All content archive
November 2015
253 articles
- November 30
- 'Last-Resort' Antibiotics Fail Against New Superbugs
- 'Sim' Culture: Charting Bursts of Human Inspiration
- Supersize Me: Atom Smasher Reaches Highest Energies Yet
- Amazon Unveils Its Delivery Drone of the Future
- Hawaii's Majestic Mauna Kea Stars in '3D' Photo from Space
- The Paris Climate Meeting: A Quick Guide
- CERN in a Shoebox? Tiny Particle Accelerators Are Coming
- Angry Birds? Seagulls Implicated in Baby-Whale Deaths
- November 28
- November 27
- November 26
- November 25
- Eyes May Offer Window into Cardiovascular Disease
- Infections with Mosquito-Borne Chikungunya Virus Can Cause Brain Inflammation, Death
- Buried or Open? Ancient Eggshells Reveal Dinosaur Nesting Behaviors
- Liberia Suffers New Ebola Death, Despite Being 'Ebola-Free'
- Cobwebs Hold Genetic Secrets About Spiders and Their Prey
- Another American Ebola Survivor Had Eye Problems
- In Photos: Worm Grows Heads and Brains of Other Species
- Mars May Become a Ringed Planet Someday
- Dark Matter 'Hairs' May Surround Earth
- 'Spooky Action' Heats Up: Atoms Entangled at Room Temperature
- 7-Million-Year-Old Fossils Show How the Giraffe Got Its Long Neck
- Best Apps for Pain Management
- 'Inside Einstein's Mind': New TV Show Explores Journey to Relativity
- A Pill for ISIS Supersoldiers? Not So Fast
- November 24
- Costco Chicken Salad Linked to E. Coli Outbreak in 7 States
- 7 Tips to Make Thanksgiving More Enjoyable for People with GERD
- What Triggered the Big Bang? It's Complicated (Op-Ed)
- Franken Flatworms Grow Heads and Brains of Other Species
- Slipping into a Food Coma? Blame Your Gut Microbes
- PMS May Warn of High Blood Pressure in Future
- Google Doodle Honors Human Ancestor 'Lucy'
- Daily Dose of Walnuts Linked to Health Improvements
- Light-Bending Microchip Could Fire Up Quantum Computers
- Cause of Mysterious Snake Die-Off Found
- Glider Will Reach Edge of Space, Gaze Back at Earth
- More Infant Deaths Blamed on Crib Bumpers
- Why Menstruation Remains a Medical Mystery
- November 23
- Round for Round: Women's Drinking Rates Catching Up to Men's
- Goodbye, Nola: Only 3 Northern White Rhinos Remain in the World
- Lonely? You May Be More Likely to Get Sick
- Some of Earth's Rocky Plates Are Gooey on the Inside
- Brain Connections Predict How Well You Can Pay Attention
- Beetles Speed-Grow Their Built-In Bifocal Eyes
- Photos: Treasure Trove of Unopened 17th-Century Letters
- 1,700-Year-Old Ring Depicts Nude Cupid, the Homewrecking God
- How Earth's Hidden Magma Ocean Formed
- Charitable Acts Can Lead to Bad Behavior
- Attention Disorder Drugs May Harm Kids' Sleep
- November 22
- November 21
- November 20
- Expectant Moms: Coffee Won't Harm Kids' IQ
- A Prehistoric Murder Mystery: Earth's Worst Mass Extinctions
- Cyborg Roses Wired with Self-Growing Circuits
- In Photos: Fossil Forest Unearthed in the Arctic
- Fossilized Tropical Forest Found — in Arctic Norway
- 'Letterlocked' Trove: X-Rays to Peer into Sealed 17th-Century Notes
- Einstein's Unfinished Dream: Marrying Relativity to the Quantum World
- Parents Don't Have all the Answers, and That's OK (Op-Ed)
- For Severe Weather, 'Is This Climate Change?' Is the Wrong Question (Op-Ed)
- Food Labels: Definition of Natural & Organic
- Carbon Falling, Economies Rising: Expectations for the Paris Climate Summit (Op-Ed)
- November 19
- Abraham Lincoln Was a Science Champion, Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Says
- Speaking More Than One Language Eases Stroke Recovery
- Pick Up the Pace: Walking Speed Linked with Heart Health in Older Adults
- Weird Sea Mollusk Sports Hundreds of Eyes Made of Armor
- Antarctica Is Gaining Ice, So Why Is the Earth Still Warming?
- Photos: Digging Up "Superduck," a New Hadrosaur
- Getting a Head: 'Superduck' Dinosaur Shows How Dino Crests Evolved
- Pigeons Learn to Spot Breast Cancer
- Songbirds Woo Mates with Invisible Tap Dance
- The Science of Sugar: Is Corn Syrup the Same?
- Jet-Propelled 3D-Printed Drone Claims Speed Record
- 'Flying' Tadpoles & Fleeing Fish Win Prestigious Photo Contest
- Through Their Eyes: Awesome Photos Show How Animals See the World
- November 18
- U.S. Agencies Agree: October Was Crazy Warm
- Skeleton of Burnt 'Witch Girl' Found in Italy
- Hobbits Were a Separate Species, Ancient Chompers Show
- Not So Precious: Eyeless 'Smeagol' Arachnid Discovered in Underground Lair
- Researchers Grow Vocal Cord Tissue That Can 'Talk'
- You Share 70% of Your Genes with This Slimy Marine Worm
- Bright Light Therapy Can Ease Depression Symptoms
- No Fair! Children's Sense of Equality Is Shaped by Culture
- 'X-Ray Vision' Tech Uses Radio Waves to 'See' Through Walls
- How to Flirt in Panda: Bears' Squeaks Decoded
- French Flags on Facebook: Does Social Media Support Really Matter?
- Guys Pig Out to Show Off for Women
- Less Vino, Please: Italian Drinking Rates Drop
- College Rape Study Reveals Alcohol, Drug Use Pattern
- November 17
- Emoji Snags 'Word of the Year' (Here’s Why That Makes Sense)
- Baby's New Leukemia Treatment Could Help Others with Cancer
- New STD? What You Should Know About Mycoplasma Genitalium
- Spooky Action Is Real: Bizarre Quantum Entanglement Confirmed in New Tests
- Charlie Sheen Has HIV: What It's Like to Live with the Virus
- Weird Mucus Parasites Are Actually Jellyfish
- 'RoboBees' with Laser Eyes Could Locate Disaster Victims
- Open Wide! Dinosaurs' Jaw Stretch Linked to Feeding Habits
- Birth Control Lawsuit: What Happens When You Skip a Few Pills?
- November 16
- Coffee Drinkers, Perk Up: 1 to 5 Cups Daily May Reduce Risk of Early Death
- Pluto Goes Psychedelic in Brilliant New Photo
- Mystery Extinct Cavemen Were More Diverse Than Neanderthals
- 1,700-Year-Old Mosaic Once Decorated Luxurious Villa Courtyard
- UNESCO Celebrates 70th Anniversary with High-Tech Light Show
- In Photos: 1,700-Year-Old Mosaic Once Adorned Israeli Courtyard
- El Niño Expected to Strengthen, Bring Wild Weather Across US
- Face Transplants Move Forward with Most Extensive Operation Yet
- Ancient Board Game Found in Looted China Tomb
- Photos: Ancient Tomb and Board Game Found in China
- Laziness: Blame it on the Brain?
- Kids' Drug-Resistant Bacteria Blamed on Farm Antibiotic Use
- November 15
- November 14
- November 13
- US Uterus Transplants: 6 Things to Know
- Bay Bridge Pier to Go Boom: The Science of Implosions
- Friday the 13th: Why There Are 3 'Unlucky' Days This Year
- Friday the 13th: The Science Behind the 'Unlucky' Day
- Bumblebee Training Reveals Males to Be Surprisingly Smart
- Armadillos Carrying Leprosy Bacteria Spreading in Southern US
- Salt Labeling Explained (Infographic)
- In Photos: Inside Egypt’s Great Pyramids
- Lost Pharaoh? Great Pyramid May Hide Undiscovered Tomb
- Triassic Reptile Skewered Clams with Teeth on Roof of Its Mouth
- Dinos & X-Ray Probes? Photos Show Playful Side of Particle Physics
- In Images: Physics Photowalk Contest Winners
- Earthquakes Could Trigger Massive Supervolcano Eruptions, Study Suggests
- 1 in 45 US Kids Has an Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Boa Constrictor Facts
- November 12
- North American Mammoths Actually Evolved in Eurasia
- Incan Child Sacrificed to the Gods Reveals History of American Expansion
- 8-Hour Sleepers More Likely to Be Heart Healthy
- Firefighters Face Highest Heart Attack Risk Among Responders
- Earth’s Oldest Water May Have Come from Ancient H2O-Filled Dust
- Ultrathin Graphene Can Improve Night Vision Tech
- Here’s How Many Americans Are Now Obese
- Teens Are Happier Than in the Past — Why Are Adults So Miserable?
- 500-Year-Old Church Discovered in Slave Trade Settlement
- Facts About Water Snakes
- November 11
- The Great Salt Debate: How Much Sodium Is Too Much for Your Diet?
- Brain Scan May Predict Chance of Coma Recovery
- New 'Making North America' Series Explores Continent's Rich History
- Shy Eel Glows Bright Green, Possibly As a 'Sexy Charm'
- Photos: Catch a Glimpse of the Reclusive Glowing Green Eel
- Part of Pluto's Heart Was 'Born Yesterday'
- 'Zombie' Star's Asteroid 'Lunch' Revealed in Close-Up View
- Honeybees Sweetened Life for Stone Age Humans
- Dog-Size Rats Once Lived Alongside Humans
- China's Smog Levels Reach 50 Times the Limit: 'Everybody is at Risk'
- Darwin's 'Origin of Species' Voted Most Influential Academic Book
- Facts About Sheep
- Eating Heart Healthy: Which Foods Actually Help?
- What If All of Earth's Insects Keeled Over?
- Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Nears Record-Breaking Size Again
- How Robots Are Building a 3D-Printed Metal Bridge in Amsterdam
- How Ebola Spread: Map Could Aid Outbreak Responses
- November 10
- Woman in Africa Survives Double Whammy of Ebola, Stroke
- Sweet Beginnings: Origins of Chocolate Found
- Man's Rare Heart Disorder Went Unnoticed for 67 Years
- Fitness vs. Fatness: What's More Important?
- This Adorable Kitty Looks Like a Werewolf: Here's Why
- Octopus Gets Mental Workout with Hamster Ball
- Why the Pyramids Spawn So Many Wacky Theories
- SeaWorld Phasing Out Killer Whale Shows: Will It Make a Difference?
- Half-Billion-Year-Old Brains Preserved in Fool's Gold
- November 9
- Inventor and Actress Hedy Lamarr Honored with Google Doodle
- Photos Capture Great White Sharks Mid-Bite
- In Photos: Great White Sharks Attack
- City Life Can Be Tough on Bees
- Self-Folding Minirobots Possible with Origami-Inspired Graphene
- Ancient Brazilian Lake Offers Trove of Amphibian Fossils
- Parents Targeted by TV Ads Putting 'Healthful' Spin on Kid's Drinks
- November 8
- November 7
- November 6
- 8 Baby Turtles and Tortoises: Cute, and Critically Endangered (Photos)
- The Science of Vitamin C: Can Taking It Prevent a Cold?
- Most Allergy Sufferers Not Getting Relief from Over-the-Counter Meds
- Can Science Predict if You Will Marry Your Partner?
- Hunger Games: How to Avoid Real Food Riots (Op-Ed)
- Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline
- Giant Magma Ocean Once Swirled Inside Early Earth
- 'Mirror Universes' Might Look and Behave Like Ours, Study Finds
- Get a Whiff of This: Man Hasn't Showered in 12 Years
- Artificial Skin Could Give People with Prosthetics a Sense of Touch
- Jetpack Pilot Soars Over NYC's Hudson River, Salutes Lady Liberty
- 'Pompeii of the New World' Reveals Power of Mayan Commoners
- The Dirty 'Clean Fuel': Why Natural Gas Out-Pollutes Coal (Op-Ed)
- November 5
- A 'Natural' Herb Can be Poisonous, Woman Learns
- Dengue Fever Outbreak Hits Hawaii — Will It Last?
- Spotted! Elusive Snow Leopard Caught on Camera in Kyrgyzstan
- In Images: Daredevils Zoom Past a Jumbojet
- Tummy Tucks May Be Riskier Than Other Plastic Surgeries
- F-35 Fighter Jet Blasts Through 1st-Ever Airborne Gun Test
- Bus Driver Suffers Vision Loss from Child's Toy Laser
- Watch Jetpack-Wearing Daredevils Zoom Past a Jumbo Jet (Video)
- Ancient Cosmic Crashes May Have Altered Earth's Composition
- Mysterious Dark Matter May Not Always Have Been Dark
- Mysterious Symbols in Kazakhstan: How Old Are They, Really?
- The Future of Drones: Uncertain, Promising and Pretty Awesome
- Rare Dinosaur Find: Fossil Covered in Feathers, Skin
- Sofia Rises: Baby Name Takes Over the World
- Mooooove Over, Cows! Kangaroo Farts Warm the Earth, Too
- The Role of Animal Farts in Global Warming (Infographic)
- A Revolution in Breast Cancer Treatment? Milder Options are Emerging (Op-Ed)
- November 4
- Man Dies After Tapeworm Inside Him Gets Cancer
- Better Instructions for Tattoo Care Could Prevent Infections, Doctors Say
- Chinese Robot Just Kept Walking…and Walking…and Walking
- A Tale of 2 Worlds: Nations Collide on Climate Change (Op-Ed)
- Tidy Monkeys Shed Light on Human Cleanliness
- Garcinia Cambogia: Supplement Often Lacks Active Ingredient, Study Finds
- Ear Maggots and Brain Amoebas: 5 Creepy Flesh-Eating Critters
- Oil Spill Aftermath: Why Baby Dolphins May Be Rare in Gulf Waters
- Polar Ice May Hold Secrets of Futuristic Materials (Video)
- Are the Internet's Undersea Cables at Risk for Sabotage?
- November 3
- Robin Williams' Death: What Is Lewy Body Dementia?
- Rare Multistate Outbreaks Cause the Most Foodborne Illness Deaths, CDC Says
- Photos: Hypersonic Jet Could Fly 10 Times the Speed of Sound
- 66-Million-Year-Old Giant Raptor Fossils Found in South Dakota
- Fires in Indonesia Send Orangutans Fleeing for Safety
- Anti-Vaccination Websites Use 'Distorted' Science, Researchers Find
- Giant Wyoming Crack Explained: A Landslide Brought It Down
- Photos: Ancient Citadel Unearthed in Jerusalem
- Acra at Last? Site of Ancient Jewish Revolt Unearthed
- Can Prenatal Choline Cut Schizophrenia Risk in Kids?
- Rare Earthquake Trio Shakes Phoenix: What Happened?
- Europe's Asylum Seekers Face Psychological Trauma
- Alan Alda's Challenge: Can you Explain Sound to an 11-Year-Old?
- Revolt in the Hive: Why Worker Wasps Sometimes Kill Their Queens
- Are Americans Eating Healthier? Take This Study with a Grain of Salt
- November 2
- How a Family Dog May Lower a Child's Asthma Risk
- Micro Mollusk Breaks Record for World's Tiniest Snail
- Hypersonic Jet Could Cross the Atlantic in 30 Minutes (Someday)
- The Active Sun: US Unveils Plan to Deal with Space Weather
- Cannibal Tyrannosaurs: Proof May Be in a Gnawed Bone
- Physiology Pioneer's Nobel Prize Sells for Nearly $800,000
- Codswallop! Ancient British 'Sea Monster' Mislabeled for 200 Years
- Tomb Tells Tale of Family Executed by China's 1st Female Emperor
- Photos: Tomb Reveals Murderous Tale of China Empress
- No Digital Divide: Mobile Media Plentiful in Low-Income Families
- November 1