All content archive
May 2014
609 articles
- May 31
- Combatting TBI by Engineering Resilience in the Brain
- Philosopher Explores Ethics of Brain Technologies
- 31-Day Underwater 'Aquanaut' Mission Begins Sunday
- Can Men Lactate?
- Health Check: How Do You Choose Strong Painkillers?
- Political Lies, White Lies and Damned Lies (Op-Ed)
- What is a Transistor?
- History of Chemistry | Famous Chemists
- Plant Detectives Dig Into How Cells Grow
- Marvelous 'Manhattanhenge' Sunset Peers Through New York City Clouds (Photos)
- May 30
- Oral Allergy Syndrome: 6 Ways to Avoid an Itchy, Tingling Mouth
- North Sea Plankton Bloom Seen from Space (Photo)
- How to Have an Energetic Day (Without Stimulants)
- Easy-Bake Robots? 3D-Printed Bots Could Self-Assemble When Heated
- 4 Unusual Ways Music Can Tune Up the Brain
- Ancient Lyme Disease Bacteria Found in 15-Million-Year-Old Tick Fossils
- Can Porn Shrink Your Brain?
- Zebras Hold New Record for Longest African Migration
- Hurricane Season 2014: What You Need to Know
- CO2 Monitoring Could Be 'Space-Based' in Future
- Photographer Captures Spectacular Milky Way Vista from the Azores (Photo)
- Volcanic Evidence Opens New Maya Mystery
- Photos: US Military's Global Hawk Drones Arrive in Japan
- Is US Military Using Drones to Spy on North Korea & China?
- Why Older Moms May Be More Likely To Have Kids with Autism
- Caveman Campsite Unearthed at Construction Site in London
- Sugary Drinks May Slow Down Sperm
- Artifacts Ahoy! Old Cannon, Saddam's Gold AK-47 Among Naval Treasures
- Weird Weapons: Strange Artifacts in the US Navy's Archives
- Elon Musk's Vision: 5 Innovative Ideas That Could Change the World
- In Images: The Dragon V2 Spacecraft
- Joe Satriani's 'Strange Beautiful Music: A Musical Memoir' (US, 2014): Book Excerpt
- Eat More Early, Eat Less at Night (Op-Ed)
- To Prevent Sexual Assault, Campus Culture Must Change (Op-Ed)
- Every Four Minutes, Another American Home or Business Goes Solar (Op-Ed)
- Latest Game Consoles Suck Up Electricity, Even at Rest
- Your Favorite Novel Is Now A Soundtrack
- Cosmic Inflation: Have Scientists Indeed Found the Smoking Gun? (Q+A)
- Explainer: What is Electronic Skin?
- VIDEO: How the Weather Affects Our Mood (Op-Ed)
- Why Does the Moon Shine?
- Tonight's 'Manhattanhenge' Sunset a Bust, Cloudy Skies Prevail
- May 29
- Animal sex: How jellyfish do it
- How Twisted Was King Richard III's Spine? New Models Reveal His Condition
- Gallery: The Twisted Spine of Richard III
- Here's Why You Yawn
- Benchmarking Carbon Pollution From 100 Top Power Producers (Op-Ed)
- NASA 'Bisects' Tropical Storm Amanda (Photo)
- Who Uses Heroin? Not Who You Might Think
- US Measles Cases Reach 20-Year High
- University of Arizona Gets Ultra-Fast Supercomputer
- Extinction Rates Soar to 1,000 Times Normal (But There's Hope)
- Bye Bye, Root Canals? Lasers Could Replace Dentist's Drill
- Biodiversity Threats: Maps of Species Hotspots
- 'Coral Corridors' Sheltered Fish from Climate Change
- Severe Sunburns Early in Life Linked to Higher Melanoma Risk
- 'Manhattanhenge' Sunset to Light Up New York City Tonight
- Can Drones Offer New Ways to Predict Storms, Save Lives?
- 'Cosmic Inflation' Pioneers Snag Prestigious Kavli Prize
- Surgeons Can Now Do Brain Surgery Through the Nose
- Spiders Pose as Bird Poop to Evade Predators
- In Images: Spiders Camouflage Themselves as Bird Poop
- World Cup Soccer Ball Is Nice and Stable, Study Finds
- Have a Question about Your Fitness? Join Our Twitter Chat
- Less Than Half of Americans Think People Are Born Gay, Poll Shows
- The Autism-Epilepsy Connection (Op-Ed)
- Nikola Tesla: Biography, Inventions & Quotes
- Women Catch Baby Bug from High School Friends
- Infants May Benefit From Advanced Cochlear Implants
- Are Warts Contagious?
- Student Arrests Push Universities to Shed Fossil-Fuel Investments (Op-Ed)
- The Private Tragedy of Living with a Mass Killer in the Family (Op-Ed)
- Black to the Future: Carbon Fiber Research Seeds New Innovation (Op-Ed)
- May 28
- The Fiercer Sex: Why Female Scorpions Sting More Quickly
- Full Moon Lures Ferocious Muskie Fish to Bite
- Five Alaska Wolf Pups Rescued by Firefighters
- UFO Sighting? No, Just Google's 'Rogue' Balloon
- Meteotsunami to Bear's Cage: 10 Weather Terms to Know this Season
- Greenland Summer Thaw: Will It Be a Big Melt?
- DARPA Developing Brain-Zapping Implants for Injured Soldiers
- 3rd Case of MERS in US Was False Alarm, CDC Says
- World Science Festival: Live Webcast Guide
- Giant Waves Breaking Up Antarctica's Sea Ice
- Amanda: First Hurricane of 2014 Seen from Space (Photo)
- The Navajo Nation’s Shifting Sands of Climate Change
- Antarctic Iceberg Flotilla Caused Huge Sea-Level Rise
- Photos: Huge Swath of Amazon Preserved in Record-Setting Deal
- Lightning Strike Launches Storm Chaser into Sky (Incredible Video)
- Ancient 'Fish Lizard' Graveyard Discovered Beneath Melting Glacier
- In Images: Graveyard of Ichthyosaur Fossils Found in Chile
- American's Visit to China's Forbidden City Revealed in Old Journal
- Shark Sanctuary Established in British Virgin Islands
- Irreversible Changes Now Affect Antarctica and the World (Op-Ed)
- Handcuffs, Bear-Traps and Spikes Lift the Lid on Some Unique Insect Sexual Habits (Op-Ed)
- How's Your Poker Face? Why It's So Hard to Sniff Out a Liar (Op-Ed)
- What Do Women Want In Men? It's Not That Simple
- Hidden Paintings Revealed at Ancient Temple of Angkor Wat
- Photos: Secret Paintings of Angkor Wat
- May 27
- Earliest Evidence of Flower Pollination by Birds Unearthed
- Brain Cells Make Some Mice Resilient to Stress
- Humans Sacrificed Brawn for Brains, Study Suggests
- Can Exercise "Snacks" Stabilize Blood Sugar? (Op-Ed)
- Carbon Dioxide Passes Global 400 ppm Milestone
- Aliens? Yes Please. UFOs? No Thanks
- Zebras Tracked Migrating 300 Miles, a Record African Transit
- Gorgeous Gulf of Alaska Seen from Space (Photo)
- Earth's Oldest Life? Probably Not, New Study Says
- New Seafloor Map Could Help Flight 370 Search
- 'Global Warming' Scarier Than 'Climate Change,' Surveys Find
- Ebola Vaccine Shows Promise in Chimp Study
- Apple to Unveil 'Smart Home' Software Next Week, Rumors Say
- Dog People vs. Cat People: Who's More Outgoing? More Intelligent?
- 'Extraordinarily Rare' Crusade-Era Seal Discovered in Jerusalem
- Photo Future: 7 High-Tech Ways to Share Images
- Future Drones Could Mimic Birds and Bats
- Diet Soda Beats Water for Weight Loss, Industry-Funded Study Finds
- Why Spider Fangs Are Nature's Perfect Needles
- Origins of inebriation revealed
- My Time With Comet Lovejoy (Op-Ed)
- Drilling Surprise Opens Door to Volcano-Powered Electricity (Op-Ed)
- Explainer: What is a Supercritical Fluid?
- May 25
- May 24
- We'll Find Alien Life in This Lifetime, Scientists Tell Congress
- Geek Tourist: 6 Summer Trips for Science-Lovers
- Rare Camelopardalid Meteor Shower This Weekend Is Full of Unknowns (Op-Ed)
- CIA Stops Fake Vaccination Programs, but Will It Matter? (Op-Ed)
- Smart DJs Use Mathematics to Mix the Perfect Beat (Op-Ed)
- Building a Better You? The Era of Trans-Human Technology (Op-Ed)
- What the Heck is Hirschsprung Disease?
- How the U.S. Military Fosters Future Research Leaders (Op-Ed)
- May 23
- Huge Swath of Amazon Preserved in Record-Setting Deal (Op-Ed)
- Why Scientists Are Studying New Meteor Shower
- How the Mars Moon Phobos Got Its Grooves
- Memorial Day: 7 Historical Facts About the Holiday
- No Evidence of Megatsunamis Slamming California Coast
- App Could 'See' Obstacles for People with Vision Impairment
- New Theory Explains Mysterious Growth of Metal Strands
- Brilliant Colors of Alaska Wildfire Seen from Space
- U.S. Military's 'Iron Man' Suit Prototype Debuts This Month
- Mental Muscle: 4 Body Postures for a Better Brain
- Can Drone Technology Find the Nigerian Girls?
- In Photos: Explore the 'Dr. Seuss' World of Bryce Canyon
- NASA Reveals 1st Global Selfie (Photo)
- New Meteor Shower May Spark Meteor Storm Tonight: Watch It Live
- Got Allergies? Avoid These 7 Mistakes
- Spot a Meteor: Photos of the Best Night Sky Parks
- New Photos Show Lake Powell Half Full
- White House Science Fair Turns Spotlight on Girls
- King Richard III Will Be Reburied in Leicester, High Court Rules
- Climate Change, in Real Time (Op-Ed)
- Gazprom's Well-Matched Marriage with China has been a Long Time in the Making (Op-Ed)
- Explainer: What is Hay Fever and Why Do You Have It?
- Back Pain: The Spiraling Effects of a Problem No One Can See (Op-Ed)
- If Aired, Tobacco Truths Would Help Smokers Quit, Study Finds
- May 22
- Splash! How to Save a Wet Fitness Tracker
- Chikungunya Virus Spreads in Caribbean Islands
- Premature Ejaculation Gets a Unified Definition
- How El Niño Causes Wild Weather All Over the Globe (Infographic)
- Secret Weapon? Conspiracy Theories Abound as US Military Closes HAARP
- Road Trip! Best Beaches of 2014 Named
- Sand & Surf: The Best Beaches of 2014
- Report: New Physics Should Hunt Dark Matter & Energy
- Lab-Grown Meat's Cost Could Be Biggest Turn-Off
- Closest Living Relative of Ancient Elephant Bird Is Tiny
- Photos: Robotic Furniture Morphs into Cool Shapes
- Comfy or Creepy? Robot Furniture Rearranges Itself on Demand
- Quantified Kids: Researchers Test Fitness Trackers in Youngsters
- Strange Rocks Found in Earth's Crustal Graveyard
- Thanks, El Niño! 'Below-Normal' Hurricane Season Predicted
- Younger Siblings More Susceptible to Suicide, Study Finds
- NYC Health Department Uses Yelp to Track Foodborne Illness
- US Obesity Rate Reaches New High
- Rules for Self-Driving Cars in Legal Gray Area
- Diver's Scary Great White Shark Encounter Caught on Video
- 'Wheel of Fortune' Host Pat Sajak Sparks Climate Change Twitter Storm
- Wormhole Time Travel 'Possible' (If You're a Photon)
- Pedophiles' Brains Show Abnormal Reaction to Kids' Faces
- Transparent Snails & 'Fairy' Wasps: Top 10 New Species Revealed
- Images: Top 10 New Species of 2014
- Could Cannabis Prevent Childhood Seizures?
- Restoring Science’s Place in Society Will Help Us Resolve the Big Debates (Op-Ed)
- Cheap as Chips Phones: Is It Time to Make the Switch? (Op-Ed)
- Nerves of Endearment: How a Gentle Touch Affects Emotions (Op-Ed)
- Rain! Storm Heads for Southern Plains, Won’t End Drought
- Can the Chickenpox Vaccine Cause Shingles Later in Life?
- May 21
- US Navy Test-Fires New Land-Based Missile Launcher
- Man's Hormonal Condition Was 'Eating' His Finger Bones
- Confirmed: Urine Is Not Sterile
- Guided Brain Scans Might Boost the Care Factor
- Most Breast Cancer Patients Who Have Double Mastectomy Don't Need It
- California Approves Self-Driving Cars on Public Streets
- My 1975 'Cooling World' Story Doesn't Make Today's Climate Scientists Wrong
- FBI Loosens Marijuana Rules to Attract Best Hackers?
- Microbes Lurking in Placenta Also Found in Your Mouth
- UK Launches Massive, Nuclear-Powered Submarine
- DARPA Hosts Cybersecurity 'Science Fair' at Pentagon Today
- Memorial Day: Intense Storms May Rattle Central US; Calm for Most
- Warm & Sunny: 5 Memorial Day Weekend Getaways
- Great Plains Gender Gap: Where Are the Women?
- How El Niño Will Shift the World's Weather
- Swirling Smoke From Alaskan Forest Fire Seen From Space
- Rare Sight: Colorado River Reaches Gulf (Photos)
- Even Temporary Weight Loss Can Have Heart Benefits
- Globsters: Mysterious Marine Monster Masses
- Images: Colorado River Connects With Sea
- South Carolina Gets State Fossil Despite Creationist Pushback
- Why Marrying Your Cousin May Pay Off
- Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On: Busy Stretch for Large Earthquakes
- A Record 55% of Americans Now Support Same-Sex Marriage
- Here Are 5 National Landmarks Facing Climate Threats
- Oceans Apart: 3 Humpback Whale Subspecies Identified
- 180-Million-Year-Old Fossils Revealed in Jurassic Deep Sea
- May 20
- In Photos: The Wonders of the Deep Sea
- Candid Cuties! Photos of Wild Animals on Wheels
- Jungle Gym: Wild Animals Run on Wheels for Fun
- Climate Change Threatens Iconic National Parks
- Babies Born to Obese Women Face Increased Risk of Oxygen Deficit
- April 2014 Ties for Globe's Warmest on Record
- NOAA: Last Month Tied for Globe’s Hottest April
- 'Cosmos' Tackles Life and Death in Sunday's Episode
- Will New Meteor Shower This Weekend Sizzle or Fizzle?
- NASA Readies Inflatable 'Flying Saucer' for June Test Launch
- Chart of Earthquakes Worldwide, 2000-2014 (Infographic)
- Devastating Balkan Floods Seen From Space (Photos)
- Can a Common STD Cause Prostate Cancer?
- In Images: Exploring the Caribbean Deep
- Could Gentle Caribbean Unleash a Devastating Tsunami?
- Minnesota Bans Common Chemical in Antibacterial Soap
- High Cholesterol Levels May Make It Harder to Get Pregnant
- Mysterious 'Fairy Circles' Not Explained by Termites, Study Suggests
- Olive Oil Could Protect Heart from Smog
- Schmacon, Anyone? Company Unveils All-Beef Bacon Alternative
- Stolen Skull of Long-Clawed, Ostrichlike Dinosaur Recovered
- 70% of Americans Infected with HPV
- 'Vicious' New Praying Mantis Discovered in Rwanda
- Termite Genome Reveals Secrets of Insect Sex and Society
- Airplane Seat-Back Pockets Germier Than Toilet Handles
- Why Scores of Fish Went Belly-Up at Los Angeles Seaside
- The Next Big California Earthquake May Be Spread Out Over Years
- May 19
- In Women with Gestational Diabetes, Exercise Lowers Type 2 Diabetes Risk
- 24-Year-Old Poppy Is World's Oldest Living Cat
- Supercell Thunderstorm Grows in Stunning Time-Lapse (Video)
- Turning Light into Matter May Soon Be Possible
- Bay Area's Future Earthquakes: Knockout Blow, or Combination Punch?
- Flying 'Truck-Copter': Photos of the Black Knight Transformer
- Trouble Brewing for Coffee Crop, Thanks to Fungus
- Deadly Heart Disease May Hitch a Ride on Dust Storms
- Olive Oil and Veggies May Combine to Lower Blood Pressure
- How Einstein's E=mc^2 Works (Infographic)
- Rare Clouded Leopard Cub Welcomed to Denver Zoo
- Pancreatic Cancer May Become No. 2 Cause of Cancer Deaths
- Record Greenland Melt Got Boost from Forest Fires
- Genetic Match? People Marry Those With Similar DNA
- Sweet! Certain Tastes Help Fruit Flies Live Longer
- Future of US Warfare: Drone Deliveries & Vertical-Flight Planes
- Photos: One of the World's Biggest Dinosaurs Discovered
- Lost 'Nightsnake' Rediscovered on Volcanic Island off Mexico
- Moore Rebuilds to Be More Resilient and Tornado Ready
- One of World's Biggest Dinosaurs Unearthed in Argentina
- Scary Fanged Cannibal Fish Washes Ashore ... Alive!
- Warmth, Severe Weather Threat Will Return to the Midwest
- Pneumonia Bacteria May Lurk in Windshield Washer Fluid
- Southern High Plains: Needed Rain to Follow Fire Danger
- More Evidence Linking Gum Disease and Heart Disease
- Spiritual Power? 18th-Century Artifacts Unearthed in Caribbean
- Recycling the 'Unrecyclable': A New Class of Thermoset Plastics (Op-Ed)
- Five Brain Challenges We Can Overcome in the Next Decade (Op-Ed)
- May 18
- We Can't Stop Pirates Until We Understand Why They Do It (Op-Ed)
- Scientists at Work: Designing the Fastest Car on the Planet (Op-Ed)
- Christ on a Cracker! Why We See Faces in Everything
- Greenland's Never-Before-Seen Valleys Could Prolong Melting
- Human-Robot Relations: Why We Shouldn't Fear Intelligent Bots
- Real-Life Jetpack Flies at Futuristic Conference (Video)
- May 17
- 3rd MERS Virus Infection in US Reported in Illinois Man
- Human Evolution 'Definitely Not' Over, Expert Says
- A Big Hand for Biofilms
- Pioneering Research Brings More Precise Understanding of Biology
- Tiny Magnets Pose Dangerous Risk to Children, Study Finds
- Found! New Underwater Volcano Discovered in Hawaii
- May 16
- Photos: Hawaii's New Underwater Volcano
- Withings Pulse O2: Fitness Tracker Review
- Whirling Flames: How Fire Tornadoes Work
- 5 Strange Facts About the Pentagon's Anti-Zombie Plan
- 500 Right Whales Could Face the Wrong Fate (Op-Ed)
- Migrating Birds Could Inspire New Military Tech
- New Name Wanted: Federal Agency Backs Away from 'Alternative Medicine'
- Ancient Chinese Tea Bowls Hold Rare Iron Compound
- The Accuracy of Fitness Bands: How 7 Trackers Stack Up
- Wreck of Civil War Ship Commandeered by Slaves Rediscovered
- Mysterious 'Spokes' in Saturn's Rings Are Still There
- How Robots Are Blazing a Trail for Manned Mars Missions
- Jupiter's Great Red Spot Shrinks to Smallest Size Ever Seen (Video, Photos)
- NASA's Asteroid-Capture Mission May Test New Method to Defend Earth
- What Happens to Shipping Containers Lost at Sea?
- Dracula's Castle Up for Sale
- Mistaken Identity: 'Sea Anemone' Is Actually New Type of Animal
- Men with Sperm Defects May Have Higher Risk of Dying
- Namibia's Spring Floods Seen from Space (Photo)
- Quickly Rising Antarctica Suggests 'Runny' Earth
- Human 'Albino' Gene Found in Dogs
- Do Men Have a Higher Threshold for Pain, or Are They Just a Bit Emotionally Repressed? (Op-Ed)
- Scientists Focusing on the Wrong Sharks in the Wrong Places (Op-Ed)
- Keeping Time: Months and the Modern Calendar
- Great Barriers: Reefs First Line of Coastal Defense
- May 15
- Magellan Echo: Smartwatch Review
- How to Track Sleep with Your Fitness Tracker
- The Science of World War I: Communications
- Smoke Plumes from California Fires Visible from Space (Photo)
- Drones & Jetpacks Take Center Stage at Futuristic Festival
- Finding the Right Balance: Too Much Exercise Risks Heart Health
- 'Missing Link' Skeleton May Solve Mystery of First Americans
- Migrating Earthquakes Could Make Prediction Possible
- In Photos: Human Skeleton Sheds Light on First Americans
- Fitness & Big Data: How Wearable Tech Is Changing Exercise Research
- So Many Arms! How Octopuses Avoid Tying Themselves in Knots
- Yearly Scans May Find More Lung Cancers, But With a Price
- 4 Rare Undersea Boneyards Discovered
- Ruptured Pipeline Spews 10,000 Gallons of Oil in Los Angeles
- Flowers of the Sea: Photos Reveal Beautiful Anemone
- Cancer Patients Asking for Tests Are Often Right, Study Suggests
- Intense El Niño May Be Developing (Photo)
- Forget Folk Remedies, Medieval Europe Spawned A Golden Age of Medical Theory
- Tobacco Plants May Contain Cure for Cancer, a New Twist in Protein–Lipid Interactions
- May 14
- Solar Winds Linked to Increased Lightning Strikes
- Man-made Skin Reveals How Sharks Swim So Fast
- Students Risk Brain Problems from 'Smart' Drugs
- FDA Warns Against Temporary Tattoos
- Elephant Seals Survive Deep Dives with 'Smokers' Blood'
- Gallery: California's Deep-Diving Elephant Seals
- How the Deadly MERS Virus Has Spread Around the World (Infographic)
- What Is Buttermilk?
- Mini Longneck Dino Discovered in South America
- Does Chemotherapy Always Cause Hair Loss?
- Keeping Your Eyes On The Ball May Be Essential
- Gluten-Free Diet Reduces Risk of Type 1 Diabetes in Mice
- California's Thirst Triggers Earthquakes, Lifts Mountains
- Burst Water Pipe Reveals Century-Old Crusader Murals in Jerusalem
- Images: Murals of Crusaders in a Jerusalem Hospital
- Did Kitty Litter Cause a Radiation Leak?
- Hurricanes on the Move! Tropical Storms Shift Toward Poles
- US Army's Air-Conditioned Helmet Helps Soldiers Keep Their Cool
- Cluster of Rare Birth Defects Under Investigation
- Pvt. Manning to Get Transferred? How Gender Change Works
- Below-Normal Hurricane Season Expected
- Ethical Care Required as Neuroscience Advances, Government Report Says
- Bullying and Health: Bad for Victims, Good for Bullies?
- Internet of Things Will Bring Promise and Challenges by 2025
- Experts Predict the Future of the 'Internet of Things' (Infographic)
- Electrons' Split 'Personalities' Help Solve Physics Mystery
- Going Viral: When Living Networks Go Awry
- Muslims and Christians in Africa Work Together to Prevent Malaria (Op-Ed)
- Playing it Forward: Video Games and Gamers Evolving (Op-Ed)
- Canadian Polar Bear Hunt Continues, Despite Extinction Threat (Op-Ed)
- The Beautiful New Jellyfish Identified in the Gulf of Venice
- Have Cosmologists Lost Their Minds in the Multiverse? (Op-Ed)
- May 13
- Deadly Jellyfish Blooms Predictable, New Study Finds
- Oldest Known Petrified Sperm Found — and It's Huge!
- Images: World's Oldest Petrified Sperm
- 'Alien' Catfish Baffles Scientists
- Stranger on the Inside: Photos of Tiny Toothy Catfish
- How Is MERS Different from the Flu?
- Samsung Galaxy S5: Tips for Using S Health App
- The Science of World War I: Airplanes
- 5 Myths About Antarctic Melt
- 8 Tips for Dealing with a Depressed Spouse
- 8 Things You Should Know About MERS
- How Low Will Summer Sea Ice Go? Ponds May Hold Key
- Mummified Fetus Found in Tiny Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus
- Partially Parched: Half of US Is In Drought
- UN Convention Weighs Fears About Killer Robots
- What Birth Control Method Do Family Planning Docs Use? IUDs & Implants
- Shipwrecks and Dead Trees Become Home for Deep-Sea Life
- Photos: Deep-Sea Creatures Hide Out on Wood Falls
- Personhood for Pets? How the Human-Animal Bond Has Evolved
- Firstborn Siblings Are More Conservative, New Study Finds
- Humans and Pets May Carry Similar Strains of MRSA
- Equipment "Megaloads" on Roads Add Twist to Tar Sands Debate (Op-Ed)
- After 500 Years, Dürer's Art Still Engraved on Mathematicians' Minds (Op-Ed)
- From Human Extinction to Super Intelligence, Two Futurists Explain (Op-Ed)
- Male-only Gene Trick Could Leave Invasive Fish Species Floundering (Op-Ed)
- Is Your Diet Keeping You Up At Night?
- May 12
- Circumcision Complications Are Very Rare, Study Finds
- Zoo-Raised Gorillas Prefer Forest Sounds Over Chopin
- Facebook Post Leads to Witch Hunt, Tragedy in Brazil
- People Missing Brain Wiring Form Unique Neural Connections
- Debunked: Red Wine Antioxidant Won't Help You Live Longer
- What Do Turtles Eat?
- Dino Death Watch: Microbe Fossil Matter Reveals Post-Asteroid Cold Snap
- Catastrophic Collapse of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Begins
- Exploding Head Syndrome: A Mind-Blowing Sleep Disorder
- 2nd US Case of MERS Reported in Orlando
- DARPA's 'Luke Skywalker' Arm Wins FDA Approval
- Alcohol-Related Deaths Hit 3.3 Million in 2012
- Wow! Robot Arm Catches Flying Objects
- Sun's Glint Lights Up World's Deepest Lake (Photo)
- Pregnant Women at Higher Risk for Serious Car Accidents, Study Says
- Lost! Deep-Diving ROV Implodes 6 Miles Beneath the Sea
- In Photos: ROV Explores Deep Ocean Trench
- The Ancient Greek Riddle That Helps Us Understand Modern Disease Threats (Op-Ed)
- May 11
- May 10
- How Corkscrew Vaginas and Female Penises Evolved
- Working Moms Up 800 Percent … Since 1860
- Chimps and Humans Share Similar Personality Traits
- 60 Million American Birdwatchers Chase Ever-Shrinking Quarry (Op-Ed)
- As Saturn Slips Behind the Moon (Op-Ed)
- Plants Respond to Salt Just Like Humans Respond to Pain (Op-Ed)
- Cities are Failing to Cope with Global Challenges (Op-Ed)
- May 9
- Why the World Still Faces a Threat from Polio
- Milky Way Galaxy Shimmers Over New Zealand Pool in Stunning Amateur Photo
- Wow! NASA Spacecraft Sees Earthrise from the Moon (Photo)
- What's Causing Your Foggy Brain? Check These 5 Possibilities
- Monster Solar Flare This Year Was the Best-Observed in History (Video, Photos)
- Withings Pulse: Putting the Heart Monitor to the Test
- Conception Misconceptions: 7 Fertility Myths Debunked
- Virtual Human Body Could Be Used to Test New Treatments
- Researchers Track Influenza Using Wikipedia
- Origin of Mysterious Jellyfish Lightning 'Sprites' Revealed
- Antarctic Ice 'Cork' Melting Could Lead to Unstoppable Sea Rise
- Mother's Day Science: From 'Baby Brain' to Cognitive Boost
- Genetic Mutants? 5 Strange Science Facts About Moms
- 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes': Digital Effects Wow in Trailer
- More Women Having Their First Baby at Older Age
- Boys Will Be Boys: You Can't Hide Your Gender in Video Games
- Surprise! The Most Popular Baby Names in the US Are ...
- The Top 25 Baby Names of 2013
- How to Use the Gear Fit with Your Galaxy S5
- Citizen Canines? Pet Legal Status is Evolving (Op-Ed)
- Why Climate Change is a U.S. Children's Health Issue (Op-Ed)
- Amazing! How Structure Explains Spider-Man's Webs (Op-Ed)
- As AI Advances into 'Deep Learning,' are Robot Butlers on the Horizon? (Op-Ed)
- Mystery Starfish Plague Extends to Canada and Mexico, but the Answer is Within Our Grasp
- VIDEO: The Benefits of High-Intensity Workouts
- May 8
- Frequent Family Spats Linked to Risk of Early Death
- Biodiversity a Benefit for Brain Research
- Inactivity Trumps Other Heart Disease Risk Factors in Women Over 30
- An 'Exercise Snack' May Help Control Blood Sugar Levels
- Why does coffee make you poop?
- In Photos: New Spider Species Cartwheels Down Sand Dunes
- New Spider Species Cartwheels Down Sand Dunes
- Journeying Man, Dog Strive to Bring Hope to Tornado Victims
- Q&A: Bill Nye the Science Guy on Creationism, Mars and Science TV
- In Photos: World's Glaciers Are Now Mapped (All 200,000)
- Strong 6.4-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Mexico
- Squid Reveal the Sweet Side of Pain
- Galaxy S5: How the Heart-Rate Monitor Compares to Other Devices
- Why East and West Don't See Eye-to-Eye
- Syphilis Cases on the Rise in US Men
- World's Glaciers Are Now Mapped (All 200,000)
- White House Hosts Climate Change Roundtable: How to Watch Online
- What Did Ancient Egyptians Really Eat?
- How Polar Bears Survive on 'Heart Attack' Diet
- Antibiotic-Resistant Genes Are Literally Everywhere
- What Is Boko Haram?
- Aftermath of Chilean Wildfire Seen from Orbit
- Canyon de Chelly: Photos of Arizona's Geological Beauty
- Mad Science: How to Build a Gamma-Ray Laser with Antimatter
- 'Rock Snot' Gets Slimy Boost from Global Warming
- OnEarth: The Great Green Desert
- Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels Rob Crops Of Nutrients
- Peak Phosphorus Will be a Shortage We Can't Stomach (Op-Ed)
- Temper Trap: The Genetics of Aggression and Self-Control
- May 7
- Origins of the days of the week
- Many Parents Not Sure Which Items are Safe for Baby's Crib
- Motorcycle Accident Turns Man's Heart Around in His Chest
- Sorry, Touch Screens Won't Turn Baby Into Einstein
- Women's Pelvic Surgeries Soar Since 1990s
- It Got Better: Life Improved After Black Death, Study Finds
- Mind the Gap: New Evidence for Alaskan Tsunamis Found
- Yuck! Photos of 'Rock Snot' Algae Infestations
- Why It's Perfectly Normal to See Jesus in Toast
- Weird Engineered Organism Has 6-Letter DNA
- Soy Sauce Yields Potential HIV Drug
- The Grocery Store and Dinner Plate Get Hit By Climate Change (Op-Ed)
- Is There Life After Death? Watch Scientists Debate Tonight Online
- Saying %$#@ May Help Politicians Get Elected
- Half of Greenland's Warming Tied to Natural Causes
- Killer Ancient Meteor Strike Carved Out Giant Crater, Evidence Suggests
- In Photos: The Impact Craters of North America
- Deadly Tornado's Track Seen from Space (Photo)
- 'Pinocchio Rex': T. Rex's Long-Snouted Cousin Discovered
- Drones Outlawed in 2 US National Parks
- The Slippery Rules of Mudslides
- Nick Matzke: Reconstructing Species Migrations Across Time
- Our Ability to Cope with Food Poisoning Outbreaks Has Not Improved Much in 50 Years
- Humans and Squid Evolved Same Eyes Using Same Genes
- May 6
- Dino, Heal Thyself: Giant Beast Shrugged Off Bone Trauma
- My, What Big Claws! Dino Talons Used for Digging
- New Trick: Pups Can Follow Human Voices to Food
- Summer Swimming Safety: Why You Shouldn't Swallow the Water
- Concussions Deal Bigger Blow to Men Than Women
- Ecstasy May Make People More Social
- Global Warming: Official Report Shows Climate Change is Human-Caused (Infographic)
- The Great War: World War I, 1914-1918
- 'Gemsigns' (US 2014): Book Excerpt
- Trusting the Future? Ethics of Human Genetic Modification (Op-Ed)
- How Do I Meditate?
- Climate Change 'Not a Distant Threat,' White House Warns
- White House Outlines New Climate Change Report: How to Watch Online
- #Earthquake! Tweets Beat Official Quake Alerts
- Northern Lights' Physics Could Aid in Nuclear Fusion
- Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Rare but Serious Cancer Sign
- Europe's Night Lights Seen from Space (Photo)
- New 'Penguin Flu' Found in Antarctica
- Halting Drone-Assisted Hunting Before It Takes Off (Op-Ed)
- With 2.5 Million Injuries, Youth Basketball is a Contact Sport (Op-Ed)
- Injuries Cause Over One-Third of Children's ER Visits
- As Coral Bleaching Continues, Reefs in Peril (Op-Ed)
- Sports & Energy Drink Consumption Linked to Unhealthy Teen Behaviors
- Why Did Humans Grow Four Inches in 100 Years? It Wasn't Just Diet (Op-Ed)
- Detection Devices: How a ‘Sensor Society’ Quietly Takes Over (Op-Ed)
- The Cartoon Thing: Why Are Female Scientists Missing? (Op-Ed)
- May 5
- Deaths Decline after Massachusetts Healthcare Reform
- Cold-Water Swims and Controlled Breathing May Dampen Inflammation
- Mom's Lifetime Risk of Death from Pregnancy Jumps 50%
- Treasure Hunt: Shipwreck Yields Bonanza of Gold Bars & Coins
- Gold Rush Shipwreck: Photos of a Real-Life Underwater Treasure Hunt
- Monkeys Protect Air Base from Bird Strikes
- Smoke and Mirrors: Who's Really Fueling Those Bogus EPA Attacks? (Op-Ed)
- Rare Earthquake Warning Issued for Oklahoma
- Older Than Nazca: Mysterious Rock Lines Marked Way to Ancient Peru Fairs
- Images: The Ancient Rock Lines of Peru
- Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower: Will Clouds Obstruct Your View?
- New Rankings Reveal Teen Pregnancy Rates in Each State
- Teen Pregnancy Rates By State
- POLL: Which Weather Event, Natural Disaster Would You Avoid if You Could?
- East Pacific Hurricane Season May Start Early
- Lime Shortage Sours Cinco de Mayo Fiestas
- Animal Sex: How Sea Turtles Do It
- Meteor Shower From Halley's Comet Peaks Tonight: How to Watch Online
- Fearsome 'Goblin Shark' Sighted for Only 2nd Time in Gulf of Mexico
- A Beautiful Mind: Brain Injury Turns Man Into Math Genius
- Bullied High-School Kids Carry Weapons to School
- US Army Testing Pilotless Black Hawk Helicopter
- Gallery: Drawings of a Mathematical Savant
- 7 Strange Facts About Quarks
- Canine 2.0: Dogs in High-Tech Gear Could Aid Search-and-Rescue Efforts
- Baby-Gate Injuries on the Rise
- May 4
- May 3
- Finding the Strength to Reach the Ocean's Furthest Depths
- Many Parents Don't Place Their Babies to Sleep on Their Backs
- Allergy Medications: Which Drugs Treat Which Symptoms
- Scientists Hold Hope For New Measles Drug
- Are We Heading for a Worrying Super El Niño?
- The Need for Astronomy: Teaching Science in Tanzania (Op-Ed)
- May 2
- Belly-Flopping Icebergs Could Help Track Glaciers
- Spider-Man: 5 Weird Effects of Real Spider Bites
- Too Much Iron from Meat May Raise Heart Risks
- 'Gospel of Jesus's Wife' Looks More and More Like a Fake
- Replica King Tut Tomb Unveiled in Egypt
- Jesus Married? New Documentary Highlights Controversial Gospel
- Fracking-Linked Earthquakes May Strike Far from Wells
- 1st Case of Deadly MERS Virus Confirmed in US
- Length of Alien Planet's 'Day' Clocked for 1st Time, an 8-Hour World
- New York Marijuana Reform: A Chronic Issue for 70 Years
- Could Tiny 'Black Hole Atoms' Be Elusive Dark Matter?
- Exotic Particles May Hold Clues to Mysterious Dark Matter
- Space-Grown Crystals May Help Crack Huntington's Disease (Video)
- Spellbinding Colors of Northern Lights Astound Alaska Photographer (Images)
- Bioterror Threat? New Smallpox-Related Virus Raises Alarms
- Watch Seismic Waves of 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake Roll Through State (Video)
- North Korea Fires Seen from Space
- Rare Postage Stamp Could Fetch $20 Million at Auction
- In Photos: Leonardo Da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa'
- 3 Common Nutrition Myths Dispelled
- Did da Vinci Create a 3D 'Mona Lisa'?
- Big, Fat 'F': US Children Fail at Physical Activity
- 'Amazing Spider-Man 2': Spidey Villains' Looks Inspired by Science
- Human Brain Microchip Is 9,000 Times Faster Than a PC
- Mount St. Helens Is Recharging: What Rising Magma Means
- Stress Reduction May Help Women Get Pregnant (Op-Ed)
- Jiggy Mazda and the Spiders from Cars (Op-Ed)
- Bites and Parasites: Vector-Borne Diseases and the Bugs Spreading Them
- Keeping Time: Time Zones, Trains and the 24-Hour Day
- May 1
- Galaxy S5's Health App Review
- Spacetime May Be A Slippery Fluid
- New Super-Heavy Element 117 Confirmed by Scientists
- Teen Suicide Clusters Linked to Newspaper Reports
- Colorado River's New Flow Seen by Satellite (Photo)
- Climate Conditions Help Forecast Meningitis Outbreaks
- New State of Light Revealed With Photon-Trapping Method
- Up to 40% of Deaths from Leading Causes Are Preventable
- Solved! How Ancient Egyptians Moved Massive Pyramid Stones
- Butterflies Caught Lapping Up Crocodile Tears
- 'Black Smoker' Viruses Steal Genes from Their Pals
- Sly Birds Cleverly 'Cry Wolf' to Steal Food
- Brain Cells Viewed 'Talking' at Molecular Level
- Men's Skin Cells Turned Into Sperm Precursors
- Spidey Science: 4 Bits of Real Science in 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2'
- Smell Will Tell: Humans Sniff Out the Opposite Sex
- In Photos: The Hunt for a Circus Train Graveyard
- 19th-Century Circus Train Crash Mystery: Where's the Animal Graveyard?
- In Photos: The Science of the Amazing Spider-Man 2
- Mysterious Buried Artifacts Discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings
- When Wives Get Sick, Risk of Divorce Rises, Study Says
- Who Invented Air Conditioning?
- Why Does Time Flow Forward?
- The Time for Wind and Solar Energy is Now (Op-Ed)
- How I Found the Lost Desert Camp of Lawrence of Arabia (Op-Ed)
- Ravens Have Social Abilities Previously Only Seen in Humans (Op-Ed)