All content archive
August 2015
287 articles
- August 31
- 'Lego-Stacking' Technique Could Help Scientists Grow Human Organs
- Another Fatal Brain Disease May Come from the Spread of 'Prion' Proteins
- Was Ancient Jerusalem Podium a Lost-and-Found?
- Lab-Grown Bones? They Could Make Painful Grafts History (Op-Ed)
- Titanic's Last Lunch Menu Up for Auction
- Robots on the Run! 5 Bots That Can Really Move
- Fossils Show How Ancient Seafloor Gave Rise to Life
- Human Eye's Blind Spot Can Shrink with Training
- Mako Shark Phones Home, Revealing Epic Journey
- Living Small: The Psychology of Tiny Houses
- Elusive Sea Creature with Hairy, Slimy Shell Spotted After 31 Years
- Animal Sex: How Hyenas Do It
- Parents: Talk About Alcohol When Kids Are 9
- August 30
- August 29
- August 28
- Hurricane Katrina's Stark Changes Endure in Images from Space
- Panda Bros: Twin Cubs Were Fraternal Brothers, Tests Show
- Catastrophic Volcanoes Blamed for Earth's Biggest Extinction
- Ouch! Volunteers Get Tick Bites for Science
- Serving Size Stumper: What's a Reasonable Amount to Eat?
- Marijuana Use May Lower Sperm Counts 'Quite a Lot'
- Earth's Moving Mantle Leads to Earthquakes in Unusual Places
- In Photos: Spartan Temple and Cultic Artifacts Discovered
- Sexual Harassment in the Animal Kingdom? How Female Guppies Escape
- 'Science of Mom': Author Sifts Through Childrearing Facts & Fictions
- Psychedelic Swirls Show Algae Bloom from Space
- August 27
- Unforgettable Images Capture Volcano Rumbling to Life
- The FDA's New Serving Sizes May Backfire — Here's Why
- Should You Stop Counting Calories?
- Rain with Chance of West Nile: Weather Could Predict Outbreaks (Podcast)
- HIV-Related Virus Has Existed in Primates for Millions of Years
- Pockets of Lower Vaccination Rates Remain Across the US
- Still Breaking Bad: Meth Lab Injuries on the Rise, CDC Reports
- Man Has Polio Virus Living in Gut for 30 Years
- Hurricane Katrina: Facts, Damage & Aftermath
- New Math Could Reveal Hidden Sources of Chaos
- Mars Hoaxes: Why We Believe
- Why Knut the Polar Bear Died So Suddenly
- Creepy Kangaroos: Why They Stand So Still
- Pointing the Way: 3D Computer Cursors Could Navigate Virtual Worlds
- Mars Hoaxes! 6 Stubborn Red Planet Conspiracy Theories
- What If Doctors Could Heal Broken Genes? (Op-Ed)
- Birth Order Peril: Firstborn Women More Likely to Be Obese
- August 26
- Baby Panda Twin Dies at National Zoo
- 'McWhopper' Mega-Burger Would Have Mega-Calories
- Why America Is Prone to Mass Shootings
- NASA: Rising Sea Levels More Dangerous Than Thought
- What's Blue with Legs All Over? New 3D Avatar Millipede
- Photos: Creepy-Crawly Millipede Scanned in 3D
- What Household Dust Says About You
- Lost Palace of Sparta Possibly Uncovered
- Placenta 'Switch' that Kickstarts Labor May Solve Long-Standing Mystery
- Does Marijuana Change the Brain?
- Has Stephen Hawking Just Solved a Huge Black-Hole Mystery?
- Insecure Men May Be More Prone to Violence
- Sea Ice: Ancient Oceans Birthed Diamonds
- August 25
- Plague Cases in US Are Unusually High This Year
- Nearly 1 in 5 Children and Teens Are Obese
- Women's Sexuality May Depend on Romantic Options
- What Women Don't Know About Stroke Could Kill Them (Op-Ed)
- Will Future Generations Preserve the National Parks? (Op-Ed)
- Amazing 'Red Lightning' Photographed from Space
- Man's 'Bionic Penis' Is Not So Rare After All
- Tiny Origami Microscope Reveals Hidden Life Teeming in the Amazon
- Photos: Origami Microscope Reveals Amazon Creatures
- 'Panda Swap' Keeps Newborn Twins in Mom's Care
- Photos: New Panda Twins Keep D.C. Zookeepers Busy
- Sumatran Rhino Goes Extinct in the Wild in Malaysia
- August 24
- Fire Fountains of the Ancient Moon Explained
- 10 Years Since Katrina: The Climate Connection is Clear (Op-Ed)
- Jet of Electric Current Boosts Space Weather at Equator
- 6 Archaeological Forgeries That Could Have Changed History
- Vigorous Flossing Caused Woman's Knee Infection in Strange Case
- Compounds in Flax & Sesame Seeds May Prevent Weight Gain
- Origins of 'Gospel of Jesus's Wife' Begin to Emerge
- Mini Frog, Bat with Freakish Tongue Found in Bolivia
- August 23
- August 22
- August 21
- Young Woman's 'Hysteria' Turned Out to Be Deadly Heart Condition
- The Alaskan Arctic Oil Drilling Controversy Explained (Infographic)
- Bend & Snap: Origami Inspires New Ways to Fold Curved Objects
- Gruesome Meal: Seagulls Snack on Baby Seals' Eyeballs
- California Sinking Faster Than Thought, Aquifers Could Permanently Shrink
- Stunning 'Fire Rainbow' Formed by Halo of Ice
- Jimmy Carter Gets New Melanoma Treatment: Here's How It Works
- Superbeasts: Meet the 'Fantastic Four' of the Animal Kingdom
- Skull of Earliest Baboon Discovered
- New Robotic Exoskeleton Is Controlled by Human Thoughts
- What Is El Niño?
- August 20
- Breast-Fed Babies Show Buildup of Potentially Harmful Chemical
- Human Ancestors May Have Butchered Animals 3.4 Million Years Ago
- Women's Libido Pill Faces Skepticism After Approval
- If Pluto Keeps Spewing Nitrogen, Why Is It Still Full of It?
- Danny Becomes First Atlantic Hurricane of the Season
- No Asteroid Is Threatening to Hit Earth Next Month, NASA Says
- Chinese Cave Graffiti Tells of Ancient Droughts & Strife
- Plague Cases in California: What's Behind the Rise?
- Wormhole Created in Lab Makes Invisible Magnetic Field
- Ghostly Particles from Outer Space Detected in Antarctica
- Can You Trust Wikipedia on Science?
- IceCube Photos: Physics Lab Buried Under Antarctic Ice
- Denver's 'Corpse Flower' Really Does Smell Like Rotting Meat
- Photos: Stinky 'Corpse Flower' Blooms
- Lake Mead's Water Sinks to Lowest Level Since 1930s
- Skin Cancer More Aggressive with Fewer Moles Present
- Do Great White Sharks Grow Forever?
- Vitamin B6: Sources & Benefits
- August 19
- 'Smart Drug' Modafinil Actually Works, Study Shows
- Giant 'Battle Bot' Could Get Makeover Ahead of Epic Duel
- Photos: Massive 'Battle Bot' Gears Up for Robot Duel
- New GMO Controversy: Are the Herbicides Dangerous?
- Vomit Machine Proves Viruses Can Go Flying
- 'Corpse Flower' Blooms in Denver: How to Watch Live
- Spot Has Your Back: Dogs Avoid People Who Slight Owners
- Long Misunderstood, Hummingbird Tongue Works Like Micropump
- Photos: Hummingbirds Slurp Up Tasty Nectar
- Cases of Fatal Brain Disease Showing Up Decades After Infection
- California Wildfires: Can Burning Marijuana Fields Get You High?
- August 18
- 'Base Jumping' Spider Soars from Rainforest Treetops
- E-Cigarette Use May Be Gateway to Conventional Smoking
- 'Eiffel Tower' Prominence Towers Over The Sun
- Photos: Ancient Flowering Plant May Have Lived with Dinosaurs
- Weight Loss Drugs: Pros and Cons of 5 Approved Prescriptions
- Big Human Relative Sported Modern Hands
- In Photos: Raising a Sunken Confederate Warship
- 'Winged Monster' Rock Art Finally Deciphered
- Photos: 'Winged monster' rock art in Black Dragon Canyon
- Why the 'Prime Meridian of the World' Shifted Hundreds of Feet
- Ghostly Particles Detected Beneath Earth
- August 17
- Why California's Droughts are Just Going to Get Worse (Op-Ed)
- Record-Breaking Laser Hits 2,000 Trillion Watts
- Medicine's Dark Side: Docs' Bad Behavior Exposed
- Post-Workout Ice Baths May Weaken Muscles
- Mass Grave Suggests Ancient Village Wiped Out by Massacre
- World's First Flowers May Have Bloomed Underwater
- Mom's Bacteria During Pregnancy Linked with Preterm Birth
- Confederate Warship, Weapons Recovered from Georgia River
- People with ALS May Consume More Calories, But Weigh Less
- Swim On! Rescued Great White Shark Likely Still Alive
- New Temperature Record Is Huge Achievement for Superconducting
- Asia's Rapidly Shrinking Glaciers Could Have Ripple Effect
- 'Sea Monster' Figurehead Hauled from the Baltic Sea
- Photos of a Terrifying 'Sea Monster' Ship Figurehead
- August 15
- August 14
- Are Vitamin E Supplements Healthy or Harmful?
- 'Best Meteor Shower in Years': Perseids Put on a Spectacular Show
- Found! 'Young Jupiter,' the Smallest Exoplanet Directly Seen by Telescope
- 26-Year-Old 'Corduroy' Crowned World's Oldest Living Cat
- How a Tick Bite Can Lead to Limb Amputations
- Astronomical Sleuths Investigate Famous Times Square Kissers
- Tianjin Explosions Seen from Space (Photo)
- How to Combat the Global Cybercrime Wave (Op-Ed)
- People's Color Perception Changes with the Seasons
- Disappearing Lake Shows Drought's Extent in New Space Image
- Medieval Earthquake Moved River 12 Miles
- Plankton Graveyards Revealed in First Digital Map of Seafloor
- Electrifying Photo Takes Internet by Storm: Why Rainbow Lightning Is So Rare
- Why Do Breakups Hurt More for Women? Blame Evolution
- El Niño Could Rank Among Strongest on Record
- From a Childhood Fascination with Fish to a Career in Conservation
- August 13
- Jimmy Carter's Cancer: How Doctors May Find Where It Started
- 'Spaghetti Monster'? Deep-Sea Critter Has Pasta-Like Appendages
- Beautiful Corals in Home Aquariums Can Poison You
- Paying for Nature's Bounty? It May be the Cheaper Alternative (Op-Ed)
- Ancient Monolith Suggests Humans Lived on Now-Underwater Archipelago
- Photos: Ancient Man-Made Monolith Discovered in Mediterranean Sea
- Low-Fat vs. Low-Carb Diets: Which Trims More Fat?
- Drones Spook Bears
- 'Exercise Hormone' Irisin Really Does Exist
- Supersniffing Ants Smell Things Humans Can't
- Genes Confirm: Octopuses Are Brainy and Weird
- Melanoma Risk May Be Higher After Organ Transplant
- Futuristic Exoskeleton Keeps Clumsy Robot from Falling Over
- Ancient Footprints May Show Dinosaur Duo Strolling Along the Beach
- Clever Creature: Photos of the California Two-Spot Octopus
- August 12
- 'Overshoot Day' 2015: Earth is Now Officially in the Red
- King Tut's Tomb May Hide Nefertiti's Secret Grave
- Neighborhood Marijuana Shops Linked to Pot-Related Hospital Stays
- Tennis Ball-Size Octopuses Suction Each Other During Sex
- Mystery Deepens: Matter and Antimatter Are Mirror Images
- Are Smart Mini Sensors the Next Big Thing? (Op-Ed)
- Colorado Mine Spill Aftermath: How to Clean a River
- Contaminated River: Photos of a Colorado Mine Spill
- Cheers! Yeast's Evolutionary Journey Gave Beer Its Flavor
- Why Your Eyes Dart Around When Dreaming
- Smart People Live Longer — Here's Why
- Sea Lion 'Aerospace': High-Thrust, Low Wake
- The Dangers of Going Gluten-Free (Op-Ed)
- August 11
- Trans Fat Linked to Heart Disease, Huge Study Review Concludes
- 2 Hours of Standing at Work May Boost Your Health
- LOL, Haha or Hehe? Online Laughter Differs by Age, Gender
- Does Testosterone Improve Men's Sex Lives?
- Understanding the 'Shape' of Data to Shape Our World
- Omega-3s May Prevent Full-Blown Schizophrenia
- Perseid Meteor Shower: Best Places to See 'Shooting Stars' This Week
- Astronauts Snack on Space-Grown Lettuce for First Time
- Medieval Sword Carries Mysterious Inscription
- Biggest Art Heist Ever: Will Released Tape Bring Paintings Back?
- Lost Art: Photos of the Paintings Stolen from the Gardner Museum
- It's Official: The Universe Is Dying Slowly
- August 10
- Coca-Cola Controversy: Is Exercising More or Eating Less Better for Weight Loss?
- Hatfields & McCoys Gather (Peacefully) to Unearth Relics at Last Battle Site
- Butter, Gravy and Sweet Tea? Southern Foods Tied to Heart Risks
- These are Data's Dark Ages, and That Needs to Change (Op-Ed)
- Megacity: Beijing Quadrupled in Size in 10 Years
- NASA Contest Offers $25,000 for Earthquake Detection Ideas
- Potentially Dazzling Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week
- Thirsty Butterflies Disappearing from the UK
- Photos: Delicate, Disappearing Butterflies of Southern Britain
- Tesla Unveils Snakelike Robot Charger for Electric Cars
- Lightning Can Warp Rocks at Their Core
- Beautiful, Rat-Filled Island Seen From Space
- August 8
- August 7
- Why Does Plague Still Occur in the Western US?
- Woman Loses Vision After Mosquito Bites
- Why Cats Have Vertical Pupils
- 2,000-Year-Old Ritual Message Is Uncovered…Then Begins to Vanish!
- Want 1, 2 or 3 Kids? Study Estimates When to Start Building Your Family
- Alien of the Deep Has Needle-Sharp Teeth & a Shiny Head Lure
- 5 Ways Cecil the Lion Helped Scientists Understand Big Cats
- Elephant-Size Underwater Blob Mystifies Divers
- How to Get Electricity to 300 Million People in India, Without Fossil Fuels
- Why 10,000-Year-Old Gravity-Defying Rocks Haven't Toppled
- August 6
- Overuse of Workout Supplements Highlights Men's Body Image Issues
- 'Daily Show' Science: 7 Times Jon Stewart Got Nerdy
- Nepal Quake Could Have Been Much Deadlier, Scientists Say
- Warning for Nepal: April Earthquake Didn't Unleash All Its Energy
- Yawn! School Starts Too Early for Teens, CDC Says
- School Start Times in U.S. States: Full List
- Powerful DNA 'Editing' Has Arrived, Are We Ready for It?
- Dangerous Roads: States with Most Drunk Drivers Revealed
- Drunk Driving Rates by State
- NY Legionnaires' Outbreak Highlights Nationwide Rise
- Frogs from Hell: Their Venomous Head Spikes Could Kill You
- New Jelly-Bean-Size 'Masked' Frog Discovered in the Andes
- Moon Crosses Earth's Face in Amazing Million-Mile Video
- Is This How Language Evolved?
- Even Slightly Preterm Babies Face Risks
- August 5
- Walking Dead: How Wasp Overlords Control Spider Zombies
- Simple Chemical Stops Prion Disease
- 'Mega-Giant' Aneurysm Removed from Man's Brain
- How Long Can You Really Wait to Have Kids? Here’s a Graph (INFOGRAPHIC)
- No Tusks: Ancient Walrus Cousin Looked More Like a Sea Lion
- New Breast Pump Could Offer More Freedom for Busy Moms
- Stress May Sabotage Diet Willpower
- New York City Outbreak: What Is Legionnaires' Disease?
- Planet Earth Shines in Weather Satellite's 1st Photo from Space
- Satellite Spies Super Typhoon Soudelor from Space (Photo)
- Dancing Peacock Spider Is a Web Sensation
- An Encrypted Internet Is a Basic Human Right (Op-Ed)
- Expert Voices - World Economic Forum Technology Pioneers
- 3D-Printed Spy Drones Could Be Built at Sea
- Ancient Mayan Tablet with Hieroglyphics Honors Lowly King
- Photos: A Mayan Stone Tablet
- How to Set High Goals Without Burning Out, According to Science
- Helping Kids Beat the Summertime Bulge
- Lion 'Factory Farms,' and the Dark Side of Wildlife Tourism (Op-Ed)
- August 4
- Hot Finding: Spicy Food Linked with Longer Life
- Superbug Forecast: Infections Will Increase in US
- Malaysian Airlines Mystery: What Newfound Wing Debris Could Reveal
- Weight-Loss Surgery Changes Gut Bacteria
- Extreme Stress May Convert Fat into Calorie Burning Machine
- Ancient Reptile with 'Ridiculously Long Neck' Unearthed in Alaska
- Goliath Gates: Entrance to Famous Biblical Metropolis Uncovered
- Ancient Reptiles Attacked with Giant Fangs
- August 3
- Fatherhood in Early 20s May Raise Risk of Midlife Death
- Soda Fizzles: US Appetite for Sugary Drinks Wanes
- Picky Eating in Kids Tied to Anxiety, Depression
- Can Young Blood Improve Old Brains?
- Measles Vaccine: Images of Sick Kids May Convince Skeptics
- Cold Comfort: Why Office Air Conditioning Is Biased Against Women
- Bug Bots! These Insect-Inspired Robots Can Jump on Water
- Primeval Procreation: Strawberrylike Animal Shows Oldest Reproduction
- Have No Fear! Body's Internal 'Marijuana' Could Erase Bad Memories
- Image Gallery: Amazing Photos by Ecologists
- Wild Beauty: Winning Ecology Photos Feature Sunbirds and Zebras
- August 2
- August 1