All content archive
April 2015
320 articles
- April 30
- Even a Little Walking Can Improve Your Health, Study Suggests
- Big Aftershocks May Occur at Edge of Large Quakes
- Why the Apple Watch Is Confused by Tattoos
- Out-of-Body Experience Is Traced in the Brain
- Colorado Plague Outbreak Shows It's Hard to Diagnose the Disease
- Smallpox-Like Virus Infects Lab Worker After Mishap
- Bat Wings Harbor Special Sensory Cells
- Nepal Earthquake Photos: Odd Effects of Kathmandu Temblor
- Venom-Squirting Scorpions Blind Enemies with Toxin
- Why Some Women Lose More Weight from Exercise
- What Are Mitochondria?
- Mount Everest Shrank As Nepal Quake Lifted Kathmandu
- April 29
- 'Obesity Signature' Written in Pee
- Kilauea Volcano's Lava Lake Overflows (Video)
- What Chipotle's 'Ban' on Genetically Modified Foods Really Means
- Key Facts About the Supreme Court's Same-Sex Marriage Case
- California’s Forests Have Become Climate Polluters
- Deadly Gut Bacteria Infections Peak in Spring
- Neil Tyson's 'StarTalk' Turns TV Talk Shows Topsy-Turvy (Op-Ed)
- 4D Implant Saves Babies with Breathing Problems
- Sunken Ships Revealed After Ice Melts in Lake Michigan (Photos)
- Rare Sperm Whale Fossils Shed Light on Mysterious Family Tree
- Dark Knight of the Jurassic? Tiny Dinosaur Had Batlike Wings
- In Photos: Bizarre 'Bat Dinosaur' Discovered in China
- Shipwrecks Spotted in Crystal-Clear Waters of Lake Michigan
- Newborn Star Erupts After Binging on Gas and Dust
- Cancer Death Rate Declines Worldwide
- Fully Restored WWII Fighter Plane Up for Auction
- Early Urban Planning: Ancient Mayan City Built on Grid
- Guinea Pig Facts
- How Do Batteries Work?
- April 28
- Polygamous Marriage May Be Bad for a Man's Heart
- Same-Sex Marriage: 6 Effects of Supreme Court's Decision
- Lava Lake Threatens Overflow in Hawaii
- Photos of Hawaii's Rising Lava Lake
- People Addicted to Opioids May Benefit from ER Drug Treatment
- Source of Antarctica's Eerie 'Bleeding Glacier' Found
- US Military's Self-Steering Bullets Can Hit Moving Targets
- Having Mom in the Car Changes Teen Driver's Brain
- Nepal Earthquake Destroys Historic Temples
- Why Some Lithium-Ion Batteries Explode
- 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Had Deadly Predecessors
- Inside Look at How Batteries Work (Infographic)
- In Images: Antarctic Explorer Robert Falcon Scott's Last Photos
- Doomed Antarctic Explorer's Last Photos Up for Auction
- Bullying May Leave Worse Mental Scars Than Child Abuse
- April 27
- Bigger Earthquake Coming on Nepal's Terrifying Faults
- Nepal Earthquake: Health Threats Loom Over Survivors
- Bruce Jenner's Transition: How Many Americans Are Transgender?
- Photos: 7-Year-Old Boy Discovers T. Rex Cousin
- Bizarre Cousin of T. Rex Was a Vegetarian
- Climate Deniers to Pope Francis: 'There Is No Global Warming Crisis'
- Nepal Earthquake Toll Only Just Beginning
- LA's Island Playground Could Trigger Tsunamis
- Color Me Confused! Iridescence Helps Animals Evade Predators
- Photos: Shimmering Shades May Help Animals Survive
- Lice Shouldn't Keep Kids from School, Doctors Say
- Risperdal (Risperidone): Dosage & Side Effects
- April 26
- April 25
- April 24
- This Country Is the Happiest in the World
- More Than 1,000 Doctors Say Dr. Oz Should Resign
- Learning from Earth's Smallest Ecosystems (Kavli Hangout)
- Women Who Sit Too Much Have Higher Breast Cancer Risk
- Melanoma Tumor 'Dissolves' After 1 Dose of New Drug Combo
- Giant Easter Island 'Hats' Rolled Into Place, Study Says
- Battle Lines Drawn Around the Legality of 'Killer Robots'
- Find Out Where Your Country Ranks on the Happiness Index (Infographic)
- Rare, Tiny 'Pocket Shark' Seen for 2nd Time
- In Photos: Rare Pocket Shark Discovered
- Genetically Modified Humans? How Genome Editing Works
- Prostate Cancer Risk Linked to Baldness
- Happy Birthday, Hubble! 10 Epic Photos from the Iconic Space Telescope
- Half the US Faces Earthquake Risk
- Letting Babies Nap in Car Seat Could Be Deadly, Experts Warn
- April 23
- Songbirds Emerge for Spring, But Is the Timing Off? (Essay)
- Stunning Songbirds Return for Spring (Photos)
- Garmin Forerunner 620: GPS Watch Review
- Air Pollution May Shrink the Brain, Study Suggests
- Woman's 'Embryonic Twin' Is Not Really an Embryo, Or a Twin
- Do Mosquitoes Love You? Blame Your Genes
- Human Embryo Editing Is Incredibly Risky, Experts Say
- Are Chimps Entitled to Human Rights? NY Court to Decide
- Titanic Blob of Magma Found Beneath Yellowstone Supervolcano
- Scientists Turn to Drones For Closer Look at Sea Ice
- Whooping Cough Outbreaks Traced to Change in Vaccine
- Fossil Teeth Suggest Humans Played Role in Neanderthal Extinction
- Big Butts Can Lie: Bootylicious Baboons May Not Be Most Fertile
- Garmin Forerunner 10: GPS Watch Review
- Man-Made Earthquakes Rising in US, New Maps Show
- Having an 'Invisible' Body Could Reduce Social Anxiety
- Washington Earthquake's Mysterious Source Discovered
- Fact or Fiction? Test Your Knowledge About Snakes
- April 22
- 5 Not-So-Miraculous Dr. Oz Claims
- From Crisis to Myth: The Packaging Waste Problem (Op-Ed)
- Exercise Won't Fix the Obesity Epidemic, Researchers Argue
- Traces of Ancient Earthquakes Hidden in Cave Rocks
- Only 3 Wolves Are Left at Isle Royale National Park
- Abandoned Baby Tiger Triplets Thrive with Zoo's Aid
- Blue Bell's Listeria Scare: How It Grows in Ice Cream
- Cancer Tech: New Devices Could Speed Up Treatment
- 10 Easy Ways to Help Wildlife, Every Day (Photos)
- Flawless 100-Carat Diamond Sells for Whopping $22 Million
- Stegosaurus' Bony Plates May Reveal Dino's Sex
- Kermit the Frog Look-Alike Discovered in Costa Rica
- Polar M400: GPS Watch Review
- Happy Earth Day! 5 Ways to Get Kids to Help the Planet
- Loch Ness Monster: Facts About Nessie
- Fading Gems: 10 Places to Visit Before They're Gone
- Women Who Received HPV Vaccine May Need Another Shot
- Earth Day 2015: Our Favorite Photos of the Planet
- Elephant Contraception? How a Vaccine is Replacing Sharpshooters (Op-Ed)
- Not Just a Band-Aid: How ‘Smart Bandages’ Will Change Medicine (Video)
- Peering Inside 'Smart Bandages' (Photos)
- April 21
- What Babies Eat May Affect Leukemia Risk
- Explore Loch Ness Monster’s Home on Google Street View
- TomTom Multi-Sport Cardio: GPS Watch Review
- Measles Vaccine Not Linked with Autism, Even in High-Risk Kids
- Atomic Clock Is So Precise It Won't Lose a Second for 15 Billion Years
- Ancient Hangover Cure Discovered in Greek Texts
- Hurricanes of Terror: Why 2 Names Were Dropped from Storm List
- Breath of Fresh Air: How Smartphones Can Help Asthma Sufferers
- Earthquakes & Tsunamis: Causes & Information
- Stunning Night-Sky Images from the American Desert (Photos)
- Delaying Pregnancy May Reduce Risk of Ovarian Cancer
- April 20
- Supplements May Raise, Not Lower, Cancer Risk
- New Advice on What To Do About Seizures
- 170-Year-Old Champagne Recovered from the Bottom of the Sea
- US Breast Cancer Cases May Rise 50 Percent by 2030
- How Does Wireless Charging Work?
- True to Their Name, Vampire Squid May Have Long Lives
- Polar V800: GPS Watch Review
- Where in the US Are People Most Worried About Climate Change?
- Did Neanderthals Die Off Because They Couldn't Harness Fire?
- April 17
- Sony SmartWatch 3 Review
- 2015 Already Setting Heat Records
- 11,000 Years of Isolation: Remote Village Has Unusual Gut Bacteria
- Dog Flu Outbreak: What You Need to Know
- Making Sense of Scents: Why Odors Spark Memory (Podcast)
- Photos: World War II-Era Aircraft Carrier Discovered
- WWII Ship Used for Atomic Bomb Tests Found 'Amazingly Intact'
- Is Freezing Your Eggs Worth the Cost?
- Post Chimp Work, Jane Goodall's Passion for Conservation Still Going Strong
- Scary Inhaler Accident: What a Woman Learned from It
- Where's the Proof in Science? There Is None
- Voices of Rare 'Talking' Turtles May Prevent Their Extinction
- April 16
- Sofia Vergara Lawsuit: Who Owns Frozen Embryos?
- New Roadkill Map Finds California 'Ring of Death'
- 1st Photo of Rare Monkey Proves It's Not Extinct
- What Your Poop Says About Your Lifestyle
- 'Puppy Eyes' Help Dogs Bond with Humans, Study Suggests
- Octopuses Have Moves, But No Rhythm
- Man Goes Exploring with Metal Detector, Finds Roman-Era Grave
- Photos: Mosaic glass dishes and bronze jugs from Roman England
- Angry Chimp Attack! 5 Bizarre Drone Crashes
- '$5 Insanity': 5 Crazy Facts About Flakka
- Evidence of Pre-Columbus Trade Found in Alaska House
- In Photos: East Asian Trade with New World (Photos)
- Older Mothers Tend to Have Bigger Gap Between Pregnancies
- April 15
- Rita Wilson's Cancer Diagnosis: When to Get a Second Opinion
- Fitbit Charge HR: Fitness Tracker Review
- Early Earth May Have Absorbed Mercury-like Object
- Incredible Video: Curious Whale Inspects Underwater Robot
- Pop! Knuckle-Cracking Noise Finally Explained
- X-Ray Scans 'Dig' Beneath Layers of Rembrandt Painting
- Diabetes and Depression May Increase Risk of Dementia
- 1st Color Image of Pluto Snapped by Approaching NASA Probe (Photo)
- Fatal Brain Disease in US Man Likely Came from UK Beef
- Struck by Lightning: Bolt from Above Blinds Woman in One Eye
- What If Lincoln Had Lived?
- Forget Jeopardy: 5 Abilities That Make IBM's Watson Amazing
- 1 Million Orders and Counting: Why So Many Covet the Apple Watch
- April 14
- Are Health Apps Harmful or Helpful? Experts Debate
- Gray Whale Breaks Mammal Migration Record
- Boneworms Dined on Ancient Sea Serpents
- Is Marijuana Good Medicine or Dangerous? Poll Reveals What the US Thinks
- Will Mobile Labs Finally Halt Killer Frog Fungus? (Op-Ed)
- Why Humans Have Chins
- Holy Flying Fish! Why Jumping Asian Carp Bombard Rowers
- Dark Matter Illuminated in New High-Resolution Maps
- Ebola Vaccine Starts Testing in Sierra Leone
- It's a Girl! Healthy Giraffe Born at Dallas Zoo
- Gestational Diabetes May Be Tied to Autism in Children
- Garmin Forerunner 920XT: GPS Watch Review
- Spooky Ring of Light Created by Arctic's Ice-Mapping Lasers (Photo)
- Earth's Mysterious Hum Explained
- April 13
- Marijuana Extract May Help Reduce Epilepsy Seizures
- How to Avoid a Shark Attack
- Man Tears Tendon After Playing 'Candy Crush' for Weeks
- Acting Out Dreams Is Often Early Sign of Parkinson's Disease
- Screwing Up Artificial Intelligence Could Be Disastrous, Experts Say
- Giant Atom Smasher Revs up: Physicists Reveal What They're Looking For
- Battered Remains of Medieval Knight Discovered in UK Cathedral
- April 11
- April 10
- Oldest Neanderthal DNA Found in Italian Skeleton
- Treating Troops' Sleep Problems May Reduce PTSD
- Woman's 'Burning Mouth Syndrome' Had Strange Cause
- Amazon Wins Approval to Test Delivery Drones in US
- Why Gay Conversion Therapy Is Harmful
- 200 Years After Tambora, Indonesia Most at Risk of Deadly Volcanic Blast
- 10 Most Hazardous Countries For Volcanoes (Photos)
- Nature-Inspired Factories Are the Future of Manufacturing (Op-Ed)
- Land Bridge Linking Americas Rose Earlier Than Thought
- Photos: The Bone Boxes of the 'Jesus Family Tomb'
- 'Warm Blob' in Pacific Ocean to Blame for Wonky US Weather
- iPads in the Classroom, But Do They Help Kindergartners?
- April 9
- Being Too Slim at Midlife May Boost Dementia Risk
- What is hemp?
- Towering 'Terror Bird' Stalked Prey by Listening for Footsteps
- 3,000 Goldfish! Dumped Aquarium Pets Multiply in Lake
- In Photos: Thousands of Goldfish Swarm in Colorado Lake
- Ocean of Acid Blamed for Earth's 'Great Dying'
- New Controversy Surrounds Alleged 'Jesus Family Tomb'
- Solving the Four Corners Mystery: Probes Map Methane 'Hot Spot'
- Cosmetic Surgery Makes Women Look More Likable
- Tyrannosaur Skull Bears Scars of Fierce Dino Battle
- Photos: Dinosaur's Battle Wounds Preserved in Tyrannosaur Skull
- Garmin Vivoactive: GPS Watch Review
- Amazing Image of Colorful Rocks Wins NASA Photo Contest
- Top 8 Earth Images for 2015
- Mysterious Desert Fairy Circles Share Pattern with Skin Cells
- ER Visits for Drug Overdose Rising Among Young Adults
- This Cosmic Ring Photo Is the One to Rule Them All
- April 8
- Tornado Alert in Central US: The Science of Severe Storms
- Why Short People May Have Higher Risk of Heart Disease
- Arts and Crafts Activities May Stave Off Dementia
- Giraffe to Give Birth at Dallas Zoo: Watch It Live Online
- Explosive Culprit? Russian Fireball's Origins Found
- What Are the Most Endangered Rivers in the US?
- Happiest U.S. Cities of 2014: The List
- Happiest US Metro Areas Revealed
- Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts
- Drunk-Dialing Shame May Help Prevent Excessive Drinking in College Kids
- Controversy Blooms Over Earliest Flower Fossil
- What Record-Breaking Drought Means for California's Future
- Tombs Filled with Dozens of Mummies Discovered in Peru
- In Photos: Hundreds of Mummies Found in Peru
- Why You Get the Joke: Brain's Sarcasm Center Found
- Dinos Died Here: Getting to the Core of Asteroid Impact Mystery
- Lung Cancer: Signs, Symptoms, Types & Treatment
- April 7
- What Are Quadratic Equations?
- A Longer Life May Lie in Number of Anti-Inflammatory Genes
- More Teens Using Long-Term Birth Control
- Trace Amounts of Fukushima Radiation Turn Up in Canada
- Boy Gets Food Allergies from Blood Transfusion
- 'Freak Weather Event' Sets Antarctic Heat Records
- Breast Cancer Genes: How Much Risk Do BRCA Mutations Bring?
- 'Silkpunk': Redefining Technology for 'The Grace of Kings' (Essay)
- 'The Grace of Kings' (US 2015): Book Excerpt
- Disney Competition Challenges Kids to Design Futuristic Tech
- 'Extinct' No Longer? Brontosaurus May Make a Comeback
- Some Popular Supplements Still Contain Untested Compound
- April 6
- 1 in 3 Breast Cancer Patients Interested in Genetic Testing
- Key to Longevity Is Kindness, World's Oldest Person Said
- 11 Weight-Loss Programs After 1 Year: Which Work?
- Robot Reveals Sea Life Thriving Beneath Antarctic Ice
- 5 Odd Animals That Shapeshift
- MRSA Superbug May Get Stronger If You Smoke
- Near-Death Experiences: What Happens in the Brain Before Dying
- Western Canada's Glaciers Could Vanish by 2100
- Ghostly Faces and Invisible Verse Found in Medieval Text
- In Photos: Medieval Manuscript Reveals Ghostly Faces
- Want to Live Longer? Optimal Amount of Exercise Revealed
- Here Be Dragons: 3 Spiky Lizard Species Found in Andes
- Why Dangerous Sinkholes Keep Appearing Along the Dead Sea
- Photos: Giant Sinkholes Along the Dead Sea
- Breast Milk Sold Online May Not Be 100% Human Milk
- April 5
- April 4
- April 3
- Bizarre Syndrome Makes Visitors to Jerusalem Go Crazy
- Amped-Up Atom Smasher Will Restart This Weekend
- 2011 Japan Tsunami Unleashed Ozone-Destroying Chemicals
- World Will Get More Religious by 2050
- 5 Resources Nations Need to Survive a Warming World (Op-Ed)
- For Some Kids, Easter Egg Hunts Pose Allergy Risk
- Huge Colorado Floods Helped Sculpt Mountains
- Malignant Mesothelioma: Symptoms and Treatments
- Framing the End: Extinction as Art (Interview)
- The Brutal Art of Extinction (Gallery)
- Cleaning with Bleach May Lead to Childhood Infections
- April 2
- In Photos: Medieval Graveyard Unearthed in Cambridge
- Human Stem Cells Shape a New Approach to Autism Research (Op-Ed)
- Anne Frank Likely Died Earlier Than Believed
- Joni Mitchell's Mysterious Skin Disease: What Causes Morgellons?
- Drug-Resistant Stomach Bug Increasing in US
- Medieval Graveyard Found Under Cambridge University
- Zap! New Map Charts Every Lightning Bolt
- Wellograph Watch: Fitness Tracker Review
- Dinosaur 'Romeo and Juliet' Found Buried Together
- How to Raise a Moral Robot (Op-Ed)
- April 1
- What's Next for the World's Largest Atom Smasher? How to Watch Live
- Too Much Iced Tea Blamed for Man's Kidney Failure
- Tarantulas Have 2 Left Feet When It's Hot
- California Obliterates Record for Lowest Snowpack Ever
- From Space, Typhoon Maysak's Eye Looks Like a Black Hole (Photo)
- Global Rain and Snow Swirl Across Stunning New Maps
- World's Oldest Woman Revealed Her Secret to Long Life
- Night Owls at Higher Risk of Diabetes, Other Illnesses
- 'Alien' Camel Skeleton Discovered Along the Danube River
- Famed Human Ancestor Lucy Wasn't Alone: Meet 'Little Foot'
- In Photos: 'Little Foot' Human Ancestor Walked With Lucy
- Hunting on Land Can't Help a Hungry Polar Bear
- Super Species: Animals with Extreme Powers Invade Museum
- Egyptian Artifacts Salvaged from Robbed Tomb in Israel
- 6 of the Best Science-Themed April Fools' Day Jokes
- Life at the Limits: Amazing Species Gallery
- Ancient Mars May Have Had Slow-Moving Monster Waves
- You Decide: What's the Deadliest Creature in the Animal Kingdom?
- Antarctic Octopus's 'Blue Blood' Helps It Survive in Frigid Waters
- Odd Tune: Trumpeter's Neck Swells Like a Bullfrog
- US States Ranked: How Commonly People Use Drugs to Relax
- This State Has the Highest Use of Mood-Altering Drugs
- As China Saves its 'Smiling' Porpoise, It Saves Its People (Op-Ed)
- Saving Yangtze Porpoises Can Save China (Gallery)
- How Fasting Diets May Make Cells Resist Stress (Essay)
- Individuals Commit Murder-Suicide, Not 'The Mentally Ill' (Op-Ed)
- Junk Food Is Making NYC Ants More Like Humans