All content archive
June 2016
296 articles
- June 30
- Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements Caused Man's Lead Poisoning
- Dog 'Kisses' Give Woman Severe Infection
- Science Finds a Way to Overcome Life's Regrets
- GoPro's Latest VR Video Lets You Swim with Sharks
- The Chemistry Behind a Sparkler's 4th of July Magic
- Antarctic Ozone Hole Shows 1st Signs of Healing
- Tomb with a View: Ancient Burial Sites Served as 'Telescopes'
- Here's a Giant List of the Strangest Medical Cases We've Covered
- Polly Says What?! Should Parrots Testify at Murder Trials?
- Volcano Forecast? Crystals Could Predict Eruptions
- 'Breast Cancer Gene' BRCA1 Linked to Aggressive Uterine Cancer
- Ancient Shrine That May Hold Buddha's Skull Bone Found in Crypt
- Photos: Ancient Stupa Holding Bone of Buddha Discovered
- Facts About Aardvarks
- June 29
- Ikea's Dresser Recall: 7 Tips to Prevent Furniture Injuries
- Half of Adélie Penguins Could Be Wiped Out by Global Warming
- Scorpion Architects Build Lairs with Porches and Mating Rooms
- Newfound Human Species Suggests Africa Was Evolutionary Melting Pot
- Saturn Moon Enceladus' Plumes May Resemble Earth's 'Lost City'
- Butter May Not Be Bad for Your Heart
- Female Komodo Dragon Saved After Her Eggs Burst
- Photos: Modeling Scorpions' Lairs in 3D
- Jewish Escape Tunnel Uncovered at Nazi Massacre Site
- Photos: Escape Tunnel at Holocaust Death Site
- For Kids with Eczema, 'Soak and Smear'
- Who Trims? Pubic Hair Grooming Common Among Young Women
- Real-Life Holodeck? 'Star Trek' Tech Uses VR to Solve Global Problems
- Lab-Grown 'Living' Bones Could Yield Customized Implants
- Light Pollution Is Waking Trees Up Early for Spring
- Facts About Capybaras
- June 28
- Is There a Link Between Bacteria and Breast Cancer?
- California Has Way More Water Than Anyone Thought
- 6,000 Feet Under: Whale Sharks' Deepest Dives Detected
- Record-Breaking Electric Car Goes from 0 to 62 Mph in 1.5 Seconds
- Pat Summitt's Death: Why Alzheimer's Disease Is Deadly
- Photos: Geologists Home-Brew Lava
- Geologists Create Home-Brew Lava
- Odd 'Dark Hydrogen' May Lurk Within Jupiter, Other Giant Planets
- Mummified, 99-Million-Year-Old Wings Caught in Amber
- More Victims of Vesuvius Eruption Found Near Pompeii
- Pompeii Photos: Archaeologists Find Skeletal Remains of Victims of Vesuvius Eruption
- Photos: Mummified Bird Wings Preserved in Amber
- Aahhhhh! 5 Scary Shark Myths Busted
- Aliens Attack! Invasive Lionfish Arrive in Mediterranean
- Tau Day: Should Pi Be Downgraded?
- Facts About Tapirs
- June 27
- Huge Cache of Ancient Helium Discovered in Africa's Rift Valley
- How to Fix 9 Common Skin Problems
- Gateway to Ancient Greek God's Compound Uncovered?
- Supreme Court Abortion Ruling Explained
- Can You 'Catch' Stress in a Classroom? Science Says Yes
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Risk of Fatal Heart Attack
- Freeloading Butterflies Get Away with Theft
- Photos: Butterflies Snag Goo from Unwitting Ants
- Quantum Computer Could Simulate Beginnings of the Universe
- Morning Milky Way Shines Over Summer Triangle in Stunning Photo
- YouTube's 'SciShow': Exploring the Unexpected
- June 25
- June 24
- Magnets Make People Think of Love, Study Finds
- Pretty Risky: Men Would Skip Condoms with Attractive Women
- Novel Tech Aids in Search for Hidden Tombs & Mysteries of the Eye
- China Planning Underwater Great Wall of Robots
- Ancient Insects Carried Corpses of Prey for Camouflage
- Where's the Exit? Python Caught in Circle of Own Molted Skin
- Robot Cars Tear Up Track to Test Hazard Response
- Would Aliens Really Kill Us, 'Independence Day'-Style?
- Pretty as a Princess: Disney Movies May Be Making Girls 'Girlier'
- What's the World's Largest Crocodile?
- What Brexit Vote Means for Science (in 140 Characters)
- SETI Eavesdrops on Nearby Star in Smart Alien Hunt
- 7 Foods Your Heart Will Hate
- The Kilogram May Be Redefined
- Sleeping Black Hole Awakens to Devour Doomed Star
- June 23
- No Flu Nasal Spray Next Season: Why Is This Vaccine Not Working?
- Caribbean Sea's Curious 'Whistle' Detected from Space
- Moral Dilemma of Self-Driving Cars: Which Lives to Save in a Crash
- What's the Difference Between Dolphins and Porpoises?
- Tallest Mountain in US Arctic Crowned
- '3Doodler' Pen Lets You Draw 3D-Printed Creations in Midair
- San Andreas Fault 'Does the Wave,' New Research Finds
- Ancient Greek 'Computer' Came with a User Guide
- Photos: Ancient Greek Shipwreck Yields Antikythera Mechanism
- June 22
- Why Rescues in Antarctica Are a Dangerous Business
- Docs Diagnose Smartphone 'Blindness' in 2 Women
- Abortion Requests Double After Zika Warnings in Brazil
- Artificially Intelligent Russian Robot Makes a Run for It … Again
- Gluten Triggers Strange Delusions in Woman with Celiac Disease
- Stomach Sucker: How Does New Weight-Loss Device Work?
- Stinging Jellyfish Come to Jersey, But Beaches Still Safe
- Hair on Demand: Researchers Create 3D-Printed Fur
- 17th-Century French Ship Gets New Berth: A Texas Museum
- 5 Key Facts About Brain-Eating Amoebas
- In Shellfish, Cancer Can Be Contagious
- Antarctic Rescue Underway
- Screwworm Sex Wins 'Golden Goose' Award for Unusual Research
- Sharks Near You? Global Survey Reveals Predators' Top Spots
- Genes Aren't Destiny: How Biology Impacts Academic Performance
- Virtual Reality Could Be Film's Next 'New Wave'
- Facts About Skunks
- June 21
- How Long Does Sunscreen Last Before It Expires?
- What's a Penny Made Of?
- Augmented-Reality Diving Helmets Join the US Navy
- In Photos: Augmented Reality Tech for US Navy Divers
- Books
- AI Boosts Cancer Screens to Nearly 100 Percent Accuracy
- Ancient Greek Naval Base Held Hundreds of Warships
- These Plant Compounds May Reduce Menopause Symptoms
- Lost 5,000-Year-Old Neolithic Figurine Rediscovered in Scotland
- Americans Are Eating a Bit Healthier, Study Says
- Photos: National Geographic's Best Photos
- The Best National Geographic Photos of All Time
- Photos: 5,000-Year-Old Neolithic Figurine
- Bizarre, Long-Headed Woman from Ancient Kingdom Revealed
- In Images: An Ancient Long-headed Woman Reconstructed
- Rainbow-Colored Shooting Stars May Fly Overhead Someday
- June 20
- Brain Tumor Risk Linked with Higher Education, Study Finds
- Male Doctors, Female Nurses: Subconscious Stereotypes Hard to Budge
- Why Do We Never See Baby Pigeons?
- How Could Hot Drinks Cause Cancer?
- Rays Don't Stray: Giant Mantas Stick Close to Home
- Tour Secret WWII Lab with Manhattan Project App
- E.T. Phones Earth? 1,500 Years Until Contact, Experts Estimate
- Blame the Parents? Child Tragedies Reveal Empathy Decline
- YouTube's MinutePhysics: Matter and Energy Get Animated
- Great Pyramid of Giza Is Slightly Lopsided
- June 19
- June 18
- June 17
- Mars Rover Panorama Shows Sweeping 'Marathon Valley' (Photo)
- 5 Surprising Facts About Egg Freezing
- New 'Artificial Synapses' Could Let Supercomputers Mimic the Human Brain
- 'Perfect Storm' of Humans and Climate Change Doomed Ice Age Giants
- Life with a Shooter: Science Explores Killers' Family Lives
- Music Festival Season Is Here: How to Avoid Dangerous Health Problems
- Gospel of Jesus's Wife Likely a Fake, Bizarre Backstory Suggests
- Photos: Meet 'Finding Dory' Real-Life Counterparts
- 'Cosmic Watch' App Lets You Track Stars and Planets in Real Time
- Rare Bronze Wing from Roman Sculpture Uncovered in England
- Finding Dory's Underwater Clan in the Real World
- Heave-Ho! Stonehenge Experiment May Show How Monument Was Built
- Stonehenge Photos: Investigating How the Mysterious Structure Was Built
- June 16
- Sex with 2 Partners Before Marriage Raises Divorce Risk
- When Lemurs Sing, Young Males Follow a Different Beat
- ISIS Plays 'Evolutionary Game' to Avoid Online Shutdown
- Caffeine's 'Boost' Disappears When You're Extremely Sleep-Deprived
- Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM For First Time in 4 Million Years
- Search for Another King Under a Parking Lot Begins
- Centuries-Old Shipwreck Recreated with 3D Printing
- Memory-Boosting Trick: Exercise After Learning
- The Secret Behind Birds' Brainy Feats Revealed
- Facts About Orangutans
- Frog Embryos Speed-Hatch to Escape Danger
- Losing Control: The Dangers of Killer Robots (Op-Ed)
- Sharks' Evening 'Rush Hour' Discovered
- June 15
- Andrea Doria: Sub Reveals Images of the 'Mount Everest of Shipwrecks'
- Apple's New App: Can Deep Breathing Lower Stress?
- Male Fiddler Crabs Entrap Females In Their Bachelor Pads
- Toddler Snatched by Alligator: How Dangerous Are Florida's Reptiles?
- Get in the Action: 'Transformers' Director Tackles Virtual Reality
- Gravitational Wave Detector Finds Double Colliding Black Holes — Again (Woot!)
- High-Tech Toothbrush Corrects Common Brushing Errors
- Procrastinators Beware: Insomnia Linked with Putting Things Off
- The Science of Mass Shooters: What Drives a Person to Kill?
- Why Are Cats Such Picky Eaters?
- 'Twisty' Molecule Essential to Life Spotted in Deep Space For 1st Time
- May Was Planet's Hottest Month on Record, NASA Says
- Facts About Ocelots
- June 14
- Airplane-Size Seabird Flew Above Antarctica 50 Million Years Ago
- Orlando Shooting: Should Curbs on Blood Donations from Gay Men Be Lifted?
- Can Snakes Smell Anything?
- 'Mysterious Object' May Be First 'Extinct' Meteorite
- Mysterious Earthen Mounds Discovered in Ancient Cambodian Cities
- Low Vitamin Levels May Be Linked with Migraines in Kids
- Do Weight-Loss Drugs Work? 5 Medications Compared
- Gunshot Wounds Are Getting Deadlier, One Hospital Finds
- How Kevlar Saved an Orlando Police Officer's Life
- How were the Egyptian pyramids built?
- Freaky! New Frog Mating Position Discovered
- Photos: Bombay Night Frogs Get Busy
- June 13
- 100 Silver Pieces Found in Roman-Era 'Hoard' in Scotland
- Photos: Roman-era silver jewelry and coins discovered in Scotland
- What's the Largest Waterfall in the World?
- Mysterious Monumental Structure Found at Ancient Petra
- Whole Grains Each Day Linked to Longer Life
- In Photos: Mysterious, Giant Platform at Petra 'Hidden' in Plain Sight
- Dark Matter May Be Made of Primordial Black Holes
- Kids' Mental Health Risks Rise with Poor Air Quality
- Mass Shootings: 6 Misconceptions About Violence
- Whistling Sling Bullets Were Roman Troops' Secret 'Terror Weapon'
- In Photos: 1,800-Year-Old Roman Battle Site
- Children's Sleep: New Guidelines on Shut-Eye for Kids
- June 10
- Light Pollution Ruins Night-Sky Views for One-Third of Humanity
- Myth Busted: Taking Photos Doesn't Ruin Your Experiences
- How Can Drones Be Hacked? Let Us Count the Ways
- Long-Term Marijuana Use Linked to Changes in Brain's Reward System
- Alaskan Bears Enjoy a Whale of a Meal
- YouTube's Gross Science: Where 'Icky' Meets 'Intriguing'
- These Nifty Transparent Speakers Could Speak Directly to You
- Rio Olympics: Scientists Predict How Many Medals Each Country Will Win
- How Might Drone Racing Drive Innovation?
- CO2 Gets Stoned: Method Turns Harmful Gas Into Solid
- Facts About Hyenas
- June 9
- 2 Teens Die After Drinking Racing Fuel & Soda Mix
- Photos: Tallest Tree in the Tropics (Probably)
- Cancer Clues in the Breath: Test Could Ease Screening
- Filling the Periodic Table: New Names for the Newest Elements
- Falling for the Sun: Heart-Shaped Sunspot Thrills Astrophotographer
- Monster Black Hole Caught Feeding On Clumpy, Cloudy 'Rain'
- Genius: Can Anybody Be One?
- 'Minecraft' Tree in 'Lost World' Forest May Be Tropics' Tallest
- How Much Sleep Does Your School-Age Child Need?
- To Advance Science, It's Time to Tackle Unconscious Bias (Op-Ed)
- World's First Passenger Drone to Begin Testing
- Kidneys: Facts, Function & Diseases
- Cenozoic era: Facts about climate, animals & plants
- June 8
- How Accurate Are Fertility Tracking Apps?
- Female Firsts: 7 Women Who Broke Barriers in Science and Tech
- Child's Rare Injury: What Is Internal Decapitation?
- Flash Mob! Glowing in Fishes More Widespread Than Thought
- In Images: Glowing is Widespread in Marine Fishes
- Why the Deep Space Atomic Clock Is Key for Future Space Exploration
- Sea science: 7 bizarre facts about the ocean
- Miniature 'Hobbit' Humans Had Even Smaller Ancestors
- Photos: Hobbit Relative Discovered on Flores
- Food Labels Have You Confused? Try the No-Label Diet
- Silver Shekel Stash: 2,000-Year-old Coins Uncovered in Israel
- Cache of Ancient Silver Coins Found in Israel (Photos)
- Shock and Awe: Eels Leap to Deliver Electrifying Attacks
- Sex-Reversed Bearded Dragons Lay Eggs, Act Like Males
- Photos: Gorgeous Bearded Dragons Show Off
- Working Together? Male and Female Brains Just Aren't in Sync
- What Are Lichens?
- June 7
- Are 'Hands-Free' Phone Calls Really Safer for Drivers?
- The Size of Your Wine Glass May Affect How Much You Drink
- Why Are Shark Attacks on the Rise?
- Fish Can Recognize and Remember Human Faces
- What If: Dystopian Fiction, Water Rights and the Future
- Soda Pop Music? Entertainers Endorse Junk Food, Study Finds
- 'Smart' Blocks Turn Lego Creations into Web-Connected Toys
- Book Excerpt: 'Full Fathom Five: Ocean Warming and a Father's Legacy'
- Obesity Rate in US Women Climbs to 40%
- Retro Robot from the 1920s May Get 2nd Chance at Life
- Massive Avalanche Formed Zion Canyon's Stunning Features
- Jumbo Jet Lies on Seafloor Awaiting Divers, Coral Critters
- Who Owns Britain's Elgin Marbles? (Op-Ed)
- Plan to Turn Asteroids Into Spaceships Could Spur Off-Earth Mining
- June 6
- Eating Fat Doesn't Make You Fat, Study Finds
- Are Fewer Women in Exercise Studies Because of Their Periods?
- 'Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War': A Q&A with Mary Roach
- Sit, Heel, Compute: Computers Learn Better by Imitating Dogs
- Muhammad Ali's Death: Can Head Injuries Cause Parkinson's?
- Bacteria Are Everywhere, Even in Ovaries
- Why do animals hibernate?
- Is it safe to drink blood?
- Animal Mating: How Scorpions Do It
- Obsessed with Reality TV? You May Be a Narcissist
- June 4
- June 3
- Take the Moon Home with Incredibly Detailed Lunar Globe
- Who's Happier: People Who Hook Up, or Those in Relationships?
- 4 Biting and Stinging Bugs to Avoid This Summer
- Giant Panda Cub Born at Belgium Zoo Is a 'True Miracle'
- Ammonia Swirls Found Beneath Jupiter’s Clouds
- Surprise! The Universe Is Expanding Faster Than Scientists Thought
- The Science of Football: Which Positions Take the Hardest Hits?
- Does the Sun Rotate?
- Why Pregnant Women Shouldn't Give In to Food Cravings
- Supreme Insect! Praying Mantis Named After Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Tiny Dancers: Meet 7 New Peacock Spider Species
- In Photos: 7 New Species of Peacock Spider
- Lost Underwater ‘City’ Revealed as Natural Geological Formation
- In Photos: Underwater 'Lost City' Reveals the Beauty of Geology
- June 2
- Males' Oversize Right Claw Lures Crustacean Ladies
- NASA Satellite Spots Toxic Air Pollution That Went Unreported
- New Artificial Intelligence Can Tell Stories Based on Photos
- Prince's Death: Why It's So Easy to Overdose on Painkillers
- Workaholism Linked to ADHD and Depression
- Newest 'Hole' in the Sun Is a Doozy
- Schrodinger's Cat Arrives? Quantum Weirdness Gets Life Size
- Who Was Sattjeni? Tomb Reveals Secrets About Ancient Egyptian Elite
- In Photos: 3,800-Year-Old Coffin Holds Ancient Egyptian Woman
- New FDA Salt Targets: Which Foods Would Change Most?
- Does the Universe Have an Edge?
- 19th-Century White House Garden Aligns with Solstice Sun
- Teen Birthrates Reach Another Record Low, CDC Says
- June 1
- Flour Recall: Do You Really Need to Throw It Out?
- What the New Superbug Means for the US
- Best Protected Great Barrier Reef Corals Are Now Dead
- Male Orb-Web Spiders Are Choosy About Their Cannibal Mate
- Rare Gene Mutation Linked with High MS Risk
- Black-Death Survey Reveals Incredible Devastation Wrought by Plague
- Marijuana Use Linked to Gum Disease
- In Photos: Tracking the Devastating Impact of the Black Death
- Are Elephants Really Afraid of Mice?
- Surprising Echo of Ancient Irish Horns in Indian Instruments
- Harambe the Gorilla Put Zoo in Lose-Lose Situation, by Being Himself (Op-Ed)
- Video: Science Is Infectious in YouTube's Veritasium
- Distracted Driving May Play a Bigger Role in Teen Crashes Than Thought