All content archive
January 2017
321 articles
- January 31
- Deadly Fruit: Cause of Mysterious Brain Illness in India is Found
- 3-Billion-Year-Old 'Lost Continent' Lurking Under African Island
- Cosmic Neutrino Detector Reveals Clues About 'Ghost' Particles
- Slimy Defense: Hagfish-Inspired Slime Could Protect Navy Warships
- Massive Stream of Lava Plunges into Sea in Stunning New Video
- Coffee Drinkers, Beware: Milk, Sugar & Other Add-ins Add Up
- 'Mud Monsters' Galore! Mariana Trench Dive Yields Bizarre Deep-Sea Life
- Why Kids Should Pay Attention to Their Mistakes
- Cheerleaders of the Deep: How Pom-Pom Crabs Got Their Name
- 'Gateway to Hell': Volcano Caught Spewing Lava in Satellite Image
- Computer Diagnoses Cataracts As Well As Eye Doctors Can
- Egg-Hibernating Technique Could Keep Women's Eggs Fresh
- Maps Show Where Melting Glaciers Will Reveal Cold-War-Era Nuclear Waste
- Chuckwalla Photos: Meet this Large, Desert-Dwelling Lizard
- 24 Amazing Archaeological Discoveries
- These Powerful Blazars Are the Most Distant Ever Seen
- Facts About Manganese
- Ancient 'Naked' Worm Did a Little Dance to Catch Seafood
- Photos: 'Naked' Ancient Worm Hunted with Spiny Arms
- Science and Technology Leaders React to Trump's 'Muslim Ban'
- January 30
- How Winter Weather May Affect Hospital Admissions
- Brain-Stimulating Activities May Keep Seniors Sharp
- Be a Space Archaeologist! Explore Sites with Online Platform
- 'Alien' Life Could Exist High in Earth's Atmosphere
- Help Me, Obi-Wan! New Hologram Technology Mimics 'Star Wars'
- SpaceX's Elon Musk Seeks Twitter Help to Change Trump Immigration Order
- Butt-First, Ants Have No Problem Navigating Backward
- 38,000-Year-Old Rock Art Discovered in France
- Looking for Dr. Right? Check Yelp
- Tiny, 540-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Didn't Have an Anus
- The West's Largest Coal Plant May Close
- Animal Electrocuted at Atom Smasher Gets New 'Life' in Morbid Exhibit
- January 29
- January 28
- January 27
- LSD May Help Reveal What Makes Music Meaningful
- How NASA's Satellite Data Could Help Protect Chimps
- Mary Tyler Moore's Life Offers Hope for People with Type 1 Diabetes
- Splitsville: 2-Mile-Long Crack Opens in Arizona Desert
- Can Mom's Blood Pressure Affect the Sex of a Baby?
- Secret Room in UK Mansion Tied to King James I Assassination Attempt
- Photos: Secret 'Hole' to Hide Priests Revealed in Tudor Mansion
- Trump's Wall Could Have Unexpected Victims: Wildlife
- Extended Trip: Why LSD's Effects Last So Long
- Grand Illusion: Enter the World of 'The Magicians' at NYC Exhibit
- Tiny Satellites to Make Big Contributions to Science
- Extinct E.T.? Alien-Like Insect Found Trapped in Amber
- Facts About Jackals
- Lake Baikal: World's Largest, Deepest Lake
- Cluster of Mysterious Amnesia Cases Puzzles Researchers
- January 26
- Pilgrim's Burial: Medieval Man with Leprosy Honored at Death
- Sigmund Freud Collectibles Could Fetch More Than $100,000 at Auction
- Paris and Michael Jackson: Does Depression Run in Families?
- Big, Red and Tasteless: Why Tomatoes Lost Their Flavor
- Lab-Made 'Metallic Hydrogen' Could Revolutionize Rocket Fuel
- 100-Mile-Long Crack in Antarctic Ice Shelf Keeps Growing
- Human-Pig Chimeras Created, Could One Day Aid in Organ Transplants
- The Universe Is Expanding Surprisingly Fast
- Doomsday Clock Ticks Half-Minute Closer to Midnight in Historic Move
- Some Parts of Body Stay 'Alive' After Death, Evidence Suggests
- Grisly Find: Roman-Era Man May Have Had Tongue Cut Out
- Photos: Gold, Amber and Bronze Treasures Found in Iron Age Grave
- Buried Treasure: Ancient Grave Found Brimming with Jewels
- Sweet-Tooth Nation: US Can't Kick Soda Habit
- Facts About Zirconium
- January 25
- Doctors Remove 6-Foot-Long Tapeworm from Man's Gut
- Scientists Grow Mouse Pancreas Inside a Rat
- X-Ray Video Captures Maggot Metamorphosis
- Elon Musk Sees Brain-Computer Systems in Humans' Future
- Can a Roommate's Genes Influence Your Health?
- New Exosuit Fabric Could Boost Mobility in People with Disabilities
- Why Fancy Baby Monitors Aren't Needed for Healthy Babies
- Stink Bugs Could Add Cilantro Flavor to Red Wine
- Early Meteorite Bits Reveal Clues About Solar System's Evolution
- NASA's Aurora-Watching Rocket Campaign Blasts Off
- 'Crypt-Keeper Wasp' Turns Its Host into a Self-Sacrificing Zombie
- Did Mount Everest Really Shrink? Scientists Measure Peak Again
- Early Menopause Linked to a Woman's Reproductive History
- Facts About Gophers
- Sportscaster's Surprise Cancer Reveal: 5 Cervical Cancer Facts
- January 24
- Meditation Really Does Lower Body's Stress Signals
- Log On, Sleep Better? Online Therapy for Insomnia Shows Promise
- Fake News 'Vaccine' Could Stop Spread of False Information
- Is There an Element Zero?
- Speedy TB Treatment Could Combat Drug Resistance
- Is Burnt Toast Bad for You? The Science of Cancer and Acrylamide
- Why do men gain weight in their bellies?
- Trump Signs Orders Advancing Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines
- Tiny, Underwater Robots Offer Unprecedented View of World's Oceans
- 'Twilight' Star Kristen Stewart Co-Authors Artificial-Intelligence Paper
- Which Personality Types Are Most Likely to Be Happy?
- Blue Mist Over the Great Smoky Mountains Visible from Space
- Why 'Dumpster Fire' Was 2016 Word of the Year
- January 23
- Hidden Heart Risks? Masked Hypertension May Affect 17 Million
- Beer Recall: Sierra Nevada Pulls Bottles Due to Chipped Glass Risk
- Accio Crab! Newfound Crab Honors Harry Potter and Professor Snape
- Photos: Stunning Images of Earth from GOES-16 Weather Satellite
- Astronomers to Search for Alien Life at Nearby 'Habitable' Exoplanet
- Earth from Space: New 'Blue Marble' Photo Is Jaw-Dropping
- Huge Under-Ice Valleys Are Melting Antarctic Glaciers from Below
- 11 Ways Processed Food Is Different from Real Food
- Beyond Pluto: NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Heads to Next Adventure
- Mysterious Desert 'Fairy Circles' Explained by Math
- Photos: Fearsome Ancient Otter Was As Large As a Wolf
- Adorable Terror: Wolf-Size Otter Hunted in Ancient China
- Possible Medieval 'Synagogue' Uncovered Near Sea of Galilee
- January 22
- January 21
- Evolution, Climate and Vaccines: Why Americans Deny Science
- Bizarre Caterpillar That Makes Own Leafy 'Armor' Seen for 1st Time
- Facts About Baboons
- Cassini Gets Up Close and Personal With Saturn's 'Wavemaker' Moon Daphnis
- Facts About Einsteinium
- Did Trump Dump Climate Change? White House Website Scrubbed Clean
- January 20
- Rare Bird Flu Strikes Cats: What You Need to Know
- Trump presidency: How US leaders stack up
- President Trump's 'Mysteries of Space' Joins Inaugural Speech Tradition
- 'Station Obama' in Antarctica Will Continue Monitoring Climate Changes
- Unusual Rat Virus Strikes 8 People in Illinois and Wisconsin
- ISIS Damages Iconic Monuments in Ancient Syrian City, Reports Say
- In Photos: Destruction of Iconic Monuments at Ancient City of Palmyra
- Ultrafast Camera Captures 'Sonic Booms' of Light for First Time
- Could Eating Chili Peppers Help You Live Longer?
- The 15 Weirdest Presidential Inaugurations in US History
- The Science of Being President: Can Trump Make Real Change?
- #DoesItFart: Database Answers Your Burning Questions About Animal Gas
- Lights Out: Asteroid Triggered Freezing Darkness That Killed Dinos
- Geoengineering Earth's Atmosphere: How It Could Affect Astronomy
- Survey of Doctors Reveals the 'Lowest-Value' Treatments
- January 19
- Nearly Half of US Men Have Genital HPV Infections
- Earthquakes or Snowstorms? Cause of Italy's Deadly Avalanche Debated
- Most Women Who Freeze Their Eggs Don't Use Them
- Italian Avalanche: Complex Situation Makes Rescue Operation Tricky
- Microscopic Look at Seasonal Colors Dazzles the Eyes in Video
- Gwyneth Paltrow's Jade Eggs Are a Bunch of Baloney
- Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files
- Trump's Inauguration: Why God Plays a Role in the Swearing In
- Heat Record: How NASA Knows 2016 Was the Hottest Year
- More Than Half of All Primates Threatened with Extinction
- Massive Burial Ground Unearthed at Medieval Monastery in Sudan
- In Photos: 1,000-Year-Old Cemeteries Unearthed in Sudan
- Boeing Wants to Sell Russian Spaceship Rides to NASA
- Why Time Seems to Fly By
- 10 Wild Tales of Famous Spies
- January 18
- Skin Medication Can Be Lethal for Pets, FDA Warns
- President Bush in the ICU: Why Does Pneumonia Strike Older Adults?
- Mold Inside Sophie the Giraffe Toys: Should Parents Worry?
- Hundreds of Thousands of Declassified CIA Documents Now Available Online
- Weird Mars Rock Spied by Curiosity Rover Is Probably a Meteorite
- Good Widdle Doggie! Baby Talk Works Only for Puppies
- Robotic Device Hugs the Heart, Helping It Pump
- Pick Your Poison: Some Venom Can Be Healing
- How Tattoo Artists Could Help Reduce Skin Cancer
- 2016 Was Earth's Hottest Year on Record, and Humans Are to Blame
- Virgin Birth: Zebra Shark Has Babies Without Mating
- Interior Nominee Zinke Doubles Down on Coal
- Turtle the Size of 2 Earths: Stunning Sunspot Revealed in New Radio Images
- Ketchup Bottle Physics: Scientist Unlocks Key to Splat-Free Sauce
- Odd Football-Size Armored Creatures Solve Ancient Footprint Mystery
- The Science of Donald Trump Impersonations
- January 17
- Scientists Want to Know What ;) Really Means
- Later Gator! Video of Giant 'Humpback' Alligator Goes Viral
- Murderous Mickey: 'Zombie' Mice Triggered with Predatory Gene
- Goodnight, Colo! Oldest Gorilla in the US Dies in Sleep
- Small Honor: Tiny Moth Named for Trump
- Can Marijuana Treat MS Symptoms?
- Facts About Malaysia Flight 370: Passengers, Crew & Aircraft
- 3-Year Search Ends for Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
- Why Adults Diagnosed with Asthma May Not Actually Have It
- Well, That Sucks: Vampire Bats Found Drinking Human Blood
- Were Egyptian 'Pot Burials' a Symbol of Rebirth?
- Live and Let Die: James Bond's Smoking Habits Over the Years
- Mysterious Planet Nine May Be a Captured 'Rogue' World
- Pendant Just Like Anne Frank's Discovered at Nazi Death Camp
- In Photos: Girls' Hut Found at Nazi Death Camp
- January 16
- January 14
- January 13
- Phew! Taking Selfies Doesn't Make You a Narcissist
- Two Days Aloft: 'Vanilla' Drone Breaks Endurance Record
- What a Pickle: 13,000 Condiment Jars Unearthed in the UK
- Why More Americans in Their 50s and 60s Are Smoking Pot
- Elusive Ruby Seadragons Show Off on Camera for First Time
- 5 Ways to Have a Healthier Weekend
- Can Cannabis Oil Help Heal Wounds?
- Megalodon's Demise: Why Earth's Largest Shark Went Extinct
- Just 20 Minutes of Walking May Reduce Inflammation in Your Body
- New You: Personality May Change After Therapy
- Wreck of 16th-Century Spanish Ship Found Off Florida Coast
- Photos: Artifacts of a Failed Spanish Colony
- Sophisticated Defense System Discovered at Biblical-Era Mining Camp
- Astronaut's View of the Rocky Mountains from Space Is Just Amazing
- High-Speed Video Captures Amazing Viper Strike in the Wild
- Not So Scary? 'Unlucky' 13's Other Meanings
- January 12
- How Healthy Is Your Diet? New Urine Test Can Tell
- Russia Jammed Your Satellites? US Military Develops Undersea Network as Backup
- 'Pineapple Express' Triggers Floods in California, NASA Animation Shows
- Just How Safe Are Vaccines? Here Are the Numbers
- Baboons Vocalizations Hint at Origins of Human Speech
- 'Donkey Kong' Smashes Neuroscientists in Thought Experiment
- The Science of Beauty: What's Really Driving the Fuller Lip Trend?
- Alien Glow? Brilliant Light Pillars Appear Over Canada
- Doe! Deer and Macaque Caught Monkeying Around
- New 'Skywalker' Gibbon Named for 'Star Wars' Hero
- 3,400-Year-Old Graveyard with Family Crypts Unearthed in Egypt
- No More Flu Shot? Search Begins for Universal Influenza Vaccine
- Why are bananas berries but strawberries aren't?
- How the Stress in Your Head Affects the Health of Your Heart
- Black Holes Regurgitate 'Spitballs' After Devouring Stars
- Rare Evidence of Pregnancy-Related Death Found at Ancient Troy
- Facts About Weasels
- January 11
- Baby Farms of the Future? Docs Warn of Ethical Issues from New Tech
- Exquisite Corpses: Biologists Share #BestCarcass Photos
- Rusty Patched Bumblebee Declared Endangered
- Why Are Most People Right-Handed?
- Stem Cells Could Restore Vision After Eye Disease
- Why Vaccine Myths Persist: Trump Team References Debunked Autism Link
- Primordial 'Ice Cream Cone' Creature Finds a Family Tree
- How Brain Cells Can Predict Your Age
- US Army Wants Biodegradable Bullets That Sprout Plants
- Hubble Spies Exocomets Diving into Young Star
- Strong, Flexible Spider Silk Created in Lab
- In Images: Amazing Artificial Spider Silk
- Rhinos' Communal Toilets Are Poo-Powered Social Networks
- Antarctic Lifeline Visible from Space (Photo)
- US Health Report: Exercising More, But Mental Health Suffers
- Is That Chest Pain Serious? New Blood Test Could Tell
- January 10
- Joint Pain? Don't Blame the Weather
- Eagle Cam! Watch a Baby Eagle Peep and Eat in Real Time
- Polar Bear Body Cam Shows Predator's POV
- Ranking Romance: Here Are the Best (and Worst) States for Love
- The Best States for Romance (The List)
- Peekaboo! Baby Brains Process Faces Just Like Adult Brains Do
- Ancient Toy Inspires Low-Cost Medical Diagnostic Tool
- 'Tree Man' Has Surgery: What Causes This Rare Condition?
- Your Drunken Urge for Pizza and Wings, Explained by Science
- Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Wings by 600 Days in Orbit
- Seahawks Score Touchdown, and Fans Shake Earthquake Monitors
- Building a Google for the Deep, Dark Web
- Antarctic Science Lab On the Move to Escape Breaking Ice
- Photos: Behind the Scenes of an Antarctic Research Base's Relocation
- Dramatic Man-of-War Takes Top Ocean Art Photography Prize
- Striking Shots: Winning Photos Reveal Amazing Life Underwater
- Oldest Evidence of Silk Found in 8,500-Year-Old Tombs
- Sorry, Steak Lovers: Red Meat Linked to Gut Condition
- It's Official: 2016 Was Second Hottest Year for US
- January 9
- DARPA's Biotech Chief Says 2017 Will "Blow Our Minds"
- Warmer Waters Linked to Higher Levels of Shellfish Toxin
- Earth's Moon Formed in 'Moonlet' Mash-Up After Many Earth Impacts
- Many Infants Are Not Getting Enough Vitamin D, Study Suggests
- Ultralight 'Super-Material' Is 10 Times Stronger Than Steel
- Obama Calls Clean Energy Progress 'Irreversible'
- California's Iconic Drive-Through Tree Felled by Winter Storm
- Learning a Second Language Linked to Synesthesia
- 'Weekend Warrior' Workouts Improve Health
- Wild Tarantula Eats a Foot-Long Snake in a First
- In Photos: A Tarantula-Eat-Snake World
- Pile of Skeletons Found Inside 2,400-Year-Old Tomb in Iraq
- January 7
- January 6
- Women's Microbiomes May Give Cancer Warning
- Wow! Mars Probe Snaps Stunning Photo of Earth and Moon
- 'Blackfish' Orca Dies: How Tilikum Compares to Wild Cousins
- Amazon's 'Mothership': Retailer Gets Patent for Mega-Drone
- Toyota's New Concept Car Is Designed With 'Kinetic Warmth' in Mind
- Delaware-Size Iceberg Is About to Break Off from Antarctica
- Polaroid 'Pop' Offers Iconic Pics With Instagram-Like Flair
- How 1 Family Discovered Their New Home Was a Former Meth Lab
- 'Caterpillar' Robot Wriggles to Get Around
- How Well Are You Aging? This Blood Test May Tell You
- 'Levitating' Moon Dust Explained
- Climate Change Could Trigger Collapse of Major Ocean Current
- Zombies Would Wipe Out Humans in Less than 100 Days
- This Brain Region Keeps Growing in Adulthood
- Who Invented the Microwave Oven?
- January 5
- White House Releases Dangerous-Asteroid Strategy
- Tibetans Lived in Himalayas Year-Round Up to 12,600 Years Ago
- Photos: Human Footprints Help Date Ancient Tibetan Site
- Golden Spiderlings Hatch from Bizarre 'Silkhenge' in Amazing Video
- Child Swallows E-Cig Liquid After Medication Mix-Up
- Cancer Death Rates Fall as Prevention, Treatment Advance
- Navy-Trained Dolphins May Help Save Endangered Porpoises
- Ancient Stonehenge-Like 'Calendar Rock' Aligns With Winter Solstice
- Ancient 'Plain of Jars' Burial Site Recreated in Virtual Reality
- Mental Health Treatment? There Are Apps for That
- Truly Strange Asteroids Take Center Stage in 2 New NASA Missions
- Bull's-Eye: Geographer Pinpoints Center of North America
- When Should Kids Start Eating Peanuts? New Guidelines Explain
- How to Keep Captive Killer Whales Happy
- January 4
- How 1 Sip of Vodka Tonic Sent a Woman to the ER
- Low Vitamin D Linked to Frequent Headaches
- Where's 'Granny'? Oldest Orca Is Missing, and the Worst Is Feared
- Mysterious Burst of Radio Waves Traced to Tiny Galaxy
- Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' Reprint Races Up German Best-Seller Chart
- Forget About Global Warming Pause — It Doesn't Exist
- Origins of Elusive 'Ghost Shark' Revealed
- Huge Lava Collapse Rings in Hawaii's New Year
- Wearable That 'Tastes' Skin Could Help Diabetics and Athletes
- Cat–astrophe! Feral Cats Have Invaded Nearly 100% of Australia
- How Does the US President Decide on Science Policy?
- 5 Big Archaeology Stories to Watch for in 2017
- January 3
- Top Scientists Urge Trump to Uphold Iran Nuclear Deal
- 52 Countries Now Ban Spanking
- Build Your Own Death Star: How to 3D Print a Real-Life 'Tractor Beam'
- Gut Decision: Scientists Identify New Organ in Humans
- Ancient Cross and Menorah Carvings Found Side by Side
- New Year's 'Detox' Lands Woman in the ER
- Dinosaurs' Long Egg Hatching Times Might Have Led to Their Demise
- Forget the Shovel, Ancient Finds Now Made From Space
- Irish Potato Blight Originated in South America
- Scuba Diving? See a Dentist First
- Uptight Snakes More Likely to Strike
- This Brainless Blob Learns — and Teaches, Too
- January 2
- January 1