All content archive
June 2014
500 articles
- June 30
- Cancer-Fighting Diet: 6 Tips to Reduce Your Risk
- 1 in 6 Returned Soldiers Use Opioid Painkillers, Study Finds
- Facebook Emotions Are Contagious, Study Finds
- California's 2014 Rainfall Totals Approach Record Lows
- Dreamy Desert View Captured from Space (Photo)
- Why Does the Moon Have Phases?
- Many Women Don't Need Yearly Pelvic Exams, Doctors' Group Says
- Could Supreme Court Ruling Increase Abortions?
- Muscle Tissue Could Make Robots More Lifelike
- Where Do Cashews Come From?
- Ocean Garbage Patch Is Mysteriously Disappearing
- Native Americans Had a Precolonial Baby Boom
- Why That Bass Beat Moves Us
- Yosemite National Park Celebrates 150 Years of Splendor
- How Extinct Undersea Volcanoes Trigger Rare 'Tsunami Earthquakes'
- Enormous Tornado-Blocking Walls: Could Wild Idea Really Work?
- New 'Supercooling' Technique Helps Preserve Organs
- Unhappy Feet: Global Warming Threatens Emperor Penguins
- How New Childbirth Therapies Work (Infographic)
- Will Egg Freezing Be the Future of Fertility?
- Future of Fertility Treatment: 7 Ways Baby-Making Could Change
- Photo Timeline: How the Earth Formed
- Natural Medicine is Great, but Chemists Can Make It Even Better (Op-Ed)
- Catching Hyenas on Camera (Op-Ed)
- June 29
- June 28
- June 27
- Why Eating Fruits and Veggies Won't Make You Thin
- Could Ebola Spread to the United States?
- Car Airbag Leaves Canvas Imprint on Girl's Eyes
- Big Earthquakes Double in 2014, But They're Not Linked
- Hurricane Survival Guide: What You Need to Know
- Photo Journal: The Gorgeous San Andreas Fault
- Chimps Reveal Their Taste in Music
- Broccoli Brew Eases Air Pollution Effect, But Is This Detox?
- Snakebite Causes Huge Mass in Woman's Leg, 50 Years Later
- Squirrels: Diet, Habits & Other Facts
- Liberals Don't Hate Authority After All
- Tiny Elephant Shrew Is Smallest of Its Kind
- That's Explosive! 3 New Volcanoes Discovered in Australia
- Awww! Baby Stegosaurus Tracks Modeled in 3D
- In Photos: Baby Stegosaurus Tracks Unearthed
- Ancient Asteroid Destroyer Finally Found, And It's a New Kind of Meteorite
- Photos: New Kind of Meteorite Found in Sweden
- From the Frontline: Saving Australia's Threatened Mammals
- Detecting Brain Activity in Coma Patients Can Be Scary for Families (Op-Ed)
- Papadum the Goat and His Model Genome (Gallery)
- Are Dogs Colorblind?
- June 26
- BMI May Miss 25% of Kids with Obesity
- Oldest Animal-Built Reef Discovered in Namibia
- DARPA's Most Challenging Robot Contest Set for June 2015
- Science As Art: Soundscapes, Light Boxes and Microscopes (Op-Ed)
- 2014 Beach Report: 'Superstar' Seashores & Worst 'Repeat Offenders'
- Photos: Ancient Reef Discovered in Namibia
- Using iPads Could Help Older Adults' Thinking Abilities
- Decorative Contact Lenses Get 'Horror Story' Warning from FDA
- Mouse Facts: Habits, Habitat & Types of Mice
- Ice Age Reboot: Ocean Current Shutdown Viewed as Culprit
- 1 in 10 US Beaches Not Fit for Swimming
- Alcohol Linked with 88,000 Premature Deaths Yearly
- Embarrassed? Amused? Humans Share Dozens of Expressions
- US Missile Defense System Finally Meets With Success
- Low-Dose Aspirin May Reduce Pancreatic Cancer Risk
- Gorgeous Faces Keep Guenon Monkeys from Sleeping Around
- Photos: Adorable and Amazing Guenon Monkey Faces
- NY Legalizes Medical Marijuana: How Vaping Pot Is Different from Smoking
- A Coal Town Turnaround (Op-Ed)
- What Does Climate Change Mean for Sea Turtles? (Op-Ed)
- Attack on Reuters Makes Mockery of Cyber Security (Op-Ed)
- June 25
- Pregnant Women May Lack Info on Household Toxins
- How Disco Clams Put on Undersea Light Shows
- People with ADHD May Have a Higher Suicide Risk
- Squatter Beetles Eat Snails and Steal Shells
- Prehistoric Poop Reveals Neanderthals Ate Plants
- I'm Fine! Animals Fake Healthy to Woo Mates
- Acne Products Can Cause Dangerous Side Effects, FDA Warns
- Too Much TV Linked to Premature Death
- Mediterranean Diet May Be Beneficial for Kids' Weight
- Bright Blue Mining Ponds Stand Out in Space Photo
- Older Moms May Live Longer
- Bizarre Jurassic Parasite Sported Sucker on its Body
- Tech Sandbox: The Playground of Neural Engineering
- Future Soldiers May Wear Bulletproof Spider Silk
- In Photos: Bizarre Parasites From the Past
- Six Adorable Exotic Kittens Born at Scottish Zoo
- Engineered Probiotics Prevent Obesity in Mice
- 4,000-Year-Old Burial with Chariots Discovered in South Caucasus
- Incontinence Is Common Among Older Adults in the US
- Zzzzzzzz: The Mathematics of a Good Night’s Sleep
- New Report Puts Price Tag on Climate Change in U.S.
- For a Dog, Play Means Play (Usually) (Op-Ed)
- 'Fat Blaster' Drug Can Give You Weight Loss to Die For (Op-Ed)
- It Takes a Lot More Than Carrots to Beat Cancer (Op-Ed)
- June 24
- Blood-Only Diet Numbed Vampire Bat's Taste Buds
- How Much is the 'Lost Pleasure' From a Cigarette Worth? (Op-Ed)
- Many Kids with Persistent Coughs Have Whooping Cough
- Probiotics Hold Promise for 4 Skin Conditions
- 'Neural Bypass' Reconnects Brain to Muscles in Paralyzed Man
- Whirling Snowflakes Unmask Turbulent Air on Wind Farms
- Parents Should Read to Kids Starting in Infancy, Docs Say
- Chile's Retreating San Quintín Glacier Viewed from Space (Photo)
- Schools Need Better Tornado Protection, Scientists Say
- Wearable Goose Bump Sensor May Detect Some Emotions
- Iron Age Hillfort Open to Tourists This Summer
- In Photos: Early Bronze Age Chariot Burial
- Making Headway in Search for Zero-Resistance Wonder Materials
- Fantasy Fitness Tracker: 8 Absolutely Must-Have Features
- Cannabis Habit and Schizophrenia May Have Genetic Link
- The Threat of Illegal Fishing Is Too Great to Ignore (Op-Ed)
- The Beautiful Game and The Beautiful Mind (Op-Ed)
- Understanding Eye Mechanics to Help Treat Degenerative Disease (Op-Ed)
- Explainer: El Niño and La Niña
- June 23
- Strange Stone Spheres Top List of New World Heritage Spots
- In Photos: World Heritage Sites Dazzle With Culture & Beauty
- These Students Want to Send a Time Capsule to Mars
- Strong Earthquake Strikes Alaska's Aleutian Islands
- Poop Stains Reveal Penguins Migrate With Climate
- Bacterial Vortex: Microbes' Odd 'Swimming' Behavior Explained
- Universe Shouldn't Be Here, According to Higgs Physics
- UK's Largest Aircraft Carrier to Be Unveiled Next Month
- Ebola Virus: Why Isn't There a Cure?
- Senses and Non-Sense: 7 Odd Hallucinations
- Bumble Inn: New England Gets New 'Hotel' for Pollinators
- From Genes to Motherhood: 6 Reasons More Women Get Depressed
- Tempted by Cookies? New Way to Boost Self-Control Found
- Chomping Invaders! Alien Trap-Jaw Ants Spread Along Gulf Coast
- Highest Global Temps on Record for Month of May
- Quartet of Lights Makes Russia Glow in New Space Photo
- Higgs Boson Confirms Reigning Physics Model Yet Again
- Bacteria in Arteries May Be 'Ticking Time Bombs,' Researchers Say
- Borneo Photos: Discovering the 'Other Galapagos'
- 'Smart Glass' Could Transform Smartphone Cameras
- Mysterious Earthen 'Mima' Mounds Created by Plants, Not Animals
- In Photos: Mima Mounds Around the World
- Indoor Tanning Linked with Skin Cancer Before Age 50
- June 22
- Plan to Build 'CSI Elephant' Uses DNA Forensics to Track Poachers (Op-Ed)
- In Photos: Stunning Views of Titan from Cassini
- Mysterious 'Magic Island' Unveiled as Saturn's Moon Warms
- Worst Spots for Weather Extremes Found
- Fewer Patients Kill Themselves in Mental Health Units but There are Bigger Benefits to Home Care (Op-Ed)
- June 21
- June 20
- Picasso's Ghost: Mysterious Man Found Hidden in Famous Painting
- Would You Compromise Your Computer for One Cent an Hour? (Op-Ed)
- Night Sky Photos: International Earth & Sky Photo Contest Winners
- Saturday Solstice Marks Official Start of Summer
- A Simple Question That Can Save a Child's Life (Op-Ed)
- Great White Sharks Are Making a Comeback off US Coasts
- Trophy Wife Myth Busted: People Choose Partners Like Themselves
- Snake Facts & Types of Snakes
- Spouse's Voice Aids Hearing in 'Cocktail Party' Noise
- Stephanie Kwolek, Pioneering Inventor of Kevlar, Dies at 90
- Deadly Colorado Landslide Seen from Space (Photo)
- Mental-Health Patients at Greater Risk for Becoming Homicide Victims
- Underwater Cave Full of Ancient Bones to Be Mapped in 3D
- Shaman's Herbal Hallucinogen a Fatal Lure for New Age Tourists
- Salamanders Give Clues to How We Might Regrow Human Limbs (Op-Ed)
- Why Artificial Sweetener Can Be Dangerous (Op-Ed)
- Pork Producers Prohibit Painful Pig Pens (Op-Ed)
- June 19
- Newfound Dinosaur Sported 'Wings' on its Head
- Historic Microchip Fails to Sell at NYC Auction
- Ancient Parasite Uncovered in Mesopotamian Tomb
- 75 CDC Scientists May Have Been Exposed to Anthrax
- Obama Gets First 3D-Printed Presidential Portrait
- Old Money: Rare Roman 'Nero' Coin Unearthed in England
- Transparent Brain Technique Made Easier
- Clinically Dead? The Blurred Line Between Life and Death
- Ancient Skulls Reveal 'Mixed' Neanderthal-Like Lineage
- First 'Quantum Computer' No Faster Than Classic PC
- In photos: Hominin skulls with mixed traits discovered
- West Nile Cases Down in 2013
- Happy Summer! Surprise Snowstorm Clobbers Rockies
- Free Will May Just Be the Brain's 'Background Noise,' Scientists Say
- Fentanyl Linked to Rise in Overdose Deaths in Rhode Island
- Photos: June Snowstorm Hits Glacier National Park
- Summertime Blues? US Seeing Red as Temps Rise
- Dr. Oz's 'Miracle' Diet Pills: 5 Controversial Supplements
- Chilean Mountain to Be Blasted for New Telescope
- In Photos: Mountain Blasted for New Giant Telescope
- Endangered Gorillas Protected from Oil Drilling in African Park
- Creatures Living on Tiny Ocean Plastic May Be Cleaning our Seas (Op-Ed)
- The Three Policies That Can Counter Global Warming (Op-Ed)
- Nearly a Century Later, Edwin Hubble's Legacy Lives On (Op-Ed)
- June 18
- Microchip That Birthed Modern Computing Could Fetch $2 Million
- They're Back! Endangered Fish Spawns in Grand Canyon
- 3D-Print a Brain with Free Government Library
- In Photos: Fish-Eating Spiders Around the World
- Parents of Children with Autism Less Likely to Have More Kids
- Depression and Heart Disease Linked in Middle-Age Women
- New Upgraded Military Helicopter Whirls into British Fleet
- Slow-Motion Earthquakes Caused by Natural Fracking?
- 'Big G': Scientists Pin Down Elusive Gravitational Constant
- How to Shrink a Dinosaur: Fossils Reveal Evolution of 'Pocket Sauropods'
- Doggy Kisses: Oxytocin May Make Fido More Affectionate
- Bachelor Party Stumbles Upon Rare Mastodon Skull
- In Photos: Stegomastodon Skull Unearthed
- Do Superheroes Model Damaging Gender Roles to Kids?
- What Happens to Your Body When You Get Ebola?
- What Is It Really Like Under the Indian Ocean?
- June 17
- You've Got Smell: 1st 'Scent Message' Sent from NYC to Paris
- King Richard III's Tomb Design Unveiled
- Path of a Pandemic: Map Shows How H1N1 Swine Flu Spread
- New Record For Earth's Farthest North Spring, And It's A Gusher
- President Obama to Expand Protection of Pacific Waters
- Human Language Rooted in Monkey 'Song,' Scientists Suggest
- Photos: The World's Farthest North Spring
- World Cup: What Is That Foaming Spray Used by Refs?
- 'Relationship OCD' May Hurt Sex Life
- Why Coconut Water Could Replace Your Sports Drink
- When Slime Ruled: Evolutionary Pause Tied to Earth's Stuck Plates
- North Korean Leader Pays Visit to Naval Submarine
- Brown Bears Caught Performing Oral Sex
- US MERS Patients Did Not Spread Virus in Hospitals or Homes
- New Synthetic Diamonds Are Hardest Gems Ever Created
- Motherless Male Zebra Finches Prefer Same-Sex Mates
- Skull Model Shows Artistry, But Is It a Leonardo da Vinci?
- Celestial Showstopper: The Only Venus Transits I'll Ever See (Op-Ed)
- Rough Day at Work? Call of Duty Can Help You Recover (Op-Ed)
- Does 'Offsetting' Work to Make Up for Habitat Lost to Mining? (Op-Ed)
- June 16
- 4 Baby Horses Born from Frozen Embryos
- Breast MRIs May Find Cancer Elsewhere
- President Obama Urges Action on Climate at Graduation Address
- 1st 'Scent Message' to Be Beamed from NYC to Paris Tomorrow
- In Photos: Mission to 2,000-Year-Old Antikythera Shipwreck
- Mount Etna Erupts in Fiery Display
- Prolonged Sitting Linked to Increased Risk of Certain Cancers
- High Blood Pressure: How Low Should You Go?
- Social Web: Female Spiders Adopt 'Warrior' or 'Nanny' Roles
- US Navy Aims to Launch Spy Drones from Ships
- 'Jellyroll' Ice Sculptures Discovered Under Greenland Ice Sheet
- Mauna Loa Volcano May Be Rumbling Back to Life
- Girl's Uncontrollable Laughter Caused By Brain Tumor
- Earth's Most Abundant, But Hidden Mineral Finally Seen, Named
- Remains of 'End of the World' Epidemic Found in Ancient Egypt
- In Photos: Remains of Epidemic Found in Ancient Egypt
- After Puberty, Kids' Gender Determines Reaction to Caffeine, Study Says
- June 14
- June 13
- Human Ancestors Got Herpes from Chimps
- Why the FAA's Newly Approved Drone Flights Are 'Problematic'
- Night in the City: Milky Way Dazzles Over New Zealand Lights (Photo)
- Springtime Auroras Dance in Vermont Night Sky (Photo)
- 5-Million-Year-Old Arctic Fox Ancestor Found in Tibet
- Drug Use Linked with Brain Differences in Teens
- World Cup Host Brazil Captured in Nighttime Photos from Space
- Oil Drilling Contaminated Western Amazon Rainforest, Study Confirms
- Paralyzed Man Takes First Kick of 2014 World Cup
- Earth's Oldest Rocks Hold Essential Ingredient for Life
- Animals 'Predict' 2014 World Cup Winning Teams
- Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Higher Risk of Premature Death
- Thanks, Dad: Owl Monkeys Are Caring Fathers, Too
- Wild Hurricane Facts You Need To Know
- Photos: Fossilized Tracks of Swimming Hippos
- Million-Year-Old Fossils Show Hippos Going for a Swim
- Russia's Popigai Meteor Crash Linked to Mass Extinction
- Time to Discard the Metric that Decides How Science is Rated (Op-Ed)
- Another Titanic Change is Needed to Save More Lives at Sea (Op-Ed)
- June 12
- Gay Men Who Use Hook-Up Apps Have Higher STD Risk
- Why Do We Fear Friday the 13th?
- New Test Spots Malformed Proteins Linked to Mad Cow Disease
- NASA Spacecraft Will Sniff Out Earth's Carbon Dioxide
- Like Magic! Tiny Particles Can Pass Through Long-Distance Barriers
- Free for All: Tesla Motors Makes Electric Car Patents Open Source
- Human and Chimp Genes May Have Split 13 Million Years Ago
- Peering Inside the World Cup's Brazuca Ball
- Digging into Probiotics: Experts Look at Foods' Bacteria & Health Claims
- Condom Use Drops Among US Teens
- Why Extroverts Could Cause Problems on a Mission to Mars
- Warm or Cold? Dinosaurs Had 'In-Between' Blood
- Found! Hidden Ocean Locked Up Deep in Earth's Mantle
- In Photos: Ocean Hidden Beneath Earth's Surface
- In Photos: The Amazing Penguins of Antarctica
- Pew Pew Pew! US Military Developing Laser Weapons to Down Enemy Drones
- The Origins of Unlucky Friday the 13th
- Superstitions Collide: Full Moon Rises on Friday the 13th
- 423-Million-Year-Old Fish Was Once Earth's Largest Vertebrate
- World Cup Exoskeleton Demo: Hope or Hype?
- Penguins Once Thrived in Warmer Temps, But Now Face Climate Crisis
- Stunning Soccer: The World Cup 2014 from Space (Photos)
- Frog Licks Bigger Prey Thanks to Super-Sticky Tongue
- 'Shark Girl' Fights Against Fear in New Documentary
- 'Cool Kids' Don't Stay Cool Forever, Study Suggests
- What Is Kinetic Energy?
- Cellphone Radiation Might Be a Drag on Sperm
- June 11
- Intense Solar Storm Could Hit Earth on Friday the 13th
- High-Protein Diet May Lower Stroke Risk
- Poor Heart Health Linked to Cognitive Impairment
- Greenland Glacier Loses Big Chunk of Ice (Photo)
- Tiny Fish May Be Ancestor of Nearly All Living Vertebrates
- Resveratrol Supplements May Harm Fetus, Primate Study Suggests
- Earth-Moon Smashup Happened Earlier Than Thought
- Rare Sherlock Holmes & J.D. Salinger Items Hit Auction Block
- Skipping Red Meat May Lower Breast Cancer Risk
- Christie's Auction: Holmes Manuscript, Bible & Microchip (Photos)
- Ancient Long-Necked 'Sea Monsters' Rowed Their Way to Prey
- In Images: The Tracks of an Ancient Sea Monster
- Simply Copying Nature is No Way to Succeed at Inventing – Just Ask Leonardo da Vinci (Op-Ed)
- Health Check: How Food Affects Mood and Mood Affects Food (Op-Ed)
- Married Men More Likely to Get Health Screenings
- What Is a Proof?
- What is Earth science?
- The Diversity of Diatoms
- The Air You're Breathing? A Diatom Made That
- Suction is Key to Diving Beetle's Loving Embrace
- June 10
- Ant Sperm Bundle Up to Outrace the Competition
- 'Good Health' Genes Linked to Increased Risk of Brain Cancer
- King Penguins' Genes Explain Ancient Island-Hopping
- Parade of Creatures Colonized Land After Dinosaur Demise
- Weird Case of Look-Alike Snakes Surprises Researchers
- What, Me Fat? Most Americans Don't Think They're Overweight, Poll Finds
- More Moles, Higher Breast Cancer Risk, Studies Say
- Desertion Rates in the U.S. Army Since 1970 (Infographic)
- Vibrating Clothes Could Help Blind People Navigate
- Surprise! Icebergs Spotted in Lake Superior
- Photos: Summer Icebergs in Lake Superior
- Mini-Retina Created with Stem Cells
- Whoosh! Aircraft Drops Retardant on Oregon Fire (Photo)
- A New Spin on Mapping U.S. Tornado Touchdowns
- Boom! Enormous Supernova Explosion Created in the Lab
- Aging Muscles May Just Need a Little 'Love Hormone'
- Bowe Bergdahl: Exploring the Psychology of Desertion
- Sun Unleashes 2 Major Solar Flares Back-to-Back (Video)
- First Commercial Drone Use Approved in US
- 29 Million in US Have Diabetes, CDC Says
- Drastic New England Lobster Decline May Be Linked to Warmer Waters
- Chimps Outsmart Humans in Simple Strategy Game
- Human Faces May Have Evolved to Take a Punch
- Rare Stradivarius Violin Could Fetch $10 Million at Auction
- Ancient Mayan Altars, Sculpted Artwork Discovered in Guatemala
- In Photos: Mayan Art Discovered in Guatemala
- Gecko-Inspired Tech Lets Humans Scale Walls Like Spider-Man
- Was Bowe Bergdahl a Deserter?
- Forging Biodegradable Plastic From Methane and Plant Waste
- Why Haven't We Encountered Aliens Yet? The Answer Could be Climate Change
- The First Vertebrate Sexual Organs Evolved as an Extra Pair of Legs
- 'Big Apple' Seen From Space (Photo)
- June 9
- New Exercise Perk: Healthier Gut Bacteria
- Tapeworm-Like Fossil Suggests Origins of Left and Right
- How the Brain Awakens from Unconsciousness Becomes Clearer
- New App Helps Travelers Avoid Diarrhea
- NSF Research Helps UNESCO Preserve Subaks in Bali
- 'Tomato Pill' May Improve Blood Vessel Function in Some Patients
- Cancer Screenings: Too Many Mammograms, Too Few Colonoscopies
- Autism Care Can Top $2 Million Per Person
- Hidden Volcanoes Melt Antarctic Glaciers from Below
- US Navy Dive Will Explore World War II-Era Shipwreck
- World's Oldest Man Dies at 111
- Flight 370 Families Launch Crowdfunding Campaign for Info on Missing Flight
- Mini-Maars: How to Mimic a Volcanic Eruption
- Using Math to Understand the Puzzle of Humanity
- Mystery Disease Turns Oregon's Sea Stars to Goo
- In Photos: Sick Sea Stars Turn to Goo
- Irresponsible Brains? The Role of Consciousness in Guilt (Op-Ed)
- The Natural Way to Keep Fruit Fresh and Stop the Rot (Op-Ed)
- Like Humans, Rats Experience Regret, Study Suggests
- June 8
- June 7
- Gallery: Incredible Photos from the 2014 Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series
- Where Does the Brain Stop and the Mind Start? (Op-Ed)
- 'The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons' (US 2014): Book Excerpt
- Holocaust Denial and Conspiracy Theories Won't Solve World Problems (Op-Ed)
- Too Many Deer? Try Birth Control (Op-Ed)
- Human Behavior, Not Hurricane Names, Dictates Danger (Op-Ed)
- Is Climate Change Response 'Fight or Flight' or 'Rest and Digest'? (Op-Ed)
- Three Common Indoor Allergy Myths Busted
- 'Innovation the NASA Way' (US 2014): Book Excerpt
- How Innovation Will Get U.S. to Mars 2020 (Op-Ed)
- Voyager to Mars Rover: NASA's 10 Greatest Innovations
- June 6
- Top Apps for Lending a Hand to New Parents
- Practicing Yoga Doesn't Ease Asthma Symptoms, Study Finds
- Hunt for Source of All Matter Continues
- Double Vision: Twin Artists Create Curved, Lifelike Landscapes
- In Pictures: Twin Brothers' Lifelike, Curved Drawings
- Tomato-Rich Diet May Lower Kidney Cancer Risk
- Heat Makes Ecstasy Drugs a Greater Risk
- Global Warming Playing a Role in Australia’s Record Heat
- Geological 'Grabens' in Utah Seen from Space (Photo)
- 10 ways to avoid summer tick bites
- Cowabunga! Extreme Cliff Diving Competition Stops in Texas This Weekend
- Amazing Video Captures Polar Bear's Point of View
- Squee! See Newly Hatched Osprey Chicks on Live 'Critter Cam'
- Amazon Rumored to Unveil 3D Smartphone This Month
- Harvard Has a Book Bound in Human Skin...Your Move, Yale
- Exposure to Allergens Early in Life May Lower Children's Allergy Risk
- Can Fuel Economy Targets Survive All the Loopholes? (Op-Ed)
- Higher Solar-Cell Efficiency Achieved With Zinc-Oxide Coating
- Animal Data Is Not Reliable for Human Health Research (Op-Ed)
- Molecules Have No Morals: Ecstasy Godfather Alexander Shulgin's Legacy (Op-Ed)
- Can You Surf the East Australian Current, 'Finding Nemo'-style? (Op-Ed)
- June 5
- Ambitious Brain-Mapping Project's Science Goals Revealed
- DARPA Kicks Off Two-Year Cybersecurity Hack-A-Thon
- For One Night Stands, Girth Matters
- Top 5 Signs It's Time to Stand Up for Science (Op-Ed)
- Red Wine Compound May Improve Memory, Study Suggests
- Fish and Exercising Linked to Lower Risk of Colon Cancer Return
- Artist Creates Living Replica of Van Gogh's Ear
- Adorable Animal Babies: Meet Wandering Wolf's First Pups
- Smokers Say E-Cigs Are Just 'Cooler' than Other Inhalers
- Images of Oregon's New Wolf Pups
- Catfish 'See' Their Next Meal with Acid-Sensing Whiskers
- Fossils of Dinosaur-Era Forest Fire Discovered in Canada
- Photos: Fossils from a Dino-Era Forest in Canada
- El Niño Likely: 70 Percent Chance by Summer
- Breath-Holding Superstition May Have Caused Car Crash
- The Slenderman Stabbing: Are Urban Legends Really to Blame?
- More Baby Boomers Were Hospitalized for Flu This Year
- Watercress Named Top 'Powerhouse' Veggie
- 'Powerhouse' Produce: Researchers Rank the Top Fruits and Vegetables for Health
- First 3D Flying-Reptile Eggs Discovered in China
- Photos: Ancient pterosaur eggs and fossils uncovered in China
- 4 in 10 Americans Believe God Created Earth 10,000 Years Ago
- California Tule Fog Becoming Increasingly Rare (Photo)
- Why Can't People Remember Being a Baby?
- 'Reckless Disregard' (US 2014): Book Excerpt
- Parasitic Wasp Turns Roaches into Zombie Slaves using Neurotoxic Cocktail
- Explainer: What is Vitiligo?
- June 4
- How Marijuana Affects Health
- Genome Sequencing Reveals Severe Intellectual Disability in Patients
- Tiny Frogs Use Concrete Storm Drains as Megaphones
- Children of Divorce May Be More Likely to Be Overweight
- $2 Million Competition Aims to Monitor Ocean Health
- Google Invests Billions on Satellites to Expand Internet Access
- Artificial Sweetener Could Be Used As a Safer Insecticide
- Breath Test Promises to Sniff Out Lung Cancer
- 11-Million-Year-Old Weird Worm Lizard Discovered
- MERS Victim Caught Deadly Disease from Camel
- Geologists Help 'Godzilla' Hide Out in World's Deepest Ocean Trench
- Drastic Drop in Baby Brown Pelicans: Blame El Niño?
- Flight of Fancy: Piloting Planes with Mind Control
- Stem Cell Scientist Agrees to Retraction
- LGBT Sites Gaining Their Place on US Historic Map
- New Fitness Clothing Is Its Own Workout
- Hidden Beached Whale Revealed in 17th-Century Dutch Painting
- Sniffle Detective: 5 Ways to Tell Colds from Allergies
- Ocean Heats Up for Hurricane Season (Photo)
- For Better Nipple Reconstruction in Cancer Patients, Surgeons Turn to Tattoo Artists
- Sold! Nobel Prize for Neutron Discovery Auctioned for $329,000
- Wreckage from Secret Cold War Spy Mission Revealed in Aerial Images
- A New Reason to Love Bottom Feeders: They Suck Up Carbon
- Celebrities, Stooges, and 25th-Century Reporters: Are Video Games Art or Merchandise? (Op-Ed)
- Race Against Time to Prevent Deadly Spread of Polio (Op-Ed)
- New Type of In-Body Device Could be Charged Wirelessly (Op-Ed)
- Health Check: What You Should Know About Varicose Veins
- Born this way? An Evolutionary View of 'Gay Genes' (Op-Ed)
- Can Social Media Prevent Suicide? (Op-Ed)
- Dinosaur Fossil Smuggler Gets 3-Month Sentence
- June 3
- Centenarians: Study Reveals What They Die of, and Where
- Why Koalas Hug Trees
- In Images: Koalas Hugging Trees
- 3 New Ozone-Munching Gases Found in Atmosphere
- Humans Blamed for Extinction of Mammoths, Mastodons & Giant Sloths
- EPA's Carbon Emissions Crackdown: 5 Important Facts
- Fitness Trackers Help Monitor Cancer Patients
- Some Antibiotics May Slightly Increase Colon Cancer Risk
- Godfather of Psychedelic Drugs Dies
- Tree Bark May Hold Key To New Melanoma Treatment
- EPA Aims To Slash Power Plant CO2 by 30 Percent
- US Military's Skin Sensors Could Reveal Science of Sweat
- UK's Royal Air Force Recreates Iconic D-Day Photos
- 100 More MERS Cases Found in Saudi Arabia Review
- Restaurants Most Common Source of Foodborne Norovirus Outbreaks
- Deadly Wall of Dust Devours Tehran in New Photo
- 3D-Printed Blood Vessels Could Be Used for Transplants
- Alaska's Pavlof Volcano Blows Its Top (Photo)
- Vanishing da Vinci Portrait Could Be Saved by Science
- Einstein in Love: Letters Illuminate Genius' Dark Side
- New Algorithm Can Make Your Selfie Look Like a Professional Photo
- New Stick Insect Species Discovered in China
- Plastic Legacy: Humankind's Trash Is Now a New Rock
- In Photos: New 'Plastiglomerate' Rock Material Found on Hawaii Beach
- Nobel Prize of Neutron Discoverer to Be Sold at Auction
- Trendy 'Paleo' Diet May Not Suppress Appetite
- June 2
- 4 Myths About E-Cigarettes
- Uploading the Mind: Could a Digital Brain Feel Pain?
- 1 in 8 US Kids Gets Maltreated
- Brace for Record Heat as El Niño Approaches
- Learning a New Language at Any Age Helps the Brain
- Gender Bias May Make Female Hurricanes Deadlier
- Exercising May Help with 'Chemo Brain'
- 900-Lb. Ancient Croc Tore Through Turtles, Battled Monster Snakes
- Venice's Red Roofs Seen from Space
- Sperm-Inspired Robots Could Aid In Vitro Fertilization
- How Would Humans Know If They Lived in a Multiverse?
- 'Round-the-World' Solar Plane Takes First Flight
- Your Brain in 2050: A Mishmash of Biology and Implants?
- Blond Hair Gene Identified
- Kids' Choice: Winners of Alan Alda's 'What Is Color' Challenge Announced
- Sinister! Threats from the Left Are Scarier
- Mighty Winter Storm Moves Offshore in Stunning Shot from New Zealand
- The Crab-Castrating Parasite That Zombifies Its Prey
- June 1