All content archive
January 2016
271 articles
- January 31
- January 30
- January 29
- As the World Tackles Climate Change, is Meat Off the Table? (Op-Ed)
- There May Be an Exercise 'Sweet Spot' for Losing Weight
- Primeval Diamonds Reveal Snapshot of Early Earth's Tumultuous History
- 'Climate Snow Job'? Scientists Respond to Attack on Evidence (Op-Ed)
- In Images: Drones Take Flight in Antarctica and the Arctic
- Drone's-Eye View: Flying Vehicles Could Monitor Ice in Remote Regions
- Mind-Reading Computer Instantly Decodes People's Thoughts
- Zika Prevention: Can Pregnant Women Safely Use Mosquito Repellants?
- Nice Guys Win: Women Choose Altruism Over Looks
- Autism Risk Linked to Obesity, Diabetes Combination in Moms
- Fungi Survive Mars-Like Conditions On Space Station
- Ancient Humans Ate Cantaloupe-Size Eggs from 500-Pound Birds
- F-35 Fighter Jet Likely Caused Sonic Booms That Rocked New Jersey
- Want to Make a Volcano Explode? Just Add Heat
- January 28
- Smartphone Trick Could Change Your Sedentary Lifestyle
- Mysterious Sonic Boom Reported Over New Jersey
- Zika Virus FAQs: Top Questions Answered
- There's Science Behind that 'Jaws' Sighting (Op-Ed)
- Marriage Contract Signed by Napoleon Could Sell for $20,000
- Can 3D Scans Save Cultural Sites From War?
- Great Wall of White: Epic Snowfall Visible from Space
- Babylonians Tracked Jupiter with Fancy Math, Tablet Reveals
- Octopuses Are Surprisingly Social — and Confrontational, Scientists Find
- Challenger Disaster 30 Years Ago Shocked the World, Changed NASA
- Wildfires Are Burning Some of the World’s Oldest Trees
- Decapitated Gladiators Reveal Roman Empire's Genetic Influence
- Photos: Headless Roman Gladiator Skeletons Identified
- January 27
- Addiction Changes Brain Biology in 3 Stages, Experts Say
- Ice-Age Mammoth Bones Found Under Oregon Football Field
- Important First-Aid Move: What to Do If a Child Loses Consciousness
- Statues of Greek Gods Unearthed in Crete
- Tombs of Ancient Rabbis Possibly Discovered in Galilee
- Bad Rap: Why B.o.B Is Wrong About a Flat Earth
- 'Schizophrenia Gene' Discovery Sheds Light on Possible Cause
- Wearable Sweat Sensors Could Track Your Health
- Artificial Intelligence Beats 'Most Complex Game Devised by Humans'
- The Real 'X-Files'? CIA Reveals Weirdest UFO Stories
- Young Women's Cancer Risk Linked to Tanning Beds
- How to Tell If Conspiracy Theories Are Real: Here's the Math
- Listeria Infection: Symptoms & Treatment
- As Zika Virus Rises, Vaccine Development Gets Attention
- January 26
- Some Antibiotics May Change Gut Bacteria in Kids
- Doomsday Clock Stuck at 3 Minutes to Midnight
- Moderate Drinkers Less Depressed Than Teetotalers, Poll Finds
- 1-in-a-Million Odds Link Global Warming and Record Heat
- Mom Genes: This Cockroach Species' Live Births Are in Its DNA
- All US Adults Should Be Screened for Depression, Panel Recommends
- Don't Blame 'Planet Nine' for Earth's Mass Extinctions
- Burning Love: Cold-Blooded Lizards Heat Up to Mate
- Explorer's Death Highlights Dangers of Antarctica
- New Foldable Battery Takes Cue from Chinese Calligraphy
- Gopher Snake Facts
- Omnivores: Facts About Flexible Eaters
- January 25
- Animal 'Selfies' Reveal Amazing Biodiversity in Tropical Forests
- Photos: Hidden Cameras Find Diverse Animals in Tropical Forests
- '4D-Printed' Objects Change Shape After They're Made
- 'Behemoth' Daddy Longlegs Discovered in Oregon
- 5 Causes Account for Nearly Half of Child and Teen Deaths
- Blizzard at the Zoo: Giant Panda Plays in the Snow (Video)
- What Are the Odds? Temperature Records Keep Falling (Op-Ed)
- Deadly Math: Venus Flytraps Calculate When Killing Prey
- Can Your BMI Predict How Long You'll Live?
- January 23
- January 22
- Star Cluster Sparkles Like Jewels in Hubble Telescope View (Photo, Video)
- Bad Omen: How Full Moon Could Worsen Winter Storm Jonas
- Medical Marijuana May Reduce Frequency of Migraines
- Winter Storm Photos: Watch Jonas Wallop the Eastern US
- 2/3 of Young Adults Would Make the Wrong Decision About Stroke Symptoms
- Migrating Storks Can't Resist a Garbage Dump Feast
- US Military Wants Smaller and More Stable Atomic Clocks
- Sorry, E.T.: The Aliens May All Be Dead
- How Holograms Could Aid Alien Life Hunt
- Spider Shows Off His Big Paddle to Woo Mates
- Fossilized Eyeballs Reveal Crustacean Had Incredibly Complex Sight
- Walrus's Runny Nose Had Surprising Source (It Wasn't the Common Cold)
- Sick Siku: Photos of a Runny-Nosed Walrus
- January 21
- Herbivores: Facts About Plant Eaters
- What's Cookin'? Earth, Basically. But It's Not El Niño's Fault
- Ticks That Can Carry Lyme Disease Are Spreading Across the US
- What Is Prediabetes? New Quiz Reveals Your Risk
- Shocking! 'Electric Eel' Fibers Could Power Wearable Tech
- NASA Sees Massive Winter Storm Moving East
- Hiding in Plain Sight: 24 New Beetle Species Discovered in Australia
- Man Gets 20-Foot Tapeworm from Eating Raw Meat
- Apple's 'Night Shift' Mode: How Smartphones Disrupt Sleep
- 'Planet Nine' May Exist: New Evidence for Another World in Our Solar System
- Sexy Signal? Frill and Horns May Have Helped Dinosaur Communicate
- Parents' Financial Debt Linked to Behavioral Problems in Their Kids
- Even Centenarians Are Living Longer
- January 20
- Long-Term Opioid Use Linked to Depression
- Eating Healthy Fats May Reduce Deaths from Heart Disease
- Mini T. Rex: 'Welsh Dragon' May Be Earliest Jurassic Dinosaur
- Metal 'Snow' May Power Earth's Magnetic Field
- Photos: The Oldest Known Evidence of Warfare Unearthed
- 10,000-Year-Old Battered Bones May Be Oldest Evidence of Human Warfare
- 2015 Shatters Hottest Year Record, But 2016 Could Rival It
- Antarctic Explorer Shackleton Hindered by Heart Defect, Docs Say
- New Seafloor Map Reveals Secrets of Ancient Continents' Shoving Match
- Racing Pigeons Fly Home Faster in Polluted Air, Scientists Find
- Melanoma May Be Deadlier in Pregnant Women
- Cardiac Arrest Deadlier in a High Rise, Study Says
- January 19
- A Garden Grows in Space: First Zinnias Bloom, to Astronaut's Delight
- Some Pregnant Women in US Should Be Tested for Zika Virus: CDC
- Sorry, Spider-Man! You're Too Big to Scale That Wall
- Hundreds of Tiny Bugs Are Probably Hiding in Your Home
- Photos: 15 Insects and Spiders That May Share Your Home
- Don't Blame Pot for Teens' IQ Drop, Study Says
- 'Water Jets' May Stem Tide of Student Obesity
- Baking-Soda Ingredient May Lower Risk of Premature Death
- Low-Fiber Diet May Change Gut Microbes for Generations
- Stephen Hawking Warns of Planetary Doom (Again)
- Dissolving Implants Could Monitor the Brain One Day, Rat Study Shows
- List of Murderers Revealed on Cathedral Wall
- Beyond Gaming: 10 Other Fascinating Uses for Virtual-Reality Tech
- Photos: 5,000-Year-Old Hieroglyphs Discovered in Sinai Desert
- Early Egyptian Queen Revealed in 5,000-Year-Old Hieroglyphs
- January 18
- January 17
- January 16
- January 15
- Butchered Mammoth Suggests Humans Lived in Siberia 45,000 Years Ago
- Location Where Wooly Mammoth Fossil Was Found (Infographic)
- Photos: One Worm, Five Shape-Shifting Mouths
- Fig-Dwelling Worm Is a Mighty Mouth-Morpher
- West Africa Is Not 'Ebola Free' After All, New Case Shows
- Fossils of Largest Marine Croc Found … on Tatooine!
- In Photos: Monster Crocodile Ancestor Uncovered
- NASA to Capture Best-Ever Portrait of Coral Reef Health
- Cruz’s Birthplace Debated: Here’s Where Most US Presidents Were Born
- Oldest Animal Jonathan the Tortoise Is Going Strong at 183
- Ligers and Tigons, Oh My! Cat Lineage Littered with Interbreeding
- Worm in the Eye! Creepy Crawly Removed in Odd Case
- Solar Job Boom Continues As Prices Spur Demand
- Poor Sleep Tied to Hardened Brain Arteries in Older Adults
- Why Are Venomous Sea Snakes Washing Up on California Beaches?
- January 14
- 122-Foot Titanosaur: Staggeringly Big Dino Barely Fits into Museum
- Photos: Enormous Titanosaur Invades New York Museum
- Virus Linked to Birth Defects Requires Action, Doctors Say
- Manatees Are Making a Comeback
- Enormous Canyon May Be Hidden Beneath Antarctic Ice
- Doctors Reflect on 'Surreal' Day of 2013 Asiana Airlines Crash
- Ebola Outbreak Declared Over in West Africa
- Traces of the First Stars in the Universe Possibly Found
- Mysterious Cancers of 'Unknown' Origin in Men Traced Back to HPV
- Map of the Birthplaces of the Presidents (Infographic)
- Magnetic Device Lets Smartphones Test Your Blood
- Stephen Hawking: Black Holes Have 'Hair'
- First-Time Moms Are Getting Older in US
- What Are Mutations?
- January 13
- Is Powerball Drawing Truly Random?
- Malaysia Aircraft Search Turns Up 1800s Shipwreck
- Future Diabetes Treatment? Human Skin Cells Coaxed to Make Insulin
- Hidden Plague? New Theory on How Disease Spread So Perilously
- Mysterious 'Hobbit' Relative May Have Lived on Isolated Island
- Whooping Cough Outbreak: How Effective Is the Vaccine?
- Frogs 'Talk' Using Complex Signals
- Climate Change Doubters Will Be 'Pretty Lonely,' Obama Says
- Real Heavy Metal: Fans Want Motörhead Singer on Periodic Table
- 'Las Vegas of Ants' Visible on Google Earth
- Orphaned Baby Chimps Suffer Lasting Social Effects
- Largest Giraffe Relative Found
- Scientists Make Gains on 'Universal' Ebola Medicine
- Monster Tsunami May Have Created Madagascar's Giant Sand Dunes
- In an Oil Boom, Reason to Mourn 55 Mph Speed Limit (Op-Ed)
- 'Britain's Pompeii' Found at Bronze Age Settlement
- A Hurricane? In January? You Can Thank El Niño
- January 12
- Why David Bowie Was So Loved: The Science of Nonconformity
- Wearable Devices Move Toward Disease Treatment
- Sex Toys & Coffee Art: Obscure (and Fascinating) Tech Takes Over CES 2016
- Tapping the Human Microbiome (Kavli Hangout)
- Will You Win Powerball? A Vending Machine Death Is More Likely
- Stone Age Horror! Pit Filled with Severed Limbs Uncovered
- Photos of a Gruesome Ancient Burial in France
- Prize-Winning Photos Capture Magical World of Underwater Creatures
- In Images: 'Alien' Creatures Take Center Stage in Underwater Photo Contest
- Frozen Poop Is As Good As Fresh Poop for C. Difficile Treatment
- Fowl Play: Diverse Parasites Infest Backyard Chickens
- Images: Bizarre, Primordial Sea Creatures Dominated the Ediacaran Era
- Forehead Teeth? 'Deformed' Mountain Lion Puzzles Experts
- Ford Takes Autonomous Cars for Snowy Test Drive
- Ta-Da: Magician's Trick Brings 3D Images to Your Phone
- Buccaneer Bones: Possible Pirate Skeleton Found Under Scotland Schoolyard
- Facts About Milk Snakes
- Tribute to a Starman: David Bowie Mourned by Astronauts, Scientists
- January 11
- Without Basic Knowledge, Innovation Fails (Op-Ed)
- Task Force Issues New Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations
- What Makes A 'Smart Gun' Smart?
- Gulp. Sugary Drinks Linked to 'Deep' Fat
- How to Avoid Low Back Pain: Exercise and Education
- Mantis at the Movies: Tiny Specs Reveal Bugs' 3D Vision
- C-Section or Vaginal? Baby's Gut Bacteria Linked to Delivery Method
- Prosthetic Leg with Hoofed Foot Discovered in Ancient Chinese Tomb
- Gigantopithecus blacki: Why Earth's largest ape went extinct
- Hawaii's 'Missing' Whales Just Delayed
- January 9
- January 8
- 7 Ways Friendships Are Great for Your Health
- Beyond Step Counts: 4 New Ways to Track Health
- Fireball Down Under: Researchers Uncover Older-Than-Earth Meteorite
- Sticky Amber Preserved Dinosaur-Age Insects for Millions of Years
- First Flower Seeds from Dinosaur Era Discovered
- Asteroid-Mining Company 3D-Prints Object from Space Rock Metals
- Narcissist in Chief? How Trump's Ego Reflects US Culture
- Crushed by Ice: Ships from 1871 Whaling Disaster Possibly Found
- Photos: 19th-Century Whaling Ships Stuck in Alaskan Pack Ice
- Ancient Rome Was Infested with Human Parasites, Poop Shows
- January 7
- 3 High-Tech Ways to Track What You Eat
- Got Allergies? Blame Neanderthals
- The Big Picture: What the New Diet Guidelines Mean for You
- 2015 Was 2nd Hottest on Record
- Ötzi the Iceman May Have Suffered Stomach Bug
- Counting Steps: Are You Walking More, But Enjoying It Less?
- Big-Eared Statues Reveal Ancient Egyptian Power Couple
- Photos: 6 Statues Reveal Round-Faced Ancient Egyptian Family
- Dinosaur Tracks Reveal Odd Mating Dance
- Advanced Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters
- Strange New State of Hydrogen Created
- Ancient Citadel Finds New Home in Apartment Building
- Photos: Israeli Apartment to Have Bronze-Age Citadel in Basement
- More Young People Report Same-Sex Attractions
- Tech for Tots: The Coolest Products for Kids at CES 2016
- January 6
- Visible Light from a Black Hole Spotted by Telescope, a First
- Ebola Fight: Survivors' Blood Doesn’t Help, But Malaria Drug Might
- Why Crows Hold Funerals
- Do Elephant Families Survive Poaching?
- How Computers Help Biologists Crack Life’s Secrets
- Missing Zzzs: Sleep Problems Common for Single Parents, Women
- 'Kidnapped' Sharks Use Their Noses to Navigate Back to Shore
- Photos: Sharks with Nose Plugs Have Trouble Getting Home
- Not Your Grandma's Thermometer: 3 New Ways to Take Your Temperature
- Baby Sharks: Sand Tiger Nursery Spotted Off New York Coast
- Photos: Baby Sand Tiger Sharks
- How to Teleport Info Out of a Black Hole
- Da Vinci's Iconic Bridge Recreated in Ice
- Acupuncture Causes Bacterial Infection in Rare Case
- Jurassic 10-Armed 'Squid' Were Speedy Swimmers
- Twins Study Offers Clues to Genetic Risk of Cancer
- January 5
- Obama's Tears: The Science of Men Crying
- CES 2016: Your Favorite Tech Is Finally Growing Up
- Wake Up & Smell the Tech: New Devices Use Scents to Help You Rise or Snooze
- Declassified: US Military's Secret Cold War Space Project Revealed
- Polar Vortex to Deliver Arctic Blast to Parts of US
- Even After Weight Loss, Obesity Can Reduce Life Span
- This Is the Entire Universe Squeezed into One Image
- 2,700-Year-Old Farmhouse Unearthed in Israel
- Photos: Ancient Farmhouse and Church Uncovered in Israel
- CES 2016: Huge Tech Show Kicks Off in Vegas
- January 4
- New Oregon Law Allows Pharmacists to Prescribe Birth Control Pills
- Strong Social Connections Linked to Better Health
- Unusual Case of Brain Disease Found in Former College Football Player
- Local Geology Makes Sunday's Earthquake in India Complex
- 4 New Superheavy Elements Land on Periodic Table
- New Stick-On Device Could Monitor Heart Problems
- Health Issue Brewing? 'Kefir Beer' May Someday Help
- In Photos: Clever Chameleons Stick Out Their Tongues
- Tiny Chameleons' Tongues Pack a Powerful Punch
- Archaeologists Return to Neanderthal Cave as ISIS Pushed from Iraq
- January 3
- January 2
- January 1