All content archive
July 2014
484 articles
- July 31
- How Science Can Study the Conscious Mind
- 'Massacre' of Uncontacted Tribe in Peru Revealed in New Reports
- Coral Miles Away Still Show Effects Years After BP Oil Spill
- How the Ebola Outbreak Became Deadliest in History
- CDC Warns Against Travel to Ebola-Affected Countries
- Coral Crypt: Photos of Damage from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Tethered Blimps Could Be Legal Alternative to Drones
- Withings Smart Body Analyzer Review
- Chronic Pain Makes Mice Lazy
- Seafloor-Mapping Airguns May Harm Ocean Animals
- Jobs with Highest and Lowest Heart Disease Risk Revealed
- Surf's Up in the Arctic: Record-High Waves Seen in 2012
- No Record, But Arctic Sea Ice Will be Among 10 Lowest
- New Biomaterial Mimics Functionality of Natural Cartilage
- Shrinking Dinosaurs Evolved into Flying Birds
- Innovative Entertainment Model Designed to Get Kids Outside
- Indian Woman Beaten to Death for 'Witchcraft'
- UK to Permit Driverless Cars on Public Roads in 2015
- Buffalo Facts | Water Buffalo & Cape Buffalo
- Remote Canadian Fires Seen from Space (Photo)
- Dust In Your Eye? Particulate Matter Seen from Space
- Warriors' Bones Reveal Bizarre Iron Age Rituals
- In Photos: Boneyard of Iron Age Warriors
- Stressed Out Mongooses Can't Cope with Baby Booms
- Explainer: Israel's Iron Dome Anti-Missile System
- Ohio Fire Disaster Spotlights Need for Fracking Info (Op-Ed)
- July 30
- Who Will Save Earth? The Ingenious Human Mind (Op-Ed)
- 4 Ways Owning a Dog Can Make You Healthier
- Odd Cause of Gaping Siberian Holes Possibly Found
- Otzi 'The Iceman' Had Heart Disease Genes
- Giant Anteaters Can Kill People
- Blood Test Predicts Suicide Risk, Study Suggests
- Weird Delay in Pain from Brown Recluse Spider Bite Explained
- Bears: Facts & Pictures
- Newborn's Infection Came from Probiotics, Study Suggests
- Deep-Sea 'Octomom' Guards Eggs for Record 4.5 Years
- In Photos: Amazing 'Octomom' Protects Eggs for 4.5 Years
- New Wrinkle? Ancient Earth Got a 'Face-Lift,' Study Suggests
- Forest Loss and Climate: Empowering Communities Can Help (Op-Ed)
- How Heat-Loving Organisms Are Helping Advance Medicine
- What Tiny Drones Can Learn from Hummingbirds
- Geckos in Space! Lizards Are No Strangers to the Cosmos
- Like Facebook, OKCupid Experimented with Users
- Images: Amazing Dominican Amber Trove
- Forgotten Amber Yields New Locust Species
- The 9 Unhealthiest Restaurant Meals
- Pick Up the Mop, Guys: Egalitarian Couples Do Have Good Sex
- Scientists Closing in on Theory of Consciousness
- Heat Waves & Cold Snaps Kill 2,000 Each Year in US
- 'Longitude' Prize Will Tackle Antibiotic Resistance
- First & Second Weeks of Pregnancy: What to Expect
- Flight MH17 Victims Left Lasting Contributions to AIDS Advocacy
- New Drug Could Treat Low Testosterone with Fewer Side Effects
- July 29
- Pumas, Panthers & Cougars: Facts About America's Big Cats
- Exercise Can Change How You See the World
- Google Searches Could Predict the Next Financial Crisis
- Bahamas Bacteria May Feast on Dust from the Saharan Desert
- We Want Clean Power — Fight for It (Op-Ed)
- Healthy Living in Stressful Times May Reduce Aging Effects
- Birthday Binging Linked to More Hospital Admissions
- 3 Facts About Heart Attacks
- Americans Favor Low-Fat Diet Over Low-Carb
- Strange and Beautiful: Gallery of Old Sci-Fi Artwork
- Rare Pangolins May Be Eaten to Extinction, Conservationists Warn
- Pangolin Photos: Scaly Mammals Threatened with Extinction
- Giant Galaxy-Spying Telescope Set to Break Ground in Hawaii
- In Images: Hawaii's Giant Thirty Meter Telescope
- Fab 4 Math: Computer Maps Beatles' Musical Evolution
- Quantum Wonderland: Neutron 'Cheshire Cats' Created
- Alaska's 'Hidden' Forests Captured in Unprecedented Detail (Photo)
- Drones Could Grow to $11 Billion Industry by 2024
- Pretty in Pink: New Moon Rock Reveals Rosy Secret
- Hawaii's Climate Wipeout (Video)
- Are Kids Afraid of Nature? (Op-Ed)
- Unleashing the Power of the Bilingual Mind (Op-Ed)
- Health Check: What’s Your Gut Feeling About Probiotics? (Op-Ed)
- The Five Most Poisonous Substances: From Polonium to Mercury
- July 28
- Stopping Deadly Ebola Outbreak Will Be a 'Marathon,' CDC Says
- What's So Special About Google's Health Study?
- Weight-Loss Supplement Linked to Liver Failure Case
- 7 Absolutely Horrible Head Infections
- Stunning Oasis in the Desert Seen from Space (Photo)
- These Facial Features Matter Most to First Impressions
- Even a 5-Minute Run Is Great for Heart Health
- Holy Hogwarts! New 'Invisible' Materials Made with Light
- Earth May Be in Early Days of 6th Mass Extinction
- Brain Gains: Women Getting Smarter Faster Than Men
- Frog Population Decline Linked to Killer Pathogen
- Mammoths and Mastodons of the Ohio Valley Were Homebodies
- King Richard III's Hasty Grave Opened to the Public
- Citizen Science Aims to Clean Up Pacific Plastics
- Tumor Full of 232 'Toothlets': What's an Odontoma?
- Sky's Eerie X-Ray Glow Comes from 'Hot Bubble'
- A Common Link Among Female Criminals: Brain Injury
- First Glimpse of Higgs Bosons at Work Revealed
- In Photos: UK's Top-Secret 'Taranis' Drone Takes Flight
- Top-Secret British Combat Drone Gets Test Run
- How Texas Man Survived 1,000 Killer Bees
- Mmm … Chocolate Cake! Why Some People Struggle to Resist Cravings
- Could Dinosaurs Have Survived the Impact that Killed Them?
- Chinese Demand is Dooming Rosewood
- July 27
- July 26
- Why Are Whales Not Recovering? (Op-Ed)
- Why Cold-Blooded Critters Don't Need Fur
- Banned in 160 Nations, Why is Ractopamine in U.S. Pork? (Op-Ed)
- Feed the Birds? Not Popcorn and Crumbled Bread (Op-Ed)
- Concussions are Brain Injuries — Sit Your Kid Down (Op-Ed)
- Bonobos Invade 'Planet of the Apes' (Op-Ed)
- How Google Street View is Tackling Methane Leaks
- July 25
- Should You Trust Health Apps on Your Phone?
- Sexy Thoughts: The Mind Is Key in Female Orgasm
- 'Flying Flashbulb' Drones Could Light Up Photo Shoots
- Next 'Big Earthquake' in SoCal Might Be Mid-Sized
- Vibrio Warnings: How to Avoid Ocean-Dwelling Bacteria
- Astronaut's View on Israel-Gaza Conflict: No Borders Visible from Space
- 'Lucy' Thriller Revives 10% Brain Capacity Myth
- Alien Smog: How Pollution Could Help Locate E.T.
- Roasting? 7 Scientific Ways to Beat the Heat
- Even Zookeepers Have Their Favorites (Op-Ed)
- True New Yorkers: Not Much Fazes NYC Squirrels
- On Dates with Men, Nice Girls Finish First
- Are Women Really the Chattier Sex?
- Is Your Life Story Written in Your Poop?
- Marmots, China and the Plague
- The Aerodynamics of a Tour de France Time Trial
- How Visuals Can Help Deaf Children 'Hear'
- Corporations are Driving the Energy Revolution (Op-Ed)
- Why Do We Care So Much About El Niño?
- July 24
- Erectile Dysfunction in Military Males Is Triple the Norm
- Many Parents Think Their Obese Child's Health Is Good
- Washington State's Sprawling Wildfire Captured By Drone Cam
- Of a Feather: Photos Reveal Stunning Birds of the Southwest
- Underwater 'Aquanaut' Mission Simulates Life in Space
- Colorado River Groundwater Disappearing at 'Shocking' Rate
- Need for Speed: Pilot Recalls Record-Setting Supersonic Flight
- 'Whistling' Volcanic Lightning Heard Halfway Around the World
- Newly Discovered Virus Lives in Half the World's Population
- SIDS: Causes & Prevention
- Oldest Medical Report of Near-Death Experience Discovered
- Truth Be Told, White Lies Can Keep Relationships Strong
- Parrot Facts: Habits, Habitat & Species
- Did All Dinosaurs Sport Feathers? Downy Beast Suggests Yes
- Images: These Downy Dinosaurs Sported Feathers
- People Use Just 8.2% of Their DNA, Study Finds
- Fukushima Monkeys' Blood Shows Signs of Radiation Exposure
- In Images: Ancient Skull Reveals Brain Damage
- Not Enough Teens Get HPV Vaccine, CDC Finds
- Americans' Favorite Adult Beverage Is …
- How All-Nighters Alter Your Memories
- Kids with Pets More Likely to Avoid Meat
- Egyptian Carving Defaced by King Tut's Possible Father Discovered
- In Photos: 3,300-Year-Old Egyptian Carving
- Chasing Alligators, Dodging Parrots: A Zookeeper's Life (Op-Ed)
- More Efficient, Durable Solar Cells are Possible Thanks to Glass (Op-Ed)
- Clean Energy, Batteries Not Included (Op-Ed)
- Properties of Matter: Liquids
- July 23
- Acetaminophen Doesn't Reduce Lower-Back Pain, Study Suggests
- Top 3 Techniques for Creating Organs in the Lab
- How Syria's Chemical Weapons Are Being Destroyed
- Lead Ebola Doc in Sierra Leone Contracts Virus
- Shin Splints: Causes, Treatment & Prevention
- Facts About Ibex
- Tyrannosaur 'Gangs' Terrorized Ancient Landscape
- 'Uncontacted' Amazon People Treated for Flu
- In Images: Tyrannosaur Trackways
- One Parent May Have Bigger Role in a Girl's Puberty Age
- That's My Owner! Dogs Get Jealous, Too
- String Theory: The Physics of Master Guitar Playing
- Blue Whales Roam Dangerously Close to Shipping Lanes
- 100,000-Year-Old Case of Brain Damage Discovered
- Photos: Blue Whales Swim Dangerously Close to Shipping Lanes
- Trees: Unlikely Culprits in Ozone Pollution
- Tonga May Have Been a Vast Seafaring Empire
- DIY Vaginal Ultrasounds Could Reduce Trips to the Doctor
- Your Cat's Poop Could One Day Treat Cancer
- The Pill May Affect Your Perception of Other Women
- Why Adults Struggle to Pick up New Languages
- Got Cavities? Ancient Teeth Reveal Bacteria's Evolution
- Most Overweight Kids Don't Think They're Heavy
- Affordable Batteries for Green Energy are Closer than We Think
- How Movie Tech Can Protect First Responders
- To Capture the Milky Way, Capture the Landscape
- Properties of Matter: Solids
- July 22
- 'Family That Walks on All Fours' Not Evolutionary Throwbacks
- Supersonic Missile Downed Malaysia Airlines Plane, Photos Suggest
- Chinese Officials Seal Off 'Plague' City, Puzzling US Experts
- Survival of the Flight Test: Airplanes Evolve, Too
- Elephants Can Outsniff Rats and Dogs
- Elephants Crowned Top Smellers Among Selected Mammals (Infographic)
- Where You Glance Can Reveal Feelings of Love or Lust
- How to Take Your Pulse
- Weird! Robot 'Emotions' Mirrored by Humans
- Baltic Sea Turned into 'Mirror' in Photo from Space
- Mini-Drones to Night-Vision Phones: 5 Cool Military Tech Gadgets
- Philanthropist Donates $650 Million for Psychiatric Research
- High-Salt Diet May Double Diabetics' Heart Disease Risk
- Does the Internet Influence What We Find Attractive?
- Antioxidant Supplements Don't Fight Cancer, Research Suggests
- Parkinson's Could Enhance Creativity
- Astronauts Begin 9-Day Mission ... Under the Sea
- Bats Use Polarized Light As a Nighttime Compass
- Earth & Sky: Planets Align During Volcanic Eruption
- Why 'Pinocchio' May Not Teach Kids Honesty
- Is Antarctica Really Getting Icier? New Study Sparks Debate
- Fukushima's Ice Wall Makes Sense
- Identifying Bodies From MH17 is a Challenge For Forensics (Op-Ed)
- Only Zookeepers Get to Feed the Penguins (Op-Ed)
- Loggerhead Turtles Swim to Safety (Images)
- Largest-Ever U.S. 'Critical Habitat' Set for Loggerheads
- New Schizophrenia Gene Links Uncovered
- Integrating Into the 'Internet of Things' (Op-Ed)
- When is Sleepiness Due to Narcolepsy?
- July 21
- Malaysia Airlines Disaster Could Be Setback for AIDS Research
- Republicans Google 'Climate Change' During Extreme Weather
- Probiotics May Lower Blood Pressure
- Chinchilla Facts
- Gazelles: Facts & Pictures
- Doctors Can Help Identify Child Sex Trafficking in US
- Bill Nye Still Bringing Science Alive with Humor
- MH17 Plane Crash Site Seen from Space (Photo)
- Heart Attacks Strike Young Women Harder Than Men
- Why Extraterrestrial Life May Need Alien Oceans
- Is Climate Change Ruining Wine Corks?
- Your Cheeseburger Is Leaving a Giant Environmental Footprint
- Seals May Use Wind Farms as Hunting Grounds
- Iconic Apollo 11 View of Earth Turns 45 (Photo)
- First Litter of Wild Wolf Pups Born in Mexico
- Secret Grizzly Bear Feeding Site Discovered (and Kept Hidden)
- Deadly Coral Diseases Surge Near Dredging Sites
- Truck-Mounted Cannon Can Shoot Drones Out of the Sky
- Taller, Fatter, Older: How Humans Have Changed in 100 Years
- July 20
- July 19
- July 18
- What is Bikram Yoga?
- What’s Behind Super Typhoon’s Rapid Intensification?
- 'Longest' Fossilized Poop Drops at Auction House
- Hormone Replacement Therapy: Types, Benefits & Risks
- Boy's Ear Problems Had Rare Cause: Gut Disease
- Military Satellites Likely Saw Missile Strike on Malaysian Airlines Flight
- Is There a Happiness Gene?
- In Images: 4 Tuco-Tuco Species Discovered in Bolivia
- Traffic Noise Is No Picnic for Prairie Dogs
- Bad Breath: Causes and Treatment
- Gopher Cousins: 4 Adorable Rodent Species Found
- Plastic 'Trash Islands' Forming In Ocean Garbage Patch
- In Images: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- Osteoarthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- Probiotics' Future: 3 Promising Research Areas
- 5 Ways Skin Can Signal Health Problems
- Mormon Church Hasn't Budged on Gender Roles in 40 Years
- Are Smartphones Killing Our Conversation Quality?
- What Species Rules Earth? The Answer May Surprise You
- 'Natural' Hormone Therapy No Panacea for Menopause Symptoms
- Got Chlorine? Your Chicken Might (Op-Ed)
- Grim Harvest: Climate Change Sweeps Iowa Farms (Op-Ed)
- July 17
- Beauty of Greece Dazzles from Space (Photo)
- F-35 Fighter Jets Won't Make Overseas Air-Show Debut
- Secret Lives of Flower Hat Jellyfish Revealed
- Florida Man First to Get Chikungunya in the US
- Photos: The Colorful Life of Flower Hat Jellies
- Malaysia Airlines Disaster: How a Missile Could Take Down a Plane
- Adding Energy Drinks to Alcohol Boosts Urge to Drink
- Updated Earthquake Map Shakes Up Risk Zones
- Rainwater Seeps Into Unexpected Depths Inside Earth
- 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes': Why Apes Can't Speak Like Humans
- Climate Records Shattered in 2013
- 'Voice Recognition' System for Birds Can Tell Two Chirps Apart
- Antibiotics May Have Been Wrongly Prescribed for Influenza, CDC Finds
- Some Asthma Medications Restrict Kids' Growth
- Body Doubles and Aliens? Capgras Delusions Explained
- Carbon Controls are New, But Industry Scare Tactics Aren't (Op-Ed)
- July 16
- Natural Arm Swing Saves Runners' Energy
- Anti-Smoking Policies May Also Fight Suicide
- Doc X-Rays His Broken Headphones to Fix Them
- Don't Take Niacin for Heart Health, Docs Warn
- Can Magnets Relieve Pain?
- World's Biggest Fish Seek New Home
- Dams Imperil Pakistan's Endangered River Dolphins
- Tooth Tales: Prehistoric Plaque Reveals Early Humans Ate Weeds
- Heart Cells Transformed Into 'Biological Pacemaker'
- Going West Wasn't So Deadly for Early Mormon Pioneers
- Clay Tokens Used As 'Contracts' Even After Invention of Writing
- Cracking the Secrets of Deadly Volcanic Eruptions
- 520-Million-Year-Old Sea Monster with Preserved Brain Unearthed
- Six Months In and Sizzling California Sets Record
- Dead Giraffe?! Weirdest Things Found in NYC Waters
- Radar Images Show Human Footprint Claims More of Earth
- Human Footprints: Tracking Development From Space
- Most Kids Eat Fruits & Veggies (But Spinach, Nah)
- Predicting How Biodiversity Affects Disease
- New Widgets Let You Snap, Crackle … and Think
- Why Do Pets Have Floppy Ears?
- When Blown Apart, Hydra Re-Assemble
- July 15
- Red Fish, Blue Light: How Glowing Sea Creatures Change Color
- Military's Space Plane Program Eyes Future Hypersonic Flight
- Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor Review
- Ocean-Watching Satellite Reveals Secrets of Soil (Image)
- Tesla Can Keep Its Patents (Op-Ed)
- Vasectomies Linked with Prostate Cancer Risk
- Full Moon Looms Large Over Your Sleep
- Shape-Shifting Robots Could Have 'Melting Muscles'
- Smile, Hawaiian Wildlife: You're on Candid Camera
- Stay Up Late? How It Could Hurt Your Fertility
- Zoo Elephants' Big Threat: Too Much Junk in the Trunk
- Ancient Priest's Tomb Painting Discovered Near Great Pyramid at Giza
- Take the Scenic Route: New Mapping Software Gives 'Beauty Scores'
- In Photos: Tomb Painting Discovered Near Great Pyramid of Giza
- Bizarre Dinosaur Had 4 'Wings,' Long Tail Feathers
- Searching for Alien Life in the Universe? Don't Look for E.T.
- Medieval Italian Skeleton's Surprising Diagnosis: Livestock Disease
- Health of Gay & Straight People Compared in 1st of Its Kind Survey
- 'Plant That Ate the South' Boosting Carbon Pollution
- Are Solar Storms a True Health Threat?
- Capturing a Comet-Galaxy Conjunction
- July 14
- Stolen 'Nest of Dinosaurs' Returned to Mongolia
- Americans May Be Less Concerned About Salt in Food
- Polar Vortex in Summer? Not Exactly, Experts Say
- Friends Have More DNA in Common than Strangers
- Vintage Bling: Ancient Celts May Have Had Shiny Dental Implants
- Real-Life Paleo Diet Included Spiral-Tusked Elephant Ancestor
- In Photos: New Clovis site in Sonora
- Baby Talk: Infants May Practice Words in Their Minds
- Kids and Science Good for More than Just a Grade
- UK Christens Massive New Aircraft Carrier
- Stress Eaters Beware: You May Burn Fewer Calories
- Last Terrifying Moments of Baby Mammoths Revealed
- Political Favoritism Is Visible from Space, Study Finds
- SIDS Risk Factors Vary for Older and Younger Babies
- July 13
- July 12
- July 11
- Self-Guided Sniper Bullets Could Help Soldiers with Bad Aim
- Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Depicts Bloody Jewish Legend
- World's Tallest Waterslide: Why You Don't Fall Off
- Dangers of Contact Lenses: Amoeba Eye Infection Blinds Woman
- 4 Conditions Probiotics Are Likely to Treat
- 'Manhattanhenge' Sunset Lights Up NYC Streets Tonight
- Spectacular 'Supermoon' Rises This Weekend
- Wrongly Accused? 3 Spiders May Not Liquify Human Tissue After All
- Sex Addiction and Drug Addiction Linked in the Brain
- Road Melts from Yellowstone Volcano's Heat
- 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes': How Actor Embraced Orangutans for Role
- Hookah Smoking: Teen Trend, or Cigarettes of the Century?
- Ancient Coins Found Buried in British Cave
- Surfin' Birds Just Wanna Have Fun (Video)
- That Woman in Red May Spur Female Jealousy
- July 10
- Harsh Thoughts: Cynicism Linked to Stroke Risk
- What People Choose to Dream About: Sex and Flying
- Is It Possible to Have a 242-Pound Tumor?
- Beach Bummer: Toxic Slime Will Hit Lake Erie Again
- 5 Visions That Showed Nikola Tesla Was Ahead of His Time
- HIV Returns in 'Cured' Mississippi Baby
- Ocean Bacteria's Genes Are in Perfect Harmony
- Korean Mummy's Hernia Diagnosed 300 Years Later
- 'Sonic Boom' Earthquake Shatters Expectations
- Images: 17th-Century Korean Mummy Diagnosed with Hernia
- Elon Musk Donates $1 Million to New Tesla Museum
- How Giraffes Stand on Their Spindly Legs
- Why Some Chimps Are Smarter Than Others
- Wireless Electricity? How the Tesla Coil Works
- Natural Gas? Cows Toot Out Most Methane
- Nikola Tesla's Once-Neglected NY Lab Gets a New Life
- Photos: Nikola Tesla's Historic Lab at Wardenclyffe
- Americans Feel Most Attractive at This Age
- Engineers & Eccentrics: Why Nikola Tesla Has So Many Fans
- Feel It In Your Bones? Back Pain Not Linked with Weather
- Watson and Crick Took All the Glory, but There’s a Forgotten Hero of the Double Helix
- Can Apple Health Change Behavior? (Op-Ed)
- July 9
- Could Smallpox Come Back?
- Strawberry Cervix? Doc Reviews Food Words Used in Medicine
- Good News, Bears: Satellites Could Spy on Arctic Species
- ADHD Classified into 3 Types Based on Kids' Personalities
- Tesla and Edison Compared (Infographic)
- Silver Surprise: Millions of Anchovies Swarm San Diego Surf
- How the Tesla Coil Works (Infographic)
- Political Polarization? Sure, But Study Reveals Hope (Op-Ed)
- The Fireworks Inside Us All
- Psychiatric Drugs Send 90,000 to the ER Yearly
- Growing São Paulo Seen from Space (Photos)
- Beyond Tesla: History's Most Overlooked Scientists
- Cosmic Ray Quest: How Huge Telescope Array Works
- Earliest Case of Down Syndrome Discovered in Medieval Cemetery
- Happy 158th, Nikola Tesla! Strange Facts About the Inventor
- Gorillas Use Stinky B.O. to Say 'Back Off'
- Bike Around the World, from Home: CycleOps VirtualTraining Review
- Whoa! Seahorses Don't Neigh — They Growl
- 'Long Tail' Is Tale of Extinction for Amazing Sea Creatures
- 18 Cute Baby Gorillas Get Their Names
- In Photos: Baby Gorilla Naming Ceremony
- Woman Has Strange 'Psychotic' Reaction After Using 'Spice'
- Were Ancient Child Skulls Gifts to the Lake Gods?
- Summer Fun: How Much Hotter Will Your City Be?
- US Military Developing Brain Implants to Restore Memory
- Creep Show: 410-Million-Year-Old Spider Walks Again
- UK's Royal Air Force Sends New Spy Drones to Afghanistan
- July 8
- Giant Ancient Sea Scorpions Had Bad Eyesight
- US Military Grounds All F-35 Jets After Runway Fire
- Popular Testosterone Therapy Lacks Evidence
- Pocket Pets? Mini Hedgehog and Tiny Tapir Fossils Found in Canada
- Images: Fossils Reveal Tiny Tapir and Hedgehog
- In Images: Utah's Cosmic Ray-Finding Telescope
- Blazing World Record: Strongest UV Rays Measured in South America
- Algae May Hold Key to Origin of the Sexes
- Volcanoes Cooled Earth Less Than Thought
- Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now
- Super Typhoon Neoguri Seen from Space (Photo)
- Huge Trove of Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in Alaska
- Images: Denali National Park's Amazing Dinosaur Tracks
- Gas-Charged Earthquakes Linked to Mysterious Louisiana Sinkhole
- Hotspot May Reveal Origin of High-Energy Cosmic Rays
- July 7
- How Justin Bieber's Bangs Could Save Teens' Skin
- Hypersexuality in Women Linked to High Porn Use
- Test for Stroke Risk Not Recommended
- Sliced Bread: The 'Greatest Thing' Turns 86
- Interbreeding Common? Ancient Human Had Neanderthal-Like Ear
- Africa's Dry Dusty Winds Seen from Space (Photo)
- Mysterious Earthen Rings Predate Amazon Rainforest
- Salt on Mars May Have Melted Red Planet's Ice
- In Photos: Earthworks Scattered Throughout the Amazon
- Photos of the World's Largest Flying Bird
- World's Largest Flying Bird Was Like Nothing Alive Today
- Scientists Demand Overhaul of Europe's $1.4 Billion Brain Project
- Natural Sunscreen Explains Mantis Shrimp's Amazing UV Vision
- Remains of long-lost temple discovered in Iraq
- Strong Earthquake Rattles Southern Mexico
- Photos: New archaeological discoveries in northern Iraq
- July 6
- July 4
- July 3
- Journal Addresses Uproar Over Facebook Emotion Study
- Drones Banned from All US National Parks
- How Our Friends Change What We Eat
- Founding Fathers' Blunders Aged the Declaration of Independence
- How Evolving Traits Helped Humans Survive Unstable World
- Men Prefer Painful Shocks to Gadget-Free Alone Time
- Strongest Link: Wastewater Wells Triggered Oklahoma Earthquake Surge
- Heart Disease Risk Tied to Poor Partner Relations
- Arthur Becomes 1st Hurricane of 2014, Threatens NC
- Imperiled Amazon Indians Make 1st Contact with Outsiders
- 'Smart' Garden Morphs to Reflect Moods of Visitors
- Photos: 'Smart' Garden Remodels Itself Based on People's Moods
- Extra Leg? Kangaroos Walk with a Little Help from Their Tails
- How Magic Mushrooms Really 'Expand the Mind'
- The Most Popular Patriotic Name in America Is …
- Photos: Kangaroos Use Tails to Walk
- Why Apple's Health App Means No More Guesswork (Op-Ed)
- By Viewers, World Cup Outpaces Super Bowl
- The Science Behind a Winning Tennis Serve
- Life Blooms on Swirling Ocean Current (Photo)
- July 2
- Tropical Storm Arthur's Threat Seen From Space (Photo)
- People with Tinnitus May Process Emotions Differently
- Change in Hottest US Month Isn't a Conspiracy: Here's Why
- Parents of Kids with Autism More Likely to Have Autistic Traits
- Experimental Asthma Drug Hits a New Target
- Newfound Wasp Literally Has Skeletons in Its Closet
- Tibetans Thrive at High Altitudes Thanks to Neanderthal Cousin
- Fish Oil Supplements: Sound Science or Mostly Hype?
- July 1
- Early Life Pain May Affect the Next Generation
- Sorry, That 'Bigfoot DNA' Came from a Raccoon
- Brainy Fish Remember Tasty Treats for 12 Days
- They're Alive! 'Goliath' Tarantulas Among Spiders at New Exhibit
- 80% of Deaths Before Age 30 Caused by Injuries
- In Photos: The Amazing Arachnids of the World
- Titan Tech: Lightweight Drone Could Explore Saturn Moon
- Most Mammals Take 21 Seconds to Pee
- Happy Fourth of July? Americans Less Satisfied with Personal Freedom
- Turn Off to Tuck In: 5 Sleep Tips for Gadget Junkies
- Painkiller Prescribing Rates Vary Widely by State, CDC Says
- 'Revolutionary' Physics: Do Sterile Neutrinos Lurk in the Universe?
- Tropical Storm Arthur Kicks Off Atlantic Hurricane Season
- Surprise! Devil Rays Found Lurking in Deep Ocean Waters
- Intersex Fish Showing Up in Pennsylvania Rivers
- Serious Reactions to Childhood Vaccines Are Rare, Study Says
- Birth Control Pills May Make Women's Eggs 'Look Old'
- Why Some Urban Legends Go Viral
- Can You Learn to Taste and Smell the Letter B? (Op-Ed)