All content archive
January 2015
320 articles
- January 31
- January 30
- Americans Will Vote for Climate-Loving Politicians, New Poll Suggests
- No, Gwyneth Paltrow, Vaginas Don't Need to Be Steam Cleaned
- 650-Year Drought Triggered Ancient City's Abandonment
- Greenland's Hidden Ice Layers Revealed in New Map
- Rock Art On Earth Draws Scientists to Ancient Lakes
- The Hunt for Alien Extremophiles is Taking Off (Kavli Q+A)
- Crude Conspiracies? Data Suggest Nations Do Go to War Over Oil (Op-Ed)
- Facebook Users Aren't Bragging — Really!
- New Peanut Allergy Treatment Shows Promise
- When Ant-Eating Bears Arrive, A Native Plant Thrives
- Fear, Ridicule, Danger: Is It Safe to Be a Climate Scientist? (Op-Ed)
- Exploring What Makes Cooperation Work
- January 29
- US Spike in Measles Cases Due to People Skipping Vaccinations
- All About the Bass: How Baleen Whales Hear Very Low Frequencies
- People with Dementia May Have Hidden Talents, Strange Case Shows
- Birdbrains? Hardly: Baby Chicks Know How to Count
- Could Super Bowl Outcome Be Influenced By Biological Clocks?
- From GMOs to Climate, Public Disagrees with Scientists
- Brains Tricked in Race-Switch Experiments Find Biases Fade
- Rare Red Fox Reappears in Yosemite Park
- Evolution Deniers Believe in 'Smorgasbord' of Science
- Eye-Tracking Tech Could Detect Concussions in Football Players
- Man Huffs Air Duster, Gets Frostbite and Breathing Problems
- Who's Who? Centuries-Old Owl Mix-Up Fixed
- Quantum Experiment Helps Prove Einstein's Theory of Relativity
- Lightning Electrifies Cyclone's Eye in Dramatic Space Photo
- 'Rise of the Machines' is Not a Likely Future (Op-Ed)
- Do Political Ideologies Affect How Long You Live?
- What Is a Midwife? | Weighing Pros and Cons
- January 28
- What Makes Bill Gates Feel Stupid
- Libyan Archaeology Threatened by Years of Conflict
- Crashing Electrons Could Explain Earth's Magnetic Field Mystery
- Human Nature May Seal the Planet's Warming Fate (Op-Ed)
- 55,000-Year-Old Skull Fragment May Be Linked to 1st Europeans
- Forget Lance Armstrong: Even Amateurs are Now Doping (Op-Ed)
- Psychopaths' Brains Don't Grasp Punishment, Scans Reveal
- Sun Protection App Works, If People Use It
- No Yolk! Scientists Unboil an Egg Without Defying Physics
- Fresh Ink: Mummified Iceman Has New Tattoo
- Why Racism is Bad For Your Health (Op-Ed)
- Putting Tablet Users in the Pilot Seat
- African Golden Cat Attacks Monkeys in Rare Camera Trap Footage
- In Boston and Aurora, Jurors May Risk Mental Health for Justice
- 5 New Species of 'Shimmering' Goblin Spider Discovered
- Electric vs. Fuel Cell Vehicles: 'Green' Auto Tech Explained
- 1st Americans Used Spear-Throwers to Hunt Large Animals
- Money, Not Marriage, Makes Parents Better
- Parrot Pecking Order Hints at Humans' Social Lives
- Social Support Online Can Help You Lose Weight
- Sugary Drinks Linked with Earlier Menstruation in Girls
- Insects Wear Tiny Spacesuits, for Science
- January 27
- Doorstep Delivery of Shark Fin Soup Is in Bad Taste (Op-Ed)
- As Bamboo Forests Fade, Can Pandas Survive? (Op-Ed)
- DARPA Overhauls 'Atlas' Robot Ahead of Competition This Summer
- 'Faster-Than-Light' Illusion Could Help Unveil Cosmic Secrets
- Why Wasps Massacre Each Other ... Over Figs
- Most Americans Say They Would Donate Tissue to Research
- Do Old Glass Windows Really 'Flow'? (Op-Ed)
- Oldest Known Snake Fossils Identified
- Ancient Human Fossil Could Be New Primitive Species
- US Obesity Rates Have Risen Most in Older Adults
- Remote European Ice Now Racing into the Sea
- Medieval Skulls Reveal Long-Term Risk of Brain Injuries
- What Facebook Addiction Looks Like in the Brain
- Rabies Vaccine Fails in Rare Death
- The Cheapest, Cleanest Way to Meet Electricity Demand (Op-Ed)
- Facts About Helium
- January 26
- Widely Used Drugs Tied to Greater Dementia Risk for Seniors
- Worst Northeast Snowstorms: How Does 'Juno' Compare?
- What A Warming World Means for Major Snowstorms
- Gen X and Y: Why You Need to Watch Your Cholesterol Now
- Freshwater Fish are Disappearing: Where is the Global Response? (Op-Ed)
- Freshwater Fish are Floundering (Gallery)
- Five Gorgeous Maps That Show Why You'll Be Buried in Snow
- La Niña Events May Spike with Climate Change
- Why Monster Storm 'Juno' Will Be So Snowy
- Thirst 'On/Off' Switch Found in Mouse Brain
- Mountain-Size Asteroid Flies By Earth Today: Watch It Online
- Vroom! Photos of the Rocket-Powered 'Bloodhound' Car
- Rocket-Powered Car Aims to Break Land Speed Record
- Blackbeard's Booty: Pirate Ship Yields Medical Supplies
- Photos: The Medical Instruments Found on Blackbeard's Ship
- Pediatricians Oppose Medical Marijuana, with Some Exceptions
- Urgently Examining Environmental Impacts of Fertilizer Run-off
- January 25
- January 24
- January 23
- Facts About Hydrogen
- Is the GOP Waging a War on Science?
- Computer Models Aid Kidney Disease Research
- Wearable Brain Scanner Measures Activity on the Go
- Venomous Cone Snails Weaponize Insulin to Stun Prey
- Melting, Not Meteorite, Caused East Antarctica Crater
- Sappho's New Poems: The Tangled Tale of Their Discovery
- Football Physics: Why Deflated Balls Are Easier to Catch
- Float Down Colorado's Wild Yampa River with Google Street View
- Zap! Laser Blasts Shed Light on Cores of Alien Planets
- In Photos: Take a Trip Down the Wild Yampa River
- Staying Home & Watching TV May Reduce Flu Spread
- Having a Baby: Birth Plans & Stages of Labor
- January 22
- Surprise! Fish Lurk in Antarctica's Dark Underworld
- Life on the Edge: Photos from Drilling the Ross Ice Shelf
- Gripping Tale: Hominin Hands Hold Clues to Tool Use
- Human 'Atlas' Reveals Where Proteins Reside in the Body
- Is the Personal Robot Finally Here?
- Google Maps Takes Landlubbers on a Visit to Old Ironsides
- Surprise, It's SpongeBob! X-Ray Shows What Toddler Swallowed
- Doomsday Clock Set at 3 Minutes to Midnight
- Opioid Prescriptions May Put Unborn Children at Risk, CDC Warns
- Weird Accident Damaged King Tut's Beard
- Freaky Shark 'Out of a Horror Movie' Caught by Fisherman
- Why Your Next Fitness Tracker Will Be Smarter
- Why Rain Gives Off That Fresh, Earthy Smell
- Needle-Free Tattoos Can Check Diabetics' Sugar Levels
- Erectile Dysfunction: Symptoms and Treatment
- Can't Exercise for 30 Minutes Today? Any Activity Is Better than None
- 'Innovative' Intervention Helps Babies at High Risk of Autism
- January 21
- New Lakes Discovered Under Greenland's Ice Hint at Warming
- Too Much Sitting Is Killing You (Even If You Exercise)
- Alexander the Great-Era Tomb Holds Bones of 5 People
- Water Bounces Right Off This Super-Repellent Material
- Ancient Knife-Toothed Reptile Is Crocodile Cousin
- Move Over, Siri! New Software Could Make Better Personal Assistants
- 'Nanostar' Particles Make Cancer Cells Light Up
- Closer to Self-Destruction? Doomsday Clock Could Move Tomorrow
- Melting Glaciers Pose a Carbon Menace
- Expensive IVF Treatment May Not Work Better for All Couples
- World's Biggest Landslide Floated Like a Hovercraft
- Breeding Season: Incredible Photos of Northern Elephant Seals
- NASA Probe Snaps Amazing New Views of Dwarf Planet Ceres (Photos, Video)
- New Telescope in Chile Now Searching for Alien Planets
- Growing Human Kidneys in Rats Sparks Ethical Debate
- January 20
- How Genes and Environment Conspire to Trigger Diabetes
- People Really Do Use Restaurant Calorie Labels
- Coffee May Protect Against Some Skin Cancers
- Doctors Need More Evidence About Opioids, Report Says
- Elon Musk Reveals Test Site for Futuristic 'Hyperloop' System
- Solar Plane's Route for Around-the-World Flight Revealed
- New Tech Could Reveal Secrets in 2,000-Year-Old Scrolls
- New Farm Maps Offer In-Depth Picture of Global Agriculture
- Mysterious 15th-Century Irish Town Found Near Medieval Castle
- Photos: Mysterious Settlement Discovered Near Irish Castle
- January 19
- January 18
- January 17
- January 16
- Best Yoga Apps
- Risky Cocktail: Many Americans May Mix Alcohol with Medications
- National Geographic: First Glimpse of the Hidden Cosmos
- What's the Secret to Getting Kids to Eat Veggies? Let Them Play First!
- 2014 Was Earth's Hottest Year On Record
- Different Tastes: How Our Human Ancestors' Diets Evolved
- How 'Quantum Dots' Could Probe Mysteries of Entanglement
- 2014 Hottest Year Ever? Scientists Unveil Data Today
- Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
- Atrial fibrillation and arrhythmia: Causes, symptoms and treatment
- Hantavirus: Symptoms & Treatment of Infection
- 3,000-Mile Run Across US Has Scientists Following Marathoners
- January 15
- Women Can't Be Geniuses? Stereotypes May Explain Gender Gap
- Roller-Coaster Flight: How Geese Save Energy While Migrating
- Flu Shot This Year Provides Weak Protection
- Sweet! Deep-Space Sugars May Reveal Clues About Origins of Life
- Sea Turtles Use Earth's Magnetic Field to Find Home
- 'Stranger Danger' Makes People Less Empathetic
- Stressed Out? Social Media May Help Women Cope
- Bye, Bye Baubles: New 3D Printers Could Build Implants, Electronics
- Deadly MERS Virus Spreads from Camels to People Only Rarely
- Is 'Nano' Living Up to the Hype? (Kavli Roundtable)
- Will Legalized Marijuana Lead to More Addicts? (Op-Ed)
- Heart disease: Types, prevention and treatments
- 'Smart Shoe' Devices Could Charge Up as You Walk
- Your Blood Type May Put You at Risk for Heart Disease
- Music Festival Linked to Party Drugs in Waterways
- January 14
- Understanding Earth by Eavesdropping on Urban Noise
- Ever Wake Up and Think You See a Ghost? Here's What's Happening
- A Bit of Walking Takes Strain Out of Running a Marathon
- Smithsonian App Brings Fossils to Life
- Treasured 16th-Century 'Lenox Globe' Gets a Digital Makeover
- Photos: 'Lenox Globe' Is Oldest to Show the Americas
- New Trackers Claim to Measure Your Stress, But Do They Work?
- Ancient Scorpion Had Feet, May Have Walked Out of Ocean
- Why Do Zebras Have Stripes? It's Not for Camouflage
- In Photos: Why Zebras Have Black and White Stripes
- How to Recreate a Sloppy Ancient Greek Drinking Game
- Can Medical Marijuana Curb the Heroin Epidemic?
- Four Tech Breakthroughs at the Cutting Edge of Light
- Frostbite: Symptoms & Treatment
- 2015 Begins With CO2 Above 400 PPM Mark
- January 13
- Schizophrenia: Symptoms and Treatment
- Vaginal Cutting During Childbirth Is on the Decline
- Liberia's Ebola Epidemic Could End by Summer, Study Predicts
- Withings Aura: Sleep Tracker Review
- How Congress is Cutting Science Out of Science Policy (Op-Ed)
- Milky Way's Monster Black Hole Unleashes Record-Breaking X-ray Flare
- Underwater Drones Map Algae Beneath Antarctic Ice
- Treasure Hunters Find Mysterious Shipwreck in Lake Michigan
- Steam Machine Turns Poop into Clean Drinking Water
- New Size Estimates for Large Ocean Animals (Infographic)
- Bladder Drug May Help Body Burn More Calories
- Half of Teen, Young Adult Car Crash Deaths Involve Pot or Alcohol
- Jeepers! New Look at 'Creeping' San Andreas Fault
- Why People Love the Phygital World (Op-Ed)
- Can 'Good' Bacteria Save Bats From Killer Fungus?
- Will Warming Surge as Arctic Microbes Feast on Defrosting Carbon?
- Microbes Unleash Buried Arctic Carbon (Gallery)
- Bulimia Nervosa: Symptoms and Treatment
- January 12
- Jimmy Carter's Work to Defeat Guinea Worm Highlighted in New Exhibit
- Are Computers Better Judges of Personality Than Friends?
- Dogs Arrived Late to the Americas
- Seismic Roundup: 2014 Saw Fewer Big Earthquakes Than 2013
- Sound Mind and Sound Body? This Protein Helps Both
- Don't Let Artificial Intelligence Take Over, Top Scientists Warn
- Photos: Time Capsule from 1795 Reveals Pieces of American History
- Birth of Jaws: Tiny Fish May Be Ancient Ancestor
- In Photos: Ancient Fish Skull From Siberia
- 220-Year-Old Time Capsule Buried by Sam Adams & Paul Revere Opened
- Animating a Cell’s Inner Life
- 170-Million-Year-Old 'Fish Lizard' Fossil Unearthed in Scotland
- January 11
- January 10
- January 9
- How Dwelling on a Breakup Might Help You Get Over It
- Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches Attract Totally Different Groups
- Origami Eye Candy (Gallery)
- It's a Girl! Newborn Killer Whale Identified in Endangered Pod
- Did Meteorite Carve Icy Antarctic Crater?
- Photos: Nobel Prize Winners Draw Their Discoveries in Crayon
- Anti-Flu Meds Are Especially Important This Flu Season, CDC Says
- Following Tesla's Lead, Toyota Makes Fuel Cell Patents Free
- Have Questions about Diet and Exercise? Join our Twitter Chat
- Hubble Telescope Captures Best View Ever of the Andromeda Galaxy
- Drought-Tracking Satellite to Blast Off This Month
- 2015's 'Leap Second' Could Scramble Computers
- New Wearables Track Your Stats on the Field
- 'Invisibilia' Podcast Explores Bizarre Workings of the Human Mind
- Drugs are Frequently Running Out — Now What? (Op-Ed)
- What is Groundwater?
- January 8
- Ebola Vaccines: Here's a Look at the 3 Front-Runners
- Exoskeleton Helps Spinal Cord Injury Patient Walk
- Coolest Eco-Friendly Technologies at CES 2015
- So Long, Ugly Fitness Trackers: Fashionable Devices Debut
- 'Pop-Up' 3D Structures Can Mimic Brain Circuits
- This Computer Program Can Beat Anyone at Poker
- New Implant Lets Paralyzed Rats Walk Again
- Can Monkeys Learn to Recognize Themselves in the Mirror?
- Can Microbes in the Gut Influence the Brain?
- Easter Island's Demise May Have Surprising New Explanation
- How Greenland Got Its Glaciers
- Rare Butterfly Is Half Male, Half Female
- Lizard Penises Evolve at Super-Speed
- When You Stray From a Trail, Invasive Species Follow
- Magnetic Pulses May Reboot Stroke Recovery (Op-Ed)
- Wine Grapes Get New Genes to Fight Blight
- Mesozoic era: Age of the dinosaurs
- Derecho Facts, Formation and Forecasting
- January 7
- Bluetooth Pacifiers and Smart Armchairs: CES' Best Health Tech
- Measles Hits Disneyland: 9 Cases Linked to Theme Park
- Tiny Marine Microbes Dazzle in Microscopic Photo Exhibit
- Revolutionary New Antibiotic Kills Drug-Resistant Germs
- Off with Their Heads! Tiny Flies Decapitate Ants for Dinner
- 1,000 Alien Planets! NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Hits Big Milestone
- Atlantis' Legendary Metal Found in Shipwreck
- Most Parents Use Car Seats Unsafely
- How Flying Fish Took Flight? Fossils May Tell Us
- Rare Albino Bottlenose Dolphin Spotted Off Florida Coast
- New Health Trackers Aim to Prevent Emergencies
- Stevie Wonder Speaks at CES
- Why Most Food Labels are Wrong About Calories
- Origami: Mathematics in Creasing
- Will People Ever Trust E-Signatures?
- Lithium Medication: Dosage & Side Effects
- Ayurveda: Facts About Ayurvedic Medicine
- Sun's Rays May Trim Life Spans
- January 6
- Lake Erie Dead Zone: Don't Blame the Slime!
- Adorable Panda Cub Gets 1st Snow Day in Washington
- Israel's Declaration of Independence Recreated in High-Tech Photo
- Can Poetry Ease the Arrival of Death?
- Alcohol Poisoning Kills 6 Daily in the US
- Hubble Telescope Captures Spectacular New Views of 'Pillars of Creation'
- High-Tech Airships Could Be NASA's Next Challenge
- Why Black Widow Spider Venom Is So Potent
- Drinking Declines with Age, UK Study Finds
- Renaissance-Era Italian Warlord Was Poisoned, Mummy Reveals
- 2 Years After Car Crash, Man in 'Minimally Conscious State' Suddenly Speaks
- BRAIN Initiative Update: Q&A with Neuroscientist Cornelia Bargmann
- Animal Sex: How Anglerfish Do It
- Leukemia: Types, Symptoms and Treatment
- Facts About Phosphorus
- One for the Record Books: 2014 Officially Hottest Year
- January 5
- Newborn Killer Whale Brings Hope for Endangered Pod
- Fracking Led to Ohio Earthquakes
- Volcanoes May Explain Delay in Earth's Oxygen
- 6 Healthy Habits Dramatically Reduce Heart Disease Risk in Women
- Experimental Diet Pill Tricks Body into Thinking It Ate
- Rapid Desert Formation May Have Destroyed China's 1st Kingdom
- Whale Genes Offer Hints to Longer Life Spans
- Eating Whole Grains May Help You Live Longer, Study Finds
- Tomb of Unknown Queen Discovered in Egypt
- 10,000 Steps Per Day? It's More Complicated for Kids
- Let in the Light: Ancient Roman Fort Designed for Celestial Show
- Two New Ocean Research Ships to Set Sail in 2015
- January 4
- January 2
- Monarch Butterflies Considered for Endangered Species Status
- First Meteor Shower of 2015 Peaks This Weekend
- Skin Fat Helps Protect Against Infections, Study Finds
- Mystery Illness That Struck Oscar Wilde's Wife Finally Identified
- What If Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once?
- Hidden World War II Battlefields Reveal Germans' Secret Tactics
- January 1