of the Search for Missing Malaysian Plane
- Satellite Images Show Possible Debris from Malaysia Flight 370 (Photos)
- Flight 370: The Tech Behind the Hunt for Missing Malaysian Plane
- Water Births May be Risky, Doctors' Groups Say
- 5 Weird Ways to Measure Happiness
- To Keep Kids Safe, Explain, Explain, Explain
- Power To The People? Everyone Can Do Citizen Science (Op-Ed)
- Modern Family (Planning) for Animals (Op-Ed)
- A Crocodile Hunt, Redefined, in Southeastern Cuba (Op-Ed)
- In the Digital Age, the Humanities Can Afford to Go On the Offensive
- Can Bleach Help Solve the Origin of Life in the Primordial Soup? (Op-Ed)
- March 19
- NASA HD Moon Map Reveals Lunar North Pole Like Never Before (Photo)
- Fossil Immortalizes Ancient Insect's Leaf Mimicry
- Mindfulness Meditation May Reduce Drug User Relapse
- Strict Parenting Linked to Higher Obesity Risk in Kids
- Flashy New 'Chicken from Hell' Dino Discovered
- Woman's 'Dying' Fingers Saved by Nerve Surgery
- Why Is the Ocean Blue?
- Helping Identify Performance-Enhancing Drugs, Through Chemistry
- Study: Civilization Doomed by Overconsumption, Wealth Inequality (Infographic)
- Protective Brain Molecule May Stave Off Alzheimer's
- Tracking Lost Flights: Light-Based Radar Tech Is More Precise
- How Do Antibiotics Work?
- Plankton Poo Plays Critical Role in Ocean's Twilight Zone
- 2 Bright-Yellow Poppy Species Identified in Western US
- Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
- 'Nana Tech': Smart Shoes & Handheld EKGs Could Keep Seniors Safe
- Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Hosts Private Space Travel Debate Tonight: Watch Live
- Finally, A Subway Grip Clean Enough To Lick
- Florida Pythons Navigate Home Over Record-Breaking Distance
- Camels of the Ocean: Sea Snake Dehydrates for Months
- Why Did Congress Just Sink Flood Insurance Reform? (Op-Ed)
- World's Most Advanced Computers Unravel the Universe's Most Primitive Processes (Op-Ed)
- Who Invented the Steam Engine?
- Are Saturated Fats as Bad as We Have Been Led to Believe? (Op-Ed)
- Is There About to be a Dash for Antarctica's Resources? (Op-Ed)
- March 18
- Ride the Rapids on Google's New Colorado River View
- In Images: Colorado River View
- Obesity Genes? Fried Foods Worse for Some People
- Society Is Doomed, Scientists Claim
- Good Fats, Bad Fats: Their Roles in Heart Health Questioned
- What Caused the Los Angeles Earthquake?
- Rare Smog Leads to Paris Travel Restrictions
- Five Ways to Prepare Your Pets for Spring
- Iceland's Hekla Volcano Close to Erupting, Scientist Claims
- Surfing the Web: Protecting Identities Online
- Fungus Fight! Weird Treatment Could Defeat Mouth Infection
- What Gravitational Ripples from Big Bang Mean for Physics
- Why Your Blood Pressure Should Be Checked in Both Arms
- 19 New Swift & Clever Praying Mantises Discovered
- Mid-Atlantic Has a White St. Patrick's Day (Video)
- Climate Change Risks Are Real, Warn Economists and Scientists
- New Source of Vitamin B12 Discovered in the Ocean
- Killer Robots: Natural Evolution, or Abomination?
- Erasing Bad Memories: Wiping Out Unconscious Traces Is Possible
- Freaky Physics: Why the Discovery of Gravitational Waves Should Blow Your Mind
- Our Universe May Exist in a Multiverse, Cosmic Inflation Discovery Suggests
- Scientists Report Evidence for Gravitational Waves in Early Universe
- The Printed Face is Just the Beginning of a 3D Revolution (Op-Ed)
- The End is Nigh for Windows XP: Are You Ready? (Op-Ed)
- March 17
- What Happened to Malaysia Flight MH370? 5 Likeliest Possibilities
- Nearly 50% in US Believe in Medical Conspiracy Theories
- Cosmic Inflation Theory Confirmed? Q&A with Robert Wilson, Co-Discoverer of Big Bang Echo
- Catch the Fever … Particle Fever
- Kids' Electronic Media Use Linked with Poorer Well-Being
- Omega-3 Supplements Fail to Help Heart, Study Finds
- Missing Malaysia Flight: 5 Mysterious Airplane Disappearances
- Seeds of Climate Change: Western Wildflowers Blooming Longer
- 11 Surprising Facts About the Skeletal System
- Major Discovery: 'Smoking Gun' for Universe's Incredible Big Bang Expansion Found
- 1,500-Year-Old Antarctic Moss Brought Back to Life
- 100 Years Later: Remembering the Passenger Pigeon
- In Photos: Travel Australia's Great Ocean Road
- Emotions Go Viral on Facebook
- Moderate Earthquake Shakes Los Angeles
- Twisted Tornado Facts to Know
- Explorers Eat Fried Tarantulas at Black-Tie Gala
- Photos: Exotic Eats at the 2014 Explorers Club Gala
- Teens More Likely to Drive Drunk After Riding with Intoxicated Drivers
- Ancient Egyptian Kitten Skeletons Hint at Cat Domestication
- Images: Ancient Egyptian Kittens
- March 16
- March 15
- The Gorgeous, Dangerous World Below Antarctic Ice (Op-Ed)
- Guacamole and Coke are Latest Victims of a Warming Planet (Op-Ed)
- Why Wait for New Food Labels to Curb Childhood Obesity? (Op-Ed)
- St. Patrick's Day Can Help Your Kids Eat Veggies (Op-Ed)
- Is Brain Research Entering a Golden Age? (Op-Ed)
- The Incredible Tech Behind Paralympian Daredevil Stunts (Op-Ed)
- We Still Can't Get Enough Pi ... But Why? (Op-Ed)
- The Physics Of Tuning Out
- March 14
- Images of Rare Passenger Pigeon Museum Specimens
- Graffiti and Bullet Holes Found at Nevada's Hidden Cave
- Chew on This: 8 Foods for Healthy Teeth
- New Robot Fish Swims Like the Real Thing
- Threatened Sargasso Sea Ecosystem Earns Protections
- Cohabitation Science: Are You Ready to Move in Together?
- Gasp! 11 Surprising Facts About the Respiratory System
- Pi in the Sky: Long String of Digits Written Over Austin
- Stephen Hawking to Headline Star-Studded Explorers Club Gala
- Happy Pi Day! Fun Facts About Our Favorite Irrational Number
- Keeping Bears Away From Humans Works -- In Some Places
- The Mystery of the Missing Methane (Op-Ed)
- The Oceans, and Job Hunters, Can Benefit from Recycling Boom (Op-Ed)
- Go Ahead, Dive into a Chocolate Diet (Op-Ed)
- Unpicking the Autism Puzzle by Linking Empathy to Reward (Op-Ed)
- Learning to Read and Write is a Triumph of Education Over Evolution (Op-Ed)
- March 13
- Tiger Mom Welcomes Cubs in London
- What Is Creatine?
- Where's the Best Place to Feel an Earthquake?
- Children to Order: The Ethics of 'Designer Babies'
- Mini Arctic T. Rex Relative Discovered
- Data Fail! How Google Flu Trends Fell Way Short
- A Punishing Winter in the North Atlantic Too
- 450-Million-Year-Old Marine Creatures 'Babysat' Their Young
- NSF Confirms First Astrophysicist, Second Woman As Director
- Homemade Telescopes Capture the Sky (Slideshow)
- Average Bride Gains 4 Pounds After Wedding
- Rare Case of Female-to-Female HIV Transmission Reported
- Does Sugar Really Cause Cavities?
- World's Oldest Masks Show Creepy Human Resemblance
- Photos: The World's Oldest Masks
- 11 Surprising Facts About the Reproductive System
- NASA Joins Hunt for Missing Malaysian Jetliner
- Hunt Is On for 'Rogue' Black Holes
- 7 Craziest Land Journeys
- How Dry Will It Get? New Climate Change Predictions
- Linguists: New-World Settlers Spent Millennia On Land Bridge
- A No-Fly List No One Bothers to Check (Op-Ed)
- World Wide Web is Going Strong After 25 years, but the Internet isn't Holding Up (Op-Ed)
- Air Crash Investigation: How the Search for Flight MH370 is Run (Op-Ed)
- March 12
- Utah Man Indicted in Dino Footprint Theft
- New Clues to How Native Americans Colonized Americas
- Stepping up Conservation in Fiji — in Stilettos (Op-Ed)
- Asian Carp Spread to Upper Mississippi
- Angelina Jolie Still Planning 'Another Surgery'
- How Long Can You Survive in the Sea?
- Dead Dolphins Wash Ashore Amid UK's Stormy Winter
- Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Is There a Bermuda Triangle Connection?
- Ancient Whale Fossils Reveal Early Origin of Echolocation
- Rare Diamond Reveals Earth's Interior is All Wet
- NASA's IceBridge Kicks Off 2014 Arctic Campaign
- Use of ADHD Drugs Increasing Rapidly Among US Adults
- New Device for Migraines: How Does it Work?
- Acid Stem Cell Treatment Study Comes Under Scrutiny
- Pew! Pew! Pew! Space Station Laser to Beam HD Video to Earth
- Crohn's Disease: Bacterial Imbalance May Play a Role
- Megafires Will Be the New Normal in the West
- NASA Offers Cash Prizes for Help Hunting Dangerous Asteroids
- You Can Name a Mars Crater, but Astronomy Group Spoils the Fun
- Largest Yellow Star Ever Seen Revealed in New Light (Video, Images)
- Archaeological Storehouses Looted in Syria
- Climate Change Could Shrink Australia's Killer Waves
- Florida's Python Invaders Rarely Attack People Unprovoked
- Chimpanzees Can Play Video Games Better Than Kindergartners
- Can Rich Forests Survive as Energy Booms? (Op-Ed)
- Brain Scans are Fascinating but Behavior Tells Us More About the Mind (Op-Ed)
- Morphing is One Way to Make Aircraft More Efficient (Op-Ed)
- Secret to Ancient Sloths' Aquatic Lives Found
- 7 Ambitious Scientific Expeditions
- March 11
- Hurricane Sandy's Rainfall Decoded Via CrowdSourcing
- Sponges May Have Breathed Life into Ancient Oceans
- All Ears: Elephants Can Identify Human Languages
- Yippee Yi Yo: Study Reveals Physics of Lassos
- Warm, Wet Climate Likely Helped Genghis Khan Conquer the World
- Are You Orderly? Imaginative? How Personality Affects Health
- Far Out! Making Crystals Ripple with Light
- Secrets of Chinese Terra-Cotta Warrior Weapons Revealed
- 12 Amazing Women Who Totally Rocked at Science
- Hurricane Scale Inventor Hits 101
- Rare Double Infection: Lupus Patient Makes Antibodies to Fight HIV
- Ancient 'Ritual Wand' Etched with Human Faces Discovered in Syria
- In Images: An Ancient Wand Etched with Faces
- Great White Shark 'Lydia' Veers Away from UK
- Woman's 90-Pound Mucus-Filled Tumor Surgically Removed
- Flight 370 Mystery: How Can a Jetliner Drop Off the Radar?
- Tectonic Puzzle: Why West Africa Didn't Follow South America
- Popular Supplement Doesn't Help with Knee Pain
- Healthy Baby Girl Born After Rare Abdominal Pregnancy
- Light Pollution Changes Bat Behavior, Threatens Rainforest Regrowth
- The Future of the Internet: Dark and Ubiquitous
- Do Zoos Really Teach Visitors Anything? (Op-Ed)
- There Are Fewer Than 100 Black Professors in Britain – Why?
- Chill Out, Cool Down ... Athlete Anxiety at the Winter Games
- Climate Alters Mongolian Past And Present
- Algae Snot Explodes Cloud Formation Mystery
- March 10
- Virtual Reality System Lets You Explore Your Brain in Real-Time
- Woman's Low Birth Weight May Lead to Fertility Woes Later
- Shutdown Caused National Park Visits to Drop
- Bullying Linked to Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents
- Photos: The Hidden Fortress Beneath Alcatraz
- Volcanoes Helped Antarctic Life Weather Ice Ages
- FEMA's New NYC Flood Maps Will Soon Be Out-of-Date (Op-Ed)
- Hidden Fortress Discovered Beneath Alcatraz
- Icicle Images: A Cold-Weather Gallery
- Treasure Trove of Icicle Images To Go Online
- Trigger and Wesson? Gun Names Gaining Popularity
- The Weirdest Gadgets 2014
- Where's Planet X? NASA Space Telescope Discovers Thousands of New Stars, But No 'Nemesis'
- 50 amazing facts about Antarctica
- Strong Earthquake Shakes Northern California
- Cohabitation Doesn't Cause Divorce, After All
- Parents Often Glued to Mobile Phone While Kids Eat
- Using Laser Fingerprinting To Identify Salmonella
- Black-market Lottery: Organ Donation and the International Transplant Trade (Op-Ed)
- Sea Cucumbers are So Popular in Asia They Face Extinction
- Why are Some Snakes So Venomous?
- 'Smart' Helmet Startup Wins Wearable Tech Award at SXSW 2014
- The Best Wearable Tech Gadgets of SXSW Interactive 2014
- March 9
- March 8
- March 7
- 'Blackfish'-Inspired Bill Would Ban SeaWorld Orca Shows in California
- Too Little Sleep Increases Heart Disease Risk in Obese Adolescents
- Doing the Math on Polar Sea Ice Melt
- Gallery: A Mathematician Goes to Antarctica
- The Truth About '10,000 Steps' a Day
- Wastewater Injection Triggered Oklahoma's Earthquake Cascade
- 5 Ways to Save Money on Fresh Produce
- Rare Sight: Hubble Telescope Sees Asteroid Falling Apart (Video, Photos)
- Free Birth Control Has Little Effect on Women's Sexual Behavior, Study Suggests
- How Much Exercise Does Your State Get? (List)
- Which US State Has the Healthiest Habits?
- Daylight Saving Time: Why Do We Adjust Clocks in March?
- Small Asteroid Gives Earth a Close Shave, 3rd in 2 Days
- NASA Spacecraft Buzzes Saturn's Largest Moon Titan for 100th Time
- Two New Butterfly Species Discovered in US
- Great White Shark On Historic Marathon Migration
- Heroin: New England's Unlikely Epidemic
- Oh Baby: Giving Birth 10 Times May Reduce Mom's Cancer Risk
- In Images: A 3D Printed Liver
- 3D Printed Liver Makes Surgery Safer
- Volcanoes Guard Ice Age Secrets
- Fire and Ice: Images of Volcano-Ice Encounters
- Aspirin: Dosage & Side Effects
- What Are Next Generation Science Standards?
- Ellen's Oscar Tweet Turns into Huge Charity Gift (Op-Ed)
- U.S. 'Fukushima' May Only be a Matter of Time (Op-Ed)
- US Navy's Next-Generation Aircraft Carrier Begins Testing Phase
- March 6
- Cat Firebombs Featured in 500-Year-Old German War Manual
- Why Some People Don't Like Music
- Seen from Space: Guatemala's Pacaya Volcano Pops
- How Cosmetic Fillers May Cause Blindness
- 7 Insects You'll Be Eating in the Future
- Game of Rivers: How Waterways Behead Mountains
- Women Lag Behind Men in Job Quality
- Did That Just Happen? How Your Brain Alters Mental Timelines
- US Navy Toys With Physics of Bouncy Balls
- Images: Bouncy Ball Skips on Water Like a Rock
- Guts of Galapagos Volcano Revealed in 3D Images
- Experimental Device Could Prevent HIV & Pregnancy in Women
- San Francisco Moves to Ban Plastic Water Bottles
- E-Cigarettes Are 'Aggravating' Teen Smoking Epidemic, Study Suggests
- The First US City Was Full of Immigrants
- NASA Meteor Experts Host Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' @ 2pm ET Today
- Monster Black Hole Spins at Half the Speed of Light
- Best Nutrition Software: Top 3 Picks
- Saturn Rings, Moon Shine in Dazzling New NASA Photo
- Bus-Size Asteroid Gives Earth Super-Close Shave Today, Second in 2 Days
- Draft UN Report: Global Warming Could Cost $1.45 Trillion
- Facebook to Purchase Solar-Powered Drone Company
- Resetting Our Clocks: How the Body's Tiny Timekeepers Work
- President's Budget Would Double Funding for BRAIN Initiative
- An Artistic Climate Transforms Data into Art (Op-Ed)
- Hard Evidence: How Will the 2014 World Cup Ball Swerve? (Op-Ed)
- Using Lasers to Cut a Diamond Apart Atom by Atom
- Ancient Egyptian Soldier's Letter Home Deciphered
- March 5
- Prostate Cancer Surgery May Lengthen Life for Young Men
- Men's Phthalate Levels Linked to Pregnancy Trouble
- Almost Completely Frozen, Great Lakes Near Record
- Good Trip? LSD May Ease Anxiety
- In Images: A Ferocious Predatory Dinosaur in Europe
- Ferocious T. Rex Cousin Was Europe's Largest Land Predator
- Alzheimer's May Contribute to More Deaths Than Thought
- Redwood Poaching Prompts Park Service to Close Roads
- New Maps Show Seismic Vulnerabilities of Eastern US
- Leapin' Lizards! Medieval Arabs Ate the Scaly Creatures
- California Drought Worsens Air Pollution
- Plastic Ceiling? Barbie May Limit Girls' Job Aspirations
- Killer Whales Bully Lone Blue Whale in Rare Video
- Charles Darwin's Evolution: Did His Anxieties Shape His Science?
- 100-Foot Asteroid Buzzing Earth Today, Is Closer Than the Moon: Watch It Live
- Humans Evolved 'Game Face' As Plea for Help, Study Suggests
- NASA Eyes Ambitious Mission to Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa by 2025
- NASA's SOFIA Flying Telescope May Be Mothballed This Year
- Mexico and U.S. Begin Dam Releases to Restore Colorado River (Op-Ed)
- How Harry Potter Magic Turned Gravity into Oscar Gold (Op-Ed)
- Bright Ideas Come When People Dare to Take Risks (Op-Ed)
- Get Out and Play! 5 Toys for Active Kids
- Mom's Diet Linked to Risk of Preterm Birth
- Iguanas Have Oldest Reptilian Sex Chromosome
- Baby Sea Turtles Go Rogue, Satellite Shows
- In Photos: Tagging Baby Sea Turtles
- Climate Study: Rising Seas Could Wipe Out Many Cultural Landmarks
- March 4
- Child Obesity Rates Lower in Communities with Casinos
- Despite Warming, Ground Refreezes at Alaska's Shrinking Lakes
- 'Rock Snot' Infestation Caused by Climate Change, Study Suggests
- Insomniacs' Brains May Be More Plastic
- 2015 Budget Includes $30 Million for Fighting Antibiotic Resistance
- 6 Invasive Pests Threatened by Cold Weather
- Earth Madness: Vote for Best Photos from Space
- Chinese Jurassic Park Yields Incredible Feathered Dino Find
- Invasive Pests vs. Polar Vortex: Who Will Win?
- Nearly Every Star Hosts at Least One Alien Planet
- Paradox Solved? How Information Can Escape from a Black Hole
- Antibiotic Misuse in Hospitals Raises Patient Infection Risk
- Video, Photos Give First Look at Rare Deep Sea Life
- Gallery: Deep-Sea Creatures from the New Hebrides Trench
- Reptile Death Match: Snake Devours Crocodile (Video)
- In Photos: Wacky Fossil Animals from Jurassic China
- Beastly Feasts: Amazing Photos of Animals and Their Prey
- How to Charge your Fitness Trackers
- High-Protein Diet Raises Cancer Risk As Much As Smoking
- Hunting Uncharted Undersea Mountains, From Space
- New Device Could Charge Your Smartphone As You Walk
- Usain Bolt Could Fly on Saturn Moon Titan: Here's How
- Bird Strikes Problematic for Military Helicopters, Study Finds
- Red-Seeing Fish, Blue-Seeing Fish: Deep-Sea Vision Evolves
- New Most and Least Obese States Revealed
- Story of the Biggest Experiment in History Caught on Film
- The Most and Least Obese US States (the List)
- Home Births Increase to 37-Year High
- Space Research Pays for Itself, but Inspires Fewer People (Op-Ed)
- A Self-Destructing Phone Isn't the Last Word in Security (Op-Ed)
- War Robots and The 2014 World Cup – Defenders Off the Field (Op-Ed)
- What is Gynecomastia?
- March 3
- Photographer Sees Stunning Auroras Over Swedish Mountains (Photos, Video)
- How to Clean Your Fitness Tracker
- 5 Key Facts About Crimea
- Woolly Mammoth or Thylacine? New Guide Helps Choose Which Species to Resurrect
- Yosemite Outsmarts its Food-Stealing Bears
- Docs Are Key Source of Painkillers for Chronic Users
- Older Adults Who Binge Drink Don't Live as Long
- Artificial Heart 'Jacket' Made on 3D Printer
- Sorry, Robin Thicke, 'Blurred Lines' Are a Myth
- 'Black Widow' Star Consumes Cosmic Companion (Video)
- Sea Otters Rebound from Exxon Valdez Disaster
- Hangovers Don't Deter Drinkers
- Global Warming Slows Down Antarctica's Coldest Currents
- Growing Trend? Beard Transplants for Hipsters
- Giant Virus Resurrected from Permafrost After 30,000 Years
- That's Hot! Genome May Lead to Even Spicier Peppers
- New Texts Found in 'Dead Sea Scroll' Caves
- New Map Shows How Baby Names Spread
- List of Most Popular Baby Names and State of Origin
- Kids' Night Terrors Linked to Delusions Later in Life
- Painted Turtle’s Colorful Retina Revealed in Vivid Microscope Image
- Vaccination Messages May Backfire, Study Finds
- Sound Machines Could Be Hurting Baby's Ears
- Weird 'Entangled' Light Gives Microscope Sharper Images
- March 2
- March 1