All content archive
November 2014
342 articles
- November 30
- November 29
- November 28
- November 27
- New 'Super-Repellent' Material Could Protect Medical Implants
- Space Rock Sheds Light on Mysterious Mineral on Earth
- Thousands of Eocene Shark Teeth Found in Canadian Arctic
- In the Digital Age, Science Publishing Needs an Upgrade (Op Ed)
- In Climate Negotiations, Women Gaining a Stronger Voice (Op-Ed)
- Beyond the Vortex: A Winter Wonderland of Cause & Effect (Op-Ed)
- Shrimp-Labeling Fails Mean Mystery Meal Origins (Op-Ed)
- Seafood Mystery Meals (Gallery)
- Facts About Leopards
- Artificial Pancreas May Improve Type 1 Diabetes Treatment
- November 26
- Have a Cold? Don't Ask Your Doctor for Antibiotics
- Chronic Pain Isn't All in the Brain
- Many People with Dementia May Go Unscreened, Untreated
- Mystery of 'Vampire' Burials Solved
- How Sea Spray Seeds the Sky
- Simulating Sea Spray to Solve Climate Mystery (Gallery)
- Turkey Talk: Anatomy of the Bird at the Center of the Feast
- Smoking in US Declines to All-Time Low
- Do Dogs Understand Words or Emotions?
- Ferguson: Why Do People Riot?
- Map of Endangered Shark's Wanderings Could Aid Conservation
- Photos: How to Tag a Hammerhead Shark
- Trek of a Hammerhead Shark Traced (Infographic)
- Dreams of Murder May Signal Real-Life Aggression
- World's Newest Lava Lake Appears in Africa
- Beyond the 'Poo Bus': The Many Uses of Human Waste
- Passengers Boarding Airplanes: We're Doing It Wrong
- Shared Manicure Tools Linked to Rare HIV Infection
- November 25
- Why Dried Whiskey Under Microscope Looks Like Art
- Workers at Biblical Copper Mines Ate Quite Well
- James Watson's Nobel Prize for DNA Discovery Up for Auction
- How Blu-ray Discs Can Improve Solar Panels
- Plant-Based Compound May Protect Against Weight Gain
- What Is the Future of High Resolution? (Op-Ed)
- Thanksgiving Science: Why Gratitude Is Good for You
- No Turkey, Thanks! Stay Vegan for Healthier Holiday
- How Vultures Can Eat Rotting Flesh Without Getting Sick
- Photos: A Mysterious Roman God
- Mysterious Roman God Baffles Experts
- Mass Extinctions: What Humans Can Learn from the Past
- Beer-Bottle Physics Could Help Explain Deadly Eruptions
- Does Intermittent Fasting Have Benefits? Science Suggests Yes
- Traffickers of Mantas and Devil Rays Get Bitten in Busts
- Surgery App Keeps Families Updated in Real Time (Op-Ed)
- WWI Shell Shock: The Myths and Realities
- Autopsies from Space: Who Killed the Sea Lions?
- How to Survive a 3,000-Calorie Thanksgiving Meal
- Greasing the Electric Grid, the World's Largest Machine (Op-Ed)
- Cosmic Case of Missing Stars Baffles Scientists
- 'Interstellar' Science: Is Wormhole Travel Possible?
- 6 Potential Dangers of Juice Cleanses and Liquid Diets
- November 24
- Is Farmed Salmon Good for You?
- Creepy Deep-Sea Anglerfish Captured in Rare Video
- Black Seadevil: Photos of Creepy, Deep-Sea Anglerfish
- Late-Night Meals May Interfere with Memory, Research Suggests
- Venomous Snakebite Captured in a Photo
- Robot Sub Finds Surprisingly Thick Antarctic Sea Ice
- Nature's Arches: Photos of Stunning Sandstone in the American Southwest
- Lone Wolf Traveled More Than 450 Miles to Grand Canyon, DNA Confirms
- 1,700-Year-Old Silk Road Cemetery Contains Mythical Carvings
- In Photos: Ancient Silk Road Cemetery Contains Carvings of Mythical Creatures
- November 23
- November 22
- November 21
- 'InsideTracker' Review: Can a Commercial Blood Test Make You Healthier?
- The Link Between Sex and Prostate Cancer (Op-Ed)
- People Move Less in Extreme Weather, Jawbone Tracker Finds
- Lifesaving Beats: Songs Can Help with CPR Training
- Vest for the Deaf Translates Speech Into Vibrations
- Albert Einstein's Autographed Letter Sells for $12,500 at Auction
- Smartphone Innovations Could Transform Health Care
- Electric Vehicle Fleet Gives California Green Energy Boost
- Sun's Shifting Magnetic Field May Predict Lightning Strikes
- 2014 Ebola Outbreak: Full Coverage of the Viral Epidemic
- Small 'Underwater Pompeii' Found Off Greek Island
- Tattoo-Removal Laser Could Combat Acne Scars
- Marijuana Use Linked to Changes in the Brain
- Gecko Tech: Sticky Invention Lets People Scale Walls
- How Brains Turn Remote Threats into Anxiety
- How Alaska Volcanoes Could Ground Trans-Atlantic Flights
- 2014 Set for Record Hot; Record Cold Thing of the Past
- Researchers Crack Sea Ice to Expose Arctic Food Web (VIDEO)
- Sea Ice Algae is Staple of Arctic Food Chain (Gallery)
- November 20
- Trans Fats May Hurt Memory
- Golf Courses Are Hotspots for Ticks
- 2014 Will Be Earth's Hottest Year on Record, Despite US Cold
- Small Volcanic Eruptions Slow Global Warming
- How Plate Tectonics Helped Carve Tibetan Gorges (Infographic)
- Enormous Gorge Shaped by River's Tectonic Transformation
- Early-Life Trauma May Help with Managing Stress Later
- 1 in 3 Adults Drink Excessively, but Aren't Alcoholics, CDC Finds
- Albert Einstein's WWII-Era Letter Up for Auction
- Expensive Baby Monitors Give False Reassurance, Researcher Says
- Never-Before-Seen Particles Discovered at Swiss Collider
- Ancient Egyptian Handbook of Spells Deciphered
- Americans Support Legal Rights, But Not PDA, for Gay Couples
- How Your Boss's Ethics Can Hurt Your Career (Op-Ed)
- In Defense of the Stink Bug (Op-Ed)
- New World Record for 'Soapbox' Racer
- Next Fitness Trackers Will Be Printed on Clothes
- November 19
- Satellite Photo Shows Frigid Arctic Air Over Eastern US
- Want Weight-Loss Tips? Beware of Top Search Results Online
- Here Are the Healthiest Chain Restaurants in the US
- Antarctica's Mysterious Mountains Preserved By Ice
- Philae Lander, Like Philae Obelisk, Is a Window to the Past
- Stephen Hawking Reflects on 'Theory of Everything,' 'Interstellar'
- Antibacterial Soap Ingredient May Cause Cancer in Mice
- US States Are a Lot Fatter Than We Thought
- Having 5 or More Pregnancies May Affect Heart Health
- Light Therapy Could Stop Seizures in the Brain
- 3D-Printed Hearts Help Surgeons Save Babies' Lives
- Photos: 3D Printed Hearts
- Parallel Worlds Could Explain Wacky Quantum Physics
- From Birth to Death, Diet Affects the Brain's Health
- Rare Stegosaurus Skeleton to Debut at London Museum
- Photos: Incredible Near-Complete Stegosaurus Skeleton
- Newborn Death Rate Drops in US
- Fulfilling the Broken Promise of Nature Reserves (Op-Ed)
- November 18
- Too Many Jockeys Die Racing Horses (Op-Ed)
- Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor is a Transmissible Cancer
- Transplanted Hands Can Regain Feeling, Even Years Later
- Smelly Corpse Flower Set to Bloom
- Ebola Update: Vaccines in Tests, Spike in Mali, Dips in Liberia
- Coming Soon: An Atomic Clock That Can Fit in Your Pocket
- Watch Carbon Pollution Spread Across the Planet
- Cocaine's Heart Damage Often Undetectable
- Wild Meals: Mimicking Reality TV Could Lead to Fatal Poisoning
- Stress Is Harder on Young Women's Hearts, Study Finds
- A Comet Did It! Mystery of Giant Crater Solved
- Photos: A Green Glow Worm from the Amazon
- Mysterious 'Glow Worm' Discovered in the Peruvian Rainforest
- Koalas: Facts About Iconic Marsupials
- Ship Traffic Increases Dramatically, to Oceans' Detriment
- Neuroscience of Taste: Chef's Creations Delight the Senses
- To Stop Ebola, Trust in Health Care Workers Is Crucial
- World's Deadliest Spiders a Toxic Myth?
- November 17
- Salt Sensor Helps People Improve Diet
- 'Forgotten' Brain Region Rediscovered a Century Later
- Secondhand Pot Smoke Could Harm Heart, Too
- Unattractive Men Look Better to Women on the Pill
- Devastating Starfish Disease May Be Caused by Waterborne Virus
- Alaska's Pavlof Volcano Belches Out Ash Cloud
- Most Parents Agree All Kids in Day Care Should Be Vaccinated
- 'Theory of Everything' Film Reveals Stephen Hawking's Personal Life
- Leonid Meteor Shower Forecast: What to Expect
- Laughing Matter: Finding the Roots of Humor in the Brain
- Doctor with Ebola Dies in Nebraska Hospital
- 'Emotional Map' Reveals Where Human Body Feels Gentle Touch
- Pucker Up: French Kissing Can Give You 80 Million New Bacteria
- November 16
- November 15
- November 14
- 'Smart Drug' Modafinil Does Not Make You Smarter
- Ebola in Dallas: New Details Revealed in CDC Report
- Seeing-Eye Vest? Vibrating Clothing Helps Blind Navigate
- Live Jellyfish Cam Offers Stunning Views of Sea Nettles
- Mental Illness Is Not the Biggest Reason Youth Carry Guns, Study Finds
- Moose: Facts About the Largest Deer
- Wikipedia Could Predict Disease Outbreaks
- November 13
- Feel the Heat: Fourth-Warmest October for U.S.
- Could There Be Organic Matter on Mars?
- 'Nature's Fury': NYC Exhibit Explores Science of Natural Disasters
- Nature's Fury: Gripping Images of Natural Disasters
- What Are You Really Eating? Wearable Camera Tracks Your Meals
- Global Warming Will Bring More US Lightning Strikes
- Whoosh: ‘Salmon Cannon’ Shoots Fish Upstream to Spawn
- One More Poliovirus Strain Now Eradicated
- Armed with Phones, Amateurs Can Beat Pollution-Tracking Satellites
- 1 Million US Eye Infections Yearly, Most Due to Contacts
- Does Stretching Increase Flexibility?
- Male Sexual Aggression: What Chimps Can Reveal About People
- Snowvember: What's Causing the Unseasonably Cold Weather?
- Cells By the Number: Facts About the Building Blocks of Life
- 'Extraordinary' 5,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Discovered
- In Photos: Stone Age Human Footprints Discovered
- Not Particles, But Chunks: Dark Matter Gets Stranger
- US-China Climate Accord Gives Hope for Global Agreement
- November 12
- Vitamin B Supplements Don't Benefit Memory, Study Finds
- Soldiers At High Suicide Risk Can Be Identified with Math Model
- Soleus Go: Fitness Tracker Review
- New Nocturnal Gecko Species Discovered in Madagascar
- Psychiatric Drug Crisis: Consider Legal & Illegal Drugs, Doc Suggests
- Solar-Paneled Path Paves Way to Green Homes
- World's Oldest Living People Have Their Genomes Sequenced
- European Spacecraft Lands on Comet in Historic Space Feat
- Bone Fragments Found in Greek Tomb from Era of Alexander the Great
- Why Chimps Haven't Evolved Culture Like Humans
- Mysterious Fungal Disease Proves Deadly in Wild Snakes
- Photos: How a Fungal Disease is Disfiguring Snakes
- Bilingual People Are Like Brain 'Bodybuilders'
- November 11
- New Amazon Carbon Maps May Help Limit Deforestation
- 'Project Recover' Searches for Long-Lost World War II Heroes
- Photos: Underwater Robots Help Recover WW II Plane Wrecks
- Famed Physicist Ernest Rutherford Helped Pioneer Sonar in Secret
- L'Aquila Earthquake Scientists Win Manslaughter Appeal
- What Caused Woman's Odd Liver Problem — Dog or Cat?
- Germ-Zapping Robot Could Fight Ebola and Other Deadly Viruses
- Early Signs of Ebola-Like Diseases Found
- Lava Sets Home on Fire in Hawaii (Video)
- Traces of Fukushima Radiation Detected Off California Coast
- Spooky! Human Brain Waves Control Mouse Genes
- NYC Doctor Who Had Ebola Leaves Hospital
- Mysterious Condition Makes Boy Never Feel Hungry or Thirsty
- Woman's Backward 'Mirror Writing' Had Unusual Cause
- European Probe to Make Daring Landing on Comet Wednesday: Watch Live
- 11 odd facts about magic mushrooms
- 1,000-Year-Old Tomb Reveals Murals, Stars & Poetry
- Ancient Chinese Tomb Reveals Vivid Murals & Poetry (Photos)
- Brain-to-Brain Link Makes 'Mind Control' Possible
- Israeli XPrize Mission Science Twist: Map Lunar Magnetism (Op-Ed)
- To Fight Ebola, Battle the Brain's Bias for Mistrust (Op-Ed)
- Which is the World's Deadliest Spider, Really?
- How Virtual Reality Can Help Treat Sex Offenders
- November 10
- NY Doctor with Ebola May Have Recovered
- White House Sponsors First-Ever 3D-Printed Ornament Contest
- Ice Age Death Rituals Revealed at Infant Burial Site
- Cholesterol-Lowing Drug Reverses Memory Deficit in Mice
- Robot Gliders See How Antarctic Ice Melts From Below
- Where Is Heart Disease Risk the Highest and Lowest? (Maps)
- Thousands of US Children Eat Laundry Pods Yearly
- Bronze Bell from Long-Lost Arctic Shipwreck Revealed
- Photos: Bronze Bell Recovered from Arctic Shipwreck
- Will Purr for Treats: How Cats Became Domesticated
- 'Muscles' Triggered by Electricity Could Power Tiny Robots
- Birth Weight Charts May Misclassify Babies of Immigrants
- Mouthwatering Math: Culinary Creations Combine Food and Formulas
- 350-Year-Old High Heels, Tea and Goblets Uncovered at Irish Castle
- Photos: Amazing Irish Artifacts from Rathfarnham Castle
- Magna Carta Goes on Display in Washington, D.C.
- Photos: Magna Carta's Legacy
- Pangolin 'Medicine' Trade Leading to Rapid Extinction
- November 9
- November 8
- November 7
- 47-Million-Year-Old Pregnant Mare Sheds Light on Ancient Horses
- New Ebola Protective Gear Added to CDC Stockpile
- Cyber-Roach! Mic-Equipped Bugs Could Aid Disaster Rescue
- European Spacecraft Could Find 70,000 New Alien Worlds
- Animal Sex: How Flamingos Do It
- 'Big Bang' of Species May Be Explained by Continental Shift
- Woolly Mammoth Mummy Yields Well-Preserved Brain
- In photos: Mummified woolly mammoth discovered
- Predicted 'Pollen Vortex' Didn't Happen After All
- Iconic US Tree May Be Saved by Genetic Engineering
- Heart Failure Patients Benefit from Implanted 'Aortic Sleeve' (Op-Ed)
- 'Greenest Automaker' Gets $100 Million Federal Fine (Op-Ed)
- Abandoned, Even Wild Animals Can Find Sanctuary (Gallery)
- Why We Need Animal Sanctuaries (Op-Ed)
- November 6
- Insect Family Tree Maps 400-Million-Year Evolution
- In Images: The Insect Family Tree
- TomTom Runner Cardio: Fitness Tracker Review
- New Airplane Passenger Screening Method Outshines Old
- Ancient and Modern Europeans Have Surprising Genetic Connection
- Odds of El Niño Fall to 58 Percent
- Bats Use Signal Jamming to Ward Off Competitors
- Orphaned Baby Otter Settles into New Home in Chicago
- Getting the Buzz on Bees
- 9,000-Year-Old Bison Mummy Found Frozen in Time
- Photos: 9,000-Year-Old Bison Mummy Found in Siberia
- Ghost Illusion Created in Lab with New Robot
- Famed Physicist Talks Quantum Mechanics and Space-Time: How to Watch Live
- From Drawing to Morphology: Sandy Kawano
- Photos: Orphaned Otter Pup Gets Pampered in Chicago Aquarium
- Biggest Venomous Snake Ever Revealed in New Fossils
- Dodo Bird Skeleton Reveals Long-Lost Secrets in 3D Scan
- In Photos: The Famous Flightless Dodo Bird
- NYC Art Exhibit Showcases Stunning Math-Inspired Paintings
- Photos: Math Meets Art in NYC Exhibition
- Rare Allergy to an Orange Nearly Kills Toddler
- US Preterm Birth Rate Drops to 17-Year Low
- Arctic Squirrels' Secrets for Surviving Six Months Sustained Sun (Gallery)
- Arctic Squirrels Share Circadian Secrets (VIDEO)
- More Intensive Care Could Improve Ebola Survival Rates, Researchers Say
- November 5
- Small Islands Amplify Tsunami Flooding
- U.S. Premature Births Report Card (Infographic)
- New Drug-Resistant Strain of Gonorrhea in Australia
- Botox and Fillers Are Very Safe, Study Suggests
- How Sex Organs Get Their Start
- Mysterious 'Chewing Machine' Mammal Lived Among Dinosaurs
- Photos: Skull of Enigmatic Mammal That Lived With Dinosaurs
- Prenatal Air Pollution Levels Linked to ADHD in Kids
- Ancient Reptile Is Smallest and Oldest-Known 'Fish Lizard'
- Super Smasher: Particle Colliders May Get Smaller & More Powerful
- Where Americans Smoke and Grow Marijuana (Maps)
- Taurid Meteor Shower Peaks Soon, But Moon Will Dampen Display
- Three Fireballs Lit Up US Skies Monday, But One Might Be Fake
- Footprints of Cretaceous Beasts Discovered at Diamond Mine
- Photos: Ancient Animal Footprints Found at Diamond Mine in Angola
- How to Infiltrate Penguin Territory: Adorable Fuzzy Robots
- Stephen Hawking Film Depicts Courageous Battle with Disease
- 'Theory of Everything': The Love Story of Stephen and Jane Hawking
- Reading Robot Minds with Virtual Reality
- C-Section Rates Continue to Decline in the US
- Kids and Caffeine: How Much is Too Much?
- Facts About Boron
- Types of Spiders & Spider Facts
- Google Glass Blocks Peripheral Vision
- Isolated Amazon Tribes Monitored with Space-Age Technology
- November 4
- Photos: F-35C Fighter Jet Successfully Lands on Aircraft Carrier
- Finding Spinosaurus: A Dinosaur Bigger Than T. Rex
- 'Car Talk' Host's Death: How Does Alzheimer's Disease Kill?
- Lucid Dreams Could Help People with Odd Sleep Disorder
- Map Predicts Stunning Fall Foliage 10 Days Ahead
- Touchdown! F-35 Fighter Jet Nails 'Landmark' Aircraft Carrier Landing
- Your Childhood Beliefs on Afterlife Stick With You
- Iconic Apple-1 Computer Hits the Auction Block
- Urban Legend Debunked: Rats Don't Outnumber People in NYC
- DNA Test Links Snakebites to Species
- Seismic Speed Bumps Found in Chile's Earthquake Zone
- Digital Archive Lets Web Surfers Travel Back in Time
- Trials Funded by Rich Patients Could Help Find Cures for Us All
- Ovarian cancer: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
- Is Ebola Outbreak Entering New Phase?
- November 3
- Largest Sunspot in 24 Years Wows Scientists, But Also Mystifies
- Wreck of 17th-Century Dutch Warship Discovered
- Anesthesia-Related Memory Loss Lasts Days, Study Warns
- Deer with 'Vampire Fangs' Spotted for 1st Time in Decades
- Autism's Rise: Researchers Look at Why Cases Are Increasing
- Rare Mineral Discovered in Ancient Meteorite Impact Crater
- How to Fight Viral Epidemics in the Future
- What If We Didn't Need Sleep?
- How Unconditional Love Helps Kids with Setbacks
- November 1
- The Human Race: Will We Keep Breaking Running Records?
- Happy Birthday, Live Science! 10 Years of Amazing Science Discoveries
- Can You Really get Ebola From Your Dog? (Op-Ed)
- Honest Food Labels Can Help Save Monarchs (Op-Ed)
- Why Destroy Rhino Horn? It's Worth More Than Cocaine (Op-Ed)
- Stroke: Symptoms, tests and treatment