All content archive
October 2015
281 articles
- October 31
- Fall Back? Why Daylight Saving Time Is So Confusing
- Facts About Raccoons
- Why Do Supermassive Black Holes Erupt?
- What Would an Alien Megastructure Look Like? Sci-Fi Authors Weigh In
- Amino Acids to Zinc: A Glossary of Nutrition Terms
- New Health Warning Explained: How Processed Meat Is Linked to Cancer
- October 30
- Rare Case: Man with Brain Disorder Can't Recognize His Reflection
- Is pumpkin (everything) good for you?
- Vampires, Zombies & Werewolves, Oh My! The Origins of Halloween Monsters
- Fitful Sleep Is Worse Than Staying Awake
- Why Haunted Houses are So Terrifying
- The 'Collective Mind' of the Termite
- Facts About Wombats
- Next Higgs? Atom Smasher Probes Highest Energies Yet
- Always 'Z' Prepared: When Zombies Attack, Look for a Scout
- Science of the Paranormal: Can You Trust Your Own Mind?
- Low-Fat Diets Are Not Better for Weight Loss
- Women's Risk of Early Death Linked to Reproductive Milestones
- October 29
- In Images: Stunning Flower Fields of the Atacama Desert
- Allied Navies Destroy Mock Ballistic Missile in Practice Test
- In Photos: Newfound Primate Had 'Goggle' Eyes and Tree-Climbing Arms
- Little Cousin: Human, Ape Ancestor Had 'Goggle Eyes'
- China Ends Its One-Child Policy
- Atacama Desert Blooms Pink After Historic Rainfall (Photos)
- 10 of the Spookiest Haunted Houses in America
- Goblin Sharks and 'Skeletorus': 6 Scary Beasts to Haunt Your Halloween
- What Is Simple Harmonic Motion?
- Facts About Salamanders
- Bad-Rap Bats in Danger of Extinction Around the World (Photos)
- Capturing Cacti Before They Disappear: Q&A with Cacti Curator John Trager
- Drought Kill Your Garden? Consider the Amazing Cactus (Photos)
- People with Type 2 Diabetes Fall into 3 Distinct Groups, Study Finds
- Skin-Crawling Experience: Caterpillar Gives Woman Hives
- October 28
- Rising Outdoor CO2 Levels Harming Life Indoors (Op-Ed)
- Swim for the Earth: 3D-Printed Bikini Scrubs Water Pollution
- Marriage Linked to Better Outcomes After Heart Surgery
- Electric Embrace: Eels Curl Up to Supercharge Shocks
- Sand's Tiny Secrets Unlocked in Dazzling Images (Photos)
- Oh Baby! The Science of Identical Triplets and Quadruplets
- 'Alien Megastructure' Mystery May Soon Be Solved
- 22 Ancient Shipwrecks Discovered Near Greek Island
- In Photos: Amazing Shipwrecks Discovered Around Greek Archipelago
- Snakebite Victims in Africa Lack Needed Antivenom, Researcher Says
- Ultrasound Scans Can Tell When Baby Is Due
- October 27
- Cutting Sugar Made Obese Kids Healthier in 10 Days
- Record-Breaking 408 Earthquakes Hit Bay Area City Over Past 2 Weeks
- See Food Diet? What's on Your Countertops Can Affect Your Weight
- Google Can Help You Find the Perfect Halloween Costume
- 290-Million-Year-Old Creature Could Sprout New Limbs
- The Mystery of Why Urinary Tract Infections Peak in Summer
- DIY Halloween Costumes: 7 Geeky Getups for Any Party
- Gem-Filled Warrior's Tomb Discovered in Ancient Greek City
- Einstein Is Right About General Relativity — Again
- Real-Life 'Tractor Beam' Can Levitate Objects Using Sound Waves
- Leading Causes of Death in the US: What's Changed Since 1969?
- Party Like It's 2500 B.C.: Stonehenge Builders Hosted Barbecues
- The Spooky Effects of Sleep Deprivation
- Chemicals in Personal Products May Stimulate Cancer More Than Thought
- Facts about dingoes
- October 26
- Diabetes Blood Test Urged for All Overweight US Adults
- Spooky Science: Paranormal Beliefs Linked to Fearful Worldview
- Ancient Super-Predators Could Take Down Young Mammoths
- Lions Are Disappearing Across Africa
- Omm…MG! Rare Yoga Injury Breaks Man's Leg
- Ancient Native American 'Twins' Had Different Mothers
- No Crap: Missing 'Mega Poop' Starves Earth
- Aftermath of Gargantuan Landslide Captured in Space Image
- Dracula & The Walking Dead: 5 Real-Life Monsters
- Scared to Death: Can You Really Die of Fright?
- October 25
- October 24
- October 23
- Hurricane Patricia: How Big Can Tropical Cyclones Get?
- 'Spooky' Halloween Asteroid May Actually Be a Comet
- Organs on Demand? 3D Printers Could Build Hearts, Arteries
- Crocodiles Might Literally Sleep With One Eye Open
- What Really Killed Notorious English Leader Oliver Cromwell?
- Life May Have Begun 4.1 Billion Years Ago on an Infant Earth
- Is It a Fake? DNA Testing Deepens Mystery of Shroud of Turin
- Many Ads in Parenting Magazines Show Unsafe Practices for Kids
- Mongoose Facts
- October 22
- Plague Began Infecting Humans Much Earlier Than Thought
- Off the Deep End: Man's Drunken Lake Dive Bursts His Bladder
- Cadaver Experiment Suggests Human Hands Evolved for Fighting
- Howler Monkeys with Deeper Calls Have Smaller Balls
- Secular People More Likely to See Science and Religion in Conflict
- Photo of Iceberg that Sank Titanic for Sale: Is It Real?
- Happy #Arachtober! Spiders Take Over the Web for Halloween
- Arachtober in Action: Amazing Photos of Spiders from Around the World
- Sticky Stuff: Elusive Glueballs Possibly Found in Atom Smasher
- Microbe Masterpieces: Scientists Create Cool Art from Bacteria
- Facts About Impalas
- Scientific Prizes Bring Needed Attention to Mental Health Research
- October 21
- Magnets Might 'Unlock' Paralyzed Arm After Stroke
- In Photos: The Microbe Masterpieces of the 2015 Agar Art Competition
- Eating a Healthy Diet May Reduce Brain Shrinkage
- How to Help Someone Who's Addicted to Drugs
- How the Time Traveling 'Back to the Future' DeLorean Works (Infographic)
- Chances of Earthquake Hitting L.A. Area Soon: Like, for Sure
- New Species of Giant Tortoise Found in the Galápagos
- US Marijuana Use Has More Than Doubled in a Decade
- Un-intelligent Design: No Purpose for Vestigial Ear-Wiggling Reflex
- Dinosaur's Tail Whips Could Have Cracked Sound Barrier
- Jazz-Playing Robots Will Explore Human-Computer Relations
- Poop Goes Mainstream: Fecal Transplants Get Past the 'Ick'
- What Are Phytonutrients?
- Facts About Goats
- October 20
- Ebola Returns: 2nd Case of Relapse Raises Questions
- Earth's Photo Diary: See New Glamour Shots of Blue Marble Daily
- What Do Americans Fear Most? Big Brother & Cybercrime
- Begin Mammograms at Age 45, New Guidelines Say
- 11 Moles on Your Arm May Signal Higher Melanoma Risk
- Search For Intelligent Aliens Near Bizarre Dimming Star Has Begun
- Marble Medusa Head Unearthed in Ancient Roman Ruins
- In Photos: Archaeology Dig Reveals Medusa Statue and Other Treasures
- Poof! Futuristic Flying Vehicles Could Vanish After Deliveries
- Different Drums: Male and Female Hearts Don't Age the Same
- Facing Organ Donor Shortage, Patients Forced to Get Creative
- The More Severe-Burn Patients Eat, the Faster They Heal (Op-Ed)
- What Are Flavonoids?
- October 19
- Underwater Fossil Graveyard Reveals Toll of Human-Caused Extinction
- Register Your Drones, Government Says
- 'Herbal Viagra’ and Lamar Odom: What's in These Supplements?
- Puzzling Reaction: Sudoku Brainteasers Trigger Man's Seizures
- How Babies' Gut Bacteria May Help Find Treatments for C. Diff
- Bloody Ancient Arrowhead Reveals Maya 'Life Force' Ceremony
- Meet Jane, the Most Complete Adolescent T. Rex Ever Found
- For Pregnant Women, Absolutely No Drinking, Docs Say
- October 18
- October 16
- Everything's Bigger in Texas: Ancient Supersize Shark Fossils Unearthed
- Going Once! WWII-Era 'Grizzly' Tank Sells for $155,000
- Woman's Skin Lesions Reveal Rare Genetic Disorder
- Gay Conversion Therapy Harms Minors, Government Says
- The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
- Ancient Reptile with Bizarre Smile Kept Tooth Fairy Busy
- Photos: Retro Computers and Calculators Up for Auction
- Giant 'Hole' in Sun Is 50 Earths Wide
- Apple-1 Computer & Rare Enigma Machine Up for Auction
- Adrian Robinson's Brain Disorder: What Is CTE?
- Unusual Parasite from Organ Donor Sickens 3 People
- October 15
- Chasing Wormholes: The Hunt for Tunnels in Space-Time
- Mystery of Antarctica's Strange Disappearing Snow Is Solved
- Modern Hunter-Gatherers Probably Get Less Sleep Than You Do
- Oldest Draft of King James Bible Discovered, Historian Says
- Wet (But Warm) Winter: Strong El Niño to Usher in Lots of Rain
- Man's Fatal Rabies Mimicked Drug Side Effect
- Wearable Sensors Could Translate Sign Language Into English
- Has Kepler Discovered an Alien Megastructure?
- Cretaceous Fur Ball: Ancient Mammal With Spiky Hair Discovered
- What Are Carotenoids?
- High-Stress Jobs May Raise Stroke Risk
- October 14
- Ebola May Stay in Survivors' Semen for Many Months
- Amazing Jupiter Video Shows Slowing Shrinkage of the Great Red Spot
- Supplements Send 23,000 People to ER Yearly
- Baby Duck-Billed Dinos Unearthed in 'Dragon's Tomb' Nest
- Humans Exited Africa, and Trekked to China, Fossils Reveal
- The Lure of Terrible Lizards: Why We Love Godzilla
- (Bee)autiful Shot: Pollen-Covered Eyeball Wins 'Small World' Photo Contest
- In Photos: Bee Eyes and Meat-Eating Plants Light Up Micro-Photo Contest
- If Aliens Exist, Would They Have Sex?
- Upcoming El Niño May Be As Wild As 1997 Event
- Mom's Stress During Pregnancy Tied to Teen's Coordination Problems
- October 13
- Science of Sexy: Why Emilia Clarke Reigns Supreme
- The Doctor-Parent Disconnect: Why Are Antibiotics Overprescribed for Kids?
- Happy Ada Lovelace Day! Exhibit Honors 1st Computer Programmer
- In Photos: Ada Lovelace Exhibit at London's Science Museum
- Bye, Bye, Playboy Bunnies: 5 Ways Porn Affects the Brain
- Twins! Toronto Zoo Welcomes 2 Baby Pandas
- Cold Comfort: Why People in Antarctica Are Such Boozehounds
- Pets and Owners May Share MRSA Bacteria
- Why More Scientists are Needed in the Public Square
- Earth's Gravitational Pull Cracks Open the Moon
- Stories Leap Into 3D with 'Augmented Reality' Coloring Books
- Listeria Outbreak Mystery: Weird Chemistry Tainted Caramel Apples
- Nearly 30 Years After Chernobyl Disaster, Wildlife Returns to the Area
- Hard to Swallow: Man's Missing Dentures Found in His Esophagus
- Facts About Beavers
- October 12
- Daniel Fells' Infection: How Often Does MRSA Lead to Amputation?
- Beyond the Helix: 'Supercoiled' DNA Twists into Crazy Shapes
- More Kids Are Getting Ear Surgery to Avoid Being Bullied
- Carbon X Prize: Can We Make Carbon Emissions Green?
- Rat Brain Reconstructed in a Computer
- In Images: A Rat Brain Goes Digital
- A Matter of Class: 2,400-Year-Old Tombs Yield Ancient Aristocrats
- Photos: Ancient Treasures Discovered in Cyprus Tomb Complex
- Many Kids with Mental Health Issues See Only Pediatricians
- October 10
- October 9
- Many Americans Don't Get Recommended Vaccines Before Travel
- In Photos: The UK's Geologic Wonders
- Killer Show! Murder Weapons and Death Masks Star in New Exhibit
- Teens Want to Know Genetic Test Results
- 'The Martian': What Would It Take to Grow Food on Mars?
- Many Doctors Would Work While Sick with Flu, Fever
- Crime Scene Photos: These Items Came from UK's Most Infamous Cases
- Photos: Mammoth Bones Unearthed from Michigan Farm
- Ice Age Mammoth Bones Discovered on Michigan Farm
- Is Stephen Hawking Right About Hostile Aliens?
- Ground Control to 'The Martian': Good Luck with Them Potatoes
- Destined for Glasses? Firstborn Kids More Likely Nearsighted
- October 8
- Selena Gomez's Diagnosis: What Is Lupus?
- More Than Skin Deep: Severe Psoriasis May Raise Heart Disease Risk
- Ancient Mars Had Long-Lasting Lakes, Boosting Chances for Life
- Surprise! Pluto Has Blue Skies (Photo)
- Elephant Genes Hold Cancer-Fighting Secret
- No-Brainer: Bike Helmets Protect Noggins and Face Bones
- 9 Million US Kids at Risk for Measles
- Black Burger, Green Poop: Halloween Meal's Odd Effects Explained
- Chilling Photos Show Coral Bleaching Across the Globe
- Our Universe: It's the 'Simplest' Thing We Know
- Hot Oceans Are Killing Coral Reefs Around the World
- Doctor Who Survived Ebola Describes Disease's Aftermath on the Body
- Human Cyborgs Come to Life in Nat Geo's 'Breakthrough'
- Myth Busted: Conspiracy Theorists Do Believe Stuff 'Just Happens'
- Migraines May Begin Deep in the Brain
- Antioxidant Supplements May Accelerate Melanoma Spread
- Facts About Badgers
- October 7
- This Pig-Nosed Rat with Vampire Teeth Will Haunt Your Dreams
- Bariatric Surgery May Increase Risk of Self-Harm
- Core Finding: Earth's Frozen Center Formed a Billion Years Ago
- Why Some Species Have More Females Than Males
- To Preserve the Earth, Rethink Our Relationship with Nature (Op-Ed)
- What's the Next Network? The Lighting All Around You (Op-Ed)
- Online Ads Could Help Deliver Important Health Messages
- Are Healthy School Lunch Programs a Waste?
- Trio Wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Finding DNA Fixers
- How the Giraffe Got Its Iconic Neck
- Here's How the Giraffe Got Its Long Neck (Infographic)
- Supersleuth: Virtual Assistant 'Sherlock' Uses Crowdsourced Knowledge
- Supersonic Planes 'Paint' Gorgeous Shock Waves in the Sky (Photos)
- Photos of Shock Waves Surrounding Supersonic Jets
- Extinct Hippolike Creature Was Prehistoric Vacuum Cleaner
- Sizzling Longevity: World's Oldest Person Eats Bacon Daily
- October 6
- Breast-Feeding Mothers Gain Support in Hospitals
- 'The Martian' Locales on Mars Revealed in NASA Spacecraft Photos
- Doomsday Revised: New Prediction Claims World Will End on Oct. 7
- This Computer Chip Will Self-Destruct in 5 Seconds
- Sneezing Monkeys & 'Walking' Fish: Fascinating New Species Discovered
- OxyContin Approved for Kids, Worrying Doctors
- Extinct Tree-Climbing Human Walked with a Swagger
- Girl Develops Acute Hepatitis After Drinking Unusual Green Tea
- Nobel Prize in Physics Honors Flavor-Changing Neutrino Discoveries
- No More Sticky Mess! Scientists Develop Slower-Melting Ice Cream
- Un-Baaahlievable! Overgrown Sheep Gets Record-Breaking Haircut
- Armadillo Facts
- October 5
- Epic South Carolina Storm: A '1,000-Year Level of Rain'
- Titanic's Last Lunch Menu Sells for $88,000 at Auction
- Trash Talk: Your Next Garbageman Could Be a Robot
- 'Gospel of Jesus's Wife': Records Hint at Improbable Journey of Controversial Papyrus
- Ancient Toothy Mammal Survived Dino Apocalypse
- Plants Use Clever (but Smelly) Ruse to Spread Seeds
- 3 Pioneers Win Nobel Prize in Medicine for Parasite-Fighting Drugs
- Spectacular Geology: Amazing Photos of the American Southwest
- The Origins of Religion: How Supernatural Beliefs Evolved
- Middle Schoolers' Views on Pot May Forecast Later DUIs
- October 4
- October 3
- October 2
- What the 'Phub'? Your Cellphone Habits Might Hurt Your Relationship
- Oregon Mass Shooting: How to Talk to Kids About Violence
- Lost 'Epic of Gilgamesh' Verse Depicts Cacophonous Abode of Gods
- Mega Tsunami with 500-Foot Waves Swallowed Ancient Island
- NASA Satellite Spies Hurricane Joaquin Replacing an Eye
- Male Birth Control Treatment Could Focus on Sperm Proteins, Not Hormones
- Anxiety In Children May Be Prevented With Family Therapy
- Why Some Chameleons Are Expert Tree Climbers
- Tracking Cats from Space: Satellites Estimate Feral Ranges
- The Tongue: Facts, Function & Diseases
- Turtle Facts
- Bad Omen or Wise Advisor? Evocative Owls Star in Photos
- October 1
- UK Womb Transplants: 5 Ethical Issues
- With Hurricane Joaquin, the Only Prediction Is Uncertainty
- 30-Foot Fingernails: The Curious Science of World's Longest Nails
- Beauty or Beast? Why Perceptions of Attractiveness Vary
- Snakes Use 'Leg Genes' to Make Phalluses
- In Photos: How Snake Embryos Grow a Phallus
- Over-the-Counter Naloxone Is 'a Great Thing,' Docs Say
- Some Brain & Workout Supplements Contain Unapproved Drugs
- Futuristic-Looking Solar Cars to Race Through Australian Outback
- 50 Graves Uncovered at Medieval Pilgrimage Site in England
- Photos: Medieval Skeletons Unearthed Near Saint's Tomb in England
- Bronze Age Britons Mummified Their Dead, Analysis Reveals