All content archive
May 2016
283 articles
- May 31
- Women with Migraines More Prone to Heart Disease
- New Report Doesn't Prove Cellphones Cause Cancer
- Perfect Storm: Pregnant Woman Gets Appendicitis During Blizzard
- Building Blocks of Life Found in Comet's Atmosphere
- What Vaccines Do You Need Before College?
- The Heat Is On: Most of US Likely to Have a Scorching Summer
- Supersponge the Size of a Minivan Found Near Hawaii
- King Tut's Blade Made of Meteorite
- Hurricane 2016 Forecast: A 'Near-Normal' 10 to 16 Storms
- New Gadget Helps Turn Departed Loved Ones into Trees
- Has Aristotle's Tomb Been Found? Archaeologists Doubt Claims
- T. Rex May Have Had Lips
- Behold the Cardón! Photos of the Giant Cacti of North America
- Why Do Mice Poop So Much?
- May 28
- May 27
- Kids with Puzzling Stomachaches Might Benefit from Probiotics
- Will Your Weight Loss Program Work? It May Depend on Your Genes
- The Science of Parenting: Who's the Best Judge of Moms and Dads?
- Vintage Brew: Carlsberg Recreates Historic Lager with Old Yeast
- In Photos: Carlsberg Remakes Its 19th-Century Lager
- Cambrian Period: Facts & Information
- Cellphone Radiation Study Reignites Cancer Questions
- Stunning Turquoise Comet Wows Amateur Astronomer (Photo)
- Shape-Shifting Touch Screens Can Morph on Demand
- Neanderthals Likely Built These 176,000-Year-Old Underground Ring Structures
- Prehistoric X-Men: How the 'First Mutants' Gave Humans 'Superpowers'
- In Photos: Stunning Stalagmite Structures Discovered in French Cave
- The Future of Personal Satellite Technology Is Here
- Mystery of Mongol Retreat from Hungary Solved
- What Are Free Radicals?
- May 26
- How Many Adults in Each State Engage in All 5 Key Health Habits?
- Why It's OK to Let Babies 'Cry It Out'
- Roofie Reality: Drink Spiking Affects Many College Students
- Dead or Alive, Schrödinger's Cat Can Be in 2 Boxes at Once
- X-Ray Laser Vaporizes Water Droplets in Striking New Video
- Live Crocs Invade NYC in New Museum Exhibit
- Snorkeling Paradise Inside a Volcano Named Best US Beach
- Can Stomach Botox Injections Help People Lose Weight?
- Vaping Could Make Medical Pot Healthier
- Highest-Altitude Prehistoric Rock Art Revealed
- Abri Faravel: Photos of Prehistoric Rock Paintings
- Dino Senses: Ankylosaurus Cousin Had a Super Sniffer
- 10 Ways the Beach Can Kill You
- Vertigo: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
- May 25
- Listeria in Your Freezer: How Long the Bacteria Survive
- The Unpredictable Nature of Today's Synthetic Drugs
- Missing for 72 Years: WWII Aircraft Finally Located in Pacific
- Blazing-Fast Hypersonic Jet on Track for 2018 Launch
- In Photos: Australia's Hypersonic 'HIFiRE' Project
- Why Is Mount Everest So Deadly?
- Crocs: Ancient Predators in a Modern World (Photos)
- Why Some Flies Have Mega Sperm
- Did Harvard Scientists Secretly Discuss Making a Human from Scratch?
- School-Bus-Size Giant Squid May Be Lurking Deep in the Sea
- Gluten-Free Diets Are Not Necessarily Healthier, Doctors Warn
- May 24
- The Science of Weight Loss
- Alien Life? Radiation May Erase Mars, Europa Fossils
- Do Trees Sleep at Night?
- Centuries-Old Artifacts Discovered Beneath Malcolm X's Childhood Home
- Images: Artifacts Unearthed at Malcolm X House
- Confirmed: The Soil Under Your Feet Is Teeming with Life
- These 7 Foods Cause the Most Pet Deaths
- Elusive Snow Leopard Collared in Kyrgyzstan
- Photos: A Rare Snow Leopard Is Collared in Kyrgyzstan
- New Obesity Treatment: Gas-Filled Balloons
- Woman Sprouts Thousands of Tiny Moles, and Doctors Aren't Sure Why
- Colorectal Cancer on the Rise in Adults Under 50
- Why Having the 'Ideal' Partner Doesn't Mean You'll Be Happy
- Physicist Kip Thorne Talks Black Holes at the Genius Gala Awards
- Swallow This Robot: Foldable Droid Could Mend Stomachs
- The Hefty Price of 'Study Drug' Misuse on College Campuses (Op-Ed)
- Just How Short Can Your Workout Be?
- May 23
- Superflares from the Sun May Have Sparked Life by Warming Earth
- 5,000-Year-Old Chinese Beer Recipe Had Secret Ingredient
- Insoles That Buzz Your Feet Could Improve Balance
- Photos: Ancient Beer Recipe Discovered in 'Cradle of Chinese Civilization'
- Shark Bay Bloodbath: 70 Sharks Devour a Humpback Whale
- 7 Conditions That Botox May Help Treat
- 'Poop Transplant' Changes Play Out Over Several Months, Study Finds
- Why Processed Foods May Promote Gut Inflammation
- Ugliest to Most Rock 'n' Roll: Top Newfound Species Named
- Short-Snouted Sea Monsters Evolved Rapidly After Wipeout
- New Arrivals: Top 10 Newfound Species of 2015 Named
- Cuttlefish, Squid and Relatives Thrive in Warming Oceans
- How Short Bursts of Activity Can Get You Fit
- Income Inequality: Is There a Grooming Gap?
- Light Behaving Badly: Strange Beams Reveal Hitch in Quantum Mechanics
- Q&A with a Dinosaur Hunter: How Jack Horner Changed Paleontology
- May 21
- May 20
- Mysterious Mass Graves Hold Prisoners of Bloody 17th-Century Battle
- Photos: Mass Graves Hold 17th-Century Prisoners of War
- The Science of Intuition: How to Measure 'Hunches' and 'Gut Feelings'
- LHC Atom Smasher Opens Quantum Physics Floodgates
- VR at Cannes: How Will Virtual Reality Change Film?
- What's Causing E-Cigs' Trail of Injuries?
- How Safe Is Commercial Aviation, Really?
- Oscars for Science! Genius Gala Honors Jack Horner, Kip Thorne
- Ancient 'Mad Libs' Papyri Contain Evil Spells of Sex and Subjugation
- Hubble Telescope Captures Incredible Up-Close View of Mars
- Stung for Science: Meet the Man Who Measures Pain
- Calling All Kids! President Obama Wants Your Science and Tech Ideas
- Swirling, Spinning Clouds Seen from Space
- How to Start an Exercise Routine and Stick to It
- Hate Exercise? How Talk Therapy May Help
- Ayahuasca: Psychedelic Tea from the Amazon
- May 19
- 6 Distinctive Food Guides from Around the World
- Beyond the Pyramid: How Food Guides Vary Around the World
- Flying Insect-Inspired Robot Can 'Rest' Midflight
- Stranded, Rarely Seen Beaked Whale Has Strange Fang
- Mega Tsunamis Rocked Mars Oceans Billions of Years Ago
- Healthy Living Could Prevent Half of Deaths from Cancer
- Strange Microbe Lacks Cell's 'Powerhouse'
- A New Bot-ticelli? Robot Painters Show Off Works at Competition
- 'Rap Guide to Climate Chaos': Q&A with Baba Brinkman
- Hooked, Pointy or Snubbed? How Your Nose Got Its Shape
- '99 Percent Chance' 2016 Will Be Hottest Year
- Stolen Christopher Columbus Letter Returned to Italy
- May 18
- Is Digital Multitasking Good for Teens?
- Google's Gigapixel Camera Reveals Minute Details in Famous Works of Art
- Low Battery? New Tech Lets You Wirelessly Share Power
- The Weird Way Your Latitude May Affect Your Blood Pressure
- New Frilly-Necked Dinosaur Identified
- Dinosaur with 'Bent Sword' Head Spikes Unearthed in Utah
- Tips for Keeping Kids Safe in Swimming Pools
- Fish Subsidies Must Come to an End to Save Ocean Stocks (Op-Ed)
- 'Grizzly Adams' Conservationist Tries to Save a Last Frontier (Op-Ed)
- Painted Human Jawbones Used as Ancient Jewelry
- May 17
- Potato-Heavy Diet Linked to High Blood Pressure
- What's Up with This Spider's Enormous Eyes?
- Photos: What Big Eyes! Spider's Huge Peepers Help Snag Prey
- Magic-Mushroom Compound Shows Potential for Treating Depression
- Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says
- Fusion Reactor Powers Futuristic Airliner
- Lessons from a Baby Bison's Death: Don't. Touch. Wildlife.
- Penis Transplant: Why It's Done & What Can Go Wrong
- 'Magic' Mirror Reveals Body Changes As You Get Fit
- Rare Tumor May Cause ADHD Symptoms in Some Kids
- Australian Wildfires Provide Surprise Boon for Hunting Cats
- Bits of 3.5-Billion-Year-Old Asteroid Tell Story of Monster Impact
- May 16
- Macklemore Tells Obama About How He Once Abused Prescription Drugs
- Half of Parents Keep Kids' Leftover Painkillers at Home
- Silent But Deadly: Half of All Heart Attacks Have No Symptoms
- Photos: Treasures of a Late Roman-Era Shipwreck
- That's My Mom: Mother's Voice Lights Up Kids' Brains
- E-Cigarettes: What Vaping Does to Your Body
- Bringing the Past into the Future: VR Invades the Met
- Roman-Era Shipwreck Yields Moon Goddess Statue, Coin Stashes
- How to Find the Best Campsites in the US
- Scientists Drilled into the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Here's What They Found.
- Doctors Perform US' 1st Penis Transplant
- Exercise May Reduce the Risk of These 13 Cancers
- Why Does Glitter Stick to Everything?
- Echoes of Ancient Cosmology Found at Prehistoric Native American Site
- Photos: Ancient Ceremonial Site Discovered in Ohio
- May 14
- May 13
- Elephantiasis: What Causes This Strange Condition?
- Where does all my snot come from?
- Newly Discovered Fetus Is Youngest Egyptian Mummy on Record
- The Truth Is Out There: Do Area 51 Files Hold Secrets of UFOs?
- Robotic Toy 'Leka' Designed for Kids with Autism
- Mastodon Tusk Marked by Human-Made Tools (Photos)
- Scarred, Sunken Mastodon Hints at Earlier Human Arrival in Americas
- Insect Astronomers? Dung Beetles 'Photograph' the Sky While Dancing
- Acetaminophen Linked to Lower Empathy Levels
- Volcanoes Spit Out 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Pieces of Earth
- Gluten-Free Diets May Be Risky for Kids
- Are We Alone? Scientists Discuss the Search for Life and Odds of E.T.
- 13 Numbers That Rival the Number 13
- May 12
- Power Up! Exosuit Helps You Lift Heavy Loads
- Docs Retrieve Misfit Shine from Girl's Stomach — Device Still Works
- Alien Megastructure? Dimming Star May Have Less Exotic Explanation
- Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments
- Why Belief in Witchcraft Can Do Harm
- Giant Pandas and Humans: A Lesson in Sustainability
- Why Texting Isn't Like Other Kinds of Distracted Driving
- Mystery of Bizarre Radar Echoes Solved, 50 Years Later
- In Photos: World's Oldest Ax Blade Found in Australia
- Newfound Ax Blade May Be World's Oldest, Researchers Say
- Sigmund Freud: Life, Work & Theories
- May 11
- Chubby Panda Cub 'Bei Bei' Learns to Stare at Tennis Balls
- Big Test Pushes Elon Musk's Futuristic 'Hyperloop' Closer to Reality
- Memory Eraser: This Trick Helps You Forget
- Cosmic Dust on Earth Reveals Clues to Ancient Atmosphere
- Mysterious South American Mounds Are Made of Worm Poop
- Nobody Saw This Volcano Erupt … Except NASA's Satellites
- High-Tech Bottle Keeps Opened Wine Fresh for Weeks
- Autism Risk Linked to High Folate Levels in Pregnancy
- New State of Water: Strange 6-Sided Molecule Found
- Fur, Wool, Hair: What's the Difference?
- Atmosphere of Early Earth May Have Been Half As Thick As Today
- Nefertiti Still Missing: King Tut's Tomb Shows No Hidden Chambers
- Godless Universe: A Physicist Searches for Meaning in Nature
- Facts About the Endangered Species Act of 1973
- NASA Finds 1,284 Alien Planets, Biggest Haul Yet, with Kepler Space Telescope
- May 10
- Ancient Plague Victims: Did the Quarantine Help or Hurt?
- Big Gulp: Man Swallows Cellphone, Needs Surgery
- This Baby Name's Popularity Has Plummeted — And It's No Surprise Why
- Be Healthy - Seven Habits of Successful 'Losers' (Infographic)
- Syrian Antiquities Import Restrictions Are Law, But Will They Work?
- 'Breathing' Volcano: How Scientists Captured This Awesome Animation
- Yoga May Improve Memory Better Than Brain Training
- In Photos: The Life of a Giant Panda
- Why Do People Cry?
- Chunks of Earth's Mantle Are 'Peeling Off'
- Does Driving High on Marijuana Increase Fatal Crashes?
- May 9
- The Weird History of Gender-Segregated Bathrooms
- Gorgeous New Mercury Maps Showcase Planet's Striking Features
- Mercury Finishes Its Run Across the Sun
- Starfish Baby Boom Brings Hope to Population Turning to Goo
- Invisible 'Second Skin' Can Smooth Out Wrinkles and Eye Bags
- Egyptian Mummy's Symbolic Tattoos Are 1st of Their Kind
- The Mercury Transit: How to See the Rare Event Online Today
- Get 'Bionic Hearing' with New Smart Earbuds
- May 8
- May 7
- May 6
- The Universe Has Probably Hosted Many Alien Civilizations: Study
- How Much Sleep You Need As You Age (Infographic)
- Hair Spray vs. Ozone? Trump Makes Outdated Complaint
- Albert Einstein's Signed Photo Up for Auction
- 'Noah' and 'Emma' Top List of Most Popular Baby Names
- Fearsome Dinosaur-Age 'Hammerhead' Reptile Ate … Plants?
- Bionic Implant Improves Vision for Some Eye Patients
- Christina's Diagnosis: Famous Painting Gets New Look
- No, Mercury Retrograde Will Not Mess Up Your Life
- 'Boaty McBoatface' Vessel Named for David Attenborough
- How Cultural Pressures May Affect Your Sleep Habits
- The 50 Most Popular Baby Names of 2015
- Mysterious 'Man in the Iron Mask' Revealed, 350 Years Later
- Why do people get sick when the seasons change?
- Where Is the Most Lightning-Prone Place in the World?
- May 5
- Splat! Paintball Blow Causes Liver Damage in Teen
- Black Henna Tattoos Can Cause Severe Skin Reactions, Case Shows
- A Gorgeous Animated Sculpture Reveals the Physics of Kung Fu
- Eye Scan May Detect Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease
- There Might Be 1 Trillion Species on Earth
- 100-Foot Image of Mythical Creature Discovered in Peru
- How the Human Eye Works
- Flower-Shaped Cataract Forms in Man's Eye After Bike Accident
- How Shocking! Lightning Strikes 2 Planes During Storm
- Head Games: This Male Spider Is an Oral Sex Champ
- Oldest Crystals on Earth Originated in Asteroid Craters
- Greetings, Earthlings! 8 Ways Aliens Could Contact Us
- Forget Taking Over the World. All this AI Wants to Do Is Dance
- Can You Decipher These Bizarre Satellite Images?
- States of Matter: Plasma
- May 4
- Why Power Corrupts: Blame Bad Examples, Study Says
- World's Tiniest Engines Could Power Microscopic Robots
- Mysterious Braided Hair May Belong to Medieval Saint
- Australia's Surprising Weapon Against Invasive Fish: Herpes
- With Human 'Fire Power' Comes Great Responsibility (Op-Ed)
- Photos: Mysterious Braided Hair Found in Medieval Abbey
- Barefoot in Summer: The Pleasures and Perils of Going Shoeless
- Getting High on Anti-Diarrhea Drug Can Kill
- Animal Sex: How Red Foxes Do It
- These 3 Alien Planets Around a Tiny, Cold Star Just Might Support Life
- May 3
- Is the Ghost of Richard III a Football Fan?
- Deadly Mistakes: Medical Errors Are 3rd Leading Cause of Death
- Best Treatment for Preschoolers with ADHD Is Not Meds, CDC Urges
- 5 Delightfully Tech-y Dresses from the 2016 Met Gala
- Go Outside and Play: Tips to Get Kids Moving
- New Print-Out Lasers Are So Cheap They're Disposable
- The Real Reason Your Lab Is Fat
- Precambrian: Facts About the Beginning of Time
- Esophagus: Facts, Functions & Diseases
- Major Depression Might Be Averted by Online Help: Study
- Stunning Cloud Maps Tell the Story of Life on Earth
- 520-Million-Year-Old Fossil Larva Preserved in 3D
- May 2
- Photos: A Cambrian Larva With a 'Daggerlike' Tail
- Airing of Grievances: First-Class Cabins Raise 'Air Rage' Risks
- Jet-Powered Hoverboard Sets New World Record
- Diving Robot 'Mermaid' Lends a Hand (or 2) to Ocean Exploration
- In Photos: A 'Robo-Mermaid' Embarks on Its Maiden Dive
- Hungry Polar Bears Decimating Seabird Colonies
- Hangry No More: Dieting Actually Improves Mood
- What Would Happen If Yellowstone's Supervolcano Erupted?
- Ancient American: Kennewick Man's Tribal Links Confirmed
- Why Are Human Babies So Helpless?
- Juice May Keep Sick Kids Hydrated Better Than Pricey Drinks