All content archive
February 2015
290 articles
- February 28
- February 27
- Watch Very '80s Footage of 'Shark Lady' Eugenie Clark at Work
- Leonard Nimoy, Spock on 'Star Trek,' Dies at 83
- Best BMI Calculator Apps
- White & Gold or Blue & Black? Science of the Mystery Dress
- NASA Satellite Captures Amazing 3D Videos of Rain, Snow
- Ancient Bolivians Stripped Flesh from Dead Bodies in Ritual Complex
- Chatty Machines? Future Computers Could Communicate Like Humans
- Elusive 'Dark Photons' Still Lurking in the Shadows
- Suicide Rise in Middle-Age Adults Linked to Recession
- Designer Superbabies Could Rewrite Human Reproduction (Op-Ed)
- 'Catalyst' (US 2014): Book Excerpt
- February 26
- Daily Coffee Could Lower Your MS Risk
- Is Marijuana Safe? It's More Complicated Than You Think
- Ancient Mesopotamian Artifacts Smashed in New ISIS Video
- More Mysterious Craters Found in Siberia
- Photos of Siberia's Mysterious Craters
- Cool Pacific Ocean Slowed Global Warming
- Want to Cut Your Cancer Risk? Lose That Weight (Op-Ed)
- 'Big Brain' Gene Found in Humans, Not Chimps
- Beach Microbes Starving Baby Sea Turtles of Oxygen
- Rare Roman Tombstone Discovered in England
- Let's Call It: The Planet's Warmer (Op-Ed)
- Stephen Hawking Thinks These 3 Things Could Destroy Humanity
- Plant Plastics Seed New Tech, from Miatas to Tea Bags
- Big Bang, Deflated? Universe May Have Had No Beginning
- Meet 2 New Spider Species: 'Skeletorus' and 'Sparklemuffin'
- Apple to Wal-Mart, Big Biz is Betting on Green Energy (Op-Ed)
- U.S. 'Pet' Tiger Trade Puts Big Cats at Great Risk (Op-Ed)
- February 25
- Drop Sugar for Lent? Here's How Your Brain's (Not) Coping
- Deadly Gut Bacteria Cause Half a Million Infections Yearly
- 'Love' Hormone Sobers Up Drunken Rats
- Greenhouse Effect Is Witnessed…and Getting Worse
- Google's Artificial Intelligence Can Probably Beat You at Video Games
- Food Additives Linked to Weight Gain, Inflammation
- Confirmed: Space Rock Created Swedish Lake
- Best Smart Scale: Fitbit Aria vs. Withings Body Analyzer
- Woman's Rare Case of 'Seasonal OCD' Cured
- Earth's Worst Mass Extinction Preserved Ancient Footprints
- Triassic Tracks: Gallery of Ancient Reptiles' Footprints
- Saving Data From the Digital Dark Age (Op-Ed)
- Arms, Cells … Faces? How 3D Printing is Reconstructing Medicine (Gallery)
- Ancient Croc with 'Shovel Mouth' Likely Enjoyed Clam Dinners
- Photos: Ancient Crocodile Relatives Roamed the Amazon
- The Best Length for Eyelashes, According to Science
- February 24
- 3 Men Get Bionic Hands After Nerve Injuries
- Stunning Wisconsin Ice Caves May Open to Visitors This Weekend
- Icicles and Frozen Waterfalls: The Ice Caves of Apostle Islands
- Using Faulty Forensic Science, Courts Fail the Innocent (Op-Ed)
- Mysterious East Coast Flooding Caused by Weird Wind Patterns
- Should Humanity Try to Contact Alien Civilizations?
- Weed Is Legal in Alaska Now
- Hippo's 'Shrunken' Ancestor Was Hardly Bigger Than a Sheep
- Images of an Ancient Hippo Ancestor
- 3D Laser Scanner Makes Haunting Works of Art
- Scarlett and Alessandro Top Sexiest Names List
- Art from Technology: 3D Scanner Makes Gorgeous Images
- Human Hibernation: Snowy States Cause Longer Slumbers
- Fighter Jets May Launch Small Satellites to Space
- These 5 Supplements Do Nothing for Alzheimer's, Despite Claims (Op-Ed)
- Surgeon's Helper: 3D Printing Is Revolutionizing Health Care (Op-Ed)
- Fist-Clinching Fury Raises Heart Attack Risk
- February 23
- Vikings Were 'Global Investors,' Not Just Pillagers
- Peanut Allergy Prevention? Peanut Butter Snacks Could Help
- Mummy Found Hiding Inside Ancient Buddha Statue
- Turkish Troops Relocate Historic Tomb in Syria
- Deepest Ocean Water Teems With Life
- Stephen Hawking: Human Aggression Could 'Destroy Us All'
- Rarest Big Cat on Earth Starting to Make a Comeback
- Smart Scale Picks (Infographic)
- Stephen Hawking Praises 'Theory of Everything' Oscar Winner
- Mummy Hair Reveals Ancient South American Diet
- Photos: Mummy Hair Reveals Ancient Last Meals
- Whole Diet Approach to Child Nutrition Urged by Pediatricians
- Children Have Fewer Allergies When Families Do Dishes by Hand
- February 21
- February 20
- Facts About Argon
- Line of Cocoa: Is Chocolate Snorting Safe?
- Arctic Blast Blankets Eastern US in Ice and Snow (Photo)
- 26-Year-Old's Heart Attack Linked to Energy Drink
- Drunk on YouTube: Funny Videos Don't Tell the Whole Story
- History Repeats Itself: Ancient Cities Grew Much Like Modern Ones
- Maya Mural Reveals Ancient 'Photobomb'
- Photos: Maya Mural Depicts Royal Advisors
- Rise of the Fembots: Why Artificial Intelligence Is Often Female
- Hookah Myth Debunked: They Don't Filter Out Toxic Chemicals
- Facts About Sodium
- February 19
- Hold the Sugar, US Nutrition Panel Recommends
- Why It's So Freakin' Cold: Here's the Science
- Cities Birth More Thunderstorms Than Rural Areas
- New Residents: Dolphins Swam into Mediterranean 18,000 Years Ago
- Mars on Earth? What Life Is Like on the 'Red Planet’
- Lichen, Pizza and Mars Crew 149 (Gallery)
- Shrimpy Sharks to Great Whites: Marine Animals Have Gotten Bigger Over Time
- Out of the Sun? Ultraviolet Rays Can Harm Skin Hours Later
- Stone Age Skull Reveals Astonishing Human Diversity
- Attention Bradley Cooper: Oscar-Nominated Guys Face Divorce Risk
- Obesity Is Complicated and Needs New Approach, Scientists Say
- Great White Sharks Are Late Bloomers
- Ancient Shrines Used for Predicting the Future Discovered
- Photos: 3,300-Year-Old Shrines Uncovered
- Bright and Stormy Night: Clouds Make Cities Lighter
- Photos: Light Pollution Around the World
- Fire Ants Hitched Ride Around Globe on 16th-Century Ships
- Mysterious, Wavelike Cloud Hugs Grand Teton Mountains (Photo)
- Chemical in Plastics May Alter Boys' Genitals Before Birth
- The Happiest States in 2014: Full List
- This State Is the Nation's Happiest for the First Time
- Mercury Levels in Tuna are Rising
- When Can You Start Having Sex After a Heart Attack?
- February 18
- It's Not Just Ice: 10 Tips to Avoid a Bad Fall
- New Sea Dragon Species Flaunts Ruby-Red Skin
- Utah Suicides Linked to Air Pollution
- Daydreaming Your Stress Away Will Probably Backfire
- Photos: America's Least Visited Parks in 2014
- US National Parks Set Attendance Record in 2014
- 2014: America's Most Loved Parks
- World's Largest Atom Smasher Returns: 4 Things It Could Find
- Slimy Microbes May Have Carpeted Earth 3.2 Billion Years Ago
- Marijuana Munchies May Come from Scrambled Neuron Signals
- The Best Calorie Counter Apps
- Some Racing Raindrops Break Their 'Speed Limit'
- One Thing Steroids Won't Do? Make You Popular
- The Truth About the Paleo Diet
- Sorry, Spiders: Sea Snails Make Strongest Material on Earth
- February 17
- Preschoolers Who Nap May Sleep Worse at Night
- Mexican Wolf Population Now Tops 100 in US
- Flu Shot May Give You a Boost Against Bird Flu
- Images: The largest stash of gold coins discovered in Israel
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease May Be from Mom's Bacteria, not DNA
- A Fortune in Ancient Gold Coins Found Off Israel
- The Best Genealogy Software
- Ready for Takeoff? New Rules Would Limit Some Uses for Drones
- Penguins Are Well Dressed, But Have Poor Taste
- ADHD is the New Normal (Op-Ed)
- 'Little Black Lies' (US 2015): Book Excerpt
- Vast Bed of Metal Balls Found in Deep Sea
- Global Ocean Acidity Revealed in New Maps
- Italian Cemetery Could Preserve Cholera DNA
- February 16
- February 15
- February 14
- February 13
- Sleep Paralysis Linked to Genetics
- Electric Brain Booster (Do Not Try This at Home) (Gallery)
- Could This 'Thinking Cap' Help You Learn?
- Ebola Virus Still Infectious for a Week After Death
- Wayward Grand Canyon Wolf Was Killed in Utah, DNA Confirms
- Valentine's Science: How Mouth Germs Shape Attraction
- Anthony Anderson on the Power of Portrayals (Video)
- Lost and Found: Oldest Cannonball in England Rediscovered
- It's Raining Milk! Odd Weather Puzzles Scientists
- Toddler's Reaction to Meth Mistaken for Scorpion Sting
- 13 Freaky Things That Happened on Friday the 13th
- Climate of Opportunity: New School Divests From Fossil Fuels (Op-Ed)
- Apes Make Irrational Economic Decisions — That Includes You
- New Footage Reveals Discovery of Richard III's Death Blow
- February 12
- Online Dating Tips to Help You Find 'The One'
- How Tree Rings Reveal Climate Secrets (Infographic)
- 2 Jurassic Mini Mammal Species Discovered in China
- Antarctic Architecture? (Gallery)
- Doctors Who Treat Ebola Feel More Socially Isolated
- Images: 2 Fossils of Tiny Early Mammals
- Gimme Shelter: A Blueprint for Living in Extreme Environments (Op-Ed)
- Worst Megadroughts in 1,000 Years Threaten US
- The Nanotech View of the Microbiome (Kavli Roundtable)
- Glowing Protein Reveals Animals' Brain Activity
- Dogs Can Tell Happy or Angry Human Faces
- Why 'Fifty Shades' Could Give Dangerous Message to Teens (Op-Ed)
- How Many Licks Does It Take to Get to the Center of a Lollipop?
- Student Loans May Be Bad for Young Adults' Mental Health
- All About Me: Powerful People Inspire Themselves
- Leaking Brain Fluid Traced to Pilates Injury
- Hidden Faults Explain Earthquakes in Fracking Zones
- Hepatitis: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
- Does Magnetic Therapy Work?
- Peak Oil: Theory or Myth?
- February 11
- Why Exercise and Diet Changes May Not Be Enough to Treat Obesity
- Misfit Flash: Fitness Tracker Review
- Cold Air Invasion Coming: What’s the Role of Warming?
- People with Mental Disorders Risk an Early Death
- Engineering Marvels: Series Explores Mysteries of Ancient Buildings
- Did Ocean's Big Burps End Last Ice Age?
- Say Cheese! Hubble Telescope Sees Cosmic Smiley Face in Space
- Self-Driving Vehicles Could Cut Car Ownership Nearly in Half, Report Finds
- Happy Words Dominate Most Languages
- Depression in Teachers Impacts Classroom Learning
- Alcohol May Help Elderly Women, But Not Men, Live Longer
- February 10
- Why 'Measles Parties' Are a Bad Idea
- Baby Born Pregnant with Her Own Twins
- Geoengineering Holds Promise; Solutions Not Ready
- You're Using More Happy Words Than Sad Words, and So Is Everybody Else (Infographic)
- Meet Spot: New Breed of Robot Dog Climbs and Trots
- Dinos Got High, Oldest Grass Fungus Fossil Hints
- Yoga Becoming More Popular With Kids, Adults
- Google Brings Fact-Checked Health Info to Top of Pages
- Wearables vs. Smartphone Apps: Which Are Better to Count Steps?
- Younger Generations More Likely to Think Vaccines Are Unsafe
- Volcano Megafloods May Have Formed Europe’s Mightiest Waterfall
- What If Alexander the Great Left His Empire to One Person?
- Treadmill Desks Don't Make Up for Sitting
- Why Iceland Is Rising So Fast
- February 9
- Mystery Over 15th-Century Drilled Skull Solved
- Waiting for Mr. Right May Be an Evolutionary Wrong
- Stress May Affect Heart Attack Recovery
- Hints of Colonial Pollution Hidden in Andean Ice Cap
- Amazing! Original Magna Carta Copy Found in Scrapbook
- More Floods Hitting Midwest States
- Photos: Amazing Rocks from the Alamo Impact Crater
- America's Amazing, Drivable Crater: Alamo Impact Yields Secrets
- Neil Armstrong's Purse: 1st Moonwalker Had Hidden Apollo 11 Artifacts
- 100 Ancient Cult Sites Discovered in Israel
- Photos: 100 Cult Sites Discovered in Eilat Mountains in Israel
- Polyamory Stigma Lessens with Familiarity
- February 8
- February 7
- February 6
- What Your Snot Says About You (Infographic)
- Extinct Mega-Rodent Had Teeth Like Elephant Tusks
- The Microbes That Ride the NYC Subway with You
- Mysterious Stone Carving May Contain Old Message
- Firefighting Robots Could Help US Navy Snuff Out Fires at Sea
- Rare Case of Conjoined Lizard Twins Reported at Zoo
- Is It Too Late to Get a Measles Vaccination?
- How 'Parenthood' Helped Erase the Stigma of Mental Illness (Op-Ed)
- February 5
- The Best Solar Panels for Homes
- Measles Outbreak, Measles Vaccine: Top Questions Answered
- #Weed: Twitter Is Awash In Pro-Marijuana Tweets
- Glacier's Groans Can Pinpoint Iceberg Calving
- Herbal Supplement Controversy: Did NY Investigation Use the Right Tests?
- World's First Robot-Staffed Hotel to Open in Japan
- Waking Beasts: Underwater Volcanoes Roused by Ice Ages
- What Stresses Americans Out the Most?
- Chimps Can Learn Foreign 'Dialects,' Experiment Shows
- Human Cadavers Provide New Skin for Chronic Wounds
- Drones May Aid Bird Studies Without Ruffling Feathers
- Eating Organic Produce Can Limit Pesticide Exposure
- Facts About Cobalt
- Celiac Disease: Symptoms & Treatment
- February 4
- Sky River to Bust Northern California Drought This Week
- Tiny Drones Capture Gorgeous Views of Sizzling Lava Lake
- Newfound Frog Has Strange Breeding Habits
- HIV, Syphilis Tests? There's an App for That
- Hidden Molten Channel Beneath Earth Discovered with a Blast
- Many Mental Disorders Affect Same Brain Regions
- Life Might Thrive 12 Miles Beneath Earth's Surface
- World's Biggest Trove of Gold Built by Ancient 'Secret Agents'
- Babies Understand Friendship, Meanies and Bystanders
- Boy Diagnosed With 'Fear of Growing Up'
- Prehistoric Grave May Be Earliest Example of Death During Childbirth
- Thin 'Bubble' Coatings Could Hide Submarines from Sonar
- Both Monogamy and Polygamy May Be Natural for Humans
- Pancreatic Cancer: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
- What is Tai Chi?
- Monkey Mustaches and Beards Help Algorithm Recognize Faces
- February 3
- Chef Bot? Robot Learns Cooking from YouTube Videos
- How Your Brain Ignores Distractions
- Some People Would Rather Have a Shorter Life Than Take Meds
- Experts Suggest Your Ideal Sleep Duration (Infographic)
- Fires Intensified Deadly Tornado Outbreak
- 2 Billion Years Unchanged, Bacteria Pose an Evolutionary Puzzle
- How Much Sleep Should You Get? New Recommendations Released
- Cheap Holograms Could Give Rise to Glasses-Free 3D TVs
- Haunting Space Bubbles Shine in Amazing Hubble Telescope Photo
- Newfound 'Gospel of the Lots of Mary' Discovered in Ancient Text
- Samsung Gear VR: Virtual Reality Tech May Have Nasty Side Effects
- Cost-of-Smoking Estimates Were Grossly Exaggerated
- Ancient Earth Had Weird Chemistry: Vanilla Rocks, Lemon-Juice Soil
- February 2
- For Teens, Falling Asleep Gets Harder with More Screen Time
- Running Too Hard? Light Jogging Linked with Living Longer
- 5 Unexpected Home Hazards Send Too Many Kids to the ER (Op-Ed)
- Prehistoric High Times: Early Humans Used Magic Mushrooms, Opium
- 'Missing Oil' from 2010 BP Spill Found on Gulf Seafloor
- Lava Bomb Fossils Hold Clues to Islands' Fiery Origin
- F-35 Fighter Jet Tested in Extreme Weather Conditions
- Gallery: Eerie Rocks From El Hierro Volcano
- Taj Mahal Gardens Found to Align with the Solstice Sun
- Animal Sex: How Octopuses Do It
- Toddler Foods Have as Much Salt as Junk Food