All content archive
August 2014
443 articles
- August 31
- August 30
- August 29
- 5 Ways Gut Bacteria Are Good for More Than Just Your Gut
- Eczema: Symptoms and Treatment
- Dental Health & Kids: A Guide for Every Age
- 10 Ways Research Chimps Embrace Retirement
- Is Coconut Oil Good For You?
- Gallery: Beautiful Images of Bardarbunga's Volcanic Eruption
- Ebola Outbreak: Do Hazmat Suits Protect Workers, or Just Scare Everyone?
- 'Human Safaris' May Be Exploiting Isolated Tribes, Advocates Warn
- Ebola Drug 'ZMapp' Saves Infected Monkeys, Study Shows
- 'Project Wing': Google Unveils New Drone-Delivery System
- The Scientific Secret to Strong Relationships
- Suicide is Not 'Unavoidable' (Op-Ed)
- 3 Things You Didn’t Know About the Arachnids That Live on Your Face
- Tree Infesting Insects Love the City Heat (Op-Ed)
- What Is Civil Engineering?
- Lava Erupts at Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano
- Rosacea: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
- Gingivitis & Periodontitis: Symptoms & Treatment of Gum Disease
- August 28
- Wind Power Has Soared, But is It About to Crash? (Op-Ed)
- 1 in 10 Packaged Foods Has Trans Fat
- 20 Corals Added to Endangered Species List
- Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone Began at a Funeral
- No Descendants Are Left from the First Eskimos
- In Photos: Life in the Arctic region of the Americas
- No Picnic Safe: Smart Bears Use Tools
- Calling All Nerds! New Sci-Fi Museum Wants Your Designs
- Photos of 'Yeti Footprints' Hit the Auction Block
- Image Gallery: 'Yeti Footprint' Photos Up for Auction
- Is the Universe a 2D Hologram? Experiment Aims to Find Out
- Dramatic Dam Breach Makes Mining Risks Obvious (Op-Ed)
- To Eliminate River Sludge, Modern Tech Is Key (Video)
- How HIV Co-Opts Gut Bacteria (Op-Ed)
- 'Jeopardy!'-Winning Computer Now Crunching Data for Science
- Personalized Medicine Will Be 'One Size Fits Most' (Op-Ed)
- One Third of Sunscreens Overestimate Protection (Op-Ed)
- PTSD: Causes, Treatment & Symptoms
- August 27
- MERS Virus Doesn't Spread Easily in Households, Study Suggests
- Does Kids' Sipping a Parent's Drink Harm Them?
- Quakes Keep Shaking Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano
- Two-Thirds of US Teens with Mental Health Problems Get Counseling
- Unusual Fish that 'Walks' Holds Clues to Animal Evolution
- Schrödinger's Cat Comes into View with Strange Physics
- Yawning Is Contagious in Wolves (Just Like Humans)
- World's Oldest Wine Cellar Fueled Palatial Parties
- Image Gallery: How Ice Drives Death Valley's Sailing Stones
- High-Tech Sleuthing Cracks Mystery of Death Valley's Moving Rocks
- In Images: Real-Life 'Star Trek' Health-Monitoring Tech
- Bad Memories Turned to Happy Ones in Mice Brains
- Why Climate Change Won't Intensify Extreme Snowstorms
- Real-Life 'Star Trek' Tech Could Diagnose Diseases
- Brutal Winter? Almanac Could Be Wrong, Scientists Say
- Hurricane Marie Could Swallow Smaller Storm Karina
- How Delivery Drones Could Monitor Their Own Health
- What Is Electrical Engineering?
- California Jobs Rise with Green Energy
- Turtle and Tortoise Travails and Triumphs (Op-Ed)
- US Military Blows Up Hypersonic Weapon After Failed Test Launch
- August 26
- Ten-Hut! Why Soldiers March in Unison
- Spider Personalities Shine Among Friends
- This Fossilized Creature Has the World's Oldest Muscles
- Pot-Smoking Couples May Have Low Rates of Domestic Violence
- What Is Plaque?
- Strange Spikes Over Siberia Puzzle Astronauts
- Doomsday Debate: Asteroid Threat Could Divide Society
- How to Quench Data Centers' Thirst for Power (Op-Ed)
- Teens with Depression Benefit from 'Collaborative Care'
- Could Drones Be Coming to Disney World?
- For MS Patients, Wii Game Strengthens Brain
- Rhino Reproduction Could Get Boost from Hormone Tests
- Ancient Arabian Stones Hint at How Humans Migrated Out of Africa
- 'Stiff Person Syndrome' Treated by Stem Cell Transplant
- How 'Skin' Sensors Could Turn Planes Super-Smart
- Photos: Mysterious Ancient Tomb in Amphipolis
- I Am Groot: Is a Walking, Talking Plant-Person Possible?
- Alexander the Great-Era Tomb Will Soon Reveal Its Secrets
- What is Mechanical Engineering?
- 4 Ethics Lessons From the Ebola Outbreak
- Why Are Landslides So Devastating?
- Antarctic Riddle: How Much Will the South Pole Melt?
- August 25
- No Dietary Supplement Treats Concussions, FDA Warns
- Photos: Stunning Views of US National Parks from Space
- Too Cloudy? Change the Weather with New Photo-Editing Tech
- OCD: Symptoms & Treatment
- Strange Sleep Disorder Makes People Appear 'Totally Drunk'
- Medical Marijuana May Reduce Painkiller-Related Deaths
- In Images: 6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Northern California
- Probiotics May Help Prevent Peanut Allergies, Animal Study Shows
- Early Human Ancestor's Brain Didn't Grow Like Modern Humans'
- Huge Ponds Hold Tar Sands Sludge, and Great Risks (Op-Ed)
- Massive Supercell Swells High Over Carolinas (Photo)
- Will Iceland's Bardarbunga Volcano Erupt?
- Humanity's Longest-Lasting Legacy: Miles of Holes
- What Caused California's Napa Earthquake?
- Will Iconic Sequoias Fall to Climate Change?
- Escape from New York: City Dwellers Prep for Doomsday
- Items in a Bug Out Pack
- Younger Generation Comfortable With Employer Snooping (Op-Ed)
- Why Bigger City Spiders Are a Good Thing (Op-Ed)
- August 24
- August 23
- August 22
- The Two Wildfires Everyone Should Be Talking About (Op-Ed)
- Hangovers Are About Half Genetic
- Decades-Old Fetus Caused Woman's Side Pain
- American Ebola Survivors Are Likely Immune to Virus Strain Now
- Guide to Antarctica (Infographic)
- What's Melting Arctic Ice? NASA Investigates Clouds
- Will Ice Bucket Challenge Have Lasting Value?
- Fire Breather Gets Pneumonia From Ingesting Fuel
- Hints of Mysterious Particle Detected in 'Big Bang Soup'
- Seeing-Eye Robot Assists Visually Impaired, No Clean-Up Required
- Iceland Watches Ice Cap for Signs of Volcanic Eruption
- Lemur Lady Campaigns for Endangered Lemurs
- Boeing 'Recreates Outer Space' to Fix Missile Defense System
- Visit Any National Park for Free on Monday
- Oldest Metal Object in Middle East Discovered in Woman's Grave
- Photos: Ancient Burial and Metal Tool from Southern Levant
- Space Plane Tech Could Power Hypersonic Aircraft for US Military
- Sea Plankton on Space Station? Russian Official Claims It's So
- August 21
- What the Deep Sea Sounds Like
- Viruses Deflate Huge Algal Blooms at Sea
- The Surprising Reason Hummingbirds Love Sweets
- Sickly Coral Reefs Fail the Smell Test
- Cured Ebola Patient: 'God Saved My Life'
- High 'n' Dry: GPS Offers New Way to Measure Drought
- Has Earth's Missing Heat Been Found?
- Earth's Eastern Hemisphere Stuns in Photo from Space
- Women Seeking Flextime Pay Heavier Price Than Men
- Hot and Getting Hotter: Heat Islands Cooking US Cities
- Zombies and Prosthetic Limbs? The Many Uses of 3D Scanners
- New Mineral Hints at Livable Mars
- Gallery: 3D Scans in Hollywood and Hospitals
- Awkward! How Facebook Complicates Breakups
- 10 Tips for Healthy Facebook Breakups
- Port Arthur, Texas, and Its Fight Against Keystone (Op-Ed)
- Michael Brown's Autopsy: What It Can (and Can't) Tell Us
- August 20
- Drone Pilots Suffer PTSD Just Like Those in Combat
- Will New 'Lab Rat' Ads Stop Teens from Smoking Pot?
- Iceland Evacuates Some Tourists, But No Signs of an Eruption Yet
- City Spiders Are Bigger, More Fertile Than Country Cousins
- The Odd Way Tuberculosis Was Brought to America
- New Wrinkle for Botox: Drug May Treat Stomach Cancers
- Tiny Jurassic Mammals Were Picky Eaters
- Real Paleo Diet: Ancient Humans Ate Snails
- Stop Testing 'Alternative' Treatments, Some Researchers Say
- Humans Did Not Wipe Out the Neanderthals, New Research Suggests
- Cold, Dark and Alive! Life Discovered in Buried Antarctic Lake
- Photo Gallery: Images of Martian Meteorites
- Ecstasy Law Does More Harm Than Good, One Researcher Argues
- Watch a Cyborg Moth Twirl on the Dance Floor (Video)
- 2,800-Year-Old Zigzag Art Found in Greek Tomb
- Teen Birth Rate Hits New Low
- In Photos: Ancient Greek Tomb with Zigzag Art Discovered
- Underwater Maids: Mussels and Clams Could Mop Up Waterways
- The New Street Drug to Watch: Acetyl Fentanyl
- Body Odor and Brain Waves: 5 Cool New ID Technologies
- Surprising Survivor: Little Ancient Reptile Outlived Dinosaurs
- Memory Making Linked to Gene and Protein, Research Shows
- What Is Fluid Dynamics?
- Ten Questions to Ask Your Doctor After a Cancer Diagnosis
- August 19
- Get a Death Grip! Why Snakes Don't Slip When Climbing Trees
- Flu Shot Recommended for All Pregnant Women
- Runtastic Orbit: Fitness Tracker Review
- Beyond Bulletproof: New 'X-Vehicles' Take Stealth to the Extreme
- In Images: Stealthy Armored Vehicles Go Beyond Bulletproof
- Bored with Your Fitness Tracker? Better Devices Are on the Way
- How Do Monster Black Holes Form? New Find May Provide 'Missing Link'
- Zombie Fungus Makes 'Sniper's Alley' Around Ant Colonies
- These Adorable Fur Balls Survived a Raging Forest Fire
- Dirt and Corn? Test Reveals Hidden Coffee Ingredients
- Splat! Why Some Snakes Are Easy Roadkill
- Ancient Toothless Pterosaurs Once Dominated the World's Skies
- Men Who Make Virginity Pledges Struggle with Sex Once Married
- Kids' Drawings May Paint a Picture of Later Intelligence
- Emotions and Eating: A Marketer's Dream? (Op-Ed)
- Montana: Big Sky, Shrinking Glaciers, Fading Wildlife (Op-Ed)
- Gallery: Oldest Living Things in the World
- Art, Science & Philosophy Behind Photos of Oldest Living Things
- August 18
- Liberal and Conservative States Equally Clueless About Abortions
- 'Astonishing Progress' Made on Heart Disease, Doctors Say
- Botox: Uses and Side Effects
- Is Aspirin a Cure-All?
- How the Human Brain Gets Its Wrinkles
- Poachers Killed More than 100,000 Elephants in 3 Years
- Fighter Jets and Drones Practice Rapid-Fire Launches
- How Pygmy People Got Their Short Stature
- Chances of Eruption Increasing at Iceland Volcano
- Color-Changing Octopus Skin Inspires New Camouflage Tech
- Polio Vaccines May Not Always Work
- Weirdest Worm Ever? Clawed Creature Finds Its Family Tree
- Ebola Unlikely to Spread on Planes, Health Agency Says
- Speed Limits Could Save Rarest Dragonfly
- Goodbye, Glasses: Future Smartphone Screens Could Correct Vision
- Surviving Sepsis: Detection and Treatment Advances
- Real Chompers! Jesus Statue Has Human Teeth
- In Images: A Statue with Human Teeth
- Richard III Really Ate (and Drank) Like a King
- August 17
- August 16
- August 15
- How Will Chikungunya Virus Spread? DARPA Announces Challenge
- Supernatural 'Jinn' Seen as Cause of Mental Illness Among Muslims
- Ferguson Protests: How Crowd Control Technology Works
- This Man Survived a Knife Through His Brain
- 2 Million Mph! Super-Fast Laser Sets Record
- Nano Silver? Nigeria's Potential Ebola Treatment Unlikely to Work
- You HAVE to Hear This! Why Gossip Compels You to Share
- Alaska's Shrinking Glaciers Seen from Space (Photo)
- Why Children's Diseases Move South to North Across the US
- 9 Cool Facts About Magnets
- Still 'Drinkable': 200-Year-Old Booze Found in Shipwreck
- With Latest Death, Scientists Re-evaluate Stigma of Fraud (Op-Ed)
- The Beauty of Millipedes (Op-Ed)
- Even in Deepwater Canyons, America's Corals At Risk (Op-Ed)
- Why Does Less Meat Mean Less Heat? (Op-Ed)
- August 14
- Leafy Bloodhounds: Plants Might Find Land Mines
- Watch for Fake Ebola Cures Online, FDA Warns
- Vampire Plant Sucks Victim's Genes While Feeding
- Chikungunya Vaccine Shows Promise
- Images: Dust Grains from Interstellar Space
- Smoking Pot and Breast-Feeding: What Are the Risks?
- In Photos: Baltic Sea Shipwreck Yields 200-Year-Old Seltzer Bottle
- Triplets! Giant Panda Gives Birth to 'Rare' Trio in China
- Robin Williams: Is Parkinson's Disease Linked to Suicide?
- Cute Alert! Adorable Photos of Giant Panda Triplets
- Instant Noodles Could Hurt Your Heart
- Shark Attack … In a Lake?!
- Here's One Thing That Makes Lucid Dreamers Different from Others
- Amazing Arapaima: Photos of the Amazon's Biggest Fish
- Interstellar Visitors? Dust Grains May Be From Outside Solar System
- Steps on the Road to Programmable Matter (Infographic)
- Humans Are to Blame for Earth's Rapidly Melting Glaciers
- Robot 'Army' Can Swarm into 3D Formations
- Lionfish's Terminator-Style Killing Alarms Scientists
- 5 Viruses That Are Scarier Than Ebola
- 2nd Wave of Isolated People Makes Contact with Outsiders in Brazil
- Elusive European Wildcats Found Hiding Out on Mount Etna
- In Photos: Elusive, Threatened Wildcats Found
- Why You Don't Look Like a Caveman
- Bionic Exoskeleton Could Help Paralyzed Patients Walk
- Thinning Arctic Snow Could Alter North Pole Ecosystem
- As Sharks Disappear, So Could Shark Week (Op-Ed)
- Teen Anal Sex Study: 6 Unexpected Findings
- August 13
- Sodium Guidelines 'Need to Be Rethought,' Experts Say
- Whee! Whales and Dolphins Squeal with Delight
- Suicide Risk Linked to Poor Sleep in Older Adults
- Two Venomous Jellies Discovered in Australia
- History 2.0: Civil War Journals & Historic Letters Go Digital
- Kids' Responses to Infections Linked with Depression Risk
- Baby Shark Hangout Discovered Off the Azores
- Flock of Ancient 'Butterfly-Headed' Flying Reptiles Discovered
- Oldest Evidence for Egyptian Mummy Making Discovered
- Giant Armored Dinosaur Unearthed in China
- In photos: Egypt's oldest mummy wrappings
- In Images: A Butterfly-Headed Winged Reptile
- Something's Fishy: Did 'Oldest Eel' Really Live 155 Years?
- Emergency Plane Landing Yields PTSD Clues
- Big Earthquake Looms for Chile, Experts Say
- Poachers Force Massive Rhino Evacuation
- Births to Unmarried Couples Drop
- US Troops Beat the Heat with New Personal AC Units
- A Woman Finally Wins Top Math Prize 'Fields Medal'
- Amazon's Biggest Fish Faces Threat of Extinction
- Is Recycled Sewage a Water Solution?
- Celestial Snapshots of My Favorite Conjunctions (Op-Ed)
- Focus! Distractions Kill Both Time and Quality
- August 12
- Why Is Symmetry So Sexy? It Has Nothing to Do with Health
- Robin Williams' Death: Why No One Is Immune to Depression
- Deadly Typhoon Comes to Life in Stunning NASA Simulation (Video)
- Fire Stone: First Fire-Scorched Petrified Wood Found
- New York's Power to Fight Illegal Ivory (Op-Ed)
- Should Controversial Ebola Treatment Be Given to More Patients?
- Photos of First Fire-Scarred Petrified Wood
- Deadly Explosions Added to List of E-Cigarette Dangers
- This Extreme Antarctic Insect Has the Tiniest Genome
- Geckos' Sticky Secret? They Hang by Toe Hairs
- The Right (Mental) Stuff: NASA Astronaut Psychology Revealed
- Religion Unimportant to Most LGBT Americans
- Two-Headed Dolphin Washes Up on Turkish Beach
- Could Death Obsession Explain 'Harry Potter' and 'The Hunger Games’ Craze?
- 'Evil Eye' Box and Other Ancient Treasures Found in Nile River Cemetery
- In Photos: Ancient Cemetery Near Nile River Unearthed
- Robin Williams' Death: The Difference Between Depression & Normal Sadness
- August 11
- Asthma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- Babies' Amazing Brain Growth Revealed in New Map
- Obese Preschoolers Already Show Signs of Health Problems
- Breast Cancer Risk Drops for Active Older Women
- Brainy Machines Need An Updated IQ Test, Experts Say
- Artificial Rat Brain Gets Pounded in Name of Science
- Gone! Why Ancient Fractal Creatures Vanished
- 15 Million Pages of Historic Medical Books to Go Online
- In Photos: 19th-Century Medical Texts
- Fisherman Pulls Up Beastly Evidence of Early Americans
- In Images: A Mastodon Skull and Tool from Chesapeake Bay
- Polar RC3 Review: A GPS-Enabled Sports Watch
- In Images: Ghostly Faces in Space
- Twins Separated at Birth Reveal Staggering Influence of Genetics
- Crunch! Great White Shark Chomps Down on 'SharkCam' Robot (Video)
- Man in the Comet: Why We See Faces Everywhere
- Origins of Hierarchy: How Egyptian Pharaohs Rose to Power
- How Despots Arose With Agriculture (Op-Ed)
- August 10
- August 9
- Supermoon Sunday: Largest Full Moon of the Year Rises
- Monkeys Recognize Family, Even if Separated at Birth (Op-Ed)
- Great Gift for Grandma? Retirees Love Tablets
- Little-Known Skin Cancer Affects Dark-Skinned People
- Dead Zones: Devil in the Deep Blue Sea
- PowerPoint: The Beginning of the End for Real Reading (Op-Ed)
- August 8
- Here's How a Nap Could Change Your Afternoon
- Banned Drone May Have Damaged Yellowstone Spring
- How a Fair Ride Caused Woman's Year-Long Dizziness
- Rainbow Basin: Photos of Yellowstone's Colorful Grand Prismatic Hot Spring
- Nighttime Light May Interfere with Breast Cancer Drug
- Fitbit Won't Hold a Charge: Here's What to Do
- Antidepressants Affect Feelings of Love for Partner
- Why Hurricanes Are So Rare in Hawaii
- Ebola Bomb: Possible, But Not So Easy to Make
- Dark Lightning Images: NASA's Fermi Telescope Captures Powerful Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Virtual-Reality Tech Helps Treat PTSD in Soldiers
- Pacific Storm Julio Unleashes Powerful 'Dark Lightning' Flash
- All Hail King Richard! Details of Elaborate Burial Unveiled
- 32 Tornadoes in a Day! Twister Clusters on the Rise
- Dazzling Beams of Light Map Invisible Wi-Fi Networks
- Gallery: Invisible Wireless Networks Revealed with Brilliant Lights
- Sexting Lies: The New Orgasm Faking?
- August 7
- Sleepless in Space: Getting Shut-Eye Is Tough Out There
- Swirling Storm & Underwater Forest Wow Travel Photo Judges
- Photos That Wow: Winners of National Geographic Traveler Contest
- Back from the Dead, Pacific Hurricane Becomes Super Typhoon
- 4 Places Where Alien Life May Lurk in the Solar System
- Real-Life Transformer: Robotic Bug Springs to Life
- Doctors Pulled a Tooth Out of a Man's … What?
- This Computer Chip Can Think Like a Human Brain
- Aliens Could Live Like This! Life Found in Oily Goo
- Photos of the World's Largest Asphalt Lake
- Facts About Seals & Sea Lions
- Odds of El Niño Drop; Still Expected to Form
- This Tactic Could Wipe Out Shark Attacks
- Portable Retina Scanner Could Protect Your Identity on the Go
- 'Cape-Wearing' Dolphin Turns Out to Be New Species
- Bottoms Up: How Whale Poop Helps Feed the Ocean
- The Western Martial Art of the Sword (Gallery)
- Storytellers of the Blade: Accuracy in Swordplay
- 'Traitor's Blade' (US 2014): Book Excerpt
- August 6
- 1-in-3 Risk of Breast Cancer Found in Women with Rare Mutation
- New Pee Test Could Tell If People Have Human 'Mad Cow' Disease
- Why Smiling Too Much May Be Bad for You
- Toxic Toledo Algae Bloom Seen from Space (Photo)
- Fighter Jet Captures Towering 'Fire Clouds' Over California (Photos)
- Are Experimental Ebola Treatments Ethical?
- Twilight Zone: Glow-in-the-Dark Sharks Need Special Eyes to See
- The Deep Ocean Traps Mercury, Study Finds
- Ebola 'Experimental Serum' in Limited Supply, CDC Says
- Quantum Particles Take the Road Most Traveled
- The Robot Economy: Will Machines Take Your Job by 2025?
- Distant Galaxies' Explosions Become Psychedelic Songs
- James Cameron's Deepest Ocean Dive Splashes onto the Big Screen
- In Photos: James Cameron's Epic Dive to Challenger Deep
- 6,500-Year-Old 'Noah' Skeleton Discovered in Museum Basement
- In Photos: Ancient 'Noah' Skeleton Discovered in Iraq
- Can You Get Ebola from Sex?
- August 5
- Fox-Sized Relative of Triceratops Discovered in Venezuela
- In Images: Newfound Dinosaur from Venezuela
- Lowly Jellyfish Uses High-Tech Strategy to Find Food
- Should You Take Daily Aspirin to Prevent Cancer?
- Can Aspirin Help Prevent Cancer? (Infographic)
- 'Gluten-Free' Food Labels Now Mean What They Say
- Computer Games Better Than Medication in Treating Elderly Depression
- Woman's Spontaneous Orgasms Triggered by Parkinson's Drug
- Need a Lift? Hitchhiking Robot Makes His Way Across Canada
- In Photos: Hitchhiking Robot Embarks on Cross-Canada Journey
- Biomedicine, Microscopy and the Art of Patricia Olynyk (Gallery)
- Is Musical Talent Rooted in Genes?
- Just One Question Can Identify a Narcissist
- How Do People Survive Ebola?
- Teen Whale Shark Hangout Discovered in Red Sea
- Horses 'Talk' with Their Ears, of Course
- Embattled Stem Cell Scientist Dies in Apparent Suicide
- 5 Things You Should Know About Ebola
- Why Meningitis Strikes Teens
- Facts About Bobcats & Other Lynx
- Happiness Equation Reveals Key to Cheery Life
- Rare Coins Bear Scars of Ancient Jewish Rebellion
- What Your Facebook Photos Say About Your Personality
- Underwater Ocean Turbines: A New Spin on Clean Energy?
- Gallery: Harnessing the Energy of Ocean Currents
- Amoeba Causes Disease That Spreads in Unconventional Way
- Stone Age Skull Unearthed with Bits of Brain Clinging to It
- August 4
- Dead Volcano, Dying Lake Seen from Space (Photo)
- Doc Confesses He Nearly Took Unnecessary Antibiotics
- Wearable Tech is No Fad (Op-Ed)
- 2 Hurricanes Threaten US This Week
- Marred Skeletons Reveal Brutal Fighting in Precolonial Colorado
- Marijuana Use Linked to Two Deaths
- Brilliant Blue Arctic 'Melt Ponds' Captured in Photos
- Whiffs of Antarctic Sulfur Hold Climate Clues
- Japanese Military's New Space Unit Will Defend 'Fourth Battlefield'
- Deadly Earthquake Strikes Southwestern China
- Short and Tall Soldiers May Face Increased Depression Risk
- Giant Electromagnet Moves to Permanent Home at Fermilab
- 'Cool-Burning' Space Flames Could Make Greener Cars
- 2,100-Year-Old King's Mausoleum Discovered in China
- In Photos: Ancient King's Mausoleum Discovered in China
- Certain Starch May Reduce Colon-Cancer Risk of Meat-Heavy Diet
- With Kids and Video Games, Moderation Is Key
- August 3
- August 2
- August 1
- US Army Gets Upgraded Chinook Helicopter Fleet
- Woman's Strange Skin Stain Caused Cancer Scare
- Adorable Photos of Baby Shorebirds
- Shorebirds Adopt Baby Duckling, Cuteness Ensues
- Pew! Pew! Some Video Gamers Hear Imaginary Sounds After Play
- Why Millions of 'Sailing' Creatures Are Invading West Coast Beaches
- Bionic Fingers Could Help Humans Get a Grip
- Tortoises Show Off Smarts by Mastering Touch-Screen Tech
- Ebola Serum: Explaining the Americans' Experimental Treatments
- Facts About Wolverines
- Working Moms Regaining Favor in US, Study Finds
- Blood Test Could Predict Oral Cancer Recurrence
- Palawan Photos: The Philippines Biodiversity Frontier
- Can Ants Save the World from Climate Change?
- See Which Cities Attract the World's Greatest Minds
- Transparent Organs: Images Reveal See-Through Mouse
- Transparent Bodies: Mice Go See-Through For Science
- Explainer: Why Do Snakes Flick Their Tongues?