All content archive
April 2014
605 articles
- April 30
- Fat, Frozen Fly Babies Could Improve Biofuels
- Itty-Bitty Algae Create Colorful Currents Near Namibia
- Why Execution Drugs Don't Always Work as Planned
- Big Earthquakes Come From Old, Strong Faults
- USDA Wildlife Services Should End Indiscriminate Killing (Op-Ed)
- Acidic Oceans Are Dissolving Tiny Snails' Shells
- Zeno’s Paradox: Understanding Convergent & Divergent Series
- Obese and Healthy? Maybe Not, Study Says
- What Is Kosher Food?
- Executions: 7 Gruesome Ways to Take a Life
- Human Muscle Rebuilt with Pig Bladder Tissue
- Buried 'Soda Fizz' May Solve Mystery of Coasting Tectonic Plates
- Female Beetles: All They Need Is Love
- Obese Women Less Likely to Breast-Feed
- Earth Is Safe: No Black Holes Spun Out of Atom Smasher, Yet
- The Future of Drones: Sky-High Hopes vs. Regulatory Realities
- 5 Surprising Ways Drones Could Be Used in the Future
- Facts About Drones (Infographic)
- Medicine's Journey Through the Body: 4 Stages
- The Trick to Getting Your Kids to Help Around the House
- Mystery of the Hope Diamond Curse
- Households Are New Source of Antibiotic-Resistant Superbug
- Powdered Alcohol, Seriously? A Health Risk We Don't Need (Op-Ed)
- Sustainable Ranching: Where Cows and Capybara Roam (Op-Ed)
- Is America Now an Oligarchy Nation? (Op-Ed)
- April 29
- See-Through Frog Embryos Know When Dad's Not Watching
- In Harsh Conditions, Men Don't Want a Pretty Face
- Eating Fiber May Help Prolong Life After Heart Attack
- Twin Pregnancies: Not Enough Weight Gain Boosts Risk of Preterm Birth
- Face Transplants Should Be Offered to More Patients, Doctors Say
- Sweaty Hands? New Fingerprinting Method Takes Pore Prints
- Authorities Reject Claim That Flight 370 Wreckage Could Be in Bay of Bengal
- Why High-Fiber Diets May Help Weight Loss
- Stealthy F-35 Jets to Take Center Stage at British Air Shows
- Mother's Diet at Time of Conception May Alter Baby's DNA
- First Solar Eclipse of 2014 Thrills Skywatchers in Australia (Photos)
- Can Evolutionary Biology Reveal What's Kinky? (Op-Ed)
- Facts About Prostate Cancer (Infographic)
- Super-Strong Graphene Has an Achilles' Heel
- New Genetic Test Reveals Your Ancestral Origin
- Virginia Volcanoes Linked to East Atlantic Islands
- Doomed Space Cloud Nears Milky Way's Black Hole as Scientists Watch
- Disaster Survivors: How Stress Changes the Brain
- Fight Against Rheumatoid Arthritis May Unlock Secrets to Heart Disease and Depression (Op-Ed)
- The Changing Colors of the Universe
- Pause in Global Warming Comes Served With Unwelcome Side Dishes (Op-Ed)
- April 28
- Peaceful Trend? Kids See Less Violence Today
- Old Idea About Ecology Questioned by New Findings
- Icy Ocean Current Seen from Space (Photo)
- Animals Could Become Human Organ Donors Some Day, Researchers Say
- Polar Bear Monitoring More Crucial as Ice Dwindles (Op-Ed)
- Amazing Photos: Polar Bear Expedition in Svalbard, Norway
- Cuddly Neanderthals With Parenting Skills
- Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?
- Deadly Tornado Outbreak Seen From Space (Video)
- Medical Marijuana May Help Treat Symptoms of MS
- High Doses of Antidepressants Linked to Suicide Behavior in Younger Patients
- Why Do I Bruise Easily?
- Giant Steel Arch Will Cover Debris from Chernobyl Reactor
- How Do Wind Turbines Work?
- Why Shin Splints Soar in April
- Ancient Caribou Hunting Site Discovered Beneath Lake Huron
- In Photos: Hunting Structure Hidden Beneath Lake Huron
- Hunters to Herders: Ancient Civilization Made Rapid Switch
- Dozens of Mummies Unearthed at Egypt's Valley of the Kings
- Samsung Gear Fit: Smartwatch Review
- Mysterious 'Man-Eating' Holes Appear in Sand Dune
- Destructive U.S. Tornadoes of April 2014: Gallery
- Arkansas Tornado: 5 Facts About the Deadly Twister
- 'Mummy Lake' Used for Ancient Rituals, Not Water Storage
- Floating Islands of Rock Tracked in Pacific
- European Bison to Be Released into Wild
- Mummy Lake Photos: An Ancient Ceremonial Structure
- People in Rich Countries Are More Stressed Out
- US Military Seeks Quiet Motorcycles
- Unique Crystals: Newfound Purple-Pink Mineral Is Like No Other
- Earth's Oldest and Biggest Crater Yields New Secrets
- Crash! 10 Biggest Impact Craters on Earth
- April 27
- April 26
- Powdered Alcohol and Space Diapers have Something in Common
- When the Sun Blinked: 1994's Solar Eclipse (Op-Ed)
- Ocean Sounds: The 8 Weirdest Noises of the Antarctic
- How Do Enzymes Work?
- The Power of Hashtag: Using Social Media to Raise Awareness (Op-Ed)
- We Need a Global Conservation Agreement for the High Seas (Op-Ed)
- Explainer: How Do Homing Pigeons Navigate?
- Habitable Exoplanets are Bad News for Humanity (Op-Ed)
- Food Safety Returns To Nature
- Tiny Microchip Component Promises Big Returns
- April 25
- China's 'Great Wall of Dust' Seen From Space
- The Holocaust: Facts & Remembrance
- How Sloths Hang Upside Down Without Getting Tired
- Photos: Slow-Moving and Ridiculously Cute Sloths
- Poop Apps: 5 Tools for Tracking Your Stools
- 4 Awesome Perks of Drinking Tea
- Garcinia Cambogia: Weight-Loss Supplement May Be Toxic to Some
- Milky Way's Structure Mapped in Unprecedented Detail
- Amateur Astronomers Capture Magnificent Mix of Celestial Delights in Amazing Photo
- NYC Archaeology: Photos of City Hall Artifacts
- Why Are Aborted Fetuses Burned?
- Moon Glows with Earthshine Over Italian Citadel (Photos)
- NYC Artifacts, Including City Hall Douche, Get a New Home
- Spooky Atmospheric 'Teleconnections' Link North and South Poles
- Polar Vortex Revenge? US Heat Waves Melted Greenland's Ice
- Slo-Mo Whoa: Mouse Tears Off Scorpion's Head in New Video
- Edge of Ancient Tibetan Plateau Rose Up Earlier Than Thought
- Justifying Atrocities Alters the Memory
- Tsunami Survival Guide: What You Need to Know
- Are Wide-Hipped Women Promiscuous? Study Births a Controversy
- Totally Parched: 100% of California in Drought
- Hot, Hot, Hot: National Park Seen from Orbit
- Why Captain America’s Shield Is Basically a Star-Spangled Supercapacitor (Op-Ed)
- Food Additives 'Generally Recognized As Safe" Could Be Anything But (Op-Ed)
- Ginseng Could Be An Effective Way to Prevent the Flu (Op-Ed)
- Life on Us: A Close-Up Look at the Bugs That Call Us Home (Op-Ed)
- US Leading the Path to Mars: NASA Chief Charles Bolden (Op-Ed)
- April 24
- Two Adorable Baby Gorillas Born at Bronx Zoo
- Improve the Food, Not Just the Food Label (Op-Ed)
- Active Guatemala Volcanoes Seen From Above (Photo)
- What Is Whey Protein?
- Pet Bearded Dragons Linked to Salmonella Outbreak in US
- Tapping Electrical Signals: Turning Thought Into Action
- Walking May Spark Creative Thinking
- Ancient Chisel Used to Build Western Wall Found
- Going up? Hitachi Plans World's Fastest Elevator
- Dangerous Tornado Threat to Arise From Texas to Nebraska This Weekend
- Vaccination Has Saved 732,000 Children's Lives Since 1994
- To Fight Sleeping Sickness, Tsetse Fly Genome Decoded
- Coral Species May Adapt to Warmer Waters (Video)
- In Photos: Coral Species May Adapt to Warmer Waters
- Photos: Portraits of the Blood-Sucking Tsetse Fly
- Blood in Gourd Didn't Belong to Louis XVI, New DNA Study Finds
- Missing Link? Mississippi Floods, and a Great City Disappears
- 'Hidden Dragon' Beast Gave Rise to Fearsome Flying Reptiles
- Dolphins Put Sponges on Snouts to Snag Elusive Snacks
- 'Godzilla' the Hockey Goalie? Rare Mineral Specimen Up for Sale
- In Photos: A Fuzzy 'Godzilla' & Other Snazzy Minerals
- For Fecal Transplants, Frozen Poop Just as Good
- VIDEO: Solving the World's Toilet Shortage
- Overcoming the Water Wars (Op-Ed)
- Why Adopting an Older Pet Makes Sense (Op-Ed)
- Zoos, Aquariums and Their Visitors Are Critical Advocates for Conservation (Op-Ed)
- 4 Ways to Avoid Feeling 'Hangry' (and Save Your Marriage)
- April 23
- The Truth About Marijuana: Health Risks Trivialized (Op-Ed)
- Not So Harmless? Pot Linked to Heart Problems
- Tiny Insect Parts Revealed in New 3D, True-Color Images
- Misleading Gun-Death Chart Draws Fire
- Deep-Sea Robot Explores Shipwrecks Thursday: Watch Live Online
- Photos: Shipwrecks of the Deep Sea
- Videos of Live Embryos, Cancer Cell Win 'Small World' Awards
- Not Just for Sex: Why the Y Chromosome Hasn't Vanished
- 1800's Shipwreck Rediscovered Near Golden Gate Bridge
- Food vs. Sex: Why Some Female Spiders Eat Males Before Mating
- Experimental Cochlear Implant Treatment Could Improve Hearing
- How Cold Was Winter? Starving Rats Ate Trees
- Mantis Shrimp's Attack Claw Inspires Tough New Material Design
- What Are the Types of Meditation?
- Female Seed Beetles Fight Unequal Battle During Sex
- Creationist Debate Stalls South Carolina State Fossil Bill
- 'Chameleon' Crystals Could Camouflage Clothing & Cars
- New Crustaceans Found Crawling on Dead Whale Bones Off Antarctica
- Preventing Injury From Spring Sports That Span Seasons
- Dutch Student Sells His Data for €350 but at What Price Privacy? (Op-Ed)
- With a Bullet: China's High-Speed Rail Dream Begins to take Flight (Op-Ed)
- April 22
- Mystery of Bizarre Duck-Like Ocean Sound Solved
- Sailfish Stealthily Slash Prey with Bills
- Hot Tchaikovsky: Fertile Women Prefer Complex Composers
- The Costs of Fresh Water in a Changing World (Op-Ed)
- Slowest Start to Tornado Season in a Century
- Magnifying The Body May Reduce Pain
- Mt. Everest: Why Do People Keep Climbing It?
- Antarctic Lava Lake Huffs and Puffs Like a Sleeping Dragon
- Where Are Tornado Hot Spots Outside of the US?
- 3D Print a New House in Just a Few Hours
- Gallery: Erebus Volcano's Amazing Lava Lake
- Storm to Spoil Spring for Millions Next Week in Midwest, East
- Not in the Mood: Study in Mice Sheds Light on Human Libido
- Ospreys Plague Maryland Traffic Cam
- Blue-Footed Boobies Are Declining in the Galapagos
- Satellite's Tour of Earth Begins in Ice
- What Is a Sherpa?
- Navy Plans to Test Electromagnetic Mach 7 Railgun at Sea
- Ah-CHOO! 3 Snortworthy Facts About Sneezes
- Health Plans Should Cover Birth Control, Majority Says
- Nano Webs Could Counterfeit-Proof Credit Cards
- Earth's 8 Biggest Mysteries
- 'Gospel of Jesus's Wife': Doubts Raised About Ancient Text
- The Poop on Pooping: 5 Misconceptions Explained
- Vulnerable Dusky Sharks Decimated by Fishing (Op-Ed)
- Happy Earth Day! The 8 Biggest Mysteries of Our Planet
- Loch Ness Monster on Apple Maps? Why Satellite Images Fool Us
- Polar H7: Heart Rate Sensor Review
- Your Next Nightmare: Venomous Snake Bites People in Their Sleep
- Polar Bears on Thin Ice, Arctic Expedition Finds
- How to Steal a Submarine: Call the CIA and Howard Hughes
- Biodiversity Benefits Society in Surprising Ways
- 10 Surprising Ways that Biodiversity Benefits the Economy
- Education and Explosions, Alloys and Animation: Q+A With Ainissa Ramirez
- The Toy Thing: It Was Never About Pink or Blue (Op-Ed)
- Eight Energy-Saving Tips to Make Every Day Earth Day
- Study of Motion Sheds New Light on Autism and The Brain
- Health Check: When is 'The Flu' Really a Cold?
- April 21
- A Belly Full Of Beaks
- Astronaut Photo Reveals River's History
- Eye-Opener: Naps Linked with Higher Risk of Death
- Ancient Assassin Flies Found in Amber
- Photos: Ancient Assassin Flies Trapped in Amber
- Nike+ Sportswatch GPS: Sports Watch Review
- Human Origins: How Hominids Evolved (Infographic)
- Animals with Bigger Brains Have More Self-Control
- Slow-Motion Disaster: Wyoming Landslide Rips Apart House
- 'Pollen Vortex'? Long Winter Worsens Allergies in Spring
- Humans May Have Dispersed Out of Africa Earlier Than Thought
- Neanderthals Had Shallow Gene Pool, Study Says
- 5 Miserable Afflictions to Avoid This Spring
- Easy As Pi! Monkeys Can Do Math
- Superman's Krypton Aids Hunt for World's Oldest Ice
- Airplane Stowaway May Have Survived in 'Suspended Animation'
- Bottom's Up: Feds Rethink Powdered Alcohol Approval
- Stolen Painting of Jesus Found on eBay
- Why You Shouldn't Put Your Partner on a Pedestal
- Birthplace of Chili Pepper Farming Revealed
- How Pot Smoking Changes Your Brain (Infographic)
- Kitchen Recipe for Graphene Wonder Material Developed
- Missing Xenon Gas Found in Earth's Core
- April 20
- April 19
- Improbable Resurrections: 5 Real Cases of Coming Back to Life
- Animal Sex: How Elephants Do It
- A Swell New View: Satellites Can Monitor Volcanoes
- Science Suggests 'The Dog' Doesn't Exist (Op-Ed)
- Beware the Lure of the Bunnies (Op-Ed)
- Kindle vs. Books? Children Just Don't See It That Way (Op-Ed)
- Australian Endangered Species: Largetooth Sawfish
- The Easter Bunny Tale: Fun Fiction or Harmful Myth? (Op-Ed)
- Keeping Time: Why 60 Minutes?
- April 18
- Huge Antarctic Iceberg Drifts Out to Sea (Time-Lapse Video)
- 5 Unanswered Questions About Jesus
- Changing Earth: 7 Ideas to Geoengineer Our Planet
- Pot of Gold: Innovation Helps Cannabis Industry Flourish
- 5 Pot Facts for 4/20
- Katherine Tallmadge: Responding to Rush Limbaugh Attacks on Obesity (Op-Ed)
- Stunning New Orchid Species Discovered
- In Photos: Orchids
- How the Bluefin-21 Searches For Flight 370 Wreckage on the Ocean Floor (Infographic)
- Is Global Warming a Giant Natural Fluctuation? (Op-Ed)
- Calculus Is Fun! Math Exhibit Demos Principles of Motion
- With Climate Change, Wildfires Getting Worse in the West
- Ah-CHOO! 7 Tickling Facts About Sneezing
- Mountainous Fib: Andes Lie About Their Age
- Teen Driving: Loud Talking & Rowdiness Are Risky Distractions
- Tsunami Facts You Need to Know
- RIP LADEE: NASA Moon Probe Crashes Into Lunar Surface
- Mt. Everest Avalanche: Is Climate Change to Blame?
- Why You Forget: 5 Strange Facts About Memory
- Vitamins from Space! B3 Found in Meteorites
- When Will You be Miserable This Allergy Season?
- Bright Idea or Shady Scheme? Cosmetic Company Wants to Lighten Moon
- Parkinson's Drug Shows Promise in Preventing Breast Cancer
- Strong Earthquake Shakes Mexico City
- Wild Chimps Prefer a Firm Bed
- 31-Day Underwater Mission Splashes Down This Summer
- Man's Best Friend Helps Traumatized Veterans Heal
- Photos of the Veterans and Service Dogs
- Why Are You Taking Fish Oil Supplements?
- Fitness Trackers May Help Older People Lose Weight
- April 17
- South Korea Ferry: How Can a Huge Ship Sink?
- Like A Rock: New Concrete Could Last A Lifetime
- Big Data and the Flu: How Wikipedia Can Track Influenza
- Moving at the Speed of Clicks: Improving Computer Efficiency
- Found! First Earth-Size Planet That Could Support Life
- How Basic Research Fuels Medical Advances
- New Ragweed Allergy Pill Clears FDA
- Why Portland Reservoir Was Flushed After Teen Peed in It
- Rat Poison Harms Famous California Cougar
- Flight 370: Oil in Indian Ocean Not from Missing Jetliner
- Does Meditation Have Health Benefits?
- 2 Foodborne Illnesses Rose in 2013, CDC Finds
- In Photos: Animal Prints on Ancient Roman Tiles
- New MRSA Superbug Emerges in Brazilian Patient
- Ancient Puppy Paw Prints Found on Roman Tiles
- Old as Dirt: 2.7-Million-Year-Old Soil Found Under Ice
- In Photos: Greenland's Ancient Landscape
- Peru's Ubinas Volcano Erupts
- Venomous Hobo Spider Bites May Be Not So Toxic After All
- Female Penis, Male Vagina: First Case of Genital Reversal in Nature Reported
- In Photos: Cave Insects With Sex-Reversed Genitals
- Apathy in Older Adults May Signal Brain Problems
- Nearly 300 People Missing As South Korean Ferry Sinks
- Pregnancy
- 5 Erupting Volcanoes Seen from Space (Photo)
- Earthquake Swarm Shakes Central Idaho
- Self-Driving Cars and Teleportation: What Americans Expect from Future Science
- Poll: Most Americans Think Future Tech Will Make Life Better (Infographic)
- Defining the 'Waters of the United States' (Op-Ed)
- How to Test the Twin Paradox Without Using a Spaceship (Op-Ed)
- There's No Debate: Lowering Salt Cuts Strokes and Heart Attacks (Op-Ed)
- Peptide Power: The Science Behind the 30-second Phone Charger (Op-Ed)
- April 16
- Rosy Cosmic Cloud Glows with Stars in New Telescope View (Video, Photo)
- 12 Million Misdiagnoses Occur Yearly in US, Study Finds
- Images: Erupting Kamchatka Volcanoes
- 16-Foot Great White Shark Spotted Near Australian Beach
- School Shootings: What Does Science Say?
- Timex Ironman Run Trainer 2.0: Sport Watch Review
- Brain 'Stones' Found in Man with Celiac Disease
- Tiny, Prehistoric Animal Hints at Herbivore Origins
- Diabetes-Related Problems Drop Over Last 2 Decades
- Woman's Ear Reattached with Help of Leeches
- Frigid Winter? Blame 4,000 Years of Wild Jet Streams
- Centipede Bursts from Snake's Stomach
- Clever Goats Can Learn Quickly
- Real-Life Werewolves: Psychiatry Re-Examines Rare Delusion
- Capturing the 2000 Lunar Eclipse from 'Hell on Ice'
- 'LIGO: A Passion for Understanding' — The Minds Behind the Film
- Modern Sharks Aren't So Primitive, Ancient Fossil Suggests
- Why Bats Carrying Deadly Diseases Don't Get Sick
- 4 New 'Killer Sponges' Discovered in Pacific
- The Science Behind 'Impossible' Videos: New Show Demystifies Online Acts
- Body Slam This! Ancient Wrestling Match Was Fixed
- NASA Photo May Show Birth of New Saturn Moon (Image)
- Tanned Girls, Tobacco-Chewing Dudes: Gender Norms Affect Teen Cancer Risk
- Herb Supplements Are the Most Common Complementary Medicine in US
- Crater Creator Uses Explosions to Find the Secrets of Volcanoes (Op-Ed)
- Can Science Eliminate Extreme Poverty? (Op-Ed)
- April 15
- Hipster Science: Women Prefer Men With Facial Hair
- Nike+ FuelBand SE: Fitness Tracker Review
- Plant-Derived Nanotubes Provide Personalized DNA Delivery
- Even Casual Pot Use Changes the Brain
- How to Cook the Perfect Steak (with Science)
- Spinal Cord Damage May Be Fixed with New Therapies
- How Personality Increases Risk of Drug Abuse
- Lab-Grown Esophagus Could Aid Cancer Patients
- Google-Owned Company Rejects Military Funds for Robotics Contest
- Cub Watch Begins After Panda's Artificial Insemination
- Watch Live: Scientists Explore a Mysterious Deep Sea World
- Under a Blood Moon: 1st Total Lunar Eclipse of 2014 Wows Stargazers (Photos)
- Viagra Ice Cream Arouses Controversy
- Near-Complete T. Rex Skeleton Arrives at Smithsonian
- 'Clever Editing' Warps Scientists' Words in New Geocentrism Film
- Chilean Mummies Reveal Signs of Arsenic Poisoning
- In Photos: Chilean Mummy Shows Signs of Arsenic Poisoning
- Drowning Still a Top Cause of Death for Young Kids
- What is Anthropology?
- LIGO Lasers Could Help Reveal Aftermath of Black Hole Crashes
- April 14
- Unusual Bacteria Gobbles Up Carbon in the Ocean
- Alzheimer's Gene Has Greater Effect on Women
- Easter Lilies Kill Cats, FDA Warns
- 500-Million-Year-Old Embryos Fossilized in Rare Find
- Elusive 'Exotic Hadron' Particles Confirmed
- Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?
- How Do Dolphins Sleep?
- Mad at Your Spouse? Low Blood Sugar May Be to Blame
- Stadium Acoustics Pump Up the Volume
- How Flesh-Eating Bacteria Evolved To Be Deadly
- Geologic Wonder: See the Grand Canyon from Space
- Bad Moon Rising? Preacher Ties Blood Moons to Biblical Prophecies
- Asian Pollution Boosts Pacific Storm Power
- What a Gas! Arctic's Ozone Hole Looking Good
- Beyond the Higgs: 4 Weird Facts About Other Bosons
- Silver Lining? Rare Night-Shining Clouds Are Becoming More Common
- See-Through Sex: Your Partner Knows When You're Faking
- Lunar Eclipse Facts: 5 Neat Things About Tonight's 'Blood Moon'
- Tax Time! Which States Complain the Most?
- US States with the Most and Least Tax Dread
- Mysterious Ancient Moroccan Rock Pile Explained
- Brain Tumor Risk Higher for Teens Who Stop Growing Later
- Too Little Weight Gain During Pregnancy Linked to Child's Obesity
- April 13
- April 12
- The Black Box: An Australian Invention That Nearly Didn't Happen
- Deep Dive to Explore Unknown Ocean Life Starts Today
- 'LIGO, A Passion for Understanding': Documentary Film Complete Coverage
- Thinking About Death Can Make You Value Life More
- Don't Panic About Heartbleed but Have a Spring Clean Anyway (Op-Ed)
- What the Heck is Gastroschisis?
- What Science Communicators Can Learn from Listening to People (Op-Ed)
- April 11
- Some Monkeys Are (Really) Monogamous
- New Earthquake Hits Nicaragua
- Barren Colorado Desert Set for Flooding (Photo)
- How Obesity May Raise Breast Cancer Risk
- Drunken Monkeys: Does Alcoholism Have an Evolutionary Basis?
- Soldiers Prefer Synthetic Marijuana
- What Is Dry Socket?
- Space Legs for NASA's Robonaut 2 to Ride SpaceX Dragon Into Orbit
- Malaysian Government Investigates Handling of Missing Flight 370
- Ghostly Zodiacal Light Glows Over Death Valley (Photo)
- Salamanders Shrink as Climate Heats Up
- What Is Credit Card Skimming?
- Damaging Earthquake Strikes Nicaragua
- Futuristic Screen Projects 3D Images onto Fog
- Into the Deep: Expedition Seeks Life in Ocean Trench
- Yuck! Video Shows Sneezes Move Farther Than Thought
- First 'Exomoon' Around Alien Planet Possibly Found
- Drug Shortages Threaten US Anti-TB Efforts (Op-Ed)
- Diagnosis: Broken Medical System. Cure: Complicated (Op-Ed)
- Aurora at Moonlight
- With Money to be Made, Wind Power Booms in Oil-Rich Texas (Op-Ed)
- Fat and Fit? There's No Such Thing for Most People (Op-Ed)
- A Complex Cocktail: Alcohol, Sex and Cute Monogamous Mammals (Op-Ed)
- Demystifying Driving's Dilemma Zone
- Raining Frogs & Fish: A Whirlwind of Theories
- April 10
- 3D Tumors Are Printed in the Lab
- Lab-Grown Vaginas Implanted in 4 Girls
- Titanic Sunk During Average Iceberg Year
- Jet-Lagged? New App May Help
- Tests Suggest 'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' Is Authentic
- When Distant Galaxies Light Up: Modeling a Cosmic Slurp
- 4-Eyed Daddy Longlegs Helps Explain Arachnid Evolution (Video)
- Images: 4-Eyed Daddy Longlegs Helps Explain Arachnid Evolution
- Bank Hard! Flies Fly Like Fighter Jets to Evade Predators
- Heartbleed Bug: How to Create Strong Passwords
- Severe Tropical Cyclone Ita Menaces Northern Australia
- BMI or GPA: Can a Student Be Too Thin?
- Google Glass Virtual Tour Lets You See Inside New Solar Plane
- Dislike: Facebook May Hurt Women's Body Image
- Memo to Congress: Protect Public Health, Not Toxic Chemicals (Op-Ed)
- The Poop Problem: What To Do With 10 Million Tons of Dog Waste (Op-Ed)
- The Science of Anatomy is Undergoing a Revival (Op-Ed)
- Antipsychotic Drugs Harm Older People, Let's Reduce Their Use (Op-Ed)
- Baidu's Perfect Paradox: Free Speech and the Right to Censor (Op-Ed)
- Bee Fossils Provide Rare Glimpse into Ice Age Environment
- April 9
- High-Fat Diet Increases Breast Cancer Risk, Study Finds
- Sculpted Face Peers Out from Ancient Coffin Found in Israel
- Images: Rare Clay Coffin in Israel Grave
- Tiny Killer: Mini 'Tasmanian Tiger' Took Down Large Prey
- World's Largest Gold Crystal Found
- What Is Xanthan Gum?
- Adorably Tiny Crayfish Discovered (and It's a Cannibal)
- Kansas Grass Fires Seen from Space
- New Solar Plane Aims for Round-the-World Flight
- Parasitic Amoeba Chomps on Human Cells to Kill Them
- Irregular Periods Linked with Higher Risk of Dying from Ovarian Cancer
- More Pings Heard in Search for Flight MH370
- America's Most Endangered River Is …
- Breaking the Mold: Nature Inspires Tougher Ceramics
- Tech from Nature: Ceramics Mimic Mother-of-Pearl
- Tiny, Logical Robots Injected into Cockroaches
- Most Endangered Rivers in America: 2014
- Endangered River: Images of the San Joaquin
- Massive Turquoise Trade Network of Ancient Pueblos Revealed
- Weird 'UFO' Light on Mars May Just Be a Shiny Rock, NASA Says (Video)
- Panda Sutra – the Ups and Downs of Getting Grumpy Bears to Have Sex
- How to Turn Three Pings into Results in the Hunt for MH370 (Op-Ed)
- Wizard of Odds or Even Steven? The Science of Gambling Fallacies (Op-Ed)
- Science Guy Bill Nye Explores Life's Meaning in 5 Minutes (VIDEO)
- God and the Gay Christian (Op-Ed)
- April 8
- 'RoboClam' Digging Machine As Fast as Natural Burrowers
- Geocentrism Myth Promoted in New Documentary Trailer
- No Bones About It: Technology Made Ancient Humans Less Active
- Ebola Outbreak in Africa Is 'One of Most Challenging Ever Faced'
- Most People Have Unwanted, Worrying Thoughts
- Drinking Coffee May Cut Risk of Colon Cancer
- Surfer Treats His Own Eye Problem with Giant Wave
- Younger Teens Still Make Up 1 in 4 Teen Mothers
- Boeing Going Vertical with 'Phantom Swift' Military X-Plane (Video)
- Volcanic Islands Prove Hottest Photo in NASA Contest
- Babies May Be More Language-Savvy Than Thought
- Top 10 Earth Images from 2014
- Missing Flight 370: How Do Black Boxes Work?
- Drone Images Reveal Buried Ancient Village in New Mexico
- Prostate Cancer Screening May Be Improved With New Test
- My Horse's Death and the Life of a 'Tennessee Walker' (Op-Ed)
- Decoding Music's Resonance: Researcher and Performer Parag Chordia (Op-Ed)
- Chaco Canyon Photos: The Center of an Ancient World
- Medicine Men, Machetes and Centuries of Healing (Op-Ed)
- Wearable Electronic Skin Delivers Drugs and Stores Data
- Solar Impulse to Unveil Plane for Around-the-World Flight in 2015
- Paralyzed Patients Move Again with Spinal Stimulation
- Ancient Viruses Sound Scary, but There's No Need to Panic (Op-Ed)
- Europe Votes for a 'Neutral Net' ... but What Does That Mean? (Op-Ed)
- April 7
- Predicting Mars Cuisine: Grasshoppers with a Side of Fungi (Op-Ed)
- Fiber's Cancer-Fighting Effect Depends on Gut Bacteria
- Rare Earthquake Strikes Southern France
- In Films, Viewers Often Miss The Little Things
- Arctic Sea Ice Peak Is 5th Lowest on Record
- Stress Response May Help Teens Avoid Car Accidents
- Kids' Rates of Severe Obesity Are Troubling, Researchers Say
- Earth's Oldest Living Things Immortalized in Stunning Photos
- Photos: Earth's Most Ancient Organisms
- Legendary Stradivarius Loses to New Violins in Blind Tests
- Off to See the Wizard? Ancient Fossils Had Heart and Brain
- Fabulous Fossils: Gallery of Earliest Animal Organs
- Small Earthquake Shakes Oklahoma City
- Flight 370: 'Ping' Signals 'Most Promising Lead' Yet
- Eating Beans Helps Lower Bad Cholesterol
- Threats and Hate Mail Reveal Climate Disinformation's Dark Side (Op-Ed)
- Intracoastal Waterway Seen from Edge of Space (Photo)
- April 6
- April 5
- April 4
- Weird Magnetic Anomaly Reveals Ancient Tectonic Crash
- Five-Second Rule ‘More Than Old Wives Tale,’ Scientists Find
- Bud Light or Merlot? Twitter Maps Reveal Alcohol Choice by State
- Submersible Robots Could Aid Search for Flight 370
- Lassa Fever Reported in US Traveler Returning from West Africa
- Earthquake Strikes Near Greece
- Images of Rescued Seals and Sea Lions
- Baby Volcanic Island Eats Its Older Neighbor
- Hawaiian Monk Seal Hospital Aims to Save Endangered Species
- Suspected Fort Hood Shooter Was Battling Mental Illness, Military Says
- Cereal Mascots Earn Sales with Eye Contact
- Beer on Twitter: Finding Drinking Patterns in Tweet Data (Infographic)
- New Atomic Clock Is Most Accurate Timekeeper Yet
- The Quantified Self: How Data-Obsessed Trackers Push Toward Healthier Lives
- Texas 'Chupacabra' Turns Out to Be Imposter
- Shepherds Spread Grain Along Silk Road 5,000 Years Ago
- How Wolf Packs Organize to Kill
- April 3
- Know Thyself Better: 10 Little-Known Body Parts
- 'Mini Hearts' Could Pump Blood Through Faulty Veins
- California's Mountains Starved for Snow
- X-Rays Reveal Rare Croc's Insides
- Photos: A Frozen Croc Goes to the Hospital
- Losing Sleep May Increase Your Risk of Stroke
- Satellite Images May Predict Volcanic Eruptions
- Medieval Poop Still Stinks, Experts Discover
- How Real Is the 'Game of Thrones' Medieval World?
- Murder, Monsters & Dragons: Why 'Game of Thrones' Rules
- 5 Real-Life Inspirations for 'Game of Thrones' Characters
- Poisoning from E-Cigarettes on the Rise
- Tweets About Migraines Shed Light on Mysterious Headaches
- New Whale Stranding Is Painful Evidence for Naval Sonar Risks (Op-Ed)
- Hummingbird Evolution Was Fast, but Is Slowing
- Actress Anne Curtis Stung By Box Jellyfish
- Images: Beautiful Hummingbirds of the World
- Bacteria Could Grow Futuristic 'Self-Healing' Materials
- Powerful Aftershock Shakes Chile
- Predicting Where Water Will Go In A Hurricane
- The Real Reason Zebras Have Stripes
- Moon's Age Revealed, and a Lunar Mystery May Be Solved
- Galaxy 'Serial Killer' Caught in the Act of a Galactic Gobble (Video, Photos)
- 'Zebra Stripes' in Earth's Magnetic Field Have Surprising Source
- Potassium in Your Diet: How to Get More of a Heart-Healthy Mineral
- April 2
- Probiotics Don't Help Fussy Babies, Study Finds
- Exercise in Young-Adult Years May Improve Brain Function
- Chile Earthquake: Do Bigger Tremors Loom?
- Diet Supplement Causes Nearly 100 Hepatitis Cases
- The Science of 'Game of Thrones'
- Bright Idea: Morning Light Exposure Linked to Lower Weight
- 112-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur 'Chase' Reconstructed in 3D
- Gallery: Reconstructed Dinosaur 'Chase'
- Was the Deadly Washington Mudslide Preventable?
- 'Love Hormone' Oxytocin May Intensify Orgasms
- Super Senses: How Sharks Hunt Down Prey
- Chile Earthquake Unleashes Tsunami ... and Sensors Track It
- Mouth Vision: Blind Fish Suctions Water to Navigate
- US Military's DARPA Launches Biology Branch for Next-Gen Security
- Spotless Mind? Erasing Memories Not Just Science Fiction
- Image Gallery: Mapping the Brain
- First Map of Human Fetus Brain Created
- Why the Wealthiest 1 Percent Are So Much Richer Than You (Op-Ed)
- Weird 'Techni-Quarks' May Lurk Inside Higgs Boson Particle
- Probiotics Don't Help Fussy Babies
- Earthquake Survival Guide: What You Need to Know
- Bleach vs. Bacteria: How the Body Does Spring Cleaning
- How Pterosaurs Ruled the Skies Above the Dinosaurs
- Photos of Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs
- Why We Shop 'Til We Drop (and Still Aren't Happy)
- Capturing Venus: An Amateur Astronomer's Famous Moon Shot
- The Obscurity Of Science: Do The Hungry Live Longer?
- Dance Me To The End Of Time and Space
- Is There a Climate Crystal Ball? (Op-Ed)
- Shelter Pets Reaching Out to Touch Someone (Op-Ed)
- Brain Images Reveal How We Distinguish Real and Fake Laughter
- Is Red Warmer Than Blue? What Colours Can Tell You (Op-Ed)
- Huge Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Warning in Chile
- April 1
- Seasonal Birth Rates Could Guide Vaccine Campaigns
- Ancient Monastery at Petra Likely Built to Track Sun
- How a Medieval Philosopher Dreamed Up the 'Multiverse'
- Garmin Vivofit: Fitness Tracker Review
- Washington Mudslide Devastation Seen from Space (Before and After Photos)
- Stem Cell Scientists Guilty of Misconduct, Panel Rules
- Peeing in Pool Causes Surprising Health Hazard
- Bellabeat: Prenatal Tracking Review
- Living Alone Linked with Higher Risk of Melanoma Death in Men
- What a Mammogram Could Do for You: Study Lays Out Risk & Benefits
- Stealth F-35 Fighter Jets Could Make Overseas Debut This Summer
- Can NATO Contain Russian Advances?
- With Less Snow, Endurance Racers Set Record
- 6th-Century Monastery with Elaborate Mosaics Unearthed in Israel
- The Squeaky Bat Gets the Worm
- Eating Fewer Calories May Help Monkeys Live Longer
- Flying Snakes May Inspire Future Gliding Suits
- 4 Common Hair Care Questions Untangled
- This Novel Material May Help Soundproof Your Life
- CERN Switches to Comic Sans for April Fools' Day
- Preventing Suicide Is Possible (and Here's How)
- 8-Legged Nightmares? The World's 3 Deadliest Spiders
- How Wearable Tech Could Improve Your Mental Health
- Most People Use Antibacterial Soap Incorrectly
- Monks' Secret: Asbestos Lurking Beneath Byzantine Wall Paintings
- Photos: Peering into a 12th-Century Byzantine Monastery
- Morphsuit Pulls 'Invisibility Suit' April Fools' Stunt
- Popularity's Downside: Increased Risk of Bullying
- It’s So Hard Going Cold Turkey When You’re Addicted to Power
- Radical Method Uses Cells to Fight Brain Tumors
- Conservation Efforts Not Just for Tree Huggers
- Deep-sea Fish Inspire Robotic Feeding Model