All content archive
April 2016
313 articles
- April 30
- April 29
- Science Explains Why Your Mom Calls You by Your Brother's Name
- Beyoncé Got It Right: Cheating's Emotional Fallout Gushes from 'Lemonade'
- Mumps Outbreak at Harvard: Why Do Vaccinated People Get Sick?
- Secret Atomic Role of WWII-Era Aircraft Carrier Revealed
- Dinosaurs Migrated Out of Europe as Ancient Supercontinent Broke Up
- Jellyfish from Outer Space? Amazing Glowing Creature Spotted
- New Brain Atlas Reveals Where Words Are Stored
- To Motivate Kids, Don't Dwell on Their Failures
- Buddhist Sculptures Discovered in Ruins of Ancient Shrine
- Photos: 1,700-Year-Old Sculptures Discovered in Ancient Shrine
- April 28
- Simple Trick May Improve an Infant's Attention Span
- Why Some Women Are Likely to Have Twins
- Pyramid Interior Revealed Using Cosmic Rays
- Do Australian Dragons Dream? Sleep Discovery Surprises Scientists
- Spanking Makes Kids More Defiant, Studies Suggest
- Starliner Simulators: Astronauts 'Fly' Boeing Spacecraft Trainers
- That Youthful Glow? It's in Your Genetic Makeup
- Power Up with Pee: New Fuel Cell Could Generate Cheap Electricity
- Teens Who Do Jell-O Shots More Likely to Binge Drink
- See the World Through a Glowing Shark's Eyes
- Is it possible to clone a dinosaur?
- Having More Friends May Mean Feeling Less Pain
- Elon Musk Will Launch Private Missions to Mars as Early as 2018
- In Photos: Glow-in-the-Dark Sharks
- Sleep Problems Linger After Head Injury
- April 27
- Earth Gets Greener as Globe Gets Hotter
- Fit in 60 Seconds? 1-Minute Workout May Be Good Enough
- 'Mindfulness' May Keep Depression from Coming Back
- Ancient Hyenas Ate Human Relatives Half a Million Years Ago
- 'Lost' Medieval Music Performed for First Time in 1,000 Years
- Costly, Deadly, Complicated: These 7 Surgeries Take the Biggest Toll
- Unlucky 7? Emergency Surgery Usually Means These Operations
- Acting Sorry: Why Johnny Depp Owed Australia an Apology
- Europe Aiming for International 'Moon Village'
- Dying Breed? Zoo Toils to Save Strange 'Scrotum Frog'
- Photos: America's Only Lake Titicaca Frogs
- Whiplash: Symptoms & Treatment
- It Takes Effort to be Selfish
- April 26
- Scientists Find New Way to Tan or Lighten Skin
- Why Pregnant Women Are More Prone to Yeast Infections
- 4,000 Sickened in Spain: How Does a Virus Get into Bottled Water?
- Time to Change Your Sheets? Bedbugs Have Favorite Colors
- Camera Hogs: Wild Pigs and Other Amazonian Wildlife Pose for 'Selfies'
- In Photos: Amazing Amazon Animal 'Selfies'
- Small-Brained Titanosaur Had Super Senses
- Photos: Long-Necked Titanosaur Had Tiny Brain, Good Vision
- Should You Wear Underwear to Bed?
- Obesity Rates in US Kids Still Rising, Study Says
- 10 Celebrities with Chronic Illnesses
- Whodunit? Mystery Lines Show Up in Satellite Image of Caspian Sea
- New Wearable Device Is Virtual Ski Coach Inside Your Boot
- Are Sports Drinks Better or Worse Than Water?
- Why Do Birds Sing the Same Song Over and Over?
- Mars Comes to Earth: Scientists 'Visit' Red Planet with Augmented Reality
- Hairy-Legged 'Chewbacca Beetle' Discovered in New Guinea
- Who Will Prevent the Next Chernobyl? (Op-Ed)
- April 25
- April 24
- April 23
- April 22
- Drug Overdose Deaths Increased 70-Fold in These US Counties
- Are You an 'Environmentalist'? Fewer in US Say They Are
- Poison Pen: Deadly Potions in Shakespeare's Plays
- Cellfina: Is There Finally a Procedure to Banish Cellulite?
- Why Some 'Unhealthy' Eating Behaviors Might Not Be That Bad
- Aurorasaurus! Citizens Keep Watch as Auroras Light Up the Skies
- Woman's Paranoia Had an Unusual Cause
- Why Does My Water Taste Weird?
- Bizarre Ice-Forming Bacteria's Secrets Revealed
- How Jet-Black Metal Converts Sunlight to Steam Power
- Eras of Time Since the Beginning (Infographic)
- Chart of Geological Time (Infographic)
- 'A Beautiful Planet' by IMAX, in Photos
- Volatile Sakurajima Volcano Is a Lightning Laboratory
- Does Marijuana Make You Stupid?
- A Royal Wardrobe Recovered from 17th-Century Shipwreck
- Photos: Opulent Royal Booty Unearthed from a 17th Century Shipwreck
- Brain Hemorrhage: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- April 21
- 5 Surprising Sleep Discoveries
- For Social Work to Work, People Need to Know They Belong (Op-Ed)
- 'First Night' Insomnia: Why You Don't Sleep Well in a New Place
- Sci-Tech Visionaries Gather for 'Future Is Here' Festival
- 108-Year-Old Message in a Bottle Is Oldest Ever Found
- What Happens When Women Get Their Periods in Space
- Great Barrier Reef Devastated by Coral Bleaching
- Did Prince Die from the Flu? How the Virus Kills
- Levitating Sled Sets New World Speed Record
- Lap Dinos? Gigantic Sauropods Started Out Chihuahua-Size
- Healthy Eating Trick: Use Tech to Order Food
- Zap! Sparking the Brain Stimulates Creativity
- 12 Outstanding Artificial Reefs to Visit
- This Look Makes Candidates More Electable
- Gay Pride? Famous Male Lions Just Hugging
- Oldest Viking Crucifix Uncovered in Denmark
- Why Do Cats Stretch So Much?
- Designer Medicine Needs More Than Big Data, It Needs New Science (Op-Ed)
- Happy Earth Day! 6 Books to Read to Celebrate the Planet
- April 20
- Google Celebrates National Park Week with Virtual Views
- Watch the Titanic Sink in Real Time (Video)
- Oldest Depiction Of Ancient Egyptian Demons Found
- How Your Diet Affects Your Risk of Colon Polyps
- Life Expectancy Drops for US White Women
- Why Does Virtual Reality Make Some People Sick?
- How to Use Game Theory to Negotiate with Your Kids: Q&A
- Building for Egypt's First Female Pharaoh Discovered
- This 'Smart' Juicer Is Like a Keurig Machine for Juice
- Bedwetting: Causes & Treatment
- April 19
- Longer Legs Linked to Cancer Risk
- Aspirin Linked to Lower Brain Cancer Risk
- Flexible Camera Wraps Around Objects to Capture 360-Degree Views
- Spectacular Auroras Captured in Dramatic New Time-Lapse Video
- Top 10 Leading Causes of Death
- Faster Than Light! Incredible Illusion Makes Images 'Time Travel'
- Tornado Facts: Causes, Formation & Safety
- 'Extraordinary Find': Ancient Roman Villa Unearthed in Britain
- In photos: Well-preserved Roman villa found beneath UK home
- Dinosaur Decline Started Long Before Asteroid Impact
- How the Plants Around Your Home May Affect Your Life Span
- Is Mysterious Figure at Stanley Hotel a Ghost?
- Coffee Linked to Reduced Risk of Endometrial Cancer
- Alien 'Wow!' Signal Could Soon be Explained
- Mystery of Mummified Lung Solved
- Under Fire: Flame-Broiled Fish Linked with Higher Breast Cancer Risk
- Weird and Wonderful: 9 Bizarre Spiders
- Bizarre Ant Life Rafts Have Assigned Seating
- Hiking with Kids: 7 Tips for Getting Outside this Summer
- How to Photograph Wildflowers
- The Vibrant Wildflowers of Carrizo National Monument (Photos)
- April 18
- Earthquakes in Japan and Ecuador Aren't Related: Here's Why
- 'Magic Mushroom' Drug Psilocybin May Ease Pain of Rejection
- Cosmic Ray Tech May Unlock Pyramids' Secrets
- Eating Nuts Linked to Lower Risk of Colon Cancer
- For Love or Money: How Finances Influence Your Search for a Mate
- Your Genes May Influence When You Lose Your Virginity
- Ikea's New Chainless Bike Never Rusts
- What Causes Eerie Volcanic Lightning?
- No, the Moon Won't Turn Green on Wednesday
- Ultrathin 'E-Skin' Turns Your Hand into an Electronic Display
- Why Don't Fish Have Necks?
- The Deadliest Day of the Week
- Searching for the Vikings: 3 Sites Possibly Found in Canada
- In Photos: Viking Outposts Possibly Found in Canada
- April 17
- April 16
- April 15
- Why Do So Many Earthquakes Strike Japan?
- Shackled Skeletons Could Be Ancient Greek Rebels
- Does The Full Moon Make Kids Hyper? Here’s What Science Says
- Chemicals in Fast Food: Should You Be Worried?
- What is cellulite?
- Master of Escapes: How an Octopus Broke Out of Its Aquarium
- Mysterious Outbreak: 5 Things to Know About Elizabethkingia
- How to Talk to Someone with a Terminal Illness
- The Real Reason AI Won’t Take Over Anytime Soon
- 9 Tips for Choosing the Best Bug Spray
- Make Earth Day Active with These 5 Volunteer Ideas
- The Atlantic Coast Is Sinking
- April 14
- DARPA Space Plane Could Make Daily Satellite Launches Possible
- Turn Your Photos Into Fine-Art 'Paintings' on Free Website
- Did the Sun Eat a Primordial Super-Earth?
- Skin Condition Linked to Risk of Aneurysm
- 'Love Handles' Transformed into Insulin-Producing Cells
- Lost Wright Brothers' 'Flying Machine' Patent Resurfaces
- Expert Voices - Don Lincoln
- Ancient Human Sacrifice Had Gruesome Role in Creating Hierarchies
- Neanderthal Table Manners: They Used Toothpicks, Too
- Silvery Hairs Turn Ants into Walking Mirrors
- Here's the Best Way to Apologize, According to Science
- What Is Flesh-Eating Bacteria?
- April 13
- Zika Virus Does Cause Microcephaly, Report Confirms
- Supersonic Plane Sends Shock Waves Rippling Across the Sun (Photo)
- Jeepers, Peepers! Tully Monster's Eyes Prove It's a Vertebrate
- Photos: Ancient Tully Monster's Identity Revealed
- Why People 'Lose Themselves' When They Take LSD
- Here's How Much Alcohol Is OK to Drink in 19 Countries
- Paralyzed Man Moves Fingers with Brain Implant
- Self-Filling Water Bottle Converts Humid Air into Drinkable H2O
- Rare Collection of Shakespeare Plays Turns Up in Scottish Mansion
- Watch an Amazing Encounter Between Two Deadly Predators (Video)
- Stephen Hawking: We Probably Won't Find Aliens Anytime Soon
- Too Much Alcohol? Drinking Guidelines Vary by Country
- Road Rage Science: Former NFL Player's Death Reveals Why We Lose It
- Guys Give Each Other a Break on Weight (But Not Women)
- What Will Happen to Earth When the Sun Dies?
- Facts About Ferrets
- April 12
- Collider Unleashed! The LHC Will Soon Hit Its Stride
- Grinning or Nervous Face? People Interpret Emojis Differently
- Stephen Hawking's 'Starshot': 5 Fun Facts About Alpha Centauri
- Light-Up Device Lets You 'Talk' to Fireflies
- Stephen Hawking Helps Launch Project 'Starshot' for Interstellar Space Exploration
- Leonardo Da Vinci's Living Relatives Found
- Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
- 10 Bizarre Diseases You Can Get Outdoors
- Israel's Oldest Glass Factory Discovered
- Red Crabs Swarm Like Insects in Incredible Underwater Video
- World's Longest Snake Dies 3 Days After Being Captured
- April 11
- Daily Aspirin Is Most Beneficial in Your 50s, Panel Says
- A Good Night's Sleep May Keep Colds Away
- Brain Injury Signs Show Up in Retired NFL Players
- Here's How You Can Prevent Foot Blisters While Running
- Mathematical Ability Revealed in Brain Scans
- The Brain on LSD: New Scans Show Drug's Trippy Effects
- The Tee-Hee Test: Laughter Reveals Your Real Friends
- The Bible Is Really Old, Handwriting Analysis Reveals
- 'Smart' Spray Cans Could Make Anyone a Mural Artist
- Zika Virus Linked with Another Brain Disease: What's ADEM?
- New 'Rembrandt' Painting Was Created by Computer
- Unexplained 'Genetic Superheroes' Overcome Disease Mutations
- Climate Change Is Messing with Earth's Axis
- Pope Francis and Conscience: What Science Says About Morality
- April 10
- April 9
- April 8
- Fitbit Helps Doctors in Man's ER Visit
- 'Sea Hunter': World's First Unmanned Ship Stalks Subs
- No, Planet Nine Won't Kill Us All
- Why Doesn't Saliva Quench Your Thirst?
- Will La Niña Follow One of the Strongest Ever El Niños?
- Why Do People Flock To Exhibits of Dead Humans? (Op-Ed)
- Not So Gnarly: Skateboarding Sends 176 Kids to the ER Every Day
- Panama Papers: Just How Big Is the World's Biggest Data Leak?
- Sleepy Teens Are More Likely to Engage in Risky Behaviors
- Shape-Shifting Drones Could Be Made from Metal-Foam Hybrid
- Can Black Holes Transport You to Other Worlds?
- April 7
- Why Hope Remains for Saving the World's Largest Gorillas (Op-Ed)
- World's Largest Gorillas Are at Risk (Photos)
- Are These 'Antiques' Imported from Syria Funding Terrorists?
- Here's How Money Could Actually Buy Happiness
- Humans Should Edit Genes to Survive In Space, Scientist Says (Video)
- Even Babies Will 'Sell Out' for a Price
- Siblings' Dilemma? Solve Backseat Bickering with Game Theory (Op-Ed)
- 'The Game Theorist's Guide to Parenting' (US 2016): Book Excerpt
- I Put on a Robotic Suit and Aged 50 Years
- Photos: Live Science Reporter Ages 50 Years with R70i Exoskeleton
- Ancient Water Bird Survived Attack by Short-Necked 'Sea Monster'
- Power Up! Playing Video Games May Boost Your Brain
- Injection of Tiny Beads Could Curb Hunger, Promote Weight Loss
- Weight-Loss Supplements May Contain Banned Drug
- Trap-Jaw Spiders Nab Prey at Superfast Speeds
- See Stunning 360-Degree Views of Spectacular Victoria Falls (Video)
- Oil-Eating Microbes Threaten Shipwrecks and Ocean Life
- Revamp Your Kitchen with Virtual Reality App from Ikea
- Freshwater Oases: 10 Stunning Lakes You Can Swim In
- April 6
- One Question Could Help Spot Drinking Problems in Teens
- New Bizarre State of Matter Seems to Split Fundamental Particles
- Bullet Links Lawrence of Arabia to Famous Ambush
- Clearing the Air, China Now Leads World in Clean Energy (Op-Ed)
- Mysterious Plain of Jars Site Holds Human Remains
- Street Heroin Use Could Be Curbed with Morphine-Like Drug
- Woman's Weight-Loss Surgery Leads to Vision Loss
- Medieval Metal Whip, Used During Black Death, Found in Abbey
- Ancient Bronze Shovel May Have Been Used in Jewish Cultic Rituals
- Photos: A Sacred Incense Shovel Unearthed in Israel
- Facts About Elk
- April 5
- Preserved Poop Points the Way to General Hannibal's Historic Path
- Are You Impulsive? Maybe Your Brain Is to Blame
- Think Fast! Caffeine Speeds Up Older Adults' Reaction Time
- Is Mysterious 'Planet Nine' Tugging on NASA Saturn Probe?
- Fetal Tissue Controversy: How These Cells Are Used in Research
- After Their Egg Is Stolen, Condors Raise Foster Chick
- From Shredded C-Notes to Corn: Weird Materials Make Their Way into Cars
- Wrong Baby Daddy? It's Not Likely, Science Says
- Real-Life 'Moby-Dick'? Testing Sperm Whales' Ramming Ability
- Summer Reading: Best Science-y Books for Kids
- Brains Scans Reveal How People with Insomnia May Be Wired Differently
- Bad Touch: Intimate Robot Interactions Cause Discomfort
- What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?
- Pug Life: Baby-Face Dogs Surge in Popularity
- The 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds
- April 4
- Concussions and Cognitive Skills: What's the Impact?
- Tiny Ancient Creature Carried Its Babies Like 'Kites'
- Posture Pointers: 7 Tips for Breaking Bad Habits
- Buzz Aldrin Wins March Madness Challenge
- Mars Life Hunt: Could Basin Host Remains of an Ancient Biosphere?
- Distant Volcanic Roars Reveal Eruption Hazards
- Grilling Danger: Wire Brushes Cause Injuries, Doctors Warn
- Sit Up Straight! How Good Posture Benefits Your Health
- Motion Simulator Brings 4D Entertainment to Your Couch
- Curse Tablets Discovered in 2,400-Year-Old Grave
- How a Sleepless Night Affects Your Ability to Focus
- April 2
- April 1
- Possible Viking Settlement in Canada Revealed in Satellite Images
- FDA May Limit Arsenic in Infant Cereals
- Obesity Numbers Overtake Underweight Population
- Protecting Pregnant Women in the US from Zika Is a Top Priority, Officials Say
- Great Barrier Reef Coral Bleaching is 'Worst in its History'
- 'Laser Cloak' Could Hide Earth from Evil Aliens
- Zika Virus: Symptoms, Risk, Treatment & Prevention
- Religious Reveal: Men Lag Behind Women in Devoutness
- Lab-Grown Skin Sweats and Sprouts Hair
- California's Extreme Droughts Blamed on 'Ridiculously Resilient Ridge'
- Strangely in Sync: Scientists Solve 350-Year-Old Pendulum Clock Mystery
- Hidden King Tut Chambers? Not So Fast, Officials Caution
- 'Extraordinary Find': Rare Religious Text Written in Lost Etruscan Language
- The Science of Hunger: How to Control It and Fight Cravings
- Which Types of Foods Are the Most Filling?
- Elusive 'Dancing Frog' Tadpoles Finally Glimpsed
- Are You Ready for America's 1st Virtual-Reality Roller Coasters?
- April Fools' Day! Why People Love Pranks