All content archive
March 2017
368 articles
- March 31
- 'Sharknado' Down Under? Cyclone Debbie Deposits Shark on a Street
- What's Behind the Arctic's Mysterious Green Ice?
- 'Critical' NASA Climate Missions Targeted in Budget Cuts
- Tuberculosis Needs More Recognition As a Worldwide Health Threat (Op-Ed)
- Manatees: Facts About Sea Cows
- Manatees FTW! Sea Cows Escape 'Endangered' Status
- Thyroid Cancer Rates Triple, and Scientists Look for Cause
- 'Planet Nine' Video Among Winners of Science Visualization Awards
- Little Badger Buries Entire Cow — on Camera
- NASA Mars Probe Completes 50,000th Red Planet Orbit
- Ghost of the Tasmanian Tiger: Scientists Investigate Sightings
- Was Chuck Berry a Lone Genius?
- Back to the '50s? Many Teens Say Man Should Be in Charge at Home
- March 30
- Why Breathing Deeply Helps You Calm Down
- Laziness Is Contagious, Scientists Find
- 'Ghost in the Shell': Hollywood's Mischievous Vision of AI
- No Lips! T. Rex Didn't Pucker Up, New Tyrannosaur Shows
- Photos: Newfound Tyrannosaur Had Nearly 3-Inch-Long Teeth
- Why Russia Gave up Alaska, America's Gateway to the Arctic
- Fanged Fish Drugs Attackers with Heroin-Like Venom
- Wind Tunnel for Birds Could Result in Agile Drones
- 'Space Poop' Challenge Winners Come Clean on Victory
- Gruesome Wasp Named After Shape-Shifting 'Star Trek' Character
- Cannabis Over Cows? Richard Branson Tells Farmers to Grow Weed
- Hind Sight: Blind Tadpoles See Via Eyes in Tails
- Wine-Loving Physicist Solves Bottle Drip Problem
- Coughing, Sneezing … Loneliness: Isolation Can Make Colds Worse
- 150 Years Ago Today, the US Bought Alaska
- Wrong-Way, Daredevil Asteroid Plays 'Chicken' with Jupiter
- March 29
- Photos: Dinosaur Tracks Reveal Australia's 'Jurassic Park'
- Here's Why 'Homemade Slime' Can Be Bad for Kids
- Woman's Painful Sores Are Not Bug Bites, But Burrowing Bugs
- Crikey! Refrigerator-Size Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in Australia
- Putting Names to Faces May Boost Cooperation
- 1,000-Year-Old Toy Viking Boat Unearthed in Norway
- 11 Asian Elephants Rescued from Mud-Filled Bomb Crater
- Heroin Use Rises Among White Adults
- What Motivates Moral Outrage?
- Rugged Antarctica Shows Its Ice in New 3D Map
- Record-Breaker! Heftiest and Purest 'Failed Star' Identified
- Reshaping the Universe: VR Landscapes Explore Mind-Bending Geometry
- Facts About Marmosets
- March 28
- Trump Ditches Clean Power Plan: What It Means for Science & Health
- Beating Human Heart Tissue Grown from Spinach Leaves
- Friendly Felines: Cats Like People (Really!), Study Says
- Women's Entire Menstrual Cycle Replicated in a Lab
- Boom! Russian Volcano Awakens After Centuries of Sleep
- Elon Musk Wants to Computerize Your Brain
- Cookbooks' Missing Ingredient? Food Safety
- Love Bugs: Couple Donates 'World-Class' $10M Insect Collection
- Gobi Desert Dust Helps Sustain California's Sierra Nevada
- Siberian Crater Mystery: Are Exploding Gas Pockets Really to Blame?
- After Dino-Killing Asteroid Impact, Life Re-Emerged Quickly
- Ingestible Snake Robot Could Slither Through Your Intestines
- Playing 'Tetris' After Trauma May Reduce Bad Flashbacks
- Ancient Assyrian Tomb with 10 Skeletons Discovered in Iraq
- Obese or Not? It's Time to Rethink BMI, Researchers Argue
- March 27
- Pregnant Giraffe Keeps Anxious Viewers Waiting
- Kim Kardashian Wants a 3rd Baby: How Dangerous Is Placenta Accreta?
- Mount Etna: Photos of the Largest Active Volcano in Europe
- Massive Gold Coin Worth Millions Was Stolen From German Museum
- Mummy of Ancient Egyptian Nobleman Discovered Along Nile River
- NASA Uses AI to Detect and Snap Images of Volcanic Eruptions
- Reel Threat: How Recreational Fishing Endangers Freshwater Turtles
- There Are at Least 79 Obesity 'Syndromes'
- How Did Celibacy Become Mandatory for Priests?
- Flying Through Auroras: Airline Carries Passengers into Southern Lights
- Book Excerpt: 'Surviving Death' (US 2017)
- Can People Allergic to Nuts Still Eat Some Types?
- March 26
- March 25
- March 24
- Why One Woman Had Oil in Her Lung for Decades
- Amazon Shows Its Age: Scientists Say River No Younger Than 9 Million
- Why People Say 'You' When They Mean 'Me'
- Kentucky Woman Develops Rare Bacterial Infection After Childbirth
- On the Lam: 10 of the Greatest Animal Escape Artists
- Nom Nom Nom: Prehistoric Human Bones Show Signs of Cannibalism
- World's First Deep-Sea Mining Venture Set to Launch in 2019
- How Federal Science Funding Has Changed
- Female Cockroaches Sync Up Their Virgin Births
- King Tut's Grandmom? Huge Alabaster Statue Unearthed Along Nile
- Americans Are Having Less Sex: By the Numbers
- New Striped Rain-Frog Species Discovered in Ecuador’s Cloud Forests
- NY Court Hears 'Personhood' Case for Caged Chimps
- 3 Rivers Just Became Legal 'Persons'
- The State Dept. Rewrote Its Climate Change Page
- British WWI Stash Uncovered: Hundreds of Liquor Bottles
- Ancient Rock Carvings Depicting Masked People Discovered in Egypt
- Facts About Newts
- March 23
- Nearly Two-Thirds of Cancers Are Due to Random DNA 'Mistakes'
- Alcohol & Heart Health: New Study Untangles the Effects
- US Military's 'Gremlin' Program Lets Pilots Launch and Snag Drones in Midair
- King George's Letters Betray Madness, Computer Finds
- Human-Caused Climate Change Made 2016 Way Too Hot
- 11 Ways Your Beloved Pet May Make You Sick
- Senate Votes to Allow Hunting of Grizzly Bears in Alaska Refuges
- Hippie Monkeys Rebound as Yellow Fever Wipes Out a Competitor
- Photos: The Monkeys of Brazil's Atlantic Forest
- Record-Low Ice Confirmed at North and South Poles
- Cloud Atlas Now Online: See All the Bizarre Formations Around the World
- Astronaut in Space Sees Mount Etna Volcano Eruption (Photo)
- Archaeologists Reconstruct Face of Medieval Man Who Died 700 Years Ago
- Facts About Gila Monsters
- Threat to Birth Control Access Should Transcend Politics (Op-Ed)
- March 22
- Breast Implants Linked to Cancer: How Does It Happen?
- There Is Now An App for Sperm Testing
- The Dinosaur Family Tree Has Been Uprooted
- Why Other Senses May Be Heightened in Blind People
- Toilet to Tap: Brewery Creates Beer from Recycled Wastewater
- Harmful Cocktail: Alcohol Plus Energy Drinks May Raise Injury Risk
- Scent of a Kitten: Perfumer Debuts 'Kitten Fur' Fragrance
- Shrine Over Jesus' Tomb in Danger of 'Catastrophic' Collapse
- Private Dives to Explore Titanic Shipwreck Announced
- AI Investors Rack Up Massive Returns in Stock Market Study
- Earth's Magnetic Cocoon Mapped in Extreme Detail
- Rare 'Snakes from Hell' Lurk Near Petrochemical Plant in Ecuador
- Shhh: A Gallery of Secretive Ground Snakes
- Sea Turtle 'Bank' Dies After 915 Coins Removed from Stomach
- Babies Understand More About the World Than Once Thought
- Climate Change Is on Pace to Kill an Ice Age Remnant
- Ancient Naval Base for Epic Greek Battle Found
- March 21
- French Mathematician Yves Meyer Wins Top Prize for 'Wavelet Theory'
- Infant's Rare 'Parasitic Twin' Successfully Removed with Surgery
- Marijuana Chemical Could Help Fight Anxiety
- Stephen Hawking Fears He's Not Welcome in Trump's US
- Thousands of US Kids Take Opioid Drugs Accidentally Each Year
- Using GPS Devices May Switch Off Your Brain's GPS
- Vintage Apple-1 Computer Could Fetch $300,000 at Auction
- Should the '14-Day Rule' for Growing Human Embryos Get Updated?
- Czech Zoo Dehorns Rhinos to Ward Off Poachers
- Book Excerpt: 'Calculating the Cosmos' (US 2016)
- Bronze Coins Engraved with Byzantine Emperors Found in Israel
- Cleaning Corpses: Chimpanzee Funerary Rites Seen for 1st Time
- Does 'Brown Fat' Explain a Link Between Temperature and Diabetes?
- Mars Volcano Died at Same Time As Dinosaurs
- $100 Million in Artifacts Shipped from Egypt & Turkey to US in 2016
- In Photos: A Mummy Hand and Other Artifacts Smuggled Into the US
- Why Shaquille O'Neal's Flat-Earth Ideas Are Out of Bounds
- Facts About Warthogs
- March 20
- Teen-Programmed AI Spits Rhymes Like Kanye West
- Is 90 the New 80? Most 90-Somethings Feel Healthy
- Watch Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Control a Giant Mech Robot
- Driving on Eggshells: Researchers Turn Food Waste into Tires
- Antioxidants May Not Ward Off Dementia After All
- Stunning Images of a California Superbloom
- Mount Etna Glows Hot in New Satellite Image
- In Photos: Litter Transforms Into Sea Creatures in Stunning Shots
- Mysterious 'Plastic Plankton' Art Exhibit Reveals Extent of Ocean Pollution
- Most Teens Who Abuse Opioids 1st Got Them from a Doctor
- March 19
- March 18
- March 17
- These 3 Superbugs Pose the Greatest Threat to Human Health
- 'Gilded Lady' and Other Exquisite Mummies on Display in NYC
- Photos: The Amazing Mummies of Peru and Egypt
- Man's Rare Case: How Does a Strep Infection Lead to Amputations?
- Happier Feet: Antarctica Home to Millions More Penguins Than Thought
- Key to Tardigrades' 'Superpowers' Identified in Their DNA
- Global Warming Is Killing the Great Barrier Reef
- The World's Best Heart Health Found in Indigenous Amazon Group
- Koshe Disaster: What Causes Garbage Landslides?
- Ben Affleck's Return to Rehab: 5 Facts About Addiction Relapse
- Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Nears Orbital Record
- How to Protect Yourself from Sun and Heat
- HBO Unveils Trailer for 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'
- Japanese Spy Satellite Launches to Watch North Korea
- Mammals Shrank During Ancient Global Warming Event
- Earliest Depiction of 'Fiery Serpent' Found in Medieval Painting
- March 16
- What Your Nose Knows About Human Evolution
- Ghostly Blue Glow in Tasmania Bay May Signal Trouble
- If Men Are Favored in Society, Why Do They Die Younger?
- 3D-Printed Cheese Is Gooey, Melty and Probably Delicious
- Parts of Earth's Original Crust Exist Today in Canada
- How Trump's Budget Would Impact Science
- Striking Image Shows 'Protruding' Feature in Woman's Eye
- Doomsday Films: Footage of Nuclear-Weapons Tests Declassified
- US-Sized Dust Storms Seen on Mars
- Dive with a Blue Whale in New Virtual-Reality Experience
- March 15
- 3 Women in Florida Left Blind by Unproven Eye Treatment
- 'King of Snakes' Defeats Larger Serpents by Squeezing Them to Death
- How Fast Will Your Brain Age? Scientists Identify Key Gene
- Transparent Touchpad Works Even When It's Bent and Stretched
- Dive into a Boiling Lava Lake with Google Street View
- 'Ghosts' Hover Around Massive Telescope in New Images
- Robo First: Bot Assists with Tricky Cochlear-Implant Surgery
- Teen Brain on Pot: New Study Examines First Exposures
- Common Painkillers Linked to Greater Risk of Cardiac Arrest
- Get a Grip: Hairy-Footed Bedbugs Foil Slick Traps
- Map Shows How Climate Change Will Affect Health Across US
- Spiders Eat Up to 880 Million Tons of Insects Each Year
- 'Mona Lisa' Is Smiling, Really
- Mind-Controlled Cats?! 6 Incredible Spy Technologies That Are Real
- Life Without the EPA: Superfund Apartments and Acid Rain
- 10 Ways the EPA Has Protected Earth and You
- March 14
- Bacteria-Enriched Lotion Battles Skin Infections
- 1.6 Billion-Year-Old Specimens May Be Oldest Plant-Like Fossils
- Lifelike Models with 'Working Organs' Help Doctors Hone Surgical Skills
- Could Being a Parent Help You Live Longer?
- Leopards Might Have Walked Alongside Neanderthals
- Infamous 1960s Study Repeated: How Far Would You Go to Obey Authority?
- Boaty McBoatface FTW! Internet-Named Sub Finally Gets a Mission
- Kind of a Big Deal: How King Kong Measures Up (Images)
- Is This 400,000-Year-Old Hominin the Great Grandpa of Neanderthals?
- How Urine Could Help Astronauts Grow Food in Space
- Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein! Genius Scientist Turns 138 Years Old Today
- Where Do Snowfall Totals on the Nightly News Come From?
- Drone Modeled on Insects Is Built to Crash Like a Champ
- Open-Source Prototype Turns Any Room Into a 3D Printer
- Blergh! Why a 13-Foot Python Puked Up an Impala (and How)
- Satellites Track Huge Snow Storm's Approach to US East Coast (Video)
- March 13
- Chrissy Teigen's Postpartum Depression: 5 Facts About the Condition
- And the Verdict Is …? Brain Scans Could Reveal Criminal Intentions
- Cape Cod's Great White Shark Population May Be Growing
- It Takes a Village: Spider Parents Gain Support from Colonies
- Frozen Droplets Explode on Camera, for Science
- So Cute! 2 New 'Clown' Frog Species Discovered in the Amazon
- All in the Wrist: Smart Jacket Houses Touch-Screen Tech
- New 3D Display Uses Bubbles to Project Images
- Bloodsuckers! Michigan Ticks and Larvae, In Photos
- Lyme Disease Soars in Michigan as Tick Populations Grow
- Apple Rumors: What's So Great About a Curved iPhone Screen?
- Did Jane Austen Die of Arsenic Poisoning? Probably Not
- Ancient Tomb Decorated with Vibrant Murals Found in China
- In Photos: 1,000-Year-Old Tomb with Colorful Murals Discovered in China
- 'Fake Weed' Linked to More Risk-Taking Than Real Marijuana
- March 12
- March 11
- March 10
- Many Women Still Drink Alcohol When Trying to Get Pregnant
- Why It's Harder to Exercise When You Feel Judged
- How to Cope with Allergies & Asthma in 2017
- New Fukushima Worry: Potentially Radioactive Wild Boars Settle In
- Kids Interrupt Dad on Live TV: 5 Facts About Today's Working Dads
- Tesla to the Rescue? Elon Musk Offers Solution for Australian Blackouts
- Could Mysterious Cosmic Light Flashes Be Powering Alien Spacecraft?
- Stroke, Heart Failure Linked to Marijuana
- Trump Executive Order May Foul US Drinking Water Supply
- Trump's Eavesdropping Allegations: How Do Wiretaps Work?
- Strange Green Ice Seen Floating in Antarctica's Ross Sea
- Why Georges Lemaître Should Be as Famous as Einstein
- Carbon Dioxide Is Warming the Planet (Here's How)
- Disney Scientists Turned an Entire Metal Room into a Wireless Charger
- Great Zimbabwe: African City of Stone
- March 9
- Going Gluten-Free Won't Help You Avoid Diabetes
- Medical Mystery: Why Are Some Obese People 'Metabolically Healthy'?
- New Policies Would Threaten Autism Research, Experts Say
- Colossal Statue of Egyptian Pharaoh Discovered in Mud Pit
- Hair-Growth Drug Linked to Erectile Dysfunction That Lasts for Years
- Why Itchiness Is Contagious
- 5 Synthetic Yeast Chromosomes Created
- Plane, Train and Automobile: This Concept Car Transforms into All Three
- In Photos: Amazing Fly Eyes
- Jaw-Dropping Vision Helps Tiny Flies Snag Prey in Under a Second
- Author's Heartbreaking Story: What Are the Signs of Ovarian Cancer?
- Why Space Travel Can Be Absolutely Disgusting
- Space Station to Host Coldest Spot in the Universe
- Bird-Eating Spiders: 3 Massive, Furry Tarantulas Discovered
- March 8
- 'Pokémon Go' Players May Double Their Daily Step Counts
- Depression Rates Spike in Teen Smokers
- George Michael's Death: What Causes 'Dilated Cardiomyopathy'?
- You, Too, Can Become a Memory Champion, Scientists Say
- Leprechauns: Facts About the Irish Trickster Fairy
- Neanderthals Munched on 'Aspirin' and Woolly Rhinos
- 13 Inspirational Women Honored in Google's New Doodle
- February's Warmth, Brought to You by Climate Change
- Marijuana Labels Could Mislead Kids and Consumers
- Time Crystals Created, Suspending Laws of Physics
- In Photos: Bizarre New Time Crystals Created
- Malta's Famous 'Azure Window' Collapses
- How Inflammation Spreads Through the Brain
- Ancient Route Connected to Roman 'Emperor's Road' Unearthed in Israel
- Photos: 2,000-year-old Roman road and coins discovered in Israel
- The Weird Ways Your Politics Affects Your Morals
- Rock Art Discovered in 'Dark Ages' Tomb in Israel
- Photos: Ancient Rock Art Sheds Light on Israel's 'Dark Ages'
- Test Track for Ultra-Fast 'Hyperloop' Transit System Unveiled
- In Photos: Building the Superfast 'Hyperloop One' Transit System of the Future
- March 7
- Full List: US Communities Ranked by Well-Being
- Florida City Is 'Happiest Community' in US for 2nd Year
- Rare White Rhino Killed for Coveted Horn at French Zoo
- This House Was 3D Printed in Less Than 24 Hours
- How the Dehumanization of Certain Groups Leads to a 'Vicious Cycle' of Hate
- Sistine Chapel Photo Project Is So Detailed It Shows Individual Brushstrokes
- Bumblebees Leave 'Smelly Footprints' Behind on Flowers
- Eating Metal: Why Repeal of the Lead Bullet Ban Is Bad for Health
- New Species! Tiny Frog and Fungus Gnat Get Celebrity Names
- Do Women Really Need a Yearly Pelvic Exam?
- Robot 'Telepathy' Could Make Self-Driving Cars Safer
- Black Death Couple? 2 Male Skeletons Found with Fingers Entwined
- Unhealthy Trend: Fewer Americans Are Trying to Lose Weight
- Elusive Deep-Sea Whale Captured on Video for the First Time
- Here's How Many Heart Disease & Diabetes Deaths Are Linked to Food
- What to Expect When Your Giraffe Is Expecting
- Sinking of California's San Joaquin Valley Seen from Space
- March 6
- Congress Targets Endangered Species Act
- Nearly 2 Million Kids Die from Pollution Each Year
- New Satellite Beams Back Its 1st Photo of Lightning from Space
- Facebook Users Make Their Own News Bubbles
- White House Wants to Slash Budgets of Top Climate Science Agencies
- Why Do Peeps Oreos Turn Poop Pink?
- Sea Turtle Named Bank Had 915 Coins Removed from Stomach
- How Brain Scans in Infants May Predict Autism
- Carbon Dioxide Could Reach 410 PPM This Month
- Meet Dr. Watson: 'Jeopardy!' Champ Takes on Cancer and Land Use
- New York 2140: A Novelist's Vision of a Drowned City
- These 208 Minerals Exist Solely Due to Humans
- Too Much Social Media Use Linked to Feelings of Isolation
- March 5
- March 4
- March 3
- New Jupiter Images: Do You See Cotton Candy or Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'?
- Turkey Séance Video? Birds Circling Dead Cat Is Normal, Really
- Shocking Images Reveal Massive Damage to California Reservoir
- Photos: Dramatic Images of Catastrophic Damage at Oroville Spillway
- Sun Safety: Students, and Schools, Could Be Doing More
- Adorable Clouded Leopard Cub's Birth Signals Conservation Success
- Deadly 'H7N9' Avian Flu Spreads in China
- Strange New Nebula Is Missing Its Light Source
- How Scientists Collected a Piece of the Sun
- Most of US Had a Freakishly Warm Winter
- Something's Missing: Penis-Less Worm Discovered in Spain
- Meet a New Kind of Zombie, in the Film 'The Girl with All the Gifts'
- March 2
- Reviving Frozen Organs: Nanotech May Pave the Way
- Earth's Mantle Is More Than 100 Degrees F Hotter Than Scientists Thought
- How Healthy Is Your City? Check with Interactive Map
- Could This Hat-Camera Combo Be Google's Next Hit?
- Here's Why Couples Without Kids Are Stigmatized
- Misuse of Hand Sanitizer Linked to Poisoning Cases in Kids
- Safer Weed? Experts Call for Research to Reduce Marijuana's Harms
- Streaming Science: What's New to Netflix in March
- DNA Mutations May Have Doomed the Woolly Mammoth
- 'Patchwork' Early Human Fossils Suggest Intermixing
- Elephant All-Nighters? Giant Beasts Sleep Only 2 Hours
- The Real Reasons People Troll
- Photos: Renaissance Husband's Heart Buried with Wife
- Their Hearts Were in It: One Renaissance Couple's Final Gesture
- Floating Ice Diamond Dazzles from Space
- Moon Casts Shadow Over Patagonia in Stunning 'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Photo
- Balmy! Antarctica Hit Record-Breaking 63 Degrees F in 2015
- March 1
- Migraine-Fighting Arm Patch Shows Small Effect
- Why Do People Vape? Reasons Have Changed
- New American Spy Satellite Launches on Classified Mission
- 'Inflammatory Diet' May Boost Breast Cancer Risk
- What Was the First Life on Earth?
- Advanced Radar Tech Could Save Ancient City of Angkor's Collapsing Monuments
- Women in STEM Fields Get Boost from President Trump
- World's Oldest Fossils Possibly Uncovered in Canada
- In Images: The Oldest Fossils on Earth
- Why the Octopus Lost Its Shell
- Amateur Treasure Hunters Find 2,000-Year-Old Gold Jewelry
- Witness the Beauty of Science: SciArt Tweet Storm Kicks Off
- A Sweet Way to Test for Pee in the Pool?
- Glowing, 'Living' Gloves Could Aid Crime-Scene Investigations
- Deep-Sea Stroll: This Fish 'Walks' on the Ocean Floor
- Mysterious 'Cosmic' Jellyfish Spotted in Remote Ocean Depths
- In New Territory, Good Froggy Dads Go Cannibal
- Facts About Thorium
- Red vs. Blue: Why Necktie Colors Matter